HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--07874_Well Construction - GW1_20231205 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Fir IntendiJsc.ONLY-,••• This•fonit cat]ba-nscd Ctit•iingld et multiple wells . . . 11.,Well...Ciintrattai fittoratationt• • . . . ., .. • .. . . • • '111...WATEitZONFS Scott Hunt, Jr FRONI. " 'TO • MICRIPTION • . Well teiitikact6t Namo- 'IL It, . I ' ' I - . . • . . • Ai I 4561-A • . " : • NC Weil CanantarCertillentioaNumbei .f.it&OUTER,CASENG Siii-litiati=ciiiiihiell4ORIINEktititii tlesible).-. .. mom: • TO '- '"TICAINW,TER- ':.- THICKNESS- 'MATERIAL SAEDACCO . . . .(4 ft.. i. in. . . Company-ttam.. • . . • • . . 'te.INNER.CASING•0111118ING:(tenthiaiall datitl:liir V - . . - . - FROM TO , DIA5IETER• THICKNESS': • 11AIERLM. 2.1ValItOnDiOOlin permit iii • , . , . 0 , o'rt.ft.. 12 ,..r.tics....1 ,..41,, ••••En. . SCH-40 PvC. • . List 4 itgirte4.b.re v.F.".11p(eitit.(i .eguitty$arni„Wirianci..lifee04;etc.l' . . . ' •.0... . . • ft. , . 3.Weli.tise:(04.1i.w,eil ti4 . . • .,17:-SCREEN•• • • - ' ,-- . . .. .. • . Water Supply Well:• -- . FROM • TO, - •IMANTETER. 'St.OT SIZE VIRCRN[ZS NIATERtAll, • 12- ft.: 22 it,, 1 tic . .010 SCH-.40 PVC • ingtietilistal. • OliiiiidipalTtiblie... " . . • ., 13Cletilitomal(Hcatingtoolioi Sitpply); CIResidentiat Watcr•Supnik(single) - • tt': . L• I - • • ' • • • ClInduSnial/Comntercidi , •-rItt.,••GROOT', ..... 1:1Residetlial-\Valet Sttpply(stored) 'man. . .70 - NIATERCAL- EMPLACEMENT ME1MOD&AMOUNT. 10 Irrip.titiaii• • . . . . . . . . . • - 0 :,ft,•-: '13 , ft. Portland Tremie . NotWtitr Sttkily Went . '. ' i • - • . . . .. . . . . _.. , . . .. .. . . .. ' • • - ft,. ft.. 1 ,, • IfiNonitdring • • . DRcco.rew; jujeetfon Welt: - .. . • . .. . . . . . - ,,., - • .--._ -, • ClAnutfcr Rccliargd - aGitOtindWalct keinediation . ,IVSSANINGRAVELPACKlif•altailieahlerr • .-- . .-- --.• ' -7- ' ,• „ . • ••-••••••. .• • . ,. • mom- - •TO- --MATERLA I: - EMPLACEMENT METHOD •• . ClAtittifer:81.0rage a0 kePcitit1 z,•. tlitliillty Homer- . • • • . . . . . 10 •ft.• 22 II. Filter Sand #2 . ... . ..‘. . 13 Annieci Mt CISIOinii.r.iteePtaittage ' •„.. . •.• - - . . -•-• .. • -. . • • DEVerimental Teel:mite& - . • itOttbsIdcpcdCmitoil: . . . ,. „. .-.• .. •-:.,20:•DRILLINGLOGItataiWatlditiOnalitieets'if neee;ssafid. . ' - dpeotitennat(Closed Loop). • OTT-Jeer. - . •. - - FROM-'- TO " DRSCIOPTION(cokir.hardavtlimalintet Opt:'-gnen laW,dui , . EIGeotliennal(Heating(CoolftjRetuml Mother(eSplain under:411-.Rennutis) 0 iTft. .22 • . ft, red/brown pwr , • . ' ' . . '..ft..-: ft: . • . ' ,. . .4:Diit Wellfsicnitipletedt 19- -2 P 'Wen MN Pzw-3 • * • •• - -• - - - 114 ft, - , ; 17.7—-""s..7•-• ‘ , r"" :-• i!' r‘t.:Ut:1 V 0- • - ;I:wen LOcathia: .k • , - Apex C&D Waste Landfill ' • ., - . ,. VVVV . ft.. . ft.. . i' '.. DEC 0.5 .2023 . . . Factlilyi.P)vtbrNamo •• • • F'a.464*tri#Otappii014,.. •----'--- ft- 594 0 Old Smithfield Rd. , Apex, -NC, 27539 „ ' : • ft.:. • • • ft. 910:bnig*SS,aty,:*k.I 0 .