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GW1--07901_Well Construction - GW1_20231205
WELL:CONSTRCJCT[ON'NECORD• Ilur:ttgcriiul t4c.9NLY:. "This form sari bc'uscd far:single at tmdtipk walls- ! 1'.Welt.CoinfptttnirInfoimatiott:. I 'IJcIVATER,ZONPS ' Scott Hunt, Jr EROM: 'TO DESCRIPTION 1 WOE CaiittactorNam , • ft: • ft. ` ' 4561-A ft. fl. I I NC Well Contractor Cenifii ition Nutnce t&OUTER CASING tro iuttkiisrd tctlsl OR-LiNERflrap'ticabk);= .: FROM' ' •TO - - DIAAMETER. TnICKNFSS \TATrtitA1. SAEDACCO fl,: f4 I `ln. CompRij-NapIC :-16 INNER.CASING'OR,TUDINGfkititlXitifal d -loom _ PaOM. - TO DIARMETER: TUUICKNESSS. MATERIAL • 2.WcIE Constrrtetirin Feiwit 4: 0 R. 35 ft.' 2 '' ;in. SCH-40 PVC • Litt'adl rppfiriike xch perno;adic County,•Slate,.trarinrttr,Wert ci;.etc./P • ft... h 3:Wcii:Tsc.(dreeicw.01asc)9 t17:SCREEN Water Supply Wellt- • TFROTT. TO 'AMAMP.TI R' SLOT SIZE TIOCKNI S TIATERIAI. _. tJttgticulttual, C114MtimtidpabPub)Ic; 35 R. 45 ft. 2 in. • ,010 SC - C H 40 of • I3Gcodiennat(I1cating1Caolinr Stgtpty): - 17Resiidentia(•WWateir,Sitppl}'(single) •'• R.• fr. . in,' ' • ©hidttsttiaUCoamtcrcial ®Residentiat W dcr Supp>S'(sl ttcd) oat. TO MATERIAL earoLAcEM T ME OD vE AMotNT 0litigation • • • • 0 ;ft.': 31 ft, Portland Tremie . .Non;W:itrSgpptyWOR:: . . . . - . .. . . ft.. d; ' Ilhi nitoring . llitcemxtp , tnjecdalce Weft: n. rti. . GlAquifcr Rccliarge ' CIGTonlidnutcr Rciiicdiatiou• . ' rtO SAND1GRAVLL PA(:R of ulrlplicabii) - - ._ BROhr TKr' ¶IATERtAI. RSIPr.ACEMENT 1Inion E1AgnrfcrStor,igc ael Rccoyety• ilSllinity f9mcf • 33. •R. 45 fa sand 2 El Agiifcr'Ccst ' IZStonmritcr Dri i ago R.. ff. 1 .. . . . RE'verincntalTcclmotosv CI$nhsidcncc.Giiirlro4 • • - 2u DRILLING'LOG(uttich additional steelsiincceissarff• flGeotltemiat:(ClosedLoop) . ;DT eer FROST--• TO D..SCluwnON(wbr.taaroncra;xffnic>a hie:cra+ngn\da) DGcodiemra6(HeatinilCoolitiaReturn) ❑Outer(eXplairtunderit-Retuatts) 0 .it.' 45 ft,_ red per with rock •. • •fr:: ft.. ' 4:Date�Velt(s)Canipieftdt 10-25-23 WeLI mtMW-18 tt. ft. 34:Well Lrcatinu: ft, i i v,.+' �� Apex CED Waste Landfill . . It,. f(,' • F0.111•:iwnor,Na nto Facpi4'.OA'OrappJicablc).. - -- - -ii, ; 1�F Q ( 5940 Old Smithfield Rd. , Apex, NC, 27539 ft: ft, I tn1 Jr(r.irt.".n Prc.c• ueuf.i ij y ' Physical elddies City.:.**i CANc'sda?gi Wake 'Bentonite seal from 31-33' Conniy' . Pared Id•.ntific dlon No..(P1Ny' . •Sti.,i aude Ai d- _in dcgnelinilittitcs/seconds Qt•.d rees:csiniul deg .22:CeLT reatinm (if:yell 1-tatd,otic latiloiig is-satlilckra) N. .W l*AE:;eie7, . . j . 10/1/2023 • Sigea ,i ,WelCaatractor ." Dale 6.Is`(nt)the:wetI(s)t EPertuAitent or .DTemporaryfry r 4rtnt thit.anti l herrh eernYY 1:/tat the ird).i liar Wane ctiariyirirerer!trkavtomiirnce :With I5,4'.A'C1C OW.Oh M or 15et sVCAC 02C,'#2PR 1hl1 C'ytrt(ITirtttua Standarea(yid Oyu/l 7.Ea tids•a riej}uic;ft►an eii tiij.,eli: ®Yes• .nr KINo '- iarfiro;t/ahrrccuni lir'•s Gecn ptiri s kd(ailic sni viol.,r. If this.lt'o Rp rIr fill oye lTrithivi ii'Cl1 i»rurnictfarJ IVrorrararlen hula!Og.phi dip tuarere of rile reapyir under t»Lremier5s.rcrtiainprintlhrbaukoftill:•fornc' 23:Sitedhil;ran1oCadd11ionit.w011Itetnits: • • • ' • You may'.use the.back of this page Co:provide'addi iouai scell site detai_ls:ortselt. 8:'1�umberofWells constructed: 1 . ' •coiisiructlon detuiLs; You ina$••also attach additional pages if necessary: Per ittaliiple,lrgiee:h,i'srmio- tatfr supply-ts,.,f.$OAVIV'itrJili-rhO.saine cw1slrialitiOr,jou.a.A - ` silt:matt*firm. ' - - ' SUBMITTAL INSTLTCTiONS.•' . 9.Total*ell depth betonlattd stirface.i 45 ((i;) 21.r:.Far All•Willsi Subunit illiS forte within 30 d iys-of.conipteiou'of lyell for itusWplciitlls-list ail drprlistrdl,arm:(exaatnpfe-3@200°arut.20)10+0) ' 'eonslrictionto the fbitoninS; - - - I. 10.Static ivuter leiet below top of easiugt 20. (jr) - Itiyisitiu of•WnteriteSources,Infornintrtin Prcicessirtg Unit,' *)it itr tetrel iiabairo edits„:iiv:-"+" t017 Mail.Sariice Cofer,liaileigk NC 27699-I07 11;liorehoic diamcler.8.25"/4" (In) •24b:1 n injection welts ONLY: in addition to•senditig.lhe font:to the address in 24a aboee;.,also submit a•copy of this;fanit svitlun )O dacs'of completion of it It 12:-Wellarnstnrctiou method:HSA/Air . -constmetlan talk following: ' • (lc.aupei:•ochry,cnblc,'a$icct push etc:} • I - 1!ivlsioit of Water Resour ,-Undergrouied rejection Conttgl.Prugraln. ' . , FOR WATER SUPPLY WELE,S,ONLY1' - .•1636 Alali Service Ceteler,Raieigli,NC 27699-1636 - l3at fciil(glint) S'iCfdgil of test: 24e.For%rate:°Supply&injection Waist. • - Also subnit-one'copy of tins:Finn'within;10 daysofcotupletion.of lab.Dislnfectien tyjiet Amount: :yell:ciTunniction-to the county health;department of the_saint'%Oleic- constnicted. . Fann GW-1 NoghCaralina tkpattment.of Purirotuncntand Natural Resources-Divvlon of WaierEt otit • -Revised.August 2013 I