HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231166 Ver 1_More Info Received_20231201Chandler, Rebecca D From: Amy Black <ablack@Ijbinc.com> Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 12:50 PM To: Chandler, Rebecca D Subject: [External] RE: Parkdale Culvert Replacement- additional information needed Attachments: Parkdale Downstream X-Sections.pdf, IMG_9027.JPG CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Hi Rebecca, I asked our CAD team to provide a couple of cross sections of the downstream channel — one just downstream of the culvert within the LOD and one a little further down beyond our LOD. The sheet is attached for your review. I also attached a phot of the downstream discharge so you can see what the existing condition is. It's not easy to see in the photo, but a good bit of that discharge "pool" is rock. We had a boring drilled in the shoulder of the road that showed no rock to elevations below the proposed pipe, but we are still concerned that the contractor will hit rock. If so, they will only excavate through rock if it is needed for the pipe trench. We will not excavate rock in the stream channel. We will just adjust grading to compensate. You can see from the cross sections that the stream bank is practically vertical within the construction zone. If we don't hit rock, we want to grade it back a bit to allow some vegetation for stabilization. If they do encounter rock, we will just grade back starting from the elevation of the rock. Beyond our disturbance, the stream bottom is greater than 5 feet wide and the top bank width is greater than 10 feet. The distance from outside pipe to outside pipe for the double culvert is less than 7 feet. It didn't seem to us that splitting the flow would have a negative impact on the downstream channel. Please let me know if you would like more information. I would be happy to schedule a Teams call so we could look at the drawings and photos together if that would help. I am available anytime after 9AM on Monday and anytime on Wednesday or Thursday of next week. Let me know if you would like to schedule a call. Thanks f J Engineering Amy Black PE Project Manager/Water Resources Engineer o (336) 967-7048 c (336) 686-7647 e ABlack@UBinc.com Website I Linkedln I Facebook I Twitter From: Chandler, Rebecca D <rebecca.chandler@deq.nc.gov> Sent: Friday, November 17, 2023 12:05 PM To: Amy Black <ablack@Ijbinc.com> Cc: Lawrence, Jennifer L CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Jennifer.L.Lawrence@usace.army.mil> Subject: Parkdale Culvert Replacement- additional information needed EXTERNAL MESSAGE — TREAT LINKS/FILES WITH CARE Hi Amy, I've completed my review of the Parkdale Culvert Replacement Project and require additional information before issuing. Please respond within 30 days, and note that the project will be placed on hold until a response to this request is received. 1. 1 understand that the replacement is due to a current undersized culvert. DWR is concerned that spreading average flow between two 30-in culverts may result in over widening of the channel, and therefore reduction in function of the stream. Please respond as to the necessity of both culverts to be installed at the same elevation. Typically, we see flow isolated to a primary culvert, and the second culvert used as overflow for large flows and storm events. 2. The stream width is listed at 10-ft, could you please provide the width of the thalweg for purposes of assessing if one 30-in culvert may be enough for normal flows. Thank you, Rebecca Chandler Environmental Program Consultant Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Winston-Salem Regional Office 450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105-7401 336-776-9705 office 336-354-2284 cell 336-776-9797 fax rebecca.chandler(@deq.nc.gov "PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS" OeparLnenl of Fmlronmontal Oual� Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. This electronic message, the identity of any senders and recipients and the contents of any attachment are confidential and protected from disclosure. The information is intended to be used solely by the recipient(s) named. If you are not an intended recipient, be aware that any review, disclosure, copying, distribution or use of this transmission or its contents is prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately.