HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221505 Ver 1_More Info Received_20231130 (2)WAR ,Ql' RM DEED — Without Private Exambnair. - N Id l'rintinv C , Mo�eb<.d City, N c NORTH CAROLINA; _ _________ CARTSRET_-- .,, __________ ________ ___.__ county. THIS. DEED, lids tale 2R'_t•It .. _-_d.Y ot--JAY .___ ._..___._ .___-_ Ii A.➢ 19 6i. x- by __.Iiey.Ew>ran _P_ and ALaria D. Eubanks i __ _' ---1-,F _ '1 _ Y . of. _—CARt EREI' _ Co ty end Sloe f \ORT'� CIROLIN _ __ t the f nt pert U. S P Ber41e L Eubanks FRET COUPEfY �.' ........... _ OHTli LUDLIN of ___STARC of the saond _ ruvtY end Etrteof put: - ---- -.. __ '.• - WITNEESETH, That said _. _.__........ ___.... ... ..... _.:.:....... In eoadelarathm or ----- paid by _Party of _the second Hart t the rroapL M v4kh is harob, cknen].edrtd h ?V---_-_ b.reuned sad said, end by there prroentc do end come, to said ____.-J?az:ty_ oi�'the se':ond Dart ' - ' ---- ------- ------------ heir. e d u 1n i a certain tract or parcel of land in ------- Conaty, State of ,. NORTH_GAROL➢JA. - more particularly described as follows: e I B0,111HING at a iron stake Harry Hardyls southwest corner in the east right of way line of U. S. Highway 110, 70; running thence with said Hardy's south line 5 49e-401Ea 200.01; thence Id 36*t001ER 10.01 to the Gooding line; thence with said line S 45,401E, 362.01; hl thence S 50t-WIEy 797.01 to a concrete monument in the center of a Branch; thence with the center of the Branch S 91-201E, 450.01; S 14e-351Ea 725.01 to another Branch or Gut; thence up said Branch or Gut S 581r_30nr1 542.01 to a iron stake; thence 1186n_451W, 113,01 to A iron stake; thence 5 87e-001144 215.01 to a iron axle; thence N 29t-301Wr 354,01' thence N 65+t-301Er 228.01 to i iron stake; thence li 33*s 00111s 1386.51; thence 11 411f_15IEa 81,51; thence S 321t_151E3 137.01; thence 11 361t-301Es 100.01; thence Id 531:-3011•fr 150.01 to. the east right of way line of U. S. Highway No. 70; thence with said Highway line N 36e-00tEr 363.01 to the point of beginning. Containing 39.85 Acres. Being a part of the Ivey Eubanks :arm in Beaufort Township Carteret Countys North Carolina. ,, n sE, f GU LI _ 5° - TO SAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land, and .11 privileges and h,ppurmnorres thereto 1,donah' , to the party o£ the second part ---- In c,n1 is unly said____________________________._________________-___..____neir. n:.ixne. tn_._ h__..._._ ns<:ma - benrrt trreyer. .-. And the said _+d Party_ o£_ the -first _part _-___-___--__----_-----_-_ e.lelr eel wee their sirs, executors and odmmistrvmes, mvenunl_...._.wihL ' --- far _____________ _____ sold._-.____ ___..____ and ____ h party of the second cart his .Miry and s=ig�u, mnL_he_is___.___..<iem of ____________________________._________._____._.____—__..___.._.____. said premicee in fee end ha 5 _-..--right to crave, ie fee simple; that the came a'< tree and clear from all rnnrnbmnce. and That _____________ do et ---------------- hereby forever warrant and will forever deb-nd the rMd title to the .same agniat the claims of all ;amens whomsoever. _ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said vartiee. Of the-first_ppstt---__.__.._...___________................... ------------------------------------ h. e______ hereunto set .__9h€u_. ___......i•anaaand ___...__._ seal s------------ the day and yui firer -hove- hove wTltten. r _____________________________------ (SEAL) _. __.. _n ,,. _..'�2/1_ _... _,(p__ IEEALI (SE.ALI _. _ .Lt-4� -ti._. ._ //+�QG. (SEAL) C STATE OF NORTH CARm kd _ __ 1_d,P.c.... L.l •' n 1 T 1 L-_______-___Cher lane TaylDr__________________.___..-_______.._.____._Notary rut.dc�;li,.pl'FIpJ ce�LL<<, rq: Ivey'Eubanks and his wife Marie 0. Eubariks' _ ,,_��, pomimally appeared before me this day and acknoxledR d t}, d eeetr t of the m rayed deal of ma v, A, 1/Vr O I@s Wit... m9 nand and notarial ae.l sat, 17th car of _. September N _ y 1 - (] MY Connlsen Expires Eudust � /y Myrommusion eipirea -- - �z1.