HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220664 Ver 2_CaseyCreek_100597_FD_BufferMP_2023_20231128                            NUTRIENT OFFSET &  BUFFER MITIGATION  PLAN      October 2023  CASEY CREEK MITIGATION SITE  Wayne County, NC    Neuse River Basin  HUC 03020201    USACE Action ID: SAW‐2022‐01239  NCDWR ID No. 20220664 v2    NCDEQ Contract No. 210201‐01  RFP#: 16‐20210201 (Issued: 7/7/2021)  DMS ID No. 100597    PREPARED FOR:      NC Department of Environmental Quality  Division of Mitigation Services  1652 Mail Service Center  Raleigh, NC 27699‐1652  4 Comments on Buffer Mitigation Plan  1.Table 9 – recommend for the Vegetation Monitoring Feature to change from Caroling Vegetation Survey Level 2 to simply 100 m2 plot. Table 9 now lists the Monitoring Feature as “100 m2 Plot”. 2.Section 9 – The Clarified Procedures for Calculating Buffer Mitigation Credits and Nutrient Offset Credits was issued in 2019. The correction has been made to the relevant sentence. 3.Table 10 – Please make the Nutrient Offset areas for Casey Creek and Afton Branch convertible to Riparian Buffer and add the square footage to Total Area of Buffer Mitigation column. Unlike banks, DMS has the ability to convert credit types based on DWR’s viability determination. Table 10 has now been updated to state that Nutrient Offset areas along Casey Creek and Afton Branch are convertible to Riparian Buffer. Relevant text in Section 9.0 has also been updated to reflect this change. MITIGATION PLAN  Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Wayne County, NC  NCDEQ Contract No. 210201‐01  DMS ID No. 100597  Neuse River Basin  HUC 03020201  PREPARED FOR:  NC Department of Environmental Quality  Division of Mitigation Services  1652 Mail Service Center  Raleigh, NC  27699‐1652  PREPARED BY:  Wildlands Engineering, Inc.  312 W Millbrook Road, Suite 225  Raleigh, NC 27609  Phone (919) 851‐9986  This Mitigation Plan has been written in conformance with the requirements of the following:  15A NCAC 02B .0295 Mitigation Program Requirements for Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Buffers. 15A NCAC O2B .0703, Nutrient Offset Credit Trading Rule, amended effective April 1, 2020 These documents govern DMS operations and procedures for the delivery of compensatory  mitigation.  Contributing Staff:  Chris Roessler, Project Manager  John Hutton, Principal in Charge  Kaitlyn Hogarth, Mitigation Plan Development  Daniel Taylor, Construction Administrator  Kaitlyn Hogarth, Monitoring Lead  Andrea Eckardt, Lead Quality Assurance     Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan    DMS ID No. 100597  Page i October 2023  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan  Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Neuse River Basin    TABLE OF CONTENTS  1.0 Project Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1  1.1  Site Description ............................................................................................................................. 1  2.0 Mitigation Project Summary ............................................................................................................. 1  2.1  Project Goals ................................................................................................................................. 1  2.2 Existing Site Conditions ................................................................................................................. 2  2.3  Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation and Nutrient Offset Mitigation .............................................. 3  2.4 Alternative Mitigation ................................................................................................................... 4  2.5 Watershed Characterization ......................................................................................................... 4  2.6 Soils ............................................................................................................................................... 5  2.7 Existing Vegetative Communities ................................................................................................. 5  2.8 Threatened and Endangered Species ........................................................................................... 5  2.9 Cultural Resources ........................................................................................................................ 6  2.10 FEMA Floodplain Compliance ....................................................................................................... 6  2.11 Site Location, Site Constraints, and Access ................................................................................... 6  2.12 Other Environmental Conditions .................................................................................................. 6  3.0  Site Protection Instrument ................................................................................................................ 7  4.0 Mitigation Work Plan ........................................................................................................................ 7  4.1 Site Preparation ............................................................................................................................ 7  4.2 Riparian Area Restoration Activities ............................................................................................. 7  4.3 Riparian Area Preservation Activities ............................................................................................ 8  5.0 Performance Standards .................................................................................................................... 9  5.1 Vegetation ..................................................................................................................................... 9  5.2 Reference Photographs ................................................................................................................ 9  5.3 Visual Assessments ....................................................................................................................... 9  5.4 Reporting Performance Criteria .................................................................................................... 9  5.5 Maintenance and Contingency Plans ............................................................................................ 9  6.0 Monitoring Plan .............................................................................................................................. 10  6.1 Monitoring Components ............................................................................................................. 10  7.0 Long‐Term Management ................................................................................................................ 10  8.0 Adaptive Management Plan ........................................................................................................... 10  9.0 Potential Credit Generation ............................................................................................................ 11  11.0 References ...................................................................................................................................... 14       Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan    DMS ID No. 100597  Page ii October 2023  TABLES  Table 1 Ecological and Water Quality Goals  Table 2 Buffer Project Attributes  Table 3 Project Features   Table 4 Drainage Areas and Associated Land Use  Table 5  Project Soil Types and Descriptions  Table 6 Existing Vegetation  Table 7 Site Protection Instrument  Table 8 Selected Tree Species  Table 9                Monitoring Components  Table 10 Casey Creek Mitigation Site – Project Credit Table  Table 11 Casey Creek Mitigation Site – Total Area of Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation  FIGURES  Figure 1 Vicinity Map   Figure 2 Credit Service Area Map  Figure 3 Site Map  Figure 4 USGS Topographic Map  Figure 5  Watershed Map  Figure 6 NRCS 1974 NRCS Soil Survey Map   Figure 7               Buffer Mitigation Concept Map  Figure 8               Riparian Buffer Zones Map  Figure 9 Monitoring Components Map    APPENDICES   Appendix A Current Land Use Photographs – June 29, 2023  Appendix B Historical Aerials   Appendix C On Site Determination of Applicability to Neuse Riparian Buffer Rules – August 10, 2022  Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation and Nutrient Offset Letter – February 28, 2023  Appendix D Categorical Exclusion – October 31, 2022, and Supporting Documentation  Appendix E         Casey Creek Mitigation Site Planting Plans     Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan    DMS ID No. 100597  Page 1 October 2023    Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan  Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Neuse River Basin  1.0 Project Introduction  The Casey Creek Mitigation Site (Site) is a riparian buffer mitigation project in conjunction with a stream  mitigation project. The Site shall be planned and designed according to 15A NCAC 02B .0703 and the  Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295. The Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Plan  (Buffer Plan) has also been designed in concurrence with the Casey Creek Stream Mitigation Project  (USACE Action ID SAW‐2022‐01239, NCDWR ID No. 2022‐0664 v2).    The project is in Wayne County approximately one mile west of the town of Grantham (Figure 1).  Directions are included in Figure 1. The Site creates a protected riparian area from top of bank out to  200 feet along three unnamed tributaries (Casey Creek, Martha Branch, and Afton Branch) and one ditch  (Ditch B). The primary purpose of the riparian buffer mitigation project is to provide riparian buffer  mitigation credits and nutrient offset credits to compensate for unavoidable impacts in the Neuse River  Basin 03020201 Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC), outside of the Falls Lake Watershed (Figure 2). The Site is  located within the Neuse River Basin HUC 03020201170010 and NCDWR Subbasin 03‐04‐12 in Wayne  County.   1.1  Site Description  The project contains three unnamed tributaries (Casey Creek, Martha Branch, and Afton Branch), one  project Ditch (Ditch B), and two non‐project ditches (Ditches A and C). All project features flow to Casey  Creek, which eventually flows to Falling Creek. Falling Creek flows into the Neuse River. Falling Creek is  classified as Class C Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW).   This riparian mitigation project will reduce sediment and nutrient loading, provide and improve  terrestrial and instream habitats, and improve stream and bank stability. The Site is currently occupied  by areas of row crop fields and existing forest. See Appendix A for June 2023 current land use  photographs. Restoring and preserving the riparian area up to 200 feet from the streams will reduce  nutrient and sediment inputs to the tributaries of Falling Creek, and subsequently to the Neuse River.  The restored floodplain areas will filter sediment during high rainfall events and provide cover and food  for wildlife.   2.0 Mitigation Project Summary  2.1  Project Goals  The major goals of the proposed nutrient offset and buffer mitigation project are to provide ecological  and water quality enhancements to the Neuse River Basin by restoring and preserving the riparian area  to create a functional riparian corridor. Specific enhancements to water quality and ecological processes  are outlined below in Table 1.             Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan    DMS ID No. 100597  Page 2 October 2023  Table 1: Ecological and Water Quality Goals   Goals Objectives  Decrease nutrient levels.  Nutrient input will be decreased by filtering runoff from surrounding  agricultural fields through restored native vegetation. The off‐site nutrient  input will also be absorbed on‐site by filtering flood flows through restored  floodplain areas, where flood flows can disperse through native vegetation.  Decrease sediment input. Sediment from off‐site sources will be captured by deposition on restored  floodplain areas where native vegetation will slow overland flow velocities.  Decrease water  temperature and increase  dissolved oxygen  concentrations.  Planted riparian trees will shade the project features as they mature, reducing  thermal pollution.  Create appropriate  terrestrial habitat.  Riparian areas will be restored by treating invasive vegetation and planting  native vegetation.   Permanently protect the  project Site from harmful  uses.  A conservation easement will be recorded on the Site.  2.2 Existing Site Conditions  The proposed buffer mitigation and nutrient offset project includes approximately 25.1 acres of row  crop agriculture and forest along Casey Creek, Martha Branch, Afton Branch, and the right bank of Ditch  B. The Parcel easement boundary will extend from top of bank to at least 20 feet along nearly all project  streams and out to 200 feet where possible (Figure 3).   In general, project streams have minimal forested buffers with row crops planted to top of bank. Casey  Creek originates as an intermittent stream off the project property and becomes perennial near the  confluence with Martha Branch. Mature forest border Casey Creek until its confluence with Martha  Branch. Below Martha Branch, row crops extend to the top of both banks. Martha Branch is an  intermittent stream flowing east with row crops planted to the top of the right bank and a forested  buffer greater than 200 feet on the left side. Afton Branch is a perennial stream that flows west to meet  Casey Creek. Row crops are planted to the top of bank for the entirety of Afton Branch. The Site  topography consists of gently sloped valleys.  In general, this area has maintained its rural, farming character over the last 40 years with only minor  changes in land cover (see historical aerials in Appendix B). The consistency in land use within the  project watershed indicates that processes affecting hydrology, sediment supply, and nutrient and  pollutant delivery have not varied widely over this period. With a lack of developmental pressure,  watershed processes and stressors from outside the project limits are likely to remain consistent  throughout the implementation, monitoring, and closeout of this project.        Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan    DMS ID No. 100597  Page 3 October 2023  Table 2: Buffer Project Attributes   Project Name Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Hydrologic Unit Code 03020201170010  River Basin Neuse  Credit Service Area Outside of Falls Lake Watershed  Geographic Location (Lat, Long) 35°17'45.33"N, 78°11'06.29"W  Site Protection Instrument (DB, PG) To be recorded  Total Credits 363,452.900 ft2 riparian buffer and 9,179.375 lbs N offset  Types of Credits Riparian Buffer Credits and Nutrient Offset Credits  Buffer Plan Date August 2023  Initial Planting Date December 2024  Baseline Report Date April 2025  MY1 Report Date December 2025  MY2 Report Date December 2026  MY3 Report Date December 2027  MY4 Report Date December 2028  MY5 Report Date December 2029  2.3  Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation and Nutrient Offset Mitigation  On June 2, 2022, NCDWR assessed the project streams and issued the official Stream Determination  Letter on August 10, 2022. NCDWR also performed an onsite visit of the project area to determine  viability for buffer mitigation and nutrient offset on November 2, 2022, and issued a site viability letter  on February 28, 2023. Five features were assessed by NCDWR during the November 2nd site visit, the  results of which are shown in Table 3 below. The Buffer Interpretation/Clarification Memo #2008‐019  applies to Ditch B and non‐project ditch C where maintenance of diffuse flow into the conservation  easement is unattainable. The reduction in credit from the memo being applied is documented in Table  10 below and Figure 7. There have been no changes to land use in the project area since NCDWR’s 2022  site visits. A copy of both the “On‐Site (Stream Origin) Determination for Applicability to Neuse Buffer  Rules” and the “Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation & Nutrient Offset” letters from NCDWR are included  in Appendix C.  Table 3: Project Features   Feature Name* Classification Buffer Credit Viable Nutrient Offset Viable  Casey Creek Stream Yes  Yes   (non‐forested areas only)  Martha Branch  Stream Yes Yes   (non‐forested areas only)  Afton Branch Stream Yes Yes   (non‐forested areas only)  A Roadside  ditch No No  B Ditch No Yes   (right bank only)  *Ditch C not assessed during November 2nd NCDWR Site Viability Visit and not included in project crediting     Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan    DMS ID No. 100597  Page 4 October 2023  2.4 Alternative Mitigation  In addition to riparian restoration on subject streams, per the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rules (15A  NCAC 02B 0.0295 (o)), alternative mitigation is proposed on the Site in the form of riparian restoration  on non‐subject streams and riparian preservation of forested land on subject streams. The proposed  project is in compliance in the following ways:  Riparian Restoration on Non‐Subject Streams (15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(3)):   The non‐subject streams were confirmed as intermittent or perennial streams by Division staff  certified per G.S. 143‐214.25A using the Division publication, “Methodology for Identification of  Intermittent and Perennial Streams and Their Origins (v.4.11, 2010)” (See Appendix C for the  On‐Site Determination for Applicability to the Neuse Buffer Rules letter).   Preservation on Subject Streams (15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(5):   The buffer width is at least 30 feet from the stream (See Figure 8 for buffer zones).   The area meets the requirements of 15A NCAC 02R 0.0403(c)(7), (8), and (11) with no known  structures, infrastructure, hazardous substances, solid waste, or encumbrances within the  mitigation boundary (See Section 2.21 and Appendix D for an EDR Radius Report summary).   Mitigation credits for preservation are being requested on no more than 25% of the total area of  buffer mitigation (See Table 10 for credit calculations).   2.5 Watershed Characterization  The Site is located within the HUC 03020201170010. All project features flow to Falling Creek, which is a  tributary to the Neuse River. The Neuse River is classified as WS‐IV and NSW by NCDWR. WS‐IV waters  are water supply waters used for drinking water, culinary, or food processing where a WS‐I, II, or III  classification is not feasible. These waters are also protected for Class C uses (recreational use,  agriculture, fishing and fish consumption, and the maintenance of biological integrity for wildlife). The  NSW designation applies to surface waters that are experiencing excessive growth of microscopic or  macroscopic vegetation.   Topography, as indicated on the Grantham USGS 7.5‐minute topographic quadrangle, shows gently  sloped areas throughout the Site (Figure 4). Casey Creek and Afton Branch are depicted as streams on  the USGS Topographic Map. Drainage areas were delineated using the USGS Stream Stats website and  the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program’s 2014‐2015 Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data.  Land uses draining to the project streams are primarily a combination of agricultural and forested land.  The watershed areas and current land use around project streams are depicted in Figure 5, the current  land use photographs in Appendix A, and are summarized in Table 4 below.   Table 4: Drainage Areas and Associated Land Use   Reach Name Watershed Area  (acres) Land Use  Casey Creek 439 42% cultivated crops and hay; 44% forest; 3% shrubland;  9% developed; >1% grassland; >1% open water  Martha Branch 82 10% cultivated crops and hay; 76% forested; 3% shrubland;  10% developed  Afton Branch 210 38% cultivated crops and hay; 49% forested; 9%  developed; 2% shrubland; >1% grassland; >1% open water     Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan    DMS ID No. 100597  Page 5 October 2023  2.6 Soils  The proposed Site is mapped by the Wayne County Soil Survey. The project area soils are described  below in Table 5.  Casey Creek and Afton Branch are depicted as streams on the 1974 NRCS Soil Survey  provided in Figure 6.  Table 5: Project Soil Types and Descriptions   Soil Name Description  We‐ Weston loamy sand  (Woodington)  Deep, coarse‐loamy, poorly drained soil that occurs on gently rolling coastal plain  uplands, flats, and stream terraces. Located along upper Casey Creek.  Ke ‐ Kenansville loamy sand  Well drained, loamy, and deep soils formed of marine and fluvial sediment.  Kenansville occurs on level and gently sloping coastal plain uplands and stream  terraces. Located along upper Casey Creek.  Dr ‐ Dragston loamy sand Very deep, coarse‐loamy, and somewhat poorly drained found on marine terraces.  Located along the middle portion of Casey Creek.  NoB ‐ Norfolk loamy sand  Well drained, fine‐loamy and very deep soils located on coastal plain uplands and  marine terraces. A very small area of Norfolk is located near the middle portion of  Casey Creek.  Ly ‐ Lynchburg sandy loam Very deep, fine‐loamy, and somewhat poorly drained soils occurring on coastal plain  flats and marine terraces. Located along Martha Branch.  Ra ‐ Rains sandy loam Very deep, poorly drained, fine‐loamy soils with a shallow, persistent water table  occurring on coastal plain flats and depressions. Located along lower Casey Creek.  Source: Web Soil Survey https://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/WebSoilSurvey.aspx  2.7 Existing Vegetative Communities  Existing vegetation within the Site is primarily comprised of row crops and existing forest. Existing  vegetation species across the project area are listed in Table 6. This is not an exhaustive list but gives an  indication of types of species growing in the area.   Table 6: Existing Vegetation  Species Common Name Species Common Name  Acer rubrum Red Maple Ligustrum sinense Chinese Privet  Rhus copallinum Winged Sumac Liquidambar styraciflua Sweetgum  Rubus occidentalis Blackberry Quercus phellos Willow Oak  Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar  Nyssa sylvatica Swamp Tupelo Quercus alba White Oak  Ilex opaca American Holly Salix nigra Black Willow  2.8 Threatened and Endangered Species  According to the Official Species List provided by the Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office of the U.S.  Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), there are currently three federally protected species listed for the  proposed Site: red‐cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), Neuse River waterdog (Necturus lewisi),  and Carolina madtom (Noturus furiosus). Additionally, the tricolored bat (Perimyotis subflavus) (TCB)  was proposed endangered on September 14, 2022, after initial assessments were completed. The TCB     Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan    DMS ID No. 100597  Page 6 October 2023  was not included on the original IPaC species list in the Categorical Exclusion. On July 6, 2023 in  anticipation of its formal listing, the species list was updated and is included in Appendix D.   USFWS did not have any objections to the proposed activities in their response to the public notice  (SAW‐2022‐001239) on August 12, 2022 and expected minimal adverse impacts to fish and wildlife  resources. In a pedestrian survey conducted on August 16, 2022, no suitable habitat or individuals were  observed for the listed threatened and endangered species. Additionally, NCWRC has no issue with the  project as proposed.  After the initial T&E site evaluation was completed, the tricolored bat (Perimyotis subflavus) (TCB) was  proposed for listing as a federally endangered species on September 14, 2022. The project area provides  suitable summer habitat in the form of roost trees; however, the majority of the forested area is along  the reach of stream proposed for preservation. No channel work will be done in the preservation area.  