HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231443 Ver 1_printablemap-properties soil map (3)_20231020Iredell Cou n ty, N orth C arolin a Octo ber 1 8 , 2 0 23 Tax Map Information • PIN 4626425449.000 • Ad dress 170 LAKELAND RD • Account #Ac c t 80077836 • Tax O w ner FURR TIMO THY SCOTT • Mailing Add ress 1232 MANCHEST ER LN •CHARLO TTE, NC 28227 • GIS O w n er FURR TIMO THY S+BEATRICE N SHERRILL • Deed Inf o 2767 / 1779 - WD - 20201229 • Tax Acres 0 LT • Lot #33 • Descript ion HO LIDAY HARBO R SHT1 PB7-29-30 • Zon ing RR • Old Parcel #1702F06000A033 • Bld g Valu e $163,360 • OBXF Valu e $7,560 • Land Value $562,500 • Total Value $733,420 • Defer Valu e $0 • Tax Districts -ALLCNTY FIRE- - M AP FOR REFERENCE O NLY NO T A LEGAL DO CUM ENT Iredell County, North Car olina makes no c laims and no warranties , ex pres s ed or implied, c onc erning the v alidity or accurac y of the G IS data pres ented on this map. Geometry updated 10/11/2023 Data updated 10/16/2023 Prin t m ap sc a le is a pprox imate . Critic a l la you t or mea sure men t a ctiv itie s s hou ld n ot b e d o ne u sing this re sou rce. 1" = 94.65215778607569 ft Ma p T h e me Le ge nds So ils Data - US DA Su rfac e Te x ture Iredell SWCD & USDA NRCS Soil Surv ey