HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--07886_Well Construction - GW1_20231205 is WELL.coNsTItICTION RECORD Fuilltctnaltlso011P.v,: This form can be•usod far single or mmlliplc wells ' 1.Well Cantr tctoc Llfornratiotu. ' 'LLAVATERZONES . ' John Eiseninan p'RO.1•: RI ,DESCRIPTION *ItCaiitrudot-N7n]C, ft. ft; i i ft. R;_ I j . - 4439-A NC Weil Conl aciarCcniflcaatonNun ei ;tS::OtiTER,CASING'tfai'iiinlii ivied: cf1SfOR-LiNERYttitrntica6ka most ' TO • DIAMETER TRiCKNE5S ' • MATERIAL SAEDACCO ,f4. it. in. ' Conlq,;uTtiame•. •.161NVLRCASING'OR_TUBING4b lhemtilclusid-loop},,• -FRO\i •TO DPAMETER TERCKNESS' MATERIAL 2:Wdll ConatrtictiniiPcrrnitft; . 0 R 19 ft. 1 A SCH-40 PVC LIS aft npplicalite lfpr±lo14.(1 .Cowity;potc,•Iiirkaireal�jertC!}Ctr,.) R + , .;.WC1l:Usc(cltvcIt llc U uSG)j - .37:SCREEN • %Yate,rSupillyWcll:-' - roust, • TO - DtAMIP.TF.R Si3OTSTD; TIIICKNISS• MATERIAL, CIALtti piRlral• CJMtlllicipal:P,itblic. 19 ft: 29 ".ft• 1 io 010 SCH-90 PVC • ClGcotitemlat(licating(Cooliog-Supply') DResiidential•WaterSuppl}•(single)• ft: fc is" DludustrialfConunercial ©Residential Wnter-St] xt(c.GROift•• ... - Pp>S.(sltatrdl . FIIOM'. TO. MATERIAL. -ESIPLACEMESITMETHOD&AMOUNT. • El lrlip.iitian . . ... . . 0 'ft.. 15 IT;• Portland Tremie • Hoa Water Sturdy Well: . 15M4nitoring. tato:o.1m• R, Ct. 1 \ • ItlJeetion Welt: • . • Y4 04 �IAilitifcr'Rccliarre t lGtolllidwiicrRciliccitabou •19:SAND;GRAVEL+PACK7iruilpli6bte"_ - = --- 'FROM - - TO' • MATERIAL EMPL,t'FMENTMITROD • EIAgntfcr Storagcanti Rccocq''. •i • [)Salinity t3amc 17 R. 29 ft. Sand I r ' #2 El Atinifci Test CJStomiii:itei tiiaiiiage - fi,• ft! ' CIEVCrinicn:lal Teclinato s []Subsidence Control. 20;DRILL LNG I OG'(ullaeli`addilionutsticets if.neccsuiryl -DGeodhennat.(ClesedIoop)' - flTracer - ' . . ' i7IOM " TO DRSCRWTIONloAir.arrbnca,vnn,crahtx:',on tidal - oGeotliemtat(IleatingCoolineReturn}. ElOuter.(explain tntder:#2tRetnatks) a iL 29" ft, silt/s,and/clay . 1.Date WeUI(s)�Couipleletic'"10=11-23 •Well intfP2W-17 . • ' ' 'ft. f4 Sat:Well f imcation: ��..��• ` -,, f4 1t. ;'• P .it ,�'i ,,,,,, . Apex C6D Waste Landfill . . f4- - ft; �'. . . li p...., �t Fa41111pOn•occ latae Fici14•IDi!(irappiicnbic)... - �•. --._ .fA. P. • 5940 Old Smithfield Rd., A ex •NC 27539 O ���. P r r. ft.,. ft. iflat t7f(as i 1) ; filrysicu1-Addicss City:and Zip ' ;21 REIIMARKS- D. „'—o.r,. Lip: Wake Bentonite seal from 15-17' - '.Lk; - Coolly . Parrs]It9:rrriftcaiIon No;(PIN) - Sir..i:.aDludgawlLongitudein.(dcnreslminutes/sccondaardccirnaldegrecst :22,certiff6atioti: (itiroll held;WA 101o4 i;•grrllci=ld) r' ]i �y - wr . -'c•- l0/28/202_3 Sintutun:af�;r-J.n�, ;;:. :v,a::;•. -'=- = ' Daic - 6:Is(:tie_)the ell(.i): DPermanent or 2lTernporary • Hg tig,iiiig;lii foi, � 'ar=,!c.,d� !r, ;- fs •Y rr . t7(nY Miami Jmrnvrnmicr • tuarlif5tACACU%C:; l lr�vll t30f Well CorstrtillnirSrnrclnrdaerndsky a 7.L.this a rrpaiertu ancurstinucllt Oyes, or lNo cmofatif.encordhin-Item plio.ekled roil+.,It Hail er, Ifrhi,s:sc a s yell,,fill eO:ly1.:,i ir elletittli icctiol-b arrnarlon.irul t tiln the of(IT - r iairmrilei#2.1:rcmurfi+'.sectionor.iatheliraaLof11thjornc. - 23:Site.diagram orad'ditional well details You[lay use tUe,back of this page to;pro%ide:adiliGonat,tsell site:details:or Well 8,:Numb erof Wells constnreted: 1 • " construction details; You May also'atlach idtlitional pages if necessary: For amid*lydecrkk,'or a whnwr-er siipplyieuBs.ONEY'frirh thilarrnie mom:rat: m,you can Fifsnitode form: SUBMIT•TAL i• NSTECTIONS 9.'eotal}sett iiepllr held*land stirfacie 29 (fr.). -2aa. Fur All Wells: Submit this tann willtiti 30 days of cbmpletion'of well For nrnhipki�rUslisr all rlepalsslfI rt i:taxw'pte-3e@2(Kr'arul2.8,100'1 constnucttotitothefotloniug: i 10.St'atiehater;evict liclaw top of easing: (ti,) Division of-Water 126oure ,InfornIatipnPiueessing Unit,. 'UMW,'tenet a above eatiry;'iite••+" 1617 M &r ail.Sice CCei ter,Raleigh,NC-27699-1617- IL.Borehole diameter 8..25". - - .(m) .24It.Fria'infection Wslis ONLY: in-addition to:sendingthe form to the address in 24a aboie;also subunit a-copy of this loan within 30•days of.co mpletlou of Well 12.Well'construction,metltod:HSA • - • • • eotlstiuctionto-tlierollotbingr' I tic angel;rotary,cable;.direct push,de.) t .. . . Dtvislott of Watcr.Itesources,Underground InJeitien ContlrblProgranr, FOR WATER SUFFIX WILLS ONLY:' •1636 Mall Service Caller,Raleigh.NC27699,1636 l3ao,Vic1d(>;iiui) Method of't 21e..For W'ateiSupply.&Infection..Wtis:. Also subniit One'ciiDy of this:form Within:30'daysofcon]pletion.af " 13h.Uisinfcctiaa•oi- .Imnunt: . .well:construction.to tits caunty health�depalimeut of the_county whcro- . constrttctrd. Funu GW-I . onh Carolina Deeparrttma.of EIMUDIturnt aad Natural Resources-Dh'i;lon of\lr]cr Rettitices -Revised August 2'013