HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--07873_Well Construction - GW1_20231205 WELL CONSTRUCTION.RECORD- Via ItTcnial iJqc.ONtY:. Thi'•thou can W•uscil foi tiiigkotanthiph yeas- 1"..Well.Cnnfiaetnir Intorniafigni- ' . — • , " . . . , - , '11:11TALTERZONES'. ' .. Scott Hunt, Jr . FROM', -10 DESCROMON ' Wili Cotitiact6rVatn4. ft; ft, . I I • . • , 9561-A 1.f.• ff.. • I I • - . • . . NC Well Cautmcior ecrtilkptioaNiurticr .15AUTER-CASING`dniiinnlikniethitilil.OR.LINERilf-an-Matikit .... FROM ' TO ' :DIETER'. -THICKNFSS' NTATERTAL • SAEDACCO . • ._f•te.• , • ill . . . 1 .I-fit. . . . . Company Natmc• , . • • INNER CASING'ORTVBiNGIti'eithifiiital eitiiel-laiif$W1,` _, _ .- FROM TO IMANIFIER TURCILNESS. , MATERLkL 2,AVCICCO.OMFUti0e-rolit 4; . , . , 0 R. 33 ft. 1 : r'tit. SCH-4 0 PVC Liar 4 app.110.thfe.iFeit pvip7.4.(he:Couioy;$141e..,Varlooce,farec.ticil pic.)'. ' • - --.ft.- It . . ,... . . .. . . • 3..:Vc11.1.is (check 0'1d!050 . Wa1gr Supply Wt.44: • - _ • - - FROM, , TO . °la,MaIRTEIC, ,SLOT Si7Y, T1IICKNMS NIATFRIA L. • .. 33' it it' 43 .' 1 in. • .010 SCH-40 PVC Ottigfkulttnal ElOinidipatililtlilia.,:: Devitt:Om:at(lleatinecooti og'.Supply) -CfResidintiat-MI6 Supply(single) . fi.; •'it. . . CI IndinnialCommercitil I:Reside:Mai Water:SupplS•,(sintedr 21:0GRIvi...°.111."'-'-' - - -'"''-'7:::' -'—.: -• ' -• - - • --- -TO. • . NIATERIAL: EMPLACEMLNT muuma&AMOUNT , ' . CI Irrigition- . . . . . • - - 0 • :ft.' 27 ft; Portland Tremie Nott-Witthr tiOtily Well: . , : • • - • . ft.: ft, ' ' • . - -16Monitating . • EIRceoyety . . - I - Injeellon Well: . . . ft.. ft,, ' , ' • • . _....• , ,,... _ . , LIAinnfer RCetimge' • aGiouiiittaicr•ithinediiiiion• .. I'tg.,SANDIGILWELPACICKnoplicabttr . , r•., .--I.•-•.; . ,--- .,,- ____ 0 ‘ili eit}';13Onici: • • :1F it051- ' •TO • ft INTRUIAL,' •RMPLiCEMENT MLITIOR El Milifar$10agc and RecOyeii' ....... • • .. . . • 29 ft 43 ft.' Filter Sand #2 .'. . ElAttulfcifTC'Sf - CISiOiraii:atti1)taiage . . .. •.(1,. , • 11, , ' ; ' • . . . . •-'' • • • DEVcrintetal TOltuotutr. - . If1SatiOtf9ecc:ColatTil• • _ . . _...- . - • . . . . • 4,2(1.IDRILLINGLOGIaltach.adifitiarial itiMg•it ft-Cis-wail 4C;_e0t4g:1111.11-(V10$0 LatiP) PI Trl cer ' . • •FROM'-' TO '• DESCRWTION(cotir.hardoct+.tomittck 4.fl.GIolkiri AIN c4c.1 ' , • 11Goothenintlfleacingi'C'ooituiRetund ' Dibilier(explain under:421-illituatlis). ° jtt, 43 .0.,.. red/brown pwr . . . fL - , • . • . • 4...Nth Waf(9):Conipletedt'9-29- 3 ..WallID#22W-6 ' ' • 'ft. . " ft. • Sa.Well Liteattan-: . ft, • ....-i•:..-- --,, ..,-. • - - t ‘;-'•••6 ip-E) Apex C&D Waste Landfill , • . - fi.i. . ii.. ,..„..,......, ii tz. . , .. I Fapdiippvitx,rliamo • FaOlity iDP Oeappji4)t4. ' - ft, D'Er 0 5 2U2 5940 Old Smithfield Rd. , Apex, NC, 27539 . - • . , , ft, . ft, . InfOrroan-',3, • .. • #104101144i..cs.",tity,".ii.04Pli: 'Ir.RENIA.11K6, • • •....."7."6.".,,,.:,g unl • .