HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0038377_J15060802 Report_20150902Lab DUI E Analytical Laboratory APagel1aof69 ENERGY Order Number: Project Name: Customer Name(s): Customer Address: Lab Contact: Report Authorized By: (Signature) Program Comments: 13339 Hagers Ferry Road Huntersville, NC 28078-7929 McGuire Nuclear Complex - MG03A2 Phone:980-875-5245 Fax:980-875-4349 Order Summary Report J15060802 MAYO STEAM - AB GW ASSESSMENT WATER Tim Hunsucker, Jerry Wylie, Kathy Webb, John Toepfer Mary Ann Ogle Mary Ann Ogle Phone: 980-875-5274 Mary Ann Ogle 2015.07.03 12:35:31 -04'00' Date: Please contact the Program Manager (Mary Ann Ogle) with any questions regarding this report. Data Flags & Calculations: 7/3/2015 Any analytical tests or individual analytes within a test flagged with a Qualifier indicate a deviation from the method quality system or quality control requirement. The qualifier description is found at the end of the Certificate of Analysis (sample results) under the qualifiers heading. All results are reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise noted. Subcontracted data included on the Duke Certificate of Analysis is to be used as information only. Certified vendor results can be found in the subcontracted lab final report. Duke Energy Analytical Laboratory subcontracts analyses to other vendor laboratories that have been qualified by Duke Energy to perform these analyses except where noted. Data Package: This data package includes analytical results that are applicable only to the samples described in this narrative. An estimation of the uncertainty of measurement for the results in the report is available upon request. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of the Analytical Laboratory. Please contact the Analytical laboratory with any questions. The order of individual sections within this report is as follows: Job Summary Report, Sample Identification, Technical Validation of Data Package, Analytical Laboratory Certificate of Analysis, Analytical Laboratory QC Reports, Sub -contracted Laboratory Results, Customer Specific Data Sheets, Reports & Documentation, Customer Database Entries, Test Case Narratives, Chain of Custody (COC) Certification: The Analytical Laboratory holds the following State Certifications : North Carolina (DENR) Certificate #248, South Carolina (DHEC) Laboratory ID # 99005. Contact the Analytical Laboratory for definitive information about the certification status of specific methods. Sample ID's & Descriptions: Collection Sample ID Plant/Station Date and Time Collected By Sample Description 2015020818 MAYO STEAM 23-Jun-15 2:15 PM Erin Black MW-16S 2015020821 MAYO STEAM 23-Jun-15 12:30 PM Erin Black MW-16D 2015020822 MAYO STEAM 23-Jun-15 9:57 AM Erin Black MW-16BR 2015020823 MAYO STEAM 23-Jun-15 9:20 AM Erin Black ABMW-4BR 2015020824 MAYO STEAM 23-Jun-15 2:20 PM Erin Black MW-13BR 2015020837 MAYO STEAM 23-Jun-15 12:30 PM Erin Black MW-16D-Dup 2015020838 MAYO STEAM 23-Jun-15 9:24 AM Erin Black MW-3 2015020839 MAYO STEAM 23-Jun-15 4:30 PM Erin Black Filter Blank 2015020840 MAYO STEAM 23-Jun-15 4:30 PM Erin Black Equipment Blank 9 Total Samples Analytical Lab Page 2 of 69 Analytical Lab Page 3 of 69 Technical Validation Review Checklist: COC and .pdf report are in agreement with sample totals 0 Yes ❑ No and analyses (compliance programs and procedures). All Results are less than the laboratory reporting limits. ❑ Yes 0 No All laboratory QA/QC requirements are acceptable. 0 Yes ❑ No Report Sections Included: E%-'] Job Summary Report ❑� Sample Identification Technical Validation of Data Package ❑� Analytical Laboratory Certificate of Analysis ❑ Analytical Laboratory QC Report ❑d Sub -contracted Laboratory Results ❑ Customer Specific Data Sheets, Reports, & Documentation ❑ Customer Database Entries ❑� Chain of Custody ❑� Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) Sent Separately Reviewed By: Mary Ann Ogle Date: 7/3/2015 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: MW-16S Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 2:15 PM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL ALKALINITY - (Analysis Performed by Shealy Labs) Vendor Parameter Complete NITRITE + NITRATE (COLORIMETRIC) Nitrite + Nitrate (Colorimetric) 0.144 mg-N/L 0.01 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 13 mg/L 1 Sulfate 5.3 mg/L 0.1 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg) < 0.05 ug/L 0.05 Mercury Dissolved (cold vapor) in Water (Filtered) Mercury (Hg) < 0.05 ug/L 0.05 DISSOLVED METALS BY ICP Aluminum (AI) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 Barium (Ba) 0.046 mg/L 0.005 Boron (B) < 0.05 mg/L 0.05 Iron (Fe) 0.470 mg/L 0.01 Manganese (Mn) 0.276 mg/L 0.005 Strontium (Sr) 0.111 mg/L 0.005 Zinc (Zn) 0.065 mg/L 0.005 UNDIGESTED METALS BY lCP Calcium (Ca) 9.57 mg/L 0.01 Magnesium (Mg) 4.01 mg/L 0.005 Potassium (K) 2.06 mg/L 0.1 Sodium (Na) 11.2 mg/L 0.05 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Aluminum (AI) 0.017 mg/L 0.005 Barium (Ba) 0.046 mg/L 0.005 Boron (B) < 0.05 mg/L 0.05 Iron (Fe) 0.860 mg/L 0.01 Manganese (Mn) 0.260 mg/L 0.005 Strontium (Sr) 0.109 mg/L 0.005 Zinc (Zn) 0.039 mg/L 0.005 Sample #: 2015020818 Matrix: GW WW Analytical Lab Page 4 of 69 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method V_SHEALY 1 EPA 353.2 06/26/2015 11:28 LSTARLI 10 EPA 300.0 06/25/2015 15:57 BGN9034 1 EPA 300.0 06/25/2015 15:57 BGN9034 1 EPA 245.1 06/30/2015 10:21 ACPAYNE 1 EPA 245.1 06/30/2015 11:59 ACPAYNE 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:03 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:03 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:03 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:03 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:03 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:03 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:03 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:54 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:54 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:54 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:54 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 13:53 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 13:53 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 13:53 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 13:53 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 13:53 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 13:53 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 13:53 FCJORDA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: MW-16S Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 2:15 PM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) Antimony (Sb) < 1 ug/L 1 Arsenic (As) < 1 ug/L 1 Beryllium (Be) < 1 ug/L 1 Cadmium (Cd) < 1 ug/L 1 Chromium (Cr) < 1 ug/L 1 Cobalt (Co) 4.35 ug/L 1 Copper (Cu) 4.18 ug/L 1 Lead (Pb) < 1 ug/L 1 Molybdenum (Mo) 1.23 ug/L 1 Nickel (Ni) 1.63 ug/L 1 Selenium (Se) < 1 ug/L 1 Thallium (TI) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L 0.2 Vanadium (V) Low Level < 0.3 ug/L 0.3 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb) < 1 ug/L 1 Arsenic (As) < 1 ug/L 1 Beryllium (Be) < 1 ug/L 1 Cadmium (Cd) < 1 ug/L 1 Chromium (Cr) < 1 ug/L 1 Cobalt (Co) 4.32 ug/L 1 Copper (Cu) 1.02 ug/L 1 Lead (Pb) < 1 ug/L 1 Molybdenum (Mo) 1.24 ug/L 1 Nickel (Ni) 1.57 ug/L 1 Selenium (Se) < 1 ug/L 1 Thallium (TI) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L 0.2 Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.303 ug/L 0.3 METHANE - (Analysis Performed by Shealy Labs) Methane (CH4) Complete SULFIDE - (Analysis Performed by Element One) Vendor Parameter Complete TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 100 mg/L 25 Total Carbon TOC 0.508 mg/L 0.1 TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS TSS < 5 mg/L 5 Sample #: 2015020818 Matrix: GW WW Analytical Lab Page 5 of 69 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:19 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:19 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:19 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:19 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:19 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:19 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:19 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:19 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:19 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:19 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:19 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:19 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:19 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:51 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:51 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:51 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:51 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:51 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:51 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:51 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:51 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:51 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:51 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:51 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:51 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:51 SLS2560 Vendor Method V_SHEALY Vendor Method V_ELE1 1 SM2540C 06/25/201515:24 AGIBBS5 1 SM5310C/EPA9060A 06/29/201513:32 GHUTCHI 1 SM2540D 06/25/2015 09:00 AGIBBS5 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: MW-16D Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 12:30 PM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL ALKALINITY - (Analysis Performed by Shealy Labs) Vendor Parameter Complete NITRITE + NITRATE (COLORIMETRIC) Nitrite + Nitrate (Colorimetric) 2.9 mg-N/L 0.05 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 8.8 mg/L 0.1 Sulfate 7.7 mg/L 0.1 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg) < 0.05 ug/L 0.05 Mercury Dissolved (cold vapor) in Water (Filtered) Mercury (Hg) < 0.05 ug/L 0.05 DISSOLVED METALS BY ICP Aluminum (AI) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 Barium (Ba) 0.012 mg/L 0.005 Boron (B) < 0.05 mg/L 0.05 Iron (Fe) < 0.01 mg/L 0.01 Manganese (Mn) 0.260 mg/L 0.005 Strontium (Sr) 0.163 mg/L 0.005 Zinc (Zn) 0.009 mg/L 0.005 UNDIGESTED METALS BY lCP Calcium (Ca) 25.6 mg/L 0.01 Magnesium (Mg) 5.16 mg/L 0.005 Potassium (K) 2.32 mg/L 0.1 Sodium (Na) 9.77 mg/L 0.05 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Aluminum (AI) 0.102 mg/L 0.005 Barium (Ba) 0.013 mg/L 0.005 Boron (B) < 0.05 mg/L 0.05 Iron (Fe) 0.087 mg/L 0.01 Manganese (Mn) 0.269 mg/L 0.005 Strontium (Sr) 0.163 mg/L 0.005 Zinc (Zn) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 Sample #: 2015020821 Matrix: GW WW Analytical Lab Page 6 of 69 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method V_SHEALY 5 EPA 353.2 06/26/2015 11:37 LSTARLI 1 EPA 300.0 06/25/2015 16:15 BGN9034 1 EPA 300.0 06/25/2015 16:15 BGN9034 1 EPA 245.1 06/30/2015 10:23 ACPAYNE 1 EPA 245.1 06/30/2015 11:52 ACPAYNE 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:07 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:07 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:07 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:07 