HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150928 Ver 1_Application_20150909,t.ry.ti�{'�.ti:�Y+l}�:\ "y �'4•CNE 3 l A ! C ()p . +"`i.. ,fr^!`p� 1,MV ]O, l�TS. �if/� �.�. � �"� v `"�` �' � �, �f.. a ..��� ; x �. �, �, . �� l J . _ Ly� Ah ✓ " Ur a/i � � . (� ,� �': � i � h. ,: •t�., V'�'� "��: � � '\. Th` � �� . b � �� / �` ,t� R/112.Yn * .� F `c\ '� UAMVLSSE� r 5.��� .� SF �. <.:v�.s��x':,.+.a I� , • . �r ,.. ... � �. �: ��� ' ��� �... �! .. �. � � • �` � � � � r� � ` � 15C�1 MA.IL SERVICE �ENTER, T�►.ALEIGH, N.�. 27��9-1501 PAT 1VICCRORY �11��OLAS �e '�'ETTNYSOl�i GOVERNOR SECRETARi'LL � eptemb er 9, 2 Q 15 Mr. Steve Kichefski tJ. S. Ar�ny Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field (Jffice 151 Patton Avenue, Roam 208 Asheville, NC 288� 1-500� �ubj ect: Natianwide Perm�t # 14 R�eplace Bridge #298 on �R 1600 with AT�C Sur�y County, Nart�i Carolir�a Project Nrumber: 17BP.11.R.82 (I�W(,� Permit ��e: ��4 ) Dear Mr. K.1C%1��5�.1: The Narth Caralina I�epartment of Transportatlon is scheduled t� repla�e Bridg� #2�� �� �ur�y County wiih a new aluminum box cul�ert �t the same lac�tian. Th� ��istzn� structure is a 17.5' lang x 20' wide si�gle span bridge wit� s�eel I-bean�s �n �. 1�0 d��r�� skew. All of the remair�ing components are tin�be�. The praposed al�.minur� b�� ��lveri is 20.5' wide x�' high x 36' long with wingwalls. +Cul�vert slope will 4.1 %o. �o�r �3affles will be inserted into the culvert ta maintain ch�.nn�l �idth (inl�t, outl�t a�d �t�vva interl��). Mitigation will be provided through EEl' (3 �6' j. .�n off-site detc�ur is �r�aposed. �tr��.m impacts are tabulated below. �tream Impacts: The replacement of the existing bridge wiih �h� proposed �ew ��l�e�t ��ll r�q�ir� temporary dewatering. Imp�rvious sandb�g dil�es will be co�s�r��t�cl ��str+�a� ar�d PHONE 91g—?07-2800 FAX 919-733-915Q Su�-r�y Bridge #298 an SR 1 b40 September 9, 2015 downstream of th� existing structure to isolat� th� con�truciic�n zon�. �le�.� �ater ��11 temporarily be pumped around or piped thr�ug� ihe constrr�..�t��n �r�a and will �� discharged dov�vnstream. Any dirty water located inside ih� constr���lr�r� ��°��. �ill b� pum�ed into a s�lt bag if necessary. (�nce the new structure is �n �alac�, the �:r�.p�rvi��.s dikes will be r�moved and preconstruct�or� sireamb�d el��atic�ns ��11 b� resic�r�d. Cc�nstructioz� of this project will require impa�ts to waters of th� tJ�.it�d Siat�� i� i�� Yadkin River Basin. The existing brldg� cross�s a�TT� to the �'�sher l�.�ver ��lass: S-�I; Trout, I-3QW). This prc�ject vvas reviewed for the presence of threaten�d and �ndan�er� species by our Natural En�ironm�nt Sect�c�n. Ti1� �LEB 1S �1St�'C�. a.S �. �'J]C(J��'C��C� S���I�S lrl. t�.11S GQLI�'lty �JJUt I1Q bdt c1CtlVlt� W�.S Oi)5�1."V�C�. 111 ��"l:� %�'1�.��. There v�ill be l���t�d. �r�e cutting at th� proj ect locati�n (about 3 trees). W� would r��ammend a I�TLT�.A ��1� c�r� this proj ect. Cultural resource compliance work has been cc�mpleted. �c� archa�o��g��ai resourc�s �r historic properties fall w�th the APE of this praject �see attached). The proj �ct impacts �.re not signif�c�nt in natur+� and sh�uld noi r�mov� ��° degr�.d� existing water quality uses. Stormwater will b� routed th�a►ugh �rass �� r�ck lir��d ditches, depending on the ditch line slope. Total la.r�d disturbar�ce w�ll b� l�s� t�a� 1�.c��. Pipe si�es used will be the minimum �ecessary to �reat� a saf� roadway . y utili�ing t�.� erosion control measures c�utlined In the att�.c�aments ta this �.pplicat��n, d�vv�.strea:�a. water quality standards wi11 be protected. �.11 a�apropr�at� �31��IPs w111 be �.s�d duri�.g . constructlon. By copy af this electronic letter, it is requested that l��Irs. Marl�. C;ha.�b�rs wi�th th� �T�r�h Carollna Wildlife Resources Camm�sslon camment d�rectl� �ta y�u ��ancer:�in� �h� 404 Nationwide Per��nit application with �. copy sent to �ne. F�y copy of this electranic letter, �t is requested that t�.e T)�v�s�or� �f Wat��° �.al�i�, 401 /Wetlands tJnit, issue the appropriate per��.it for cor�stru�tion of t:his pro� ect. It is requested that any comments related to the 4Q 1 c�rtification b� �`�rward�d dire�tly t� � �ith a capy sent �o the tJS .��r:�my Corps of Eng�neers. We v�ould like to begin canstructlon as sc�c�n as passible. If furth�r �nfor��.at�c�n i� required, please let me know. Your early revie� a�:d �onsiderati�� �il� b� a�apr�clat� . ��nce�el�, � ��� ,.�_ .� ��° � �-I�atl� Sla�.ghte�° Div�s�on 11 �nvirc��.m.e�tal S�p�rv�s�� Enclosures cc: Marla Ghambers, N�WR.0 Am�y �hapman, I)ivisio� of �Tater Qual�ty Surr� Bridge #2�8 on SR 16�0 September 9, 201 � Dave Wanucha, Di��sion of Water (�uality 11�Iarella Bunc�ck, �.TSFWS Mike Pettyj ohn, PE, I�ivisi�n Eng�neer Dav1d Wayne, PE, Br�dge IVla.intenance E�g�neer Jami �uynn, Division Bridge Program Manag�r �-Ieath Slaughter, Division Environmental +C�ffi�er Neil Trivette, Roadside Er�vironmental ��eld iJperati�ns Engineer ��4 V V �' t �yY / � 1� , � i�ffiCG �S� �t'll�: ...�C���''�� � � � � u "�A�- Corps action I D no. �. �> � � � �.� �h���.�f��x�"�.�`��' � � V � r ,£• „� � � � � � �,�:�.����..��:���� project na. �}�f��� "::�`��`� Form Version 1.3 C�ec 1G 2Q1�8 �s�.�.� Pre-Construction Notifica�ion PC:'l�T :�or A. A licant Informatio� 1. Processing 1a. Type(s) of approvai sought from the Cor s: ��ection 404 Permit ❑ Sec�ior� 1 Q Per�nit p 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or General I�ermit (GP) number:. 1 c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps'? � Y�s �� 1 d. Type(s} of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that appiy}: � 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ N�n-4�4 Jurisdictional �eneral Permi� �] 401 Water G2uality Certification -- Express ❑ Ripari�n Buffer Authorizatio� 1 e. Is this notification salely far the record For the record only f�r DWQ 401 For the r�cord �nly far C�rp� P�rmit. because written approva! is not required? Certificatian: ❑ Yes � No Q Yes � �!o 1 f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program prop�sed for mitigation � yes ❑�lc� of impacts? If sa, attach the acceptance letter from mitigatior� bar�k or in-lieu fee program. 1 g. is the project Iocated in any of NC's twenty coastai counties. If y�s, answer 1 h ��'e� ��1� below. 1 h. Is the project Iocated within a NC DCM area of Environment�i Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes � iVo 2. Project Informatian 2a. Name of project: Bridge #298 on SR 1600 2b. County: Surry 2c. Nearest municipality / town: Low Gap 2d. �ubdivision name: 2e. NCDOT only, T. I. P. or state � 7BP.11. R.82 praject no: 3. Owner Infarmatian 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: NCDOT 3b. Deed Book and Page No. 3c. Respansible Party (for LLC i f applicable}: 3d. Street address: 801 Statesville f�oad 3e. City, state, zip: North Wilkesboro, NC 2�659 3f. Telephone na.: 336-9C�3-92Q2 3g. Fax no.: 336-667-4549 3h. Email address: hslaughter�C�ncdot.gov F'�ge 1 �f 1 � P�N Farm -- ilersion 1.3 C3�cember 1�, 2��8 Versi�r� 4. Applicant lnformation (if different from owner} 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent � CJther, specify: 4b. Name. 4c. Busines s name {if applicable}: 4d. Street address: 4e. City, state, zip: 4f. T�lephone no.: 4g. Fax no.: 4he Email address: 5. Agent/Cansultant tnfarmation (if applicabte� 5a. Name: 5b. Business name (if applicable): 5c. Street address: 5d. �ity, state, Zip: 5e. Telephone no.: 5f. Fax no.: 5g. Email address: '.•- � 1; ��: . . : � i . �� �.. Ik . � � ~� .... �,' � ��. � � �� i � �� , B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Praperty Identificatian 1 a. Property identificatian no. {tax PIN or parcel ID}: 1 b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees). L�titude: 3�.54949 L.�ngi�ude: - 80.8�901 (t3D.DDQDDD} (-DD.nDDC�aCJ) 1 c. Praperty size: 0.4� acre� 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water {stream, river, etc.) to ��- �o F��,her Ri�er proposed project: 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: V�S-11; Trout, HQW 2c. River basin: Yadkin 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general I�nd �us+e in the vicinity �f the pr�j�ct ,�t the time c�f �his application: Substandard bridge to be repl�ced in a rural area 3b. �ist the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on th� property: 0 acres 3c. List the total estimated linear feet af all existing streams (interrnittent ar�d perenniai) on the property: � 6� linear feet 3d. Expiain the purpose of the proposed project: Upgrade substandard stream crossing 3e. Describe the 4verall project in detai�, including the type af equipm�nt to be used: See attached cover letter. 4. Jurisdictianat Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland ar stream determinatic�ns by the Corps or State been requested or obtained far� this property / ��es (� No �..j lJnknown project (including all prior phases) �n the past? Gomments: 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictic�nal determination, what type ,� � Preliminary ❑ Final of determ�nation was made . 4c. If yes, wha delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/�onsultant Cc�mpar��: Name (if known): C�ther: 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or �tate determinations �nd attach doc�menfi�tic�r�. 5. Prc�ject History 5a. Have permits or certifications been reques�ed or obtained for ���� ��� �����a�� this project (including all prior phases} in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according ta "help file" instructions. 6. Future Praject Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes � Nc� 6b. If yes, explain. •„• - � i, . �, ., � � ,. .. � .. � � � ; .. �, C. Proposed Impacts lnventory 1. impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ W�tlands j� Streams - tributaries ❑ Buffer� ❑ Open Waters [] Pond Canstructior� Z. Wetland Impacts if there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question fic�r each wetlar�d area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2�. Wetland impac� Type af jurisdicti�n number — Type of impact Type of wetland For�sted (�nrps � 404, 10 ,�re� of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ -- r�on-444, other) (acres� Tem ora T ❑ Y�s 0 Carps W� � � � T �l� DWQ Q ❑ ❑ Y�s ❑ Corps W2 ❑ P❑ T N c� DV1lQ � ❑ � Yes ❑ Corps W3 ❑ P❑ T Na ❑ DWQ � ❑ Yes 0 Corps W4 ❑ P � T N c� [] D1NQ ❑ � Y�s ❑ Carps W5 ❑ P 0 T N� DWQ � ❑ ❑ Y�s [� Carps VU6 ❑ P�} T N� C�VilC� � d 2g. Tatal wetland impacts 2h. Comments: 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including terr�por�ry impacts) �rc�pc�sed c�n the �ite, �hen �omplet� this quesfiion for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction ,Average M�p�G� number - {PER) or {Corps -�4p4, 1� stream fengfih Permanent (P) or interrnittent p�/(� _ non-444, vvidth (lir�ear TemporarY (T) (If�T)? other) (fe�t) fee�� ABC, Riprap & � P�R � �orps S1 � P� T Dewaterin �T to Fisher River 9 96 g ❑ i NT � DWQ ❑ PER ❑ Corps S2 ❑ P❑ T ❑ I NT [] DWC� S3 ❑POT [] P�R ❑ Cc�rps � � NT ❑ �wt� �4 P T � P�i� j�] Corps ❑ C� � f NT [.� pWQ ❑ P�R 0 Corps �5 ❑P❑T ❑INT ❑DWQ ❑ P�R ❑ Corps �6 ❑ P❑ T C{ I f�T [� DVVC� 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts 9� 3i. Comments: 36' ABC with wingwalls, 3'1' tempc�rary dewatering, 29' riprap Page 4 c�f 1 C� P�N Form -- \/'ersion 1.3 Decernber 1 U, 2a�8 �lersior� 4. Open Water Impacts If there are praposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributarie�, s�unds, the Atlantic Ocean, ar ar�y c�ther open v`rater of the U.S. then individually list al! open water impacts below. 4�. 4b. 4G. 4CI. 4�4 Open water Name of waterbody impac� number -- (if applicabie) Type of impa�t VVaterbody type �re� �f ir�pa�t (acres� Permanent (P) or Tem c�rar T 01 [�P❑T (J2 [�P❑T O3 ❑PC.]T t)4 [� P ❑ i 4f. Total open water impacts 4g. Comments: 5. Pond ar Lake Construction If ond or lake construction ro osed, then com lete the chart belaw. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacts (acres) �tream i�npacts �feet} lJpland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose (���e�) numb�r of pond Flooded Filled Exc�vated Floc�ded Filled Excavat�d FlQOded P1 P2 5f. Totai 5g. Camments: N/A 5h. is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑°�es ��la If yes, permit ID no. 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres}: 5j. Size of pond wafiershed (acres): 5k. Method af construction: 6. Buffer impacts (for DWQ) if praject will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete th� ch�rt below. If yes, then individually list a{I buffer imp�cts below. If an impacts require miti ation, then ou MUST fili �ut �ection D of this form. 6a. ❑ Neuse Q Tar-Pamlic� � C�ther: Project is in which protected basin? � Catawba 0 R�ndleman 6b. 6c. 6d. �e. 6f. �g. Buffer impact number -- Reason �uff�r �one 1 impact �o�e � impact Permanent (P) or for Stream name mitigation (square f�et) �square feet} Tem orar T im act re uired? [� Yes B1 C]P❑T �No (� Yes 62 ❑P(�T ��o � Yes B3 [�P[�T ��� 6h. Total buffer impacts 6i. Comments: �..- . �� .�� . �� ,� ' � .���. r� � r i r. �� � �: � � � � � �f D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1 a. Specifically descrik�e measures taken ta avaid or minimiz� the praposed impacts in designing project. The culvert length is the minimum needed to improve safety at thi� loc�tian. Floodplains and baffles vuill be c�nstructed tc� maintain channel width. 1 b. �pecifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts thro�gh cor�str�ctior� techniques. all appropriate BMPs will be used during construction 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters af the U.�, or Waters of the �tat� 2a. Does the praject require Compensatc�ry Mitigation for � Y�s ❑�lo impacts fio Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? 2b. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): ❑ tJWQ � Car`ps ❑ Nlitigation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigat ion option will be used for thi� ro"ect'? � Payment to in-Iieu fee prograr� P 1 [�] Permittee Respar�sible Mitiga�i�r� 3. Camplete ifi Using a Mitigatian Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter} 1°yp� Qu�ntity 3c. Comments: 4. Gomplete if Making a Payment to in-lieu Fee Program� 4a. Appraval letter from in-lieu fee program is attached. � Y�s 4b. Stream mitigation requested: 36 Iin�ar feet 4c. If using stream mitigatian, stream temp�rature: ❑ warm ❑ cc�al �cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mi�igation requested: acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: acres 4h. Comments: 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigat�on Plan 5a. lf using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a de�cription of the proposed mitigation pl�r�. �'age6�f10 P�N Farm -- Versiar� �1.3 C�ecember 1 Q, 2Q08 �ersi�n �. Buffer Mitigatian {State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) -- required by DWQ 6a. Wiil the project result in an impact within a protected ripari�n buffer that require� ��'es � Nc� buffer mitigafiion? 6b. If yes, then identify �he square feet of impact to each zone of the r�pari�n bufFer that requires mitigatiar�o �alcul�t� th� amount of rnitigatit�n required. 6c. 6d. 6e. �Qn� Reason for impact Total impact IVlultiplier Reguired r�itig�tian {square feet) (squ�re feet) Zone 1 3(2 far Catawb�) Zc�ne 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mi�igation required: 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment fio priv�te rnitigafii+�n b�nk, permittee responsible riparian buffer r�storation, payment intc� an approved in-lieu fee fund). 6h. Comments: Page 7 af 10 P�N Fc�rm -- V�rsion 1.3 De�ember 1�, �0�� i�ersic�r� E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by C�WQ� 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does the praject inciude or is it adjacent ta pratected riparian buff�rs identified �,��� ��� within ane of the I�C Riparian Buffer ProtectiQn Rules? 1 b. Ifi yes, t�en is a diffuse flow plan included'? If no, expiair� why. ❑ Yes ❑ ca Comments: 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this praject? °lo 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ Yes � o 2c. If this praject DOES N(JT require a Stormwater iVianagement Plan, expiain why. Disturbing fess th�n 1 acr� 2d. I�F this project DQES require a Stormwater Man�gement Plan, ther� provide a brief, narrati�e description of the pl�n. � Certi�ied Loca! Goverr�mer�t 2e. Who will be responsible for the review af the Stormwater Man�gement Plan? [� DWQ �fiormwater Prograrr� ❑ DWQ ��1 Ur�i� 3. Certified �ocal Government Stormwater� Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is this pro}ect? [.� �'ha�� II 3b. Which of the fallowin locall -im lemented stormwater mana ement ro ram� ���� 9 Y p � p � � ��M�, apply (check all that apply�: 0 Water Supply V\latersh�d ❑ i��her: 3c. Has the appraved �tormwater Management Plan with proof of appraval been [� Yes �(�� attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Review ❑ �c�astal co�nties C] HQ1JV 4a. Which ofi the following state-implemented stormwater manag�ment programs apply ��R� (check ali that apply}: [� �es�ior� Law 2���-246 C] Other: 4b. Has the approved Starmwater Management Plan with proof of approval been attached? ❑ Yes �] iVc� 5. DWQ 401 Unit Starmwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the apprapriat� requirements? ���� ���, 5b. Flave all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ��e� � p Page 8 �f 14 P�N Form -- Version 1.3 L7ecember 1�, 2Q�� ifersion F. Supplementary lnformation 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1a. C�oes the project invoive an expenditure of public (federal/stateflocal) funds or �he ���� ��� use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the praject require prep�ration of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the I��tic�nal ar �State [� Yes ��a (Norkh Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA}'? 1 c. if you answered "yes" to the abave, has the document review been fin�lized by the �tate Cl�aring House? (If so, attach a copy of fihe NEP�. or �EPA �n�i approvai Ietter.} � Y�� � � Comments: 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .05U0), Isolated Wetlarrd Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1340), DWQ Surface Water �r W�tland Standards, ❑ Y�s ��a or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAG 2B .ozoo��? 2b. is this an after-fihe-fact permit application? [� Yes �� 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above q�estians, provide an explanation of the �iolation(s): 3. Cumulative impacts (DWQ Requirement� 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated fuiure impacts) result ir� ��,�� �� additianal development, which cauld impact nearby downstre�m rnrater quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitativ� cumulative impact analysis in accord�nce with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative descriptic�n. 4. Sewage Di�posal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the uftimate treatment methods and disposition �non-discharge or discharge) of wastew�ter gener�t�d frc�m the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. N/A Page � �f 1 C� P�N F�rm -- Versic�n 1.3 December 1�, 20Q8 �'ersi�r� 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critica# Habitat (Corps �.equirement� 5a. Wii! this project occur in or near an area with federally pratect�d species or ���� ��� habitat? 