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NCC233646_Site Plan or Location Map_20231208
SHEET INDEX ,P SITE EROSION CONTROL NOTES C-1 0 1 SITE GRADING & EROSION CONTROL a.L yT 1. All "Std." numbers refer to the Mecklenburg County C-102 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS °y Land Development Standards Manual (MCLDS) and/or 44 Town of Huntersville's Engineering Standards and C-103 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS °� W o,A . Procedures Manual (ESAPM) and/or Pineville Land . IUc.5 Ni, 6 Development Standards Manual (PLDSM). 0 0 T uo ° EPM REFERENCE #453780 �� A �f" Date: 09-12-2023 2. On-site burial pits require an on-site demolition d� 0 s °R z Project: 9123 ARLINGTON landfillpermit from the ZoningAdministrator. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE PHASE 1 a> ca8ad DRAINAGE SWALE 1 m 'a'Viz . Obtain Gradin lan a ° Open Channel Flow - Trapezoidal Cross Section ** 1g/Erosion Control ppproval from the m ' Q25 RATIONAL METHOD 3. Any grading beyond the denuded limits shown on the .a .a o RD Side slope (H/1V)= 4 plan is a violation of the County Erosion Control Mecklenburg County LUESA. Obtain NCDOT Driveway w 3z v® eP,EF Ordinance and is subject to a fine. Permit Approval. Obtain Certification of Coverage (COC) $3 a .F ma�,1 From NCDWQ. LOT 31, ARLINGTON HILLS SUBDIVISION o Discharge Ave. Depth Area Top Froude Slope n Bottom �'m �,m F (cfs) Vel. (ft) (sq ft) Width No. (ft/ Value Width 4. Grading more than one acre without an approved x o (ft/s) (ft) ft) (ft) Erosion Control Plan is a violation of the County Erosion 2. Set up an on-site pre-construction conference with CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER ,x13. ohm °F the followingdepartments: (The territoryfor inspectors da" En A� VICINITY MAP Control Ordinance and is subject to a fine. P P 9.00 3.06 0.44 2.94 8.48 0.92. 03600 .0450 5.00 are listed below): LUESA Erosion Control Inspector, Land ANDREY SHKINDER NTS 5. All perimeter areas and slopes greater than 3:1 shall Development Inspector and Zoning Inspector. Failure to 2102 CAPRICORN AVE be stabilized within 7 days. Ground stabilization on all schedule such conference 48 hours prior to any land CHARLOTTE, NC 28227 ,I DRAINAGE SWALE 1 other areas must be completed within 14 days. Refer to disturbing activity is subject to fine. SECTIONPROPERTY ADRESS Ozs 5• I_A\s`OPE Erosion Control Ordinance for additional requirements. 3. Install silt fence, silt fence outlet, tree protection, 9123 ARLINGTON MILLS DR. and gravel construction entrance and other measures as CHARLOTTE, NC 28227 \ DEPTH 0.44' B. 6. Additional measures to control erosion and sediment may be required by a representative of the County. shown on plans, clearing only as necessary to install PARCEL ID 13904234 ARMOUR WI NA GREEN P-300 these devices. TRACT AREA 1.999 AC P RMANENT 7. A grading plan must be submitted for any lot EROSION CONTROL grading exceeding one acre that was not previously 4. Call for on-site inspection by Inspector. When DEED BOOK 37664, PAGE 063 approved. approved, Inspector issues the Grading Permit and clearing and grubbing may begin. POST CONSTRUCTION DISTRICT- YADKIN ' 8. A NCDOT Temporary Driveway Permit for construction STREAM WATERSHED- CLEAR CREEK LEVEL SPREADER J entrances in NCDOT right of way must be presented at 5. The contractor shall diligently and continuously cry DETAIL SECTION i- preconstruction meeting. maintain all erosion control devices and structures. ZONING R (MINT HILL) do 0%+-SLOPE u "SEOP ne c3 ,n ca D' �Tr e TYP 9. All embankments must be constructed per Section 6. For phased erosion control plans, contractor shall BUILDING SETBCKS (PB 70, PG 838) EDE SLOPE 4.0.6 Embankment Requirements in the BMP Design meet with Erosion Control Inspectorprior to commencing CONDITIONS CERTIFICATION 6 GRADE SLOPE q 9 P FRONT YARD 60' TYP Manual. with each phase of erosion control measures. SIDE YARD 20' THE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON REAR 50' WAS DERIVED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS. ARMOUR WITH NA gradedector should be called tot i l land d Slopes 10. shall be no steeper than 2:1. Fill 7. Theeveo development GREEN P-300Pp p PERMANENT slopesgreater than 10 vertical feet require adequate conduct inspections on storm drainage, sidewalks, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY TOPOGRAPHICq q DENUDED AREA-34,190 SF/0.78 AC. CONDITIONS IN BUILT UPON AREA (DENUDED AREA) AND EROSION CONTROL terracing [MOLDS #30.161. Soils engineer to verify driveway on storm drainage, sidewalks, drive way PROVIDE THE INFORMATION TO THIS FIRM PRIOR TO stability of slopes greater than 2:1. improvements, and all aspects of road construction PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA 5,040 SF Z BEGINNING GRADING ACTIVITIES. <1 THE BOUNDARY SHOWN HEREON WAS FROM MAP BOOK 11. Soil compaction test are required on any berm >=5' 8. Stabilize site as areas are brought to finished grade. FLOOD INFORMATION 70, PAGE 838 AS RECORDED IN MECKLENBURG COUNTY in height from natural grade. Soil compaction must be The Property shown on this map does Py REGISTER OF DEEDS. at 95% proctor and certified by a licensed soil engineer 9. Coordinate with Erosion Control Inspector prior to not lie within a special Flood