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:07 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:07 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:07 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:58 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:58 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:58 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:58 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 13:57 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 13:57 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 13:57 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 13:57 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 13:57 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 13:57 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 13:57 FCJORDA Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: MW-16D Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 12:30 PM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) Antimony (Sb) < 1 ug/L 1 Arsenic (As) < 1 ug/L 1 Beryllium (Be) < 1 ug/L 1 Cadmium (Cd) < 1 ug/L 1 Chromium (Cr) < 1 ug/L 1 Cobalt (Co) < 1 ug/L 1 Copper (Cu) < 1 ug/L 1 Lead (Pb) < 1 ug/L 1 Molybdenum (Mo) 10.9 ug/L 1 Nickel (Ni) < 1 ug/L 1 Selenium (Se) < 1 ug/L 1 Thallium (TI) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L 0.2 Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.530 ug/L 0.3 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb) < 1 ug/L 1 Arsenic (As) < 1 ug/L 1 Beryllium (Be) < 1 ug/L 1 Cadmium (Cd) < 1 ug/L 1 Chromium (Cr) < 1 ug/L 1 Cobalt (Co) < 1 ug/L 1 Copper (Cu) < 1 ug/L 1 Lead (Pb) < 1 ug/L 1 Molybdenum (Mo) 10.1 ug/L 1 Nickel (Ni) < 1 ug/L 1 Selenium (Se) < 1 ug/L 1 Thallium (TI) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L 0.2 Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.617 ug/L 0.3 METHANE - (Analysis Performed by Shealy Labs) Methane (CH4) Complete SULFIDE - (Analysis Performed by Element One) Vendor Parameter Complete TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 160 mg/L 25 Total Carbon TOC 0.208 mg/L 0.1 TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS TSS < 5 mg/L 5 Sample #: 2015020821 Matrix: GW WW Analytical Lab Page 7 of 69 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:40 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:40 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:40 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:40 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:40 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:40 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:40 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:40 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:40 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:40 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:40 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:40 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:40 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:58 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:58 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:58 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:58 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:58 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:58 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:58 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:58 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:58 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:58 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:58 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:58 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 05:58 SLS2560 Vendor Method V_SHEALY Vendor Method V_ELE1 1 SM2540C 06/25/201515:24 AGIBBS5 1 SM5310C/EPA9060A 06/29/201513:32 GHUTCHI 1 SM2540D 06/25/2015 09:00 AGIBBS5 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: MW-16BR Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 9:57 AM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL ALKALINITY - (Analysis Performed by Shealy Labs) Vendor Parameter Complete NITRITE + NITRATE (COLORIMETRIC) Nitrite + Nitrate (Colorimetric) < 0.01 mg-N/L 0.01 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 7.0 mg/L 0.1 Sulfate 12 mg/L 1 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg) < 0.05 ug/L 0.05 Mercury Dissolved (cold vapor) in Water (Filtered) Mercury (Hg) < 0.05 ug/L 0.05 DISSOLVED METALS BY ICP Aluminum (AI) 0.022 mg/L 0.005 Barium (Ba) 0.009 mg/L 0.005 Boron (B) < 0.05 mg/L 0.05 Iron (Fe) 0.012 mg/L 0.01 Manganese (Mn) 0.025 mg/L 0.005 Strontium (Sr) 0.112 mg/L 0.005 Zinc (Zn) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 UNDIGESTED METALS BY lCP Calcium (Ca) 22.5 mg/L 0.01 Magnesium (Mg) 3.89 mg/L 0.005 Potassium (K) 1.70 mg/L 0.1 Sodium (Na) 23.9 mg/L 0.05 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Aluminum (AI) 0.088 mg/L 0.005 Barium (Ba) 0.011 mg/L 0.005 Boron (B) < 0.05 mg/L 0.05 Iron (Fe) 0.080 mg/L 0.01 Manganese (Mn) 0.030 mg/L 0.005 Strontium (Sr) 0.112 mg/L 0.005 Zinc (Zn) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 Sample #: 2015020822 Matrix: GW WW Analytical Lab Page 8 of 69 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method V_SHEALY 1 EPA 353.2 06/26/2015 11:32 LSTARLI 1 EPA 300.0 06/25/2015 16:33 BGN9034 10 EPA 300.0 06/25/2015 16:33 BGN9034 1 EPA 245.1 06/30/2015 10:26 ACPAYNE 1 EPA 245.1 06/30/2015 12:02 ACPAYNE 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:02 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:02 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:02 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:02 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:02 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:02 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:02 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:01 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:01 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:01 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:01 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:33 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:33 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:33 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:33 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:33 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:33 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:33 MHH7131 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: MW-16BR Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 9:57 AM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) Antimony (Sb) < 1 ug/L 1 Arsenic (As) 2.07 ug/L 1 Beryllium (Be) < 1 ug/L 1 Cadmium (Cd) < 1 ug/L 1 Chromium (Cr) < 1 ug/L 1 Cobalt (Co) < 1 ug/L 1 Copper (Cu) < 1 ug/L 1 Lead (Pb) < 1 ug/L 1 Molybdenum (Mo) 21.8 ug/L 1 Nickel (Ni) < 1 ug/L 1 Selenium (Se) < 1 ug/L 1 Thallium (TI) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L 0.2 Vanadium (V) Low Level 2.68 ug/L 0.3 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb) < 1 ug/L 1 Arsenic (As) 2.05 ug/L 1 Beryllium (Be) < 1 ug/L 1 Cadmium (Cd) < 1 ug/L 1 Chromium (Cr) < 1 ug/L 1 Cobalt (Co) < 1 ug/L 1 Copper (Cu) < 1 ug/L 1 Lead (Pb) < 1 ug/L 1 Molybdenum (Mo) 23.4 ug/L 1 Nickel (Ni) < 1 ug/L 1 Selenium (Se) < 1 ug/L 1 Thallium (TI) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L 0.2 Vanadium (V) Low Level 2.79 ug/L 0.3 METHANE - (Analysis Performed by Shealy Labs) Methane (CH4) Complete SULFIDE - (Analysis Performed by Element One) Vendor Parameter Complete TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 170 mg/L 25 Total Carbon TOC 3.7 mg/L 0.1 TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS TSS 6.0 mg/L 5 Sample #: 2015020822 Matrix: GW WW Analytical Lab Page 9 of 69 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:48 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:48 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:48 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:48 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:48 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:48 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:48 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:48 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:48 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:48 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:48 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:48 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:48 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:31 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:31 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:31 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:31 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:31 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:31 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:31 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:31 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:31 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:31 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:31 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:31 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:31 SLS2560 Vendor Method V_SHEALY Vendor Method V_ELE1 1 SM2540C 06/25/201515:24 AGIBBS5 1 SM5310C/EPA9060A 06/29/201513:32 GHUTCHI 1 SM2540D 06/25/2015 09:00 AGIBBS5 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: ABMW-4BR Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 9:20 AM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL ALKALINITY - (Analysis Performed by Shealy Labs) Vendor Parameter Complete NITRITE + NITRATE (COLORIMETRIC) Nitrite + Nitrate (Colorimetric) < 0.01 mg-N/L 0.01 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 4.8 mg/L 0.1 Sulfate 80 mg/L 1 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg) < 0.05 ug/L 0.05 Mercury Dissolved (cold vapor) in Water (Filtered) Mercury (Hg) < 0.05 ug/L 0.05 DISSOLVED METALS BY ICP Aluminum (AI) 0.011 mg/L 0.005 Barium (Ba) 0.113 mg/L 0.005 Boron (B) < 0.05 mg/L 0.05 Iron (Fe) 1.42 mg/L 0.01 Manganese (Mn) 0.410 mg/L 0.005 Strontium (Sr) 2.02 mg/L 0.005 Zinc (Zn) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 UNDIGESTED METALS BY ICP Calcium (Ca) 85.3 mg/L 0.01 Magnesium (Mg) 5.97 mg/L 0.005 Potassium (K) 6.23 mg/L 0.1 Sodium (Na) 21.2 mg/L 0.05 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Aluminum (AI) 0.020 mg/L 0.005 Barium (Ba) 0.115 mg/L 0.005 Boron (B) < 0.05 mg/L 0.05 Iron (Fe) 1.59 mg/L 0.01 Manganese (Mn) 0.407 mg/L 0.005 Strontium (Sr) 2.02 mg/L 0.005 Zinc (Zn) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 Sample #: 2015020823 Matrix: GW WW Analytical Lab Page 10 of 69 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method V_SHEALY 1 EPA 353.2 06/26/2015 11:35 LSTARLI 1 EPA 300.0 06/25/2015 16:50 BGN9034 10 EPA 300.0 06/25/2015 16:50 BGN9034 1 EPA 245.1 06/30/2015 10:28 ACPAYNE 1 EPA 245.1 06/30/2015 12:04 ACPAYNE 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:22 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:22 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:22 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:22 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:22 