HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231409 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20231211 (6)Baker, Caroline D From: Walter Cole <WCole@smeinc.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 2:28 PM To: Thomas, Zachary T; Hopper, Christopher D CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Cc: Martin, Matthew K CIV (USA); Myers, Joseph M Subject: RE: [External] RE: SAW-2023-01042 / Old Fairground Road Subdivision / Angier / Johnston County, NC - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. ThanksZach! Walter Cole, LSS, REHS Senior Project Manager S&ME � 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 map M: 919.801.3798 // 0: 919.872.2660 www.smeinc.com Linkedln // Twitter // Facebook This electronic message is subject to the terms of use set forth at www.smeinc.com/email. If you received this message in error, please advise the sender by reply and delete this electronic message and any attachments. Please consider the environment before printing this email. From: Thomas, Zachary T <zachary.thomas@deq.nc.gov> Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 2:27 PM To: Walter Cole <WCole@smeinc.com>; Hopper, Christopher D CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Christopher.D.Hopper@usace.army.mil> Cc: Martin, Matthew K CIV (USA) <Matthew.K.Marti n@usace.army.mil>; Myers, Joseph M <joseph.myers@deq.nc.gov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: SAW-2023-01042 / Old Fairground Road Subdivision / Angier / Johnston County, NC - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Hi Folks, This application has just been assigned to Joe Myers for review. I have cc'd him here and will forward the previous emails to him so that he is looped in. (DWR# 20231409) Thank you, Zach Thomas Environmental Program Consultant, Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (919) 791-4255 zachary.thomas@deg.nc.gov Raleigh Regional Office 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 EQSs Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Walter Cole <WCole@smeinc.com> Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 2:26 PM To: Hopper, Christopher D CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Christopher.D.Hopper@usace.army.mil>; Thomas, Zachary T <zachary.thomas@deg.nc.gov> Cc: Martin, Matthew K CIV (USA) <Matthew.K.Martin@usace.army.mil> Subject: [External] RE: SAW-2023-01042 / Old Fairground Road Subdivision / Angier / Johnston County, NC - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Chris, Please see our responses below in Red and the referenced attached information. 1. The applicant for a permit verification would become the permittee, and be responsible for compliance with all regional, general, and special conditions throughout construction. Consultants are rarely, if ever, the applicant. Please confirm. B. Applicant Information • 1 a. Who is the Primary Contact? Greg Davidson; Director of Land • 1 b. Primary Contact Email: gdavidson(aD_eastwoodhomes.com • 1 c. Primary Contact Phone: (919)630-3312 • 1 d. Who is applying for the permit? Applicant 2. Road slopes appear to be close to 1: 1, and permanent wetland impacts requested are one -thousandth of an acre from mitigation thresholds. Were steeper fill slopes, retaining walls, or other measures to minimize the unavoidable loss considered? Please provide additional justification for the area of loss required. Note that as -built surveys may be required to document less than 0.01 acre of wetland was lost. The applicant has added retaining walls on the upstream and downstream approach to reduce the stream, wetland, and buffer temporary and permanent impacts as shown on the attached Impact Map 1 and Impact Summary Table below. The permanent wetland impacts have been reduced from 0.099-acres to 0.089-acres, and the permanent stream impacts have been reduced from 294 SF to 242 SF. IMFACTSUMMARY IMPACT AREA LENGTH WIDTH STREAM TEMPORARY 152 SF 0.1103 AG 4D LF 4 LF PERMANENT 242 SF 0.1105 AG 75 LF 4 LF PEF44 4MENT- dO PERM LOSS 198 SF 0.1104 AC 58 LF 4 LF ZONE 1 NEUSE BUFFER TEMPORARY 737 SF 01117 AC PERMANENT 5,675 SF 0.131)AC RJF42AP FILL 655 SF O115 AC CULVERT FILL 5,0205F 0.115 AC ZONE 214EUSE BUFFER TEMPORARY 1,0K SF 0123 AC PERMANENT 2,3U05F O153 AC WETLANDS TEMPORARY 889 SF 01121) AC PERMANENT 3,8825F 0_U89 AC 3. The PCN states that county water would be provided to each of the proposed lots, but no water lines are shown on the attached plans. Please provide the proposed alignments for water infrastructure. See attached SCM and Waterline Exhibit as well as Storm Drainage Plans. The waterline will be constructed within the road shoulder that is part of the road crossing impact already accounted for. There will be no additional impacts attributed to the water line. 4. The PCN states that individual sewer systems would be utilized to serve each residence. Would any septic or repair area access across wetlands be required? No layouts for septic and service lines were provided. There will be no impacts to jurisdictional features from the proposed septic system areas. See attached Soil Report and in particular Figure 4A which shows the original proposed subdivision layout with more impacts, and Figure 4 B which shows the suggested redesign to avoid impacts, and finally the Storm Drainage Plans which shows the redesigned subdivision layout that with proposed house locations and septic system locations that avoid impacts. 5. The PCN states that two Stormwater BMPs would be constructed to treat stormwater resulting from the project, but none are shown on the attached plans. Please provide the location of each, as well as their proposed discharge points. There is one dry detention type SCM that will be used to treat stormwater run-off as shown on the attached SCM and Waterline Exhibit including the SCM outlet discharge point. 