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GW1--07869_Well Construction - GW1_20231205
I 1 ALL CANS`'R[�T ` `I d:0' i1 GW®1 For Internal Use Only: 1.Well Contractor Wotmiflon:® , N Poo e.) ri °!� el.,,u4,64, • Well Contractor Name PROM TO ON -�Q` � . 4tit 15 jjm . , '...,>att^:�....:�:a-el h; t;r.*dtnrkr y_. _ I .. A . _._. _ ._..._.._....._ .._• ia 11s x'"i't04 �T--,•._..Y3 Ft t- '-ffic :u'c§.__---ifii3 3+11 .::..._ �- 0 to ifo CampaoyNeme tti b ; fit, `, 2.Well ConstrucUen Perndt9: IJ'W 0 J65 f i LAI1 0 P _ TO _TM RIATIORm. List allitegleable well ocnatracllon permits{la WC.Coto*&ate Variance,etc) ft ft. • br. 3 Well Use(check well use): ft. ft. I, in, j vVa�a's�p�v Well: 1 ; , to ::4 W. :. a t OGeothermal(HeatiFng/Caoliug Supply) diesiduntial Water Supply(single) `: i ft. :Y. ' in. Cllnduet rialIComme vial . DResidc ntial Water Supply(Shared) DlniEatlon DWells>100,000 OPD _ 'PROM EMU: :,�„*mow Non4Vater Supply Wen: ® ft. Iv ft. it Q ray ' DMoni g Recovery tt it cJ 'Injection Welk — QA,quifirRe Recharge CH3roundwaterRemediation it . ." `&.1 r ..i11E+`. i.`.n:fitA.RwIr"mi ce.-taiuz.."h�—l:c.,.-g, --.c-`•.,.-,,,i;'.. Y.e:z•r.cn-•,uksaw;r: ijAquifer Test OSton nwater Drai'age ft. ' A. i "` --- i. = -- --4 i. . Callerimeotel Technology Dsubsidence Control it is I i DGeothcn nal(Closed Loop) Dom' 0l +► <..; ©QeotheAoaal :eating/CooliugReturn) DOther(explain nnden#121 Remarks) ERI DEs a i iasoo tsoe.aritaetw.;ta.1 4.Date Well(s)Completed:10I j13 WellID# , .3.5 410 ft .9 ray.if e. toed( • Foc�iy/OwaerN & F /VP(ifeppllceble) it ' ft.3�14 0 d k �� iarnse, ri R11� �1��� it. e � ® � ��z3 PhystoalMtn,C.ty.endZip ( • to tt { EnformM.;bn Pra ;s URI vialse, ►,fi �getG$ : , z j ::.: f , County Parsedld oattp=No.(PIN) - i$cr8iiA i&owlav ar,Issaeizat 22.CtrMeationl e4v,y1 , tk2ti a-6))3 - 6.la(ture)thtewen(s): t ermenent or DTemporarq S>JIo We .Contractor Sy rlogthisJbrer,I hereby gee*that threv11 )was(wens soda ao onienee with 7.U this a repair to an existing well: Dyes or d&o 1&t MAC CC,0100 or ISANC4C 02C,o200;Well taon mietlen Srandaroyand that cam. rthb Is a repair,fill out known well censtrection*matron cad awl the nature ofthe OW has bean pravtded ro the wetlait:t®: repstr rarnago=WUon or on the back of this form. • u �nr eiletzralre a.s.• r C fg •• CizotN rn::..a': ,:itS havi•,x.hn-+--+, i{-1 l.:n i7 lid\illy'\l-(4+S1L i,?ija .fl-k.'''`"1 itY"''s'A{lfl].-1Q.!Il f'"-""."""A'""" -" 1n-I.Q�?.(U.'f{f4A W 9 CQr •s.ligt.RY bf tlfl !°}. GtYv1�iK�a.iv�u'v.rv.luYa4W'. • J . •al .tIK�lfAll••� ._ .. L•. ..�f.?Il: . ceasbuction,only 1 GW-1 is needed. lirdieate TOTAI.NUMBER—of wells fstd:E`See Over'in Remarks Box).You may also attach adni tonal pages if necessary. drilldrilled a4,SUBMl3TAkINSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well t depth below land surface: g�. ( ) For mul!(plaw'!dial all depths Offense(example.s a( 200'and201009 Submit this GW Y within 30 days of Weil completion per the following: 10.Static waterkvel below top of casing: t)—D (�) 2 • For An Wells: Otfgintal Rtna to Dlvhalaa of water (DW8), ifruterlevel is above emberuse"+" yt InSmmatimnProcra6ingUnit,t61 MSC,Ra1�gb.NC27699-I6I7 l legh t'zr.:.='i-:.,z.11.=/-:-.'..,e:.?tagsI 97.:4r..,,_..._a e:.d-,a "VT Ter. Pe- 12.Well eonettime on aueUEod: Q i r- n . . r� =- 1 (Le y,chic,direct peek ere.) 24c.For. Water Sapp -,d en-LoopelmBtermaiReturn Weiss:Copy to the courtly environmental+,: " ept'ofltire catiaty Where intilatJeh • flWAfERSUPPLYWILS ONLY: ._t p d.For Water,W�{►ens producin ovsr t 0 000 Ch W enmitto' grem1611 MSC state NC 37699-1611 °PYmDWR,CCPCIJA r� �, Disinfecttoa type: v l f 11 Amount 1(2 1 '