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:22 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:22 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:05 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:05 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:05 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:05 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:45 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:45 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:45 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:45 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:45 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:45 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:45 MHH7131 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: ABMW-4BR Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 9:20 AM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) Antimony (Sb) < 1 ug/L 1 Arsenic (As) < 1 ug/L 1 Beryllium (Be) < 1 ug/L 1 Cadmium (Cd) < 1 ug/L 1 Chromium (Cr) < 1 ug/L 1 Cobalt (Co) < 1 ug/L 1 Copper (Cu) < 1 ug/L 1 Lead (Pb) < 1 ug/L 1 Molybdenum (Mo) 6.10 ug/L 1 Nickel (Ni) < 1 ug/L 1 Selenium (Se) < 1 ug/L 1 Thallium (TI) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L 0.2 Vanadium (V) Low Level < 0.3 ug/L 0.3 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb) < 1 ug/L 1 Arsenic (As) 1.08 ug/L 1 Beryllium (Be) < 1 ug/L 1 Cadmium (Cd) < 1 ug/L 1 Chromium (Cr) < 1 ug/L 1 Cobalt (Co) < 1 ug/L 1 Copper (Cu) < 1 ug/L 1 Lead (Pb) < 1 ug/L 1 Molybdenum (Mo) 6.12 ug/L 1 Nickel (Ni) < 1 ug/L 1 Selenium (Se) < 1 ug/L 1 Thallium (TI) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L 0.2 Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.382 ug/L 0.3 METHANE - (Analysis Performed by Shealy Labs) Methane (CH4) Complete SULFIDE - (Analysis Performed by Element One) Vendor Parameter Complete TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 370 mg/L 25 Total Carbon TOC 1.8 mg/L 0.1 TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS TSS < 5 mg/L 5 Sample #: 2015020823 Matrix: GW WW Analytical Lab Page 11 of 69 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:55 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:55 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:55 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:55 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:55 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:55 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:55 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:55 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:55 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:55 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:55 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:55 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 16:55 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:08 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:08 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:08 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:08 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:08 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:08 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:08 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:08 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:08 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:08 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:08 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:08 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:08 SLS2560 Vendor Method V_SHEALY Vendor Method V_ELE1 1 SM2540C 06/25/201515:24 AGIBBS5 1 SM5310C/EPA9060A 06/29/201513:32 GHUTCHI 1 SM2540D 06/25/2015 09:00 AGIBBS5 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: MW-13BR Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 2:20 PM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL ALKALINITY - (Analysis Performed by Shealy Labs) Vendor Parameter Complete NITRITE + NITRATE (COLORIMETRIC) Nitrite + Nitrate (Colorimetric) < 0.01 mg-N/L 0.01 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 46 mg/L 1 Sulfate 18 mg/L 1 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg) < 0.05 ug/L 0.05 Mercury Dissolved (cold vapor) in Water (Filtered) Mercury (Hg) < 0.05 ug/L 0.05 DISSOLVED METALS BY ICP Aluminum (AI) 0.027 mg/L 0.005 Barium (Ba) 0.041 mg/L 0.005 Boron (B) < 0.05 mg/L 0.05 Iron (Fe) 1.16 mg/L 0.01 Manganese (Mn) 0.486 mg/L 0.005 Strontium (Sr) 0.423 mg/L 0.005 Zinc (Zn) 0.019 mg/L 0.005 UNDIGESTED METALS BY ICP Calcium (Ca) 75.2 mg/L 0.01 Magnesium (Mg) 13.1 mg/L 0.005 Potassium (K) 5.49 mg/L 0.1 Sodium (Na) 25.7 mg/L 0.05 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Aluminum (AI) 0.037 mg/L 0.005 Barium (Ba) 0.040 mg/L 0.005 Boron (B) < 0.05 mg/L 0.05 Iron (Fe) 1.13 mg/L 0.01 Manganese (Mn) 0.474 mg/L 0.005 Strontium (Sr) 0.418 mg/L 0.005 Zinc (Zn) 0.036 mg/L 0.005 Sample #: 2015020824 Matrix: GW WW Analytical Lab Page 12 of 69 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method V_SHEALY 1 EPA 353.2 06/26/2015 11:36 LSTARLI 10 EPA 300.0 06/25/2015 15:21 BGN9034 10 EPA 300.0 06/25/2015 15:21 BGN9034 1 EPA 245.1 06/30/2015 10:30 ACPAYNE 1 EPA 245.1 06/30/2015 12:06 ACPAYNE 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:26 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:26 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:26 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:26 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:26 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:26 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:26 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:09 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:09 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:09 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:09 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:48 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:48 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:48 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:48 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:48 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:48 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:48 MHH7131 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: MW-13BR Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 2:20 PM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) Antimony (Sb) < 1 ug/L 1 Arsenic (As) < 1 ug/L 1 Beryllium (Be) < 1 ug/L 1 Cadmium (Cd) < 1 ug/L 1 Chromium (Cr) < 1 ug/L 1 Cobalt (Co) < 1 ug/L 1 Copper (Cu) < 1 ug/L 1 Lead (Pb) < 1 ug/L 1 Molybdenum (Mo) 7.20 ug/L 1 Nickel (Ni) < 1 ug/L 1 Selenium (Se) < 1 ug/L 1 Thallium (TI) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L 0.2 Vanadium (V) Low Level < 0.3 ug/L 0.3 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb) < 1 ug/L 1 Arsenic (As) < 1 ug/L 1 Beryllium (Be) < 1 ug/L 1 Cadmium (Cd) < 1 ug/L 1 Chromium (Cr) < 1 ug/L 1 Cobalt (Co) 1.19 ug/L 1 Copper (Cu) < 1 ug/L 1 Lead (Pb) < 1 ug/L 1 Molybdenum (Mo) 8.28 ug/L 1 Nickel (Ni) < 1 ug/L 1 Selenium (Se) < 1 ug/L 1 Thallium (TI) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L 0.2 Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.381 ug/L 0.3 METHANE - (Analysis Performed by Shealy Labs) Methane (CH4) Complete RADIOLOGICAL - (Analysis Performed by GEL) Vendor Parameter Complete SULFIDE - (Analysis Performed by Element One) Vendor Parameter Complete TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 370 mg/L 25 Total Carbon TOC 0.900 mg/L 0.1 Sample #: 2015020824 Matrix: GW WW Analytical Lab Page 13 of 69 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:02 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:02 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:02 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:02 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:02 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:02 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:02 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:02 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:02 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:02 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:02 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:02 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:02 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:38 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:38 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:38 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:38 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:38 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:38 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:38 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:38 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:38 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:38 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:38 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:38 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:38 SLS2560 Vendor Method V_SHEALY Vendor Method v GEL Vendor Method V_ELE1 1 SM2540C 06/25/201515:24 AGIBBS5 1 SM5310C/EPA9060A 06/29/201513:32 GHUTCHI Analytical Lab Certificate of Laboratory Analysis Page 14 of 69 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: MW-13BR Sample #: 2015020824 Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 2:20 PM Matrix: GW WW Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS TSS 5.0 mg/L 5 1 SM2540D 06/25/2015 09:00 AGIBBS5 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: MW-16D-Dup Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 12:30 PM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL ALKALINITY - (Analysis Performed by Shealy Labs) Vendor Parameter Complete NITRITE + NITRATE (COLORIMETRIC) Nitrite + Nitrate (Colorimetric) 2.9 mg-N/L 0.05 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride 8.9 mg/L 0.1 Sulfate 7.8 mg/L 0.1 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg) < 0.05 ug/L 0.05 Mercury Dissolved (cold vapor) in Water (Filtered) Mercury (Hg) < 0.05 ug/L 0.05 DISSOLVED METALS BY ICP Aluminum (AI) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 Barium (Ba) 0.013 mg/L 0.005 Boron (B) < 0.05 mg/L 0.05 Iron (Fe) < 0.01 mg/L 0.01 Manganese (Mn) 0.250 mg/L 0.005 Strontium (Sr) 0.179 mg/L 0.005 Zinc (Zn) 0.093 mg/L 0.005 UNDIGESTED METALS BY ICP Calcium (Ca) 25.4 mg/L 0.01 Magnesium (Mg) 5.10 mg/L 0.005 Potassium (K) 2.31 mg/L 0.1 Sodium (Na) 9.72 mg/L 0.05 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Aluminum (AI) 0.086 mg/L 0.005 Barium (Ba) 0.013 mg/L 0.005 Boron (B) < 0.05 mg/L 0.05 Iron (Fe) 0.085 mg/L 0.01 Manganese (Mn) 0.261 mg/L 0.005 Strontium (Sr) 0.163 mg/L 0.005 Zinc (Zn) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 Sample #: 2015020837 Matrix: GW WW Analytical Lab Page 15 of 69 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method V_SHEALY 5 EPA 353.2 06/26/2015 11:43 LSTARLI 1 EPA 300.0 06/25/2015 17:26 BGN9034 1 EPA 300.0 06/25/2015 17:26 BGN9034 1 EPA 245.1 06/30/2015 10:33 ACPAYNE 1 EPA 245.1 06/30/2015 12:09 ACPAYNE 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:06 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:06 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:06 