�t IBLA LI y a STATE OF NORTH CAROLtNA 0Aw7i--- C t The fnregomg c<rtu cae r A. -- -----' t }op �� ��, Neylars Public of .. �'u Lwh�] __ Canna a to of por:h C ol'nx, eta �.o-a L Irwehe Wlteeee,m9 hand this -----1._:) 4, of ._ __ ---- Ai D le I li Nid for regletnwon on tar ' _ day ! }_ t9_ L� t o'clock __, h {th 1 t d and duly reeorded In Theoffice of the Replacer of ➢<eduof Count N C O:` STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF Carteret THIS DEED OF TRUST, mado this 19th day of February 19 8% by and between Carlton Ray West and wifer Pearl G. West herelnslier called the Grantors, and John D. Civils ,Trustee, of Carteret —County, North Carolina, and Wachovla Bank and Trust Company, N.A., a national banking association with Its principal office at 301 North Main Street. Winston-Salem, North Carolina, heathers, celled the Beneficiary; WITNESSETH. WHEREAS, the Grantors are Indebted to the Beneficiary In the principal sum Of THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00/100---------------------- ($30r00O.00) Dollars for money loaned os evidenced by their note (the Note) of even data herewith (reference to which Is herebyy made). the payment whereof the Grantors desire to secure, together with Interest and any renewals, modifications, or extensions them. In whole or In part, and the additional payments hereafter agreed to be made. NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration OI the premises, and In further consideration of one dollar to each In hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the Grantors have granted, bargained and sold and by these presents do grant. bargain, sell and convey unto the Trustee, his successors, or assigns, that certain piece, parcel, lot or tract of lend lying In R 'rtf nrt _ Township, In Carteret County, and more particularly described as follows: HOLD The thereto. See attached sheet. or appertaining If the Grantors are free from all It is further sll pulsed and agreed that the Granted; shall maintain the premises in good order and repair and shall not commit or permit any waste thereof; and the Beneficiary shell have the right to Inspect the premises at all reasonable times and the right of access thereto for such purpose Is hereby granted to the Beneficiary or its agents. It the Freeness shall be transferred assigned, conveyed or otherwise encumbered or If Clans are tiled against the properly and not removed within 15 days after any such filing during the term of this Deed of Trust without first obtaining the written consent el the Beneficiary, the unpaid principal of and accrued interest on the Nola secured by this Deed of Trust shall, at the option of the Beneficiary, Immediately become due and payable. The Irrevocable power to appoint a substitute trustee or trustees is ready e) exercised at any lime hereafter, without notice and without specllying any reason recorded an Instrument of appointment. The Grantors, for themselves, their helm, m herein named or that may be substituted hereunder. expressly waive notice of the e: bond by any trustee, as well as any requirement for application to any court for the ran Beneficiary. Its successors or assigns, may elect to appoint a substitute trustee In a IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors have hereunto sat their hands and (SEAL) .. IIIQII�KPST (SEAL) r�rt STATE OF NOR Ty��1�1 nnCAROLINA,,,A erat COUNTY a Notary Public of Carteret County, North Carolina, do certify them_ Carlton Ray West and Pearl G. West ' sac h,pQrsohally'appeared bolero me this day and ackno ledges the cue execution er Ins roragun,g uuuu U, num. 7 1 Witness; my hand'and official seal, this day of n • 191. P Notary Public My Commission ExPlres: 'OP;NORTH CAROLINA, a Notary Public do codify County, North Carolina, each personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing Deed of Trust. Witness my hand and official seal, this _day of 19— Notary Public (N.P, SEAL) My commission expires STATE OF NOR A LINA COUNTY OF The foregoing certificate 1 • x a Notary Public o ����'''77 County, North Carolina `'- Is certified to be correct. This the '„15-day o , 19B2. e aeMu Register of Deed sA I Filed for registration on lhacX:) de 1 a 79�, at ��'''"�,"Q o'clock, ..