• :<2,F.;RENIARKS". . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 -Bentopite sea], from 8-10' . . . Wake .Condi)... PAirci 414-11firtcailon No:tylf%;) . , V . • . . . . . • •56,Latitittle nnitlfAinittitile in tl*reeiiittiftititCS/sentiOtidicitinittiO* 11.citiiii eatiod,.. i I. (if•uell 044 oM.1;1111014i$Vitn:k ITO - . . .. --:-: - . . . • NV • V W ' i it f:- ,,o(7:-• - I• • 10/1/2023 ' - • • . • .SigaL. a,ocit40.wi...11cqiiiRctar: ; Date . . . . . . . 6.Is(are)theAtell(s)::30Pernm1tent or EITemporaty JP" Wini:ikis frilny..:?herel.y s'erilfY dlegiilig:wets.,kis 6ii-Ol cousiructuittrt*isrirdirticr , • .Miff I&V AVAC 02C'.01.02 or:154 Aratpoc.47;oo MU countiction-Smaderelli esnd slug a 7..4 flu4 a ittPkii"•0 Ali.448:11)0vd4 DYes •111' -PN 0, • • , 47Pf 01 If:icciirrl(ins(a poi ided ii!...4:#e itrg oivrier, if this Opdfe,.,fill'o*knOi01 iliconsliucliatikfgr.tvaiiiintMlies01.01 dm upare of Me Opair ruder 021;romarkisertion or evi the bath of 06-form:. .13:8ite.tfiagratat or additional will'tiepins: .- . . . • - Yon tuay,uSe the back of Oils IJOge-teinrovide•idciliionat,irell Site details or Will 8.Iittatbekatwells eattstritetett: 1 ' . , . •etidintetten tleiaiits: You inaY al.*Attaeli-illitiOaal pages if itte'eSitY: - .. • For 2italidigg irtiodh91:ir rthn-Itaier supply trylls,lpiLl irkii•the:samf COMS(Fidbit.,,Y(11t AV? • _ • •. - . .. --...•.- I s*Ilif Or Prin. • . SIJIMIFITAL INSTUCTIONS • ; ., 1.•Total.Well depth beftMlund suitticei 22- • • , do. . 1-41; For Alt Wills:: Stilnitit this font within SO days of'cOmpfetiOti of*il • For wielplcii'ellslist all&Ali!ird1417riy-ftweoppre--3@200'and 2@ TOO) V 'consInidfteuri to thetbitowiug: 1 . 10;Statie.waterlet.el below ton.of easing,. .0iJ Bin cif Water keiouree's,Infuriation Protesking unit,:. . ' *mike leeel Is idiore eoiimg.,Ale"+" - - • . - tG171Wail.SeiTice Centel',Raleigh,NC,27099-t0 II • , _ . 1 ' • _ __. . . it..Horelude diameter:8• 5". (in.) V 24b.Tar infection Weill()NEN: In addition to-sending the fomi to tbc,address•in 24S abb.*also submit a:.cotiy'Of tills Ifottu within 30•dayS"of.completion of welt ' 12.•Welioonsiutction_ntethod:RSA constitictfon tO,the.f011oWingl: , ,.. ., (i.e.MI*0,'ladatycal)leiiirect pitsh.,etej' . . • • • , . - D.trislo it Of Water tusourc6,,uildirgyound'ftefei.:*t1 coittr011.Progrant, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS Onirf V 1636..hiail tervIce Cmiter,-Ralefgli,NC 27699-1634 . 24,For'iliatei Snooty&Injettfott Welb:. . . 14;4-Irt011 tiii0• Method pfte-s0 • Also submit'ono:copy of-thiS'fdittilirithitt'30'.day's of complitiOti.of•. up.•ukinf .4 - Antatint: .well cetitruction Me to .county health-'department of die connty where.e.i ,,,,(14,:. . , . eonittucted. . 1 ' • • '. . . . . .. :.. • I - Ftmu GW-.1 . • North Catalhm Dcpattmeat.of Eatiatanrat awl Natmal Itep:mrces13his, lo &a Water.Rmattir Ete%'.4ed Aagust 2013,‘• • • . • •.. . • • -