HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--07809_Well Construction - GW1_20231201 . WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1): • Y •For Internal Use"Onl :• . t 1.Well Contractor information:, ChriS,King 14.WATER ZONES. . ." :.. . Well Contractor Name FROM" TO DESCRIPTION. '' . �C ft. g0 i ft' )0. i i 1```1 • 080-A ft. ft. NC Well Cotnracior Ceniiication Number • 15:OUTER CASING(for multi-cased wells)OR LINER(if ap licable) ' Aqua Drill, Incl .. • FROM• • : -TO -ft �. - "DIAMETER • "THICKNESS• ..� MATERIAL • • • • l. '.ft `y 1° 1�2 1.� �'o.6. Ceninany Name 16.INNER CASING ORTUBING(geothermal closed-loop) .2,Well Construction Permit#• S I'I 0.`"(AJe�`.. .2 3. "FROM TO• -DIAMETER. THICKNESS .. MATERIAL .. List oil applicable well unittruction permits(i.e.WC,Con,,!, Stole,Variance.etc) • . if!' ft: in, .: 3.WelI Use(cliee!well use): f(. ft.' • in. - 1 Water Supply Well:. . • 17 SCREEN: - • - • FROM • .TO . . 'DIAMETER' .SLOT SIZE. THICKNESS. '.MATERIAL ' ' A nic tlu:rat YIp)iicipal/Public , ft. •ft: • in. - - G_o:'lcrntal(HoatiligiCoolin2 Supply) 4Slesidential Water.Supply(single) 'inti;istriai Commercial . lRcsidcntial Water Supply(shared) 18.GROUT Ir i t.t or, FROM 1'O MATERIAL`- EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT" . itiar:.:n.-. Supp.pWellf '. ., ...0 ft. 2(J .ft. 1.3P1Q410i4 e... �1;,„" !1Monitorm2 Rccovcry" . . Iajecttoa Well: . . .iii-quifi:r Recharge . I�L..'�Groundwater.Remediation t f ft - 19.S.4D1D/GRAVEL.PACK(if applicable) J 0. ilir'e,Stor tgc arid Recover `Salini Barrier" •. q 5. ty :FROM- .l TO' I biATF.RIA1, F.DiPLACEilIF,NT METHOD r^c;.:te: ;est DStormwaterDrainage, -ft• 1 • ft iExcerimcntal technology • DSubsidence Control #. I ft, ' .._."Csec�'.nen•aitl'losed'Loop) - y]Traeer - • , 20 DRILLThC LOG(attach addItlo'sal sheets if necessary) ' . • FROM• • 'I TO' - •.I •DFSCRIPTION(color.hardness.solIfratk type:°rain size;etc.) L,Gceillert:lr,l;l fearing/Cooling Return) • (Other(explain_under#21 Remarks)- �t r7_ � / ' %-7 /Z� �p fin. -"..Bate'd'ell(r):Completed:/I'2 "23 Well ID#L. 4 . . 1� / . 12. .,t ,22 .ft: `�•�AiY�:�t.: sico-c •,,:,.1Vc!?�l.y. :tit;r: j j 72 ft. 12257'. !7/uc 0-n� a'fc.. . aso F,.,.•:,:: N FacilitylDR(ifapplicable) ft, I ft. I ' •8 .-i .f I '"•'' 1 q 3'7:_ge_A l;iiV' C-I- Z �1 •ft. • '1 t w. . --" )e f Iic irAti r�q" rn • PAy:y.,i...a acu:u:..City,:and Lip I• J // �"1 j `! � . •- 21.REMARKS tar :- - - 'Coun v . T '.: D ti Parcel identification No.(PII\) J`>0+7 Sc,.Lati.Ude ;itti lon itude fat degrees/mutinies/seconds or decimal degrees: .- - - - " - - (i7 w:I!ti;ad.our lat,long is sulTlcient) 22.Certification: . W • . • // -22 - 23 b.isu:3-,;.si trerlis;�/ rmanent or TeRlporar . - SignatureofCeniticd\NellContrac r . Date . • Br signing this Ann.i hereby certi/i'that the.utill(s))ails(acre)carieu•ueted in acenrdtince 'i 1:.t-;i. 1..r,r.:.•to an misting hell: -Erf es or io lull:15:1?,'CIC 02C.0100 air 15.4 NC IC(PC:0200 Welt Camsn•action"Smrtt%ads and ihat a ,i:IL. ,e, •.yi.,n•. "'„pat kihaira roil amsa•rrclion hi/iirunatioa and explain the/iatia:e ofthc Coln Wilds rei•art/has helm p ti rodded to the cllonweit r,l,ut• r,t,.: :',;vna•k.caei•tiam dr an the hack ii/'[hfsfoWr. - 2.3.Site diagram or additional well details: S.Fe Gc ;;;:E�ciS)PT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having,the same You may use the back of this page to:proside,additional well site details or well c.tu•• ., (. I C\V-i is needed. Indicate-TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if accessary. drilled ___—.-- SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Totcl siel)�'enth helot land surface: • 0.2 e.2...57 (ft.) 34a. FM- All 'Wells. Subniit this form within 30 days of completion of well F,/-a:'r 4. .II, t,r all depth i/'ililj;rein(exi°plc-30200'attl20,IQO') construction'to the following: 10. Si-:,:.:. ':ace 1z-•el below top of easing: . 3 Q • (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processin;"Unit, /r rr•• ,. • „n•,;; c:.•-;',e.ttse'• 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 •. 11.E,,,r?heir(Hz:meter: .(in:) • . 2d1b.nor Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a r �1� ,;J/� above,'also submit one copy of tl is-form within 30 days of completion'of well F:,..:. .s:rt.etioit method: Cr construction to the following: (i: .. _ :,. -}...,ale.,hrcctpush,etc.) Division of h4tater Resources,Underground Injection Control Program; ' ist)hti, _ Sc, PLVWELLS-ONLY: ib36Ala;lSelvice Center,Raleigh,i�C27b99-1636 is _. i o ibtethod of test: ) h'} 24c.For Water Supply&Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form the address(es) above, also sformto n it'one copy of this form within 30 days of 3b. _�_ h s^t: _ � Amount: l2. i� completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. i-.:. . North('amlina t)enartment of Fnvirnnmernnt(Inn lift,-Ilt.-a.,,,.,t ut..•,.,.u.,...... 7. n..a-_.,o 00'In.c