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:06 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:06 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:06 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 11:06 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:13 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:13 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:13 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:13 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:52 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:52 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:52 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:52 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:52 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:52 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:52 MHH7131 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: MW-16D-Dup Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 12:30 PM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) Antimony (Sb) < 1 ug/L 1 Arsenic (As) < 1 ug/L 1 Beryllium (Be) < 1 ug/L 1 Cadmium (Cd) < 1 ug/L 1 Chromium (Cr) < 1 ug/L 1 Cobalt (Co) < 1 ug/L 1 Copper (Cu) < 1 ug/L 1 Lead (Pb) < 1 ug/L 1 Molybdenum (Mo) 10.6 ug/L 1 Nickel (Ni) < 1 ug/L 1 Selenium (Se) < 1 ug/L 1 Thallium (TI) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L 0.2 Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.537 ug/L 0.3 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb) < 1 ug/L 1 Arsenic (As) < 1 ug/L 1 Beryllium (Be) < 1 ug/L 1 Cadmium (Cd) < 1 ug/L 1 Chromium (Cr) < 1 ug/L 1 Cobalt (Co) < 1 ug/L 1 Copper (Cu) < 1 ug/L 1 Lead (Pb) < 1 ug/L 1 Molybdenum (Mo) 11.3 ug/L 1 Nickel (Ni) < 1 ug/L 1 Selenium (Se) < 1 ug/L 1 Thallium (TI) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L 0.2 Vanadium (V) Low Level 0.729 ug/L 0.3 METHANE - (Analysis Performed by Shealy Labs) Methane (CH4) Complete SULFIDE - (Analysis Performed by Element One) Vendor Parameter Complete TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS 150 mg/L 25 Total Carbon TOC 0.214 mg/L 0.1 TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS TSS < 5 mg/L 5 Sample #: 2015020837 Matrix: GW WW Analytical Lab Page 16 of 69 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:09 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:09 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:09 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:09 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:09 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:09 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:09 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:09 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:09 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:09 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:09 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:09 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:09 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:45 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:45 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:45 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:45 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:45 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:45 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:45 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:45 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:45 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:45 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:45 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:45 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:45 SLS2560 Vendor Method V_SHEALY Vendor Method V_ELE1 1 SM2540C 06/25/201515:24 AGIBBS5 1 SM5310C/EPA9060A 06/29/201513:32 GHUTCHI 1 SM2540D 06/25/2015 09:00 AGIBBS5 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: MW-3 Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 9:24 AM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF RADIOLOGICAL - (Analysis Performed by GEL) Vendor Parameter Complete Sample #: 2015020838 Matrix: GW WW Analytical Lab Page 17 of 69 Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method v GEL Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: Filter Blank Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 4:30 PM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL Mercury Dissolved (cold vapor) in Water (Filtered) Mercury (Hg) < 0.05 ug/L 0.05 DISSOLVED METALS BY ICP Aluminum (AI) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 Barium (Ba) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 Boron (B) < 0.05 mg/L 0.05 Iron (Fe) < 0.01 mg/L 0.01 Manganese (Mn) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 Strontium (Sr) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 Zinc (Zn) 0.005 mg/L 0.005 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS (DISSOLVED) Antimony (Sb) < 1 ug/L 1 Arsenic (As) < 1 ug/L 1 Beryllium (Be) < 1 ug/L 1 Cadmium (Cd) < 1 ug/L 1 Chromium (Cr) < 1 ug/L 1 Cobalt (Co) < 1 ug/L 1 Copper (Cu) 6.05 ug/L 1 Lead (Pb) < 1 ug/L 1 Molybdenum (Mo) < 1 ug/L 1 Nickel (Ni) < 1 ug/L 1 Selenium (Se) < 1 ug/L 1 Thallium (TI) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L 0.2 Vanadium (V) Low Level < 0.3 ug/L 0.3 Sample #: 2015020839 Matrix: GW WW Analytical Lab Page 18 of 69 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst 1 EPA 245.1 06/30/2015 12:11 ACPAYNE 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:34 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:34 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:34 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:34 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:34 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:34 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 10:34 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:16 MHALL3 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:16 MHALL3 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:16 MHALL3 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:16 MHALL3 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:16 MHALL3 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:16 MHALL3 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:16 MHALL3 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:16 MHALL3 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:16 MHALL3 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:16 MHALL3 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:16 MHALL3 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:16 MHALL3 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 17:16 MHALL3 Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: Equipment Blank Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 4:30 PM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL ALKALINITY - (Analysis Performed by Shealy Labs) Vendor Parameter Complete NITRITE + NITRATE (COLORIMETRIC) Nitrite + Nitrate (Colorimetric) < 0.01 mg-N/L 0.01 INORGANIC IONS BY IC Chloride < 0.1 mg/L 0.1 Sulfate < 0.1 mg/L 0.1 MERCURY (COLD VAPOR) IN WATER Mercury (Hg) < 0.05 ug/L 0.05 UNDIGESTED METALS BY lCP Calcium (Ca) 0.036 mg/L 0.01 Magnesium (Mg) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 Potassium (K) < 0.1 mg/L 0.1 Sodium (Na) 0.052 mg/L 0.05 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP Aluminum (AI) 0.007 mg/L 0.005 Barium (Ba) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 Boron (B) < 0.05 mg/L 0.05 Iron (Fe) < 0.01 mg/L 0.01 Manganese (Mn) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 Strontium (Sr) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 Zinc (Zn) < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 TOTAL RECOVERABLE METALS BY ICP-MS Antimony (Sb) < 1 ug/L 1 Arsenic (As) < 1 ug/L 1 Beryllium (Be) < 1 ug/L 1 Cadmium (Cd) < 1 ug/L 1 Chromium (Cr) < 1 ug/L 1 Cobalt (Co) < 1 ug/L 1 Copper (Cu) < 1 ug/L 1 Lead (Pb) < 1 ug/L 1 Molybdenum (Mo) < 1 ug/L 1 Nickel (Ni) < 1 ug/L 1 Selenium (Se) < 1 ug/L 1 Thallium (TI) Low Level < 0.2 ug/L 0.2 Vanadium (V) Low Level < 0.3 ug/L 0.3 Sample #: 2015020840 Matrix: GW WW Analytical Lab Page 19 of 69 DF Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method V_SHEALY 1 EPA 353.2 06/26/2015 11:39 LSTARLI 1 EPA 300.0 06/25/2015 13:51 BGN9034 1 EPA 300.0 06/25/2015 13:51 BGN9034 1 EPA 245.1 06/30/2015 10:35 ACPAYNE 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:17 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:17 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:17 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/26/2015 12:17 FCJORDA 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:56 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:56 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:56 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:56 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:56 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:56 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.7 06/29/2015 09:56 MHH7131 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:52 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:52 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:52 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:52 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:52 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:52 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:52 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:52 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:52 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:52 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:52 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:52 SLS2560 1 EPA 200.8 06/27/2015 14:52 SLS2560 METHANE - (Analysis Performed by Shealy Labs) Methane (CH4) Complete Vendor Method V_SHEALY Certificate of Laboratory Analysis This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. Order # J15060802 Site: Equipment Blank Collection Date: 23-Jun-15 4:30 PM Analyte Result Units Qualifiers RDL DF SULFIDE - (Analysis Performed by Element One) Vendor Parameter Complete TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TDS < 25 mg/L 25 1 Total Carbon Sample #: 2015020840 Matrix: GW WW Analytical Lab Page 20 of 69 Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Vendor Method V_ELE1 SM2540C 06/25/201515:24 AGIBBS5 TOC 0.204 mg/L 0.1 1 SM5310C/EPA9060A 06/29/201513:32 GHUTCHI TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS TSS < 5 mg/L 5 1 SM2540D 06/25/2015 09:00 AGIBBS5 Analytical Lab Page 21 of 69 MI REPORT OF ANALYSES Ellernent One [Inc. 6319-D Carolina Beach Rd. Wilmington, NC 28412 (Tone: 910 793-0128 Fax: 910 792-6853 ellab@e19ab.com Duke Energy July 1, 2015 Laboratory Services Client Project Name AB GW Assessment water (wells) Mayo 13339 Hagers Ferry Road Bld. MG03A Client Project Number J15060802 Huntersville, NC 28078 PO Number Sample Matrix GW WW Sample Type Grab Date Received 06/26/2015 Date Analyzed 06/29/2015 Method SM 4500 S2- D Time Received 1610 Delivered by FedEx Received by LLB eOne ID Duke Energy ID Parameter Result Unit Dil DL Date Time Sampled Sampled 25194-1 MW-16S Sulfide < 0.1 mg/L 1 0.1 06/23/15 1415 25194-2 MW-16D Sulfide < 0.1 mg/L 1 0.1 06/23/15 1230 25194-3 MW-16BR Sulfide 0.264 mg/L 1 0.1 06/23/15 0957 25194-4 ABMW-4BR Sulfide < 0.1 mg/L 1 0.1 06/23/15 0920 25194-5 MWA 313R Sulfide 0.115 mg/L 1 0.1 06/23/15 1420 25194-6 MW-16D Dup Sulfide < 0.1 mg/L 1 0.1 06/23/15 1230 25194-7 Equipment Blank Sulfide < 0.1 mg/L 1 0.1 06/23/15 1630 Ken 90th, Laboratory Director ✓' 25194 Duke Report Packet Compiled by NC Certifications: DW 37788 and DWQ DENR 604 Analytical Lab Page 22 of 69 Q 4 (J 7 0 .