HomeMy WebLinkAboutPNG479SupplementalInfo_Appendix B("'KL E/NFEL OER Bright People. Right Solutions. APPENDIX B USFWS Informal Consultation Letter and Concurrence Email KL E/NFEL OER Bright People. Right Solutions. December 2, 2022 Kleinfelder File No. RAL22R146130 Mr. John Ellis Eastern North Carolina Ecological Services U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 551-F Pylon Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 SUBJECT: Revised Threatened and Endangered Species Informal Consultation Piedmont Natural Gas - Line 479 Phase I and II Robeson County, North Carolina Kleinfelder Project Nos.: 20213937.001A and 20213937.002A Dear Mr. Ellis: In response to your email dated June 27, 2022, Kleinfelder respectfully submits this revised informal Section 7 consultation letter for the Piedmont Natural Gas (PNG) Line 479 Phase I and II (project). In order to facilitate permitting with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), we are initiating informal consultation on the federally threatened and endangered species discussed below. PROJECT DESCRIPTION PNG proposes to install approximately 27.5 miles of 12" steel natural gas transmission pipe in Robeson County, North Carolina, along with several small, unmanned above ground facilities as part of the Line 479 project to replace an existing line that was installed in 1959 to meet current industry standards. Portions of the proposed project will parallel existing pipeline corridor to limit impacts. The project consists of a 27.5-mile pipeline corridor that will start south of Old Allentown Road east of Lumberton, continue south and west around Lumberton and then turn northwest terminating at SR 710 north of the community of Pembroke, see Figure 1 for the project location and vicinity. The project is located within the Lumber River Basin and intersects the Lumber River, Jack's Branch, Mill Branch, Jacob Swamp, Tenmile Branch, Jacob Branch, Little Jacob Branch, Holy Swamp, White Oak Branch, Moss Neck Swamp, and Bear Swamp. The project review area along the pipeline consists of a 300-foot (ft.) corridor along the proposed route. The review area covers approximately 1,076 acres. The review area is located primarily within public and privately -owned lands; easement negotiations are currently in process with each landowner. 20213937.001A 120213937.002A I RAL22R146130 December 2, 2022 © 2022 Kleinfelder Page 1 of 8 www.kleinfelder.com KLEINFELDER 3200 Gateway Centre Blvd. Suite 100, Morrisville, NC 27560 p 1919.755.5011 ■ ■ CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES The majority of the pipeline will be installed utilizing open cut trench to an average width of 6-feet and an average depth of 5-feet. The excavated topsoil will be contained on -site for use in backfilling the trench upon construction completion. There are four total horizontal directional drill (HDD) locations proposed: two will be under the Lumber River, one will be under Holy Swamp, and one will be under Faith Road, Union Chapel Road, and the CSX railroad. All other road and railroad crossings will be installed via jack -and -bore. Most of the pipeline alignment will require tree clearing to an average 80-foot-wide construction right-of-way (ROW). However, the tree clearing needed for the HDD locations, including the Lumber River crossings, will be reduced to a 20-foot-wide ROW. A cleared ROW is required along the entire line in order to install pipeline markers to maintain line of sight per regulations. The HDD locations will be hand cleared with no grubbing. No tree clearing is to occur within the stream banks of the Lumber River. This is being conducted to minimize impacts and to satisfy the National Park Service (NPS) concerns about the Lumber River's designation as a Wild and Scenic River. Additional temporary workspaces and access roads will be utilized in limited areas dependent upon access to certain installation sites. Following installation of the pipe, the trench will be backfilled and returned to pre - construction grade. A 30- to 50-foot-wide permanent maintenance easement along the pipeline alignment will be maintained in an herbaceous state. The remaining temporary workspaces will be allowed to regenerate naturally. Permanent easement maintenance involves mowing the ROW annually, no herbicide use. Kleinfelder scientists have conducted field assessments of the review area on August 30- September 3, October 11-15, 2021, January 10-13, 2022, March 9-12, 2022, and October 26-30, 2022. The purpose of the field assessments was to delineate the limits of, and gather pertinent information about, existing onsite wetlands and surface waters. Wetland and surface water boundaries were delineated in accordance with the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (Technical Report Y-87-1), the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region (ERDC/EL TR-10-20), and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Methodology for Identification of Intermittent and Perennial Streams and Their Origins, Version 4.11. The field assessment identified a total of 277 wetlands and surface waters located within the review area. The surface waters were classified as either ditch, open water, ephemeral, intermittent, or perennial streams. Figure 1 attached depicts the findings of the wetland and surface water delineation within the review area. Section 404 and Section 10 Clean Water Act permitting through the USACE and Section 401 Water Quality Certificate through North Carolina Department of Water Resources (NCDWR) is required for this project. Project activities are allowable under a USACE Nationwide Permit (NWP) 12. Further coordination with USFWS, the NPS, and the North Carolina Historic Preservation Office (NCHPO) are also required. A pre -construction coordination meeting was held on March 28, 2022, with many of these agencies present. Continued coordination with the USACE and a Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) under NWP 12 is anticipated to be submitted in November 2022. 20213937.001A 120213937.002A I RAL22R146130 December 2, 2022 © 2022 Kleinfelder Page 2 of 7 www.kleinfelder.com FEDERALLY LISTED SPECIES EVALUATION In order to identify federally listed plant and animal species that have potential to occur within the review area, Kleinfelder reviewed the USFWS IPaC Resource List as presented in Appendix A. In addition, field assessments were performed by Kleinfelder scientists on August 30-September 3, October 11-15, 2021, January 10-13, 2022, March 9-12, 2022, and October 26-30, 2022, to identify suitable habitat and/or listed species within the review area. According to the IPaC report, there are no designated Critical Habitats within the review area. Table 1 lists the five species identified by USFWS with the potential to occur within the vicinity of the review area. Suitable habitat within the review area was determined during the field assessment. TABLE 1: FEDERALLY LISTED SPECIES POTENTIALLY COMMONNAME (SCIENTIFIC NAMIJE FEDER• STATUIlf! HABITAT WITHIN Red -cockaded Mature pine forests such as longleaf pines are REVIEW AREA? Woodpecker (Picoides most preferred, but other species of southern Present borealis) E pine are also acceptable. They will create their nests (cavities) in living pine trees. Use freshwater and estuarine wetlands for nesting, feeding, and roosting. Prefer to feed in Wood Stork (Mycteria T depressions in marshes or swamps. They nest americans) in patches of medium to tall trees, either in Present standing water or on islands surrounded by expanses of open water. American Alligator Inhabit freshwater swamps, marshes, ponds, (Alligator SAT lakes, and the backwaters of large rivers. Can Present mississippiensis) also be observed in brackish water. Grow in sandy or rocky open woods in Michaux's Sumac (Rhus association with basic soils. Survives best in Present michauxii) E areas where some form of disturbance has provided an open area. Found in open grass areas during the breeding Monarch Butterfly season. Have been observed using narrow- (Danaus plexippus) C leaved trees such as willows, Russian olives, Present locusts, pines, and eucalyptus as roosting sites. E — Endangered; I — I nreatened; SA I — I nreatened due to similar appearance; L — candidate No federally listed species were observed during Kleinfelder's on -site field assessments. The review area was determined to generally consist of forested uplands and forested wetlands, agricultural fields with agricultural ditches, and low -density housing. 20213937.001A 120213937.002A I RAL22R146130 December 2, 2022 © 2022 Kleinfelder Page 3 of 7 www.kleinfelder.com ■ ■ The following discusses each of the federally listed species that may have the potential to occur on or utilize the review area. Red -cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) RCWs require open pine woodlands and savannahs with large mature pines for nesting, roosting, and foraging habitat. Longleaf, loblolly, pond, slash, and shortleaf pine trees that are older (60 years or more) and have a minimum 10-inch diameter at breast height (dbh) are preferred cavity trees. Nesting and roosting pine trees are typically found in open stands with little or no hardwood mid -story and few or no overstory hardwoods. RCWs will abandon otherwise suitable nesting/roosting areas when the mid -story approaches cavity height; therefore, mid -story height should generally be less than 12 feet. Ideally there should be enough suitable cavity trees for the entire family group to roost year-round. The typical territory for a group includes nesting and foraging pine habitat and ranges from about 75 to over 500 acres depending on habitat quality and RCW population density. Hardwood encroachment resulting from fire suppression is a well- known cause of cluster/territory abandonment. Suitable foraging habitat generally consists of greater than 50% mature pines (30 years in age or older and equal to or greater than [>_] 8 inches dbh) in an open canopy, less densities of small pines, little or no hardwood or pine mid -story, few or no overstory hardwoods, and abundant native bunchgrasses and forb groundcovers. Foraging habitat should be within 0.5 miles of nesting habitat. A Duke Energy Natural Resources species specialist provided Kleinfelder with mapping information not previously known and not publicly available that showed that the review area was within a 0.5-mile radius from a documented RCW colony. On October 26, 2022, Kleinfelder scientists conducted a survey of potential suitable foraging habitat within a 0.5-mile from the known colony, that was identified by aerial review in the forested location shown on Figure 2. Kleinfelder scientists utilized the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) methodology of surveying suitable foraging habitat for RCW by assessing the following characteristics: pine or pine/hardwood stand of forest, woodland, or savannah; dominant trees in the stand are pines (50% or more in composition); and dominant pine trees in the sand are 30 years in age or older (i.e., at least 10-inch dbh or larger). The survey conducted on October 26, 2022, revealed that the forested area thought to contain suitable foraging habitat for RCW had been recently logged. Photos of the review area are presented in Appendix B. Therefore, it is Kleinfelder's biological conclusion that the proposed project will result in "no effect" to RCW. Wood Stork The wood stork uses freshwater and estuarine wetlands for nesting, feeding, and roosting. They nest in patches of medium to tall trees, either in standing water or on islands surrounded by expanses of open water. Storks feed primarily on small fish between 1 to 8 inches in length and suitable foraging habitat contains patches of relatively open (<25%) aquatic vegetation, calm water, and a permanent or seasonal water depth between 2 to 15 inches deep. Suitable foraging habitat includes drying marshes or stock ponds, shallow roadside or agricultural ditches, narrow 20213937.001A 120213937.002A I RAL22R146130 December 2, 2022 © 2022 Kleinfelder Page 4 of 7 www.kleinfelder.com ■ ■ tidal creeks or shallow tidal ponds, managed impoundments, and depressions in cypress heads or swamp sloughs. Suitable nesting habitat was identified along portions of the Lumber River, specifically the Carolina Bay swamps that could support populations of wood stork. Kleinfelder scientists have not observe any Wood Storks in the review area during the past five field assessments. Due to the uncommon presence of wood storks in North Carolina, the likelihood of their presence within the review area is very low. All suitable foraging habitats (i.e., herbaceous wetlands) will be temporarily disturbed during construction and re -graded to its original condition. The proposed pipeline project will create additional suitable foraging habitat by permanently converting forested wetlands to herbaceous wetlands for the purposes of perpetual pipeline maintenance. Additionally, there is no shortage of suitable foraging habitat within or adjacent to the pipeline alignment. The potential effects from the construction of the pipeline to this species are temporary in nature and the only potential for take of the species would be where nests are present. Design for the Lumber River HDD crossings are still preliminary, but it is anticipated to consist of a 20-foot-wide easement. The easement will be hand cleared with trees will be cut at the base with roots and stumps intact. Soil disturbance will be avoided. Wood Stork breeding occurs from December to June. Construction is tentatively planned to start in April 2023 and finish in November 2023, however, the HDD crossings will need to be conducted during the dry season which in this area, is late summer, late August to October timeframe. Water levels are too high during other months of the year for clearing and construction. Therefore, the HDD work will be conducted outside of the breeding season for this species. All of these considerations combined, Kleinfelder's biological conclusion on the Wood Stork is "may effect, not likely to adversely effect, beneficial". American Alligator The American alligator inhabits freshwater swamps, marshes, ponds, lakes, and the backwaters of large rivers. Mating season takes place in May through June. Within the review area, suitable habitat for this species is limited to the Lumber River where the pipeline is proposed to be installed via HDD to minimize impacts. Therefore, Kleinfelder anticipates minimal impact to this species. Additionally, the American Alligator is listed as threatened due to similar appearance to the American Crocodile which does not inhabit North Carolina. Kleinfelder's biological conclusion for the American alligator is "no effect". Michaux's Sumac Michaux's sumac grows in sandy or rocky open woodlands associated with basic soils. It can be found growing in disturbed locations such as highway rights -of -way, roadsides, sites that have been damaged by fire, or at the edge of artificially maintained clearings Kleinfelder scientists identified suitable habitat for this species are within the existing pipeline easements and along road crossings. On October 26-30, 2022, Kleinfelder scientists conducted a species -specific survey for the Michaux's sumac within the proposed Limits of Disturbance (LOD) as shown on 20213937.001A 120213937.002A I RAL22R146130 December 2, 2022 © 2022 Kleinfelder Page 5 of 7 www.kleinfelder.com ■ ■ Figure 3 (an area smaller than the original review area). NCDOT pedestrian survey methodology for plants was utilized and consisted of equally spaced transects (approximately 20-feet apart) along the edges of forest canopies, roadsides, and disturbed easements for the Michaux's Sumac. Kleinfelder scientists did not find any Michaux's Sumac growing within the LOD, therefore, Kleinfelder's biological conclusion that the project will impact Michaux's Sumac is "no effect". Monarch Butterfly Monarch butterflies inhabit fields, roadsides, open areas, wetlands, and urban gardens. Milkweed and flowering plants are needed for monarch habitat. Adult monarchs feed on the nectar of many flowers during breeding and migration, but they can only lay eggs on milkweed plants. Monarch butterflies are candidate species and not currently regulated under federal law. Bald Eagle The bald eagle is federally protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Bald eagles are found nesting near rivers, lakes, and marshes. Their habitat can include estuaries, large lakes, reservoirs, rivers, and some coasts. Kleinfelder identified suitable habitat for this species is limited to the Lumber River. Duke Energy's species specialist identified from their records that the nearest known bald eagle nest was approximately 16 miles from the review area. Kleinfelder scientists surveyed for bald eagle nests within the LOD at the Lumber River crossings during the October 2022 site assessments. Canopy trees within the proximity were visually surveyed for nests and none were observed. Design for the Lumber River HDD crossings are still preliminary, but the pipeline at these locations will be conducted via HDD and the ROW will be hand cleared to approximately 20 feet. Additionally, bald eagle nesting generally occurs from November to May. Construction is tentatively planned to start in April 2023 and finish in November 2023, however, the HDD crossings will need to be conducted during the dry season which in this area, is late summer, late August to October timeframe. Water levels are too high during other months of the year for clearing and construction. Therefore, the HDD work will be conducted outside of the nesting season for this species. Kleinfelder's biological opinion for the bald eagle is "no effect". CLOSING Should you have any questions or require additional documentation please contact Katy Christie at (704) 378-9174 or kchristie@kleinfelder.com. Sincerely, KLEINFELDER, INC. pie "Wvt'a7 - - Paul Murray, CFM Sara Duquette Wetland Scientist Project Professional/Senior Ecologist 20213937.001A 120213937.002A I RAL22R146130 December 2, 2022 © 2022 Kleinfelder Page 6 of 7 www.kleinfelder.com ■ ■ PM/SD:asp Attachments: FIGURES Figure 1 — Wetland and Stream Delineation Map Set Figure 2 — Red -cockaded Woodpecker Survey Map Figure 3 — Michaux's Sumac Survey Map APPENDICES Appendix A — USFWS IPaC Resource List Appendix B — Photographs of Review Area CC: Alicia DePalma, Environmental Siting, Licensing, and Permitting Support, Piedmont Natural Gas 20213937.001A 120213937.002A I RAL22R146130 December 2, 2022 © 2022 Kleinfelder Page 7 of 7 www.kleinfelder.com FIGURES 20213937.001A 120213937.002A I RAL22R146130 December 2, 2022 © 2022 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com R_i 4`R 3 _ .