5b. Have ynu checked with the USFW� concerning Endangered �pecies Act ��.�� ��� impacts? � Raleigh 5c. If yes, ind icate the U�FWS Field Office yau have contacfied. � A,shevill� 5d. What data sc�urces did you use to determine whether your sit� would impact Endangered �pecies or ae�ign�ted Critic�l Habitat? GIS and visual observation. USFWS will be copied on this permit application. Requesting that th� Corps c�ordin�te with USFWS regarding the N�EB. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes ��io 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Esser�tial Fish Hab�tat? 1NRC will comment 7. Historic ar Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Carps Requir�ment� 7a. Will �his project occur in or near an area that the state, federal ar tribal governmenfis have designated as having historic or cultural preservation Yes f�c� status e. . Nationaf Histaric Trust desi nation or ro erties �i nificant in � � t �� 9 p p � North Carolina history and archaealogy)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site wc�uld impact historic c�r archeolc�gical �esources� Project was reviewed by the OHE. See attached farms. 8. Flaod Zor�e �esignation {Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 1 n0-year floodpl�in? ❑ Yes � hia 8b. If yes, explain how praject meets FEMA requirements: 8c. What source{s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? FRIS h lau hter _. 9l9/15 J. �-Ieat S ,�-� � � � Applicant/Agent's Printed Name P Applicant/Agent's �ignatu ��� (Agent's si ature �s valid onl� if an authorization er from the applicant is provided.) P�ge 1 U of 14 P�N Form -- Versior� 1.3 C�ecembe� �0, ZOQ8 �l�r�iar� I �. ' '�, � 'I .....�_i ��,_; ' I I I i ._�',_ I I I..I i_I . i I-''_I I \ �__ �l� _ . � _.___ __ _._._._� _..._i ........ ...... . ._�_ I� -_ I _'_._ .- ���� I�: I I I I --_ � �__ '° % I 'ZIbOH.05=„L 1i ��_'-� I�I�I. �i L_J-_II-.' 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C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HYDROLOGY__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stream Classification ($uch as Trout, High Quality Water, etc.) W?TER SUPPLY_ II, TROUT, HIGH_ QUALITY WATERS j; DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS (FISHER RIVER) �' HYDRAULICS UNIT USGS SIR 2009-5758 RURAL REGRESSION EQUATIONS Data on Exislin $iructure 1@17'-6"_ TIMBER_fLOOR_ ON _ 1-6EAMS, END_ BENTS_TIMBER_CAPS?IMBER POST & SILLS w - --- --- -------------------------------------- � 9 RALEIGH,N.C. - _ HYDROLOGIC REGION 2 BLUE RIDGE X__ "'' -------- - ----�---- ---�------------------------------------------------------- Debris Potential: Low__ Moderate-- H'gh---- LL; D.A.=1.47 SQ. MI. _ Data on Structures Up and Down $tream I.DS STR. #1: 0.1 MI. lYS jFISHER_RIVER_TRIBUTARY� AT_DRIVEWAY, O; I.D. No._ _ SF-850298 Project No. ______�ZB?�»_R�82_ _______ Proj. Station .____-L- STA. 13+26.00 - - --- - ----- - - -- -- ------ 0��9 NO STRUCTURE #, 1@22' TIMBER DECK F� Q = 110 (DA) = 140 cfs �, County _ _ _ _ _ SURRY _ _ _ Stream _ _ UNNAME_D _TRIBUTARY_TO_ FISHER.RNER � Stru. No. _ 29$ _ _ . � ------------------------------------------------------------- Q�S STR,#1:0.5.MI.pS_[FISHER RIVER)AT DRIVEWAY STR,#__850257,1@30'_TIMBER_FLOOR------------------ -- ' " ' " ' b.736 ' _ ' ON I-BEAMS, E.BTS: TIMBER CAPS?IMBER PILES oo� SR 1600 Q�o= 288 (DA) - 370 cfs NONE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ Period of Records WA N� On HighwaylLUMBER_PLANT ROADi Between . , _ . _ _NC-89_ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ NORTH _ WILSON . ROAD - -- ---- ------------ -- - -- - -- - -- - -- Gage Station No. -- ---- --- Yrs. o. OJ24 1(1, Q25= 398 (DA) = 500 cfs wp wq a0 Recommended Sfructure _____?��-���_ SPAN_ X 5'-3°_ RISE ALUMINUM BOX CULVERT WITH ALUMINUM_ _ _ --------- - --- - ----------------------------------------------- Max. Discharge -- - -------c.f.s Date --------------- Frequency ---wp------- �' LL' 0.113 �. N' - a,00 - - 575 (DA) = 750 cfs [V pr'�` ' - - HEADWALLS_ AND _ WINGWALLS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- - -------------------------------------------- Historical Flood Information: Period of °� Recommended Width of Roadway_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?9' E_P. TO _ E_P. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Skew _ _ _ _ _ 90_ DEGREES_ _ _ _ - ------------------ --- - - --- --- --- ----- -- ---- - - - GARY ROBBINS - - - Period of °D Date_ -� 2000 Elev.