- ID a rM C Y1 TT 1 I4 E a= N T IV n unn�c wni pai�san �II�t II I SV aId �1U2110 fill l!'IAlll t�l"'-' rJ z J . Y > Ch J W = U I v m � c N 9 a C d U fJ A ' C V1 V U e � O1 _ U � 4 a as U U e _ m A a EN N E z z v W W O N N W W 8 q p Y C � C CCt R �ws W Analytical Lab e e entOne SAMPLE SUBMISSION FORM Lab Ibge'Ai 94 TAT 5 BD Analysis Due Date 06.29.15 Hold Time Expiration 06.30.15 @ 0920 Report Due Date 07.01.15 Client: Duke Energy Date Rec: 06.26.15 LIMS No J15060802 Time Rec: 1610 Project ID Mao Rec By LLB H >9 No Tem s 6°C Cl�e No Ref. Method: If No, Record If No. Record SM4500 S2 D Sample laentitication & collection Information Lab ID Client ID Collection Date Collection Time Analysis Requested 1 MW-16S 06.23.15 1415 u fid 2 MW-16D 06.23.15 1230 3 MW-16BR 06.23.15 09._.___ 57 4 ABMW-4BR 06.23.15 0920 S 23.15 1420 6 MW-16D DUP 06.23.15 1230 � t� 7 Equipment Blank 06.23.15 1630 NOTE for Sulfide The MS/MSD spike should approximate 2 to 3 times the sample concentration. If no sulfide detected at 100 pg/L spike the sample to render the final spike concentration at — 500 pg/L Analytical Lab Page 24 of 69 METHOD: SM 4500 S2- D ELEMENT ONE ELEMENT ASSAY: Sulfide Spectrophotometer Wave Length 664' Na2S•9H20 Lot # 40721 UNITS OF ANSWER ug/mL DETECTION LIMIT(ug)1.000 SPK LEVEL u MAX ALIQUOT 5 " 10.00 CLIENT: Lab ID# Duke 25194 / 195 / 196 Date: 06/29/15 STANDARD conc(ppm) - X Time Analysis Begun 8:00 Cal Std Lot: SD-14-1 10 Time Analysis Ended 10:00 QC Std Lot: SD-14-2 10 Analyst: KAM STD ABSORPTION Y X Y - - ug STD SOLUTION ABS °'°°0. ---- -- Ck _ - -o� -- 0.00 1.00 2.50 5.00 ' 7.50 10;00 0.000 0.095 0.223 0.435 0.608 0.785 y Q' 0300 - - ° °.+� ---.-low 0.00o m son e.m 6.60 8.60 +o.00 12m x SAMPLE x I.D. Std. B. 0.00 Std. B. 1.00 Std. B. 2.50 Std. B. 5.00 Std. B. 7.50 Std. B. 10.00 k SAMP ABS 0.000 0.098 0.229 0.446 0.634 0.798 Sloe 0.078305495r Correlation 0.998579076 ug PER ALIQUOT 0.0000 0.8257 2.5953 5.5266 8.0661 10.2814 ALI in mL ANALYZED 10 10 10 10 10 10 PREP VOL in mL 10 10 10 10 10 10 ALI in mL TAKEN 10 10 10 10 10 10 RESULTS ug/mL < < 0.260 0.553 0.807 1.028 LESS THAN % SPK REC 82.57% 103.81 % 110.53% 107.55% 102.81 % SPIKE LEVEL 0.0 1.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 LRB 0.000 0.0000 10 10 10 < 0.0 LRB SPK 0.433 5.3509 10 10 10 0.535 107% 5.0 QC 0.447 5.5401 10 10 10 0.554 111 % 5.0 25194-1 0.003 -0.4575 10 10 10 '`` < 0 25194-1 s k 0.405 4.9727 10 10 10 0.497 99% 5.0 25194-2 0.002 -0.4711 10 10 10 1 25194-2 dup 0.001 -0.4846 10 10 10 < 0.1 25194-2 spk 0.400 4.9052 10 10 10 0.491 98% 5.0 25194-3 0.232 2.6358 10 10 10 �64° 25194-3 s k 0.623 7.9175 10 10 10 0.792 106% 5.0 25194-4 0.079 0.5691 10 10 10 25194-4 s k 0.464 5.7697 10 10 10 0.577 115% 5.0 25194-5 0.122 1.1499 10 10 10 25194-5 s k 0.495 6.1884 10 10 10 0.619 101 % 5.0 25194-6 0.001 -0.4846 10 10 10 25194-6 s k 0.394 4.8241 10 10 10 0.482 96% 5.0 25194-7 0.002 -0.4711 10 10 10 5.0 25194-7 s k 0.432 5.3374 10 10 10 0.534 107% 25195-1 0.004 -0.4440 10 10 10 < 25195-1 s k 0.334 4.0136 10 10 10 0.401 80% 5.0 25195-2 0.008 -0.3900 10 10 10 25195-2 spk 0.386 4.7161 10 10 10 0.472 94% 5.0 Blank -0.001 0.0000 10 10 10 < QC 0.447 5.5401 10 Submitted for QA/QC- Date: 06/29/15 10 By: (Print) 10 0.554 KAM 111 % 5. (sign): Page 1 of 2 Analytical Lab Page 25 of 69 METHOD: SM 4500 S2- D ELEMENT ONE ELEMENT ASSAY: Sulfide Spectrophotometer Wave Length 664 UNITS OF ANSWER u /mL- DETECTION LIMIT u 1.000 CLIENT: Duke SPK LEVEL u 5 Lab ID# 25194 / 195 / 196 Na2S•9H2O Lot # 40721 MAX ALIQUOT 10.00 Date: 06/29/15 STANDARD conc(ppm) X Time Analysis Begun 8:00 Cal Std Lot: SD-14-1 10 Time Analysis Ended 10:00 QC Std Lot: SD-14-2 10 Analyst: M. STD ABSORPTION Y Xy ----- 0.000 ug STD SOLUTION STD ABS Um 0.700 0.sa0o� 0.00 1.00 2.50 5.00 7.50 10:00 0.000 0.095 0.223 0.435 0.608 0,785 0.em U400 gas --s: 0.= _ O.zOo �_ so 0.ID0 o.oro 0.00 200 4.00 6.60 8.00 10.00 12,00 x I SAMPLE I.D. Std. B. 0.00 Std. B. 1.00 Std. B. 2.50 Std. B. 5.00 Std. B. 7.50 Std. B. 10.00 � SAMP ABS 0.000 0.098 0.229 0.446 0.634 0.798 ug PER ALIQUOT 1 0.0000 0.8257 2.5953 5.5266 8.0661 10.2814 ALI in mL PREP ANALYZED VOL in mL 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Sloe 0,078305495 ALI in mL RESULTS TAKEN u /mL 10 < 10 < 10 0.260 10 0.553 10 0.807 10 1.028 Correlation 0.998679076' LESS THAN SPIKE % SPK REC LEVEL 0.0 82.57-% 1.0 103.81 % 2.5 110.53% 5.0 107.55% 7.5 102.81 % 10.0 LRB 0.000 0.0000 10 10 10 < 0.0 LRB SPK 0.433 5.3509 10 10 10 0.535 107% 5.0 QC 0.447 5.5401 10 10 10 0.554 111% 5.0 25195-3 0.009 -0.3765 10 10 10 "01 25195-3 s k 0.427 5.2699 10 10 10 0.527 105% 5.0 25196-1 0.013 -0.3225 10 10 10 < p� 25196-1 dup 0.011 -0.3495 10 10 10 < 0.1 25196-1 s k 0.410 5.0403 10 10 10 0.504 101% 5.0 25196-2 0.002 -0.4711 10 10 10 25196-2 s k 0.433 5.3509 10 10 10 0.535 107% 5.0 25195-1 0.003 -0.4575 10 10 5 < 25195-1 s k 0.345 4.1622 10 10 5 0.832 83% 5.0 25195-1 0.004 -0.4440 10 10 2 `� c 25195-1 s k 0.387 4.7296 10 10 2 2.365 95% 5.0 Blank -0.001 0.0000 10 10 10 < QC 0.447 5.5401 10 Submitted for QA/QC- Date: 06/29/15 10 By: (Print) 10 0.554 KAM 111 % 5.0 (sign): Page 2 of 2 ® Laboratories LLc ..,,Analytical Lab ,_ age 26 of 69 a member of The GEL Group IN'. July 02, 2015 Mary Ann Ogle Duke Energy Analytical Laboratory 13339 Hagers Ferry Road Mail Code: MGO3A2 Huntersville, North Carolina 28078 Re: AB GW Assessment Water Work Order: 375757 SDG: J15060802 Dear Mary: P4 Box 30712 Charleston. SC 29417 2040 Sange Road Chad eston.SC29407 P 843556.8171 F 843.76Gi.1178 GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) appreciates the opportunity to provide the enclosed analytical results for the sample(s) we received on June 25, 2015. This original data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL's standard operating procedures. Our policy is to provide high quality, personalized analytical services to enable you to meet your analytical needs on time every time. We trust that you will find everything in order and to your satisfaction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (843) 556-8171, ext. 4443. Sincerely, Lindsay Fabra Project Manager Purchase Order: 1142110 Enclosures gel.com Analytical Lab Page 27 of 69 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.com Certificate of Analysis Report for DUP0002 Duke Energy Client SDG: J15060802 GEL Work Order: 375757 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: * A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria ** Analyte is a Tracer compound ** Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD. Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis. The designation ND, if present, appears in the result column when the analyte concentration is not detected above the limit as defined in the 'U' qualifier above. This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL Laboratories LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Lindsay Fabra. JU,&Y , Reviewed by Analytical Lab GEL LABORATORIES LLC Page 28 of 69 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.com Certificate of Analysis Company: Duke Energy Analytical Laboratory Address : 13339 Hagers Ferry Road Mail Code: MG03A2 Huntersville, North Carolina 28078 Contact: Mary Ann Ogle Project: AB GW Assessment Water Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector: 2015020824 375757001 Water 23-JUN-15 14:20 25-JUN-15 Client Report Date: July 2, 2015 Project: DUKE00225 Client ID: DUP0002 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Metals Analysis-ICP-MS SW846 3010A/6020A Liquid "As Received" Uranium-238 U 0.000047 0.000067 0.0002 ug/mL 1 SKJ 07/01/15 1547 1488554 1 Uranium-233 U 0.00 0.00001 0.00005 ug/mL 1 SKJ 07/01/15 1911 1488554 2 Uranium-234 U 0.00 0.00001 0.00005 ug/mL 1 Uranium-236 U 0.00 0.00001 0.00005 ug/mL 1 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Ra228, Liquid "As Received" Radium-228 U -0.618 1.41 3.00 pCi/L AXM6 07/01/15 1137 1488665 3 Rad Radium-226 Lucas Cell, Ra226, liquid "As Received" Radium-226 1.22 0.400 1.00 pCi/L CXP3 07/01/15 0920 1488667 4 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 3010A SW 846 3010 Acid Digestion JXM5 06/26/15 0800 1488553 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 3010A/6020A 2 SW846 3010A/6020A 3 EPA 904,0/SW846 9320 Modified 4 EPA 903.1 Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Barium-133 Tracer GFPC, Ra228, Liquid "As Received" 83.6 (15%-125%) Notes: Analytical Lab GEL LABORATORIES LLC Page 29 of 69 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.com Certificate of Analysis Company: Duke Energy Analytical Laboratory Address : 13339 Hagers Ferry Road Mail Code: MG03A2 Huntersville, North Carolina 28078 Contact: Mary Ann Ogle Project: AB GW Assessment Water Client Sample ID: Sample ID: Matrix: Collect Date: Receive Date: Collector: 2015020838 375757002 Water 23-JUN-15 09:24 25-JUN-15 Client Report Date: July 2, 2015 Project: DUKE00225 Client ID: DUP0002 Parameter Qualifier Result DL RL Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Metals Analysis-ICP-MS SW846 3010A/6020A Liquid "As Received" Uranium-238 0.00173 0.000067 0.0002 ug/mL 1 SKJ 07/01/15 1549 1488554 1 Uranium-233 U 0.00 0.00001 0.00005 ug/mL 1 SKJ 07/01/15 1913 1488554 2 Uranium-234 U 0.00 0.00001 0.00005 ug/mL 1 Uranium-236 U 0.00 0.00001 0.00005 ug/mL 1 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Ra228, Liquid "As Received" Radium-228 U 0.238 1.37 3.00 pCi/L AXM6 07/01/15 1137 1488665 3 Rad Radium-226 Lucas Cell, Ra226, liquid "As Received" Radium-226 3.13 0.261 1.00 pCi/L CXP3 07/01/15 0920 1488667 4 The following Prep Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch SW846 3010A SW 846 3010 Acid Digestion JXM5 06/26/15 0800 1488553 The following Analytical Methods were performed: Method Description Analyst Comments 1 SW846 3010A/6020A 2 SW846 3010A/6020A 3 EPA 904,0/SW846 9320 Modified 4 EPA 903.1 Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Result Nominal Recovery% Acceptable Limits Barium-133 Tracer GFPC, Ra228, Liquid "As Received" 75.7 (15%-125%) Notes: Analytical Lab Page 30 of 69 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.com QC Summary Report Date: July 2, 2015 Duke Energy Analytical Laboratory Page 1 of 3 13339 Hagers Ferry Road Mail Code: MG03A2 Huntersville, North Carolina Contact: Mary Ann Ogle Workorder: 375757 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD%o REC% Range Anlst Date Time Metals Analysis - ICPMS Batch 1488554 QC1203344242 375756001 DUP Uranium-233 U ND U ND ug/mL N/A SKJ 07/01/1519:03 Uranium-234 U ND U ND ug/mL N/A Uranium-236 U ND U ND ug/mL N/A Uranium-238 0.000232 0.000209 ug/mL 10.4 ^ (+/-0.0002) 07/01/1517:08 QC1203344241 LCS Uranium-238 0.0496 0.0552 ug/mL 111 (80%-120%) 07/01/1517:01 QC1203344250 LCS Uranium-233 0.0005 0.00054 ug/mL 108 (80%-120%) 07/01/1519:01 Uranium-234 0.00055 0.000575 ug/mL 105 (80%-120%) Uranium-236 0.005 0.00601 ug/mL 120 (80%-120%) QC1203344240 MB Uranium-233 U ND ug/mL 07/01/1518:59 Uranium-234 U ND ug/mL Uranium-236 U ND