� � ,t -:}'• �s � V raj ti- W?AtA& EIIsaNbwn r R • " ♦' r J W \ .Mn . we Rd ems' w rh ;< is • •� r• "ra-�: -$: f Z R, i. h . � 4 ►► �. .� Y �r�c '� I '�.' �1" *'� • �.SjY , \.` �r �� few � y L r .. •4 -. 7,500 3,750 0 7,500 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A LEGEND Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 0 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Ephemeral Stream Wetland -Agricultural 1 inch = 7,500 feet c /�, c CREATED BY: EArias 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Intermittent Stream Wetland -Emergent Theinf°,mati°nincl°ded°nthis graphicrepreaenteti°nh-I,—c°mpiledfr°ma�ahety°f KLG I F-Ac LOG CHECKED BY: and is subject t° change without notice. Kleinfelder makes n° representations °r SD a fies e m red as t° accurac . c m leteness. timeliness. ° d hts [° the _ I Ma View 0 O en Water 0 Wetland -Forested warr (press°rip ° p g Bright People. Right Solutions. P P °f such inf°rmad°n. This d°cument is n°t mended f°r use as a land sun-ey product s it deaigned°rintended asa—structi°n design d°cument. The a se°r misuse FILE NAME: Ditch Perennial Stream 0 Wetland-Scrub/Shrub of the inf°,mati--toined°nthisgraphicrepreaentb—satthes°lerisk°fthe www.kleinfelder.com party using or misusing the information. See File Path 1 .0— Littla Sw�mo -YZZ Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina 0 FIGURE 1 Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. aCU C3 m W w a� N CD N N N I �'! fl x — X 7 1 ' 175W L 176W L (1.648 ac. ±) I 268WL V \ (3.375 ac. ±) MTN 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map LEGEND 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFEL�ER CREATED BY: EArias Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Wetland-Scrub/Shrub Theintnnnztinninc &dnnthis grzphi°r reaentntinnh-beencn Ip dfrmm�°nhe nt CHECKED BY: SD i j n hr rt ; I ( and is subject to change with—t notice. K16Wn lder makes no representations or • ar;a ies.e.pressnrimviad.ns tisrn wt-dm eteness.timelinass.nrdghrt.d- BrightPeo le. Ri htSolutions. Piedmont Natural Gas Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) nf—hintnrmndnn Thisdncomentisnntintendedfnroserszl-dsorveypmdoct P 9 nr is itdesigned nr intended—,—strocti—&sign dnc —t. The— rmisuse FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement Wetland -Forested et theintem,ntieneentninedenthisgrzphicrepreaent - sztthes- riskefthe www.kleinfeldeccom Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. See File Path FIGURE 1A Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. El Er A 176W L (1.648 ac. ±) 268W L (3.375 ac. ±) t y r'J Qa as o� 0. A, LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Forested 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland-Scrub/Shrub Ditch 175W L (1.222 ac. ±) 0 r M BYrtl e�� Brtllpo O� aL—. t R tl M 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFELOER CREATED BY: EArSDs 1 B i i n-, br rt 2 r The icf sm alien included en this graphic t—W-.ntztiun has been compiled fmm a �ahety of CHECKED BY: and is subject to change wittiout notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or • war; -,e.presserimplied,-t.—uracy.—pleteneea,timelineea.urdghtstuttie Bright People. Right Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product is it d eaigned unintended ae a yen t—tien design decumen t. Th e u se e, misuse 11 FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement oftheinfem,atiencentainedenthis gnaphicnepnesentefiunisatthesuleniskufthe www.kleinfeldeceom Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. 41 W) r Alert Rd. LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Forested 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland-Scrub/Shrub Ditch oas Ptba11 178D (0.046 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 Feet 1 inch = 265 feet The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of sou ce and is subject to change without notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or war a d—, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, -nghts to the u se of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product 's it designed -intended as a construction design document. The a se or misuse of the information contained on this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. 180W L (0.109 ac. ±) PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A /^\ CREATED: 11 /18/2022 KLHINF-HLOER CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD Bright People. Right Solutions. FILE NAME: www.kleinfelder.com See File Path U Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FIGURE 1C Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. m a m W w D N N O N 00 d1 LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Ditch 181 D (0.018 ac. ±) Ill �� L — —.W 1 265 132.5 0 265 Feet 1 inch = 265 feet beKon The information included - this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of t, and is subject to change wilt out notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or • warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or nghts to the ` use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product nor is it d esigned orin-&d as a construction design document. Theuse or misuse _ - - of the information contained — this graphic representations at the sole risk of the party using or misusing �einformation. 9�- *� 182D 19 r 183D (0.055 ac. ±) N V zo Cki 184D F- "" (0.033 ac. ±) PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map CREATED BY: EArias KLE//VFELOER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com 1 D CHECKED BY: SD Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FILE NAME: See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. � 0 1: 184D \ (0.033 ac. ±) 1`'r�• . 186D (0.023 ac. ±) - k 1 a � a- U, LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Open Water 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Forested Ditch 01 187W L (0.603 ac. ±) 8 aD MM 189 D (0.013 ac. ±) 191 D (0.036 ac. ±) x9M S� Anne RO mm — MA 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 1 inch = 265 feet KLHINF-HLOER CREATED BY: EArias n- hr rt 2 r CeSm alien included en this graphic representation has been compiled fmm a �ahety of and is subject to change wittiout notice. Kl der makes no representations or CHECKED BY: SD plot war;antics,e.pressurimplied,asteaccuracy.cumpletenessaimeliness.urdgh lotto Bright People. Right Solutions. use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product isit designed intended design ducoment. The FILE NAME: ur ae a cunatruetiun a se er misuse of the infem,atien contained en this graphic represen afien is at the sere risk of the party using or misusing the information. www.kleinfelder.com See File Path 1880W (0.013 ac. ±) 190D (0.011 ac. ±) 192 D (0.028 ac. ±) Pa FIGURE Wetland Delineation Map 1 E Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. co a m W w ID N D N N O N co N 187W L (0.603 ac. ±) _r E Y 1880W (0.)13 ac. ±) J190D (0.011 ac. ±) 192 D (0.028 ac. ±) 1 ed 5t Anne r:c I.i D a n o • 0 u - s O 196W L (0.669 ac. ±) AR- rP`Vgill �1 �L �. ter' •� s 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map LEGEND 1 inch = 265 feet /� c /� c c CREATED BY: EArias Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Intermittent Stream Thewfo..ti-i�� &d-thisgrzphicr reaeoteti-has -u Iedfroma ahe of /�LG I VF-G LOG SD I F IIn-1bert^r ad issuh;e�tto&.z wit— —o—K16wfeldermakes—repreaeotztiuosor CHECKED BY: • a -preeaurimpfied,-t.—r-y.—pleteoeea,time1ioe— rnghtstutte Bri ht Peo le. Ri ht Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Open Water serofsu�hi formado Thisdo�u—is-wt-dedfuroae--z d--yprod-t \ 9 P 9 s it d-ig—dur iot &d—z—tmcti—d-igo darn —. The use orm \v/ FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement Ditch 0 Wetland -Forested ofthemfom,atiuo--i—d—thisgrzphicrepreseoafiuoisztthesuerisk.fm-.e www.kleinfelder.com party Robeson County, North Carolina using r mis using �e information . See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. E ED LL m' J A w 0 O d 196W L (0.669 ac. ±) 199W L (0.318 ac. ±) 2OOWL (0.874 ac. ±) 201 D (0.001 ac. ±) 198WL (1.543 ac. ±) G 1971S (0.072 ac. ±) .. '- _ .. _ Plp Of 0 C r ! A;• ,�.\..� fin,. � 41P r 1 s ' n 2O2PS (1.793 ac. ±) Ak r11 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A LEGEND r Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 0 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Perennial Stream 1 inch = 265 feet CREATED BY: EArias 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Emergent Theinf°nnati°ninc &d°nthis graphi°r reaentati°nhaebeenc° Ip dfr°ma°ahe CHECKED BY: i j n hr rt ; I l and is subject to change without notice. Kleinfelder makes n° representations °r SD war;a�fie _press°rimplied,aet°—r-y.—pleteneea.timeliness.°rdghtst°de Bright le. RightSolutions. Ditch O Wetland -Forested use°fsuehinf°rmad°nThisd°eumentisn°tintendedf°ruseasaland--eypmd.t 9 P sitdesigned°rintendedasae°nstrueti°ndesignd°eument.Theuse°rmisuse FILE NAME: Intermittent Stream oftneinf°m,ati°ne°ntained°nthis graphicrepresenafi°nisatthes°le risk °fthe www.kleinfelder.com party using or misusing the information. See File Path 2O3W L (0.045 ac. ±) Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FIGURE I Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. a� w a� N N O co Cd 0 4! i 1 { y MIDA` � t a i y IV 1 ,t f + rl - Y • I � ' Vi LEGEND 0 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Intermittent Stream 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Perennial Stream un-hcrr:;r Ditch 0 Wetland -Emergent 0 Ephemeral Stream 2O2PS (1.793 ac. ±) 2O3W L (0.045 ac. ±) 2O4D (0.041 ac. ±) 2O5ES (0.012 ac. ±) 2O6W�(0.117 ac. +) 2O7D (0.005 ac. ±) 2O91S (0.069 ac. ±) 2O81S (0.046 ac. ±) t. .9 Opp • V, 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFEL�ER CREATED BY: EArias The infem alien included en this graphic repreaentztiun has been compiled fmm a �ahety of is to Kleinfelder CHECKED BY: SD ce and subject change wittiout notice. makes no representations or waryanfiea,expreeaurimplied,aetuaccuracy.cumpleteneea,timelineea,ur g-tuttie use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product is it designed urintended ae a censtructien design decument. The a se er misuse Bright People. Right Solutions. FILE NAME: of theinfmmatncentainedenthis graphicrepreaent-isatthesereriskofthe www.kleinfelder.com party using or misusing the information. See File Path M Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina V FIGURE I Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. 1Opp 9 `+ � 1S # � 4 .�y •.�� A ✓ \ 4A �..Aw •f s: 212ES 01 272D (0.015 ac. ±) (0.02 ac. ±) �� N op 723 V ar`Ger DI LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Ephemeral Stream 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Intermittent Stream Ditch Wetland -Agricultural s z Va^deg �t � 214ES (0.001 ac. ±) 211 D (0.02 ac. ±) 21OWL (0.032 ac. ±) J2131S (0.204 ac. ±) Em 215� B 217ES (0.028 ac. ±) e5 �c w �yA rt A. n, 216WL (0.206 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map 1 inch = 265 feet CREATED BY: EArias The infe.atien included en this graphic r 'ores n�tien has I,— compiled fmm a �=of KL E//VFEL DER SD 11 i i n-i he rt ^ r ces and is suh;ect to change with— nedce. Kleinfelder makes ne repreaentatiuns er CHECKED BY: • anties,e.pressurimPied,aetuaccuracy.—pleteness.timeliness.erdghh,tede Bright People. Right Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas userof such information. This document is no[ intended for use as a land survey product is it deaignedurintended ae a �enstructiun design duc -t. The a se er misuse FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement .ff the infem,atien centained en this graphic re'preaente - sat the sole risk of the www.kleinfeldeceom Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. 215D C. ±) 9 217ES (0.028 ac. ±) 273D (0.021 ac. ±) 274D (0.090 ac. ±) ., of r oyy 0� f" 0 10 W19" AF- t I / / 1275D a I (0.017 ac. ±) rn m .. W WX N — CJ N ui m 0 LEGEND 0 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Open Water 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Perennial Stream Ditch 0 Wetland -Agricultural 0 Ephemeral Stream 0 Wetland -Forested 216WL (0.206 ac. ±) un-ihrrt ,r 219WL (0.608 ac. ±) 500 M 218ES (0.018 ac. ±) 223ES (0.028 ac. ±) 225ES (0.033 ac. ±) 226W L (0.025 ac. ±) 228PS (0.089 ac. ±) 220ES 227W L (0.061 ac. ±) (0.225 ac. ±) 224ES 221 OW (0.051 ac. ±) (0.108 ac. ±) 2220W • 0.305 ac. ± A, ` ( ) i 265 132.5 0 265 000000025 Feet 1 inch = 265 feet The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from. variety of sou ce and is subject to change witt—notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or war a d—, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to ttie se of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product u 's itdesigned orintended c of the thi constructiondesign documen t. Theuseormisuse information ontained on this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. 2 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A CREATED: 11 /18/2022 KLHINF-HLOER CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD Bright People. Right Solutions. FILE NAME: www.kleinfelder.com See File Path V At FIGURE Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina 1J M Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. 228PS (0.089 ac. ±) 227W L (0.225 ac. ±) i - 231 W L 232W L (0.197 ac. ±) (0.06 ac. ±) J234ES (0.028 ac. ±) CT? J 233W L 229WL (0.011 ac. ±) (0.037 ac. ±) 23OW L (0.347 ac. ±) 61 _ a rrormxa� m LEGEND 0 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Perennial Stream 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Wetland -Agricultural Ditch 0 Wetland -Forested 0 Ephemeral Stream es._. un-1br•rt-2r A # k. 277D (0.002 ac. ±) 235ES (0.075 ac. ±) 276D (0.034 ac. ±) 0 a �'i 4 p , f 236ES CD (0.02 ac. ±) Gp J 1 y 265 132.5 0 265 Feet 1 inch = 265 feet The information included - this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of ce and is su bject to change witt—notice. Kleinfelder makes— representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or nghts to ttie use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product 's it designed or intended as a construction design document. The use or misuse of the information contained — this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. 0 0 1, 6 238ES (0.028 ac. ±) 237ES (0.024 ac. ±) PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Wetland Delineation Map CREATED: 11/18/2022 CREATED BY: EArias KLE//VFELOER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com CHECKED BY: SD Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FILE NAME: See File Path FIGURE 1K Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. 