Hazard NO SURVEY WORK WAS PERFORMED BY THIS FIRM (Geotechnical Engineer) removal of erosion control measure. Area as shown hereon and as defined by the Federal Emergency Management o 10. All erosion control measures shall be constructed in Agency; Property THE TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE PE30 0 30 SO 120 12. All land disturbing activities, including those that g y; the Pro ert lies within Zone j J s disturb less than an acre, shall Adequateaccordance with the N. C. Erosion and Sediment Control 'X' of the Flood Insurance Rate MapI--1 CAN ONLY BE IN SUPPORT OF THE PE's PROJECT AND provide Erosion CANNOT BE ISSUED TO BE RELIED UPON BY OTTHERS. Control Measures or Devices in accordance with Planning and Design Manual, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, identified as Community Panel THE PE WILL BE TAKING RESPONSIBILTY FOR THE THE BAR GRAPH 1 inch=30 rt. Mecklenburg County Soil Erosion and Erosion Control Mecklenburg County Erosion Control Ordinance, and the No.3710551200K, bearing an effective �i Z TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AS IT IMPACTS THE PROJECT Manual. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Land Development Standards. date of 02/19/2014. r� UNDER THE PE LICENSE. 1�-I-I O d..J i NO CONCENTRATED FLOW THROUGH LOT 3o WITHOUT STORM \ LOT 30 DRAINAGE EASEMENT.RTAP REQUIRED IF FIELD INSPECTION SHOWS ....own of W 'Z \ Mint Hill �p.i PULL LEVEL SPREADER AND DRAINAGE DIRECTED THROUGH LOT o. f A��NGTON HILLS 3 T': C- O OSTAYING WITHIN LIMITS OF \ LOT 28 pp 1--1 STAYING WITHIN LIMITS OF SUBDIVISION Approved I DISTURBANC_1 \ ARLINGTON HILLS I V 0 I MOLD APPROVED AS NOTED. \ SUBDIVISION e�'ede,heap;''"age�ies'torthetypeo,,;viewu�aa,�� i �6 evwa�,emmed.Rere,�,naEPMFAaro,m°re,�,mall e I \ N/ OWNER AGREED TO NOTES �� / W INSTALL G°F°E ° o/ I I VIA EMAIL. _ _-- SPREADER TO DIFFUSECONCENTRATED FLOW h OF REAR YARD N 86°02'22' / I I / ARLINGTON 9H ILL-S / °""2/08/202Wa5 TM1 E °oEIAI`51wALEroEF z3z13SUBDIVISION / _ c°ned"e'I°e ° ea°a°n �.: �� • \ LOT 29 i 1w CONSTRUCTION 1 1 / \ - y minima ENTRANCE ��63 / '" ARLINGTONHILLS I SEE DTL SHT. 02 P5 - ° SUBDIVISION 20 BUILDING SETBACK / / 1 I'll \,,,,, � SILT FENCE w e�1 A ,,1Wu 1-1 + / ? h / i / 1 : %J. i t I y_. ___ _ -_2-A >- - �_ _� / / I �o I I �11 u n a I�j�L ......� °I L ,-/ �� �/ DANAGED As i 1 ::11O•DRIVEw �'; �, _7. Im / E1 aNkcg :•::.!..r ,��.�, m l ,II °SJ & . �� / 20'BUILDING SETBACK / ' - f •s, In- © • : +I nn nlnnll'lln_n lhllnnln lJ \ � NN • k••�o' ss /ss ss lI,,ill 111 7 r / / I REPAIR AREA FUTURE \\ / W - a25I o GARAGE SEPPC ��1.1i :$P / SEIWAIN Y-STEM DENUDED �\ 60 \ '' / / I--1 O • T�, , +IIIIIIIIIII IIII11111'ry/I1111111,i 1„ll ll,,,l / -A 1U FFE 653.9 TANKS /A J1 lls,,, llll, I �DPtAIN FIELD AREA \�"�4 1 ���� WELL 1� III '°gAlrva auaW5AL[i I 11,l1jSS llll,y,l '66�- \\`� / 'd / / 1--I `J ll ® NWITH NA CONTP-300 I I / llll lllllll ) l I„llss lllll 111 63 iA� ' \ ° / �� I ll ,l\ s I llll ll -- ----� i t111�111 NnI�n�u�Iln 1��1n \ \ ' ., / N I� I �z • / II --PR POSED PAno :! / ° 7C- / ss llllll/I/ill 670 `\\\ To LOT 30 W Z HOUSEFFE y d/�\ RRAS/ 5102 ( I ,ll \SS lllllll / \\` /-- CE\Bp /:; / mRLNG TON HILLS xi I� I I 65.8 SIDE A K�IIII� FFE 656.3 E56.2 CO./STRUC I�N I OT 31 �llll ll j/ll//ll/I\l�llll�9 l //lllllll }\\`` / OUTLET ETLT NSEE \\Z SUBDIVISION cii O / I ® I ,,,, Iw • N \ ARLIN�TON HILLS Z // „ LT FE cE INITIALDTL s� / Z 7-I C2 ,,,',,,, \ 10,°i s 654.5t ' L M TSI \ SUB CO's VISION // lllllllll U/p,llTl l,,'l/l pllllll / DTL.30.05 SEPTIC SYSTEM \� /``.��/ / O r, '•« u, „ _ DRAIN FIELD / E- �! 10/,l, rssa.5 A ; I \ r //„J' ss, „IIIJ .�`� '\ AA/,A'' " `-1• II \ 0 BUILDING SETBACK + ,-lly,�ll\ SS/-h�. flc T IIIIIIIIIII// �� V / .SS/p��,p� Z W y IIIs 'ZZ�111n 111IIn1 nII 911nn1111Illnnlll ,,,. '" 'I li -II \ I / y g>� 5 N I'� ' ,,/,_-_, / 'll„InlnnlnlnH-+HI nII1n11YiYIHIHII1n1nIHHIHIn 1n1111 H1'4 / SEAL a F L+•1 I / \ 69215 / - 5 89�77.40•'W 1 6fi' \ '7 \ \ } 139• - O /� / 24951 I 34D '' 3:T MAX � y / - \ F �LI SLOPE TYP ` 1 / I / ,9 '�C I N`<��"�i W Z cf) II \u STABILIZE PER li \�, 34,1 90 SF/ DTL 35.20 / ` I \ / / 0.78 AC. \ II \ �� �j��/ _ DENUDED 2 \ I \ / \ I ( / \ 44.1-e-X -3 0 c I 11 `� II i� AREA �/ �/ V��� 09-10-2!3 li i\ \ I I /) /I \ ARLINGLTON 34ILLS I / \ 11-02-2/3 x i I ARLINGTONLOT 2HILLS I // SUBDIVISIQN / ��' \� �� •i 1 1 :1 I \ CIIRnl\/IOIONI 9 I , I I . I I I SHEET C-101 Do a. m T, STEEL POST 6MAX.' - STEEL POST Ct - nLTRfx6 TEMPORARY SEEDING FOR WARM AND COOL SEASON o y� e woreTl RLTIX FABRC - �?O R A I� OPL EARLY SUMMER SEASON STEEP SLOPES .w« a•,m. � � Cmad n g kNn nn nn=NNBn�gnnr • oWeZ ILL SLOPE I 1 II 1=11 11 II 1 11 11 II II II II II II= II 11=1 2.LAIN * II II II II 11 11 I II ii=ii II 11 11=1 II 11=11 SEEDING N m rj a F m I II II 1=ii II II II=11 1 11 II=11 II II II 11= 11 11= 40 Ibs/acre of German millet 120 Ibs/acre Rye (grain) =11=.11=11=1 II=11=n11.1- TWIT If:=1 BACKER/ MIXTURE 80 Ibs/acre of tall fesue 80 Ibs/acre tall fesue rOCAVATE nap,. w a cN® 2 u COMPACTED BERM '�0 p H O w RET FENCE GENERAL NOTES: May 1 -August 15 October 25 - December 30 p 14 Z I p+ N1H GRAD (SEE NOTE 2) I FILTER FABRIC SHILL BE a 32' WIDTH AND SHILL HAVE A m m TIIRgL GROUND MINIMUM OF 6 FENCE WARES W.12 STAY SPACING. N m Lp mm.