ug/mL Uranium-238 U ND ug/mL 07/01/1517:00 QC1203344243 375756001 MS Uranium-238 0.0496 0.000232 0.0553 ug/mL 111 (75%-125%) 07/01/1517:09 QC1203344251 375756001 MS Uranium-233 0.0005 U ND 0.00054 ug/mL 108 (75%-125%) 07/01/1519:05 Uranium-234 0.00055 U ND 0.000577 ug/mL 105 (75%-125%) Uranium-236 0.005 U ND 0.00601 ug/mL 120 (75%-125%) QC1203344244 375756001 SDILT Uranium-233 U ND U ND ug/L N/A 07/01/1519:06 Analytical Lab Page 31 of 69 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.com QC Summary Workorder: 375757 Page 2 of 3 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Metals Analysis - ICPMS Batch 1488554 Uranium-234 U ND U ND ug/L N/A Uranium-236 U ND U ND ug/L N/A (0%-10%) SKJ 07/01/1519:06 Uranium-238 0.232 U ND ug/L N/A (0%-10%) 07/01/1517:10 Rad Gas Flow Batch 1488665 QC1203344535 375757001 DUP Radium-228 U -0.618 U 1.32 pCi/L N/A N/AAXM6 07/01/1511:38 QC1203344536 LCS Radium-228 30.7 29.1 pCi/L 95 (75%-125%) 07/01/1511:38 QC1203344534 MB Radium-228 U 1.05 pCi/L 07/01/1511:35 Rad Ra-226 Batch 1488667 QC1203344538 375757001 DUP Radium-226 1.22 1.99 pCi/L 47.6 (0% - 100%) CXP3 07/01/15 09:55 QC1203344540 LCS Radium-226 24.7 25.2 pCi/L 102 (75%-125%) 07/01/15 09:55 QC1203344537 MB Radium-226 U 0.431 pCi/L 07/01/15 09:20 QC1203344539 375757001 MS Radium-226 124 1.22 113 DCi/L 90.8 (75%-125%) 07/01/15 09:55 Notes: The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows: ** Analyte is a Tracer compound < Result is less than value reported > Result is greater than value reported BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low E %difference of sample and SD is >10%. Sample concentration must meet flagging criteria FA Failed analysis. FB Mercury was found present at quantifiable concentrations in field blanks received with these samples. Data associated with the blank are deemed invalid for reporting to regulatory agencies H Analytical holding time was exceeded Analytical Lab Page 32 of 69 GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston, SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - www.gel.com QC Summary Workorder: 375757 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD%o REC'% Page 3 of 3 Range Anlst Date Time J Value is estimated K Analyte present. Reported value may be biased high. Actual value is expected to be lower. L Analyte present. Reported value may be biased low. Actual value is expected to be higher. M M if above MDC and less than LLD M REMP Result > MDC/CL and < RDL N Metals --The Matrix spike sample recovery is not within specified control limits N/A RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply. N1 See case narrative ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control criteria have not been met. Refer to the applicable narrative or DER. R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, or LOD. UI Gamma Spectroscopy --Uncertain identification UJ Gamma Spectroscopy --Uncertain identification UL Not considered detected. The associated number is the reported concentration, which may be inaccurate due to a low bias. X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y Other specific qualifiers were required to properly define the results. Consult case narrative. ^ RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry. h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike cone. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPD not applicable. ^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptance criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result. * Indicates that a Quality Control parameter was not within specifications. For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations. Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary. Analytical Lab Page 33 of 69 z 00- L) CO CL JOUMVOO 0 [viol PBAIOSSIC) (molaq 88s) slejaw (44UGW013 A) opuins (Alva4g-A ..jvuoqjvoj8 049AIN'30.1. 'vos'lo -,!0 2 A I Al-14S A WL Nsm) butm-W 12 q.,() E� E x -d-3 00 0 LL ' oQ E 04 UJI E CL Q C, L ------------ CL Is v) P F I .sue C 0 0 E > 0. w U) 0) Z E 0 'o Z i i UJ r= ur Z. E �O CL L) E Cm > 4 � ri din 01 to m `sue NO C) 0 E z z rdr w w uj uj w w 0 TT Analytical Lab Page 34 of 69 SAMPLE RECEIPT & REVIEW FORM Client: SDG/AR/COCAVork Order: M Received I3 Y 1 Date Received: Suspected Hazard Information o *If Net Counts > 100cpm on samples not marked "radioactive", contact the Radiation Saf ty Group for further >' z investigation. COC/Samples marked as radioactive? Maximum Net Counts Observed* (Observed Counts - Area Background Counts): Classified Radioactive 1I or III by RSO? If yes, Were swipes taken of sample containers < action levels? COC/Samples marked containing PCBs? Package, COC, and/or Samples marked as beryllium or asbestos containing? If yes, samples are to be segregated as Safety Controlled Samples, and opened by the GEL Safety Group. Shipped as a DOT Hazardous? Hazard Class Shipped: UN#: Samples identified as Foreign Soil? Sample Receipt Criteria y T 2 Comments/Qualifiers (Required for Non -Conforming Items) 1 Shipping containers received intact Circle Applicable: ? and sealed. Sexy m broken Daaged container Leaking container Other (describe) 2 Samples requiring cold preservation Preservation Method: lee bags Blue ice Dry ice None ther (describe) within (0 <6 deg. C)?* *all temperatures are recorded in Celsius 2a Daily check performed and passed on Temperature Device Serial #: Y Secondary Temperature IR temperature gun? Device Serial # (If Applicable): Lw` t r ,,,{ [�/ tJl 3 Chain of custody documents included r with shipment? 4 Sample containers intact and sealed? Circle Applicable: Seals broken Damaged container Leaking container Other (describe) 5 Samples requiring chemical xx Sample ID's, containers affected and observed pH: preservation at proper pH? f Preservation added, tW Do Low Level Perchlorate samples Sample ID's and containers affected: 6 (EPA 6850) have headspace as re uired? VOA vials free of headspace (defined Sample ID's and containers affected: 7 as < 6mm bubble)? (If yes, immediately deliver to VoLuiles laboratory) 8 Are Encore containers present? 9 Samples received within holding to's and tests affected: time? 10 Sample M's on COC match ID's on Sample ID's and containers affected: bottles? 11 Date & time on COC match date & \a Sample ID's affected: time on bottles? /y\ 12 Number of containers received match Sample ID's affected: number indicated on COC? 13 Are sample containers identifiable as GEL provided? 14 COC form is properly signed in relinquished/received sections? Circle Applicable: FedEx Air Fed Ex Ground UPS Field Services Courier Other 15 Carrier and tracking number. Comments (Use Continuation Form if needed): PM (or PMA) review: Initials --� Date -4/2w c Page % of __j GL-CHL-SR-001 Rev 1 Analytical Lab Page 35 of 69 List of current GEL Certifications as of 02 July 2015 State Certification Alaska UST-110 Arkansas 88-0651 CLIA 42D0904046 California 2940 Interim Colorado SC00012 Connecticut PH-0169 Delaware SC000122013-10 DoD ELAP/ ISO17025 A2LA 2567.01 Florida NELAP E87156 Foreign Soils Permit P330-12-00283, P330-12-00284 Georgia SC00012 Georgia SDWA 967 Hawaii SC000122013-10 Idaho Chemistry SC00012 Idaho Radiochemistry SC00012 Illinois NELAP 200029 Indiana C—SC-01 Kansas NELAP E-10332 Kentucky SDWA 90129 Kentucky Wastewater 90129 Louisiana NELAP 03046 (AI33904) Louisiana SDWA LA150001 Maryland 270 Massachusetts M—SC012 Michigan 9976 Mississippi SC000122013-10 Nebraska NE—OS-26-13 Nevada SC000122014-1 New Hampshire NELAP 2054 New Jersey NELAP SC002 New Mexico SC00012 New York NELAP 11501 North Carolina 233 North Carolina SDWA 45709 Oklahoma 9904 Pennsylvania NELAP 68-00485 Plant Material Permit PDEP-12-00260 S.Carolina Radchem 10120002 South Carolina Chemistry 10120001 Tennessee TN 02934 Texas NELAP T104704235-15-10 Utah NELAP SC000122015-17 Vermont VT87156 Virginia NELAP 460202 Washington C780 West Virginia 997404 Analytical Lab There are no "Data Exception Reports" associated with this analytical rePAgt.36 of 69 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Report of Analysis Duke Energy 13339 Hagers Ferry Rd Bldg 7405 Huntersville, NC 28078 Attention: Mary Ann Ogle Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Mayo Project Number:J15060802 Lot Number:QF26039 Date Completed:07/01/2015 Grant Wilton Project Manager This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. The following non -paginated documents are considered part of this report: Chain of Custody Record and Sample Receipt Checklist. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 1 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. SC DHEC No: 32010 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Case Narrative Duke Energy Lot Number: QF26039 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Mayo Project Number: J15060802 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s) for the sample(s) listed on the Sample Summary following this Case Narrative. The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report. Sample receipt, sample analysis, and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved NELAC standards, the Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. ("Shealy") Quality Assurance Management Plan (QAMP), standard operating procedures (SOPS), and Shealy policies. Any exceptions to the NELAC standards, the QAMP, SOPs or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the Shealy Project Manager listed on the cover page Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 2 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Sample Summary Duke Energy Lot Number: QF26039 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Mayo Project Number: J15060802 Sample Number Sample ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received 001 20150201818 Aqueous 06/23/20151415 06/26/2015 002 20150201821 Aqueous 06/23/20151230 06/26/2015 003 20150201822 Aqueous 06/23/2015 0957 06/26/2015 004 20150201823 Aqueous 06/23/2015 0920 06/26/2015 005 20150201824 Aqueous 06/23/20151420 06/26/2015 006 20150201837 Aqueous 06/23/20151230 06/26/2015 007 20150201840 Aqueous 06/23/20151630 06/26/2015 (7 samples) Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 3 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Executive Summary Duke Energy Lot Number: QF26039 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Mayo Project Number: J15060802 Sample Sample ID Matrix Parameter Method Result Q Units Page 001 20150201818 Aqueous Alkalinity SM 2320B- 43 mg/L 5 001 20150201818 Aqueous Bicarbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B- 43 mg/L 5 002 20150201821 Aqueous Alkalinity SM 2320B- 76 mg/L 7 002 20150201821 Aqueous Bicarbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B- 75 mg/L 7 003 20150201822 Aqueous Alkalinity SM 2320B- 97 mg/L 9 003 20150201822 Aqueous Bicarbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B- 96 mg/L 9 004 20150201823 Aqueous Alkalinity SM 2320B- 190 mg/L 11 004 20150201823 Aqueous Bicarbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B- 190 mg/L 11 005 20150201824 Aqueous Alkalinity SM 2320B- 210 mg/L 13 005 20150201824 Aqueous Bicarbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B- 210 mg/L 13 006 20150201837 Aqueous Alkalinity SM 2320B- 76 mg/L 15 006 20150201837 Aqueous Bicarbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B- 76 mg/L 15 (12 detections) Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 