±_/-1492_ff.Est. Freq. -� / Yr Source CBRIDOGE MA NTKBURN jRESIDENT)_ Know�edg� _ 4_ _yrs. LL Recommended Location is {U� At, Bewn) Stream from Existing Crossing_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ------------------- -- - - Date - - �- - - - - Elev.±/_7491 _ff. Est. Fre 4- Y- ------ - -' Statewide Tier ❑ Regional Tier ❑ Sub-Regional Tier � - - - ----------------- -- -- -- - - --- -- --- - - ------- �q ,i Allowable HW Elev. - _9 _.9_' _ _ _ ING _ 100 YR. WSEL _ _ _ _ , _ $. Normal Water $urFace Elev. _ _ �/_-_1488.5_ fF. @ RS 761 (lLS 70E)) � Bench Mark is __BM#1;-L- STA. 12+84 42' RT_ _(N _1023995.48� E_1450926.23) RAILROAD SPIKE IN BASE OF --"------------------------------------""'"-------�-----------�----------- Manning'sn : LeftO.B. 0_06-0,10_ Channel_0.045_ Right0.8. 0.06-0J0 Obtained From_FIELD_OBS_ERVATIOW ----- -------- - ALUMINUM BOX CULVERT MODELING: neRin� inna,�eRV a�o.: _ . 18"_POPLAR TREE_SOUTHWEST OF BRIDGE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _ _ 1492 _85 _ {�, Datum: _ _ _ _ NAVD 88 - -- - ---- ---- ---- �, � � Flood Study /Status ._ NOT STUDIED y 2 WA _ ^, - ^, Plood Stud 700 r Dischar e__ WA c.f.s.; W$ Elev.: Ploodwa w? ooft � Floodwaed WA __{� m Temporary Crossing ._____ OFF-SITE_ DETOUR With Without d, -- _ - - -------- - - - - - - --------- - - - -- - - - NOTE: ALUMINUM BOX CULVERT MODELED AS BOX CULVERT IN HEC-RAS PER NCDOT GUIQANCE Y y• g y y_______. h, DONT CH SD UCTDU EP #55 OWITH _ SPAN- 20'-7'; RISE- 5'-3", BURIED 1_ FT..BELOW_ STREAM _ BED_ _______ DESIGN DATA @River Siation WA z I__ I - -- - ; f __ ACTUAL CUWERT_ AREA_ __ 89.2 _SF _(PRIOR TO SUBTRACTING_ AREA BLOCKED _ BY_SILLS)_ Hydrological Method _ USGS_ SIR 2009-5158 _RURAL REGRESSION_ _EQUATIONS_ ____ v a�� �ri�'� s s�}� , . , � � , ' ''... $ _'_ "' "_' .'_' ' ' ' : , o ,. � 7 ,y , �� '. � ' E Hydraulic Design Method _HEC-RAS VERS_ 4_1.0_ HEC-RAS PROJ. TITLE: SF-850298_UTToFisherRiver SR1600 ___ __ � . ,.; ' 4?�' ,; ------------- - - --- -- -- ------------------- --- - -- - ----- - . ,... ...,....�,.m..,.,..., ._._, . . _... _. _.,. _.., , __ m; -�, _ ..,_ Design Tailwater � q 1.6 3.1 - -3 _8 ft.;Q 4.8- - - °" � " .__ ft.t Q ft.; Q ft.; <v, � , -- BLOCKAGE_FOR_1 FLSILL= 20.58'_X 1'-__20,58 SF----------------------------------------------- z -- io zs --- ioo --- o, ._� _� TAKEN AT HEC-RAS RS 714 Q5 TOE SECTION �, -, BLOCKAGE FOR LOW FIOW _ CHANNEL SILLS: Inlet Control OuTlef Control LL `' '' "`"`. -°° � ` --------------- --- - - - - ----- -- - --'- - ,n �� ° ,r�+ R�,,� «a�«-.;,..« v �,, ,- ' „�.: � Size & Type (c.�f.s.) Ke HWiD H.W. dc dc+D h H �S H.W. Remarks : . ' �:^�y �. �'�F' Y.� ; CHANNEL BOTTOM WIDTH 9 FT. - - (fr.) 2 0 0 (ftd o �. ,.; r. � j -- ----- --------- - Z .. . . . _ . . i x� � . SILL HEIGHT 0.5 FT. W/7:1 SIDE SLOPES 0 � ^� tl - -------- ------ - - - - - - - -, b , . �� � ,. SILL AREA_ . 10.58' x 0.5' + 2 x VL 0.5'x0.5' 5.54 SF �~� � : , _-�------- J-----1-� » =- --- - - - - ---- ----- SEE HE S �' ' �::" ��.t,„� ---- _ �., ; _ _ . AVG._DEPTH_ BLOCKED _ __ _ SILL AREA /SPAN _ __ _ 5,54 SF_/20.58' _ _ 0.27 _FT._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � ���� � ' N " ' _'____" ..• O • . fp iJ�l .. � . TOTAL DEPTH BLOCKED = 1.27 FT. � r ��°.;�``�s,�' ' - - --- --- ---- ---- -- -- - - � ) ... «� - ., .,. if - BLOCKED AREA_ = 1.27' X 20.58' __ 26.14_ SF� SAY_ 26 1_SF ____ � - ----- - ---- ----- -------- u b� ;. a �,'�`i t ". �, . Is a Floodway Revision Required? -�`�!f± - - - - - - - - - - - t I �;y,R �.��•'�, `a 4'' �. �* ! _ _ EFFECTIVE_ OPEN _AREA_ _ _ ACTUAL _C_UWERT_AREA_- BLOCKAGE= _ 89,2 _SF -_ 26_1_ SF ___ _63.1 _SF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N (NOTE: EXISTING BRIDGE OPEN AREA 55.0 SF) Outlet Veloci g 5 w; .� ADJUSTED _SPAN =_ _ 63_1 / 5 25'-1.27' tY ��o) - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 8.6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f.p.s. Natural Channel Velocily (V�a) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _f.ps. >; t�-li t!y ( )- 75.85 FT � ���t �A}y���� - ------- -- -- ------------------------------ Required Outlet Protection _ COIR FIBER MATfING�LASS II RI_P_ R.4P_BANK_ STABILIZATION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w; ,�����"��� 4,-•� 7p r�! - - - �.• .,5�'-�! � ------------------------------ --------- 2, Designed by: DAVID_ B.PETTY,_PE_(TGS_ENGINEERS)_.___ ,� O.• 4' 'C` i;, THEREFORE, MODEI.ED AS CORRUGATED METAL BOX CUWERT WITH SPAN=75.85 Ff., RISE= 5.25 FT., INFORMATION TO BE SHOWN ON PLANS °-'' ` Z.�� `,�.