Additionally, there is a culvert bisecting the project as Casey Creek runs beneath US Highway 13, also  known as the Blue‐Gray Scenic Byway. Stream restoration will occur on both sides of the culvert but the  culvert itself will remain as is. Per the NHP data explorer, there are no known occurrences of the TCB  within the project area or within 10‐miles of the project area.   In anticipation of the final TCB ruling, Wildlands will commit to the tree clearing moratoria (April 1 –  October 14) during the TCB active season as recommended by USFWS. Wildlands will reinitiate  consultation with USFWS if the TCB is listed prior to completion of the project tree clearing.    Results from pedestrian surveys and agency correspondence are located in Appendix D.  2.9 Cultural Resources  There are no existing structures in the project area. The Site is not located near any sites listed on the  National Register with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). SHPO was contacted with request  for review and comment on August 23, 2022. SHPO responded on September 1, 2022 that they “are  aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project” and have no comment on the  project as it is currently proposed. The SHPO request and response are included in Appendix D.  2.10 FEMA Floodplain Compliance  The Site is represented on the Wayne County Flood Map 3720254600J. There is no mapped floodplain or  floodway on the Site. Wildlands contacted the Wayne County floodplain administrator on April 13, 2023  and was told that a floodplain development permit would not be needed to meet local requirements.  The project will be designed to avoid adverse floodplain impacts or hydrologic trespass on adjacent  properties or local roadways.  2.11 Site Location, Site Constraints, and Access  The project area is bisected by US Highway 13 and is accessible via the highway. The portion of the  project north of Highway 13 contains one internal culvert crossing, while the portion south of Highway  13 contains no crossings.   2.12 Other Environmental Conditions  An EDR Radius Map Report with Geocheck was ordered for the Site through Environmental Data  Resources, Inc. on September 24, 2021. Neither the target property nor the adjacent properties were  listed in any of the Federal, State, or Tribal environmental databases searched by EDR. There were no  known or potentially hazardous waste sites identified within or immediately adjacent to the project  area. The Executive Summary of the EDR report is included in Appendix D.     Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan    DMS ID No. 100597  Page 7 October 2023  3.0  Site Protection Instrument  The land required for planting, management, and stewardship of the mitigation project includes  portions of the parcels listed in Table 7. An option agreement for the project area has been signed by  the property owners and a Memorandum of Option has been recorded at the Wayne County Register of  Deeds (DB 3671; PG 511‐514, PG 515‐518). The proposed conservation easement on this property has  not yet been recorded.  Table7: Site Protection Instrument   Landowner PIN County  Site  Protection  Instrument  Deed Book  and Page  Number  Acreage  to be  Protected  Martha Kornegay and Bernard  Kornegay  2546335459  2546229607  2546314958  Wayne Conservation  Easement  To Be  Recorded 24.0  Johnnie Mangrum Brock 2546248066 Wayne Conservation  Easement  To Be  Recorded 1.1  4.0 Mitigation Work Plan  The project will restore and enhance agriculturally impacted land along three streams and one ditch to a  protected riparian corridor, improving the ecological function of the area. Figure 7 illustrates the  nutrient offset credit areas and riparian buffer credit areas and conceptual design; Figure 8 depicts the  riparian zones and designated widths for the Site.  4.1 Site Preparation  In general, riparian areas will either be restored or preserved with minimum widths of 20 feet from tops  of banks and maximum widths of 200 feet from tops of banks. Much of the land within 200 feet from  top of bank of the project features has either been cleared and maintained for row crop production or  has remained forested. Areas slated for riparian restoration that are not impacted by the construction of  the stream mitigation project will require little site preparation including select herbicide treatments or  limited mechanical clearing to remove undesirable underbrush and invasive species. Other areas of the  easement will be graded in accordance with the IRT approved stream mitigation plan. Any haul roads or  other areas of compacted soil within the easement boundary will be ripped prior to planting. An old  borrow pit adjacent to the bottom of Casey Creek will be filled within the first 50 feet of Casey Creek  and planted. Additionally, a portion of Ditch B will be graded to create a swale that contains a pilot  channel to convey baseflow. The specifics of the stream restoration project are in the Casey Creek  Stream Mitigation Plan. Section 6.6 of the Casey Creek Stream Mitigation Plan contains information on  grading. A 401 & 404 permit will be required for all stream restoration work and will be obtained before  any work in the waters begins.   4.2 Riparian Area Restoration Activities  Riparian area restoration will involve planting appropriate native tree species along the riparian corridor.  Vegetation management and herbicide applications may be needed over the first few years of tree  establishment in the riparian restoration areas to prevent encroachment of undesirable species that may  out‐compete the planted native vegetation. Tree and shrub species planted across the riparian areas of  the Site will include a mixture of the species listed in the Casey Creek Mitigation Site Planting Tables,  located in Appendix E. The primary species will include the species listed in Table 8. All activities associated     Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan    DMS ID No. 100597  Page 8 October 2023  with generating riparian buffer and nutrient offset credits will occur at the same time as the stream  mitigation activities and not before.      Table 8: Selected Tree Species   Trees and shrubs will be spaced at 6 feet by 12 feet during planting, which is equivalent to a stem  density of 521 stems per acre and is sufficient to meet the performance standards outlined in the Rule  15A NCAC 02B .0295 of 260 planted trees and shrubs per acre at the end of five years. At least 8 species  listed in Table 8 will be planted. If a species is not available at the time of planting, the percentage  composition of one or more of the available species will be increased to ensure the same number of  trees required to meet the proposed density are planted. No one species will be planted at a  composition higher than 15%. Stems will be well mixed prior to planting to ensure diversity of bare root  species across the Site. Due to the nature of random mixing, some stems of the same species might be  planted together in some areas. A regionally appropriate seed mix of warm season grasses and  wildflowers will also be applied to provide temporary and permanent ground cover for soil stabilization  and reduction of sediment loss during rain events in areas without existing herbaceous cover. The  proposed planting area includes the areas identified as Riparian Restoration for Buffer Credits and  Riparian Restoration for Nutrient Offset Credits on Figure 7. Planting is scheduled for December 2024.    4.3 Riparian Area Preservation Activities  There will be no site preparation work done in the riparian preservation areas under 15NCAC 02B  .0295(o)(4) except as required in the stream mitigation plan. The area of preservation credit within the  nutrient offset and buffer mitigation site is less than 25% of the total area of riparian buffer mitigation,  as shown in Table 10.  The preservation area will be protected in perpetuity under a conservation  easement.  Species Common Name Composition Forest Strata Tree/Shrub  Quercus alba White Oak 5% Canopy Tree  Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak 8% Canopy Tree  Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 10% Canopy Tree  Ulmus americana American Elm 5% Canopy Tree  Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia 10% SubCanopy Tree  Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood 8% Canopy Tree  Quercus nigra Water Oak 7% Canopy Tree  Quercus phellos Willow Oak 7% Canopy Tree  Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 10% Canopy Tree  Nyssa biflora Swamp Tupelo 5% Canopy Tree  Acer negundo Boxelder 6% SubCanopy Tree  Betula nigra River Birch 10% Canopy Tree  Ulmus alata Winged Elm 3% Canopy Tree  Morella cerifera Common Waxmyrtle 3% SubCanopy Shrub  Hamamelis virginiana American Witch‐hazel 3% SubCanopy Shrub     Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan    DMS ID No. 100597  Page 9 October 2023  5.0 Performance Standards  The performance criteria for the Site will follow approved performance criteria presented in the  guidance documents outlined in RFP 16‐20210201 and the Consolidated Buffer Rule (15A NCAC 02B  .0295). Annual monitoring and semi‐annual site visits will be conducted to assess the condition of the  finished project. The buffer restoration project will be assigned specific performance criteria  components for vegetation. Performance criteria will be evaluated throughout the five‐year post‐ construction monitoring. An outline of the performance criteria components follows.    5.1 Vegetation   The final vegetative success criteria will be the survival of at least 260 stems per acre at the end of the  fifth year of monitoring, with a minimum of four native hardwood trees or shrubs where no one species  comprises more than 50 percent of stems. Vigor, height, species composition, and density will all be  assessed. The extent of invasive species coverage will also be monitored and controlled as necessary  throughout the required monitoring period.    Permanent vegetation monitoring plots will be installed and evaluated within the riparian restoration  areas to measure the survival of the planted trees and shrubs. The plots will be randomly placed  throughout the planted riparian areas.  A total of 10 plots will be established within the riparian  restoration areas which will make up at least 2% of the planted area (Figure 10). The size of individual  quadrants will be 100 square meters.  Vegetation assessments will be conducted and follow the DMS approved protocol outlined in the DMS  Monitoring Report Template (October 2020). A reference photo will be taken from the southwestern  corner of each of the 7 plots. Photos will be taken from all photo points each monitoring year and  provided in the annual reports. All planted stems will be marked with flagging tape and recorded.   5.2 Reference Photographs  Overview photographs will be taken within the project area once a year to visually document vegetation  growth for five years following construction.   5.3 Visual Assessments   Visual assessments will be performed within the Site on a semi‐annual basis during the five‐year  monitoring period. Problem areas with vegetative health will be noted (e.g. low stem density, vegetation  mortality, invasive species or encroachment). Areas of concern will be mapped and photographed  accompanied by a written description in the annual report. Problem areas with be re‐evaluated during  each subsequent visual assessment. Should remedial actions be required, recommendations will be  provided in the annual monitoring report.   5.4 Reporting Performance Criteria   Using the DMS Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Buffer Baseline and Annual Monitoring Report  Template version 2.0 (May 2017), a baseline monitoring document and as‐built record drawings of the  project will be developed for the constructed Site. Complete monitoring reports will be prepared in the  fall of each monitoring year and submitted to DMS. Annual monitoring reports will be based on the  above referenced DMS Template (May 2017). The monitoring period will extend five years beyond  completion of construction or until performance criteria have been met.    5.5 Maintenance and Contingency Plans   Wildlands will develop necessary adaptive measures or implement appropriate remedial actions in the  event that the Site or a specific component of the Site fails to achieve the success criteria outlined     Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan    DMS ID No. 100597  Page 10 October 2023  above. The project‐specific monitoring plan developed during the design phase will identify an  appropriate threshold for maintenance intervention based on the monitored items. Any actions  implemented will be designed to achieve the success criteria specified previously and will include a work  schedule and updated monitoring criteria (if applicable).  6.0 Monitoring Plan  The Site monitoring plan has been developed to ensure that the required performance standards are  met, and project goals and objectives are achieved. The monitoring report shall provide project data  chronology that will facilitate an understanding of project status and trends, ease population of DMS  databases for analysis and research purposes and assist in close‐out decision making.   6.1 Monitoring Components  Project monitoring components are listed in more detail in Table 9 and Figure 9.   Table 9: Monitoring Components   Parameter Monitoring Feature Quantity  Frequency  Vegetation 100 m2 Plot 10 Annual  Visual Assessment  Y Semi‐Annual  Exotic and nuisance  vegetation   Y Semi‐Annual  Project Boundary   Y Semi‐Annual  Reference Photos Overview Photographs Y Annual  7.0 Long‐Term Management  The Site will be transferred to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ)  Stewardship Program. This party shall serve as conservation easement holder and long‐term steward for  the property and will conduct periodic inspection of the Site to ensure that restrictions required in the  conservation easement are upheld. Funding will be supplied by the responsible party on a yearly basis  until such time an endowment is established. The NCDEQ Stewardship Program is developing an  endowment system within the non‐reverting, interest‐bearing Conservation Lands Conservation Fund  Account. The use of funds from the Endowment Account will be governed by North Carolina General  Statue GS 113A‐232(d)(3). Interest gained by the endowment fund may be used for the purpose of  stewardship, monitoring, stewardship administration, and land transaction costs, if applicable.   The Stewardship Program will periodically install additional signage as needed to identify boundary  markings. Internal easement crossings planned for the project area will be the responsibility of the  landowner to maintain. The Site Protection Instrument can be found in Appendix D.   8.0 Adaptive Management Plan  Upon completion of Site construction, Wildlands will implement the post‐construction monitoring  defined in Section 6. Project maintenance will be performed during the monitoring years to address  minor issues as necessary. If, during annual monitoring it is determined the Site’s ability to achieve Site  performance standards are jeopardized, Wildlands will notify the members of DMS/NCDWR and work  with the DMS/NCDWR to develop contingency plans and remedial actions. Any actions implemented will  be designed to achieve the success criteria specified previously and will include a work schedule and  updated monitoring criteria (if applicable).     Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan    DMS ID No. 100597  Page 11 October 2023  9.0 Credit Determination  Of the 25.1 acres protected under the conservation easement, the mitigation approach for 12.1 acres is  riparian restoration. Of the 12.1 acres of restoration, 8.0 acres are proposed for riparian buffer credit  and 4.0 acres are proposed for nutrient offset credit. Riparian buffer credits are also being generated  from 2.7 acres of preservation. Preservation credit within the nutrient offset and buffer mitigation site is  equivalent to 25% of the total area of riparian buffer mitigation, as shown in table 10. The Buffer  Interpretation/Clarification Memo #2008‐019 applies to Ditches B and C where maintenance of diffuse  flow into the easement is unattainable. Other areas within the conservation easement where credit is  not claimed include internal crossings and areas where the riparian width exceeds 200 feet. All credit  areas will be finalized in an As‐Built Survey and will be submitted in the As‐Built report.   The management objectives, mitigation type, and proposed amount of riparian buffer mitigation are  presented in Tables 10 and 11 below. The riparian buffer and nutrient offset credits will be derived from  riparian areas adjacent to mitigated streams. Credits will be determined based on existing riparian  conditions on the Parcel.  Areas that are convertible to Nutrient Offset Credit or Riparian Buffer Credit  are specified in Table 10 below. Credit conversions must be calculated using the guidance provided in  the Clarified Procedures for Calculating Buffer Mitigation Credits and Nutrient Offset Credits letter  issued by the NCDWR in 2019.     Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan    DMS ID No. 100597  Page 12 October 2023  Table 10: Casey Creek Mitigation Site – Project Credit Table  Neuse 03020201 ‐ Outside Falls Lake Project Area   19.16394 N Credit Conversion Ratio (ft2/pound)   N/A P Credit Conversion Ratio (ft2/pound)   Credit Type Location  Subject? (enter  NO if  ephemeral or  ditch 1)  Feature Type Mitigation  Activity  Min‐Max Buffer  Width (ft) Feature Name Total Area (ft2)  Total  (Creditable)  Area of Buffer  Mitigation (ft2)  Initial Credit  Ratio (x:1) % Full Credit  Final Credit  Ratio (x:1)    Convertible  to Riparian  Buffer?    Riparian  Buffer  Credits    Convertible  to Nutrient  Offset?    Delivered  Nutrient  Offset: N  (lbs)   Buffer Rural Yes I / P Restoration 0‐100 Casey Creek,  Afton Branch 317,307 317,307 1 100% 1.00000 Yes 317,307.000 Yes 16,557.503  Buffer Rural No I / P Restoration 0‐100 Martha Branch 31,875 31,875 1 100% 1.00000 Yes 31,875.000 Yes 1,663.280  Nutrient Offset Rural Yes I / P Restoration 0‐100 Casey Creek,  Afton Branch 73,941 73,941 1 100% 1.00000 Yes 73,941.000 Yes 3,858.340  Nutrient Offset Rural Yes I / P Restoration 101‐200 Casey Creek,  Afton Branch 83,681 83,681 1 33% 3.03030 Yes 27,614.758 Yes 4,366.586  Nutrient Offset Rural No Ditch Restoration 0‐100 Ditch B 18,291  1 100% 1.00000 No — Yes 954.449  Buffer Rural No Ditch Restoration 0‐50 Diffuse Flow  Deduction 2,793  1 100% 1.00000 No — No —    Totals (ft2): 527,887 506,803     450,737.758   27,400.158    Total Buffer  (ft2): 351,974 349,181   Total Nutrient  Offset (ft2): 175,913 N/A        Total Ephemeral Area  (ft2) for Credit: 0 0       Total Eligible  Ephemeral Area (ft2): 117,325 0.0%    Enter Preservation Credits Below   Total Eligible for  Preservation (ft2): 117,325 25.0% Preservation as % TABM   Credit Type Location Subject? Feature Type Mitigation  Activity  Min‐Max  Buffer Width  (ft)  Feature Name  Total Area (sf)   Total  (Creditable)  Area for Buffer  Mitigation (ft2)  Initial Credit  Ratio (x:1) % Full Credit  Final Credit  Ratio (x:1)    Riparian  Buffer  Credits   Buffer Rural Yes I / P   0‐100 Casey Creek 375,113 91,941 10 100% 10.00000 9,194.100   Rural No I / P   0‐100 Martha Branch 25,684 25,384 5 100%  5.00000 5,076.800   Rural Yes I / P   101‐200 Casey Creek 67,663 0 10 33%   —      Preservation Area  Subtotals (ft2): 468,460 117,325                    Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan    DMS ID No. 100597  Page 13 October 2023  Table 11: Casey Creek Mitigation Site ‐ Total Area of Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation   TOTAL AREA OF BUFFER MITIGATION (TABM)  Mitigation Totals Square Feet Credits  Restoration: 349,181 349,182.000  Enhancement: 0 0.000  Preservation: 117,325 14,270.900  Total Riparian Buffer: 466,506 363,452.900  TOTAL NUTRIENT OFFSET MITIGATION  Mitigation Totals Square Feet Credits  Nutrient  Offset:  Nitrogen:  175,913  9,179.375  Phosphorus: 0.000     Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Nutrient Offset & Buffer Mitigation Plan    DMS ID No. 100597  Page 14 October 2023  11.0 References  Lee, M.T., Peet, R.K., Roberts, S.D., & Wentworth, T.R. 2008. CVS‐EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation  Version 4.2. http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/protocol/cvs‐eep‐protocol‐v4.2‐lev1‐2.pdf  Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), 2011. Web Soil Survey of Caswell County.  http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/HomePage.htm  North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), 2015. 15A NCAC 02B .0259 Mitigation  Program Requirements for Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Buffers.  http://reports.oah.state.nc.us/ncac/title%2015a%20‐ %20environmental%20quality/chapter%2002%20‐ %20environmental%20management/subchapter%20b/15a%20ncac%2002b%20.0295.pdf  North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), 2020. 15 NCAC 02B .0703 Nutrient Offset  Credit Trading.    http://reports.oah.state.nc.us/ncac/title%2015a%20‐ %20environmental%20quality/chapter%2002%20‐ %20environmental%20management/subchapter%20b/15a%20ncac%2002b%20.0703.pdf  North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR), 2008. Buffer Interpretation/Clarification #2008‐  019 – Memorandum.  https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Water%20Quality/Surface%20Water%20Protection/401/Buffer%20Clar ification%20Memos/Diffuse‐Flow‐for‐Buffer‐Mitigation‐Sites‐Buffer‐Clarification‐Memo‐ 20080819.pdf  North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). 2011. Surface Water Classifications.  http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/csu/classifications  North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NHP), 2021. Natural Heritage Element Occurrence Database,  Wayne County, NC. https://ncnhde.natureserve.org/  North Carolina Geological Survey (NCGS), 2009. Mineral Resources.  http://www.geology.enr.state.nc.us/Mineral%20resources/mineralresources.html  United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), 2021. Endangered Species, Threatened Species, Federal  Species of Concern and Candidate Species, Caswell County, NC. https://ecos.fws.gov/ipac/       Figures ^_ 13 U S H igh wa y 1 3 S Pa ul H are Rd Conservation Easement ^_Project Location Figure 1. Vicinity Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Plan Neuse River Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC ¹0 10.5 Miles Directions: From the City of Raleigh, travel east on I-40 for approximately 42 miles. Take exit 341 for NC-50/NC-55 towards US13/Newton Grove. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for Newton Grove. Turn left onto NC-50 S/NC-55 E. At the traffic circle, take the 4th exit onto US-13 N/Goldsboro Street. Continue on US-13 for approximately 10 miles. The Site will be located on the left. ^_ County Boundaries HUC 03020201 Service Area for Riparian Buffer Credits and Nutrient Offset Credits ^_Project Location 0 5 10 Miles ¹Figure 2. Credit Service Area Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Plan Neuse River Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC 03020201 ÛÚÛÚ ÛÚ C a s e y C r e e k Afton B r a n c h Marth a B r a n c h Case y C r e e k C a s e y C r e e k D i t c h B Di t c h A Ditch C Figure 3 Site Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Plan Neuse River Basin (03020201) 2019 Aerial Photography ¹Wayne County, NC Project Location Conservation Easement NCDOT Right of Way Existing Wetlands Old Borrow Pit Perennial Project Stream Intermittent Project Stream Project Ditch Non-Project Ditch Non-Project Streams Utility Line ÛÚ Existing Culverts 0 450225 Feet 0 250 500 Feet ¹Figure 4. USGS Topographic Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Plan Neuse River Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC Grantham USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle Project Location Conservation Easement C a s e y C r e e k Afton Branc h Marth a Branc h Di t c h B Di t c h A Ditch C Figure 5 Watershed Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Plan Neuse River Basin (03020201) 2019 Aerial Photography ¹ Wayne County, NC Project Location Conservation Easement Perennial Project Stream Intermittent Project Stream Project Ditch Non-Project Ditch Casey Creek Watershed Sub-Watershed Non-Project Streams Topographic Contour 2' 0 950475 Feet Conservation Easement 1974 NRCS Soil Survey of Wayne County - Sheet 29 Project Location Conservation Easement ¹Figure 6. 