~ SEEDING Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Between December 30 - February 15, ,=Xi 4 'p w m a 2. WOVEN FILTERFABRIC BE USED WHERE SILT FENCE IS TO REMAIN FORA PERIOD OF add 50 Ibs/acre of annual Kobe lespedeza. d'a o-.a m MORE JD DAYS. 15411PNANCE NOTTC: DATES J. SIM POSTS SHALL BE 5•-D.IN HEIGHT AND BE of THE SELF-FASTENER ANGLE STEEL 1. FILTER BARRIERS SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY Apply 4000 Ibs/acre straw or equivalent Apply 4000 Ibs/acre straw or equivalent TYPE AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST ONLY DURING hydroseeding. hydroseeding. PROLONGED RAINFALL ANY REPAIRS NEEDED NSHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY.RIN TURN SILT FENCE UP SLOPE AT ENDS. ki)R/ A ] ICUSABLE COMPOSE THE BARRIER INEFFECTIVE PRIOR TOTHEEND - - wIOTH AND ��CROU 5. ORANGE SAFETY FENCE IS REAMED AT BACK OF SILT FENCE oRO GRADING Is FOF THE EXPECTED ABRIC SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTLY SEEDING Apply lime and fertilizer per soil tests, or 2000 Apply lime and fertilizer per soil tests, or 2000 DEPTH IN BE DESIGNED NO ADJACENT D 11E BUFFERS.GRANGE STRESS RESERVED FOR suM�TO SWIM BUFFER Ibs/acre limestone and 750 Ibs/acre 10-10-10 Ibs/acre limestone and 750 Ibs/acre 10-10-10 BY ENGINEER(16"MIN) GNDEUNEs).THE COLOR NMNEA. ESEmED FOR M IDwmuTwN of J SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHOULD BE REMO.WHEN DERDSITS REACH APPROX.HALF AMENDMENTS ENeROxuEMAIlr SENSITIVE AREAS. R THEE HEIGHT of THE BARRIER. MANY SEDIMEHALL NT I DRESSED REMAINING a roucEE fertilizer. fertilizer. i 6. DRAINAGE AREA CAN NOT BE GREATER THAN 1/4 ACRE PER tm FT DF FENCE ExSR T(EFSWDE ICE Im AND s®ED. T M NOTE: '. EROSION LENANDGTHS CANTR 000XCEED CRITERG SHHOWN IN TABLE 6.6 A NORTH CAROUNA D DESIGN MANUAL 1.DITCH SHOULD HAVE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF 1R. aROL PLANNING ROSSGSREAMS.OnCHES.WATERWAYS OR OTHER 2.SILT FENCE MAY BE REQUIRED BEHIND BERM INSTALLAREAS Of DEEIRATHO PLOW E APPROVED DATE: 02/2007 NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE -APPROVED DATE: 02/2007 NOT TO SCALE MECKLENBURG COUNTY MECKLENBURG COUNTY MECKLENBURG COUNTY q'''o SEEDING SCHEDULE LAND DEVELOPMENT p Mi ➢4 TEMPORARY SILT DITCH STD NO REV LAND DEVELOPMENT 1i M�.'Fi7 0 TEMPORARY SILT FENCE sm.no. REv. LAND DEVELOPMENT MF:d r STD.H0 RAG Mint Hill r t .; o STANDARDS NV F 30.05 STANDARDS 30.06A STANDARDS (SEASONAL) 30.17B _.. i " Plan Sheet Is Part Of The Overall - > Approval As Of The Following Date o u v, AS V HARDWARE CLOTH i P APPm"uvsln '. WHOOP I STONE 1Am)coy..ar STEELSTONE HARD WARE CLOTH GENTLE SLOPES STEEP SLOPES WfARR FILER Fcc $'- i00I�rs STONE ND 100 Ibs/acre tall fescue ', U) II II - �- SEEDING 30 Iba/acre Ser'cea lespedeza a I I g N =1 - I II IROW MIXTURE 80 lba/acre of tall fesue (unacor'fed oiler August 15) ry II II- II II II 11 =11 II II II II II II I II II II II 10 Ibs/acre Kobe lespedeza 1 1 w 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 IL1 f I II I -i .I -I I I -==-I-II -= I I =1 "Or7 ANCHOR SORT; 3 FALL:August 25October FALL: August 25-October 15 H =11=- TEMPORARY SILT DITCH EXCAVATE TF.CH .0 COMPACT SEE DETAIL STD.30.05 SEE NOTE 1 1 OR FLATTER 2 .- Lots winter:February 15-April 15 Late winter:February 15-April 15 ! aACKnl SEEDING To extend spring seeding into June,add To extend spring seeding into June,add 15 Ibs/acre hulled Bermudogrose 15 Ibe/acre hulled Bermudogress 1:--yy DATES Overseeding of Kobe lespedeza over foll-seeded Overseeding of Kobe lespedeza over foil-seeded tall fescue is very effective. tall fescue is very effective. Z 10'CONSTRUCTION ACCESS SEEDING Apply lime and fertilizer per soil tests,or 4000 Apply lime and fertilizer per soil tests,or 4000 0 GENERAL NOTES: 1110TENANCF NOTES: TEMPORARY __JII 1 OR FLATTER AMENDMENTS Ibe/acre limestone and 1000 Iba/acre 10-10-10 Ibe/acre limestone and 1000 Iba/acre 10-10-10 I-I 1 D HARDWARE CLOTH SHALL BE 16 INCHES HIGH BUT NO 1 OR SILT FENCE 2 fertilizer. fertilizer. E-1 TALLER THAN TB INCHES. HIS AGENT IMMEDIATELY TTEi ATTER REPAIRS NEEDED ANDSHALL AT LEAS RESPONSIBLE ONLY DURING SEE DETAIL 2 2.HARDWARE CLOTH sHe STD.30.06 M ANCHORS. BEHPAOWARE CLOTH SHALL BE KEYED INBACMNEMUM OF 12INCHES 2.THE STONE SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTLY AfTER ANY EVENT THAT HAS CLOGGED IN LENGTH AND BACKER.°PROPERLY AS SHOWN IN ABOVE DETAIL.HARDWARE CLOTH TO OR REMOVED IT. WIRE NOTE 1 14 BE SOME AS STD.130.09(10 GAUGE,I/O'SPOONS). 3.SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHOULD BE REMOVED WHEN DEEPOSITS POSITS REACH HALF THE H IN PLACE AFTER THE EIGHT MESH Ground Cover--Protective cover must be established onall disturbed areas within calendar days after44 J.POSTS vl:BE No MORE THAN a FENCE OUTLET IS REMOVED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM TO THE DOSING land disturbing activity is completed or hea temporarily ceased. H CONCENTRATED FLOWS ARE ANTICIPATED AND AT THE GRADE,PREPARED AND SEEDED. Cr/�'A a DIRECTION OF THE INSPECTORS NOTE 2 7 V) S.ONE ACRE MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA PER OUTLET. NOTES: Graded slopes and fills--Protective cover must be established on all graded slopes and fills within IIIII calendar days after I� 1. DIVERSION DITCH SHOULD FLOW INTO SEDIMENT BASIN,ROCK CHECK DAM,OR SLOPE DRAIN. a phase of grading is completed or has temporarily ceased. F-I 2. REFER TO NCESCPDM TABLE 6.02A FOR SPACING OF SLOPE BREAKS. r NOT TO SCALE APPROVED DATE, 02/2007 NOT TO SCALE APPROVED DATE. 07/7007 �/ MECKLENBURG COUNTY MECKLENBURG COUNTY MECKLENBURG COUNTYr ; Tc .,g;a SILT FENCE Tt;): ,,�;� LAND DEVELOPMENT 5 6 r STD.NO Tv. LAND DEVELOPMENT p - �, SLOPE STABILITY STD No RID/ LAND DEVELOPMENT SEEDING SCHEDULE 0L No RLv STANDARDS ! -i' OUTLET OPTION 2 STANDARDS STANDARDSQ 30.06E ` 30.16 f 30.17A -12.