HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--07879_Well Construction - GW1_20231205 • I , WELL:CONSTRUCTION RECORD. FOrfiternal ti4o pNLY:. T115.1.form can ba•usOcl fir.died or multipk wcI1 . , . , . - • ' . I.NYCII.00titi4aiit Information:- • - ' • I.. • t LAVATERZONES John Eisenman FROM '' 10 OPSCRIPTIoN Syin Cgtilotetot Name, ft; Ft. . I .: ' • ft. - It. III • 9439-A . NC Well Contractor Conification Niudicr ASAUTEft CASINGstfiii*iitOtti=diiiit\ieffil 0 R LINER tlraii"tIcable)-, ,. now ' To .• DTAIHETER", THICKNESS . STATERIAl. SAEDACCO . . . . .T,L. . ft:' LIE!' Compas)-Name, • • - - . • • 7,163NNER.CASINGORTURING•lkielsOnnit'elloici1-loiinK,v. _ ,. r. • rin eit 4. .FRON 'TO DIAMETER HO:NESS MATERI 2.WelCorttcitrn AL 0 'ft, 40 ft; 1 1 'Ett, SCH-4 0 PVC Pieliogago14...s•Fe4penit.(4.(i:if.piney;.4.1.0i,%rimer.,fry-ecrio)44,74' . ! .., - - •ft- . .. ft, - . . ., . .. .. .... ...- . . • , 3..Well..iik Meet:lie-11.0pp- - . 17:SCREEN. ,.. • Water-Supply Well:• . . . - now To. • otAMETER'. St,OT SIZE THICKNESS ' MATERIAL . ' ClAgriculigiai • ciiiiiiitiicipallPitbfie.. • 40 ft* 50 'ff. 1 'la!' .010 SCH.40 PVC "• - ' '..le.I. ! - . .• • • ••- ElCmothemlat aletitiligiCooliog•SOpply): . esideruiai-Wat S er up*(singe) C3R l , . . . . . ClIodu.4021/Coototercial ClResidenti4 WatertSttppli(strtreil)' "ZoGRm,°11T'.„-io. MATERIAL ENEPEACENIDIT SIETTIOD sq ATIOLIN1' . . 1:1 Irrigation• - . . . . . . . . , 0 ::ft.: 3 6 .It. Portland Tremie No n.41.,4tet•Su Op ty Weg:1 . - . . . • - . -• • ' • •• • ft,. - • ft, RflOoriiigfit* - . Egtegym . - • e . . _ ' injection Weeit: . . . It. ' CIAAlli1C111,C0iarge - - ' CIPiOutithRIICIr . l.: . . , -. - . ...Rq•.in Oitop -t9SAND/G ' - s'H . ;mom R10 VE L•PACK,.•firIaP:tTigEilRieMtht-e -E.MP:L' M-E N.T M.E.TH-O- n..dAt fgrgloiRe Ob 1:&il it Oiei 38. •ft- 50 IL Sand i #2• ' ' . . . . . tl Aritifei Test- ElStgigiikiitcf Prlitijoge • - -_ -., . ff. bEs*tittlettiO TcOn.g.:!gg- 13$4§ittoticeConitol, . . . _ _. . ., .40:DRILLINGIOGIallielt,ilddltioftitl stiOileilocctistir0 . .•. . tgebiltennitt(Plo.sed Loop . . ,tiracer. . . FROM-'. TO . -- ogsenivroaN tolbbr hant tom,tkietiNt4 ow:lel&4A.k.dr.) • . . . . 1:1Geotheintal(FleatitigiCaolfog.'Retunt} Mother(explain untler:#21.Retumits) 0 :tr.. 50 It..- ,Silt/san 4/clay . ' 4.4: fL . ,. . 4:Dittii.Welt(g).Cattiphiledt 3.0-4-07 3 Itte11116#P;w-7 _. 5 2023 • • . . . - ft. • . . • ' • ' ' . . . . . 5:1.Weil Locattoni ,I:4 ft. ..-... 4. , . . Pr.....1.0;t... Plifit.„, Apex C&D Waste Landfill . . .rt.- IL "P. FacIliiy,Kiwtmy NmuC FON*Iliiii(tf*p*bje),.. __ __ . _ .. - • ft,, -OPC 0 • . • . . 5940 Old Smithfield Rd., Apex, NC, 27539 . . . . . : It.1 - - ft. ,, .. intrirr.-:.