237ES (0.024 ac. ±) R. 239W L (0.251 ac. ±) 238ES (0.028 ac. ±) 24OW L (0.282 ac. ±) 241IS XXV (0.199 ac. ±) e 2421S (0.151 ac. ±) 244W L (0.122 ac. ±) 2431 S (0.056 ac. ±) v �- 245W L r -'* (0.188 ac. ±) :Tt, LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Intermittent Stream umberton 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Wetland -Agricultural 0 Ephemeral Stream 0 Wetland -Emergent b293 - �d 265 132.5 0 265 000000025 Feet 1 inch = 265 feet The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of and is --tied to than9 a witt—notice. Kleinfeld er makes no r re re entations oPo s warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, r rights to the use f such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product is it designed or intended as construction design document. The user misuse of the information contained on this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. CD PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map KLE//VFELOER CREATED BY: EArias 1 L Bright People. Right Solutions. CHECKED BY: SD Piedmont Natural Gas FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement www.kleinfelder.com See File Path Robeson County, North Carolina Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. 0 "V, ( (� ` 2ARW I p (0.188 ac. ±) axa �2ifb 14 _--- — p @Gbg�p GJ dr+ - _"— _— LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Perennial Stream Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Wetland -Agricultural Intermittent Stream ,.. ConN,ey Dr 'v 0 pi 265 132.5 0 265 Feet 1 inch = 265 feet I I n I In rt -2 r The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of and is subject to change without notice. Kleinfelde, makes no representations or • anties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, -nghts to the ` �_- userof such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product norisit designed orintended asa construction design document. The a se o, misuse _ -- of the information contained on this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing theinformation. I 001 PS (0.063 ac. ±, 336.971 If. ±) PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Wetland Delineation Map CREATED: 11/18/2022 CREATED BY: EArias KL E//VFEL DER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com CHECKED BY: SD Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FILE NAME: See File Path FIGURE 1M Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. 1= 0 LL W 0 0 0 on CU a_ to m W w a) M N N O N a) (6 M, LEGEND Q Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Ephemeral Stream Q Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Open Water Ditch 0 Wetland -Forested .......... �3 2460 W 8 (0.252 ac. ±) t � arcs I 002ES (0.019 ac. ±, 205.303 If. ±) 003D (0.021 ac. ±, 227.122 If. ± 004W L (0.438 ac. ±) ew vt- 3 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map 1 inch = 265 feet CREATED BY: EArias The information Included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a verlery of KL E//VFEL DER 1 N 1 I n'� hit-f t .^, f c s and Is subject to change With —notice. Weinfeld., makes no representations or CHECKED BY: SD • waran[ies,express orimplied, astoaccuracy,completeness, timeliness, ordghtatothe Bright People. Right Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas use of such infmoedon. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product kleinfelder.com ian de signed or intended as a construction design document. The m se or misuse FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement of heinfe ationenntainednnthis graphicrepreaenatieniaatthe anledakmfthe www.Robeson County, North Carolina - partyusingormisusingthsinformation. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. a m W D N N C) co ai nnnn 039 ac. ±) I 247D ' A (0.02 ac. ±, 220.760 If. ±) fill I 40417 _ _ r LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Wetland -Forested 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Ditch 004W L (0.438 ac. ±) i PWAQGi'J• I W �f I u bl�Kon 265 132.5 0 265 Feet 1 inch = 265 feet The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled fr... variety of sou ce and is subject to change wi-t notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or war anties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey productt is it designed or intended as construction design document. The use or misuse of the information contained on this graphic representation is at the sole risk of [he WY using or misusing the information. 005D (0.094 ac. ±, 1017.173 If. ±) 0 r ac' f * � h PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map CREATED BY: EArias KLE//VFELOER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com 10 CHECKED BY: SD Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FILE NAME: See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. a 0 m LL r` W r 0 0 m W w D 0 co w 74 LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Ephemeral Stream 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. Open Water Ditch Wetland -Forested • r �r Pam= Ulu ftme onus MD 4 f 007D (0.039 ac. ±, 685.037 If.) 008W L (16.216 ac. ±) ' 009ES (0.006 ac. ±, 128.834 If. ±) © � R4 0;�_ 8 F J 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A -�- _ Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 ' 1 inch = 265 feet KLEINFELOER CREATED BY: EArias lumber-tonc The include information d on this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of sandissmb;ecttuchangewitemtnedce Kleinfeldermakesnurepresentatiunsur a ties,expressurimplied,aetu accuracy. cumpleteneea,timelineea,urnghtstuttie CHECKED BY: Bright People. Right Solutions. SD userof such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product FILE NAME: s it designed ur intended ae a cunatructiun design document. The use erm5e .ffthemfermatiencentainedenthis graphicrepresenafionisatthesoler, ftne party using or misusing the information. www.kleinfelder.eom See File Path Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FIGURE 1P Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. E 0 m w m W r 0 0 OO9ES (0.006 ac. ±, 128.834 If. ±) O1OD (0.001 ac. ±, 88.019 If. ±) O11WL (0.008 ac. ±) O12D (0.001 ac. ±, 56.448 If. ±) re, IeiFi- a tt iAt tlfr �/jO1,*s<,. so j IIFF'�o f°' rye / 6/ r O14D (0.016 ac. ±, 286.839 If. ±) 0 0 O15WL (0.008 ac. ±) 0161 S (0.02 ac. ±, 286.066 If. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A LEGEND 0 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Open Water Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Wetland -Agricultural 1 inch = 265 feet /� e /�, e eO CREATED BY: EArias Ditch 0 Wetland -Emergent The info,mationinclodedonthis graphicrepresenanonhaebeencompiledfmma�anetyof , `LAEI F-A LOHA CHECKED BY: i j n hr rt ; I l and is subject to change without notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or SD Sava fies, express or implied, as to accuracy. completeness. timeliness. or nghts to ehe \\v/Bright People. Right ht Solutions.Ephemeral Stream Wetland -Forested isemThis dmet isontededfreaaladneypredut s sigedorieed aa etrutedeign dme. The eor mie FILE NAME:Intermittent Stream ftninfmtieeaiedethis graphiceterisk ofthe www.kleinfelder.com party using or misusing the information. See File Path 0 Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina mMe��4" 1w FIGURE 1Q Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. E 0 o� LL rn v c .0 W C O 0 a a N Q w D N N C) co N 1 a 016iS (0.02 ac. ±, 286.066 If. ±) 018D (0.005 ac. ±) _r 019D (0.027 ac. ±) ti t 020W L (0.037 ac. ±) J 022D (0.004 ac. ±) 021 D (0.085 ac. ±) Q D A 41 •' A`� #r 023WL (0.097 ac. 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map LEGEND 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFEL�ER CREATED BY: EArias Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Intermittent Stream Theintmm.tie^inc&dunthis gr.phicrepresenntienh-I,—cu Ip dfi—.v hetyuf CHECKED BY: SD i j n I hr rt ; I ( and is subject t. change with— notice. Kleinfelder makes — representations or • °ar;a��ies,e.presser implied,nstenccurncy.cumplet—s.time—ss.urdghtstutte Bright People.Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Emergent of —h;^fe seen Thisdecumentisnetintendedfuruserszl-ds^rveypmduct \ 9 P is it d-ignedurintended —. censtructien design decument. The a se er misuse \v/ FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement Ditch of the intem,ntien centnined un this gr.phic repreaente - s zt the sule risk of the www.kleinfeldeccom Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. See File Path FIGURE 1R Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. a m W w D N N O N CO a� 0 023W L (0.097 ac. ±) IIn LEGEND Review Area 0076 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Emergent 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Forested Ditch 0 Wetland-ScrubiShr k _ 024W L 025W L (0.059 ac. ±) F • � ,`'` t e> A. Ae 026W L (0.067 ac. ±) { At 027WL .01 All snoop h ... \ IN. ©1 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT N0. 2021393].00tq FIGURE ~ Feet crtEnreo: ivianozz Wetland Delineation Map 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFELOER ceenreo sr was is n'�h��i CHECKED BY: • Bright People. Right � J 3. y ,.Fv df Solutions. S� Piedmont www.kleinfelder.com Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.Imagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. N E i LLm W C L N Kni an& s LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Ephemeral Stream 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Emergent Ditch Wetland -Forested _ d j� ♦ y N6 '�t*12Aqq6'1^0) O28D (0.013 ac. ±) i �N JS - P O29W L - 1 0000 O3OD . (0.033 ac. ±) j O32ES (0.025 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFELOER CREATED BY: EArias 1 T 11 n- he rt ^ r The icf sm.—included en this graphic representation has been compiled fmm a ahe of CHECKED BY: SID and is subject to change wittiout notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or • pressurimplied,asteaccuracy.cumpletenessaimeliness.urdgh tutte Bright People. Right Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas userof such information. This document is no[ intended for use as a land survey product sitdeaignedurintendedasacenstructiundeaignducoment.Theuseermisuse FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement .ftheinfem,atiencentainedenthisgraphicrepreaenteb-n tthesuleriskufthe www.kleinfeldeccom Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. E 0 m LL W 0 0 71, V�'" 030D a" 0.033 ac. ± 000 ,,i."� �• 031WL 04 V (0.394 ac. ,r 032ES INN (0.025 ac.ft ±) 033W L (0.135 ac. ±) 034ES (0.007 ac. ±) 037 D (0.01 ac. ±) 039PS 035D (0.085 ac. ±) 038WL (0.011 ac. ±) (0.045 040W L (0.041 ac. ±) 036D (0.011 ac. ±) 044D 041 W L (0.022 ac. ±) (0.806 ac. ±) 042PS (0.032 ac. ±) 043W L (0.043 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE LEGEND Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map 0 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Perennial Stream 1 inch = 265 feet /� c /� c c CREATED BY: EArias D Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Wetland -Agricultural Theintnm,ntinni—&d- this grnphi represenntinnh- I,—�np dtmmn�nhetynt KLEI/VFELOER SD l u i1n-hert^r andissh;etto&.n with— —t—K16Wn Iderm.—nnrepr—tntinnsnr CHECKED BY: • °ar;a��ies.e.pressnrimpfied,nst...ur-y.—plet—s.time—ss.nrdghh,t. Bright People.Solutions. PiedmontNaturalGas Ditch Wetland -Emergent nts hintnrmndnnThisdn mentisnntintendedtnrsensnnnds eypmd t 9 P isitdesig=rd rote didns.�.nstm�tinndesignd.-ment.Theuse.rmisuse FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement 0 Ephemeral Stream Wetland -Forested of theintnm,nti--tni—dnnthisgr.phicrepreaente - szt-s- risknfthe www.kleinfelder.com Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. q,Ar 44- 048 D (0.018 ac. ±) ,R i F, 7. o - •�' ������� 1 �I�1I���1�(iiii i� liife9jl�Ei;1.111 046 D (0.014 ac. ±) O44D (0.022 ac. ±) 0451 S (0.036 ac. ±) O47D (0.024 ac. ±) O43W L (0.043 ac. ±) O41WL (0.806 ac. ±) O42PS (0.032 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map LEGEND \ �` J Inch — 265 feet KLE//VFEL�ER CREATED BY: EArias Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Intermittent Stream Umberton The'nf°maii—b'°ded°nthis gra°"'`re°reseno"°n"as°een`°m°"edfr°ma"a"e °f CHECKED BY: SD and is subject to change without notice. Klti- hder makes no representations or • ;a ies,efpress °,implied,a-t.—r-y.—mpleteneea.timeliness.°rdg-t°d,e Bright People. Right Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Perennial Stream ser°fsuehinf°rmad°n Thisd°eumentisn°untended,°r°seasa,ands°n-eypr°duet 9 P 9 s it designed°rintended ass e°nstrueti°n design d°eument. The a se°r misuse FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement Ditch 0 Wetland -Forested oftheinfmmatiene°ntafined°nthis graphierepreaenteb-n tthe-leriak°fthe www.kleinfelder.com pRobeson County, North Carolina arty using r mis using the information. See File Path FIGURE 1V Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. a x 0 ED LL v J W C L O 0 N [7 ------- ---- s; I-------E6$I'1�� _ N 050 D (0.001 ac. ±) IPA W-- Beer Swamp ' �iriNs' LEGEND 0 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Intermittent Stream 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Emergent Ditch 0 Wetland -Forested 0 Ephemeral Stream 051WL (10.506 ac. ±) e ,t...i dr 049 Dr, (0.007ac±) 0521S (0.042 ac. ±) A... Ak 6 053ES (0.026 ac. ±) Y 054ES (0.055 ac. ±) 1-� 055W L (0.08 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFELOER CREATED BY: EArias ri br rt ^ r The icf Sm d is included en this graphic repre— K16W has been compiled fmm a �artety of CHECKED BY: SD and is subject to change wittiout notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or • war;a ies,e.pressurimplied,as eaccuracy.cumpletenessaimeliness.ur gh6tutte Bright People. Right Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product s itdesigned ur in�ended asacens�ructiun design document. The use er misuse FILE NAME: of heintemationcontainedonthisgraphicrepresenafionisatthesoleriskofthe www.kleinfelder.com Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. S7FI�th Line 479 Replacement FIGURE I Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. O55W L (0.08 ac. ±) O56WL W� (1.773 ac. ±) 058 D (0.019 ac. ±) I'A^ if*. I f O57W L (0.421 ac. J�59WL (0.388 ac. ±) / ` f 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022Wetland Delineation Map LEGEND 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFEL�ER CREATED BY: EArSUs � Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Wetland-EmergentTheinf°..ti°nind°ded°nthisgraphi°r reaentati°nhaebeenc° Ip dfr°ma°ahe °f CHECKED BY:ix i j n 1 !-It r; I ( and is subject t° change wilt °ut notice. Kleinfelder makes n° representations °r • a ies,e.press°rimplied,ast°accuracy.c°mpleteness.timeliness.t°de BrightPeo le. RightSolutions. Piedmont Natural Gas 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Wetland -Forested serofsuchinf°rma„°n Thisd°cumentisn°timended,°,useasal andsurveypr°duct \ P isitdesig=rd imendedasac°nstructi°ndesignd°cument.Theuse°rmisuse \v/ FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement Ditch 0 Wetland-Scrub/Shrub of theinf°,mati°nc°ntained°nthisg phicrepresentah°nisatthes- risk°fthe www.kleinfeldeccom Robeson County, North Carolina party using °r misusing the information. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. �B Ro a x E 0 2) LL c J LA W c r 0 0 m a m a In 00 ui w N N O co N LEGEND Q Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Wetland -Forested Q Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Perennial Stream Lumber Rroer O6OW L (5.631 ac. ±) 061 PS (0.641 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 Feet _ 1 inch = 265 feet The infonnalion Included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of • maland Is subject to change without notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or l or implied,a to accorac completeness, tim lin d hts to the use rof such info mason. Thisdocumentis not Intndruas a nd survey produc or Is Il designed or Intended as a construction design document. The use or misuse of the information contained on this graphic represenmt- is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the Information. O62W L (8.877 ac. ±) o �.:. I PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A 1 � lop". FIGURE CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map CKLE//VFELOER CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD Bright People. Right Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas �� FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement www.kleinfelder.com Robeson County, North Carolina See File Path 1Y Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. a m W W D N N 0 00 m : ', ► LEGEND = Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Wetland -Emergent 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Forested Ditch 0 Wetland-Scrub/Shru Perennial Stream lop �a % A� 17 Oro OEM— i :T J I hr. V �i •i O63WL *ULZ 6 un-ihcrt^r I w O64D (0.005 ac. ±) 11 O65PS (0.104 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 1 inch = 265 feet The infom d is included on this graphic representation has been compiled fmm a �ahety of ce and is subject to change wittiout notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or war;anies,e.pressorimplied,astoaccuracy.completenessaimeliness.or gh to a use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product sitdesignederintendedasacenstructiendesigndecument.The useormisuse .ff the intem,atien contained on this graphic represen afion is at the sere risk of the KLE//VFEL�ER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD FILE NAME: party using or misusing fhe information. See File Path Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina 0 FIGURE I Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Perennial Stream 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Emergent Ditch 0 Wetland-Scrub/Shr un-hrrt2r Eli 069W L (0.591 ac. ±) low =65 s 067WL (0.044 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 Feet 1 inch = 265 feet The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of ce and is subject to change without notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, -nghts to the use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product is it designed -intended as a construction design document. The use or misuse of the information contained on this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. qq 2T x . t7 r .r p s• 068D I PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A CREATED: 11 /18/2022 KLHINF-HLOER CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD Bright People. Right Solutions. FILE NAME: www.kleinfelder.com See File Path Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FIGURE 1 AA I Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. m a m W w D 04 N 00 N co 0 (0.046 1 Litfle Jacob Swamp LEGEND 0 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Wetland -Emergent 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Forested Intermittent Stream 0 Wetland-Scrub/Shrub Perennial Stream 279W L (0.833 ac. ±) 070W L (2.218 ac. ±) 071WL (1.903 ac. ±) 072W L (3.211 ac. ±) 281WL (0.052 ac. ±) ►o Llfde Jacob Swamp 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFELOER CREATED BY: EArias i i n-, hr rt 2 r The icf sm alien included en this graphic r—p-.ntztiun has been compiled fmm a �ahety of CHECKED BY: SD and is subject to change wittiout notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or • wara ties,expreeaurimplied,aetuaccuracy.cumpleteneea,timelineea,urnghtstuttie Bright People. Right Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product sitdesignederin-&dasacenstructiendesigndecument.Theuseermi— FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement .fftheinfe,matiencentainedenthis graphicrepreaentefienisatthesuleriakufthe party using r misusing the information www.kleinfeldeccom Robeson County, North Carolina o. See File Path FIGURE 1BB Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. a CU m ui w a) N N O co 0 1018D (0.004 ac. ±) a� a r LEGEND F-1 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Open Water 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Perennial Stream un-bcrr^r Ditch 0 Wetland -Forested Intermittent Stream 0 Wetland-Scrub/Shrub 282W L (0.815 ac. ±) S anche Dr 96p.. >by 265 132.5 0 265 Feet 1 inch = 265 feet The information included - this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of sou ce and is subject to change witt—notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or --ties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, -nghts to ttie u se of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product—, it designed -intended as a construction design document. The a se or misuse of the information contained — this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. J C, �Qa '➢ O ' 4 C NC Y {✓ PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A CREATED: 11 /18/2022 CREATED BY: EArias KLHINF-HLOER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com CHECKED BY: SD FILE NAME: See File Path 0730W (0.161 ac. t FIGURE Wetland Delineation Map 1CC Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. 0730W k (0.161 ac. ±) 074PS (1.956 ac. ±) 076D (0.001 ac. ±) z 075ES (0.029 ac. ±) 077ES (0.046 ac. ±) 1 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map LEGEND 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFEL�ER CREATED BY: EArias � Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Ephemeral Stream Th°inf...ti°ninc &d°nthis grzphi°r res°ntnti°nh-beenc°mpil°dfr°mn°n^°ty°f CHECKED BY: SD i j n I hr rt . I ( and is subject t° change wi—t notice. Kleinfelder makes n° representations °r • °.press°rimplied,nst°n°°°rn°y.—pleteneea,timeline— rdghtst°d° Bright le. RightSolutions. Piedmont Natural Gas 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Open Water serofs°ehinf°rmnd°n Thisd°e°mentisn°tintendedf°r°ae—.1-d--ypr°d°et \ 9 P is it designed°riot°ndednsne°nstmeti°nd°signd°°°m°nt.The °se°rmis°se \v/ FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement Ditch Perennial Stream of heinf°mnti°ne°ntnined°nthis grzphierepresennd°nisntthes°I°risk °fthe www.kleinfeldeccom Robeson County, North Carolina party using °r misusing the information. See7FlePth FIGURE 1DD Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. 0 jrll 072ES (0.067 ac. ±) p All - r LEGEND �-- �i Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Ephemeral Stream umberton 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Perennial Stream Ditch 078ES (0.019 ac. ±) 079PS (1.502 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 Feet 1 inch = 265 feet The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of and is -bj-to than a wi—t notice. Kleinfelder makes no re re entations or war anties, ex ' lied gas to accurac . c m leteness. timeliness Po d hts to ttie r pressor imp i. o p r g use of such information. This document is not mended for use as a land survey product is it designed or intended as i construction design document. The use or misuse of the information contained on this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. .A. i10 f r W P 081D (0.034 ac. PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map CREATED BY: EArias KL E//VFEL DER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com 1 E E CHECKED BY: SD I Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FILE NAME: See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. a E 0 LL �I r• c J W r 0 U) Q 082W L (0.022 ac. ±) TV _ t 2ai W" =82D 5's I.i 083D (0.081 ac. ±) 0 r 084W L (0.007 ac. ±) 085D (0.011 . .r 086D 088D (0.008 ac. ±) • _ _ r,i� 087D (0.002 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map LEGEND 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFELOER CREATED BY: EArSDs 1 FF Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Ephemeral Stream heinfmmatie^incl^dedunthisgraphicrepresenatie^has beencumpiledfmmavahe of CHECKED BY: n Ihrrt ( and is subject to change wilt out notice. Kleinfelder makes— representations or • asties,e.pressurimplied, asteaccuracy.cumpletenessaimeliness.ur gh tutte Bright People. Right Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) O Wetland -Emergent zero,such;^,ermaden Thisdecumentisnetintendedfur^ae—e-d--ypreduct \ 9 P 9 s it de signed urintended ae a censtructien design decument. The use erm \v/ FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement Ditch 0 Wetland -Forested oftheinfem,atiuncuntainedunthis graphicrepreaentefienisatthesuleriakuftne5e www.kleinfelder.com See File Path party Robeson County, North Carolina using r mi osusing the information. Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. aCU C3 N N fA CD m I� Y 089 D (0.021 ac. ±) 091 D (0.025 ac. ±) LEGEND F-1 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Ephemeral Stream 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Forested Ditch 088D (0.008 ac. ±) un-,hrrt^r 090ES (0.034 ac. ±) MID 092W L (1.864 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFEL0ER CREATED BY: EArias The infe.. lien included en this graphic reprt— K1tiun has been compiled fmm a �ahety of is to Kleinfelder CHECKED BY: SD ce and subject change wittiout notice. makes no representations or war;anies,e.pressurimplied,asteaccuracy.cumpletenessaimeliness.ur gh tutte use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product s it d eaignedur intended ae a construction design ducumen t. Th e u se er misuse Bright People. Right Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement FILE NAME: .ff the infem,atien centained on this graphic repreaente - sat the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. www.kleinfelder.eom Robeson County, North Carolina See File Path FIGURE 1GG Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. a 092W L (1.864 ac. ±) 094D (0.001 ac. ±) T P OPes Crossing Rd k4, 1, k " 8 a�" 093WL - (7.435 ac. +) 095D (0.068 ac. ±) Iy ApPe a7 Cr�ssr�g Rd I I %�a *14401 , 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map 1 inch = 265 feet LEGEND KLEINFELOER CREATED BY: EArias 1 H H (� Review Area (1076 ac. ±) O Wetland -Forested � ioferr dieoiocodeto&. with —K1tie d—.IIoempiiedrmmaoarte er SD tl blKon zodissoh;ecttechzogewi e t edee.Kiei remermakes ereprese tatie ser CHECKED BY: • ar;a�tie-presseri-Iied.-to—r-y.=emwete�e..timel,�es.er�gh�te�,e Bright People.Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) pm 9 P ` e et s�eh i�termade�. This dee�me�t is yet i�te�ded ter use as a �a�d s�Ne diet s itdesig�ed er i�te�ded ass ee�str�etie�desig�dee�me�t. The use erm FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement Ditch — tthei�=.ti--t.wed— this graphiereprese�tab--tthe -le -kettne5e www.kleinfelder.com Robeson County, North Carolina - party.wgormi—wgthe wfi. ati-. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. 0 L Plea Grosaing Rd 095D (0.068 ac. ±) E-. LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Emergent 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Forested Ditch 5 9 096D (0.021 ac. ±) 098D (0.015 ac. ±) T\ H 097D (0.018 ac. ±) . T 9WL114 ac. ±) W 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFELOER CREATED BY: EArias ri br rt ^ r • The iW --tien isuncluded en this graphic representation has been compiled fmm a Mahe of d is bject t. change witt— notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or ra�tianea,expreeaurimplied,a�t.—r-y.—pleteneea,timelineea,urdghtstutte Bright People. Right Solutions. CHECKED BY: SD Piedmont Natural Gas ` use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product urisitdeaignedurintendedaeaeenstruetiendesigndeeument.Theuseermisuse FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement - eftheinfe,matieneentainedenthis graphicrepresenafienisatthesulerisk ufthe party using r misusing the information. o www.kleinfeldeccom See File Path Robeson County, North Carolina FIGURE III Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. a to fa ui w a) N N O N a) to 0 10OW L (11.479 ac. ±) 9 LEGEND 0 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Intermittent Stream 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Emergent Ditch 0 Wetland -Forested 0 Ephemeral Stream uri-�brrt^r 101WL (7.752 ac. ±) 249ES (0.020 ac. ±) 1021S (0.442 ac. ±) .:• �:-.ram � • qa 250D (0.046 ac. ±) 1023ES (0.007 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 �� PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE CREATED: 11/18/2022 Feet Wetland Delineation Map 1 inch = 265 feet The information Included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a verlery of c and is subject 1. change with—notice.Kleinfeldermakes norepresen[a[i.he or warranties, express or Implied, as to accuracy,completeness, timeliness,ordghts to the use of such informatloo. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product is it de signed or intended as a mrstom,ti—resign document. Them so or misuse oftheinforrationeontairedonthis graphicrep,-ec firm is at the mlerisk ofthe Party using or misusing the information. / 1 KL E//VFEL DER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com 1 J J CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FILE NAME: See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. 1 10.. 1023ES .r T_ 103W L (0.285 ac. ±) r w .66 •mil +4�' r' � }�� r-- ��� • $�.A � `� _tea! � � ! , m . ^,�, •*I w` '� ' fir'[ 6- 41 ftkbe 104W L � (9.589 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map LEGEND 1 inch = 265 feet /� c /� c CREATED BY: EArias = Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Ephemeral Stream The infmmatiun inc &d un this graphic represen atiun hae been cu Ip dfmma ahe of KL EI/VFELOER SD 1 KK un-hrrt^r andissuhecttechan ttuutnufice.Kleinfeldermakesnure tatienser CHECKED BY: • a ies,e. d9zsfoaccurac.c m leteness.timeliness°oe en�tede Brig ht People. Right Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) OWetland-Forested Sar; pressurimp e p r g y p y e of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product is it designed urintended ae a censtructien design decument. The use erm FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement Ditch of theinfe,matiuncuntainedunthis graphicrepreaentefienisatthesuler, ftne5e www.kleinfelder.com See File Path party Robeson County, North Carolina using r mi osusing the information. Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. 'SA LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Forested 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Ditch MID A . " •k� b { 105W L (7.717 ac. ±) 253D (0.042 ac. ±) ue, P�Pes Cross 1g Rd 106W L (6.621 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A 7�1I Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFELOER CREATED BY: EArias i i n-i he rt ^ r The iW ..tiun included un this graphic repreaentetiun has been compiled from a ahe of CHECKED BY: SD and is subject to change wi—t notice. Kleinfelder makes — representations or • war;a ties,e.Preeaurimwied,astuaeeuraey,eumpleteneea,timelineea,urdghtst.- Bright People. Right Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas ` use of such inPormafiun. This duc —t is nut intended fur use as a land survey Product \, . nurisitdeaignedurintendedasaeunstmetiundesigndueument.Theuseurmisuse FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement uftheinfu,matieneentainedenthis graphicrepresenafiunisatthesulerisk ufthe www.kleinfelder.com Party Robeson County, North Carolina - using r mi osusing the information . See File Path A FIGURE ILL Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. m a m w D N N O N co �i 0 pOPas crOasIn6 Rd r.>a4r LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Ephemeral Stream 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Perennial Stream Ditch 0 Wetland -Forested Z-z 107W L (5.305 ac. ±) un-Ibcrt^r 108ES (0.156 ac. ±) r_ PCO. CrOsaing Rd 109 D (0.009 ac. ±) 11OWL (0.015 ac. ±) 114ES 11 115WL (0.048 ac. ±) (1.898 ac. ±) 714 _• -. ._ 111 D _ (0.008 ac. ±) TT 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFELOER CREATED BY: EArias The infom i included on this graphic representation has been compiled fmm a of �ahety is to Kl CHECKED BY: SD ce and wi subject changwit—wit—notice. einfelder makes no representations or rano,implied, ae to accuracy.—mpleteneea•timeline . rdghts to ttie useof fisuchea• inexpreea formation. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product sit designed or intended ae.—[ruction design document. The a se or misuse Bright People. Right Solutions. FILE NAME: .ff the infmmatmn contained on this graphic represen afion is at the sere risk of the www.kleinfeldeccom party using or misusing the information. See File Path 118PS (1.048 ac. ±) 116WL (4.732 ac. ±) Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FIGURE Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. a E 0 m LL J A w C L O O CU a C3 Lu w N N O N co N f 108ES (0.156 ac. ±) / 109 D (0.009 ac. ±) 11OWL �1 (0.015 ac. ±) 111 D (0.008 ac. ±) 114ES 115WL (0.048 ac. ±) (1.898 ac. ±) 0� e0 F� .y P Ell 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE t�lI Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Wetland Delineation Map LEGEND 1 inch = 265 feet CREATED BY: EArias Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Ephemeral Stream Theintnm,ntinninc &dnnthisgr.phicrepresenatinnh- been -n Iedfmmzvzh .f /VFG ��ER SD 1 N N i i n-i he rt ^ r and is s bj—to &.z with— —t— K16Wn Eder mzkes nn representztinns nr CHECKED BY: • a��ies,e.pressnrimplied,nst...�r-y.—plet—s.time—ss.nrdghtstnde Bright People.Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Wetland -Forested serof—hinfn ssnn Thisdn mentisnntintendedfnrosersz-dsorveypmdoct \ 9 P sitd-ignednrw-did—,—strocti—&signdnc-t.The — rmisu— \v/ FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement Ditch 0 Wetland-Scrub/Shrub of the intnm,ntinn __i_d nn this grzphic repreaente - s zt the s- risk of the www.kleinfeldeccom Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. t a m W w D N 0 N co is 0 Ll 118PS (1.048 ac. ±) 123W L`' (0.162 ac. ±) 120W L (2.278 ac. ±) 117PS (0.049 ac. ±) LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Perennial Stream Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Emergent Intermittent Stream Wetland -Forested 121 PS (1.482 ac. ±) 119WL (0.323 ac. ±) un-ihcrt^r 122W L (5.906 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 Feet 1 inch = 265 feet The information included - this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of and is subject to change witt—notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or rd—, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, -nghts to ttie eoaf such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product us .s it designed -intended as a construction design document. The a se or misuse of the information contained — this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A CREATED: 11 /18/2022 KLHINF-HLOER CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD Bright People. Right Solutions. FILE NAME: www.kleinfelder.com See File Path Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FIGURE 1001 Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. i 129W L (9.617 ac. ±) 135W L (1.909 ac. ±) 133PS (0.529 ac. ±) 13OW L (9.918 ac. ±) 13OW L Cont. 131 D (0.110 ac. ±) 133PS (0.136 ac. ±) / ` f 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022Wetland Delineation Map LEGEND 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFEL�ER CREATED BY: EArSUs�� Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Perennial StreamTheintonnationinc &donthisgr.phi°repreaentationhaebeenco Ip dfrma°arte of CHECKED BY:i jn I!-It r; I ( and is subject to change wilt out notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or • a ies,e.pressorimplied,astoaccuracy. completenessaimeliness.ordgh totte Bright People. Right Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Wetland -Forested serotsuchimorma„on Thisdocumentisnotimended,°,oseasalandsorvey product \ 9 P 9 isitdeaigned oriided asi cgr.proction design docomem. Theu se or misuse \v/ FILENAME: Line 479 Replacement Ditch O Wetland-Scrub/Shrub ofl1y-mgatimi—mainedonthiagraphicrepresenafionisatthesolerisk ofthe www.kleinfelder.com Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. '41 0 134W L (10.269 ac. ±) 10 M 80r 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A 'N�)Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 LEGEND 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFEL�ER CREATED BY: EArias Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Forested 4 Theinf°nnati°nincl°ded°nthis graphi°represenn"°nh-I,—c°mpiledfr°ma°nnety°f CHECKED BY: SD j n l l�' t r and is subject t° change without notice. Kleinfelder makes n° representations °r wawa fies,express°r Implied, as t° accuracy. completeness.timeliness. °r ng-t°the Bright People. Right Solutions. 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland-Scrub/Shrub °fsuchinf° ss.n Thisd°cumentisn°tintendedf°,oseasalandsu eypr°duct \ 9 P 9 is it designedorintended asa construction design document. The a se °r misuse \v/ FILE NAME: Ditch of the infmmat— contained °n this graphic representad°n is at the sole risk °f the www.kleinfelder.com party using or misusing the information. See File Path 134W L (15.742 ac. ±) Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina o FIGURE 1QQ Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. I a m ui w N N C) co 0 136W L (0.880 ac. ±) 136D (0.110 ac. ±) LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Ephemeral Stream 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Open Water Ditch 0 Wetland -Forested 0# VIM un-bcrt^r 256D (0.033 ac. ±) 255OW 47V/ 254W L t (0.135 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A 000000025 Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 1 inch = 265 feet CREATED BY: EArias KLE//VFELOER The infom d is included on this graphic representation has been compiled fmm a �ahety of ce and is subject to change wittiout notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or useroaf nies,e.pressorimplied,astoaccuracy.completenessaimelines.or gh to a Bright People. Right Solutions. schmadsrvey produ is td CHECKED BY: SD FILE NAME: .fthe infmtmn contained on this graphic represen afion is at the sere risk of the www.kleinfelder.com party using or misusing the information. See File Path Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FIGURE 1RR1 Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. .4 _ -4-al"- 137ES (0.017 ac. ±) 138ES (0.001 ac. ±) LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Ephemeral Stream 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Ditch 143ES in nin 1. ±) Derwoad Rd =T;;� tv �... r 142ES (0.028 ac. ±) 141 D (0.018 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A �. Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 1 inch = 265 feet KL E//VFEL OER CREATED BY: EArias The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of I beKon a sandissmb;ecttuchangewi—tnudee.Kleinfeldermakesnurepresentatiunsur CHECKED BY: SD wara ties,expreeaurimplied,a�t.—r-y.cumpleteneea,timelineea,urnghtstu�he Bright People. Right Solutions. ` use of such inPurmafiun. This document is nut intended fur mse as a land survey Product urisitdesignedurintendedaea cuna—tiundeaignducument.Theuseurmisuse FILENAME: eftheinfurmatieneentainedenthis graphicrepresenafiunisatthesuleriskufthe www.kleinfelder.eom - party using or misusing � e information. See File Path 11 Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina W, FIGURE 1SS Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. J a C3 a` w a) N N O w 0 147ES (0.02 ac. ±) 1450 W (0.004 ac. ±) 150W L (0.552 ac. ±) 149W L (4.797 ac. ±) a ! 148WL (12.746 ac. ±) 146WL A Nw. k A mow. - 144D (0.008 ac.jr ) + - v 0 Ed ff D-,wood Q LEGEND 0 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Intermittent Stream 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Open Water Ditch 0 Wetland -Emergent 0 Ephemeral Stream Wetland -Forested �'G'S +►. �� ; � _ OCA;7aD w1 Gib , ;aMK ► r *L Ulft'-.' A10'. 261 D (0.009 ac. ±) 258W L (0.437 ac. ±) 260ES (0.003 ac. ±) 259W L (0.091 ac. ±) 263D (0.004 ac. ±) 262W L (0.077 ac. ±) 2641 S (0.037 ac. ±) s �• k i _.......�........ -...E+4Y @Mom tG�' l i n- he rt ^ r 265 132.5 0 265 Feet 1 inch = 265 feet �� KLE//VFEL�ER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.eom PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A CREATED: 11/18/2022 CREATED BY: EArias The icf s .tion included on this graphic representation has been compiled fmm a ahe of and is subject to change without notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or war;a ties,e.pressorimplied,aetoaccuracy.completeness.hmeliness,orng-tothe use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product is it deaignedorintended ae a construction design document. The a seormisuse of the information contained on this graphic representaton is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. CHECKED BY: SD FILE NAME: See File Path Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina ITT Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. a 152 D (0.006 ac. ±) 284W L (0.277 ac. ±) 2830W g (0.314 ac. ±) 2260W (0.533 ac. ± ) 2650W (0.310 ac. ±) 151 W L (12.716 ac. g n . k fr. 7)t 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A 1(JI Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 LEGEND 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFEL�ER CREATED BY: EArias 0 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Open Water The wbonationthcluded on this graphicrepresentationhas bee, compiledhon, riey°' CHECKED BY: 1 I n-� h -rt .^, r and Is subject to change without notice. Klelnfelder makes no representatons or SD • ren[ies, ax ress prim lied. as to a—... completeness, timeliness. o. rights' to the Bri ht People. Right Solutions. Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Emergent efsuehinformatlen.Tnisdenumentisnotintendedforuseasalandsereeypd- \� 9 P 9 is it de signed or intended as a cnnshocti°n design document. The u se°.misuse \ / FILE NAME: Ditch O Wetland -Forested ---_ offheinf°rmatiuncnntainedonthis aphis.cp,-an.fi.uisat the snledakofthe _VI www.kleinfelder.com - party using o. misusing theinfo.mation. See File Path Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FIGURE Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. 0 LL J _N W r 0 CL aCU CU m W w a) N N O CU w 0 LEGEND F-1 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Perennial Stream 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Forested Ditch un-Ibcrt^r tvY' h 14 155W L (4.675 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 Feet 1 inch = 265 feet The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from. variety of sou ce and is subject to change witt—notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or war anties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights e o sd ttie f such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product u 'sit ..tied on i ded this constructiondesign documen t. The use o.f thue of the information contained on this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. Mam — �' iz me" f - r '.` 154W L (3.543 ac. ±) { 153PS (0.055 ac. ±) 1�5 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A CREATED: 11 /18/2022 CREATED BY: EArias KL HINF-HL DOER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com CHECKED BY: SD FILE NAME: See File Path Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FIGURE 1VV Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. a E 0 2) LL c J A W L O 0 ~ � r � ` A ` r 155W L (4.675 ac. ±) LEGEND F-1 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) Perennial Stream 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Forested Ditch I n-ihcrt^r Vj 158PS (0.038 ac. ±) D �L do giR d 157PS (0.069 ac. ±) f;. d Noun .1 131 , 0,111111W 265 132.5 0 265 Feet 1 inch = 265 feet The information included - this graphic representation has been compiled from. variety of sou ce and is subject to change witt—notice. Kleinfelde, makes no representations., war a d—, express., implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, -nghts to ttie se of u such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product is it designed -intended as a construction design document. The a se., misuse of the information contained — this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A CREATED: 11 /18/2022 CREATED BY: EArias KLHINF-HLOER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com CHECKED BY: SD FILE NAME: See File Path Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina 1 FIGURE Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. m a CU m W w a rn N N O N IN L, LEGEND F-1 Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Ditch 267D (0.003 ac. ±) 0 Ephemeral Stream 162ES (0.114 ac. ±) 16OES (0.008 ac. ±) iin-hcrt^r 159 D (0.02 ac. ±) Long RA 265 132.5 0 265 Feet 1 inch = 265 feet The information included - this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of and is subject to change wi—t notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, -nghts to ttie use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product 's it designed -intended as a construction design document. The use or misuse of the information contained — this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. 161 ES (0.016 ac. ±) PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A CREATED: 11 /18/2022 KLHINF-HLOER CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD Bright People. Right Solutions. FILE NAME: www.kleinfelder.com See File Path Wetland Delineation Map Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FIGURE 1XX Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. x E 0 LL J W Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.Imagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. a m W w D N N O 00 N m 0 LEGEND Review Area (1076 ac. ±) 0 Wetland -Forested Additional Review Area (97 ac. ±) Intermittent Stream W h. 174W L 1731S (0.204 ac. ±) (0.014 ac. ±) 265 132.5 0 265 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 1 inch = 265 feet KLE//VFEL�ER CREATED BY: EArias ri 11 br rt ^ r The icf ..tion included on this graphic represen anon has been compiled fmm a �ahety of and is subject to change without notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or war;a ties,e.pressorimplied,astoaccuracy.completenessaimeliness.ordgh to a Bright People. Right Solutions. CHECKED BY: SD ` use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product noris itdeaignedorintended asa censtructien design decument. Theuse ormis— FILE NAME: _ - of the infunnati——toinedonthisgraphicrepresenta- satthes- riskofthe party using or misusing the information. www.kleinfelder.com See File Path FIGURE Wetland Delineation Map 1ZZ Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap.lmagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. O �° Alaerl kd _ �'•E � a +rt Rd ° 'Pa a et`•��4P ''� y4°O ,p O Pa �e ' aeQr C. �s Qr` •,o a o � or a° m h I°•s Or 4�6 o Ra y 0 l. Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: Maxar (Vivid). Imagery Date: 9/6/2020. 40. _7 . X/ ",m 41 <) 500 250 0 500 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE LEGEND 8/2022 Red-cokaded Woodpecker Red -cockaded Woodpecker Survey Area Feet CREATED: 11/1 EArias 1 inch = 500 feet Survey Area Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) CREATED BY: EArias The o�ation ine ded on this grzphic represen anon has been compi ed fmm a ariety of KL E/NFEL DER SD 2 andiss h;ecttochzngewi�o tnotiee.Keinfedermzkesnorepresentztionsor CHECKED BY: Piedmont Natural Gas �°ar;anies.e.presso,implied.astoaee�raey.eompleten..timelineea,ornghstottie Bright People. Right Solutions. �seof-chinformation.Thisdoe mentisnotmtendedfor seasa ands eypmdoc` Line 479 Replacement isitdesignedorintendedasaeonstmcHondeslgnd.cumentTheoaeorm FILE NAME: P of theinf—tion--inedonthisgrzphlerepresen�tioniszttheso�-kofthe5e www.kleinfelder.corn Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. See File Path - •t 1211 lac R T lF ►• t.. .: •� k, it I �,'� . L _ ♦ .i. , a y,1 •'< •� , IJ� y -- — 'T — .t� :r'_ Y� (�.� � X� r �. Pam'_ .� i ' ,•. _.. I - col t a 1 �.,. t..:i � :-.�f' 4•t / r «�• e' }� _-.: — — 1 h• a. ° by ` > ,`a-i 1 �.: - '7,;''•, r; '•: �•. 1 'i► `4 ;i II awl ,'�R'. .� "' ,.�`y' }Ii ' "r'-. .' �•y. 1 .jj �� .l"" WV r • Igor 7,500 3,750 0 7,500 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE MSurve Sumac LEGEND Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) 1 inch = 7,500 feet r CREATED BY: EArias Survey Area Staging Yard The inln.atinn inclu&d nn this graphic reprea—tiun has been —,fed 1mm a --tt, n1 issuh;e ttn hangewi KL E//VFEL A0ER CHECKED BY: SD 3 Survey Area and nutnnd e.Keinfedermakesnurepresentatiunsur war;anties,e.pressnrimpied,astna uray.cumpetenessaimeiness.ur gh6tu a ^o is it in`° iwt Thisd°°--isnntmt-ded`°,nseasa'and- -eyp &ct s itdesigned ur inlendedasa �nnsh-uctiun design duc--t. The use urm Bright People. Right Solutions. FILE NAME: Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement p eltheinlem,atiuncuntainedunthisgraphierepresent b—satthe-1—skufthe5e using or misusing the information. www.kleinfelder.eom Robeson County, North Carolina party See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 0 w n m 2i Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 0 w n m 2i Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 6 N n m 2i Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 0 w n m 2i Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. s W CL aCO Lu w a� N N O w o IL ; LEGEND 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) Survey Area tiberton h .. �. - - IBM 0•p OW - 1. !b,. 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A MlChauX Sumac FIGURE CREATED: 11/18/2022 Feet 1 inch = 250 feet The intn.ntinn incl�&d nn this grzphic reprea—firm has been � ,p d Imm n �nhety nt nndis-1—ttnch.n ith—t—ti-.K16Wn fide,—kesnorepresentztinnsnr wa„nodes,_. ssn,implied,nstnnccu,ncy.cnmpjet _saimel,—ss.-ightstnthe nts hintn,mndnn.Thisdn mentisnntmtendedtn, sensn nnu:,eyp duct s it designed nr int &dnsn cnnslmctinn design d.--t. These n' su— of the intem,ntien eentnined en this g phic repreaente - s zt the s- -isk of the party using .' misusing the information. KL E//VFEL AOER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfeldeceom Survey Area 3 E CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement p Robeson County, North Carolina FILE NAME: See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 0 w n m Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. / I\ M4 ` 1 . �. C 20213937.001 A 12 2 PROJECT NO. 250 5 0 50FIGURE LEGEND \ Feet �� CREATED: 11/18/2022 MSurve Sumac 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) 1 inch = 250 feet y Surve Area CREATED BY: EArias Survey Area The iW...ti- wcl�&d - this grzphic represeo atioo has � ,p d fi— a ahety of KL E//VFEL OER SD 3 G umberton - sz,dis-1—ttoch.o ithout—ti-.K16wfelde,.