HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--07714_Well Construction - GW1_20231122 1 i WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 'Fr Itacmal Ilse ONLY: Thr.fain coil be used for-single or multiple wills• ' 1.Welittanteattot•Inforination: - • • 1 i.t4MATEEtzoNE&... - • •1 •. • . - . . . . Stefan Smith. FROM TX) DESCRIPTION , %Wli COIttliMpr,ttaRtC, • R. ft. , . '• ft. ff. 1 1 • 3576A . -15AUTER CASINGIroil&tilt kiiialliellsi ORLINER:Matti-tieablo' .... NC Weil Contractor certification Nturb'er . FROM . , TO DIAMETER THICKNESS' '_ MATERIAL . SAEDACCO 0 (4 6 , :it.• 2 t' I in. SCR-40 ' - PVC • Compala-Nome • • ' ',WANNER CASING UThtNG cro-Sed4oilin : -..-. ..... FROM' TO . ' DIAMETER ., THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.Well Conitalctifin Permit 4: . ft, ft.• I :ill' Lin oil app'11 cable will pennir (i.e.Cooing l'IroO,Variance.flectif4 cfc-,1' tt, : -ft. 1 , in, ., . . 1 • 3.Well.lise(Opel:-well use) , -,[7:SCREEN , , • • . • • • FROM TO to-Amy:rim ' sr.OT stn. THICKNESS I MATERIA I, Water Supply Well:• ulattai rAltin 6 ft 16 rt. 2 il, .010 SCH-4 0 PVC riAgricicipaVP:ublic.. C3Ge011termat aleating/Coolimi Supply). EiResieleatial•Water Supply(single) ' .fl* .. ' 'It C3 industrialConunercitil CiResidential WatenStipPlY(sinned) -- FROM 'TO: MATERIAL i IENT METHOD&ANIOUNT . El laieation• . . . - - o ...ft. 3 ft. . Portland Tremie Non-Water Supply Welt:- , . ,. . '. . - -• •- , • • • ft, . ft. : It/Monitoring. DRecovery • ! . - laicetion Welt: n, . •ft. . . ClAquifcritcCharge 17.16iountisialcillc,incdiMon . .19'.-SANDR-atAVELPACKtillinp1160tur',r.1-----'-----,...- -,--.--------,;-.-----. , .-7 - :'1,120A1 • • MATERIAL . ',EMPLACEMENT Iftcrtion - - ' - • 1:1AitifcrSitOragc and Racavety 1:3aliiiity Harriet': •5 . R. '16 ft: Sand' #2 , . .., .„ CI Aquifer Test CISIcarnstiter Prniongc . ' . :. • &Experimental TeChnotom., EISubSittence'Contra ;30.01111..LING,LOGftittaelt addition]iheitk if iteceSsarvl - . ingend*nind(closed Loop) 1:1. Tuteer FROM -• To - DESCRIPTION(4.41:1r,bardricti.milVnick((Is,.mill fsn,dr.) • - . . 1:1Gootlicimal(Heating/tooling:Return) ' Otither(explain nutier.#2 l Rematks) A) . . --1t, 4 ft. Silt)sand • - 4 ' ft. 16 ft. Sandi 4.Date Viiell(s)Completed! 10-23-23 •Well ugt RI-mw0 9, 'ft. . ft.. PT.--..:f•—'7...7„,-:-,1,, 17.7 5a,Well Location: .rt.. ft. . .. ....,-...,, ',..—71 V '1;',J,,•.• . • ' . Greenville.Utilities Commission ft, . NOV 2 2 2023 FaCility*terNamo FaCility IliN iitapplicable) 801 Mamford Rd., Greenville, NC, 27834 -ft:- ft. , .. ._ ElWC5.1:SiDG' Pipit AildOss.cit3'--a0 PO .-21.,REIstAiiKS- • :' • . . .. . . Pitt 2 foot bentonite seal from 3-5' !. County Nice]klantitIcation No,(PIN) 51i,Latitilde and-Lai:grin*in tk-givcsiminutCsisectindS tn'rdstimul degrees: -'2-certificatim,,, (i1001 fictil,one lat104,is•su.itiicni) . . . --• ,. , 35.631246 N 77.363238 W , ....,..* • ' 11/8/2023 Siam. of Ce died Well Contraater'„ Dale . . 6.Is(in.)the welt(s):'XiPennattent or 0Temporary Ay.signing ild.Y farny..1 limb".cedify'#)to Ihr.1.14411 kill( terq comonere4 in•Avyartlance -WIN 15.4 N.CAC 02C.0190 or 111NC;r1C 02e.92an It'd!coschrarricut Standards and;bora 7.1s this a impair l . . .o an*idol;well: !Diem or ®Ni) oiky ofthn irefird 104 been avoided r,OM spelt oirner, (10115".1sn IfikYffr.fill an kirogi well conmedoo Infonnatim cod explphi rhi.!/Ware of the repair tader 02.1'rincrki-sedan or on the bad:of this form.. - 23.Pe diagrum.or additional welt,detaiLi: You may use the back of this page lintosiclo'additional well site.details'or.Well S.Nutuberof Wells outtstrueted: 1 • . •eonsnuetion details. You May ASO.attach additional pages if necessniy. . For sitairlik.irefectiOnnr oon-water mpidy wet!,ONLY illth'the.same coostrudhor,you ear# • ' '- --l' mho*Li*firm. SUBMITTAL,INSTUCTIONS 0.Thal Welt depth hc(o land surfacei 16 (ft.) 241..Far All Wells: Submit this farm ssithiti 30 days of centmleticnt of well For orairipleells-liArnil depaks ifel( ron-lesompte-3@200'm1112.0700) constMetion to the folkaSing: ' ' 10.StatieSrater leVel below to pof easing: 00 DisisiOn uf Water ReSounceS,Infitrraatiatt PrOcessing Unit, - lf unter'leket Is above dosing,ale'"4 ,-" 1617 Mail Sertice t.S.ater.Raleigh,N .27699-1617 -I •; • - !I,Borehole diameter:8-.25" (in,) 24b.For Inicelloti Wells ONLY:: In addition tosending The form to the address in- 24arali6e,also submit a copy of Ibis form within 40 days'of completion of knelt 12.Well'qmstruction method:RSA consuuction to-Die folimiine! i (Lc.par,ci-,law.cat•le...:direct posit ctc:) . Division Of Water Resources,Underground Injection: Control PrOgrant, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY; 1636 Mail Service'6uter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a7 Yield(gm)„ ., Method f test: 24e.For Water Stninlv&Inkettlnal Wells: ri o Also submit one copy of this formwithin 30 days ofcompletionnpletion of 13h.Disinf .ection type: - Amount: well-cotiStroction to the county health deportment of die county where' - . constructed. 1 Fenn GW-t NonItCanallna Fkpariment of EGVirOILIIKIII and Natural Resources-Division of Water Rourcm Revised August 2013. i