- (30 We) CHANNEL INSTALLATION DETAIL KEY/ANCHOR MATERIAL AT L. ) '+ TOP OF SLOPE. V l l y 4, (15 an) // (15 am) \/ NA GREEN P-300 H 12"MIN. SPACING TYP.• -Avg•,'.• '•� N '-'7', /%. � �" Fit / GENERAL NOTES: _ �T.ti `il� �``�/``" G•••••••.'^.'NO s A Q L) 36"MIN.SPACING TYP.• 1. LAY BLANKETS LOOSELY AND •••HT '/ 3 / ) .•.•.'•'.'-' I® B C CRITICAL PgNIS Vl ,I STAKE OR STAPLE TO MPINTAO sBolMwra+sTTE Nons / �/ Fyy A OVERLAPS AND SEAMS a DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE SOIL. _ _ f ••••• I I �J DO NOT STRETCH. 'J / •• / ) B.PROJECTED WATER UNE W FM••I 2. •DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE n �M ✓ ••• ••• • �1 ) ••��a�� A SLOPE VERTIC�fSM/SIDE I�1 C.CHANNEL BOTTOM/SIDE IF-.I4•l MINIMUM,MANUFACTURED II-, / O B a PRODUCTS MAY HAVE ADDITIONAL // REQUIREMENTS THAT MUST BE L,EMS - oTn,s anaaasso ., ���j1, 11 /� ) C I� �/� N 6" MET. Row (eu T) s R. R '� 1 � ICy N••IWeif'''141111r OVERLAP 3. SLOPE SURFACE SHALL BE FREE - m,w...a A,al,,,v.Lm ortue NL Lr ,•••, ','1/ .• W /� IN SLICE OF ROCKS,SOIL CLODS,STICKS, I \ Q S. GRASS MAT/BLANKETS SHALLA © F a III 0 HAVE GOOD SOIL CONTACT. NOTE '' //, 4 THE DETAIL SHOWN IS FOR SLOPE \ / MATTING. FOR CHANNEL OR PIPE PLAN VIEW I 'a ,•,•,•,•,•, HORIZONTAL STAPLE SPACING SHOULD BE ALTERED Frl AA -12• ••, ,,, , IF NECESSARY TO ALLOW STAPLES TO SECURE THE "EL," OUTFACE MATTING SPECIFICATIONS, (15 em) v%`� CRNCAL POINTS ALONG THE CHANNEL SURFACE. W LGy / PLEASE REFER TO NCESCPDM /// :` , \ ,•,•,•,•,•, A WATER TABLE MANUFACTURER'SSTANIRD#6.17 AND GUIDELINES. 6' / i✓/"`VVV✓✓O✓y OR IN STALOOSE STAKE LE SOIL COGREATER THAN 8 USE 75 STAPLE Y 1-4 p4 j II II, caHSNNEW BE NECESSARY TO PROPERLY ANCHOR THE BLANKETS. P=l C Jo o MNIwM 1.PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTAWNG BLANKETS,INCLUDING ANY NECESSARY MPUCATION OF LIME,FERTUZER,AND SEED. NOTE: ,fR II EwsnOG ROADWAY WHEN USING CELL-0-SEED DO NOT SEED PREPARED AREA CELL-O-SEED MUSTBE INSTALLED WITH PAPER SIDE DOWN. wn zo W .- co ~�Y_ I 2.BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE CHANNEL BY ANCHORING THE BLANKET IN A 6'(15cm)DEEP%6'(15cm) WIDE TRENCH ��II DIE~WITH APPROXIMATELY 12'(30c )OF BLANKET EXTENDED BEYOND THE OP-SLOPE PORTION OF THE TRENCH. ANCHOR THE \_ NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FILTER CLOTH BLANKET WITH A ROW OF STMLPS/STAKES APPROXIMATELY 12'(30cm)APART IN THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. BACKFlLL �� $$/ FABRIC 4'ABOVE SOURCE WATER. �nLTUe fY,eR,e uuDER STONE I AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STMUNG. APPLY SEED TO COMPACTED SOIL AND FOLD REMAINING 12'(30cm)PORTION zs'Z I44E�- �'y9 S/�$ A'Nat OF BLANKET SPACED APPROXIMATELY MATELY SEED AND D)COMPACTED ART 51 THE SECURE BLANKET OF E BLANKET. COMPACTED SOIL WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES 5 � SEAL ` s3 A"l O 3.ROLL CENTER BLANKET IN DIRECTION OF WATER FLOW IN BOTTOM OF CHANNEL BLANKETS WILL UNROLL WITH APPROPRIATE SIDE 24951 O AGAINST THE SOIL SURFACE. ALL BLANKETS MUST BE SECURELY FASTENED TO SOIL SURFACE BY PLACING STAPLES/STAKES ( IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN THE STAPLE PATTERN GUIDE. WHEN USING OPTIONAL DOT SYSTEM.,STAPLES/STAKES Fyn (4)3. .V, CROSS SECTION SHOULD BE PLACED THROUGH EACH OF THE COLORED DOTS CORRESPONDING TO THE APPROPRIATE STAPLE PATTERN. KEY/ANCHOR MATERIAL TO TOE OF SLOPE. 4.PLACE CONSECUTIVE BLANKETS END OVER END(SHINGLE STYLE)WITH A 4'-A'(10cm-15em)OVERLAP. USE A DOUBLE ROW OF D A.'€' x STANDARD RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETAIL A-6 STAPLES STAGGERED 4'(10cm)APART AND 4'(10cm)ON CENTER TO SECURE BLANKETS. NOT TO SCALE 5.FULL LENGTH EDGE OF BLANKETS AT TOP OF SIDE SLOPES MUST BE ANCHORED WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES APPROXIMATELY //-/ (...) 12'(30cm)APART IN A 6'(15cm)DEEP X 6'(15cm)WIDE TRENCH. BACKFlLL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. �/�`�// e e'_/f - /il MECKLENBURG COUNTY hS;-• ', //Vy/n� 7 J //77 £ Q��� EMBANKMENT K M ENT MATTING DETAIL 6.ADJACENT BLANKETS MUST BE OVERLAPPED E THE EDGE 2'-5'(5cm-12.Scm)(DEPENDING ON BLANKET TYPE)AND STAPLES LAND DEVELOPMENT r STD NO REV TO ENSURE PROPER SEAM ALGNMEM,PUCE THE EDGE OF HE OVERLAPPING BLANKET(BLANKET BEING INSTALLED ON TOP)EVEN STANDARDS "NrM WITH THE COLORED SEAM STITCNWON THE BLANKET BEING OVERLAPPED. 09-I 2-23 3D.2D 7.IN HIGH FLOW CHANNEL APPUCATONS,A STAPLE CHECK SLOT IS RECOMMENDED AT 30 TO 40 FOOT(9m-12m)INTERVALS USE A DOUBLE ROW OF STAPLES STAGGERED 4"(10cm)APART AND 4"(10cm)ON CENT WITH A ROW OF ER OVER ENTRE WIDTH OF THE CHANNEL T�T T�T 6 IN A 6TERMINAL (15 m)DEEP X B•(15cm)WIDE�TRENCH.ANCHORED HBACKmFlLL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTERPSTAPUNGG. 12'(30em)APART SHEET T C-1 02 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 00111ff.'REE oascour THE NCGO1 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT 1. Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of fluids. _ Pm Implementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the construction 2. provide drip pans under any stored equipment. vi activity being considered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handling �^ :;7/�.T 3. Identify leaks and repair as soon as feasible,or remove leaking equipment from the sections of the NCGO1 Construction General Permit(Sections E and F,respectively).The ;1"1yCC Pm Ittee shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control I y P.O.. .`I perm p y w pan approved b the el m 4. Collect all spent fluids,stare in separate containers and properly dispose as --- - '� +-O delegated authority having jurisdiction.All details and specifications shown on this sheet P 4 'f" icy m notdepending site conditions and the delegated having jurisdiction. hazardous waste vehicles and possible). may apply pen gonauthority g � m��' S. Removeasbeen corregvehides and construction equipment from service until the problem U has been contacted. L(--t' �6'�,�.,�.;��, '�°�-'SECTION E:GROUND STABIUZATION -� 'SYB O C to "� fi. Bring used fuels,lubricants,coolants,hydraulic fluids and other petroleum products GSY°^�'^ „,.� 03 Required Ground Stabilisation Tlmehames etas am •-^•�- 0] a • too recycling or disposal center that handles these materials. .'r°."' :'T:®SR,E manyi within this sL'^J.LTT^ C'G m w N Lj She Area Description dayt aca fter ceasing Tlmah PR.'m.rEy�i.xra.a� amevarlatliru UTTER,BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE I .-I C� 4o land disturbance 1. Never bury or burn waste.Place litter and debris In approved waste containers. , o W'm� (a) Perimeter dikes, 2. Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers(e.g dumpster,trash CONCRETE WASHOUTS 'm �xjx"mor swales,ditches,and 7 None receptacle)on site to contain construction and domestic wastes. 1. Do not discharge concrete or cement slurry from the site. ' l Q�cc perimeter slopes 3. Locate waste containers at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface 2. Dispose of,or recycle settled,hardened concrete residue in accordance with local 'all )b)High Quality Water 7 None waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. and state solid waste regulations and at an a d facility. `��, myw w`p pdance (HOW)Zones 4. Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantial amounts of runoff 3. Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and in o C from upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain,stream or wetland. addition the mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and within 'm If sloe are 10'or less in length are pace pervious fp in (c) Slopes steeper than 7 slopes I¢ 5. Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events or lot perimeter silt fence. °i join 3:1 noowteeper than 2:1,14 days are provide second containment.Repair or replace damaged waste containers. q i a on.or ec m d allowed Pr secondaryp p g 4. Install temporary concrete per local requirements,where applicable.Wan O -7 days for sloes ter than 50'in 6. Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds. alternate method or product is to be used,contact your approval authority for and with slopes stet than 4:1 7. Empty to containers as needed toprevent overflow.Cleanuimmediatelyif and approval.If local standard details are not available,use one of the two �� acorn�� length pert prywrs p -7 days for perimeter dikes,swales, containers overflow. types of temporary concrete washouts provided on this detail. (d) Slopes 3:1 to 4:1 14 ditches,perimeter slopes and HOW 8. Dispose waste off-site at an approved disposal facility. 5. Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalk Zones 9. On business days,clean up and dispose of waste in designated waste containers. sections.Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into or -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed discharged to the storm drain system it receiving surface waters.Liquid waste must j -7 days for perimeter dikes,swales, PAINT AND OTHER UQUID WASTE be pumped out and removed from project. I le) Areas with slopes ditches,perimeter slopes and HOW Zones 1. Do not dump paint and other liquid waste into storm drains,streams or wetlands. 6. Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless it I P an be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available.At a minimum, flatter than4:1 14 -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unless 2. Locate paint washouts at least 50 feetaway from storm drain inlets and surface install protection of storm draininlet(s)closest to the washout which could receive there Is zero slope waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. spills or overflow. Note:After the permanent cessation of construction activities,any areas with temporary 3. Contain liquid wastes in controlled area. 7. Locate washouts in an easily accessible area,on level ground and install a stone ground stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon as 4. Containment must be labeled,sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site. entrance pad in front of the washout.Additional controls may be required by the practicable but in no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing 5. Prevent the discharge ofsoaps,solvents,detergents and other liquid wastesfrom approving authority. activity.Temporary ground stabilization shall be maintained in a manner to render the construction sites. 