• • Wake . . . . - 'Bentonite seal from 27-29', danuy . . - • Parcel hktitifECation No..(PIN) . . • . , . . . • ii.,.Littiintiennil'Iingititd in d*cesindiutes/.10.00$Or dtittntittfOici: . -22,ce' eati„,., • . . . (itmellfekt;•on:latiloik4 iti•sidnekiii) -- . . • . . . . . . • • N AV 10/1/2023 Sigeoh4s1(latolaractat• ' Dafe • 6.Is(0e),theAveli(0):.3EPermaitent or EITemiutraiy ity big:Ong JIriv leit.ine..1.icerlp.eerizj'y 1,5q.i.',11i;11410,1 Wax(Piti!041 ofrwrixted 1o4pirwordorler . •.larl.i 154 NOte 02C;pro°Or.15A Match 2C.:0200_Well G'qnsfivetioir.Eran4ardi and drat o 7',kali a reitafr•-0 atieitiitrattoTellt- ElYrs•• .tir /Pi% - iof Mk ietiird iiiiibe ea provided iei 4 ile 4:)711.irivri.er. • if this:It'a 41;0,fill(mi.kotOtw well coni-mvian informori A mid eApioip the rtorore of the I. .- iipoir taller 021.-retncidd sraiiin•pe dr!the bri&pf ifid.vfprnr.. • :23:Site.dlgrAntor.addition:it nen details: .. . . , • "von tma ugO the back of this page to;Inoviifo"additional Weil site diifallor%Veit 8.Numberof Welts eon.ltrueted: 1 , • Cotntni6tiontleiail%_You May alsefanaeliadditioual pages if tio*kity. For Jitaiiiple hefeerlop'or fli7:11.!.ivafer siippl,v ivey.s.ONLY 11.141 11.1e fact!g:consmi.itiiin,.01I.010 . . .- . . .• . — „ ...-*.liit IMO form:. . SI TBNIfITAL INSTUCTIONS 1 I 0.-TOtal'nen depth;tietow land stikthei - 44. • . (ft.) -24-a..Fur All Wells:* Submit Ibis foot within St/(1:13, •of:comptetiOn of well For nyilleple. iiltlist 41 depths if iliOniiir(exitoipte-3€1,2(iir itik 1.2@ WO) -coustatttotito the fultooing; • '. Id:Static water level hell)*top.olcuNine . . . (ft.) . iiivising tif-Water-R.e.giree..a,Inform-Minn-Oineesgitig unit, if utiter'leVei Ls'ahave Osing.iise"+" , 16t 7.11,fait.Seriicc center,Raleigh,NC 21699-107- I 1.-Borehote diameter:8•25"/4" - "6.1 . 24b.•For Injection Wells ONLY: hi addition to sending the fomrth the in 24a'aiiiii0;also`siibmit 4._coii,S,-of tins;faun within 30'ilsn's'of completion of well • 112.'Weil construed-on.method:HSA/Air C.0110111CliCiti Te.)the tofimi.iie.• - • " • . tilc aukci-.fiagfy,.cal4c,digit giuketc4 , • • . . 0.Ivhioit Of Water Resources,Othiergrotind Infeitiou CottrOiPrOginni, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:' •163614tait SersIce Center,Raleigli.NC.276994636 • •Ite.For Water'Sitoulv.&Inter.iton loVittim • . • lInt.Vreld(gOot) Nthilipil Of tat; • • • Also..sob:tilt one copy of this-fdriiii-wittatt-30..clay of.completiott.of• 13b..tiisinteetfun,4-net • Amountt - well constriction to the county kaki,depantnent of did connty.wheie . • t'onsmictCd. I . . • . • FanoGW-1. Noah Carolina ih.-•paaulent,ofEavironttrnt and Nana;i1 Itc.,uarccs 7 DP:film]likW4let ilOtt,'R* . nevned August 2013 •-