1974 NRCS Soils Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Plan Neuse River Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC 0 250 500 Feet C a s e y C r e e k Afton B r a n c h Marth a B r a n c h Case y C r e e k C a s e y C r e e k Di t c h B Di t c h A Ditch C 13 13 U S H i gh way 13 S 13 US H i ghway 1 3 S 50' 100' 50'50' 100' 50' 200' 100' Marth a B r a n c h Di t c h B Casey Cr e e k 50' Old Borrow Pit to be filled and planted within 50' of Casey Creek Project Location Conservation Easement Internal Crossing NCDOT Right of Way Old Borrow Pit Stream Mitigation Swale Pilot Channel Ditch Non-Project Ditch Mitigation Approach Riparian Restoration for Nutrient Offset Credit (0'-100') Riparian Restoration for Nutrient Offset Credit (101'-200') Riparian Restoration for Buffer Credit (0'-100') Riparian Preservation for Buffer Credit (within 25% TABM) (0'-100') Riparian Preservation for Buffer Credit (within 25% TABM) (101'-200') Not for Credit Surveyed Tree Line Utility Line Non-Project Streams Figure 7. Buffer Mitigation Concept Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Plan Neuse River Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC¹0 250 500 Feet 2019 Aerial Photography 13 13 US H ighw ay 1 3 S 13 US H ighw ay 1 3 S C a s e y C r e e k Afton B r a n c h Marth a B r a n c h Case y C r e e k C a s e y C r e e k Di t c h B Di t c h A Ditch C Project Location Conservation Easement NCDOT Right of Way Old Borrow Pit Stream Mitigation Swale Pilot Channel Ditch Non-Project Ditch 30' from Top of Bank 50' from Top of Bank 100' from Top of Bank 200' from Top of Bank Utility Line Non-Project Streams Figure 8. Riparian Buffer Zones Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Plan Neuse River Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC¹0 250 500 Feet 2019 Aerial Photography C a s e y C r e e k Afton B r a n c h Marth a B r a n c h Case y C r e e k C a s e y C r e e k Di t c h B Di t c h A Ditch C 13 13 U S H i ghw ay 13 S 13 U S High w a y 1 3 S Project Location Conservation Easement Internal Crossing NCDOT Right of Way Old Borrow Pit Stream Mitigation Swale Pilot Channel Ditch Non-Project Ditch Mitigation Approach Riparian Restoration for Nutrient Offset Credit (0'-100') Riparian Restoration for Nutrient Offset Credit (101'-200') Riparian Restoration for Buffer Credit (0'-100') Riparian Preservation for Buffer Credit (within 25% TABM) (0'-100') Riparian Preservation for Buffer Credit (within 25% TABM) (101'-200') Not for Credit Vegetation Plot Surveyed Tree Line Utility Line Non-Project Streams Figure 9. Monitoring Components Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Plan Neuse River Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC¹0 250 500 Feet 2019 Aerial Photography                     Appendix A:  Current Land Use Photographs                                 CURRENT LAND USE PHOTOGRAPHS  Casey Creek Mitigation Site        Casey Creek Mitigation Site HUC 03020201 Casey Creek     Reach 1 – Adjacent Riparian Area (06/29/2023) Reach 1 – Adjacent Riparian Area (06/29/2023)    Reach 3 – Downstream (06/29/2023) Reach 3 – Upstream (06/29/2023)    Reach 3 ‐ Downstream (06/29/2023) Reach 3 ‐ Upstream (06/29/2023)   Casey Creek Mitigation Site HUC 03020201   Reach 4 (06/29/2023)  Martha Branch     (06/29/2023) (06/29/2023)  Afton Branch      (06/29/2023)  (06/29/2023)                      Appendix B:   Historical Aerials       6676512.5 1999 = 625' 6676512.5 1993 = 625' 6676512.5 1983 = 625' 6676512.5 1973 = 625' 6676512.5 1964 = 625' 6676512.5 1959 = 625'                     Appendix C:   On Site Determination of Applicability to Neuse Riparian Buffer Rules   Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation and Nutrient Offset Letter    North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 August 10, 2022 DWR Project #20220664 Wayne County Chris Roessler Wildlands Engineering, Inc. croessler@wildlandseng.com Subject: Determination for Applicability to the Neuse Buffer Rules 15A NCAC 02B .0714 Project Name: Casey Creek Mitigation Project Address: 3890 US Hwy 13 South, Goldsboro, NC 27530 Location: Lat., Long: 35.2934495, -78.1854881 Dear Mr. Roessler: On June 2, 2022, Shelton Sullivan of the Division of Water Resources (DWR) conducted an on-site review of features located on the Casey Creek Mitigation Project site at the request of Wildlands Engineering, Inc. to determine the applicability of features on the site to the Neuse River Riparian Area Protection Rules, Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 02B .0714. The enclosed map(s), provided by Wildlands Engineering, Inc., depict the feature(s) evaluated and this information is also summarized in the table below. Streams were evaluated for being ephemeral, at least intermittent, and for subjectivity to the Neuse River Riparian Area Protection Rules. Streams that are considered “Subject” have been located on the most recently published NRCS Soil Survey of Johnston County and/or the most recent copy of the USGS Topographic (at 1:24,000 scale) map(s), have been located on the ground at the site, and possess characteristics that qualify them to be at least intermittent streams. Features that are considered “Not Subject” have been determined to not be at least intermittent, not present on the property, or not depicted on the required maps. This determination only addresses the applicability to the buffer rules within the proposed project and property boundaries as presented by Wildlands Engineering, Inc. and does not approve any activity within buffers or within waters of the state. There may be other streams or features located on the property that appear or do not appear on the DocuSign Envelope ID: C32E4ACD-CC96-466F-B802-745366749B3E Page 2 of 3 Casey Creek Mitigation Project DWR# 20220664 maps referenced above. Any of the features on the site may be considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers and subject to the Clean Water Act. The following table addresses the features observed and rated during the DWR site visit. Feature ID Feature Type: stream (E, I, P,), ditch, swale, wetland, other Subject to Buffer Rules Start @ Stop @ Depicted on Soil Survey Depicted on USGS Topo Martha Branch Stream, at least I No Start Point as indicated on map Continues downstream, along wood line and field to confluence with Casey Creek No No Casey Creek Stream, at least I Yes Starts at least at the northern property and easement boundary; See Map Continues downstream, under Hwy. 13, and beyond the property and easement boundary Yes Yes Afton Branch Stream, at least I Yes Starts at least at the southeastern property and easement boundary; See Map Confluence with Casey Creek Yes Yes * E: Ephemeral, I: Intermittent, P: Perennial This on-site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute this determination made by the DWR may request an appeal determination by the Director of Water Resources. An appeal request must be made within sixty (60) calendar days of the date of this letter to the Director in writing. If sending via U.S. Postal Service: Paul Wojoski - DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Supervisor 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 If sending via delivery service (UPS, FedEx, etc.) Paul Wojoski - DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Supervisor 512 N Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 This determination is final, and binding as detailed above unless an appeal is requested within sixty (60) calendar days of the date of this letter. DocuSign Envelope ID: C32E4ACD-CC96-466F-B802-745366749B3E Page 3 of 3 Casey Creek Mitigation Project DWR# 20220664 If you have any additional questions or require additional information, please contact Shelton Sullivan at shelton.sullivan@ncdenr.gov or 919-707-3636. This determination is subject to review as provided in G.S. 150B. Sincerely, Paul Wojoski, Supervisor 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Attachments provided by Wildlands Engineering, Inc.: Site Map with DWR Labels, NRCS Soil Survey, USGS Topographical Map cc: Martha Kornegay, 4200 Country Club Circle, Virginia Beach, VA 23455-4414 Johnnie Mangrum Brock, bedrockconst43@gmail.com Carolyn Lanza, Wildlands Engineering, Inc., clanza@wildlandseng.com 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Laserfiche File DWR Washington Regional Office Filename: 20220664_Casey Creek _DWR_StreamCalls_8-10-22 DocuSign Envelope ID: C32E4ACD-CC96-466F-B802-745366749B3E Casey Creek Stream Calls 6/2/22 Shelton Sullivan Ditch feature and pond above start point Martha Branch, Start Point Stream; Not Buffered; At least Intermittent at this point; Continues downstream 35.294769; -78.186614 Afton Branch Stream; Buffered; At least Intermittent at property and easement boundary; Continues downstream Casey Creek Stream; Buffered; At least Intermittent at property and easement boundary; Continues downstream DocuSign Envelope ID: C32E4ACD-CC96-466F-B802-745366749B3E ir' rrL, .. .f..r... v. .;. JL v. ,1v{L • r` • - ' iV.y{X ¢ yr, LProject LocationKe 71 kr r } ' r. rf• . r ' r _ .. • , 1}} k• rr - F•{'•`-1•!• __ sr•.: rf + c 1:.:. r: '•.v r ti kr: .i...' •{fir#7. r'. r?J •. - .ry r •, $ r ' .I}i: r' 1 r ryr. Ke Ae 11FIR 4 •} }: i - L-'vrh?•- r•: •'• ram.; 1 o- ti,-.k. .ti.tir rti_=A.',: '• r:. f r. r .fir rl. rr •• r 7 •' •r r f ' ' ' , '{ tirf r •'-+ rrs 'r •f rti - r — r`rr r • ny _ • rf• { 1. - .: L rw ih.: .r ;:}rri' -• '•, r v~i' r{ , ern - ' • _ ~' - • . • r ti, irk V •.. .. - • - •" if 6- r r .. . 7r r• k•'Cr. .A-. lot Ile ti:. ?f Ky . r err ti•. • "•J' 'y'+` ' y' =: •. . . 7A } fF#7S( L }lrti::f_:• • v c . f. r 4r ,,+ r fry ; A x 5' r• . rr {'f••: " ' 1 f •r r •r • •n •_ rr' Y' yG f,4,r. ti'•• , •. ?1r s'• •.• 51}L: r ti1•- _: •: e f• f • .. i-r ••r'1f• }'' •'f:r.{Ir•i•• f•' r .rf +' 1974 NRCS Soil Survey of Wayne County - Sheet 29 Figure 6b 1974 NRCS Soil Survey MapON.WILDLANDS 0 250 500 Feet Casey Creek Mitigation Site ENGINEERING I IIi I Neuse River Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC DocuSign Envelope ID: C32E4ACD-CC96-466F-B802-745366749B3E i Grantham USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle 1 5 I' 1 I'IJORI a. i Aft -.-- Proposed Conservation Easement r is Figure 3 USGS Topographic Map W I L D L A N D S 0 250 500 Feet Casey Creek Mitigation Site ENGINEERING I I I I I Neuse River Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC DocuSign Envelope ID: C32E4ACD-CC96-466F-B802-745366749B3E North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 919.707.9000 February 28, 2023 Wildlands Engineering, LLC Attn: Chris Roessler (via electronic mail: croessler@wildlandseng.com ) Re: Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation and Nutrient Offset – Casey Creek Site Near 35.293101, -78.184393 located near 3890 US Hwy 13S in Goldsboro, NC Neuse 03020201 Wayne County Dear Mr. Roessler, On August 12, 2022, Katie Merritt, with the Division of Water Resources (DWR), received a request from you on behalf of Wildlands Engineering, LLC (Wildlands) for a site visit near the above- referenced site in the Neuse River Basin within the 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code 03020201. The site visit was to determine the potential for nutrient offset and buffer mitigation within a proposed conservation easement boundary, which is more accurately depicted in the attached map labeled “Site Map” prepared by Wildlands. The proposed easement boundary on the Site Map, includes all riparian areas intended to be proposed as part of the mitigation site. This site is also being proposed as a stream mitigation site and therefore stream bank instability or presence of erosional rills within riparian areas were not addressed. On November 2, 2022, Ms. Merritt performed a site assessment of the subject site. Staff with Wildlands were also present. Ms. Merritt’s evaluation of the features onsite and their associated mitigation determination for the riparian areas are provided in the table below. This evaluation was made from Top of Bank (TOB) and landward 200’ from each feature for buffer mitigation pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295 and for nutrient offset credits pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0703 using 15A NCAC 02B .0295 to define the mitigation type determinations. Casey Creek Site Wildlands February 28, 2023 Page 2 of 3 1Subjectivity calls for the features were determined by DWR in correspondences dated August 10, 2022 (DWR# 2022-0664) using the 1:24,000 scale quadrangle topographic map prepared by USGS and the most recent printed version of the soil survey map prepared by the NRCS . 2The area of preservation credit within a buffer mitigation site shall comprise of no more than 25 percent (25%) of the total area of buffer mitigation per 15A NCAC 0295 (o)(5) and 15A NCAC 0295 (o)(4). Site cannot be a Preservation Only site to comply with this rule. 3NC Division of Water Resources - Methodology and Calculations for determining Nutrient Reductions associated with Riparian Buffer Establishment 4 Determinations made for this Site are determined based on the proposal provided in maps and figures submitted with the request. 5 All features proposed for buffer mitigation or nutrient offset, must have a planted conservation easement established that includes the tops of channel banks when being measured perpendicular and landward from the banks, even if no credit is viable within that riparian area. 6The area of the mitigation site on ephemeral channels shall comprise no more than 25 percent (25%) of the total area of buffer mitigation per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(7). 7The area described as an Enhancement Site was assessed and determined to comply with all of 15A NCAC 02B .0295(o)(6). Cattle exclusion fencing is required to be installed around the mitigation area to get buffer credit under this part of the rule. Feature Classification onsite 1Subject to Buffer Rule Riparian Land uses adjacent to Feature (0-200’) Buffer Credit Viable 3Nutrient Offset Viable At 2,273.02 lbs/acre 4,5Mitigation Type Determination w/in riparian areas Casey Creek Stream Yes Combination of non- forested agricultural fields and mature forest 3 Drain tiles are present within riparian areas 2Yes Yes (non forested areas only) Non-forested fields - Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) Forested areas - Preservation Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(5) Drain tiles must be removed and/or relocated to be outside of the riparian restoration areas. No credits allowed within DOT right of way Martha Branch (see origin on map) Stream No Combination of non- forested agricultural fields and mature forest 2Yes Yes (non forested areas only) Non-forested fields - Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) Forested areas - Preservation Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(4) Afton Branch Stream Yes Mostly non-forested agricultural fields with some mature forest below confluence w/ Casey Creek 2Yes Yes (non forested areas only) Non-forested fields - Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) Forested areas - Preservation Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(5) A Roadside ditch No Left side: Non-forested agriculture Right side: compacted farm road bisects riparian restoration area along Casey Creek No No N/A B (see origin on map) Ditch No Left bank: combination of maintained lawn and mature forest Right bank: Non-forested agricultural fields. No Yes (right bank only) Non-forested fields - Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (n) Casey Creek Site Wildlands February 28, 2023 Page 3 of 3 Determinations provided in the table above were made using a proposed easement boundary showing proposed mitigation areas and features shown on the Site Map. The map representing the proposal for the site is attached to this letter and initialed by Ms. Merritt on February 28, 2023. This letter does not constitute an approval of this Site to generate buffer and nutrient offset credits. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295, a mitigation proposal and a mitigation plan shall be submitted to DWR for written approval prior to conducting any mitigation activities in riparian areas and/or surface waters for buffer mitigation credit. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0703, a proposal regarding a proposed nutrient load-reducing measure for nutrient offset credit shall be submitted to DWR for approval prior to any mitigation activities in riparian areas and/or surface waters. All vegetative plantings, performance criteria and other mitigation requirements for riparian restoration, enhancement and preservation must follow the requirements in 15A NCAC 02B .0295 to be eligible for buffer and/or nutrient offset mitigation credits. For any areas depicted as not being viable for nutrient offset credit above, one could propose a different measure, along with supporting calculations and sufficient detail to support estimates of load reduction, for review by the DWR to determine viability for nutrient offset in accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0703. This viability assessment will expire on February 28, 2025 or upon approval of a mitigation plan by the DWR, whichever comes first. This letter should be provided in any nutrient offset, buffer, stream or wetland mitigation plan for this Site. Please contact Katie Merritt at (919) 707-3637 if you have any questions regarding this correspondence. Sincerely, Katie Merritt, Acting Supervisor 401 and Buffer Permitting Branch Attachments: Site map cc: File Copy (Katie Merritt) Martha Branch Intermittent Origin at 35.294769, -78.186614 Roadside Conveyance/Ditch Linear Borrow Pit to be filled in and planted within first 50' of Casey Creek TOB Powerline Easement ~ 30' DOT Right of Way ~ 60' 2021 Aerial Photography Casey Creek Reach 1 !P Casey Creek Reach 2 13 13 !P 13 13 Casey Creek Reach 3 !P 0 300 600 Feet ¹ Site Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Neuse River Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC Project Location Proposed Internal Crossing Existing External Crossing Buffer Mitigation Approach Riparian Restoration 0'-100' Riparian Restoration 101'-200' Riparian Preservation for Buffer Credit No Credit Linear Borrow Pit - To be filled and planted Linear Borrow Pit Powerline Easement Stream Mitigation Approach Stream Restoration Stream Preservation Not for Stream Restoration Credit Existing Drain Tiles To Be Removed Ditch Roadside Conveyance/Ditch Powerline Existing Farm Road Topographic Contours (2') !P Reach Break Ditch B Ditch A Appendix D:  Categorical Exclusion  Appendix A Categorical Exclusion Form for Division of Mitigation Services Projects Version 2 Note: Only Appendix A should to be submitted (along with any supporting documentation) as the environmental document. Part 1: General Project Information Project Name: County Name: DMS Number: Project Sponsor: Project Contact Name: Project Contact Address: Project Contact E-mail: DMS Project Manager: Project Description For Official Use Only Reviewed By: Date DMS Project Manager Conditional Approved By: Date For Division Administrator FHWA Check this box if there are outstanding issues Final Approval By: Date For Division Administrator FHWA Wildlands Engineering, Inc. Kirsten Gimbert 1430 S. Mint Street, Suite 104, Charlotte, NC 28203 kgimbert@wildlandseng.com Casey Creek Mitigation Site Wayne Jeremiah Dow The site is being developed to provide stream, buffer, and nutrient mitigation within the Neuse River Basin. The project will include the restoration of Casey Creek R2 & R3, Martha Branch, and Afton Branch. Casey Creek R1 is slated for preservation. Current land use consists of row crop production with a mix of pines and hardwoods. The major goals of the proposed stream, buffer, and nutrient offset mitigation project are to provide ecological and water quality enhancements to the Neuse River Basin while creating a functional riparian corridor at the site level. The project design will avoid major adverse impacts to existing streams, wetland resources, and existing forested areas. This will be accomplished by restoring and enhancing native floodplain vegetation, creating stable stream banks, improving stream habitat, and protecting the Site in perpetuity through establishing a conservation easement. 100597 10/28/2022 Part 2: All Projects Regulation/Question Response Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) 1. Is the project located in a CAMA county? Yes No 2. Does the project involve ground-disturbing activities within a CAMA Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? Yes No N/A 3. Has a CAMA permit been secured? Yes No N/A 4. Has NCDCM agreed that the project is consistent with the NC Coastal Management Program? Yes No N/A Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) 1. Is this a “full-delivery” project? Yes No 2. Has the zoning/land use of the subject property and adjacent properties ever been designated as commercial or industrial? Yes No N/A 3. As a result of a limited Phase I Site Assessment, are there known or potential hazardous waste sites within or adjacent to the project area? Yes No N/A 4. As a result of a Phase I Site Assessment, are there known or potential hazardous waste sites within or adjacent to the project area? Yes No N/A 5. As a result of a Phase II Site Assessment, are there known or potential hazardous waste sites within the project area? Yes No N/A 6. Is there an approved hazardous mitigation plan? Yes No N/A National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106) 1. Are there properties listed on, or eligible for listing on, the National Register of Historic Places in the project area? Yes No 2. Does the project affect such properties and does the SHPO/THPO concur? Yes No N/A 3. If the effects are adverse, have they been resolved? Yes No N/A Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act (Uniform Act) 1.Is this a “full-delivery” project? Yes No 2. Does the project require the acquisition of real estate? Yes No N/A 3. Was the property acquisition completed prior to the intent to use federal funds? Yes No N/A 4. Has the owner of the property been informed: * prior to making an offer that the agency does not have condemnation authority; and * what the fair market value is believed to be? Yes No N/A Version 1.4, 8/18/05 7 Part 3: Ground-Disturbing Activities Regulation/Question Response American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA) 1. Is the project located in a county claimed as “territory” by the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians? Yes No 2. Is the site of religious importance to American Indians? Yes No N/A 3. Is the project listed on, or eligible for listing on, the National Register of Historic Places? Yes No N/A 4. Have the effects of the project on this site been considered? Yes No N/A Antiquities Act (AA) 1. Is the project located on Federal lands? Yes No 2. Will there be loss or destruction of historic or prehistoric ruins, monuments or objects of antiquity? Yes No N/A 3. Will a permit from the appropriate Federal agency be required? Yes No N/A 4. Has a permit been obtained? Yes No N/A Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA) 1. Is the project located on federal or Indian lands (reservation)? Yes No 2. Will there be a loss or destruction of archaeological resources? Yes No N/A 3. Will a permit from the appropriate Federal agency be required? Yes No N/A 4. Has a permit been obtained? Yes No N/A Endangered Species Act (ESA) 1. Are federal Threatened and Endangered species and/or Designated Critical Habitat listed for the county? Yes No 2. Is Designated Critical Habitat or suitable habitat present for listed species? Yes No N/A 3. Are T&E species present or is the project being conducted in Designated Critical Habitat? Yes No N/A 4. Is the project “likely to adversely affect” the species and/or “likely to adversely modify” Designated Critical Habitat? Yes No N/A 5. Does the USFWS/NOAA-Fisheries concur in the effects determination? Yes No N/A 6. Has the USFWS/NOAA-Fisheries rendered a “jeopardy” determination? Yes No N/A Version 1.4, 8/18/05 8 Executive Order 13007 (Indian Sacred Sites) 1. Is the project located on Federal lands that are within a county claimed as “territory” by the EBCI? Yes No 2. Has the EBCI indicated that Indian sacred sites may be impacted by the proposed project? Yes No N/A 3. Have accommodations been made for access to and ceremonial use of Indian sacred sites? Yes No N/A Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA) 1. Will real estate be acquired? Yes No 2. Has NRCS determined that the project contains prime, unique, statewide or locally important farmland? Yes No N/A 3. Has the completed Form AD-1006 been submitted to NRCS? Yes No N/A Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) 1. Will the project impound, divert, channel deepen, or otherwise control/modify any water body? Yes No 2. Have the USFWS and the NCWRC been consulted? Yes No N/A Land and Water Conservation Fund Act (Section 6(f)) 1. Will the project require the conversion of such property to a use other than public, outdoor recreation? Yes No 2. Has the NPS approved of the conversion? Yes No N/A Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Essential Fish Habitat) 1. Is the project located in an estuarine system? Yes No 2. Is suitable habitat present for EFH-protected species? Yes No N/A 3. Is sufficient design information available to make a determination of the effect of the project on EFH? Yes No N/A 4. Will the project adversely affect EFH? Yes No N/A 5. Has consultation with NOAA-Fisheries occurred? Yes No N/A Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) 1. Does the USFWS have any recommendations with the project relative to the MBTA? Yes No 2. Have the USFWS recommendations been incorporated? Yes No N/A Wilderness Act 1. Is the project in a Wilderness area? Yes No 2. Has a special use permit and/or easement been obtained from the maintaining federal agency? Yes No N/A Version 1.4, 8/18/05 9                         Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Categorical Exclusion  SUMMARY                              Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)  The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) provides a  Federal “Superfund” to clean up uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous‐waste sites as well as  accidents, spills, and other emergency releases of pollutants and contaminants into the  environment.   