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GW1--07649_Well Construction - GW1_20231204
WELL.CONSTRIUCTION.RECORD- \ (°I Vet.ItTernd 1. c pNLY:. This form canW•useil car.single er tatipla Iv*. . . 1..WrIA.CMItOtrtar fttenimation:. • . . . . . . . , . • 'ITAVATERZONES: • -. • ..' . • .-• - . ' Stefan Smith • - • FIMN1 TO nrSeittiaTinN Well Contra-tot N:tmd. . ft; ft. . ft: ft. 1 I •357 6-A :35.OUTER.CASINGTfai-unift Viiiied-IiiilsT 0 R LINER:Oral)'titablel'1. ,....... NC Well ConfracierCertificatienNuallet FTIOI . ,•TO '. , DEANIETER• ' THICKNESS'' MATERIAL SAEOACCO . . - f.1-t• - Ift.• • 1*-lit; . . . _ • Contimm3-Name. jfisidtimticlsAligsgu. i J Jit.....___T/HING: ieettiiiinal ehiitil-loiitorlf,' —..- . . - • FROM' TO DIAMETER TMCKNESS. - _MATERIAL_ 1 ',..i..V00 tOOSOTICRIIII Fermit//: , 0 'fit 11 ft. 2 ; ' •lit SCH-40 PVC . /4414illamiiiraige 1941 piayii4.4e.County.•pirhi,,yarlanci..Necilcil r RP ' .P . . ' . . .. . , • • 3..Well 15% (OIC;I:VN:C111 DSO'. 117:-SCREEN-- . • - . , . . .. . . . . . . _ .. , . - -- — FnOm.. •TO - .0tAMETER. st.OT SIM TtnetorSs ; MATERIAL Witter Stipply Welh' ItMtinidipal/l)tblie 11 At' 16 'It• 2- f.ii-' .010 3CH-40 PVC " Eli'igtrieulttual i .i . r.:. OCreathennat(Henting/Coolini.Supplyl CIResidential Water Supply(single) • . r I • 1 •- - .CROUVE...., ' 0 InduArialiConunercial, C3Residential WaterStipPlk(shared) S m .To, [ MATERLAL EMPLACEMENT 51E1110D&&MOUNT ID Irrigation, , . . . . . . . . 0. 'ft.: 7 ft. Portland Pour . • NonAVater Sootily WWelt: .- • • •• , , . • • . '-• ft; : '' Nivlanitorhig . , .Milo:gym • Injection%Veit: . ft. . . rtft... . -:I. . . • LIAMtifdrResbar'0 - . • . • 1:1GitoundwalargentedOion . A92SANDIGILWELPACKtillipitlimliter .--" - .:-..i."-,.-.- .-, - . . . „ • ...intOm. TO - " MATERrAL ESIPLACEAIENT mmtton -. . PAnitifer_Steragc 0)4 Recovety ciSalinhy Ranier. .... .... ,. .. . 9 R.. 16 ft. Filter' Sand #2 . ElAtiniteiTsit• ElStontiWatciliminage . ... , ' .h.. .(t. ,, . • DEtiperituoalaiTcehnorqt:. 13SubSidcocc.‘toninzi1 ...- - , ;-26:DRILLINGLOGIfittacti'additiorial shkis,iftecsaiii"- itIOeathennut Plesed Loop) ElTracer FROM. TO , . DESCRIPTION tobr.bardnco,..ttiR'mett lox:min fik,ctic.) EIGeothennal(FleatinolCooling Return} 00ther(explain under.f,t21-Retnadis) IR* . it, _ . . . . •. . ft GO'See s Logs . . 4:Datii Well(s):CemPleted: 11/7/23 'NVel.1111#141•1-10 "ft. - . ft. .".trr'cI' , .:1 ,...,/,'-. 50:Well Lticatilml •Ir.t..: rr,. Sherwin.Williams . . . . ft.. ft,. . ' D F.-C. /. 2023 - . _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ PacilityAglyncrNtaue FaFtlity itiN Zirapp*Ible), . . . .U.—MEM ., , infom:2-4::.71-1 Pr.7.