8. Install at least one sign directing concrete trucks to the washout within the project surface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved. limits.Post signege on the washout itself to identify this location. PORTABLE TOILETS 9. Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 75%capacity to limit GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATION 1. Install portable toilets on level ground,at least SO feet away from storm drains, overflow events.Replace the tarp,sand bags or other temporary structural Stabilize the ground sufficiently so that rain will not dislodge the soil.Use one of the streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available.If 50 foot components when no longer functional.When utilizing alternative or proprietary techniques in the table below: offset is not attainable,provide relocation of portable toilet behind silt fence or place products,follow manufacturer's instructions. Tempararysta.lbatlon I Immanent on a gravel pad and surround with sand bags. 10.At the completion of the concrete work,remove remaining leavings and dispose of •Temporary granseed covered with straw or •Permanent grass seen covered with straw or 2. Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in high an approved disposal facility.Fill pit,if applicable,and stabilize any disturbance other mulches andtackEian other mulches and(edifiers foot traffic areas. caused by removal of washout. •Hydroseeding •Geotextile fabrics such as permanent soli 3. Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose of any leaked material. oti •Rolled erosion control products with or reinforcement matting Utilise a licensed sanitary waste hauler to remove leaking portable toilets and replace a u Fffi j without temporary grass ued •Hydroseeding with properly operating unit. •Appropriately applied straw or other mulch •Shrubs or other permanent plantings covered HERBICIDES,PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES a u ti o •Plastic sheeting with mulch 1. Store and apply herbicides,pesticides and rodenticides in accordance with label •Uniform and evenlytllstdbute4 ground cover EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT restrictions. sufficient to restrain erosion 1. Show stockpile locations on plans.Locate earthen-material stockpile areas at least 2. Store herbicides,pesticides and rodenticides In their original containers with the •Structural methods such as concrete,asphalt or 50 feet away from storm drain Inlets,sediment basins,perimeter sediment controls label,which lists directions for use,ingredients and first aid steps in case of recalling walls and surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonably accidental poisoning. •ROIIM erosion conlrolproducts with grass seed available. 3. Do not store herbicides,pesticides and rodenticides In areas where flooding Is 2. Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset of possible or where they may spill or leak into wells,stormwater drains,ground water POLYACRYLAMIDES(PAMS)AND FLOCCULANTS five feet from the toe of stockpile. r Slide.water.If a spill occurs,clean area immediately. 1. Select flocculants that are appropriate for the soils being exposed during 3. Provide stable stone access point when feasible. 4. Do not stockpile these materials onsite. construction,selecting from the NCOWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculents. 4. Stabilize stockpile within the tlmeframes provided on this sheet and in accordance - 2. Apply flocculants at or before the inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. with the approved plan and any additional requirements.Soil stabilization is defined 3. Apply flocculants at the concentrations specified In the NCDWR List of Approved as vegetative,physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain accelerated HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE PAMS/Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's Instructions. erosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs. 1. Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on-site. rr^^ 4. Provide ponding area for containment of treated Stormwater before discharging 2. Place hazardous waste containers antler cover or In secondary containment V1 offsite, NORTH CAROLINA 3. Do not store hazardous chemicals,drums or bagged materials directly on the ground.) 5. or surroundre ed nts lsecon secondary ycoof containers that Lures.are kept under storm-resistant cover1-1 or turroDnded by:erondary4ontalnment structures. - Environmental Quality For questions and assistance,please contact NCDEQ at 919-707-3639. Mil ,it Hill EFFECTIVE DATE NCGO1 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING A-12 W _.-...._-..._. 