As the Casey Creek Mitigation Site is a full‐delivery project, an EDR Radius Map Report with  Geocheck was ordered for the site through Environmental Data Resources, Inc on September 24,  2021. The target property was not listed in any of the Federal, State, or Tribal environmental  databases searched by the EDR. However, several sites were mapped within 0.25‐0.5 miles of the  project area, all with a lower relative elevation than the proposed project.   Three Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) incidents within 0.125 & 0.25 miles of the  property – GRANTHAM SUPPLY TRUE VALUE HARDWARE and GRANTHAM SUPPLY &  SUPERMARKET;   One Underground Storage Tank (UST) within 0.25 miles of the property – DANNIE’S GAS &  GROCERY;   One State and Tribal Institutional Control (INST) within 0.5 miles of the property –  GRANTHAM SUPPLY TRUE VALUE HARDWARE; and   Two records in the Incident Management Database (IMD) within 0.5 miles of the property –  GRANTHAM SUPPLY TRUE VALUE HARDWARE and CASEY’S 76 GROCERY.  The Executive Summary of the EDR report is included in the Appendix. The full report is available  upon request.  National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106)  The National Historic Preservation Act declares a national policy of historic preservation to protect,  rehabilitate, restore, and reuse districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects significant in  American architecture, history, archaeology, and culture, and Section 106 mandates that federal  agencies take into account the effect of an undertaking on a property that is included in, or is  eligible for inclusion in, the National Register of Historic Places.  A scoping letter was submitted to the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) requesting  comment on the Casey Creek Mitigation Site on August 23, 2022. SHPO responded on September 1,  2022 and said they were “aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project”  and would have no further comment. All correspondence related to Section 106 is included in the  Appendix.  Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act (Uniform Act)  These acts, collectively known as the Uniform Act, provide for uniform and equitable treatment of  persons displaced from their homes, businesses, non‐profit associations, or farms by federal and  federally‐assisted programs, and establish uniform and equitable land acquisition policies.  The Casey Creek Mitigation Site is a full‐delivery project that includes land acquisition. Notification  of the fair market value of the project property and the lack of condemnation authority by  Wildlands was included in the signed Option Agreement for the project properties. A copy of the  relevant section of each of the Option Agreements are included in the Appendix.       Endangered Species Act (ESA)  Section 7 of the ESA requires federal agencies, in consultation with and with the assistance of the  Secretary of the Interior or of Commerce, as appropriate, to ensure that actions they authorize,  fund or carry out are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of threatened or endangered  species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of critical habitat for these species.  The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Information for Planning and Consultation  database (IPaC) list of endangered species for the site includes the following species: Red‐cockaded  Woodpecker (Picoides borealis), Neuse River Waterdog (Necturus lewisi), and the Carolina Madtom  (Noturus furiosus). The USFWS does not currently list any Critical Habitat Designations for the  Federally listed species within the project site. Results from the pedestrian survey conducted on  August 16, 2022 indicated that the project area does not contain suitable habitat for any of the  federally listed species.   USFWS responded to the public notice (SAW‐2022‐001239) on August 12, 2022 and does not have  any objections to the activity and expects minimal adverse impacts to fish and wildlife resources.  Please refer to the Appendix for all USFWS correspondence and the species conclusion table.  Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA)  The FPPA requires that, before taking or approving any federal action that would result in  conversion of farmland, the agency must examine the effects of the action using the criteria set  forth in the FPPA, and, if there are adverse effects, must consider alternatives to lessen them.  The Casey Creek Mitigation Site includes the conversion of prime farmland. As such, Form AD‐1006  was completed and submitted to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) on September  12, 2022. The completed form and correspondence documenting its submittal is included in the  Appendix.  Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA)  The FWCA requires consultation with the USFWS and the appropriate state wildlife agency on  projects that alter or modify a water body. Reports and recommendations prepared by these  agencies document project effects on wildlife and identify measures that may be adopted to  prevent loss or damage to wildlife resources.  Wildlands requested comment on the project from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources  Commission (NCWRC) on October 7, 2022 and received correspondence from USFWS through the  public notice advertisement (SAW‐2022‐001239). The USFWS and NCWRC do not have any concerns  with the proposed mitigation project. All correspondence with the two agencies is included in the  Appendix.  Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA)  The MBTA makes it unlawful for anyone to kill, capture, collect, possess, buy, sell, trade, ship,  import, or export any migratory bird. The indirect killing of birds by destroying their nests and eggs  is covered by the MBTA, so construction in nesting areas during nesting seasons can constitute a  taking.  Wildlands received correspondence from USFWS through the public notice advertisement (SAW‐ 2022‐001239) regarding MBTA. USFWS does not have any concern in regard to migratory birds  associated with the proposed mitigation project. All correspondence with USFWS is included in the  Appendix.                    Casey Creek Mitigation Site  Categorical Exclusion  APPENDIX                                FORM-LBD-MGA ®kcehCoeG htiw tropeR ™paM suidaR RDE ehT 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com Cotton Creek Mitigation Site US Hwy 13 Goldsboro, NC 27530 Inquiry Number: 6676512.2s September 24, 2021 SECTION PAGE Executive Summary ES1 Overview Map 2 Detail Map 3 Map Findings Summary 4 Map Findings 8 Orphan Summary 20 Government Records Searched/Data Currency Tracking GR-1 GEOCHECK ADDENDUM Physical Setting Source Addendum A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary A-2 Physical Setting Source Map A-7 Physical Setting Source Map Findings A-8 Physical Setting Source Records Searched PSGR-1 TC6676512.2s Page 1 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2020 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC6676512.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc (EDR). The report was designed to assist parties seeking to meet the search requirements of EPA’s Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries (40 CFR Part 312), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (E 1527-13), the ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments for Forestland or Rural Property (E 2247-16), the ASTM Standard Practice for Limited Environmental Due Diligence: Transaction Screen Process (E 1528-14) or custom requirements developed for the evaluation of environmental risk associated with a parcel of real estate. TARGET PROPERTY INFORMATION ADDRESS US HWY 13 GOLDSBORO, NC 27530 COORDINATES 35.2967260 - 35˚ 17’ 48.21’’Latitude (North): 78.1835440 - 78˚ 11’ 0.75’’Longitude (West): Zone 17Universal Tranverse Mercator: 756115.6UTM X (Meters): 3909390.2UTM Y (Meters): 151 ft. above sea levelElevation: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ASSOCIATED WITH TARGET PROPERTY 5947410 GRANTHAM, NCTarget Property Map: 2013Version Date: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY IN THIS REPORT 20141018Portions of Photo from: USDASource: 6676512.2s Page 2 B5 CASEY’S 76 GROCERY 3605 HWY 13 SOUTH IMD Lower 1076, 0.204, SW B4 DANNIE’S GAS & GROCE 3590 US 13 SOUTH UST Lower 875, 0.166, SW A3 GRANTHAM SUPPLY & SU 3388 US HWY 13 SOUTH LUST Lower 705, 0.134, SE A2 GRANTHAM TRUE VALUE 3396 U.S. HIGHWAY 13 LUST, INST CONTROL Lower 703, 0.133, SE A1 GRANTHAM SUPPLY TRUE 3396 US HWY 13 S. LUST, IMD Lower 593, 0.112, SSE MAPPED SITES SUMMARY Target Property Address: US HWY 13 GOLDSBORO, NC 27530 Click on Map ID to see full detail. MAP RELATIVE DIST (ft. & mi.) ID DATABASE ACRONYMS ELEVATION DIRECTIONSITE NAME ADDRESS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC6676512.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 TARGET PROPERTY SEARCH RESULTS The target property was not listed in any of the databases searched by EDR. DATABASES WITH NO MAPPED SITES No mapped sites were found in EDR’s search of available ("reasonably ascertainable ") government records either on the target property or within the search radius around the target property for the following databases: STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list NPL National Priority List Proposed NPL Proposed National Priority List Sites NPL LIENS Federal Superfund Liens Federal Delisted NPL site list Delisted NPL National Priority List Deletions Federal CERCLIS list FEDERAL FACILITY Federal Facility Site Information listing SEMS Superfund Enterprise Management System Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site list SEMS-ARCHIVE Superfund Enterprise Management System Archive Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list CORRACTS Corrective Action Report Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list RCRA-TSDF RCRA - Treatment, Storage and Disposal Federal RCRA generators list RCRA-LQG RCRA - Large Quantity Generators RCRA-SQG RCRA - Small Quantity Generators RCRA-VSQG RCRA - Very Small Quantity Generators (Formerly Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators) Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries LUCIS Land Use Control Information System EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC6676512.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 US ENG CONTROLS Engineering Controls Sites List US INST CONTROLS Institutional Controls Sites List Federal ERNS list ERNS Emergency Response Notification System State- and tribal - equivalent NPL NC HSDS Hazardous Substance Disposal Site State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS SHWS Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists SWF/LF List of Solid Waste Facilities OLI Old Landfill Inventory DEBRIS Solid Waste Active Disaster Debris Sites Listing LCID Land-Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) Landfill Notifications State and tribal leaking storage tank lists LAST Leaking Aboveground Storage Tanks INDIAN LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land LUST TRUST State Trust Fund Database State and tribal registered storage tank lists FEMA UST Underground Storage Tank Listing AST AST Database INDIAN UST Underground Storage Tanks on Indian Land State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites VCP Responsible Party Voluntary Action Sites INDIAN VCP Voluntary Cleanup Priority Listing State and tribal Brownfields sites BROWNFIELDS Brownfields Projects Inventory ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists US BROWNFIELDS A Listing of Brownfields Sites Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites HIST LF Solid Waste Facility Listing SWRCY Recycling Center Listing INDIAN ODI Report on the Status of Open Dumps on Indian Lands EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC6676512.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 ODI Open Dump Inventory DEBRIS REGION 9 Torres Martinez Reservation Illegal Dump Site Locations IHS OPEN DUMPS Open Dumps on Indian Land Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites US HIST CDL Delisted National Clandestine Laboratory Register US CDL National Clandestine Laboratory Register Local Land Records LIENS 2 CERCLA Lien Information Records of Emergency Release Reports HMIRS Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System SPILLS Spills Incident Listing SPILLS 90 SPILLS 90 data from FirstSearch SPILLS 80 SPILLS 80 data from FirstSearch Other Ascertainable Records RCRA NonGen / NLR RCRA - Non Generators / No Longer Regulated FUDS Formerly Used Defense Sites DOD Department of Defense Sites SCRD DRYCLEANERS State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Listing US FIN ASSUR Financial Assurance Information EPA WATCH LIST EPA WATCH LIST 2020 COR ACTION 2020 Corrective Action Program List TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act TRIS Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System SSTS Section 7 Tracking Systems ROD Records Of Decision RMP Risk Management Plans RAATS RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System PRP Potentially Responsible Parties PADS PCB Activity Database System ICIS Integrated Compliance Information System FTTS FIFRA/ TSCA Tracking System - FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide Act)/TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) MLTS Material Licensing Tracking System COAL ASH DOE Steam-Electric Plant Operation Data COAL ASH EPA Coal Combustion Residues Surface Impoundments List PCB TRANSFORMER PCB Transformer Registration Database RADINFO Radiation Information Database HIST FTTS FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System Administrative Case Listing DOT OPS Incident and Accident Data CONSENT Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees INDIAN RESERV Indian Reservations FUSRAP Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program UMTRA Uranium Mill Tailings Sites LEAD SMELTERS Lead Smelter Sites US AIRS Aerometric Information Retrieval System Facility Subsystem US MINES Mines Master Index File ABANDONED MINES Abandoned Mines EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC6676512.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 FINDS Facility Index System/Facility Registry System DOCKET HWC Hazardous Waste Compliance Docket Listing UXO Unexploded Ordnance Sites ECHO Enforcement & Compliance History Information FUELS PROGRAM EPA Fuels Program Registered Listing AIRS Air Quality Permit Listing ASBESTOS ASBESTOS COAL ASH Coal Ash Disposal Sites DRYCLEANERS Drycleaning Sites Financial Assurance Financial Assurance Information Listing NPDES NPDES Facility Location Listing UIC Underground Injection Wells Listing AOP Animal Operation Permits Listing MINES MRDS Mineral Resources Data System PCSRP Petroleum-Contaminated Soil Remediation Permits SEPT HAULERS Permitted Septage Haulers Listing CCB Coal Ash Structural Fills (CCB) Listing EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records EDR MGP EDR Proprietary Manufactured Gas Plants EDR Hist Auto EDR Exclusive Historical Auto Stations EDR Hist Cleaner EDR Exclusive Historical Cleaners EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives RGA HWS Recovered Government Archive State Hazardous Waste Facilities List RGA LF Recovered Government Archive Solid Waste Facilities List RGA LUST Recovered Government Archive Leaking Underground Storage Tank SURROUNDING SITES: SEARCH RESULTS Surrounding sites were identified in the following databases. Elevations have been determined from the USGS Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the target property have been differentiated below from sites with an elevation lower than the target property. Page numbers and map identification numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report where detailed data on individual sites can be reviewed. Sites listed in bold italics are in multiple databases. Unmappable (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS State and tribal leaking storage tank lists EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC6676512.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 LUST: The Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incidents Management Database contains an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. The data come from the Department of Environment, & Natural Resources’ Incidents by Address. A review of the LUST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 04/30/2021 has revealed that there are 3 LUST sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ GRANTHAM SUPPLY TRUE 3396 US HWY 13 S. SSE 0 - 1/8 (0.112 mi.) A1 8 Incident Phase: Closed Out Product Type: PETROLEUM Incident Number: 13426 Current Status: File Located in Archives GRANTHAM TRUE VALUE 3396 U.S. HIGHWAY 13 SE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.133 mi.) A2 11 Incident Phase: Closed Out Product Type: PETROLEUM Incident Number: 16371 Current Status: File Located in Archives GRANTHAM SUPPLY & SU 3388 US HWY 13 SOUTH SE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.134 mi.) A3 13 Incident Phase: Closed Out Product Type: PETROLEUM Incident Number: 47028 Current Status: File Located in House State and tribal registered storage tank lists UST: The Underground Storage Tank database contains registered USTs. USTs are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The data come from the Department of Environment & Natural Resources’ Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Database. A review of the UST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 04/30/2021 has revealed that there is 1 UST site within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ DANNIE’S GAS & GROCE 3590 US 13 SOUTH SW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.166 mi.) B4 15 Tank Status: Current Tank Status: Removed Facility Id: 00-0-0000027577 State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries INST CONTROL: No Further Action Sites With Land Use Restrictions Monitoring. A review of the INST CONTROL list, as provided by EDR, and dated 09/04/2020 has revealed that there is 1 INST CONTROL site within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ GRANTHAM TRUE VALUE 3396 U.S. HIGHWAY 13 SE 1/8 - 1/4 (0.133 mi.) A2 11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC6676512.