4 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Inorganic non-metals Client: Duke Energy Laboratory ID: QF26039-001 Description: 20150201818 Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled:06/23/2015 1415 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Date Received:06/26/2015 Project Number: J15060802 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Alkalinity) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2036 HMA 78532 1 (Bicarbonate ) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2036 HMA 1 (Carbonate Al) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2036 HMA CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q PQL Units Run Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 43 10 mg/L 1 Bicarbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 43 10 mg/L 1 Carbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 ND 10 mg/L 1 PQL = Practical quantitation limit B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range H = Out of holding time ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 5 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Methane Client: Duke Energy Laboratory ID: QF26039-001 Description: 20150201818 Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled:06/23/2015 1415 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Date Received:06/26/2015 Project Number: J15060802 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 RSK - 175 1 06/29/2015 2154 JJG 78405 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q PQL Units Run Methane 74-82-8 RSK - 175 ND 10 ug/L 1 PQL = Practical quantitation limit B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range H = Out of holding time ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 6 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Inorganic non-metals Client: Duke Energy Laboratory ID: QF26039-002 Description: 20150201821 Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled:06/23/2015 1230 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Date Received:06/26/2015 Project Number: J15060802 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Alkalinity) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2042 HMA 78532 1 (Bicarbonate ) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2042 HMA 1 (Carbonate Al) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2042 HMA CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q PQL Units Run Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 76 10 mg/L 1 Bicarbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 75 10 mg/L 1 Carbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 ND 10 mg/L 1 PQL = Practical quantitation limit B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range H = Out of holding time ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 7 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Methane Client: Duke Energy Laboratory ID: QF26039-002 Description: 20150201821 Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled:06/23/2015 1230 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Date Received:06/26/2015 Project Number: J15060802 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 RSK - 175 1 06/29/2015 1434 DCS 78365 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q PQL Units Run Methane 74-82-8 RSK - 175 ND 10 ug/L 1 PQL = Practical quantitation limit B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range H = Out of holding time ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 8 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Inorganic non-metals Client: Duke Energy Laboratory ID: QF26039-003 Description: 20150201822 Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled:06/23/2015 0957 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Date Received:06/26/2015 Project Number: J15060802 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Alkalinity) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2048 HMA 78532 1 (Bicarbonate ) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2048 HMA 1 (Carbonate Al) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2048 HMA CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q PQL Units Run Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 97 10 mg/L 1 Bicarbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 96 10 mg/L 1 Carbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 ND 10 mg/L 1 PQL = Practical quantitation limit B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range H = Out of holding time ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 9 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Methane Client: Duke Energy Laboratory ID: QF26039-003 Description: 20150201822 Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled:06/23/2015 0957 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Date Received:06/26/2015 Project Number: J15060802 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 RSK - 175 1 06/29/2015 2207 JJG 78405 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q PQL Units Run Methane 74-82-8 RSK - 175 ND 10 ug/L 1 PQL = Practical quantitation limit B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range H = Out of holding time ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 10 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Inorganic non-metals Client: Duke Energy Laboratory ID: QF26039-004 Description: 20150201823 Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled:06/23/2015 0920 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Date Received:06/26/2015 Project Number: J15060802 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Alkalinity) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2055 HMA 78532 1 (Bicarbonate ) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2055 HMA 1 (Carbonate Al) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2055 HMA CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q PQL Units Run Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 190 10 mg/L 1 Bicarbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 190 10 mg/L 1 Carbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 ND 10 mg/L 1 PQL = Practical quantitation limit B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range H = Out of holding time ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 11 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Methane Client: Duke Energy Laboratory ID: QF26039-004 Description: 20150201823 Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled:06/23/2015 0920 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Date Received:06/26/2015 Project Number: J15060802 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 RSK - 175 1 06/29/2015 2231 JJG 78405 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q PQL Units Run Methane 74-82-8 RSK - 175 ND 10 ug/L 1 PQL = Practical quantitation limit B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range H = Out of holding time ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 12 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Inorganic non-metals Client: Duke Energy Laboratory ID: QF26039-005 Description: 20150201824 Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled:06/23/2015 1420 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Date Received:06/26/2015 Project Number: J15060802 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Alkalinity) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2102 HMA 78532 1 (Bicarbonate ) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2102 HMA 1 (Carbonate Al) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2102 HMA CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q PQL Units Run Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 210 10 mg/L 1 Bicarbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 210 10 mg/L 1 Carbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 ND 10 mg/L 1 PQL = Practical quantitation limit B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range H = Out of holding time ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 13 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Methane Client: Duke Energy Laboratory ID: QF26039-005 Description: 20150201824 Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled:06/23/2015 1420 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Date Received:06/26/2015 Project Number: J15060802 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 RSK - 175 1 06/30/2015 1348 DCS 78512 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q PQL Units Run Methane 74-82-8 RSK - 175 ND 10 ug/L 1 PQL = Practical quantitation limit B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range H = Out of holding time ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 14 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Inorganic non-metals Client: Duke Energy Laboratory ID: QF26039-006 Description: 20150201837 Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled:06/23/2015 1230 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Date Received:06/26/2015 Project Number: J15060802 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Alkalinity) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2108 HMA 78532 1 (Bicarbonate ) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2108 HMA 1 (Carbonate Al) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2108 HMA CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q PQL Units Run Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 76 10 mg/L 1 Bicarbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 76 10 mg/L 1 Carbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 ND 10 mg/L 1 PQL = Practical quantitation limit B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range H = Out of holding time ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 15 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Methane Client: Duke Energy Laboratory ID: QF26039-006 Description: 20150201837 Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled:06/23/2015 1230 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Date Received:06/26/2015 Project Number: J15060802 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 RSK - 175 1 06/30/2015 1358 DCS 78512 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q PQL Units Run Methane 74-82-8 RSK - 175 ND 10 ug/L 1 PQL = Practical quantitation limit B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range H = Out of holding time ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 16 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Inorganic non-metals Client: Duke Energy Laboratory ID: QF26039-007 Description: 20150201840 Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled:06/23/2015 1630 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Date Received:06/26/2015 Project Number: J15060802 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 (Alkalinity) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2113 HMA 78532 1 (Bicarbonate ) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2113 HMA 1 (Carbonate Al) SM 2320B-2011 1 06/30/2015 2113 HMA CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q PQL Units Run Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 ND 10 mg/L 1 Bicarbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 ND 10 mg/L 1 Carbonate Alkalinity SM 2320B-20 ND 10 mg/L 1 PQL = Practical