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GW1--07881_Well Construction - GW1_20231205
-WELL:CONS.tRUICTION RECORD Fat ttksnaal Usc;ONLY:. Th form can be uscd.ftr`r:singie,or nailtipfc wcl(s. • • .1.Wd1-011traetnt Information:- LJ11VAThRZONES. - - • . ' . Scott Hunt, Jr. FIIO31, TO DESCRIPTION WACaliituttor1.ini: ft ft: 4561-A f4 f NCWc1IConuaclurccttilt�itiotiNuinc�r ^tls'OUTER`CASING(foi`alutlI-cased.Detfsl'OltLINER'fifiatipticablel=: - ' FRom ' "i TO - D[AMETER 1 -. :THICNNESS .MATEMAL SAEDACCO ft.-I fl. I ,tp. • C(nagi:ua}-Nadu;: ,t6:INNE[i CASING'OR;TUBING;f eutknrifl i einiell.luiijtt; _.• ' FROM - TO - DIAMETER' IUICKNESS: MATERIAL 2:Wclt Coiistruti4in Pec'raitiri' - • - 0 -R. 40 ft 1 1.Ix SCH-40 PVC - fisittaapyalfrilklexrJlprimic(Lc pinup:Szaa;;.yariarrcr,lrtecfit •erc-')' •ft. It. . tn. I Wdl Uii•(dbecl.welluse): . t7.SCR!!:N WaterSutliph Went• - - _ artao3i. . TO • uIAMPTPR 4r,orsin TIICKNESS ., a1Ar5tuat. " Qelgfiettitiial. C1IyfiiliicipallPit6lic: 40 50 ft 1 i% 010• scx-4o PVC DGeothe' ntat(HeatitigfCooliug'Slipply) CiResidentiat Water Supply(single)• r• t.. f•- i ' DludustrialiCOtuoierciai, ©Resideatiat Water:SuppI (siiitred) tB GROUT", x: _ _ FROM; -TO. MATERIAL• . 'EMPLACEMEIThiE1110D B.LHOIPQT. CIIrn nation . . . . . ., . ' . , 0 R.. '36 ft Portland Tremie • Not WatcrSupit_ty%K:,:• - , . • .- f- - kMonitoripg. . 17Reso}!cly . Inlcctlgn 4Vclt: ft: it: • I; - 'cAgiiiferRecharge , ElQtoundu-tterRentediatiau. -�IsrSANB/%ItAVELPACH;tiIayrtrueilltcl= = -''. ;} - I IIOM •TO NI.I.TagrAr. • •R\IPI.ACt iri:VT NOITa0D AA nrfrr Stota c•1wl Rcco%cg'. 175alio ly t3•imer: 38. •ft:, 50 ft. Filter;Sand #2 it s • EThgniterTest ' DS4oitit atcrfitai 1ge ' ft.• ft. ' []i~zfactimcrtlal Tecfin4lo C1SItb5idCDCC CdtgtliL h14:'DRILLING'r OGIafisdi:addilibnai''stieNs`if nccdssall- - - - . DGeotltetntal(ClrisedLeap)' i7Trdcer - . -FROM--- TO D.UsCRWnoNtobr.ua,vucn.ttaVnaca Om:min aate.1 DGothkunal(HeatingCeoliliigRetuni) Ill Other(explittttnuder:#2t-.Rewaiks) 0 ' ft,. 15 r'ft. red/br' wn compacted silts - 15 -ft:, "-35 IL red PDh' . is Date��ell(S)Conipliaed:t 10=4-23 WeII' PZW2 . • 35 ft: 45 ft, tan white PWR 5a:Well,Liteatitia:•. 45 :ft. 50 - ft, red pwr,with rock in it Apex C&D Waste Landfill. • ft. . - -ft, . ,.:r a - • Facilii},On'txr'Nntvc Faictlat}It) Capplratble)_, \` -� .tt:• ft, �• ' � r 5940 Old Smithfield Rd.. , Apex,.NC, 27539 fL,. . . f_t, PiitSxi 'A.i.1 0sr:.Cit}-;tndzija 324REnute1;• • uFC .0 5 2023' Wake -Bentonite seal from 36-38 iflfara.,ali•�>7.nr ,. Coiiui Parcel ideittll'ic tJon No.