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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130912 Ver 1_Sept 2 Inspection_20150909Wetland Inspection Report
Project Num: 20130912 Version: 1 Status: Issued
Project Name: NCDOT- US 421 (R-2612B) Project Type: Road
County: Guilford Region: �e tral ance/repair/improvemen
Location: NCDOT- US 421 (R-26126)
Latitude: +35° 59' 05" Longitude: -79° 44' 21"
SW Plan Location
Site Owner Name NC DOT PDEA
Inspection Date: 9�2�2015
Reason for Inspection Routine
Inspection Type: Site Inspection (DOT)
Inspection Contact Person:
On-Site Representative(s):
Primary Inspector: Dave Wanucha
Secondary Inspector(s):
Title: Phone:
Facility Compliance Status: � Compliant ❑ Not Compliant
Program Areas: 401 (includes isolated/non-404)
Question Areas:
� Permit (401 WQC)
Inspection Summary:
Phone: 336-776-9703
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Site Number: 20130912 Owner: Thorpe, Gregory
Inspection Date: 9/2/2015 Inspection Type: Site Inspection (DOT) Reason for Visit: Routine
Permit (401 WQC) Yes No NA NE
Does the impact(s) match what was approved in the 401 WQC or non 404 permit? �❑❑❑
Are the culverts and/or filled areas installed properly? �❑❑❑
Is the site compliant with additional conditions of the 401 WQC or non 404 permit? �❑❑❑
Comment: The Corps, DOT and mvself toured all permit sites (I - V). All were in compliance with permit conditions.
Thev continue to address erosion concerns and maintain measures per plan. Will visit aaain next month
to check NPDES records.
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