quantitation limit B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range H = Out of holding time ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 17 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Methane Client: Duke Energy Laboratory ID: QF26039-007 Description: 20150201840 Matrix: Aqueous Date Sampled:06/23/2015 1630 Project Name: AB GW Assessment Water - Date Received:06/26/2015 Project Number: J15060802 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 RSK - 175 1 06/30/2015 1410 DCS 78512 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q PQL Units Run Methane 74-82-8 RSK - 175 ND 10 ug/L 1 PQL = Practical quantitation limit B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range H = Out of holding time ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Page: 18 of 18 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com QC Summary Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. QC Data for Lot Number: QF26039 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Inorganic non-metals - MB Sample ID: QQ78532-001 Matrix: Aqueous Batch:78532 Analytical Method: SM 2320B-2011 Parameter Result Q Dil PQL Units Analysis Date Alkalinity ND 1 10 mg/L 06/30/20151829 PQL = Practical quantitation limit P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL + = RPD is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. QC Data for Lot Number: QF26039 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Inorganic non-metals - LCS Sample ID: QQ78532-002 Matrix: Aqueous Batch:78532 Analytical Method: SM 2320B-2011 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (mg/L) (mg/L) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Alkalinity 100 97 1 97 90-110 06/30/20151834 PQL = Practical quantitation limit P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL + = RPD is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. QC Data for Lot Number: QF26039 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Methane - MB Sample ID: QQ78365-001 Matrix: Aqueous Batch:78365 Analytical Method: RSK - 175 Parameter Result Q Dil PQL Units Analysis Date Methane ND 1 10 ug/L 06/29/20151015 PQL = Practical quantitation limit P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL + = RPD is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. QC Data for Lot Number: QF26039 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Methane - LCS Sample ID: QQ78365-002 Matrix: Aqueous Batch:78365 Analytical Method: RSK - 175 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/L) (ug/L) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Methane 150 130 1 83 70-130 06/29/2015 0949 PQL = Practical quantitation limit P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL + = RPD is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. QC Data for Lot Number: QF26039 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Methane - LCSD Sample ID: QQ78365-003 Matrix: Aqueous Batch:78365 Analytical Method: RSK - 175 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (ug/L) (ug/L) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date Methane 150 110 1 75 10 70-130 30 06/29/20151002 PQL = Practical quantitation limit P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL + = RPD is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. QC Data for Lot Number: QF26039 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Methane - MB Sample ID: QQ78405-001 Matrix: Aqueous Batch:78405 Analytical Method: RSK - 175 Parameter Result Q Dil PQL Units Analysis Date Methane ND 1 10 ug/L 06/29/20151615 PQL = Practical quantitation limit P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL + = RPD is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. QC Data for Lot Number: QF26039 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Methane - LCS Sample ID: QQ78405-002 Matrix: Aqueous Batch:78405 Analytical Method: RSK - 175 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/L) (ug/L) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Methane 150 120 1 80 70-130 06/29/20151544 PQL = Practical quantitation limit P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL + = RPD is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. QC Data for Lot Number: QF26039 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Methane - LCSD Sample ID: QQ78405-003 Matrix: Aqueous Batch:78405 Analytical Method: RSK - 175 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (ug/L) (ug/L) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date Methane 150 110 1 73 8.9 70-130 30 06/29/20151554 PQL = Practical quantitation limit P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL + = RPD is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. QC Data for Lot Number: QF26039 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Methane - MB Sample ID: QQ78512-001 Matrix: Aqueous Batch:78512 Analytical Method: RSK - 175 Parameter Result Q Dil PQL Units Analysis Date Methane ND 1 10 ug/L 06/30/20151255 PQL = Practical quantitation limit P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL + = RPD is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. QC Data for Lot Number: QF26039 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Methane - LCS Sample ID: QQ78512-002 Matrix: Aqueous Batch:78512 Analytical Method: RSK - 175 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/L) (ug/L) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Methane 150 120 1 82 70-130 06/30/20151233 PQL = Practical quantitation limit P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL + = RPD is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. QC Data for Lot Number: QF26039 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Methane - LCSD Sample ID: QQ78512-003 Matrix: Aqueous Batch:78512 Analytical Method: RSK - 175 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (ug/L) (ug/L) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date Methane 150 120 1 80 2.7 70-130 30 06/30/20151244 PQL = Practical quantitation limit P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the PQL J = Estimated result < PQL and > MDL + = RPD is out of criteria Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. QC Data for Lot Number: QF26039 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC e V Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Slimly Fnv-sunro_ental Servi:cc, Inc, gage I ur' ! Ixsumcm rFWrobsr F-AQ41!6 RepliLcea Dacz,. I UO3. i4 ft-Onion htimheb' 11 Effw6kz Draw- WWI 5 atuple Rectipl Checklist SRQ Client:Cooler Inspected hyldat€='-f I.ot Merino of receipt, ❑ SESI ❑ Client ❑ UPS ❑ FedEx ❑ Airborne Exp 2"Otlter Yes LJ No Z I 1 1. Were custody seals pre&enl on the 000let? Yes ❑ No A 2. If custody seals wim: presunl, w= they intact and unbroken? Cooler IDiOriginaI tcrnperaturr upon rmvipb erived (Correr.;Led) temperature upon receipt: ? '" 1 W �A °C 1 4 °C i + cc I 1 MC Iw :And- ❑ Temperature lank Against Boale� iR Ciuu 11Jh,- _ IR Gun Correction Factor: C�-cz- aC Method of coulant: L2rWetice ❑ filue Ice El I) ' lee lgoue Yes ❑ Na ❑ NA 3_ If temperature aE any coulcr vxecvdrd 6.00C, was Project Manager notified? notified by SRC, phone, note (eircle oneot ), her: _ (tor (>;or coolers received aria commercial courier, P s are to he notified immediately,) Yes ❑ o ❑ l a 4. Is the oommmial. courier's packing slip att iched to this farm'? 5- Were proper custody procedures 7 ' uishedlrecesved) followed? Yes Nis ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ LEA 5a Wcm samples reli,lc�uish+ad by client t,� caommercia] oi>urier? Yes No 6, 'Were sample IDs lasted OR the COC? Yes 140 ❑ 7. Wcr'e sam lq JDs listed on all sam lc containers? Yes No ❑ 8- Was collection elate & time listed on the . C? -YU No ❑ 9- Was oollootion date & time listed on all sF,tn le conwiners? Yes NO ❑ 10. Did all contatnk-r label irkformati n (11D, date, time) a with the C-00 yc; No ❑ 1 I - Were tests to bc formed hstcd pan the COC? y s [do ❑ 12- Dud all sawplcs surive in the proper containers for each test`? Yes Na 13, Dirt all containers arrive in goad cononditiunbrakSEL lids en atc. ? - Yes No 14- Was adequate sample. vol arne availahle? Ycs ❑ No 15. We:re aU samples received within ii the holding time or 48 hours, whichever comcs first? 16- Were any samples containers missing? Yes ❑ Yes ❑ NuZv� No 170 - Wcrc thcrc.any gvoess symples not listed on COC? Yes Tv Ids ❑ 18, Were bubbles prescot �" a -size" (W'or 6uun in diameter in any VOA vials NA 19. Were all metals1G&G[HENVwutrient sam leg received at a H of <2`� �Yesff���D NA 20- Wcre nil cyanide andfor sulfide sam lbs rtteivtd at a pH ] 12? Vcs [] No❑ NA 21. Were all applicable NUBr1Y-N.+cyunidclphcnvl (<0-2rag ) sarsiptes free of residual chlorine? _ Yes No ❑ -NA 22- Were collection temperatures docurneated on the COC for NC samples? Yes ❑ No ❑ MA 0,,23- Were client remarkOrNuests (i.c. requested dilutions, MSIMSD desigliations, etc --- cormcdy transcribed from the 00C into the comment seotion in I.114 S? 24-- Was the quotc nutnher used taken from the coaminer labc0 Yes ❑ IVa ample Preservatlon (Must he completed for allay samples) incorrectly presened or with beacispacc.) sarnplu(s)� were received incorrectly preserved and were adjusted; accordingly in sample rcceivin with '14,SO4jEl 0.3,HC1,Na0H using SR 9 Som la(s) r we received v4iih bubbles >6 mm in diary =. Sam lc s) wepe received with TRC >02h rn 11 if #21 is Colo) SC Ilrinki>lig Water Project 5amplc(3) pH verified to be - 2 by Lute sump le(s) vw'crc nui Teceiv'ed at a pH of f2 and were Austed accordln i' L;Siag q1. . tam lc labels applied by: Verified by: D me' mmcnts: Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com il I* Analytical Lab t,mAIN OF GU-S-1 ODY RtCOKU ANO ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM Page 69 of 69 FKi�i ---------- I --------- -.— -1 --- --- ------- ---, - - - ----------------- -- ............. --.- ......................... .......... IE Energy Analytical Laboratory Aftlytical Laboratory Use Only 'Order al, 7 NC I A C.A imatri. M,WW is Wow Anakyficai L. 41.1y 13139 haqw. Fiery 12d I.JUW"WV SC— Chain of Custody "WAm*S., N. C, 2"78 i ; Sample Log M47 ITS'SZ46 ;L0%Vw By Emu & Tk" SAMPLE PROGRAM cs_ I DISTRIBUTION ORIGINAI In I AR COPY to CLIENT Crcwd Wow NPUES AS GW Assestsment Walter Phate N.: :Vendor Jwdisl clienst yo —ff-- —N. /G E L DrhikhgVVaMr_ R CR A UST Wade = CDC REV DATE 11221201 54i 1950-111175-, �0-45 um) Un-lTitsfad Business unit; R.�p. U— I PO12110 " .dtve 14 .. a— I 1 00 41 40 ml 300 125 1 500 Soo 500 250 PET Elernentl glass PET T PET HOPE Shealy (D P01142133 Sam pit- Description or ID P01142089 oil �e 2, a 0 g QI 0 GPS Location Date Time --4NnNt a ra Z >1 (A .0 to E X 1 2 V le-1 "w -URV Co i Z61:5 K I -Z ACE ?4w - q � V4 13 is .:?z .23.1 7Z)o 0 E0 P4 il,4 &Pdi 11111-9 --4 0 0 0 0 0 Filter Blank ;airlo Euipment Blank P, 23 ir I *L0 1 2 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 -11117- - TOTAL-- 1--2-3 0 is R141"qu~ By DOWTime AccepW By; u Requested Turnaround Tota 0601drime /-14Rays Ozoo Relinquished By Da ime AcceADdey: 7 Days 0 13"Ul,ecked By Oaft/Time Sulacl/Lock Opened By E *48Hr ELEMENTS by ICP MS (TRM): As. Be. CA. Co. Cr. Cu, Mo. Ni. Pb. Sb, Se, TI (ILL). V (LU ELEMENTS by ICP rkTRU): At, Ba, 13, Fc, Un, Sr, Zn JCP Undigestad Ca, Mg, K,Nj I-Ig by 245A *13ther ASAP Add. Cost Will Apply Dissolved metals: all metals ICP, IMS,Hg ko Vk L'D 0