6. Please include a project layout that includes building and septic layouts. A Licensed Soil Surveyor report, if available, would be helpful in our review of potential future sewer related impacts. Note — this doesn't need to be construction level design, but rather to illustrate buildout is possible without additional impact. It is much simpler to cover these impacts now that to wait for individual landowners to request permit modifications. There will be no impacts to jurisdictional features from the proposed septic system areas. See attached Soil Report and Storm Drainage Plans. Septic system layouts will be performed either by Johnston County Environmental Health during the improvement permit process or by a licensed soil scientist during the AOWE permitting process. Septic system layouts are not required at this time. 7. The stream impact profile view appears to show a steep head cut about 20-feet upstream of the proposed culvert. Please provide additional detail about this feature, its likelihood of accelerated erosion once the new culvert is installed, and weather abatement measures are warranted. The original stream impact profile incorrectly delineated the channel bottom. The revised stream impact profile shows a more gradual channel bottom elevation approaching the proposed culvert crossing. 8. The stream channel below the proposed crossing appears to include significant meanders. What considerations for protecting these reaches of stream were made? Would shifting the road crossing either up- or down -stream reduce impacts while still enabling reasonable use of the land? A portion of the stormwater runoff that would have been directed to this section of the stream channel will be routed through the proposed Dry Detention Pond. The detention pond discharge point is downstream from the proposed meandering section of the stream, therefore we expect less runoff volume through this section in the post -development scenario. 9. The PCN states that the entire tract was logged in 2021. We are unable to locate aerial photographs to document this for our USFWS consultation. Please provide photographs of the site's current condition to facilitate their review. See attached Goggle Earth Exhibits, the first from April 2020 which shows the site as wooded, and the second from March 2022 which shows the site as timbered. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information and as always thank -you for your assistance! Walter Cole, LSS, REHS Senior Project Manager (919) 801-3798 From: Hopper, Christopher D CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Christopher.D.Hopper@usace.army.mil> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 8:24 AM To: Walter Cole <WCole@smeinc.com>; Thomas, Zachary T <zachary.thomas@deg.nc.gov> Cc: Martin, Matthew K CIV (USA) <Matthew.K.Martin@usace.army.mil> Subject: SAW-2023-01042 / Old Fairground Road Subdivision / Angier / Johnston County, NC -REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Good morning, Mr. Cole: This email is in reference to the Pre -construction notification (PCN) for the proposed Old Fairground Road Subdivision Project (SAW-2023-01042), received on October 13, 2023. The following information is required to complete our evaluation, confirm compliance with one or more General or Regional Conditions, and/or complete consultation with another federal/state agency to verify the use of the Nationwide Permit (NWP): 1. The applicant for a permit verification would become the permittee, and be responsible for compliance with all regional, general, and special conditions throughout construction. Consultants are rarely, if ever, the applicant. Please confirm. 2. Road slopes appear to be close to 1:1, and permanent wetland impacts requested are one -thousandth of an acre from mitigation thresholds. Were steeper fill slopes, retaining walls, or other measures to minimize the unavoidable loss considered? Please provide additional justification for the area of loss required. Note that as -built surveys may be required to document less than 0.01 acre of wetland was lost. 3. The PCN states that county water would be provided to each of the proposed lots, but no water lines are shown on the attached plans. Please provide the proposed alignments for water infrastructure. 4. The PCN states that individual sewer systems would be utilized to serve each residence. Would any septic or repair area access across wetlands be required? No layouts for septic and service lines were provided. 5. The PCN states that two Stormwater BMPs would be constructed to treat stormwater resulting from the project, but none are shown on the attached plans. Please provide the location of each, as well as their proposed discharge points. 6. Please include a project layout that includes building and septic layouts. A Licensed Soil Surveyor report, if available, would be helpful in our review of potential future sewer related impacts. Note — this doesn't need to be construction level design, but rather to illustrate buildout is possible without additional impact. It is much simpler to cover these impacts now that to wait for individual landowners to request permit modifications. 7. The stream impact profile view appears to show a steep head cut about 20-feet upstream of the proposed culvert. Please provide additional detail about this feature, its likelihood of accelerated erosion once the new culvert is installed, and weather abatement measures are warranted. The stream channel below the proposed crossing appears to include significant meanders. What considerations for protecting these reaches of stream were made? Would shifting the road crossing either up- or down -stream reduce impacts while still enabling reasonable use of the land? 9. The PCN states that the entire tract was logged in 2021. We are unable to locate aerial photographs to document this for our USFWS consultation. Please provide photographs of the site's current condition to facilitate their review. Please provide the requested information within 30 days, or your application will be administratively withdrawn. To clarify, if the requested information is submitted after the 30-day timeframe, you will not be required to re -submit an entirely new PCN (unless otherwise specified). We will continue to review and/or process your permit application upon receipt of the requested information. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Best Regards, Christopher. D. Hopper TREC Team Lead / Wilmington District Liaison US Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 (919) 588-9153 We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey can be accessed by copying and pasting the following link into your web browser: https://re_ uq latory.ops.usace.army.mil/customer-service-survey[. Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official.