�� �; Y� BURIED_ 1_FT. BELpW_ STREAM _BED,_DEPTH. BLOCKED = 1.27_ FT. LL� Date __¢(14/�014_ .. _. � � _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WS EL. Taken @ River Station 761 lLS TOE) ' Assisted by: KATHLEEN P. GRAY,_PE Desi n: Dischar e _ _ _ _500 _ _ _ c.fs. Fre uenc (25_ _ _ _ _ _ _ r Elev. 7493.9_ �� '- ; 03i?5 � -' 9 9 ---- 9 Y -------- Y• - - - - - ft• �� _ �; Project Engineer : LEONARD G. FLETCHER, PE, PLS l�'•,`^�' ��q• �y'` ; - - -- ----------- �,,�� ---- � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Base Flood: Discharge . - - - 750- - - - c.f.s. Frequency - - - - - 100 Yr. Elev. - -1494.87- - - - - - ft• E c�_" �° � �'�/Q� . � ia l M�;.�,�^4 \�� , � Reviewed by: ��_' _ _ �_ =,�r��-..,�� �� '. �l��'lfJ N. pti O�v� , ---------- ----------------------------- Overtopping: Discharge----550---- c.f.s. Frequency ----- 2_5_±----yr. Elev. -------7494.20_ in ��,3c��1� d�` �\ ,• __.ft. �' �rrni�, * OVERTOPPING ELEVATION REPRESENTS ELEVATION @ SAG (-L- STA. 12+89.15 10.0' LT) �- � STREAM IMPACTS Length Type Description Permanent 36 ft Culvert in Stream Proposed Aluminum Box Culvert Stream Bank A line of Class II Rip Rap at Streamface Permanent 29 ft Stabilization of Floodplain Benches and lining Streambank at downstream left. Temporary 67 ft Temporary Impervious Dikes and a Pump-Around Dewatering // � � � i / � � � /� � � / / S / '/ / 000 /� i � o i /i , � � / / EXISTING BRIDGE DIMENSIONS - 17.5'X20' (SINGLE-SPAN), 100 DEG. SKEW PROPOSED CULVERT DIMENSIONS - 20'-7" SPAN X 5'-3" RISE ALUMINUM BOX CULVERT, 90 DEG. SKEW TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH - 280' FLOOD PLAIN BENCH AND SIDESLOPES LINED WITH COIR FIBER MATTING WITH A LINE OF CLASS II RIP RAP AT STREAMFACE (TYP.) SPECIAL LATERAL V-DITCH g�OCK `NALL E E E C � —_ � _ _ _ __ _i _— -- � E --�� ` /� // � �MP -L- - WOOD WALL G // ///���F------- -----F— __--� ,,� ,; � ,; � PROPOSED TOP OF BANK (TYP.) � � BEGIN PROJECT 17BP.11.R.82 -L- STA. 11 + 70.00 TEMPORARY IMPERVIOUS DIKE NOTES: 1. UNNAMED TRIBUTARY TO FISHER RIVER IS IN THE YADKIN-PEE DEE RIVER BASIN. 2. CLEARING SHALL BE PERFORMED PER NCDOT METHOD II PLUS 5' BEYOND TOE OF FILL SLOPES. GRAPHIC SCALE 15 7i5 0 ll5 �0 ������ — 17BP.17 B.A2 Hvd PermitDrawine psh.d�;n 12/8/2014 2:06:16 PM TGS % �i �" �, ;' �� /� / %� / �' / �� :�,' � � I � , � �o � J I E WALL / /�� , / / TEMPORARY IMPERVIOUS DIKE PERMIT DRAWING FOR BRIDGE #850298 SURRY COUNTY STREAM IMPACTS � 25 FT TROUT BUFFER (TYP.) �O --� , I CuFTON E. BLACKBURN isFRO I I 1 PROIECT REFERENCE NO. 178P.1/.R.82 �SF-850298J 1 (T� TGS ENG/NEERS -- eNeave=RS 706 H2LSBOROUGH ST �rSU/TE 200 RALE/GH, NC 27603 PH (9/9) 773-8887 SPECIAL LATERAL V-DITCH \ I 1 z �a��, � � \� � �( � �\ � M \ I ( � M � ti, o �, E WELL \ esj� � i � �n . ' � _ ---- E � � < — �� - - -- --- ------ �� ---_ Fi 5" — \ 1 � — — RE �MP _ _ \ — - — � Mp�E \ - - -\ I \ F. -- --_____ �_ , �� � � �� SR \ \ �_- 15�� RCP \ � � �60o LU/�.1BER PLq,yT qo. _ ��_ /� � � / � 6Si--- -- - --= --- -� ---- � - �� ' i'tr,I�Ii ___----- F -----------_ i' i :FS �— — — - —�---- --- -- --- - — -- �ua, � x �, _ �u� �� � ��F �' � �:'� ��y� � QO� � a � %� � �� II � /� � � / �� J //~ / / `� � �� �� �J J� ��O / CLASS II RIP RAP O Y JUN�OR BLEDSOE AND HIS �yIFE CAROLE BLAIR BLEDSOE h � 0 \- 0 Z � � �__, \ `\ ,� � � � � � ��� �\ ��.� � �� A �� � z � �� � ' � � ��� '�' ��� � � V �� � � � END PROJECT \ %� � �� 17BP.11.R.82 � � ° � -L- STA. 14 + 50.00 . 50 � � \ �� \ ' `� V ��� �o � \ `z( ; �—� '\ �\ \ � STREAM IMPACTS Length Type Description Permanent 36 ft Culvert in Stream Proposed Aluminum Box Culvert Stream Bank A line of Class II Rip Rap at Streamface Permanent 29 ft Stabilization of Floodplain Benches and lining Streambank at downstream left. Temporary 67 ft Temporary Impervious Dikes and a Pump-Around Dewatering PROIECT REFERENCE NO. EXISTWG BRIDGE DIMENSIONS - 17.5'X20' (SINGLE-SPAN), 100 DEG. SKEW PERMIT DRAWING 1(T���BP.Il.R.82 �SF-850298J_ PROPOSED CULVERT DIMENSIONS - 20'-7" SPAN X 5'-3" RISE ALUMINUM r�s ENCiNEERS -- eNe've-RS 706 H2LSBOROUGH ST BOX CULVERT, 90 DEG. SKEW � SU/TE 200 TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH - 280- FOR BRIDGE #850298 rr RALE/GH,NC 27603 PH (9/9) 773-8887 SURRY COUNTY � �� ------- � � � � , ���� . u'� � �° STREAM IM,PACTS % \ ��������� � , �' \�� � � � �� � � �� __-------- -� � : I �- m � � %� � �' �� � s > � 25 FT TROUT BUFFER (TYP.) I I , �s � � � , ',� I� � � 'S,A- _ - ----- -�__ _ _ _ ��,/; � � /_- � - - - - � � ; / � � ��! � � ' � �" A LINE OF CLASS II RIP RAP AT /� � � CuF7oN E. B�ACKBURN ' isFRO �� ��� I V� I � � ; � �' STREAMFACE (TYP.) �� � �° -� , � I___ -/! SPECIAL LATERAL V-DITCI-i � j SPECIAL LATERAL V-�ITCH � � f / I Ga��, � , I� � , . � I ��, ! � i� � � � � �� � �� � � � � � �� � � � � � �� �p��,�� � pE �> �7 � �, �n ✓� � � E E � a � �� � � o ' � � m � �� (� �� I I . � i WELL p � _ � � . � �— - � . ' . � T � � C -----�---- C rS \ s � ---- — - _ — _ ��-- —� �—< --- E� � \ 5° -- - _ . \ � , _ `1_ I �r�� � � — / ` ' C�� i E _ . — . ` _ _ F' s __ — ----- I _ ' � � ' Q � � " , � e � ' � RE CMP � � � � ,-��� � � � '1� � Vf � � �' ' _ � I � �, i� - ;-�- � �� � � s � � �� gs � � � ���� � �, — --- — -- / e — — _ — -- — --- �� _ �_ s , � , a —_ � ,' � � ' % ;� �' ``' � � �� -�- �' � — __� = �� -- �� -- � � � � a - � � � � _.... ��� � j � .,- '� � SR i600 �U .. � -15 RCP \ ���� �S � MBER � � � � , �� i � 96 b,Y � � � _ -t � —" � P�an�r � - _ � ' s ' F\ ' / ' -- --- -- ao. � � � , � - -- --- � � � ����� ' �' / ,� _-- �—��--- esr `-- ' / � � � , _ _ ' � , /�/� p� �� WOOD WALL � i' OOD WALL — � � � � � _— � � � '� � — — — — — — � � � � ��f --------°------ �-��� ------ F ------ _ ✓S `1 rf^ ___ �� � � ii� 8 �—/ �� F �� r� t��V �_-- � � � e � ` �� � '.