�m�.,en< recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds, t ,�N. 0.YIn Bock ��/��, Page ��/f^/1 `n //�� fleglslar of Brawn by ` a —Q Y. .Aw Jy y'jivn0.v_J N PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Carlton Ray West and wife, Pearl G. West TRACT I: Being all of Lot 41, Block A, Happy Hollow Subdivision according to the map of J. G. Hassell - Larry Pittman, R.L.S., dated June 23, 1978 and recorded in Map Book 16, Page 41, Carteret County Registry to which reference is hereby made. TRACT II: Beginning at a point at the intersection of the eastern right of way line of S. R. 1303 and the northern right of way line of Meri Lane as shown on the Subdivision Map referred to in Tract I above, thence N 64-59 E, 180.0 feet to a pipe, thence N 22-49 W, 120.6 feet to an iron pipe, thence N 23-52 W, 150.5 feet to an iron pipe, thence 5 66-31 W, 152.19 feet to a point, thence N 23-18 W, 106.14 feet to a point, thence N 67-00 E, 598.19 feet to a point, thence N 86-51 E, 345.04 feet to an iron pipe, thence S 15-28 E, 527.3 feet to an iron pipe, thence S 74-32 W, 190.01 feet to an iron pipe, thence S 61-06 W, 61.68 feet to an iron pipe,thence S 68-43 W, 119,58 feet to an iron pipe, thence S 63-16 W, 151.42 feet to an iron pipe, thence N 16-47 W, 33.45 feettoa point, thence S 64-59 W, 144.27 feet to an iron pipe, thence N 25-01 W, 165.0 feet to an iron pipe, thence in southern right of way line of Meri Lane, thence S 64-59 W, 190.0 feet to.a. point in the eastern right of way line of S. R. 1303, thence N 44-15 W, 63.55 feet to the point of beginning. Save and except that portion of the premises designated as Meri Lane on said map referred to in TRACT I above and being more particularly described by survey dated January 20, 1987 by Larry C.Pittman, R.L.S., a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. RECEIVED SEP 0,7 2022 DCM-MHD CITY j I �1•,f„ y. W M• CILi NnIST 94 '� / O . 54 AG. 4 1) J "a J j _ u P a Ln r 41S b N r.ia. RA.L@WIS N 14 o V nfc f;7'N V ; m V d'w LOT 2/B 2 e a HAPPY He LLOW &0' L_. IG s.e H .M.R. 10 • P. al `]• C J' fc9 Gd'N IS",I 1c e•S S2e•C �y !�• NZAIS2W ly;ttl9 ¢ NiS J: NLOT. NO.1/B ILeT2�A N'oq h o W by I am£ N J / e'II7 i• R.N AOONALL'.I NnW Let l/A t,l'Lm i\fY! I •' o PFAeG c. W Cs r /• ...+f BEAVFORT TWP•CARTERET Co. N.C. I e, 'qr4;n by GARR%'C. PI TTMAN R.L. S. B4Au FoPT. Wx.. +$ 6 .i r ZC- 87, ScAte:/11 ciao' t:k j I 4 o5i+m1 -RAM, cfL-v.,-c <i••r�'s �,` i 3 �sf' xX NORTH CAROLINA, CARTERET COUNTY Fill IJ8 A The Inilrunrenl and this certificate are duly fled at the dat6 and gme and In the Book and Page shown on the first page hereof. Pea semarppnup REGtslrl( o, MUDS Karen s. Hardesty a� f n S ljaa d:a� er of Deeds Carteret county. NC JUna 27 2017 03:13:55 PM /\ TRA IIS DEED 4 P .yM1aa ,pegltlere( ea FILE 11680014 NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: $0.00 Parcel Identifier No.731609161556000 Verified by Carteret County on the day J Mail/Box to: Wheatly, Whcatly, Weeks Lupton & Matfair, PA P O Box 360 Beaufort, NC 28516 This insnumentwas prepared by:C R. Wheatly. III Brief description for the Index: Acreage off Hwy 70 Beaufort THIS DEED made this 4th day of jime, 2 7 by and between GRANTOR 20 Michael L. Bertram and William Kelly Bertram, Co- Bertram Rental Properties, LLC, a North Carolina Executors of the Estate of Fred L. Bertram; Michael Limited Liability Company L. Bertram and wife, Tamara Bertram; and William 416 Victoria Hills Drive Kelly Bertram and wife, Loretta Bertram Fuquay Varina, NC 27526 416 Victoria Hills Drive Fuquay Varina, NC 27526 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said pames, mentions, successors, Ann assigns, Ann shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does giant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Beaufort Township, Carteret County, North Carolina And more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the eastern right-of-way of U.S. Highway 70, whichpoint of beginning is described as being the following course and distance from where the centerline of Pinner Point Road would intersect with the centerline of U.S. Highway 70 and running from said point of intersection N 38-49-14 E, 747.19 feet to a found 'iron pipe, Tiller Schoops northwest comer, the. Point or Place of Beginning; running thence from said Point or Place of Beginning and running with the eastem right-of-way of U.S. Highway 70 N 35-52-55 E, 220.55 feet to a set iron pipe; running thence from said set iron pipe and leaving the eastern right-of-way of U.S. Highway 70 S 33-30-01 E, 216.4 feet to a point thence from said point S 56-30-00 W, 32.2 feet to a point; thence S - . 