-:":.:f.7,72.f-1.2 URN 113 Stage Coach Trail, Greensboro, NC,,27409 . W. . ft,. ' Lly 4 1/44;15',...k 4 • .P14.1ri*Adqi.-055,Cit3-.01 Zip•' r,21:REM11/t/tKi-% . - ''''' .' ' ' " . . . . •, . . . . . ' Guilford -Bentonite seal from 779' • . COUL1y PANC1 ItItailirtemlon No,( IN) . ,51i.jil-Utitudeand-Likiiittle in degreeitutinotesisiOnds or dotiMal tiegreci: . .22:Certificationv , (11".well tglil,one latileit i601001,0 . . . .. ' , . 1C NV -..t,0)-4q/ t.K1/11 ! 11/16/2023 _ • • Sit of Ce,.fled Well Cetargctar- Date .6.Is(are)the well(); EPermattent or ptentporary ity xigning this fainv,.i Araby ecrtifyi 6,:tr.th..g wai(s)iya.:(14xim„.1 eawrinied kr/cum/mice tiitli 15.1 NCAC 02t.0100 or 15it Isretic.ilZC:0209 Mt Cominierion Standards(yld that a 7.4 tftht a reitaii-16 au e.iistieg.o.04 Ely,,,,- -.0, EsTo. TOP:v.of(Ilk iecord iiiis lima provided'rev.the soil ditujer, . eilli.stff 4 r?Pair.Jill Or lannvn WO congilfelion informiliOn aid explain the narare of the a-0(dr adder O21.:rernarki`seditm or im the beikalthiv form, . 23.Site 4 lugFAM or.additional well:details: Yen.may use th'e.bacli of this page tp.piovidiaddidonal well Site details or Will 8,Nutuberof Wells 6tostructed: 1 • Constmetion details; Yu May alsimitach additional pages if neeessaty. For iltaldple inked&Or tion-warer slipply•weiig ONLY is•Jrli die.sinus.construdiOn, on von SUBAIMrALINSTeCTIONS:, 0."Tutil Well depth below land stirfacei . 16 - (fo, 24a. Par AU Wellk• Submit this form within 30 days-of ocfnupletiOtt of welt For ntairipkiVr Ifslist all dep.*i(differviii(e.varpp --3@200'm41.20100) • ' constrtietionle the fattening: j I. , . . • 10.Static water level bele*top of easing: (6.) •Ilivishin of-Water ReSegreeS,Inforattition P.itieessing Unit, , if waive keelis above easing,Sue."+" 1617.1SLtil.Serviee Center,Raleigh,NC 27099-1017 11.iiarehaitc diameter:8-25" . . (in.) 2411.For infection Welts ONLY: ,Imaddition to.sending,the form to ilte address in 24a-abe,also sitbittit g..eppy of this forth within 30'days'of completion of well tl.Wefl'ormstruction method USA - cotisinictiou nithe.folloWitte!• (Le.attt.r..,trim,ce1:10:,dimet iuslarte:J ' ' ' " . . Divhiaii of Water-1104u reC.E,ItifttdCttrannd ftijcitio n COntridirrOgram. FOR WATER S.ITPLY WELLS ONLYf 1636 Mail Sersice&nter,Raleigh,NC 2769971636 i 1 Wells:. 24e.For Water Swift&Injection W 14atifield(gtim) :Waited of test: .Also-submit one ciii)3., of this faun Within 30,days of comPletion of 1311.DisinfeetiOn.type: Amount: . .welt conStruction.to the county 1661, tli department of the county where- . . , .. Construct6d. • Form GIV-1 Minh Carolitm Depatnneta.or Emicomneta and Natural Re:euteM.,Division el'Water F1meirces Revised Aoguut20l3