—soorepres-tztioosor CHECKED BY: Piedmont Natural Gas wa„a�ties,e. esso,implied,-toaccu—y.—plete—.time—ss,ordgh6totte Bright People. Right Solutions. =.fst-hi�te,m ti—Thisdee�me tis�etmt-dedte,�se—.1-dsuNeypmd e` Line 479 Replacement is it d_ig—d aria &das. ee�structi—design de--t.Th--erm FILE NAME: p of thei�tem,ati—c-tai—d—this g phicrep,eaeote - sztthes--iskefthe5e www.kleinfelder.com Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. CO a m w W rn N N O CO m LEGEND 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) Survey Area v 250 125 0 250 Feet h 1 inch = 250 feet The information included -this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of umberton c sand is subject t. change without notice Kleinfelder makes n representationsor warranties, express., implied, as t. accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or nghts t. tt use of such information. This document is not intended for uses a land survey product 's it designed .,intended as a construction design document. The use or misuse .f the information contained o this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. Y I, PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE Michaux Sumac / \ CREATED: 11/18/2022 Survey Area CREATED BY: EArias KL E//VFEL 10ER 3 H Bright People. Right Solutions. CHECKED BY: SD Piedmont Natural Gas FILE NAME: Line 479 Replacement www.kleinfelder.com See File Path Robeson County, North Carolina Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. O NO CO 2i a m w w N N N O CO w 0 72 N !� 4,000 r h` t * a / ♦00 _i 1 1 �r All i�,.x+, F � • ,' d: �: fir+ +r ,«� ��' t� CCO 7 f W 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE LEGEND Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Michaux Sumac 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) 1 inch = 250 feet Y Surve Area KL E//VFEL DER CREATED BY: EArias 31 Survey Area Theinfn ztiis-1—test g-iithi t—tisentatinfhld—en�nmpiIedr,mm.�n,s., CHECKED BY: SD 3 umberton �esnndiss h;e,i.phzd,.st nctnndye .pi tad ss.zke 1, nss..,ngtztinnanr Piedmont Natural Gas wa„nnties,e. essn,impied.nstnntis—ti t-m etenessaimeiness.nrdghtstn�he Bright People. Right Solutions. nf-�hinln,mndnn.Thisdn mentisnntntendedtn,sens -ds eyp,nd t Line479Re Replacement is it d-ignednrw-didnsncnnst—firm design dn--t. The oae n,m FILE NAME: p oftheinte.ntieneentninedenthis g phi—preaenteb--tthese�ehskef the5e www.kleinfeldeceom Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. C Im" LEGEND 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) Survey Area e CW f M a. , 1 4.1 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Mlchaux Sumac 1 inch = 250 feet Survey Area CREATED BY: EArias The inle.atien included en this graphic repre —tiun has been —,fed !mm a --t, e! KL E//VFEL OER SD 3J andis ao 1-tte change with—t nedee. K16Wn Eder makes nu represent h-s ur CHECKED BY: Piedmont Natural Gas war;anies,e.presserimpied,aseaeeuraey.cumpetenessaimeiness.ur gh6tutte Bright People. Right Solutions. elsuehinlermaden.Thisdee--isne�mtendedle,useasaand--eyp&c` Line479Re Replacement is it deaignedurintended asaeenshructiun design document. The use er misuse FILE NAME: p of she inlem,atien eentained on this graphic repreaente - sat the sole rink of the www.kleinfelder.eom Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 5 w CL in Lu w a+ rn N O N C3 0 eF t 6goo jL ..� • i . � � J00" 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE LEGEND 0 Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Michaux Sumac Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) 1` 1 inch = 250 feet y Surve Area + KL E//VFEL OER CREATED BY: EArias 3 K Survey Area Thein s-this-1odednnthi ithi�,ep,t—K16wfn lds,.—nmpi�edr--h-ietynr CHECKED BY: SD umbertnn �esandiss h; nchangst.-c—cy. Keinfe—s.tkesnn s.., entatinnsnr Piedmont Natural Gas wa„anies,e. essmpied,asna ,ay. nmpeenessaimeiness.nrngh6tntte Bright People. Right Solutions. n+s�chin+n,madnn.Thisd.-m—tisn tiwt nded+n,� s.1-ds� yp&�` Line 479 Replacement s itdeignednwn did as a most, ctinn design dnco t. Theo nrm FILENAME: p o+them+.,matien__inedenthisgraphicrep,eaenGfi sat-s-riskefthe5e www.kleinfelder.eom Robeson County, North Carolina party using ., misusing the information. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. co a m Lu w D N N O 0 a� 11II� y� .mod r i t JIM x _aDD p@man:Y `T 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE LEGEND �(� )mbirtnn � Michaux Sumac oc ) 1 inch — 250 feet Feet CREATED: 11/1 EArias Limits of Disturbance 343 acres ± _ Survey Area CREATED BY: EAriassurvey Area — The infmmntinn incl�&d nn this g,.phic repre —firm has been —,led fi—nnhetyof KLE//VFELA0ER SD 3L u—szndissoh; nch.n ith—t—ti-.K16Wn Eder—snnrepres-tztinnsnr CHECKED BY: Piedmont Natural Gas wa„nn�ies,e. essn,implied,n —cc�,nay.completeness.hmel-ss—nghtstnthe Bright People. Right Solutions. nf-chinfn,motion.Thisdn--tisn w—dedfn,--. nods eypl.&c` Line 479 Re lacement is it d-ig—d-in� &dnsn most —firm design dn--t. The oae nrm FILE NAME: p of theinfnm,ntieneentninedenthis g phicrep,eaenG- szt-se�-kefthe5e www.kleinfeldeccom Robeson County, North Carolina party using .' misusing the information. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 0 w n m 2i Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. s aCU C3 m Lu w a� 0 N N C3 0 r LEGEND 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) Survey Area } ♦' I i '�� tK I4 ' ��r jF�A• I ..p itt d ' �/� �C,v'+1N � ~• ✓ t' Z T A e r i ka� :. • ♦ r � } . S w +eJ ' !�. ra - r.rr y; �x9.• '.y a ' ° � y T x q.� jp ► h , ;. �•' ,} ij - �. 5d ,y t } b:' `R�°".. .3its f!��rt jys H•�� K 1... �� }r'w►f YM1r f: * �-w++� �} Vr .'•Y�` ��'alt �.„• ��1 �� � ✓p, y�' t ��'1�, t Y 4ni �ice..:. • • ,•r 7�� r, n ! .: ,� v ,�'' '.> 4 Fa '" VI' :'1 a 3Y'..+� ,q rf a5 } � e . 4. y `y,. �+}=a� !'6 m � ' ,. �lr ,� d{i � � •rrn�ry ,AIL -..,. .. , ... ..l1• s �1`O 5 A ...... '1 of .7 Y � ?J. * � - y � � 4 � �d. q .: . a ! 250 125 0 250 1 Feet 1 inch = 250 feet The information included - this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety.f umberton c sand is su 1-tt. change without notice. Kleinfelder makes— representations or • nor is ities, express iw implied, as to accuracy. completeness. timeliness. or rights to the e of such information. This document is not intended for use as ,land survey product s it designed or intended as a construction design document. The use or misuse .f the information contained — this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. PROJECT NO. 20213937.001 A Michaux Sumac CREATED: 11 /18/2022 /^\ KL E//VFEL 0ER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com Survey Area CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FILE NAME: See File Path FIGURE 3N Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 0 w n m 2i Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. f P ' i►Ar ��^ LEGEND 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) f Survey Area X 0 ~ I 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE �� Michaux Sumac R�� umberton • Feet 1 inch = 250 feet The iwto.ati- wcl�&d - this g,.phic represeo atioo has b— �o ,i d Imm a a.iety of —s-dis-1—ttoch.o ithout—ti-.K16Wo fide,.—s�o,eP,ese�t h-so, So,iaties.e..—ti,iThisd.at. --is,awt-dmdtf.,—timeioessu—yh duce otitdhigto,mado�.Thisdo�.mush-ucti—eigdd.�—t.Ta�d .,-su hic phictioodeaigodocomeot.Thaysao,misuse sitde ti—c-t.ioddd this otth--cl ztioocootzioedoothisgraphi ,ep,ese ado is at thesoe,iskotthe KL E//VFEL A0ER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com CREATED: CREATED BY: CHECKED BY: FILENAME: 11 /18/2022 EArias SD Survey Area 3 P Piedmont Natural Gas Line479Re Replacement p Robeson County, North Carolina party using ., misusing the information. See7FlePth Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. r LEGEND Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) Survey Area N 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 1 inch = 250 feet The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled fr... ahe of wace and is subject to change wi—t notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or r;anies,e.presserimplied.asteaccuracy.completeness,timelineea,ordghtst.- use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product is it de signed orintended ae a construction design document. The ase ormi— .ff the infem,atien contained on this graphic represen afion is at the sere risk of the KLE//VFEL�ER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD FILE NAME: party using or misusing the information. See File Path 4 r is \ Rjk Michaux Sumac Survey Area Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina r P_ FIGURE 3Q Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 0 w n m 2i Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. co a w D N N O N N C3 0 10 LEGEND 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) Survey Area A : I mhe *W _ 250 125 0 250 Feet 1 inch = 250 feet The information included- this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of source and is subject to change without notice. Kleinfeldermakes— representationsor warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy. completeness. timeliness. or nghts to the use of such information. This document is not Intended for use as a land survey product 's it designed or intended as a construction design document. The user misuse of the information contained — this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information 8 110, Iw ,�q�pQ `wy ^ 4 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A / -*N\ CREATED: 11/18/2022 KLHINF-HLOER CREATED BY: EArias Bright People. Right Solutions. CHECKED BY: SD www.kleinfelder.com FILE NAME: See File Path Michaux Sumac Survey Area Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina h' FIGURE 3S Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 6 N n m 2i Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. (0 a m W W N D N N O 00 N C3 0 LEGEND 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) Survey Area I *X661 W�� 91 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 1 inch = 250 feet Th�iwfo.. non included on this graphic represen anon has been compiled fmm a ahe of wace and is subject to change wittiout notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or r„aones,e.P,ess.,implied,.stoaccu,.cy.completeness.t,.el,n ss..,nghtst.tti use of such information. This document is not intended for use as ,land survey product sitdesignede,intendedasaconstroctiondesigndocoment.Theusee,misuse of the in funnatiun contained on this graphic represents is at the sole risk of the KLE//VFELA0ER Bright People. Right Solutions. www. kleinfelder.com CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD FILE NAME: party using or misusing the information. See File Path y- r I 0000, FIGURE Michaux Sumac Survey Area 3U Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 0 m n m 2 Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. - - - - - - - - - - I I t I I I I 1 11 1 t I I I I I I J V H i H Hii i 1, It� ------------- -------- ----------- ........... 'RINW—F-W LEGEND Limits of Disturbance (343 acres Survey Area 250 125 0 250 0 Feet Aiberton 1 inch = 250 feet The information included on this graphic p--ti- has I,— compiled from --t,.f sources and is subject to change wittiout notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or warranties, express ., implied, as t. accuracy, —pl--. timeliness, or nghts to the f such information. This document is not intended f., use as . land --y nor is it designed or—&d asconstruction design d--- t. Th � � - ., .=ct .f the W . . . ti— containedonthis graphic ­--- is at the s- -k of the P.fty -mg or misusing the information. PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A CREATED: 11/18/2022 CREATED BY: EArias KLHINF-HLOHA? Bright People. Right Solutions. ....kleinfelder.com CHECKED BY: SD FILE NAME: I See File Path W-VI Michaux Sumac Survey Area Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FIGURE 3W ISource: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. �.T+---- v •-.�,or��.yr . •..r � �rc-T l—�,a�.�..�.. - : s`:: c. -.rs• ;-r�^„ti ... 40 Ad 1�: • ,\o 1 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE LEGEND , 4i Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Michaux Sumac 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) 1 inch = 250 feet Y Surve Area CREATED BY: EArias Survey Area The intn.ntinn incl�&d nn this g phic reprea—firm has been —,fed t.nm n --tt, nt KL E//VFEL OER SD 3Y (1 berton - snndis-bh ttnCh'n "th—t—ti—K16Wn fide,—snn,ep,esentnh-S., CHECKED BY: Piedmont Natural Gas wa„n�ties,-. ss.,implied,n—ccu,nay,cnmplete—Ltime1-SS•nrdgh6tn Bright People. Right Solutions. �s 'f-ChWfi" t-LThisdn��— isnn -n dedtn,—.sn nndsun-eyprnduct Line 479 Replacement s it designed -intended —n cnnsh-uctinn design dnc--L The �se"misuse FILE NAME: oftparty using "misusing the informatioheinte.ntieneentninedenthisg phicrepreaente—sztthes--iskefthe www.kleinfeldeceom See File Path Robeson County, North Carolina n. Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 0 a m 2i Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. I k t lxf ab " rAA..Y'y;. ' V*. r y ,A .. 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A LEGEND ' Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) 1 inch = 250 feet CREATED BY: EArias Survey Area f1 The information included un this graphic represen atiun has Been cumpiIed fmm a varie of KL E/NFEL DER CHECKED BY: SD 1u mberto n ces and is subject to change without nofice. KIeinfelder makes no representations or war;anties,e.presserimplied,astoaccuracy,completeness,timeliness,ordghtstothe Bright People. Right Solutions. use of such information. This document is not intended for use as ,land survey product it designederintendedasaconstructiondesigndocument.The useormis— FILE NAME: of theinformatoncontainedonthis graphicrepresent-isatthesorerisk ofthe www.kleinfelder.com party using or misusing the information. See File Path Michaux Sumac Survey Area Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FIGURE 3AA Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. `o Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. N a m Lu w a� N O C3 0 1r' M e` ti r^. WxF lM ay1�,�"y '.�V 14�'* 11L'� "1 LEGEND 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) Survey Area !�I w, 250 125 0 250 Feet 1 inch = 250 feet The information included- this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of source and is subject to change t. cct notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights [o the use is such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product 's it designed or intended as a construction design document. The use or misuse of the information contained — this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. Not { A I E N 4 t.r pert - Y � • � �x�;� , t>,t ,ice . PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A CREATED: 11 /18/2022 KLHINF-HLOER CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD Bright People. Right Solutions. FILE NAME: www.kleinfelder.com See File Path Michaux Sumac Survey Area Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina ftin FIGURE 3CC Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 0 w n m 2i Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. cli N O co F.. --Wadi h6k a 16; 6 LEGEND 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) Survey Area '.ate-- I ' umber i Alk OIL d WIWI �► Ai I .. J r 9m, 00 t alk � r 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 MSury X Sumac aC 1 inch = 250 feet Survey Area CREATED BY: EArias The iW...tinn incl�&d nn this graphic represenGtinn has been —,fed fmm a �a.iety.f KL E//VFEL DER SD 3 E E andis ao 1-ttn change with. —ti-. K16Wn Eder makes nn repreaentatinns nr CHECKED BY: Piedmont Natural Gas war;an�ies,e. sseH.plied,-teaccu—y,cempleteneea,time—ss,erdghh,tette Bright People. Right Solutions. ofsehefist-hin.—tieThisd.--t. isetmtedede-- s.1- dsun y­duct iged eieedasa cestmctieesign decmt. Thee misue FILE NAME:Line479 Replacement prtemieeetaied ethis aphic eee- sat e s- -iskof the Robeson County, North Carolina uinomissinthe .is deSee File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 6 N n m 2i Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. �'tA s m a m Lu w D N N O m 0 .r r ►46 r— M4 k?� tzn - p I 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE LEGEND ��(� I Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Michaux Sumac 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) j 1 inch = 250 feet Survey Area 1 CREATED BY: EArias survey Area o matio ded o this g,aphi ,ep,ese atio has ompiied Imm a ahety of KL E//VFEL OHO SD 3 G G umb@[ton cesa�diss�h;ecttocha�ge.it.o t�.hie.Kieiofelde,makeso., p,seotatiooso, CHECKED BY: Piedmont Natural Gas wa„anti__ esso,implied,astoacc—cy.