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GW1--07708_Well Construction - GW1_20231122
WELL CONSTRUCTION.RECORD Farrnternal-1.40 ONLY This form can be•used foi.single or multiple wells. ' ' • 1 ' ' . • I.WOLIcinintetue IiiI0Tniatiort: . . . . ,- -.-, - ---11AVATERZONES - • • '. • • Stefan Smith . FROM_ TO DESCRIPTION • Well Contractor Name, ft. rt. It. 3576A IS OUTER CASING`ifite-ithill klaithiellsi OR LINERlicantificalakf. ... * NC Well Conimelor CenitieutionNumircr FROM. • TO ' . , DIAMETER' ' TRIMNESS MATERIAL . 0 .IL. 6 A, 2 i 1-;a. SCR-40 PVC SARDACC9 • ComlimiTNarue, 'tal NER.CASING ORTIMING entliersintrddell-loit" •:,•'.' .,.. ... I FROM' TO DIAMETER. , TMCKNESS MATERIAL. 2.-Ni;e11-CoriStructiort Perri:lit fh R. R. Uri 4ill app4rafgeisilf pehrd.ta(ix.County;S159,Variaraw,frjalk41.Or-7 . ' .fl. I- .• i . 3.W.cit.lise(ehetic well rise): -.-17:SCREEN _ • . - - mom TO •DIAMETER , siorsur. 'Tnictorss i war...mat, ' Water SuPply Well:• • • 6 It. 16 -it. 2 i#,., .010 SCH:-40 PVC . ' °Agricultural, 1:1-tiiinieipal/INblie- . .k. '.0. EICreothetrnat(HeiningICooi i lig'Stipply) DResidential-Water 8-upirly(single) - . _ . - .. ClindusttiallCommercial °Residential Water,Supply(sIttred) 2:061:°Trr'-0-. i MATERIAL i EMPLACEMENT MRIMOD&AMOUNT 0 Irrigation' . . 0 , ft. 3 ft. Portland ' Pour . . Neu-Water Supply Well:" ... . ,. .,... . .. . . . , ,ft., - ft. • NiManiloring Injection Welt: - - . . rt.' rt.; . _. . El AititifcrIlecharge CiGuaundwalcr Reinediation 49.::SAND/GILWELTACRiiialnslictInter -- - - - - - - . . '-FROM ' .TO. MATRDIA I.• EMPLACEMENT METI1011 IlAiinifer:$Ithugc and Reeciitty °Salinity.Barrier 5 R.• 16 . IL Sandi,. -2 • •. . CIA-nniferTcst °Stan:Mater pnliMige . . . . . . It. (t, ItIVAserinicatal TeChnotogy EISubSid.coce,Costrol • • * • *,,10.1TRILLINGLOGRillaelfidditibrial sheiliiirtteee4atil • . * ' . . -0*o. timmial Oised Loop) - • .1:In:leer . , " - - ' MOM- TO' ' ' DESCRIPTION roger.harducu.sttnaack.onc.-oxitt tatc.(lea CIGeothenttaIfIleatiniieoollniRetuntl ClOther(explain under.112 1-Retuarks) 0 .ft. 4 ft, Silt1 sand . . ' 4 • ft. 16 IL Sand: . 4:Dati Wie11(s).,c0 Mr!de& 10-25- 3 Well Mit RI'MP 3 ' : - ' ft: • ft. . sr-,- :. -,i- ' '•. *i. '1;',---,..-•_ '-', ,t,, s, ..'-'.•*'"c A . ',,,,,li-I) . . .Sa,Wall Locatitint . ..ft. ft, . •---,r...., Greenville.Utilities Commission . . . . ft. ke-v 2 2 z(123 . _. ... . . . • FiciliWOnrONturie • Facpity 1DP Of applienble), . ft. IL• , . ,. I ri i0i7'!:-..:.;-'n '-1,.,7. ..-.7.,,•,1,-;=- '' 801 Mumford Rd., Greenville, NC, 27834 • ft. • rt, . .. .. - - • /...,,,,.,..,, 0 ,g ,:.•:.3 . P 10-106 AlcIM. ssrCity..*arni Zip - .,2 4-R1:NIA/His . ' . _ . . . , . . Pitt •2 foot bentonite seal from 3 to 5' • - „ • County • . Parcel hinthr=ilap No;(PIN) . . - • " 511,,I.,ittitude-Ond lingititile in degreci/mitiotcSfseetinits nriccitnol(hp-cc*: 22,cft6ti„,:, plea field,one 1311I04,is'sultlekal) - . ' . . - - . • . • • 35.632191 N 77.362471 ' , 11/8/2023 Sigma.' of Cc did'Well Contmetar:: Dale . - . •-- i , 6.Is(pre)thewell(s):.X1Pentronent or. °Temporary tly 4ning this/aim.:1 hereby codify:41)a!du!well(s 0 Pau Ostire)eunyinfeted irt.acconlancr . . . Iiith I.1 NOW Q2C.9/0k9 or ixt NOW 62 e,p209 RW1 Couirrucrlon Stark:lapis and Mar a 7.Is this.t repair M On ekistitaglic14 °Ito; or pNO r•iiiT.9fdily ierOnl hi&broil tooridc41 i,iiiiir welifiloirr. If thtS:It.0 rgprir.fill(.10 kosoirm well 011137111Clidlilujormarlim dmil esplolu the nature of the . ! :. ripair war,r•P21:reinorksseilien or 611 the.htial.Of hilLs form. 23.Site diagrlint Or atillitioual well details: . . You may use the bitch of this',hie M.titovide.additional well She details or Will 8:Nutuberof Welts construeted: 1 • - - . . -consnuetion details, You May aLsO,allacttlidditimpl page- s if necessary,- For muilripk Jrdershinir'ow-wirer supply ireqs ONLY frith the.sainq canstrui.tion,youswo . sutnult lifJC km. . SIIRMITTAI,laSTITC.Tiolitk 1 , . • i, • 9.Total well depth het&land stirfoce: 16 - (ft.)* 244 Par Alt Wills:- Sublitit this'form within 30 days of contplefien of well _ For UrulzIple wellslisr all dem*if illff ereq(maniple-MIRY asui.201419) consIttiction to the following: ;', . • I . . . . 10:StatieWater'del held*top easing . . (ft.) DivislOo of Water ReStiti reek,Information Processing unit, lf welly Wel is above casfui,,,isle"+" •1617 Alail.Sei-rice:ftentcr,Italei0,.Ne 27699-1617 IL Rnrclude diameter:8•23" (-(L) . 24h.Far forearm WelP50NLY: jilt addition tosending lite form to the address in 24a-abeve. also submit n..cepy of this fortis within 30•dm's of completion of Well 12;Weliconstmetion method:HSA consiniCtion tO,the folloWine!• I tie.auser,*rotuty.cal?le;rlirca pint'.cte.I - . . PlyiSion of Water itesou rocs,Iindergmund Injection Control Pro.gram, FOR WATER SUPPliN wEL0 ONLY-; 1636 Mail ScrviceCerner,Raleigh,NC 27699.1636 24c.For watei•Sunplv&Iniretion Welts: T 3o,Vield( pm) Method of test: Also submit one"ciapy of this form within;t0-days of cOmpletion of 13b.Disinfection type Amount: . wcil:consinietian to the county health department of the connty where. . constructed, Form GW-I. Nonit Catalina Department of Environment nut Natural Resources-Lent ion oi Water Rptatrtm kevised_August NIA . 1