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Records of Emergency Release Reports IMD: Incident Management Database. A review of the IMD list, as provided by EDR, and dated 07/30/2021 has revealed that there are 2 IMD sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. PageMap IDDirection / Distance Address Lower Elevation ____________________ ________ ___________________ _____ _____ GRANTHAM SUPPLY TRUE 3396 US HWY 13 S. SSE 0 - 1/8 (0.112 mi.) A1 8 Facility Id: 13426 CASEY’S 76 GROCERY 3605 HWY 13 SOUTH SW 1/8 - 1/4 (0.204 mi.) B5 18 Facility Id: 00-0-0000003732 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TC6676512.2s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 9 Due to poor or inadequate address information, the following sites were not mapped. Count: 5 records. Site Name Database(s)____________ ____________ SOLA ELECTRIC (HEVI-DUTY) (DOWZER PRP NC NATURAL GAS/GOLDSBORO CONSTRUCT LUST N.C. NATURAL GAS CORP. LUST TRUST STACKHOUSE, INC. LUST TRUST HIGHWAY 70 PHILLIPS 66 LUST TRUST EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 1 60 1 6 0 1 60 1 20 160 6 1 60 1 6 0 1 6 0 1 60 16 0 160 1 6 0 1 6 0 160 16 0 1 6 0 1 60 1 6 0 1 60160 1 6 0 160 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 20 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 20 1 2 0 120 120 120 16 0 EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc. 1 6 0 160 1 60 1 6 0 160 16 0 1 6 0 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Federal NPL site list 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000NPL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Proposed NPL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000NPL LIENS Federal Delisted NPL site list 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000Delisted NPL Federal CERCLIS list 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500FEDERAL FACILITY 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SEMS Federal CERCLIS NFRAP site list 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SEMS-ARCHIVE Federal RCRA CORRACTS facilities list 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000CORRACTS Federal RCRA non-CORRACTS TSD facilities list 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500RCRA-TSDF Federal RCRA generators list 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-LQG 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-SQG 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA-VSQG Federal institutional controls / engineering controls registries 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500LUCIS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US ENG CONTROLS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US INST CONTROLS Federal ERNS list 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPERNS State- and tribal - equivalent NPL 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000NC HSDS State- and tribal - equivalent CERCLIS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000SHWS State and tribal landfill and/or solid waste disposal site lists 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SWF/LF 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500OLI 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500DEBRIS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500LCID TC6676512.2s Page 4 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted State and tribal leaking storage tank lists 3 NR NR 0 2 1 0.500LUST 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500LAST 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN LUST 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500LUST TRUST State and tribal registered storage tank lists 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250FEMA UST 1 NR NR NR 1 0 0.250UST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250AST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250INDIAN UST State and tribal institutional control / engineering control registries 1 NR NR 0 1 0 0.500INST CONTROL State and tribal voluntary cleanup sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500VCP 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN VCP State and tribal Brownfields sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500BROWNFIELDS ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS Local Brownfield lists 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500US BROWNFIELDS Local Lists of Landfill / Solid Waste Disposal Sites 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500HIST LF 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SWRCY 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500INDIAN ODI 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500ODI 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500DEBRIS REGION 9 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500IHS OPEN DUMPS Local Lists of Hazardous waste / Contaminated Sites 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS HIST CDL 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS CDL Local Land Records 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPLIENS 2 Records of Emergency Release Reports 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPHMIRS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPSPILLS 2 NR NR 0 1 1 0.500IMD TC6676512.2s Page 5 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPSPILLS 90 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPSPILLS 80 Other Ascertainable Records 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250RCRA NonGen / NLR 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000FUDS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000DOD 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500SCRD DRYCLEANERS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS FIN ASSUR 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPEPA WATCH LIST 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.2502020 COR ACTION 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPTSCA 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPTRIS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPSSTS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000ROD 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRMP 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRAATS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPRP 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPADS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPICIS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPFTTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPMLTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPCOAL ASH DOE 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500COAL ASH EPA 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPPCB TRANSFORMER 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRADINFO 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPHIST FTTS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPDOT OPS 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000CONSENT 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000INDIAN RESERV 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000FUSRAP 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500UMTRA 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPLEAD SMELTERS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUS AIRS 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250US MINES 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250ABANDONED MINES 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPFINDS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPDOCKET HWC 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000UXO 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPECHO 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250FUELS PROGRAM 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPAIRS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPASBESTOS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500COAL ASH 0 NR NR NR 0 0 0.250DRYCLEANERS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPFinancial Assurance 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPNPDES 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPUIC 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPAOP 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPMINES MRDS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500PCSRP TC6676512.2s Page 6 MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY Search TargetDistance Total Database Property(Miles) < 1/8 1/8 - 1/4 1/4 - 1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPSEPT HAULERS 0 NR NR 0 0 0 0.500CCB EDR HIGH RISK HISTORICAL RECORDS EDR Exclusive Records 0 NR 0 0 0 0 1.000EDR MGP 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.125EDR Hist Auto 0 NR NR NR NR 0 0.125EDR Hist Cleaner EDR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT ARCHIVES Exclusive Recovered Govt. Archives 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRGA HWS 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRGA LF 0 NR NR NR NR NR TPRGA LUST 7 0 0 0 5 2 0- Totals -- NOTES: TP = Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance Sites may be listed in more than one database TC6676512.2s Page 7 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 3396 US HWY 13 S.RP Address: 9196892985Telephone: JIM GRANTHAMContact Person: GRANTHAM SUPPLY TRUE VALUE H.Company: WASRegion: WRCRegional Officer Project Mgr: Not reportedTestlat: 35.2972 -78.1652Lat/Long Decimal: FalseValid: NError Code: 0Error Flag: TrueRPOP: TrueRPOW: 0Reel Num: 147CD Num: FalseRPL: 3PETOPT: Cleanups to 2L.0202 standardsRBCA GW: File Located in ArchivesCurrent Status: 0Release Detection: Not reportedLUR Filed: NoFlag1: NoFlag: YesMTBE1: NoMTBE: ResidentialLand Use: Not reportedSite Risk Reason: Not reportedPhase Of LSA Req: Not reportedSite Priority: Not reportedNORR Issue Date: Not reportedNOV Issue Date: Not reportedCorrective Action Plan Type: LRisk Class Based On Review: LRisk Classification: COMMERCIALCommercial/NonCommercial UST Site: 0# Of Supply Wells: REGULATEDTank Regulated Status: ResidentialLevel Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: 02/23/1995Close Out: Not reportedClosure Request: 12/29/1994Cleanup: 12/29/1994Date Occur: 02/23/1995Date Reported: PETROLEUMProduct Type: Leak-undergroundSource Type: Groundwater/BothContamination Type: 13426Incident Number: WA-1152UST Number: 00-0-000Facility ID: GOLDSBORO, NC 27530City,State,Zip: 3396 US HWY 13 S.Address: GRANTHAM SUPPLY TRUE VALUE H.Name: LUST: 593 ft. Site 1 of 3 in cluster A 0.112 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 145 ft. < 1/8 GOLDSBORO, NC 27530 SSE IMD3396 US HWY 13 S. N/A A1 LUSTGRANTHAM SUPPLY TRUE VALUE H. S102868347 TC6676512.2s Page 8 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedIncident ID: Not reportedUST ID: JIM GRANTHAMOperator: SOIL SAMPLE TAKEN DURING CLOSURE CONFIRMED MAJOR SOIL CONTAMINATION.Incident Desc: 2/23/1995Submit Date: 12/29/1994Date Occurred: GOLDSBORO, NCCity,State,Zip: 3396 US HWY 13 S.Address: GRANTHAM SUPPLY TRUE VALUE H.Name: 13426Facility ID: IMD: Click here to access the North Carolina DEQ records for this facility: 2/23/1995Close-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Signed: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: 2/21/1995NOV Issued: Closed OutIncident Phase: 2/12/1999Last Modified: Not reportedUst Number: Not reportedSource: Not reportedCause: Not reportedErr Type: PirfSource Code: Q330Release Code: Not reportedPirf/Min Soil: 15 Minute Quad: 37#5 Minute Quad: 0Samples Include: Not reportedWells Affected Y/N: Not reportedPriority Update: Not reportedSite Priority: 1Location: 5Type: 6Operation Type: 4Ownership: JIM GRANTHAMOwner/Operator: SOIL SAMPLE TAKEN DURING CLOSURE CONFIRMED MAJOR SOIL CONTAMINATION.Description Of Incident: 2/23/1995Date Reported: 12/29/1994Date Occurred: 13426Facility Id: PIRF: Not reported5 Min Quad: 6/4/02and 6/6/02 NFA issued May 8, 2002and public notification receipts received SOIL SAMPLE TAKEN DURING CLOSURE CONFIRMED MAJOR SOIL CONTAMINATION.Comments: WAYNERP County: GOLDSBORO, NC 27530RP City,St,Zip: GRANTHAM SUPPLY TRUE VALUE H. (Continued) S102868347 TC6676512.2s Page 9 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedRP Operator?: Not reportedRP Owner?: Not reportedReference Number for Media Disk for Archived Record: Not reportedPollutant Type Present: Not reportedRBCA GW: Not reportedRBCA GW Codes: Not reportedRecord Status: Not reportedDate Cleanup Initiated: Not reportedDate Land Use Restriction Filed: Not reportedMTBE in Groundwater Y/N/U Yes, No or Unknown: Not reportedFacility Phone Number: Not reportedMTBE in Well Y/N/U Yes, No or Unknown: Not reportedNumber of Supply Wells Located on Property: Not reportedExtent of Contamination: Not reportedDate Case Closed: Not reportedDate Close Review Requested From RP or Owner: Not reportedRBCA: Not reportedCorrective Action Plan Selected - up to 5: Not reportedUse of Land, Industrial: -78.16527777Longitude: 35.29722222Latitude: Not reportedIntermediate Condition Present: Q3305 Min Quad: Not reported7.5 Min Quad: Not reportedInitial reported risk of incident (never changes): 1Samples Include: 3Sampled By: Not reportedCurrent Risk Condition: FacilityLocation: GASOLINE/DIESELType: Not reportedSite Priority: 0Num Affected: Not reportedPhase 1 or Phase 2: Not reportedNotice of Violation: Not reportedWells Affected: Not reportedNotice of Regulatory Requirement: Not reportedPriority Update: Not reportedWhether Tank is Regulated: Not reportedSite Priority: Not reportedWhether Tank is Commercial or Non Commercial: Not reportedDate Incident Reported: Not reportedPetroleum Type: 1Location: 3Type: 3Source: GASOLINE/DIESEL/KEROSENESource of Contamination: Not reportedResponsible Party County: CommercialOperation Type: PrivateOwnership: Not reportedResponsible Party City,State,Zip: Not reportedResponsible Party Mailing Address: 6Operation: Not reportedResponsible Party Contact Name: 4Ownership: Not reportedResponsible Party/Company Name: Not reportedRegional Office: Not reportedInitials of UST Regional Contact: GRANTHAM SUPPLY TRUE VALUE H. (Continued)S102868347 TC6676512.2s Page 10 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 1995-02-23 00:00:00Close-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Sighned: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: 1995-02-21 00:00:00NOV Issued: COIncident Phase: 1999-02-12 00:00:00Last Modified: 13426Facility ID: Status: Not reportedRP Landowner?: GRANTHAM SUPPLY TRUE VALUE H. (Continued) S102868347 0Release Detection: 04/26/2002LUR Filed: NoFlag1: NoFlag: YesMTBE1: NoMTBE: ResidentialLand Use: Not reportedSite Risk Reason: Not reportedPhase Of LSA Req: Not reportedSite Priority: Not reportedNORR Issue Date: Not reportedNOV Issue Date: Not reportedCorrective Action Plan Type: LRisk Class Based On Review: LRisk Classification: COMMERCIALCommercial/NonCommercial UST Site: 0# Of Supply Wells: REGULATEDTank Regulated Status: ResidentialLevel Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: 05/08/2002Close Out: Not reportedClosure Request: 07/19/1996Cleanup: 07/19/1996Date Occur: 07/19/1996Date Reported: PETROLEUMProduct Type: Leak-undergroundSource Type: Groundwater/BothContamination Type: 16371Incident Number: WA-27029UST Number: 00-0-000Facility ID: GOLDSBORO, NC 27530City,State,Zip: 3396 U.S. HIGHWAY 13 SOUTHAddress: GRANTHAM TRUE VALUE HARDWAREName: LUST: 703 ft. Site 2 of 3 in cluster A 0.133 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 147 ft. 1/8-1/4 GOLDSBORO, NC 27530 SE INST CONTROL3396 U.S. HIGHWAY 13 SOUTH N/A A2 LUSTGRANTHAM TRUE VALUE HARDWARE S111161149 TC6676512.2s Page 11 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Signed: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: Closed OutIncident Phase: 5/8/2002Last Modified: Not reportedUst Number: Not reportedSource: Not reportedCause: Not reportedErr Type: PirfSource Code: Q32ORelease Code: Not reportedPirf/Min Soil: 15 Minute Quad: 47#5 Minute Quad: 0Samples Include: NWells Affected Y/N: 7/29/1999Priority Update: 160HSite Priority: 1Location: 3Type: 6Operation Type: 4Ownership: JAMES H. GRANTHAMOwner/Operator: FREE PRODUCT AND SOIL CONTAM. HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED ON-SITE.Description Of Incident: 10/11/1996Date Reported: 3/15/1996Date Occurred: 16371Facility Id: PIRF: Not reported5 Min Quad: SENT FOR ARCHIVING MAY 2015;Comments: Not reportedRP County: GOLDSBORO, NC 27530RP City,St,Zip: 3396 US HIGHWAY 13 SOUTHRP Address: Not reportedTelephone: JIM GRANTHAMContact Person: GRANTHAM TRUE VALUE HARDWARECompany: WASRegion: RMBRegional Officer Project Mgr: Not reportedTestlat: 35.2972 -78.1641Lat/Long Decimal: FalseValid: NError Code: 0Error Flag: TrueRPOP: TrueRPOW: 0Reel Num: 570CD Num: TrueRPL: 3PETOPT: Cleanups to alternate standardsRBCA GW: File Located in ArchivesCurrent Status: GRANTHAM TRUE VALUE HARDWARE (Continued)S111161149 TC6676512.2s Page 12 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 564168.81116Y Coord: 2249394.4481X Coord: Not reportedPlat Date: Not reportedPlat: Recorded 4-25-2002Deed Date: Not reportedDeed: Notice and RestrictionInstrument: Not reportedPlat PG: Not reportedPlat BK: Not reportedDeed PG: Not reportedDeed BK: EffectiveInstrument Status: Not reportedPlant Reception Date: NoneCertification: Media Restrictions OnlyAllowed Use: Multi-MediaRestricted Media: 4/25/2002Received Date: UST SystemContamination Source: Multi COCCOC: No Further ActionProject Status: Underground Storage Tank SectionDWM Program: Washington Regional Office (252) 946-6481DWM Contact: 2557Object ID: WA-27029Project Number: GOLDSBORO, NCCity,State,Zip: 3396 U.S. HIGHWAY 13 SOUTHAddress: GRANTHAM TRUE VALUE HARDWAREName: INST CONTROL: Click here to access the North Carolina DEQ records for this facility: 5/8/2002Close-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: GRANTHAM TRUE VALUE HARDWARE (Continued) S111161149 REGULATEDTank Regulated Status: Soil to GroundwaterLevel Of Soil Cleanup Achieved: 10/12/2020Close Out: Not reportedClosure Request: 04/17/2020Cleanup: 04/17/2020Date Occur: 05/12/2020Date Reported: PETROLEUMProduct Type: Leak-undergroundSource Type: Groundwater/BothContamination Type: 47028Incident Number: WA-27712UST Number: 00-0-000Facility ID: GOLDSBORO, NC 27530City,State,Zip: 3388 US HWY 13 SOUTHAddress: GRANTHAM SUPPLY & SUPERMARKETName: LUST: 705 ft. Site 3 of 3 in cluster A 0.134 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 147 ft. 1/8-1/4 GOLDSBORO, NC 27530 SE 3388 US HWY 13 SOUTH N/A A3 LUSTGRANTHAM SUPPLY & SUPERMARKET S126204874 TC6676512.2s Page 13 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation 3Type: 6Operation Type: 4Ownership: Not reportedOwner/Operator: New Release. Failed Gas UST spill bucket, GW Benzene 2x closure levels for 16371.Description Of Incident: Not reportedDate Reported: Not reportedDate Occurred: 47028Facility Id: PIRF: Not reported5 Min Quad: requirement. existing NRP (Book 1940, pages 507-510). CNFA sent 8/5/2020 with PN evidence of a new release. Survey documents Low risk. Closed via and other constituents not seen in 2002 (TAA ,TBA, etc.). Recorded as impacts, with benzene > 2x levels seen at 2002 LSA for Incident 16371 Check used existing MW for GW check in April 2020. Detected GW failed for gas UST spill bucket July 2018. Repaired Aug 2018. Site See earlier incidents at this site: 13426 and 16371. Hydrostatic testComments: Not reportedRP County: Goldsboro, NC 27530RP City,St,Zip: 3396 US Hwy 13 SRP Address: 9199201613Telephone: Ted GranthamContact Person: Grantham Supply & SupermarketCompany: WASRegion: JMERegional Officer Project Mgr: Not reportedTestlat: 35.2971 -78.1644Lat/Long Decimal: FalseValid: NError Code: Not reportedError Flag: TrueRPOP: TrueRPOW: Not reportedReel Num: Not reportedCD Num: TrueRPL: 3PETOPT: Cleanups to alternate standardsRBCA GW: File Located in HouseCurrent Status: Not reportedRelease Detection: 04/26/2002LUR Filed: Not reportedFlag1: NoFlag: UnknownMTBE1: NoMTBE: ResidentialLand Use: Not reportedSite Risk Reason: 1Phase Of LSA Req: Not reportedSite Priority: Not reportedNORR Issue Date: Not reportedNOV Issue Date: Not reportedCorrective Action Plan Type: LRisk Class Based On Review: URisk Classification: COMMERCIALCommercial/NonCommercial UST Site: 0# Of Supply Wells: GRANTHAM SUPPLY & SUPERMARKET (Continued) S126204874 TC6676512.2s Page 14 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Click here to access the North Carolina DEQ records for this facility: Not reportedClose-out Report: Not reportedClosure Request Date: Not reportedRS Designation: Not reportedReclassification Report: Not reportedSOC Signed: Not reportedCorrective Action Planned: Not reportedPublic Meeting Held: Not reported45 Day Report: Not reportedNORR Issued: Not reportedNOV Issued: Closed OutIncident Phase: 10/12/2020Last Modified: 2Ust Number: FSource: 9Cause: 7Err Type: Not reportedSource Code: Not reportedRelease Code: Not reportedPirf/Min Soil: Not reported5 Minute Quad: Y7#5 Minute Quad: Not reportedSamples Include: NWells Affected Y/N: Not reportedPriority Update: Not reportedSite Priority: 1Location: GRANTHAM SUPPLY & SUPERMARKET (Continued) S126204874 NoCompartment Tank: NoMain Tank: Not reportedRoot Tank Id: 4000Tank Capacity: Gasoline, Gas MixProduct Name: Not reportedPerm Close Date: 09/23/1983Installed Date: CurrentTank Status: 1Tank Id: -78.17264Longitude: 35.29504Latitude: WayneFIPS County Desc: GOLDSBORO, NC 27530Contact City/State/Zip: Not reportedContact Address2: 3590 US 13 SOUTHContact Address1: DANNIE . FAIRCLOTHContact: 00-0-0000027577Facility Id: GOLDSBORO, NC 27530City,State,Zip: 3590 US 13 SOUTHAddress: DANNIE’S GAS & GROCERYName: UST: 875 ft. Site 1 of 2 in cluster B 0.166 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 145 ft. 1/8-1/4 GOLDSBORO, NC 27530 SW 3590 US 13 SOUTH N/A B4 USTDANNIE’S GAS & GROCERY U001203672 TC6676512.2s Page 15 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation UnknownDecode for PSYS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for TCONS_KEY: Not reportedLeak Detection Name: Catchment BasinSpill Protection Name: Auto Shutoff DeviceOverfill Protection Name: Not reportedOther CP Tank: YesRegulated: YesCommercial: 0Manifold Tank: NoCompartment Tank: NoMain Tank: Not reportedRoot Tank Id: 4000Tank Capacity: Gasoline, Gas MixProduct Name: Not reportedPerm Close Date: 09/23/1983Installed Date: CurrentTank Status: 3Tank Id: Click here to access the North Carolina DEQ records for this facility: UnknownDecode for PSYS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for TCONS_KEY: Not reportedLeak Detection Name: Catchment BasinSpill Protection Name: Auto Shutoff DeviceOverfill Protection Name: Not reportedOther CP Tank: YesRegulated: YesCommercial: 0Manifold Tank: NoCompartment Tank: NoMain Tank: Not reportedRoot Tank Id: 4000Tank Capacity: Gasoline, Gas MixProduct Name: Not reportedPerm Close Date: 09/23/1983Installed Date: CurrentTank Status: 2Tank Id: Click here to access the North Carolina DEQ records for this facility: UnknownDecode for PSYS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for TCONS_KEY: Not reportedLeak Detection Name: Catchment BasinSpill Protection Name: Auto Shutoff DeviceOverfill Protection Name: Not reportedOther CP Tank: YesRegulated: YesCommercial: 0Manifold Tank: DANNIE’S GAS & GROCERY (Continued) U001203672 TC6676512.2s Page 16 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation NoMain Tank: Not reportedRoot Tank Id: 4000Tank Capacity: DieselProduct Name: Not reportedPerm Close Date: 09/23/1983Installed Date: CurrentTank Status: 6Tank Id: Click here to access the North Carolina DEQ records for this facility: UnknownDecode for PSYS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for TCONS_KEY: UnknownLeak Detection Name: UnknownSpill Protection Name: UnknownOverfill Protection Name: Not reportedOther CP Tank: YesRegulated: YesCommercial: Not reportedManifold Tank: NoCompartment Tank: NoMain Tank: Not reportedRoot Tank Id: 550Tank Capacity: Kerosene, Kero MixProduct Name: 12/31/1990Perm Close Date: 09/23/1983Installed Date: RemovedTank Status: 5Tank Id: Click here to access the North Carolina DEQ records for this facility: UnknownDecode for PSYS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for TCONS_KEY: Not reportedLeak Detection Name: Catchment BasinSpill Protection Name: Auto Shutoff DeviceOverfill Protection Name: Not reportedOther CP Tank: YesRegulated: YesCommercial: 0Manifold Tank: NoCompartment Tank: NoMain Tank: Not reportedRoot Tank Id: 4000Tank Capacity: Gasoline, Gas MixProduct Name: Not reportedPerm Close Date: 09/23/1983Installed Date: CurrentTank Status: 4Tank Id: Click here to access the North Carolina DEQ records for this facility: DANNIE’S GAS & GROCERY (Continued) U001203672 TC6676512.2s Page 17 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation Click here to access the North Carolina DEQ records for this facility: UnknownDecode for PSYS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for PCONS_KEY: Single Wall SteelDecode for TCONS_KEY: Not reportedLeak Detection Name: Catchment BasinSpill Protection Name: Auto Shutoff DeviceOverfill Protection Name: Not reportedOther CP Tank: YesRegulated: YesCommercial: 0Manifold Tank: NoCompartment Tank: DANNIE’S GAS & GROCERY (Continued) U001203672 Not reportedSite Priority: Not reportedNum Affected: Not reportedPhase 1 or Phase 2: Not reportedNotice of Violation: Not reportedWells Affected: Not reportedNotice of Regulatory Requirement: Not reportedPriority Update: REGULATEDWhether Tank is Regulated: Not reportedSite Priority: COMMERCIALWhether Tank is Commercial or Non Commercial: 1993-10-25 00:00:00Date Incident Reported: PETROLEUMPetroleum Type: Not reportedLocation: Not reportedType: 3Source: GASOLINE/DIESEL/KEROSENESource of Contamination: Not reportedResponsible Party County: Not reportedOperation Type: Not reportedOwnership: GOLDSBORO, NC 27530Responsible Party City,State,Zip: 906 S GEORGE STResponsible Party Mailing Address: Not reportedOperation: Not reportedResponsible Party Contact Name: Not reportedOwnership: DUMAS OIL COMPANYResponsible Party/Company Name: WASRegional Office: EDPInitials of UST Regional Contact: Not reportedIncident ID: WA-25743UST ID: Not reportedOperator: Not reportedIncident Desc: Not reportedSubmit Date: Not reportedDate Occurred: GRANTHAM, NC 27530City,State,Zip: 3605 HWY 13 SOUTHAddress: CASEY’S 76 GROCERYName: 00-0-0000003732Facility ID: IMD: 1076 ft. Site 2 of 2 in cluster B 0.204 mi. Relative: Lower Actual: 142 ft. 1/8-1/4 GRANTHAM, NC 27530 SW 3605 HWY 13 SOUTH N/A B5 IMDCASEY’S 76 GROCERY S127487007 TC6676512.2s Page 18 MAP FINDINGSMap ID Direction EDR ID NumberDistance EPA ID NumberDatabase(s)SiteElevation FalseRP Landowner?: TrueRP Operator?: TrueRP Owner?: 69Reference Number for Media Disk for Archived Record: GASOLINE/DIESEL/KEROSENEPollutant Type Present: Not reportedRBCA GW: Not reportedRBCA GW Codes: ARCHIVED RECORDRecord Status: Not reportedDate Cleanup Initiated: Not reportedDate Land Use Restriction Filed: UMTBE in Groundwater Y/N/U Yes, No or Unknown: 8004865925Facility Phone Number: 0MTBE in Well Y/N/U Yes, No or Unknown: 0Number of Supply Wells Located on Property: NoneExtent of Contamination: 1993-10-25 00:00:00Date Case Closed: Not reportedDate Close Review Requested From RP or Owner: Not reportedRBCA: Not reportedCorrective Action Plan Selected - up to 5: Not reportedUse of Land, Industrial: 0Longitude: 0Latitude: Not reportedIntermediate Condition Present: Not reported5 Min Quad: Not reported7.5 Min Quad: LInitial reported risk of incident (never changes): Not reportedSamples Include: Not reportedSampled By: Not reportedCurrent Risk Condition: Not reportedLocation: Not reportedType: CASEY’S 76 GROCERY (Continued)S127487007 TC6676512.2s Page 19 Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (P) 919.851.9986 • 312 West Millbrook Road, Suite 225 • Raleigh, NC 27609 August 23, 2022 Renee Gledhill-Earley State Historic Preservation Office 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-4617 Submitted via email: Environmental.Review@ncdcr.gov Subject: Casey Creek Mitigation Site Wayne County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Gledhill-Earley, Wildlands Engineering, Inc. requests review and comment on any possible issues that might emerge with respect to archaeological or cultural resources associated with a potential stream, buffer, and nutrient offset mitigation project on the Casey Creek Mitigation Site (Site) located in Wayne County, NC. The Site is located approximately one mile west of the Town of Grantham, NC. The project is funded by North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS). A Site Overview Map and a USGS Topographic Map showing the approximate project area are enclosed. The topographic figure was prepared from the Grantham 7.5-Minute USGS Topographic Quadrangle, and the Site is located at latitude 35.2946770, longitude -78.1833726. The Casey Creek Mitigation Site is being developed to provide stream, buffer, and nutrient mitigation within the Neuse River Basin. The project will include the restoration of Casey Creek Reaches 2 and 3, Martha Branch, and Afton Branch. Casey Creek Reach 1 is slated for preservation. Site stressors include stream incision, active stream erosion including mass wasting, nutrient inputs from adjacent agricultural fields, lack of riparian buffers, and areas of limited to absent bedform diversity. The Site is located on four parcels that contain tributaries to Falling Creek. A large portion of the properties (over 40 acres) have been used for row crop production for decades. The remaining acreage is primarily wooded with a mix of pines and hardwoods. Currently, the agricultural fields are used to grow a rotation of corn and soybeans with an occasional rotation of peanuts, cotton, and sweet potatoes. The major goals of the proposed stream, buffer, and nutrient offset mitigation project are to provide ecological and water quality enhancements to the Neuse River Basin while creating a functional riparian corridor at the Site level. The project design will avoid major adverse impacts to existing streams, wetland resources, and existing forested areas. This will be accomplished by restoring and enhancing native floodplain vegetation, creating stable stream banks, improving stream habitat, and protecting the Site in perpetuity through establishing a conservation easement. There are no surveyed sites listed on the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) national register of historic places within nor in close proximity to the Site. Two R5-rated managed areas (Unique Places to Save Easements) are located within one mile of the Site. No other architectural structures or archaeological artifacts have been observed or noted during preliminary surveys of the site for restoration purposes . We ask that you review the Site based on the attached information to determine the presence of any historic properties. We thank you in advance for your timely response and cooperation. Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have concerning the extent of Site disturbance associated with this project. Sincerely, Tasha King, Environmental Scientist tking@wildlandseng.com 805.895.3304 Attachments: Figure 1 Overview Site Map, Figure 2 USGS Topographic Map North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Roy Cooper Office of Archives and History Secretary D. Reid Wilson Deputy Secretary, Darin J. Waters, Ph.D. Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 814-6570/814-6898 September 1, 2022 Kim Isenhour Kimberly.d.browning@usace.army.mil Regulatory Division 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC Re: Casey Creek mitigation site, 35.2938, -78.1859, Wayne County, ER 22-2015 Dear Ms. Isenhour: Thank you for your email of August 12, 2022, regarding the above-referenced undertaking. We have reviewed the submittal and offer the following comments. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-814-6579 or environmental.review@ncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, Ramona Bartos, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer cc: Tasha King, Wildlands Engineering tking@wildlandseng.com DocuSign Envelope ID: FAB56FB2-8CA4-4871-9CE6-9DD6A7DDA1AB bedrockconst43@gmail.com DocuSign Envelope ID: FAB56FB2-8CA4-4871-9CE6-9DD6A7DDA1AB DocuSign Envelope ID: 5D580D32-68D0-4C62-924A-02984B6A3749 Version 5.12.2022 Page 1 PUBLIC NOTICE Issue Date: August 12, 2022 Comment Deadline: September 11, 2022 Corps Action ID Number: SAW-2022-01239 The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) received an application from the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) seeking Department of the Army authorization to modify the In-Lieu Fee Instrument for the addition of a 24-acre site, known as Casey Creek Mitigation Site, which will be used to generate compensatory mitigation credits in Wayne County, North Carolina. Specific plans and location information are described below and shown on the attached plans. This Public Notice and all attached plans are also available on the RIBITS Site at: https://ribits.ops.usace.army.mil/ords/f?p=107:622:13369073933002::NO Filter to the Wilmington District on the left hand side of the home page and select the Public Notices tab. Applicant: N.C. Division of Mitigation Services Attn: Marc Recktenwald 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 This public notice does not imply, on the part of the Corps of Engineers or other agencies, either favorable or unfavorable opinion of the work to be performed, but is issued to solicit comments regarding the factors on which final decisions will be based. Authority The Corps evaluates this application and decides whether to issue, conditionally issue, or deny the proposed work pursuant to applicable procedures of the following Statutory Authorities: Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1413) US Army Corps Of Engineers Wilmington District Version 5.12.2022 Page 2 Location Location Description: The Casey Creek Mitigation Site is in Wayne County approximately one mile west of the town of Grantham off US Highway 13 S. The project is located within Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03020201170010 and is being submitted for mitigation credit in the Neuse River Basin Catalog Unit 03020201. Project Area (acres): 24.0 Nearest Town: Grantham Nearest Waterway: Kelley Creek River Basin: Neuse River Latitude and Longitude: 35.2938 °N, -78.1859 °W USGS Quad: Grantham Existing Site Conditions The proposed project is located on four parcels that contain tributaries to Falling Creek. A large portion of the properties (over 40 acres) has been used for row crop agriculture for decades. The remaining acreage is primarily wooded with a mix of pines and hardwoods. Currently, the agricultural fields are used to grow a rotation of corn and soybeans with an occasional rotation of peanuts, cotton, and sweet potatoes. Cattle were grazed in the fields south of US Hwy 13 until 1982. The fields are drained by drain tiles, perennial, and intermittent streams on the Site have clearly been channelized and relocated to increase crop production. Applicant’s Stated Purpose The purpose of the proposal is the modification of the Division of Mitigation Services In- Lieu-Fee Program Instrument to add an additional mitigation site to generate mitigation credits that may be used to provide compensatory mitigation for unavoidable impacts to streams associated with Department of the Army permit authorizations pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Project Description The Casey Creek Mitigation Site proposes the restoration of 3,577 linear feet (LF) of stream and preservation of approximately 1,734 LF of stream. Stream restoration activities will include restoring appropriate dimension, pattern, and profile with Priority 1 and Priority 2 restoration where applicable. Stabilization structures will be installed, which will also provide habitat. Native riparian buffers will be established in excess of 50 feet on either side of each stream reach. The sponsor has signed option agreements with the land owners to record a conservation easement on all land located within the site boundary. The easement will be conveyed to the State of North Carolina (NCDEQ Stewardship) who will serve as long-term manager for the mitigation property. Version 5.12.2022 Page 3 Prospectus: This Public Notice document is available on the RIBITS web site at: https://ribits.usace.army.mil To access the public notices, first select the Wilmington District from the Filter View drop-down menu in the lower left-hand corner, and then select the Bank & ILF Establishment tab. This mitigation site may be considered one of a number of practicable alternatives available to applicants to compensate for unavoidable stream and wetland impacts associated with permits issued under the authority of Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act for projects located within the prescribed geographic service area. Oversight of this mitigation proposal will be by a group of federal and state agency representatives collectively referred to as the Interagency Review Team (IRT). The IRT shall be chaired by the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is comprised of representatives from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, N.C. Division of Water Resources, State Historic Preservation Office, NOAA, and the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission. The actual approval of the use of this mitigation site for a specific project is the decision of the Corps pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The Corps provides no guarantee that any particular individual or general permit will be granted authorization to use this stream compensatory mitigation site to compensate for unavoidable stream impacts associated with a proposed permit, even though mitigation from this site may be available. Essential Fish Habitat The Corps’ determination is that the proposed project would not affect EFH or associated fisheries managed by the South Atlantic or Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Councils or the National Marine Fisheries Service. This notice initiates the Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultation requirements of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. Implementation of the proposed project would impact (CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY- marine substrate, estuarine substrate, water columns, emergent wetlands, submerged aquatic vegetation, artificial reefs, hardbottoms) (see project description) utilized by various life stages of the following species: coastal migratory pelagics and Atlantic highly migratory species. Our initial determination is that the proposed action would not have a substantial individual or cumulative adverse impact on EFH or fisheries managed by Fishery Management Councils and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). Our final determination relative to project impacts and the need for mitigation measures is subject to review by and coordination with the NMFS. The Corps will consult under the Magnuson-Stevens Act and will not make a permit decision until the consultation process is complete. Version 5.12.2022 Page 4 The Corps has initiated consultation the Magnuson-Stevens Act and will not make a permit decision until the consultation process is complete. Cultural Resources Pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, Appendix C of 33 CFR Part 325, and the 2005 Revised Interim Guidance for Implementing Appendix C, the District Engineer consulted district files and records and the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places and initially determines that: Should historic properties, or properties eligible for inclusion in the National Register, be present within the Corps’ permit area; the proposed activity requiring the DA permit (the undertaking) is a type of activity that will have no potential to cause an effect to an historic properties. No historic properties, nor properties eligible for inclusion in the National Register, are present within the Corps’ permit area; therefore, there will be no historic properties affected. The Corps subsequently requests concurrence from the SHPO (or THPO). Properties ineligible for inclusion in the National Register are present within the Corps’ permit area; there will be no historic properties affected by the proposed work. The Corps subsequently requests concurrence from the SHPO (or THPO). Historic properties, or properties eligible for inclusion in the National Register, are present within the Corps’ permit area; however, the undertaking will have no adverse effect on these historic properties. The Corps subsequently requests concurrence from the SHPO (or THPO). Historic properties, or properties eligible for inclusion in the National Register, are present within the Corps’ permit area; moreover, the undertaking may have an adverse effect on these historic properties. The Corps subsequently initiates consultation with the SHPO (or THPO). The proposed work takes place in an area known to have the potential for the presence of prehistoric and historic cultural resources; however, the area has not been formally surveyed for the presence of cultural resources. No sites eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places are known to be present in the vicinity of the proposed work. Additional work may be necessary to identify and assess any historic or prehistoric resources that may be present. The District Engineer’s final eligibility and effect determination will be based upon coordination with the SHPO and/or THPO, as appropriate and required, and with full consideration given to the proposed undertaking’s potential direct and indirect effects on historic properties within the Corps-indentified permit area. Version 5.12.2022 Page 5 Endangered Species Pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, the Corps reviewed the project area, examined all information provided by the applicant and consulted the latest North Carolina Natural Heritage Database. Based on available information: The Corps determines that the proposed project would not affect federally listed endangered or threatened species or their formally designated critical habitat. The Corps determines that the proposed project may affect federally listed endangered or threatened species or their formally designated critical habitat. By copy of this public notice, the Corps initiates consultation under Section 7 of the ESA and will not make a permit decision until the consultation process is complete. The Corps will consult under Section 7 of the ESA and will not make a permit decision until the consultation process is complete. The Corps has initiated consultation under Section 7 of the ESA and will not make a permit decision until the consultation process is complete. The Corps determines that the proposed project may affect federally listed endangered or threatened species or their formally designated critical habitat. Consultation has been completed for this type of activity and the effects of the proposed activity have been evaluated and/or authorized by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in the South Atlantic Regional Biological Opinion or its associated documents, including 7(a)(2) & 7(d) analyses and Critical Habitat assessments. A copy of this public notice will be sent to the NMFS. The Corps is not aware of the presence of species listed as threatened or endangered or their critical habitat formally designated pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) within the project area. The Corps will make a final determination on the effects of the proposed project upon additional review of the project and completion of any necessary biological assessment and/or consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or National Marine Fisheries Service. Other Required Authorizations The Corps forwards this notice and all applicable application materials to the appropriate State agencies for review. North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR): Version 5.12.2022 Page 6 The applicant did not provide or satisfy all the elements required for a complete 401 certification request. Therefore, the 401 Certification process has not started. The Corps will generally not make a final permit decision until the NCDWR issues, denies, or waives the state Certification as required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (PL 92-500). The Corps will generally not make a final permit decision until the NCDWR issues, denies, or waives the state Certification as required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (PL 92-500). The receipt of the application and this public notice, combined with the appropriate application fee, at the NCDWR Central Office in Raleigh constitutes initial receipt of an application for a 401 Certification. Unless NCDWR is granted a time review extension, a waiver will be deemed to occur if the NCDWR fails to act on this request for certification within 120 days of the date of this public notice. Additional information regarding the 401 Certification may be reviewed at the NCDWR Central Office, 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit, 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260. All persons desiring to make comments regarding the application for a 401 Certification should do so, in writing, to: NCDWR Central Office Attention: Mr. Paul Wojowski, 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit (USPS mailing address): 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699- 1617 Or, (physical address): 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM): The application did not include a certification that the proposed work complies with and would be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the approved North Carolina Coastal Zone Management Program. Pursuant to 33 CFR 325.2 (b)(2) the Corps cannot issue a Department of Army (DA) permit for the proposed work until the applicant submits such a certification to the Corps and the NCDCM, and the NCDCM notifies the Corps that it concurs with the applicant’s consistency certification. As the application did not include the consistency certification, the Corps will request, upon receipt,, concurrence or objection from the NCDCM. Based upon all available information, the Corps determines that this application for a Department of Army (DA) permit does not involve an activity which would affect the coastal zone, which is defined by the Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Act (16 U.S.C. § 1453). Version 5.12.2022 Page 7 Evaluation The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts including cumulative impacts of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered including the cumulative effects thereof; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, flood plain values (in accordance with Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the discharge of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United States, the evaluation of the impact of the activity on the public interest will include application of the Environmental Protection Agency’s 404(b)(1) guidelines. Commenting Information The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials, including any consolidated State Viewpoint or written position of the Governor; Indian Tribes and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition, or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Any person may request, in writing, within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider the application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. Requests for a public hearing will be granted, unless the District Engineer determines that the issues raised are insubstantial or there is otherwise no valid interest to be served by a hearing. The Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District will receive written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, until 5pm, September 11, 2022. Comments should be submitted to Kim (Browning) Isenhour, Regulatory Division, 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105,Wake Forest, NC 27587 or , at (919) 946-5107. Comments may also be submitted to Kimberly.d.browning@usace.army.mil. ®q ®q Conservation Reserve EnhancementProgram Easement Conservation Trust for North Carolina Preserve USFWS Critical Habitat - Neuse River Waterdog Mill Creek Aquatic Habitat Neu s e R i v e r F a l l i n g C r e e k Falling Creek Cox-Grantham Airfield Scottbrook Farm Project Location £¤13 £¤13 Grantham JOHNS T O N WAYNE BentonvilleBattlefield (NHL) Stevens Mill Falling Cre e k Grantham BranchMitigation Bank Falling CreekMitigation Bank 03020201170010 03020201170030 03020201150050 03020201140010 03020201170020 03020201160010 03020201170040 03020201200030 03020201170060 03030007010010 03020201140020 03030006090010 03030007010010 03020201170050 ¹ Wayne County, NC Figure 1a Vicinity Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Neuse River Basin (03020201) 0 1.50.75 Miles Project Location 5 Mile Radius County Boundary Municipality 8-Digit HUC Hydrologic Unit Code (14-Digit) Local Watershed Plans Significant Natural Heritage Areas NC Nat. Heritage Program Managed Areas !(!(!( !(!(!(Water Supply Watershed Targeted Local Watersheds NC Historic Preservation Areas Wildlands Mitigation Banks 303d Listed Streams ®q Airports Proposed Casey CreekMitigation Site Grantham BranchMitigation Bank Falling CreekMitigation Bank NC Dept. of AgricultureCREP Easement 03020201 03030006 Falling Creek 03020201170010 03020201170030 03020201150050 03020201170040 03020201150040 03020201170020 03030006090010 03020201170050 03020201170060 0303000701001003030006090030 03020201140010 03020201160010 03030007010010 03020201200030 03030007020010 Figure 1b Site Proximity Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Neuse River Basin (03020201) 2017 Aerial Photography ¹Wayne County, NC 8-Digit HUC 14-Digit HUC Proposed Conservation Easement Existing Conservation Easements Streams !(Animal Operations (2019) 0 10.5 Miles !P !P Ca s e y C r e e k Casey C r e e k Martha B r a n c h Afton B r a n c h XS 3 XS1 XS2 X S 4 Casey CreekReach 1 Casey CreekReach 2 Casey CreekReach 3 Figure 2 Site Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Neuse River Basin (03020201) 2017 Aerial Photography ¹Wayne County, NC Parcels Project Location Proposed Conservation Easement Perennial Project Streams Intermittent Project Streams Incision Erosion Cross Section Existing Drain Tiles Non-Project Streams Topographic Contours (2') !