-(PJN) DWQ,3 4 �"*4 Sb l-*litudeand:lf�ii>gtitudcin ticgrcciitithtutcslsccondsnirdceinaal degrees. 22.,cett eatioti:• . . . - (1tu ell Piaui,aria 6-064 it sufiieiald) 1411•::-. . /4V-7".. , . . - Sigr 1 Coiuractor. Dale - 6.Is(.lrrr.)ihe.'tl'ell(s)i EPerrttaincttt ,or DTetnporary siFaln ih n la' - u2 F. �fartn:.1 a}crrby�4•crn/t'rljur•flag�r�el/fs,1 isrm{utrrrl cw+ssrrirrterP d,r;acxvr4rrane . . • dafth.ISA NCAC 02C,0100 or•I fal'NCrtCO2C;01Ptl ice II Coars rot thin Sraridards and Alma a 7.Ls tfw.a-rr:patr fa ad exi#ing•s'ell' D !e I ur tglNili •4.6&afdik rotor l link.peen prorftkd collie tinll o nsicr - Ifshl,e.fxorpo?r falloff;lawinaueli'ttorunicaloalnfamtaxdarrrrulixpialnteiigrnreofrite I i elixir mbar d�31.mAurkr'sr raiiira nr on the bail of Slat fnrim. 13;Site ranr .or,urfclii io ant tti'ett details You fitly..use the back"of this page to:provide4iddilional well site detiils:ortsell 8:ruutheeof hells cotistriteted: 1 - . eoustiuctiOD delad's; You uiay also attach additiouat pages if tt>•cessuy: ' Fossil;!ladeIrdeeaknorriri sotcrsnpprg'itcfd::4NLYh'fdidid.amnecoarstrtwtlimoi-oar•rori l' • sra�niu t>iic%mi. SUBMITTAL iNST IJCTICIIU4 ?.1mo:twat A1001 hettiit land sa laces 50 . (ff.)' Ile..Far Alt Waist. Sitbiuit ihisifOQnt witbiti 3U days-;oUcoinptetioa'of welt- ear nrarlrlpl iselk?isrtillttepahas(fr*?ri;n1iextarapfe--3@200`asirt20Ifa0'b con.troetior#D the folloniam •1` - ' 1(I.Static water lei/el heltw top of&.islitgt . (1 W Ilixfsitto of Water tt•esouttes,Infurniattyn Fi'u cssidg[lnit, !/Aurae livens iiaaoic antra,;,Aare"t" I6171FI tll.Ser iee Center•,Raleigh.,RC 27699-1617 ' IL Borchote diameter:8.25"/4" tin.) tab.Fnf Ipfcctie)n WeltsONLYc IhrtAddition to senditig.Ike.fomrto the address In' 24aabote,'.also submit a-Copy'of I this fottit ttithiit,30 daps•of,cowpletiou of dell o the following . (ic.aug au*raw,caiblc,:a3ircclgustvctc:y tundrti]Dt�'tsiuitafWater.ResQttrccs,II tide eodienControl.i'Ingtattc, FOR WATER SUPPLYWELI S ONLY. 163E Mall Serylee Cotter,Raleigh,NC27699=16341 • D3:a (cId(iryimy +iTcCtrod_af test: 224e,.For Water Supply/ft fideetIott Wens:. . Also subnlit'one'cops of tltts;feint•ccit in'3tl;da}'sofcotiipletiott.of Ult.,Disiafct.'tinntvpc: Amount: tvctl'conslructioit to the county he.'!di' of dii.coinits'nhcio constricted, FpnuGW-1 ati CamlinaD.pattuteni.ufEm•3mnuitiaandNatwalResoutees-DivIifonol'WaterRe•Knxo5 Ret'isedAuguat1013.