—piet—ss.hmel-ss.o,dghtstod,e Bright People. Right Solutions. iz.fs-hiW.—ti— This d.--tis—trot-dedto--s.1-ds—eypmd-t Line479Re lacement is a desig�edo,i t.�dedasa�.�so-��ti.�desig�do��me�c These o,m FILE NAME: p Pt hei�to,mati—c-tai—d—thisg,aphis,ep,eaeote - sat-s- ,,skofthe5e www.kleinfelder.eom Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. - I_ u - o o� O v i LEGEND 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) / Survey Area I PO .0 ee � CrOaai�9 Rd .r. 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE Sumac MSurve Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 1 inch = 250 feet Are Survey Area KL E//VFEL CREATED BY: EArias 3 H H The intn.atinn incl�&d nn this g,aphic reprea—firm has been —,fed Imm a ahety nt ith—t—ti-.K16Wn Ide,makesnnrep'S-tatinnsnr AOER CHECKED BY: SD e wa„andis-1—ttnch.n an�i__press.,implied,astnacc—cy.—plete—.time—ss.n,dghtstnd,e iz.fs-hin—.tinn. Thisdnc--isnntmt-dedfn,�seasa1and--eyp&c` is it designed nr int &d ass cnnst—tin. design d.--t. The � se n, misuse Bright People. Right Solutions. Piedmont Natural Gas Line479Re Replacement p FILE NAME: Pt heinte,matieneentainedenthisgraphicrepreaente - satthese�eriskefthe using or misusing the information. www.kleinfeldeceom Robeson County, North Carolina party See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 6 N n m 2i Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 5 W CL m a m W w ID N D N N O N co N aA � 1 y {{ zy Al • � ;. f• ¢Yr'ai ky �� w' A)`..'M w a �t�* ���,dee��� .�` •�i •.�."'R' ♦. t1 '�+ t - Y �x it • w k 4k j k, F .fie ,s ..._ � •y,. - _ram ,t�r�rt ti ,r T 8; 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE LEGEND ` (� I Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Michaux Sumac 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) 1 inch = 250 feet Survey Area CREATED BY: EArias Survey Area — The intn.ntinn incl�&d nn this g phic reprea—firm has been � ,p d Irnm n nhety nt KL E//VFEL A0ER SD 3 K K iumberton—snndis-1—ttnchnngewith—t—ti-.K16Wn Ide,mzkeannrepresentztinnanr CHECKED BY: Piedmont Natural Gas war;nnties,e.pressnrimpied,nstnn rny. nmpetenessaimeinass.nrngh6tn a Bright People. Right Solutions. iz.fs-hin—.tinn.This d---tisnntiwt-ded%-- s.1-d--eyp &ct Line479Re Replacement is it designed.,intendednsncnnst,octinndesigndncomenLTheosen,m FILE NAME: p of the inte.ntien eentnined en this g phic repreaente - s zt the sere hsk of the 5e www.kleinfeldeceom Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 5 W Q m a m Lu w a) N D N N O N co 250 125 0 250 �� PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A LEGEND ( j 0 � ) -- -_ 1 1 inch - 250 feet Feet �� CREATED: 11/18/2022 Limits off Disturbance 343 acres ± — CREATED BY: EArias SurveyArea — The in funnztiun in cloded on this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of KL �/NF-�L OAFCHECKED BY: SD iu mberto n es and is subject to change without notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or warranties,_. sserimplied,aetoaccuracy.completeness,timetiness,ordghtsto a Bright People. Right Solutions. use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product sitdesignederintendedasacenstructiendesigndecument.Theuseormisuse FILE NAME: of the infom atmn contained on this graphic represen alien is at the sere risk of the www.kleinfeldeeeom party using or misusing the information. See File Path MEL Michaux Sumac Survey Area Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina FIGURE 3LL Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. CO a m W w D N N O 00 - C�oss'n9 Rd i Joe? PO', 1. LEGEND 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) Survey Area `�^ umberton 250 125 0 250 1 inch = 250 feet Feet The- ztinnincodednnthi iithiu—tisentatinn dn,. n�nmpi�edtmmn�n,ietynt nndiss h;ecttnchzngewi n tnnd a Keintedermzkesnnrepresentztinnsnr _'unties,e.p-ssn,implied,nstnn���,nay.—plete—.time—ss,nrdgh6tntte -Inchrote,mnden.Thisdee�mentisnetmtendedte, sensn1-ds eypmd e` s it d-ignederintended nsneenstroctien design decomenL The ose erm of the intem,ntien eentnined en this grzphic rep,eaente - s zt the s- risk of the party using .'misusing the information. KLE//VFELOER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A Michaux Sumac Surve Area Y FIGURE 3MM CREATED: 11/1 EArias CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement p Robeson County, North Carolina FILE NAME: See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. co a m W w ID N D N O co N m 6;1 =7 250 125 0 250 �� PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A LEGEND Feet �� CREATED: 11/18/2022 Michaux Sumac 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) 1 inch = 250 feet Survey Area KL E//VFEL 0ER CREATED BY: EArias SurveyArea — Theinfnnnztinninclodednnthis grzphic,epresentntinnhzsheencnmpiIedfmmzvzhetynf CHECKED BY: SD umberton nndiss h;ecttnchzngewi n fond a Keintedermzkesnnrepresentztinnsnr Piedmont Natural Gas wa„nnties,e.pressn,impied,nstnn ,ny.cnmpetenessaimeiness.nrdgh6tn a Bright People. Right Solutions. int iz.fs-hitin—.tinn.This dnc--isnntmt-dedfn, sensn1-dsun-eyp duct Line 479 Re lacement is de signed nr &dnsncnnslmnn des ign d.--t. The � se n, misuse FILE NAME: p of he intem,ntieneentninedenthis g phicrepreaente - sztthes--iskefthe www.kleinfeldeccom Robeson County, North Carolina party using or mi-sing �h a information. See File Path U FIGURE 3NN Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. W O N d N Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. R f r W w CD CO Ul N _ N r GEND 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) Survey Area ¢ s x �i �j } Apt _ 1� �'`� ,�,y�a�.•9 �� i at i "• .. . r — - , ��aXrbib .'y�b':.�'7R'�C'F -fj - _z " 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE Michaux Sumac II Feet / \ CREATED: 11/18/2022 it 1 inch = 250 feet Survey Area CREATED BY: EArias Th�iwfn.a,inn in ded nn ,his graphic represenGtinn has been nmpi ed,mm a ahety n, KL E//VFEL DER SD 3 P P andiss h;e „nchangewi n ,nnd e.Keinfedermakesnnrepresentatinnsnr CHECKED BY: Piedmont Natural Gas war;a ies,e.­SS nrim 11 d,as,nacc�,any.complete—.time—ss,nrng-tnthe Bright People. Right Solutions. e,s�ehin,ermaden.Thisd---tisnetmtended,er�seas-d--eyp d- Line lacement sitdeaignederintendedasaeenstr�etiendesigndncumen,.The�sen,misuse FILE NAME: p o,them,em,atieneentainedenthisgraphicrepresentadenisatthes-riske,the www.kleinfelder.com Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. v � � � ` .. t.� , � `�°f� st'� r s`:�,..r x rt�t, :o hr• % xr a o� �4 1.- �ZAMI < al �` /f >r... #ry,�9`_; l 'j`! v rEY✓ aM1 ''.+ drR f'^�7 E r ;.j 1� v}� ;'• tr'`t �+ t '�•. + �y^3� ? r•� i ti .:� Xi aL,�yi1R i^:2 h`•L, yf ,�•, '' •�� x t,�Lt,.. �, tyt.N`,. AM1^T��%" 1".fK._.,,{' -� T � }'-"• 5 } R t �. � N �.h � :L ` "fir � � !. r.! � .(�: i. J 'A '1. � � > ✓ 'r" � > �� 48 • � J ,�, .ir. i .� �'*:t �R�V. 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Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com Michaux Sumac Survey Area 3 R R CREATED: 11/18/2022 CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD Piedmont Natural Gas Line479Re Replacement p Robeson County, North Carolina FILE NAME: See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. aCU Lu w a� N N O O C3 0 LEGEND 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) Survey Area 0 M;i - a f �F CED 51 �R \� w ' 1 t �\ • e J 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A I Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 1 I 1 inch = 250 feet KLE//VFEL�ER CREATED BY: EArias em alien included en this graphic rePresen alien has been cemPiled rmm a arie er CHECKED BY: SD u mberto n and is subject to change wilt out notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or war;anties,e.presserimplied,-tooccur.cy.cempleteness,timeliness,urnghtsto- Bright People. Right Solutions. -- such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey Product s it desiW—.-untended as a cunstmcti wt-dgn decument. The ose er misuse FILE NAME: erthein=.tiencentainedenthisgraphicrepresent-isatthesereriskerthe www.kleinfelder.eom party using or misusing the information. See File Path ` ®v FIGURE Michaux Sumac Survey Area 3SS Piedmont Natural Gas Line 479 Replacement Robeson County, North Carolina Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 5 w Q a m w 0 N N O w1 15M `F 3 je-J.214=- 4. M row "i \ e �. a � •, raj .• .. 1, 07-r�`� _ .mar VAL t 250 125 0 250 T_ PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE LEGEND �. ! Michaux Sumac 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) 1 inch = 250 feet Feet CREATED: 11/1 EArias Y Surve Area CREATED BY: EArias Survey Area — The in,mmntinn incl�&d nn this g phic reprea—firm has been � ,p d,mm n nhety n, KL E//VFEL �ER SD 3TT iumberton —snndis-1—ttnch.n i,h—t—ti-.K1einfelder—snnr71sentztinnsnr CHECKED BY: Piedmont Natural Gas wa„nnties,e,f ess.,imp1ied,.stnncc�,nay.—plete—.tim 11-s's.nrngh6tntte Bright People. Right Solutions. n,s�Chin,n,mndnn.Thisdn�--isnntmt-ded,n,—.sn1nnds eypmd Line 479 Replacement s it d-ignednrw-didnsncnnst—firm design dnc--t. The osenrm FILE NAME: p .",thein,em,ntieneentninedenthis g phicrep,eaente—sztthese�-kefthe5e www.kleinfelder.com See File Path Robeson County, North Carolina party using or misusing the information. Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. CL 2 r: a m w N N N O r4.+1 Wwa,�'ra-- �T--rf- J ' J1 _ INKr P' C.S z , 93. .. • 1 — .•�.. ,.per .. kt Y• 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A LEGEND � � ! Michaux Sumac Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) j 1 inch = 250 feet Survey Area 1 KL E//VFEL OER CREATED BY: EArias Survey Area - The- ztiis-1—tt.cthi ith-t ti-.K16 da,. �ompi� s-.-s.,ol CHECKED BY: SD umberton Mesa diss h;ectto 11zd ewi ccu—y. Kei�le�dermzkesoorepresehh,tosor Piedmont Natural Gas wa„a ties,e. esso,impied,astoa ,a y. ompete essaimei ess.ordgh6to a Bright People. Right Solutions. of-chi�lo,mad- Thisd---tis—trot-dedf—s—s.1-ds�—yp d��t Line 479 Replacement itd-igoedorw-did—,�-stmcti—designd.--t.The �seo,misuse FILE NAME: p of the iilf...tioo__i_d_ this grzphicrepreaeote—szt-s- risk ofthe www.kleinfelder.com Robeson County, North Carolina party using .' misusing the information. See File Path 9, FIGURE 3UU Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 13 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE LEGEND 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) Survey Area ir-ihert^f 000000025 1 inch = 250 feet Feet The i�tmmati- wcl�&d - this g,aphic,ep,eseo atioo has I,— compiled Imm a ahety of s-disshecttocha�gewit,opt—ti-.K1ei�relde,makes�o,ep,ese�tati= a„a�ties_P'sse,imwied,riteaccu,acy,cempleteoeea,timeii�ess.e,dgh""ro ef_chi�te,made. Thisdee--is�etmt-dedte,oa— ,-dsu—yW duct is itdesig—do,i�t&dasac-sh-ucti—&sig�d.c--t. The —.,m otthei tem,at1—c-tai—d— this g,aphic,ep,eaeote - sat thes--iskefthe party using or misusing the information. KL E//VFEL AOER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com Michaux Sumac Surve Area Y 3 V V CREATED: 11/18/2022 CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD Piedmont Natural Gas Line Replacement p Robeson County, North Carolina FILE NAME: See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 0 w n m 2i Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. aCU CO Lu w N N 0 is 0 o Long Wd zo «� LEGEND 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) Survey Area d� F 40 ti t � low— �17 Gib _ -- � ��„-•-�- - - - �, 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A umbertnn • Feet 1 inch = 250 feet he inrnm, d is snb]�ded nn this graphic represenGtinn has been nmpi ed rmm a a,iety nr cesandiss h;e <<nchangewidncu—ye Keinfe�dermakesnnrepresentatinnsnr uc Snrianies.e.pressnrimwied.asnatisraw.t-dwdeness,timeinesa,nrdyh ­duct istdhinfnrmadnn.Thisds.c-is-enigdd.--t. �andsun- isu s itdesigned nr intended asa cnnstmctinn design dncoment. The use nr misuse nttheintem,atieneentainedenthisgraphicrepreaente—sat thes-riskefthe party using or misusing the information. KL E//VFEL DER Bright People. Right Solutions. www.kleinfelder.com CREATED: 11/18/2022 aC MSury X Sumac Survey Area CREATED BY: EArias CHECKED BY: SD Piedmont Natural Gas Line479Re Replacement p Robeson County, North Carolina FILE NAME: See File Path FIGURE 3XX Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. 0 w n m 2i Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. W m a w N N O W N e� P, i •�il� .` t 250 125 0 250 PROJECT NO. 20213937.001A FIGURE 0 Limits of Disturbance (343 acres ±) X;�:' Michaux Sumac Feet CREATED: 11/18/2022 Staging Yard j 1 inch = 250 feet Survey Area 1 KL E//VFEL OER CREATED BY: EArias AZZ Survey Area - Theinfn ztiis-1—tt.c this iithi ,—ti—ntatinn dn,. n�nmpi�edrmmn�nhe nr CHECKED BY: SD s umj - on �esnndissss.,lnphzd,-td cc—cye Keinte�dermzkesnnrs.-nntztinnsnr Piedmont Natural Gas Sa„nnt-h W essn,implied.ns tis,n wt-d df., ss,timeinesa,nrdghtstn a Bright People. Right Solutions. �s izis �hintn,mndnn.Thisdn-.c-st—ti—enigdd.--t.Tn— -- Line479Re Replacement .fitdesigned nr intended nsn�nnstroctinn design dncomenL The ose nrm FILE NAME: p ottheintem,ntieneentninedenthis g phicrep,esentn - sntthes-"sknttne5e party using .' misusing the information. www.kleinfeldeccom Robeson County, North Carolina See File Path Source: Imagery was obtained from ESRI Basemap. Imagery Origin: NC CGIA. Imagery Date: 1/21/2021. F-11 a a 4 Z, 10 K19-11 USFWS IPaC RESOURCE LIST 20213937.001A 120213937.002A I RAL22R146130 December 2, 2022 © 2022 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com 4/26/22, 10:25 AM IPaC: Explore Location resources IPaC U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service IPaC resource list This report is an automatically generated list of species and other resources such as critical habitat (collectively referred to as trust resources) under the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) jurisdiction that are known or expected to be on or near the project area referenced below. The list may also include trust resources that occur outside of the project area, but that could potentially be directly or indirectly affected by activities in the project area. However, determining the likelihood and extent of effects a project may have on trust resources typically requires gathering additional site -specific (e.g., vegetation/species X%46 surveys) and project -specific (e.g., magnitude and timing of proposed activities) information. Below is a summary of the project information you provided and contact information for the USFWS office(s) with jurisdiction in the defined project area. Please read the introduction to each section that follows (Endangered Species, Migratory Birds, USFWS Facilities, and NWI Wetlands) for additional information applicable to the trust resources addressed in that section. Location Robeson County, North Carolina it Rxi �Sdk�• I 'f. . �^ "e f#:x nNr: Local office Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office t. (919) 856-4520 JJJ (919) 856-4556 https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/HLROAZ6N2RF5NKF2DGX3AKITNU/resources 1/12 4/26/22, 10:25 AM MAILING ADDRESS IPaC: Explore Location resources Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, INC 27636-3726 PHYSICAL ADDRESS 551 Pylon Drive, Suite F Raleigh, INC 27606-1487 C)o�cJv FOB https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/HLROAZ6N2RF5NKF2DGX3AKITNU/resources 2/12 4/26/22, 10:25 AM IPaC: Explore Location resources Endangered species This resource list is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an analysis of project level impacts. The primary information used to generate this list is the known or expected range of each species. Additional areas of influence (AOI) for species are also considered. An AOI includes areas outside of the species range if the species could be indirectly affected by activities in that area (e.g., placing a dam upstream of a fish population even if that fish does not occur at the dam site, may indirectly impact the species by reducing or eliminating water flow downstream). Because species can move, and site conditions can change, the species on this list are not guaranteed to be found on or near the project area. To fully determine any potential effects to species, additional site -specific and project -specific information is often required. _,P V Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act requires Federal agencies to "request of the Secretary information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed may be present in the area of such proposed action" for any project that is conducted, permitted, funded, or licensed by any Federal agency. A letter from the local office and a species list which fulfills this requirement can only be obtained by requesting an official species list from either the Regulatory Review section in IPaC (see directions below) or from the local field office directly. <X ,I z For project evaluations that require USFWS concurrence/review, please return to the IPaC website and request an official species list by doing the following: 1. Draw the project location and click CONTINUE. 