HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0035149_Modification Request_20230712d;0, Carolina Water Service � of North CarolinaT" July 12, 2023 John Hennessy Supervisor NPDES Compliance and Expedited Permitting NCDEQ Re: Permit Modification Request Seven Devils Resort - NCO035149 Watauga County Mr. John Hennessy, This letter addresses our concern with a permit requirement within NPDES permit NCO035149 (Seven Devils Resort). Carolina Water Service Inc. of North Carolina (CWSNC) has entered into an agreement to perform contract operations at Seven Devils resort wastewater plant beginning December 2021, as we proceed in acquiring the system from the current owner. While performing contract operations at the wastewater system, a NPDES Permit renewal application was submitted on March 18, 2022, by the owner. A draft permit was then issued by Siying Chen on October 18, 2022, to the current owner Water Resources Management, Inc., which as you know, started the 30-day review and comment period. Unfortunately, we were unaware of the draft permit and ultimately missed the window to comment. The specific requirements that are of concern to CWSNC is regarding the instream monitoring. The location of the outfall is approximately 500ft from the treatment plant, but the terrain is quite difficult and dangerous. Once our operations staff was made aware of the new sampling location, they contacted the regional office to explain the situation. It was then that Ms. Tricia Lowery requested a site visit that occurred on March 9, 2023. Ms. Lowery and CWSNC staff toured the area of concern and explained the difficulties that come with sampling instream at this location. She recognized the problem and stated she is not involved in reviewing and issuing permits but that they are consulted by the permitting division. She then instructed our operations team to notate on the DMRs the reason for the missing data, until a solution could be resolved. On Thursday, June 29, 2023, Ms. Lowery contacted our lead operator instructing CWSNC to contact you to initiate a permit modification. In addition, she stated to use her assessment in our request, which I have attached, to support our reasoning. • 5821 Fairview Rd., Suite 401 • Charlotte, North Carolina 28209 • 800-525-7990 Therefore, CWSNC is requesting a permit modification to NPDES NCO035149 in order to remove the instream sampling requirements due to the following conditions that are listed below. The outfall piping sits approximately 15ft above the receiving stream where it cascades down a few boulders and rocks before entering the stream (see "Image A"). The permit states the upstream sample shall be collected approximately 50 feet upstream of the discharge. As you can see in the picture below, immediately upstream is a caged culvert that is not accessible by our operations team. If it was accessible, this is a clear example of a confined space that would put our team members at risk from a safety perspective. • Proceeding further upstream is also not plausible due to where this tributary originates. In Image B, you can see that there is a pond, used for recreation, that discharges through an open channel where it drops significantly in elevation underground where it reappears from the caged culvert. This pond is approximately 300 feet (as the crow flies) from the discharge point. Image A Image B The downstream location, as stated in the permit, also presents challenges in accessibility. The terrain is not suited to be walked upon due to its severe slope. Over time, the tributary has degraded much of the bank where trees have fallen and a significant drop in the ground occurs. The picture below (Image Q shows the approximate location of 100 feet downstream where the instream sample is required. Once again, CWSNC believes there is a significant safety risk to anyone that attempts to access that stream in this particular area. Image C During our on -site visit, Ms. Lowery mentioned the potential partnership with the local Riverkeeper association to see if they could perform the sampling. We have partnered with other riverkeeper association or environmental groups to fulfil these requirements at other facilities, so we were not opposed to this idea. We contacted Mr. Andy Hill, Regional Director of the Watauga Riverkeeper regarding our situation. After presenting our problems and sharing the difficulty of obtaining samples, he acknowledged the problem as well. Unfortunately, they were unable to fulfill this role. In addition, even if they were able to, the issue from the second bullet point above would still be present of where to exactly sample. Although the pictures cannot accurately portray the steep terrain, we believe Ms. Lowery can attest to what we provided in this letter. We greatly appreciate Ms. Tricia Lowery for her assistance and patience with us during this matter. With her supporting documentation and the safety concerns listed above, we hope that you can see our reasoning for filing a permit modification. Sincerely, Brent Milliron Regulatory Compliance Manager cc: Tricia Lowery, Environmental Specialist II, NCDEQ Gary Peacock, Director of Operations, CWSNC Neil Reece, Area Manager, CWSNC Travis Thomas, Lead Operator, CWSNC enclosures. Figure 1: Photo of Outfall location. "BLUE ARROW = outfall pipe from WWTP. Red thin arrow is flow from WWTP. Upstream — left/ Downstream - right Seven Devils WWTP Outfall r• 44 J iill , (Downstream (Sharp V' incline) 500+ ft downstream y/ .i + f 1 r •r y •� y+ Photo of outfall location • ' ►~ry •r Off40io + gyp.,•.,' .iY / •. ,+L 1 ' {fir * • ��� i � � � j � - ti�, 4 AIC w • + r,, 165 sly' a • � � 7 1 IAA - `_ ~ + r Im 2 2 A #►Z• + tF On March 91h, 2023, Tricia Lowery with the Division of Water Resources (WSRO) visited the outfall of Seven Devils WWTP (NC0035149). Personnel are having issues gaining access to upstream and downstream locations. Permit requires facility to take temperature of two locations: 1) 50ft upstream and 2) 100ft downstream of outfall. Observations of site visit: • 50Ft upstream: Figure 1 illustrates the location of outfall pipe and surrounding area. Left of the outfall is a gate that enters underground (confined space -the lake is at a higher elevation than the stream). Personnel would have to enter the confined space to obtain temperature reading. Figure 2 illustrates the aerial view with indication lines detailing the upstream area underground. • 100ft Downstream: In figure 1, downstream is to the right of outfall. Downstream topography is a very steep "V" shaped (-100 ft depth). There are no switchbacks or safe trails descending to stream. Due to the steep landscape, no stream banks exist. Very rocky area along stream with significant grade control instream. Figure 1 illustrates the aerial view with indication lines detailing the downstream area. "The thin red arrow in Figure 1 illustrates effluent flow from WWTP. The flow velocity of WWTP's outfall is significantly lower in comparison to natural flow of stream. "Permitted Effluent Limitation on flow = 0.120 MGD Seven Devils WWTP Outfall 7/12/23, 10:44 AM Attachment 2 Google Maps Aerial View of WWTP to Discharge Point GO gle Maps Seven Devils WWTP to Outfall Imagery ©2023 Google, Imagery ©2023 Airbus, CNES / Airbus, Maxar Technologies, Map data ©2023 100 ft Measure distance Total distance: 525.36 ft (160.13 m) https://www.goog le.com/maps/@36.1601988,-81.7893015, 348m/data=!3m 1 ! 1 e3?entry=ttu 1 /1