- __ ---- -- - — -- � � � � � — --- — — � _, i�i� � ��, � � �L�i � 1 � �� �"" i ii � " 15 g�OCK �N � / / � . — —F � � �� ' � � � �y��� � � _ � � � — _ _ � — ` c5 �__ ---- i l F�� , ��_� � � / � /� / ,,; / �,��' .QD`` � � ' � � , � ! \� , � , , , , , , i � � � ' �" �� � � i� � � � C! � , � �� l � �� � /� / � �m � \ � ��� / �� � PROPOS_F� TOr �F BANK (TYP.) � �� I, „* ��` '��'-�"�-,r� � � \ �� � � ', �� � � � � � �� �� � �- CLASS II RIP RAP � rn / j �'�-' � � "� , �w / / ? �G � � 1 � ; ,� � � �'� � � , r'' � �' � �-,' ;�� �� � � � � � / � � TEnnPO�aRY � ,�'� �� �3 ' END PROJECT �'�' ' `� s000 /�� i � innPERVious �iKE � � 17BP.11.R.82 ,5�°° � \ � °� BEGIN PRrJJECT � I � 1 � � � � �4�5 �� �'', � ���� � �q5 / �� , / � , —L— STA. 14 + 50.00 ��, � ,, � i 17BP.11.R.82 � � �� �� i , � � �� �, � ��� , � �' � —L— ST�►. 11 + 70.00 � � � / ��� � �� ��� � � � �9 '�� �� �; � � � � \ �r : ; � ��a� � �� O � ��, � � % �� ��. e� !,�/ j BILLY JUN�OR BLEDSOE AND HIS �jIFE J � z�,, NOTES: / CAROLE BLAIR BLEDSOE / j / � S� �� � rn ,- 1. UNNAMED TRIBUTARY TO FISHER RIVER IS IN THE YADKIN-PEE DEE RIVER BASIN. a `N�'� / / / � \ �� � 2. CLEARING SHALL BE PERFORMED PER � � �� � NCDOT METHOD II PLUS 5' BEYOND J� � � � / �� I I ` � �� �� �� _ �� � ��, �, i �, � �_ . -- TOE OF FILL SLOPES. r� ' � � �Ig9 � �� �� � S , , J— � � / % �� � � ��� �; , ; _ , i , i ��, �, � � c�� �� j' � I - _ - � `� �k� /, - �, , /- ' � - � � i � , j i j J� '� � I GRAPHIC SCALE �:;:% �p \ � '� �', . � � `� � ,_ , , _ �, , 15 7i 5 0 15 �0 /� � '� � � � I _ / 9 __ - - - \ � � � � � � � �5 32 Hvd PermitDrawine psh.d�;n 12/8/2014 2:05:16 PM TGS 1,504 1,498 1,492 1,486 1,480 ---------------------� —L— Jl H.lIT/U.VV ELEV. _ 1,495.94' � �- 857% f-�2.8. Pl = 13f08.00 EL = 1,492.46' VC = l80' K=25 DS = 20 MPH 100 YR. W.S. ELEV. = 1494.87' 25 YR. W.S. ELEV. = 1493.9' o Pir -L- ST .12+89.15 ELEV. _ 1494.00' ,I` = 11 + 00 12 + 00 ST RUCT URE HYDRAUUC DAT A DESIGN DISCHARGE = 500 CFS DESIGN FREQUENCY = 25 YRS DESIGN HVy ELEV AT lON = 1,49309 FT BASE DISCHARGE = 7�Q_____ CFS BASE FREQUENCY = lOQ YRS BASE HVy ELEV AT lON = 1,494e87 FT OVERTOPPING DISCHARGE = 550_____ CFS OV ERTOPPING FREQUENCY = �� ± YRS OVERTOPPING ELEVATION = 14494_20�� FT �* OV ERTOPPING ELEV AT lON REPRESENT S ELEV AT lON AT SAG l—L — ST Ao l2 +890/5, lOaO' LT ) 17BP.17 B.A2 Hvd PermitDrawine ptl.d2n 12/8/2014 2:16:35 PM TGS E �F 188.� GL -L- STA. 13 + 2 6.00 PROP. 1@ 20'-7" SPAN x 5'-3" RISE ALUMINUM BOX CULVERT PROP. GRADE =1494.27' SKEW = 90 DEG. PROP. GRADE EXISTING BRIDGE T/'1 DC OCAA/1\/CI'1 - J/ EV. _ +50.00 � EXISTING GRADE II II I '8.26' � -�' _ 13+00 LV PROFI LE ALONG 14+00 ROADWAY PERMIT DRAWING FOR BRIDGE #850298 SURRY COUNTY 15+00 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 3 OF 4 1,504 1,498 1,492 1,486 1,480 2 00' 17BP.17 B.A2 Hvd PermitDrawine ptl.d2n 12/8/2014 2:15:57 PM TGS ALUMINUM HEADWALL (TYP.) GL -L- STA. 13 + 2 6.00 PROP. 1@ 20'-7" SPAN x 5'-3" RISE ALUMINUM BOX CULVERT PROP. GRADE =1494.27' SKEW = 90 DEG. � � � ' 100 YR. W.S. ELEV. = 1494.87' ! I i PROPOSED --- 25 YR. W.S. ELEV. = 1493.9' I ! _ -_____ , - - � . _ _ --____ � � ,\ � ��-., � i � �� \ ---_ � � -- - --___ � - � � - � _____ � -��`\ `\ -'----------_ 150' 100' BURY INVERT 1' (TYP.) APPROX. WATER SURFACE ELEVATION ON DATE OF SURVEY (JULY 2013) =1488.5' 50' GRADE EXISTING BRIDGE TO BE REMOVED i / � '----i---` I EXISTING LEFT TOP OF BANK n '� I �f' __ _J . . . . �.`i� EXISTING RIGHT TOP OF BANK i.� � � � �` EXISTING STREAM � - __\ i ��� \�� -- ------ ----- � ��\ �� ,, -______ . '�, ---- - - _--_ �� ___- - - - - _ _ _ . - � ���----- -� ♦\`'/�� �\ � � . PROFI LE ALONG C�L CULVERT SLOPE = 0.041 FTiFT �-- GL INVERT = 1486.7' -' 50' STREAM 100' PERMIT DRAWING FOR BRIDGE #850298 SURRY COUNTY BED PROFILE 150' r�� PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 4 OF 4 , , r� \,_�f;'l� l �.i i oa� � � i �� � � a �: , �� , r� ��'� � 1 � � ,, � � ,r ��� � r, � i �, \ �� ,"�� �.��� � . �� 1 \•� ��l e '�;�� � � . � ti:� �� ' . � < r ,s95 :: ���'��, . _cr<�� : _ �\ — ;`����.` � `; l L `� � N � � � i � J\� � \, �• � � . ■ �" �, ; 0 � v � � �• �chF' � / �� , ,,, s � f � � � � g_ ^ir u i �; _� -��, �—� --�,_ � —_ . I � � C ,% � 0 �. � � \ 7 � �� , i