--::, - Pilit)C41- -AikHf.45;.CiLY-Akicl PP . -2,4 RENTARKS-• 1 . ' . - --51T4'.92 L'il Wake • . Bentonite seal from 36-36' U.:•,;Q/140G .. - dually• . MMOI IckNaTrplIon No,(PIN) • . - . . , . Iii,..1;irifititttc and Longitude in dcgreeliminutesistrOnds.iir-dctimalifettieSt ....., e.._.. t.- .o. 4.:•.:,;.a.WIC/300a: (IN:ell rietti;()tie latnekt ts•sittile.1:10 - .. :. . . . .,__-, • . • N 147' _,....:a,,,..-:":„„...,-.-----• .1.--'--.---.7.4:::::.-----_ 10/26/20,23 ggli=ii,...inc Si&oluttpi.,...1....i,i'• ,' 0. 4--- - Ode .. . . 6.Is(art.)the:wellOt'VPent4utt.,nt or pTempproty ity.4.0iiiii.erir las aa5Pkii6..°1-1,.,.iiill tk.c:77.„.:.ifi'70 it7Li-7cs 0-r..siriKteif to,,,c4Ordiroce • . •with 1 M:Nc'AC Ok.'.1.4. 4.‘,.rir.7;;ITCA::,.!;;;ier.,0200.It'd!Comm-or:ion Srandards gni(Ow<I. . . 7.Is•thiS•aptoate.0 iii:0; ....tungellif E1Yot• or KNo • 4..00eithly iec011 WS:tiro evin.iderl roil or hi iimier. • I . . illh(s:h'a repair fill Ayr,koriipl Vett coliknivioil litforroorian maid(.kploht the of the ripoir rode 02,1„-iernur1.s.1%intion or NI the brick of this form, .23..pe.illograt.npr additional:well details: • .. . • You May.use the bad;of this page Mitnovideladiliiiptial well site details or Wilt it Nonberaf.N'ells koottiteted: 1 - • . , • •copsttliction details i--Yea inay alSO.atideh iddinimal.tiates if ureesSary. For Jittiiiiii,f0 kiecilim.-iti,orig-ireorr sopply ire up ONLY friplihr.cott,ifeoir.stroiliiilt.);ort eon... . . .9.6vitif 04 friths. suoKratte.„DisTiTortiosi§ ' 1 •. . . . . so- . 0.Tata well depth land girficin- . •0.).•--itai..For all Wills SOlimit this Than Othia 30 days:of completi9e:.of welt For mid*i4q1s list Oft depth. irdWerolt K'XIIEIPte-.Y.@.200.m420.114) constutetion to Oa following: . .. I . . . 10.StAtieW4ter.leitel below inti.af easingi • . . . (64 .DivEsitin of Water ReSbuiteit,Informaticin Processing Uisit,:.. 'gimlet'?even;above coita.g,,all!"4." . 1617.Mail•Servie'e Ceiiter,Raltigh.;1k1 '.27699-I6 1.7- . . 1 , . .. . • if,Borehole diameter:8•28",4" . -"(Ict.) .2411:.gir Injection Weill ONLY: inatfclition to•sending.the form to the address in 24a abee,also sithritit a•Ow of this'faith within 36 daIrs of.completion of Well 12.-Welt construction.metho d:-118A/Air conitiuetion to-the fellowiig:: I (i.e.oligei-,i.ot4),cat.lc,..airal iuslt.oto.:,1. . .. , . . Divhloit of Wat4r Resources,Underground fklec'tiort Co utrol.PrOgraut, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLYI 1636 141. 611i SerOce Center,Raleigh,NC 276994636 24e.For WatOr Supply.&fejOoti.ea Wan. • tp?;,,Yfeld-(tim) Methoiiigf fat:_ _ _ Alsg.sgboiit one- totoy of this.'fiiinitWithirt•30:ijdy of cOttiP16tiott Of 113h.Disiateetion.Opm Amnunt: well:construction_to the county health depaninent at die, when , • - .?- eansMicird. • FarmGW-i Noah Comliaa 01.-paamempt enviroancni and Natural gcsourccs,Division of Water RuoLtCx5 Revised.August 2013 . , .