(Bedrock XY Headcut !P Reach Break 0 300150 Feet ¹ Wayne County, NC Figure 3 USGS Topographic Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Neuse River Basin (03020201) 0 500250 Feet Grantham USGS 7.5 MinuteTopographic Quadrangle Proposed Conservation Easement ¹ Wayne County, NC Figure 4 Lidar Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Neuse River Basin (03020201) 0 500250 Feet Elevation (Feet) High : 175 Low : 125 Proposed Conservation Easement Cas e y C r e e k Casey C r e e k Afton Br a n c h Martha B r a n c h Ra KaD Dr NoBLy Ra We Ke Ke Ke Ra ¹ Wayne County, NC Figure 6a Soils Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Neuse River Basin (03020201) 0 500250 Feet Project Location Proposed Conservation Easement Dr- Dragston Loamy Sand KaD- Kalmia Loamy Sand, 10-15% Slopes (Winton) Ke- Kenansville Loamy Sand Ly- Lynchburg Sandy Loam, 0-2% Slopes NoB- Norfolk Loamy Sand, 2-6% Slopes Ra- Rains Sandy Loam, 0-2% Slopes We- Weston Loamy Sand (Woodington) Perennial Project Streams Intermittent Project Streams Non-Project Streams 2017 Aerial Photography !P !P ^_^_ ^_ Cas e y C r e e k Casey C r e e k Martha B r a n c h Afton Br a n c h Casey CreekReach 1 Casey CreekReach 2 Casey CreekReach 3 ¬«1 ¬«2 Figure 7 Concept Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Neuse River Basin (03020201) 2017 Aerial Photography ¹Wayne County, NC Parcels Project Location Proposed Conservation Easement Riparian Restoration for Buffer Credit (0-100') Riparian Preservation for Buffer Credit (0-100') Riparian Preservation for Buffer Credit (101'-200') Riparian Restoration for Nutrient Offset Credit (101'-200') No Credit Proposed Internal Crossing Existing External Crossing Proposed Stream Restoration Proposed Stream Preservation Existing Drain Tiles To Be Removed Non-Project Streams Topographic Contours (2') !P Reach Break ^_Floodplain Pools 0 300150 Feet ¬«# ¬«# Species Conclusions Table Project Name: Casey Creek Mitigation Site Date: 08/29/2022 Species / Resource Name Conclusion ESA Section 7 / Eagle Act Determination Notes / Documentation Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) No suitable habitat present No effect A field survey was conducted by Wildlands on August 16, 2022. No suitable habitat was found in the form of old pine cavity trees, open pine woodlands with little to no hardwoods, or pine savannahs. No critical habitat has been designated by USFWS for this species. Per NCNHP data explorer, no known element occurrences exist within a one-mile radius of the proposed project area, or within the project area. Neuse River Waterdog (Necturus lewisi) No suitable habitat present No effect A field survey was conducted by Wildlands on August 16, 2022. The Neuse River Waterdog’s required habitat of clean, flowing water characterized by high dissolved oxygen concentrations was not found on site. Per NCNHP data explorer, no known element occurrences exist within a one-mile radius of the proposed project area, or within the project area. Carolina Madtom (Noturus furiosus) No suitable habitat present No effect A field survey was conducted by Wildlands on August 16, 2022. No suitable habitat was found in the project area. Due to incision and erosion present in much of the project streams, silt-free and stable substrate was not present. Per NCNHP data explorer, no known element occurrences exist within a one-mile radius of the proposed project area, or within the project area. Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) Unlikely to disturb nesting bald eagles. No Eagle Act Permit Required A field survey was conducted by Wildlands on August 16, 2022. No bald eagles were present or nesting on the site, and no suitable foraging or nesting habitat was found. The site Is greater than 660 ft from the nearest, large body of water. Per NCNHP data explorer, no known element occurrences exist within a one- mile radius of the proposed project area, or within the project area. Critical Habitat No critical habitats present within the project area. Final critical habitat is designated for the Neuse River Waterdog and the Carolina Madtom; however, critical habitat for these species is not found within the project area. Acknowledgement: I agree that the above information about my proposed project is true. I used all of the provided resources to make an informed decision about impacts in the immediate and surrounding areas. 08/29/2022 _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________ Rebecca Hogarth / Environmental Scientist Date August 12, 2022 Kim Isenhour Regulatory Division U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Re: Casey Creek Mitigation Site / SAW-2022-01239/ Wayne County Dear Ms. Isenhour: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has reviewed the project advertised in the above referenced Public Notice. The project, as advertised, is expected to have minimal adverse impacts to fish and wildlife resources. Therefore, we have no objection to the activity as described in the permit application. In accordance with the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, (ESA) and based on the information provided, and other available information, it appears the action is not likely to adversely affect federally listed species or their critical habitat as defined by the ESA. We believe that the requirements of section 7 (a)(2) of the ESA have been satisfied for this project. Please remember that obligations under the ESA must be reconsidered if: (1) new information identifies impacts of this action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered; (2) this action is modified in a manner that was not considered in this review; or, (3) a new species is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by the identified action. The Service appreciates the opportunity to review and provide comments on the proposed action. Should you have any questions regarding the project, please contact Kathy Matthews at kathryn_matthews@fws.gov. Sincerely, Pete Benjamin, Field Supervisor cc (via email): EPA, Atlanta, GA NCWRC, Raleigh U.S. Department of Agriculture FARMLAND CONVERSION IMPACT RATING PART I (To be completed by Federal Agency) Date Of Land Evaluation Request Name of Project Federal Agency Involved Proposed Land Use County and State PART II (To be completed by NRCS) Date Request Received By NRCS Person Completing Form: Does the site contain Prime, Unique, Statewide or Local Important Farmland? (If no, the FPPA does not apply - do not complete additional parts of this form) YES NO Acres Irrigated Average Farm Size Major Crop(s) Farmable Land In Govt. Jurisdiction Acres: % Amount of Farmland As Defined in FPPA Acres: % Name of Land Evaluation System Used Name of State or Local Site Assessment System Date Land Evaluation Returned by NRCS Alternative Site Rating PART III (To be completed by Federal Agency) Site A Site B Site C Site D A. Total Acres To Be Converted Directly B. Total Acres To Be Converted Indirectly C. Total Acres In Site PART IV (To be completed by NRCS) Land Evaluation Information A. Total Acres Prime And Unique Farmland B. Total Acres Statewide Important or Local Important Farmland C. Percentage Of Farmland in County Or Local Govt. Unit To Be Converted D. Percentage Of Farmland in Govt. Jurisdiction With Same Or Higher Relative Value PART V (To be completed by NRCS) Land Evaluation Criterion Relative Value of Farmland To Be Converted (Scale of 0 to 100 Points) PART VI (To be completed by Federal Agency) Site Assessment Criteria (Criteria are explained in 7 CFR 658.5 b. For Corridor project use form NRCS-CPA-106) Maximum Points Site A Site B Site C Site D 1. Area In Non-urban Use (15) 2. Perimeter In Non-urban Use (10) 3. Percent Of Site Being Farmed (20) 4. Protection Provided By State and Local Government (20) 5. Distance From Urban Built-up Area (15) 6. Distance To Urban Support Services (15) 7. Size Of Present Farm Unit Compared To Average (10) 8. Creation Of Non-farmable Farmland (10) 9. Availability Of Farm Support Services (5) 10. On-Farm Investments (20) 11. Effects Of Conversion On Farm Support Services (10) 12. Compatibility With Existing Agricultural Use (10) TOTAL SITE ASSESSMENT POINTS 160 PART VII (To be completed by Federal Agency) Relative Value Of Farmland (From Part V) 100 Total Site Assessment (From Part VI above or local site assessment) 160 TOTAL POINTS (Total of above 2 lines) 260 Site Selected: Date Of Selection Was A Local Site Assessment Used? YES NO Reason For Selection: Name of Federal agency representative completing this form: Date: (See Instructions on reverse side) Form AD-1006 (03-02) The Natural Resources Conservation Service is an agency of the Department of Agriculture’s Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC). An Equal Opportunity Provider, Employer, and Lender September 15, 2022 Kirsten Gimbert - Senior Environmental Scientist Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 1430 S. Mint St, Suite 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 704.941.9093 Dear Kirsten Gimbert: The following information is in response to your request soliciting comments regarding the Casey Creek Mitigation Site in Wayne County, NC. Projects are subject to Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA) requirements if they may irreversibly convert farmland (directly or indirectly) to nonagricultural use and are completed by a Federal agency or with assistance from a Federal agency. For the purpose of FPPA, farmland includes prime farmland, unique farmland, and land of statewide or local importance. Farmland subject to FPPA requirements does not have to be currently used for cropland. It can be forest land, pastureland, cropland, or other land, but not water or urban built-up land. Farmland means prime or unique farmlands as defined in section 1540(c)(1) of the Act or farmland that is determined by the appropriate state or unit of local government agency or agencies with concurrence of the Secretary to be farmland of statewide of local importance. “Farmland'' does not include land already in or committed to urban development or water storage. Farmland ``already in'' urban development or water storage includes all such land with a density of 30 structures per 40-acre area. Farmland already in urban development also includes lands identified as ``urbanized area'' (UA) on the Census Bureau Map, or as urban area mapped with a ``tint overprint'' on the USGS topographical maps, or as ``urban-built-up'' on the USDA Important Farmland Maps. See over for more information. The area in question does include land classified as Prime Farmland. In accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations 7CFR 658, Farmland Protection Policy Act, the AD-1006 was initiated. NRCS has completed Parts II, IV, V of the form, and returned for completion by the requesting agency. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at Ryan.Janway@usda.gov. Sincerely, Ryan Janway Ryan Janway Natural Resource Specialist cc: Andrew Faison, supervisory soil conservationist, NRCS, Goldsboro, NC Michael Jones, state soil scientist, Raleigh, NC Natural Resources Conservation Service North Carolina State Office 4407 Bland Rd. Suite 117 Raleigh North Carolina 27609 Voice (919) 873-2132 Fax (844) 325-2156 1 Kirsten Gimbert From:Kirsten Gimbert Sent:Friday, October 21, 2022 9:53 AM To:'Janway, Ryan - FPAC-NRCS, RALEIGH, NC' Cc:Jones, Michael - NRCS, Raleigh, NC; Muzzy, Laura - FPAC-NRCS, RALEIGH, NC; Faison, Andrew - NRCS, Goldsboro, NC Subject:RE: Casey Creek Mitigation Site - FPPA Package Attachments:Casey Creek AD-1006 Form 10.21.2022.pdf Ryan,    Please find attached the final AD‐1006 Form for the Casey Creek Mitigation Site located in Wayne County, NC.  Please let  me know if you have any questions.    Sincerely,  Kirsten Gimbert  | Senior Environmental Scientist  M: 704.941.9093    From: Janway, Ryan ‐ FPAC‐NRCS, RALEIGH, NC <Ryan.Janway@usda.gov>   Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2022 10:40 AM  To: Kirsten Gimbert <kgimbert@wildlandseng.com>  Cc: Jones, Michael ‐ NRCS, Raleigh, NC <michael.jones3@usda.gov>; Muzzy, Laura ‐ FPAC‐NRCS, RALEIGH, NC  <Laura.Muzzy@usda.gov>; Faison, Andrew ‐ NRCS, Goldsboro, NC <andrew.faison@usda.gov>  Subject: Casey Creek Mitigation Site ‐ FPPA Package    Good morning Kirsten,    Thank you for your communication regarding the Casey Creek Mitigation Site in Wayne County, NC. I was assigned this  FPPA request, please see the attached AD‐1006 form and letter from NRCS.     Let me know if you have any questions,    Ryan Janway USDA-NRCS Natural Resource Specialist 4407 Bland Rd Raleigh, NC 27609 Ryan.Janway@usda.gov     From: Kirsten Gimbert <kgimbert@wildlandseng.com>   Sent: Monday, September 12, 2022 3:32 PM  To: Muzzy, Laura ‐ FPAC‐NRCS, RALEIGH, NC <Laura.Muzzy@usda.gov>  Subject: [External Email]Casey Creek Mitigation Site ‐ FPPA Package        Hi Laura,  2   Please find attached to this email information related to the FPPA for your review regarding the Casey Creek Mitigation  Site located in Wayne County, NC. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.      Thank You,  Kirsten Gimbert  | Senior Environmental Scientist  M: 704.941.9093     Wildlands Engineering, Inc.  1430 S. Mint St, Suite 104   Charlotte, NC 28203            This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any  unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and  subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the  sender and delete the email immediately.   Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 919.851.9986 • 312 West Millbrook Road, Suite 225 • Raleigh, NC 27609 August 23, 2022 Gabriela Garrison North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission Eastern Piedmont Coordinator Sandhills Depot PO Box 149 Hoffman, NC 28347 Submitted via email: gabriela.garrison@ncwildlife.org Subject: Casey Creek Mitigation Site Wayne County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Garrison, Wildlands Engineering, Inc. requests review and comment on any possible issues that might emerge with respect to fish and wildlife issues associated with a potential stream, buffer, and nutrient offset mitigation project on the Casey Creek Mitigation Site (Site) located in Wayne County, NC. The Site is located approximately one mile west of the Town of Grantham, NC. The project is funded by North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS). A Site Overview Map and a USGS Topographic Map showing the approximate project area are enclosed. The topographic figure was prepared from the Grantham 7.5-Minute USGS Topographic Quadrangle, and the Site is located at latitude 35.2946770, longitude -78.1833726. The Casey Creek Mitigation Site is being developed to provide stream, buffer, and nutrient mitigation within the Neuse River Basin. The project will include the restoration of Casey Creek Reaches 2 and 3, Martha Branch, and Afton Branch. Casey Creek Reach 1 is slated for preservation. The Site is located on four parcels that contain tributaries to Falling Creek. A large portion of the properties (over 40 acres) ha ve been used for row crop production for decades. The remaining acreage is primarily wooded with a mix of pines and hardwoods. Currently, the agricultural fields are used to grow a rotation of corn and soybeans with an occasional rotation of peanuts, cotton, and sweet potatoes. Site stressors include stream incision, active stream erosion including mass wasting, nutrient inputs from adjacent agricultural fields, lack of riparian buffers , and areas of limited to absent bedform diversity. The major goals of the proposed stream, buffer, and nut rient offset mitigation project are to provide ecological and water quality enhancements to the Neuse River Basin while creating a functional riparian corridor at the Site level. The project design will avoid major adverse impacts to existing streams, wetl and resources, and existing forested areas. This will be accomplished by restoring and enhancing native floodplain vegetation, creating stable stream banks, improving stream habitat, and protecting the Site in perpetuity through establishing a conservation easement. Construction of this project will affect Jurisdictional Waters of the U.S. and require Section 404/401 permitting. We thank you in advance for your timely response and cooperation. Please feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have concerning the extent of Site disturbance associated with this project. Sincerely, Tasha King, Environmental Scientist tking@wildlandseng.com 805.895.3304 Attachments: Figure 1 Site Overview Map, Figure 2 USGS Topographic Map 1 Tasha King From:Garrison, Gabriela <gabriela.garrison@ncwildlife.org> Sent:Friday, October 7, 2022 9:58 AM To:Tasha King Subject:RE: [External] Casey Creek Mitigation Site for Review - Follow Up Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged Hi Tasha,   Apologies for the delay in response.    We have no issue or concern with this project.   Thank you,   Gabriela     Gabriela Garrison  Eastern Piedmont Habitat Conservation Coordinator     NC Wildlife Resources Commission  Sandhills Depot, P.O. Box 149  Hoffman, NC  28347  Office and Cell: 910‐409‐7350     gabriela.garrison@ncwildlife.org    www.ncwildlife.org           From: Tasha King <tking@wildlandseng.com>   Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2022 7:45 AM  To: Garrison, Gabriela <gabriela.garrison@ncwildlife.org>  Subject: [External] Casey Creek Mitigation Site for Review ‐ Follow Up    CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to  Report Spam.    Good morning,    I am following up on the email I submitted below with attachment on August 23rd requesting comment on the Casey Creek  Mitigation Site. Is there any other information you need us to provide for your review or a time when we should expect a reply?    We appreciate your time and assistance. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.    Kind regards,  Tasha     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     Tasha King  |  Environmental Scientist  O: 919.851.9986  x116  2    Wildlands Engineering, Inc.  312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225  Raleigh, NC 27609    From: Tasha King  Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 3:02 PM  To: gabriela.garrison@ncwildlife.org <gabriela.garrison@ncwildlife.org>  Subject: Casey Creek Mitigation Site for Review      Good afternoon,     Wildlands Engineering would like to request review and comment on Casey Creek Mitigation Site with regards to  possible issues that might emerge with respect to fish and wildlife. Attached is a letter with more detailed information  about the site and figures of the location.      Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. We appreciate your help in this matter.     Kind regards,  Tasha     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     Tasha King  |  Environmental Scientist  O: 919.851.9986  x116     Wildlands Engineering, Inc.  312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225  Raleigh, NC 27609             Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.  Marth a B r a n c h Afton B r a n c h Case y C r e e k Case y C r e e k Project Location Proposed Conservation Easement Perennial Project Streams Intermittent Project Streams Non-Project Streams 0 250 500 Feet ¹Figure 1 Site Overview Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Neuse River Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC 2021 Aerial Photography ¹ Wayne County, NC Figure 2 USGS Topographic Map Casey Creek Mitigation Site Neuse River Basin (03020201) 0 500250 Feet Grantham USGS 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle Proposed Conservation Easement July 06, 2023 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Phone: (919) 856-4520 Fax: (919) 856-4556 In Reply Refer To: Project Code: 2022-0069753 Project Name: Casey Creek Mitigation Site Subject:List of threatened and endangered species that may occur in your proposed project location or may be affected by your proposed project To Whom It May Concern: The enclosed species list identifies threatened, endangered, proposed and candidate species, as well as proposed and final designated critical habitat, that may occur within the boundary of your proposed project and/or may be affected by your proposed project. The species list fulfills the requirements of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) under section 7(c) of the Endangered Species Act (Act) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). If your project area  contains suitable habitat for any of the federally-listed species on this species list, the proposed action has the potential to adversely affect those species.  If suitable habitat is present, surveys  should be conducted to determine the species’ presence or absence within the project area.  The  use of this species list and/or North Carolina Natural Heritage program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys.   New information based on updated surveys, changes in the abundance and distribution of species, changed habitat conditions, or other factors could change this list. Please feel free to contact us if you need more current information or assistance regarding the potential impacts to federally proposed, listed, and candidate species and federally designated and proposed critical habitat. Please note that under 50 CFR 402.12(e) of the regulations implementing section 7 of the Act, the accuracy of this species list should be verified after 90 days. This verification can be completed formally or informally as desired. The Service recommends that verification be completed by visiting the ECOS-IPaC website at regular intervals during project planning and implementation for updates to species lists and information. An updated list may be requested through the ECOS-IPaC system by completing the same process used to receive the enclosed list. The purpose of the Act is to provide a means whereby threatened and endangered species and the ecosystems upon which they depend may be conserved. Under sections 7(a)(1) and 7(a)(2) of the Act and its implementing regulations (50 CFR 402 et seq.), Federal agencies are required to utilize their authorities to carry out programs for the conservation of threatened and endangered 07/06/2023   2    species and to determine whether projects may affect threatened and endangered species and/or designated critical habitat. A Biological Assessment is required for construction projects (or other undertakings having similar physical impacts) that are major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment as defined in the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4332(2) (c)). For projects other than major construction activities, the Service suggests that a biological evaluation similar to a Biological Assessment be prepared to determine whether the project may affect listed or proposed species and/or designated or proposed critical habitat. Recommended contents of a Biological Assessment are described at 50 CFR 402.12. If a Federal agency determines, based on the Biological Assessment or biological evaluation, that listed species and/or designated critical habitat may be affected by the proposed project, the agency is required to consult with the Service pursuant to 50 CFR 402. In addition, the Service recommends that candidate species, proposed species and proposed critical habitat be addressed within the consultation. More information on the regulations and procedures for section 7 consultation, including the role of permit or license applicants, can be found in the "Endangered Species Consultation Handbook" at: http://www.fws.gov/endangered/esa-library/pdf/TOC-GLOS.PDF Migratory Birds: In addition to responsibilities to protect threatened and endangered species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), there are additional responsibilities under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA) to protect native birds from project-related impacts. Any activity, intentional or unintentional, resulting in take of migratory birds, including eagles, is prohibited unless otherwise permitted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (50 C.F.R. Sec. 10.12 and 16 U.S.C. Sec. 668(a)). For more information regarding these Acts see https://www.fws.gov/birds/policies-and-regulations.php. The MBTA has no provision for allowing take of migratory birds that may be unintentionally killed or injured by otherwise lawful activities. It is the responsibility of the project proponent to comply with these Acts by identifying potential impacts to migratory birds and eagles within applicable NEPA documents (when there is a federal nexus) or a Bird/Eagle Conservation Plan (when there is no federal nexus). Proponents should implement conservation measures to avoid or minimize the production of project-related stressors or minimize the exposure of birds and their resources to the project-related stressors. For more information on avian stressors and recommended conservation measures see https://www.fws.gov/birds/bird-enthusiasts/threats-to- birds.php. In addition to MBTA and BGEPA, Executive Order 13186: Responsibilities of Federal Agencies to Protect Migratory Birds, obligates all Federal agencies that engage in or authorize activities that might affect migratory birds, to minimize those effects and encourage conservation measures that will improve bird populations. Executive Order 13186 provides for the protection of both migratory birds and migratory bird habitat. For information regarding the implementation of Executive Order 13186, please visit https://www.fws.gov/birds/policies-and-regulations/ executive-orders/e0-13186.php. 07/06/2023   3    ▪ ▪ We appreciate your concern for threatened and endangered species. The Service encourages Federal agencies to include conservation of threatened and endangered species into their project planning to further the purposes of the Act. Please include the Consultation Code in the header of this letter with any request for consultation or correspondence about your project that you submit to our office. Attachment(s): Official Species List Migratory Birds 07/06/2023   1    OFFICIAL SPECIES LIST This list is provided pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, and fulfills the requirement for Federal agencies to "request of the Secretary of the Interior information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed may be present in the area of a proposed action". This species list is provided by: Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 (919) 856-4520 07/06/2023   2    PROJECT SUMMARY Project Code:2022-0069753 Project Name:Casey Creek Mitigation Site Project Type:Restoration / Enhancement of Waterbody Project Description:Casey Creek is a stream and buffer mitigation site in Wayne County, NC. Project Location: The approximate location of the project can be viewed in Google Maps: https:// www.google.com/maps/@35.29160225,-78.18408811296098,14z Counties:Wayne County, North Carolina 07/06/2023   3    1. ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT SPECIES There is a total of 5 threatened, endangered, or candidate species on this species list. Species on this list should be considered in an effects analysis for your project and could include species that exist in another geographic area. For example, certain fish may appear on the species list because a project could affect downstream species. IPaC does not display listed species or critical habitats under the sole jurisdiction of NOAA Fisheries , as USFWS does not have the authority to speak on behalf of NOAA and the Department of Commerce. See the "Critical habitats" section below for those critical habitats that lie wholly or partially within your project area under this office's jurisdiction. Please contact the designated FWS office if you have questions. NOAA Fisheries, also known as the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), is an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce. MAMMALS NAME STATUS Tricolored Bat Perimyotis subflavus No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/10515 Proposed Endangered BIRDS NAME STATUS Red-cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/7614 Endangered AMPHIBIANS NAME STATUS Neuse River Waterdog Necturus lewisi There is final critical habitat for this species. Your location does not overlap the critical habitat. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/6772 Threatened FISHES NAME STATUS Carolina Madtom Noturus furiosus There is final critical habitat for this species. Your location does not overlap the critical habitat. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/528 Endangered 1 07/06/2023   4    INSECTS NAME STATUS Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/9743 Candidate CRITICAL HABITATS THERE ARE NO CRITICAL HABITATS WITHIN YOUR PROJECT AREA UNDER THIS OFFICE'S JURISDICTION. YOU ARE STILL REQUIRED TO DETERMINE IF YOUR PROJECT(S) MAY HAVE EFFECTS ON ALL ABOVE LISTED SPECIES. 07/06/2023   1    1. 2. 3. MIGRATORY BIRDS Certain birds are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act . Any person or organization who plans or conducts activities that may result in impacts to migratory birds, eagles, and their habitats should follow appropriate regulations and consider implementing appropriate conservation measures, as described below. The Migratory Birds Treaty Act of 1918. The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940. 50 C.F.R. Sec. 10.12 and 16 U.S.C. Sec. 668(a) The birds listed below are birds of particular concern either because they occur on the USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) list or warrant special attention in your project location. To learn more about the levels of concern for birds on your list and how this list is generated, see the FAQ below. This is not a list of every bird you may find in this location, nor a guarantee that every bird on this list will be found in your project area. To see exact locations of where birders and the general public have sighted birds in and around your project area, visit the E-bird data mapping tool (Tip: enter your location, desired date range and a species on your list). For projects that occur off the Atlantic Coast, additional maps and models detailing the relative occurrence and abundance of bird species on your list are available. Links to additional information about Atlantic Coast birds, and other important information about your migratory bird list, including how to properly interpret and use your migratory bird report, can be found below. For guidance on when to schedule activities or implement avoidance and minimization measures to reduce impacts to migratory birds on your list, click on the PROBABILITY OF PRESENCE SUMMARY at the top of your list to see when these birds are most likely to be present and breeding in your project area. NAME BREEDING SEASON American Kestrel Falco sparverius paulus This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) only in particular Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) in the continental USA https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/9587 Breeds Apr 1 to Aug 31 PROBABILITY OF PRESENCE SUMMARY The graphs below provide our best understanding of when birds of concern are most likely to be present in your project area. This information can be used to tailor and schedule your project activities to avoid or minimize impacts to birds. Please make sure you read and understand the FAQ "Proper Interpretation and Use of Your Migratory Bird Report" before using or attempting to interpret this report. 1 2 07/06/2023   2    1. 2. 3.  no data survey effort breeding season probability of presence Probability of Presence () Each green bar represents the bird's relative probability of presence in the 10km grid cell(s) your project overlaps during a particular week of the year. (A year is represented as 12 4-week months.) A taller bar indicates a higher probability of species presence. The survey effort (see below) can be used to establish a level of confidence in the presence score. One can have higher confidence in the presence score if the corresponding survey effort is also high. How is the probability of presence score calculated? The calculation is done in three steps: The probability of presence for each week is calculated as the number of survey events in the week where the species was detected divided by the total number of survey events for that week. For example, if in week 12 there were 20 survey events and the Spotted Towhee was found in 5 of them, the probability of presence of the Spotted Towhee in week 12 is 0.25. To properly present the pattern of presence across the year, the relative probability of presence is calculated. This is the probability of presence divided by the maximum probability of presence across all weeks. For example, imagine the probability of presence in week 20 for the Spotted Towhee is 0.05, and that the probability of presence at week 12 (0.25) is the maximum of any week of the year. The relative probability of presence on week 12 is 0.25/0.25 = 1; at week 20 it is 0.05/0.25 = 0.2. The relative probability of presence calculated in the previous step undergoes a statistical conversion so that all possible values fall between 0 and 10, inclusive. This is the probability of presence score. Breeding Season () Yellow bars denote a very liberal estimate of the time-frame inside which the bird breeds across its entire range. If there are no yellow bars shown for a bird, it does not breed in your project area. Survey Effort () Vertical black lines superimposed on probability of presence bars indicate the number of surveys performed for that species in the 10km grid cell(s) your project area overlaps. The number of surveys is expressed as a range, for example, 33 to 64 surveys. No Data () A week is marked as having no data if there were no survey events for that week. Survey Timeframe Surveys from only the last 10 years are used in order to ensure delivery of currently relevant information. The exception to this is areas off the Atlantic coast, where bird returns are based on all years of available data, since data in these areas is currently much more sparse. 07/06/2023   3    ▪ ▪ ▪ SPECIES JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC American Kestrel BCC - BCR Additional information can be found using the following links: Birds of Conservation Concern https://www.fws.gov/program/migratory-birds/species Measures for avoiding and minimizing impacts to birds https://www.fws.gov/library/ collections/avoiding-and-minimizing-incidental-take-migratory-birds Nationwide conservation measures for birds https://www.fws.gov/sites/default/files/ documents/nationwide-standard-conservation-measures.pdf MIGRATORY BIRDS FAQ Tell me more about conservation measures I can implement to avoid or minimize impacts to migratory birds. Nationwide Conservation Measures describes measures that can help avoid and minimize impacts to all birds at any location year round. Implementation of these measures is particularly important when birds are most likely to occur in the project area. When birds may be breeding in the area, identifying the locations of any active nests and avoiding their destruction is a very helpful impact minimization measure. To see when birds are most likely to occur and be breeding in your project area, view the Probability of Presence Summary. Additional measures or permits may be advisable depending on the type of activity you are conducting and the type of infrastructure or bird species present on your project site. What does IPaC use to generate the list of migratory birds that potentially occur in my specified location? The Migratory Bird Resource List is comprised of USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) and other species that may warrant special attention in your project location. The migratory bird list generated for your project is derived from data provided by the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN). The AKN data is based on a growing collection of survey, banding, and citizen science datasets and is queried and filtered to return a list of those birds reported as occurring in the 10km grid cell(s) which your project intersects, and that have been identified as warranting special attention because they are a BCC species in that area, an eagle (Eagle Act requirements may apply), or a species that has a particular vulnerability to offshore activities or development. Again, the Migratory Bird Resource list includes only a subset of birds that may occur in your project area. It is not representative of all birds that may occur in your project area. To get a list of all birds potentially present in your project area, please visit the Rapid Avian Information Locator (RAIL) Tool. What does IPaC use to generate the probability of presence graphs for the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specified location? 07/06/2023   4    1. 2. 3. The probability of presence graphs associated with your migratory bird list are based on data provided by the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN). This data is derived from a growing collection of survey, banding, and citizen science datasets. Probability of presence data is continuously being updated as new and better information becomes available. To learn more about how the probability of presence graphs are produced and how to interpret them, go the Probability of Presence Summary and then click on the "Tell me about these graphs" link. How do I know if a bird is breeding, wintering or migrating in my area? To see what part of a particular bird's range your project area falls within (i.e. breeding, wintering, migrating or year-round), you may query your location using the RAIL Tool and look at the range maps provided for birds in your area at the bottom of the profiles provided for each bird in your results. If a bird on your migratory bird species list has a breeding season associated with it, if that bird does occur in your project area, there may be nests present at some point within the timeframe specified. If "Breeds elsewhere" is indicated, then the bird likely does not breed in your project area. What are the levels of concern for migratory birds? Migratory birds delivered through IPaC fall into the following distinct categories of concern: "BCC Rangewide" birds are Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) that are of concern throughout their range anywhere within the USA (including Hawaii, the Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands); "BCC - BCR" birds are BCCs that are of concern only in particular Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) in the continental USA; and "Non-BCC - Vulnerable" birds are not BCC species in your project area, but appear on your list either because of the Eagle Act requirements (for eagles) or (for non-eagles) potential susceptibilities in offshore areas from certain types of development or activities (e.g. offshore energy development or longline fishing). Although it is important to try to avoid and minimize impacts to all birds, efforts should be made, in particular, to avoid and minimize impacts to the birds on this list, especially eagles and BCC species of rangewide concern. For more information on conservation measures you can implement to help avoid and minimize migratory bird impacts and requirements for eagles, please see the FAQs for these topics. Details about birds that are potentially affected by offshore projects For additional details about the relative occurrence and abundance of both individual bird species and groups of bird species within your project area off the Atlantic Coast, please visit the Northeast Ocean Data Portal. The Portal also offers data and information about other taxa besides birds that may be helpful to you in your project review. Alternately, you may download the bird model results files underlying the portal maps through the NOAA NCCOS Integrative Statistical Modeling and Predictive Mapping of Marine Bird Distributions and Abundance on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf project webpage. 07/06/2023   5    Bird tracking data can also provide additional details about occurrence and habitat use throughout the year, including migration. Models relying on survey data may not include this information. For additional information on marine bird tracking data, see the Diving Bird Study and the nanotag studies or contact Caleb Spiegel or Pam Loring. What if I have eagles on my list? If your project has the potential to disturb or kill eagles, you may need to obtain a permit to avoid violating the Eagle Act should such impacts occur. Proper Interpretation and Use of Your Migratory Bird Report The migratory bird list generated is not a list of all birds in your project area, only a subset of birds of priority concern. To learn more about how your list is generated, and see options for identifying what other birds may be in your project area, please see the FAQ "What does IPaC use to generate the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specified location". Please be aware this report provides the "probability of presence" of birds within the 10 km grid cell(s) that overlap your project; not your exact project footprint. On the graphs provided, please also look carefully at the survey effort (indicated by the black vertical bar) and for the existence of the "no data" indicator (a red horizontal bar). A high survey effort is the key component. If the survey effort is high, then the probability of presence score can be viewed as more dependable. In contrast, a low survey effort bar or no data bar means a lack of data and, therefore, a lack of certainty about presence of the species. This list is not perfect; it is simply a starting point for identifying what birds of concern have the potential to be in your project area, when they might be there, and if they might be breeding (which means nests might be present). The list helps you know what to look for to confirm presence, and helps guide you in knowing when to implement conservation measures to avoid or minimize potential impacts from your project activities, should presence be confirmed. To learn more about conservation measures, visit the FAQ "Tell me about conservation measures I can implement to avoid or minimize impacts to migratory birds" at the bottom of your migratory bird trust resources page. 07/06/2023   6    IPAC USER CONTACT INFORMATION Agency:Wildlands Engineering Name:Kaitlyn Hogarth Address:312 West Millbrook Road Address Line 2:Suite 225 City:Raleigh State:NC Zip:27609 Email khogarth@wildlandseng.com Phone:5409079432 LEAD AGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Lead Agency:Department of Transportation Appendix E:   Casey Creek Mitigation Site Planting Plans  Sh e e t Ch e c k e d B y : Jo b N u m b e r : Dr a w n B y : Pr o j e c t E n g i n e e r : Da t e : Re v i s i o n s : 49 7 B r a m s o n C t , S u i t e 1 0 4 Mo u n t P l e a s a n t , S C 2 9 4 6 4 Te l : 8 4 3 . 2 7 7 . 6 2 2 1 DRA F T X: \ s h a r e d \ P r o j e c t s \ W 0 2 1 9 6 _ C a s e y _ C r e e k \ C a d d \ P l a n s \ 0 2 1 9 6 - P l a n t i n g T a b l e . d w g Ju l y 1 7 , 2 0 2 3 02 1 9 6 MI K GL S CR 3. 1 07 . 1 7 . 2 0 2 3 Ca s e y C r e e k M i t i g a t i o n S i t e Wa y n e C o u n t y , N o r t h C a r o l i n a Pl a n t i n g T a b l e s Streambank Planting Zone 1 Live Stakes Species Common Name Indiv. Spacing Size Stratum Wetland Indicator Status % of Stems Salix nigra Black Willow 3-6 ft.0.5”-1.5” cal.Canopy OBL 40% Salix sericea Silky Willow 3-6 ft.0.5”-1.5” cal.Subcanopy OBL 30% Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood 3-6 ft.0.5”-1.5” cal.Subcanopy FACW 10% Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush 3-6 ft.0.5”-1.5” cal. Shrub OBL 10% Sambucus canadensis Elderberry 3-6 ft.0.5”-1.5” cal. Shrub FACW 10% Total 100% Herbaceous Plugs Species Common Name Indiv. Spacing Size Stratum Wetland Indicator Status % of Plugs Juncus effusus Soft Rush 4 ft.1.0”- 2.0” plug Herb OBL 40% Carex lurida Lurid Sedge 4 ft.1.0”- 2.0” plug Herb OBL 20% Carex crinita Fringed Sedge 4 ft.1.0”- 2.0” plug Herb FACW 20% Scirpus cyperinus Woolgrass 4 ft.1.0”- 2.0” plug Herb OBL 15% Hibiscus moschuetos Crimson-Eyed Rosemallow 4 ft.1.0”- 2.0” plug Herb OBL 5% Total 100% Streambank Planting Zone 2 Live Stakes Species Common Name Indiv. Spacing Size Stratum Wetland Indicator Status % of Stems Salix sericea Silky Willow 3-6 ft.0.5”-1.5” cal.Subcanopy OBL 50% Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood 3-6 ft.0.5”-1.5” cal.Subcanopy FACW 20% Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush 3-6 ft.0.5”-1.5” cal. Shrub OBL 15% Sambucus canadensis Elderberry 3-6 ft.0.5”-1.5” cal. Shrub FACW 15% Total 100% Herbaceous Plugs Species Common Name Indiv. Spacing Size Stratum Wetland Indicator Status % of Plugs Juncus effusus Soft Rush 4 ft.1.0”- 2.0” plug Herb OBL 40% Carex lurida Lurid Sedge 4 ft.1.0”- 2.0” plug Herb OBL 20% Carex crinita Fringed Sedge 4 ft.1.0”- 2.0” plug Herb FACW 20% Carex lupulina Shallow Sedge 4 ft.1.0”- 2.0” plug Herb OBL 15% Hibiscus moschuetos Crimson-Eyed Rosemallow 4 ft.1.0”- 2.0” plug Herb OBL 5% Total 100% Buffer Planting Zone Bare Root Species Common Name Indiv. Spacing Caliper Size Stratum Wetland Indicator Status % of Stems Quercus alba White Oak 6-12 ft.0.25"-1.0"Canopy FACU 5% Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak 6-12 ft.0.25"-1.0"Canopy FACW 8% Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 6-12 ft.0.25"-1.0"Canopy FACW 10% Ulmus americana American Elm 6-12 ft.0.25"-1.0"Canopy FAC 5% Magnolia virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia 6-12 ft.0.25"-1.0"Subcanopy FACW 10% Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood 6-12 ft.0.25"-1.0"Canopy FAC 8% Quercus nigra Water Oak 6-12 ft.0.25"-1.0"Canopy FAC 7% Quercus phellos Willow Oak 6-12 ft.0.25"-1.0"Canopy FACW 7% Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 6-12 ft.0.25"-1.0"Canopy OBL 10% Nyssa biflora Swamp Tupelo 6-12 ft.0.25"-1.0"Canopy OBL 5% Acer negundo Boxelder 6-12 ft.0.25"-1.0"Subcanopy FAC 6% Betula nigra River Birch 6-12 ft.0.25"-1.0"Canopy FACW 10% Ulmus alata Winged Elm 6-12 ft.0.25"-1.0"Canopy FACU 3% Morella cerifera Common Waxmyrtle 6-12 ft.0.25"-1.0"Shrub FAC 3% Hamamelis virginiana American Witch-hazel 6-12 ft.0.25"-1.0"Shrub FACU 3% Total 100% *Only canopy species will be included in the average height calculation Permanent Riparian Seeding Pure Live Seed (20 lbs/acre) Approved Dates Species Name Common Name Stratum Wetland Indicator Status lbs/acre All Year Elymus virginicus Virginia Wildrye Herb FAC 3.5 All Year Panicum virgatum Switchgrass Herb FAC 2.5 All Year Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem Herb FACU 2.0 All Year Tripsacum dactyloides Eastern Gamagrass Herb FAC 0.5 All Year Dichanthelium clandestinum Deertongue Herb FACW 3.0 All Year Coleataenia anceps Beaked Panicgrass Herb FAC 0.25 All Year Sorghastrum nutans Indiangrass Herb FACU 1.5 All Year Juncus tenuis Path Rush Herb FAC 0.5 All Year Rudbeckia hirta Blackeyed Susan Herb FACU 1.25 All Year Bidens aristosa Bur Marigold Herb FACW 1.375 All Year Helianthus angustifolius Swamp Sunflower Herb FACW 0.5 All Year Coreopsis lanceolata Lanceleaf Coreopsis Herb UPL 1.375 All Year Chamaecrista fasciculata var. fasciculata Partridge Pea Herb FACU 1.50 All Year Chasmanthium laxum Slender Woodoats Herb FACW 0.250 Total 20.0 Temporary Seeding Pure Live Seed Approved Dates Species Name Common Name Stratum Density (lbs/acre) August 15 - April 15 Secale cereale Rye Grain Herb 90 August 15 - April 15 Avena sativa Winter Oats Herb 30 April 15 - August 15 Setaria italica German Millet Herb 90 April 15 - August 15 Fagopyrum esculentum Buckwheat Herb 30 All Year Trifolium incarnatum Crimson Clover Herb 5 All Year Trifolium repens Ladino Clover Herb 5 Permanent Seeding Outside Easement Approved Dates Species Name Common Name Stratum Density (lbs/acre)Percentage All Year Lolium arundinaceum Tall Fescue Herb 10 100% Total 100% Casey Creek R2, Martha Branch Casey Creek R3, Casey Creek R4, Afton Branch X TB T B T B T B T B T B T B TB TB TB TB TB T B TB TB T B T B TB T B TB TB T B T B T B T B TB TB TBTB TB T B T B T B TB T B TB T B T B T B T B T B T BTBTBTBTB T B TB TB T B TB TB TB TB T B T B TB T B TB T B TB T B TB TB TB T B TBTBTBTBTB TB TB T B T B T B T B TB E L E C E L E C E L E C E L E C E L E C E L E C US H I G H W A Y 1 3 ( 6 0 ' R / W ) C E - I X C E - I X C E - I X C E - I X CE CE C E C E C E C E C E CECECECECECECE C E C E CE C E CE CE CE CE CE CE CECE CE C E C E C E C E CE C E C E C E C E CE CE CECECECECECE C E C E C E CE CE CE CE CE CECECECE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE CE C E C E Sh e e t Ch e c k e d B y : Jo b N u m b e r : Dr a w n B y : Pr o j e c t E n g i n e e r : Da t e : Re v i s i o n s : 49 7 B r a m s o n C t , S u i t e 1 0 4 Mo u n t P l e a s a n t , S C 2 9 4 6 4 Te l : 8 4 3 . 2 7 7 . 6 2 2 1 DRA F T N 0' 150' 300' 450' 1" = 150' X: \ S h a r e d \ P r o j e c t s \ W 0 2 1 9 6 _ C a s e y _ C r e e k \ C a d d \ P l a n s \ 0 2 1 9 6 - P l a n t i n g O v e r v i e w . d w g Oc t o b e r 2 4 , 2 0 2 3 02 1 9 6 MK AACR 3. 2 10 . 2 4 . 2 0 2 3 Ca s e y C r e e k M i t i g a t i o n S i t e Wa y n e C o u n t y , N o r t h C a r o l i n a Pl a n t i n g P l a n O v e r v i e w Note: Non-hatched areas within easement are currently vegetated and will be planted as needed to achieve target density. Buffer planting will occur within the Limits of Disturbance. Streambank Planting Zone 2 Casey Creek R2, Martha Branch Streambank Planting Zone 1 Casey Creek R3, Casey Creek R4, Afton Branch Buffer Planting Zone