04-01-19 Plan Sheet Is Part Of The Overall Approval As Of The Following Date 12..23 CD 11 PART III PART III PART III H SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING r l O..d SECTION A:SELF-INSPECTION SECTION El RECORDKEEPING SECTION Cl REPORTING I--� Self-Inspections are required during normal business hours in accordance with the table 1.E&SC Plan Documentation 1.Occurrences that mug be reported 14 below.When adverse weather or site conditions would cause the safety of the Inspection Permittees shall report the following occurrences: personnel to be lnjeipardy,theins flan en betlela delayed until next The approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation shall be kept on the site.The pee y y -spit dE&SC the keptup-to-date throughoutthe cover. der thispermit. la) Visible sediment deposition inastream or wetland. which it Is safe to perform the Inspection.In addition,when a storm event of equal to or approve pan thus pge un H greater than 1.0 inch occurs outside of normal business hours,the self-Inspection shall be The fallowing items pertaining to the ESSC plan shall be documented In the manner r performed upon the commencement of the next business day.Any time when inspections described: lb) Oil spills if: ^ were delayed shall be noted In the Inspection Record, • They are 25 gallons or more, Z item to Document Documentnlon Requirements • They cause less than 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours, O (a)Each MSC Measure has been installed Initial and date each E&SC Measure on a copy • TThey are sheen on surface waters(regardless of volume),or In* �wy"IrV mermel Irep•nbn records mutt Include: and does not significantly deviate from the of the approved MSC Plan or complete,date • They are within 100 feet of surface waters(regardless of volume). • hours) locations,dimensions and relative elevations and sign an inspection report that lists each imdntal�w• pally In Deily Aeon amount shown on then approved Plan. MSC Measure shown on the.approved bIn If zloty raj gouge observations•n made during Information PProv PProv (a) Releases of hazardous substances In excess of reportable quantifies under Section 311 order waMing and cumulat.rain ue measurementalMorhossee a initian.l Thisdacumoion fthe Egsrequlrcdupenthe f the Clean Water Act(Ref:40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3)or Section 102 of CERCLA record Me m E&SC Measures are Eodifed after measures Ref:40 CFR 302.4)or G.S.143-215.85. macmended IME&SC Measures are moth/1etlaRerinlllal ( use Brother rein monitoring Melee Installation. approve.,the Olvlsion. (b)A phase of grading has been completed. Initial and date a copy of the seeree tl E&sC (b) Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses. (2)[a Inspected. Plan or complete,date and sign en inspection Measures ltlendar days Date and time of the Ins a nsile report to Indicate completion of the and within 24 3.Name DIA.noun Warm a.Indication of whether melan„trM wercnmeraito ruction phase. (c) Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or the event_ID Inch i^ lc)Ground cover Is located and Installed initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC environment. W hour 5.Description of maintenance needs far the measure. In accordance with the approved E&5C Plan or complete,date and sign an inspection 6.Description,iaist er roe a dwg Its inspected,and date of carrot,. suken Plan. report to Indicate compliance with approved 2.Reporting Timeframes and Other Requirements diauMrr cam calendar , einri�on, ground cover specifications. After apermittee becomes aware of an occurrence that must be reported,he shall contact ice, eudalls COOS) (U)The maintenance and repair Complete,date and sign an inspection report. the appropriate Division regional office within the tlmeframes and In accordance with the ✓' and Herne of solids or sw~,Pol•wion ou requirements for all MSG Measures other requirements listed below.Occurrences outside normal business hours may also be E-1 24 noun event,LC 5.neon Indication n' have beenperfarmetl. Description,6. d (e)Corrective actions have been taken Initial and data copy of the approved E&SC reported to 10 Division's)73 Emergency Responsepersonnel at 1800)662J956,(KO) i-i y4)Pe meter of At lean wee• m outside sneamm,men a record toE&SC Measures. Plan omplete,date and sign an Inspection 858-0368 or(919)733-3300. /� to and wi<Nn31w taken s of the following e Manmade: p or stabi,he the sedlmentthat hasieh report to Indicate the comple[lan of the "e MIAs, corrective action. occurrence Reporting TImarnmes(AMr Discovery)and other Requirements ^ O hours of a _ itch In ynptmneddenre,and datee,cemttive•lens Mama. (a)Visible sediment •WNAM20 hours,anoral or electronic notification. 1� �l m hours.tan wiganarionostotoo anion titan to control Mum deposition ina •WithMno/ender onee,a report that contains a description of theru• �../ axes. 2.Additionaladdition Documentation wetland sediment and actions taken to address the cause or the annspeoshlon. Is)streane ar cone perream or wetland has increased visible sedimentation a in addition to the E&SC Plan documents above,the following items shall be kept on the streamer Division staff here forawrntan reCr) C. winkles... calendar.. the mthas visible increased turbidity from them...enor site ca may requirement port ona lad acmes., wh(where acne ten eWe.nead d.0°roamedw,niem taken,end and available for agency inspectors at all times during l business hours,unless the she stream bans. and within g -specie gnorma •Htaedereamas namedr on mItee JIC may be