33-30-00 E, 76.6 feet to a point thence N 56-30-00 E, 35 feet to a point thence from said point S 33-30-00 E, 1,703.6 feet to a set iron pipe; thence from said point S 68-00-00 W, 239 feet to a set. �� Nc aar A.,es,ce. Pe�No.oisn. a.a,.eo vinoto BOOK 15 PAGE 'lq Primd 6y A¢rtrmm, vi@ A<NC e ar Avorinnn RF 5+/!1;.Z{./ SEP () 7 70?2 OCM-MHO Cli"y iron.pipe; thence from said point N 32-17-44 W, 1,144.59 feet to a point; thence N 28-01-57 W, 192.55 feet to a point; thence from saidpoint S 60-02-29 W, 14.09 feet to a point; thence S 60-02-29 W, 45.91 feet to a point; thence from said point N 28-45-10 W, 546.85 feet to the Point or Place of Beginning, see map entitled "Existing Parcel Survey for Fred L. Bertram", dated July 23, 2014, revised July 29, 2014 and July 30, 2014, prepared by Powell Surveying Company, PA, which map is incorporated herein by reference. All leases for property on the above described tract ate hereby assigned to Grantee. The property hereinabove described was acquired by the deceased, Fred L. Bertram, by instrument recorded in Book 338, Page 3 77, Carteret County Registry. All or a portion of the property herein conveyed does not include the primary residence of the Grantor. A map showing the above described property is recorded in Map Book J Page _ Carteret County Registry. THIS DEED HAS BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT TITLE EXAMINATION. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee, in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the tide against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing s of.the day and year fast above written. A, L. f AT, Michael L. Bertram, Co -Executor of the Estate of Fred L. Bantam (SEAL) William Kelly Bertram, Co-Executot of the Estate of Fred L. Bertram i Michael L. Bertram h,,) MAU Tamara Beettarn// y. P)at -'^1410., kof_,—� (SEAL) William ICelly Be am 9�a- en�lt.Cu N— c EAQ Loretta Bertram BOOK ISO PAGE ICJ Nc6uw101111n rom. x.30196. Re aVicala Pnmm br A,- Wit ma NC B., NwAllm State oENo th Carolina County of,},(iy I, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that Michael L. Bertram. Co - Executor of the Estate f Fred L. Bertram, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal this ,TZ day of June, 2017. `` G M!y� Commission Expires: � ti RY _oS PUe y State of North Carolina County of C No I, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that Michael L. Bertram and wife Tamara Bertram personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal this 2:-) day of June, 2017. 5RO � My C mmission Expires: =a z Notary Public �. PUS`~ )�� State of North Cu1olina / County of l f%.�r. yg; . 1, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that William Kelly Bertram- Co - Executor of the Estate of Fred L. Bertram personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument this day 2017. fox%jgwmppes therein expressed. Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal rri'' -tom of June, %%"N 5R0 WN to =°,tpRY4 y' / MMA AC-Rfryl tc My Commission Expires: - Pel= ` Notary Pub ItXalaa ��i°�RTERES BOOK�PAGEI— ®„�,�,o m aer G��`� RECEIVED SEP 07 20n DCM-MHD CITY State of No Carolina County of Y I, the undersigned Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that William Kelly Bertxarn andwife. ,Loretta Bertram personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution l!o�--f�tthe foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal this � day of June, 2017. �! My � tntruia�xpues: _ NOTA Z4 2 _ Notary Public AueL1G j NCW„,Ar— w1 s.lO1 R-n ®111 /a014 Vnmdbyppammi W iAtAe NCOvpvafi,tion