required Impaired rrortn segment- a N �/ accessible) Ann,It rant In ad repmutn the nem onne Dross requDivisirementldes anotp Site-Specific exemption based on unique site conditions that make this monitocausentheions or appg more strinetlt practices if F+H 1 1 34 Man ran pan tit.seniorCltem Ul(al of Nis permit requirement not practical: monitoring.inspections or apply more stringent practices if staff FlrrPH, ~ IHGrdund attar each phase • pine linstallatian olperlmater MHO of this permit determine that additional requirements are needed to assure compliance .I mi newsmen oreamne (a) This general permit as well as the of coverage,after it is received. with the federal or state impaired-waters conditions. O A measures drainage ceatngandgnbd ng-nna installation (h)O1 sills and • MI.2N hours,an oral or electronic notfca m.The natMcaton �j \\'�n/10,.. arva,cfonstructoe or redevelopment,permaneacilities,completion or all nt (b) Records of inspections made during the previous 30 days.The permittee shall record releau of shall Include Information about the date,time,nature,volume and Z �-1 coven the required observations on the Inspection Record Form provided by the Division or hubstan s location of the spill or release. W'� l/�otr required stabilization a similar Inspection form that Includes all the required elements.Use of s°bstanceeper Item Q a FESS/p rant Nat they will l`a-(c)above ;= 2� by 9 he der electronically-available records in lieu of the required paper copies will be allowed if F-I I�� 3 ���� l ton as posslee assurance Mdwmnine shown to provide equal access and utility as the hard-copy records. ()AntIglpeted •A newt et lenarten days before the date ofine bypass,Vpossible. llZ F%i bypasses[40 CFR •The report shall hciude an evaluation of the anOcipated quality antl `./ ,I NOTE:The rain inspection resets the required 7calendar day inspection requirement. (c) All duos used rocomplete the Notice of lucent and older inspection records shall be 122.41(mK31I • effect of the bypass. v 24951 a bypasses • WhhM 24 haanon oral or electronic notification. Cu' �'� - maintained for a period of three years after project completion and made available W f bypasses l40 CFR • WahMand amapr days,a report that includes an evaluation of the I1 El ;� �I NE <�� upon request.(40 CFR 122.411 12341(m)(3)I quality and effect Of the hype.. I.-11 'qD `��`, lel Noncomalla ace • WIMM l4 hours,an OralOreectronc notification. N O A watt the conditions • Within'calendar days,a report that contains a description of the F+�el / �sJ//FJ/ of this permit that noncompliance,and ltl causes;the period of noncompliance, ^Z �� / /�� eayenment' •beeninclu or exact drtes and pattimes,dtimenoncomnc°nceisee has ectednot CO �-I health or the been corrected,the anticipated time noncompliance is expected to J [�/ nvlronment140 continue;and steps taken or planned t0 reduce,eliminate,and CERT..4 PINT prevent r.ccurrenceof the noncompliance.[40 CFR 122.n110(6)' I.V_ E I •Division staff may waive Me requirewrittenent for a wren report on a 0 9-12-2 3 NORTH CAROL A ace by-au bads. C..)�EnvlronmentalQuallty Cn r1J For questions and assistance,please contact NCDEQ at 919-707-3639. F4-1 Q EFFECTIVE DATE NCGO1 SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING A-13 x 04-01-19 SHEET C-103 1 \ _e�/ / ' JVC5V1 VIJI VIN a. i OT 29 oi j i ''l ARLINGTON HZCS ?; A `°NsrnucnON 7\\) r SUBDIVISION �� �� 0� ', ''t ENTRANCE SEE DTL SHT.102 20'SURDIN' TaA0( i / / O FBI` d4 a SILT FENCE j/� T. / „yw r 4 vi i . ---- Aladlt.. /14- • ` . t / - IVIIII\ ,‘ g/ 6l aim l �,•• Ga 97 mum SETBACK I t, : L /_/_ '— — — / REPAIR ARfA __F � •AR5;? ERe9 DR NAG£SW ' I SEPTSi3YSTEMDENUDED I£ ~ rhu —_�+•� •'7i� �� P�MANEN00 I / a � MAIN :4_1ELD AREA 4 �� y= :c Ora ca"TRaL ' ;SEPn. .. `azILQT 31 —� u�-��� • 7.2„/-4.3)).../ ' i , I £ T1 ° Tht L N GTO HILLSf.) ,-FFE 65 ■ SILTFENCE.ION 9/ io I/� sIDE A CQNSTUC IION ' INITIAL DTL 3008D Wli , ILi FENCE� LIMITS I DTL 30.a5 SEPTIC SYSTEM �� • I �' � If ♦ . _ _ _( I - - - — — - - - - - - ] - - - - DRAIN FIELD /%%% a �� _j za'am Ho—sncK �' m o I ''� + W I 111111111 1111 11111111 1111111 11111 IIIlllll11 111l111111ll11111 �.t liIsi STABILIZE PER I DL30DE i I33,542 S / � 0.77 AC.• 3.9 A� DRAIN GE I ------) r ( N....________ / DENUDED TOTAL k / \ i I AREA JY LOT 33 3LOT 32 \ . A EA / I ARLIINGTON ILLS ates \ I I ARLINGTON HILLS I SUBDIVISIONI C NNN W \ SUBDIVISION / I •' a \ I i i / / W I \c'S- / I / N$D95S3 E N 1 \ \ I Y ( +� °'j�� y ��a •+ _ / I I / ) Town of ,... � ICI \ \ \--)/ //) ,*aLT FENS'. DTL 30 D5 t 'Mint Hill ,.,` 1\ ! /I / / I DTL 30.05D I —_ �i I Plan Sheet Is Part Of The Overall Q / / 1 I �, ,• INITIAL �\ \Approval As Of The Following Date \ / j/ SE'' C SYSTEM 2i06i2023 • • / / I D' IN FIELD _ • ( \ \ \ l , - \ ( I I )\ I - I s a 6` z \ \ \ I a Qo 31,250 SF/ ARIAIGTON 0.72 AC. 1 ' _ SUUBDIVIS 044 ;�~ 14 z y ti \ ( DENUDED ' '.� I ry . 7 I ril 0 \ AREA '• Cof�STRUC ION I '-4 Z 0.' 1 (N.. ,,,\ \ ` \ I \� LIMIT I : I 1I �i U a • \ \\ \ I J.` Sill 4 I . , . S ' - 4 J2% 'c'' I \, 0 ,,=4,w , . ....„..OSED \4k,\ \ \ SILT FENCE o H. \ % 1 Q ••\ ,..q \� 6 F fi71. T1P \ CI a �\ / SIDEWALK• i STADI•ZE PER DL 0.2E 1 I Iris" 14 �®�` `�'I.', �` FFER 9.z d (1 AR IN ON 35 HILLS U \• v_ �I \00a,RR E°" �` I \ \ B IVISION ••\ f` \ \F DTL SiT.,Dz - \ w , SHEET 1 OF 1