2. Click DEFINE PROJECT. 3. Log in (if directed to do so). 4. Provide a name and description for your project. 5. Click REQUEST SPECIES LIST. Listed speciesi and their critical habitats are managed by the Ecological Services Program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the fisheries division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA Fisheries). Species and critical habitats under the sole responsibility of NOAA Fisheries are not shown on this list. Please contact NOAA Fisheries for species under theirjurisdiction. 1. Species listed under the Endangered Species Act are threatened or endangered; IPaC also shows species that are candidates, or proposed, for listing. See the listing status page for more information. IPaC only shows species that are regulated by USFWS (see FAQ). https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/HLROAZ6N2RF5NKF2DGX3AKITNU/resources 3/12 4/26/22, 10:25 AM IPaC: Explore Location resources 2. NOAA Fisheries, also known as the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), is an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce. The following species are potentially affected by activities in this location: Birds NAME Red -cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis Wherever found No critical habitat has been designated for this species. https://ecos.fws.gov/ecptspecies/7614 Wood Stork Mycteria americans No critical habitat has been designated for this species https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/8477 R 'I STATUS Endangered Threatened epti es NAME STATUS American Alligator Alligator mississippiensis SAT Wherever found or No critical habitat has been designated for this species. https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/776 I nsect zo� , U NAME STATUS Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus Candidate Wherever found No critical habitat has been designated for this species. https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/9743 Flowering Plants NAME STATUS Michaux's Sumac Rhus michauxii Endangered Wherever found No critical habitat has been designated for this species. https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/5217 https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/HLROAZ6N2RF5NKF2DGX3AKITNU/resources 4/12 4/26/22, 10:25 AM IPaC: Explore Location resources Critical habitats Potential effects to critical habitat(s) in this location must be analyzed along with the endangered species themselves. THERE ARE NO CRITICAL HABITATS AT THIS LOCATION. Migratory birds Certain birds are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Actl and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Acts. A An person or organization who plans or conducts activities that may result in impacts to Any g p Y p migratory birds, eagles, and their habitats should follow appropriate regulations and consider implementing appropriate conservation measures, as described below. 1. The Migratory Birds Treaty Act of 1918. 2. The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940 Additional information can be found using the following links: • Birds of Conservation Concern https://www.fws.gQv//program/migratory-birds/species • Measures for avoiding and minimizing impacts to birds https://www.fws.gov/library/collections/avoiding-and-minimizing-incidental-take- migratory-birds . %h..do • Nationwide conservation measures for birds https://www.fws.gov/sites/default/files/documents/nationwide-standard-conservation- measures.pdf The birds listed below are birds of particular concern either because they occur on the USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) list or warrant special attention in your project location. To learn more about the levels of concern for birds on your list and how this list is generated, see the FAQ below. This is not a list of every bird you may find in this location, nor a guarantee that every bird on this list will be found in your project area. To see exact locations of where birders and the general public have sighted birds in and around your project area, visit the E-bird data mapping tool (Tip: enter your location, desired date range and a species on your list). For projects that occur off the Atlantic Coast, additional maps and models detailing the relative occurrence and abundance of bird species on your list are available. Links to additional information about Atlantic Coast birds, and other important information about your migratory bird list, including how to properly interpret and use your migratory bird report, can be found below. https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/HLROAZ6N2RF5NKF2DGX3AKITNU/resources 5/12 4/26/22, 10:25 AM IPaC: Explore Location resources For guidance on when to schedule activities or implement avoidance and minimization measures to reduce impacts to migratory birds on your list, click on the PROBABILITY OF PRESENCE SUMMARY at the top of your list to see when these birds are most likely to be present and breeding in your project area. NAME BREEDING SEASON (IFA _............................................................................. BREEDING SEASON IS _..................................................................... INDICATED FOR A BIRD ON _...................................................................................... YOUR LIST, THE BIRD MAY ................................................................................... BREED IN YOUR PROJECT AREA ............................... SOMETIME WITHIN THE ........................................................................... TIMEFRAME SPECIFIED, WHICH .................................................................................................... IS A VERY LIBERAL ESTIMATE ............................................................................................ OF THE DATES INSIDE WHICH .................................................................................. I ............. THE BIRD BREEDS ACROSS ITS .................................................................................................. ENTIRE RANGE. ''BREEDS ................................................................................ ELSEWHERE'' INDICATES THAT _................................................................................................ THE BIRD DOES NOT LIKELY ......................................................................................... BREED IN YOUR PROJECT AREA.) American Kestrel Falco sparverius paulus Breeds Apr 1 to Aug 31 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) only in particular Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) in the continental USA https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/9587 Prothonotary Warbler Protonotaria citrea Breeds Apr 1 to jul 31 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA and Alaska. Red-headed Woodpecker Melanerpes erythrocephalus Breeds May 10 to Sep 10 This is a Bird of Conservation Concern (BCC) throughout its range in the continental USA and Alaska. Probability of Presence Summary The graphs below provide our best understanding of when birds of concern are most likely to be present in your project area. This information can be used to tailor and schedule your project activities to avoid or minimize impacts to birds. Please make sure you read and understand the FAQ "Proper Interpretation and Use of Your Migratory Bird Report" before using or attempting to interpret this report. Probability of Presence ( ) https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/HLROAZ6N2RF5NKF2DGX3AKITNU/resources 6/12 4/26/22, 10:25 AM IPaC: Explore Location resources Each green bar represents the bird's relative probability of presence in the 10km grid cell(s) your project overlaps during a particular week of the year. (A year is represented as 12 4- week months.) A taller bar indicates a higher probability of species presence. The survey effort (see below) can be used to establish a level of confidence in the presence score. One can have higher confidence in the presence score if the corresponding survey effort is also high. How is the probability of presence score calculated? The calculation is done in three steps: 1. The probability of presence for each week is calculated as the number of survey events in the week where the species was detected divided by the total number of survey events for that week. For example, if in week 12 there were 20 survey events and the Spotted Towhee was found in 5 of them, the probability of presence of the Spotted Towhee in week 12 is 0.25. 2. To properly present the pattern of presence across the year, the relative probability off presence is calculated. This is the probability of presence divided by the maximum probability of presence across all weeks. For example, imagine the probability of presence in week 20 for the Spotted Towhee is 0.05, and that the probability of presence at week 12 (0.25) is the maximum of any week of the year. The relative probability of presence on week 12 is 0.25/0.25 = 1; at week 20 it is 0.05/0.25 = 0.2. 3. The relative probability of presence calculated in the previous step undergoes a statistical conversion so that all possible values fall between 0 and 10, inclusive. This is the probability of presence score. To see a bar's probability of presence score, simply hover your mouse cursor over the bar. Breeding Season( ) \101W Yellow bars denote a very liberal estimate of the time -frame inside which the bird breeds across its entire range. If there are no yellow bars shown for a bird, it does not breed in your project area. Survey Effort (1) Vertical black lines superimposed on probability of presence bars indicate the number of surveys performed for that species in the 10km grid cell(s) your project area overlaps. The number of surveys is expressed as a range, for example, 33 to 64 surveys. To see a bar's survey effort range, simply hover your mouse cursor over the bar. No Data (—) A week is marked as having no data if there were no survey events for that week. Survey Timeframe Surveys from only the last 10 years are used in order to ensure delivery of currently relevant information. The exception to this is areas off the Atlantic coast, where bird returns are based on all years of available data, since data in these areas is currently much more sparse. probability of presence breeding season I survey effort — no data https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/HLROAZ6N2RF5NKF2DGX3AKITNU/resources 7/12 4/26/22, 10:25 AM SPECIES IPaC: Explore Location resources JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC American Kestrel BCC - BCR (This ........................................... is a Bird of .............................. Conservation ..................................... Concern (BCC) ........................................ only in ................... particular Bird ........................................ Conservation ..................................... Regions (BCRs) .......................................... in the ................ continental ................................ USA) Prothonotary Warbler BCC Rangewide ............................................ (CON) (This is a .......................................... Bird of ................... Conservation ..................................... Concern (BCC) ....................................... throughout its ....................................... range in the .................................. continental ................................ USA and ....................... Alaska.) ...................... Red-headed Woodpecker BCC Rangewide ............................................ (CON) (This is a .......................................... Bird of ................... Conservation ..................................... Concern (BCC) ....................................... throughout its ....................................... range in the ................................. continental ................................ USA and ........................ Alaska.) ...................... V 11111111111111111111 ---- ---- ---- ---I ---- ---- ---- nnnnnnmi----------- � Tell me more about conservation measures I can implement to avoid or minimize impacts to migratory birds. Nationwide Conservation Measures describes measures that can help avoid and minimize impacts to all birds at any location year round. Implementation of these measures is particularly important when birds are most likely to occur in the project area. When birds may be breeding in the area, identifying the locations of any active nests and avoiding their destruction is a very helpful impact minimization measure. To see when birds are most likely to occur and be breeding in your project area, view the Probability of Presence Summary. Additional measures or permits may be advisable depending on the type of activity you are conducting and the type of infrastructure or bird species present on your project site. What does IPaC use to generate the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specified location? https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/HLROAZ6N2RF5NKF2DGX3AKITNU/resources 8/12 4/26/22, 10:25 AM IPaC: Explore Location resources The Migratory Bird Resource List is comprised of USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) and other species that may warrant special attention in your project location. The migratory bird list generated for your project is derived from data provided by the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN). The AKN data is based on a growing collection of survey., banding, and citizen science datasets and is queried and filtered to return a list of those birds reported as occurring in the 10km grid cell(s) which your project intersects, and that have been identified as warranting special attention because they are a BCC species in that area, an eagle (Eagle Act requirements may apply), or a species that has a particular vulnerability to offshore activities or development. Again, the Migratory Bird Resource list includes only a subset of birds that may occur in your project area. It is not representative of all birds that may occur in your project area. To get a list of all birds potentially present in your project area, please visit the AKN Phenology Tool. What does IPaC use to generate the probability of presence graphs for the migratory birds poten ' II occurring in my specified location? W.N.- The probability of presence graphs associated with your migratory bird list are based on data provided by the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN).. This data is derived from a growing collection of survey., banding, and citizen science datasets . Probability of presence data is continuously being updated as new and better information becomes available. To learn more about how the probability of presence graphs are produced and how to interpret them, go the Probability of Presence Summary and then click on the "Tell me about these graphs" link. How do I know if a bird is breeding, wintering, migrating or present year-round in my project area? To see what part of a particular bird's range your project area falls within (i.e. breeding, wintering, migrating or year-round), you may refer to the following resources: The Cornell Lab of Ornithology All About Birds Bird Guide, or (if you are unsuccessful in locating the bird of interest there), the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Neotropical Birds guide. If a bird on your migratory bird species list has a breeding season associated with it, if that bird does occur in your project area, there may be nests present at some point within the timeframe specified. If "Breeds elsewhere" is indicated, then the bird likely does not breed in your project area. What are the levels of concern for migratory birds? Migratory birds delivered through IPaC fall into the following distinct categories of concern: 1. "BCC Rangewide" birds are Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) that are of concern throughout their range anywhere within the USA (including Hawaii, the Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands); 2. "BCC - BCR" birds are BCCs that are of concern only in particular Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) in the continental USA; and 3. "Non -BCC - Vulnerable" birds are not BCC species in your project area, but appear on your list either because of the Eagle Act requirements (for eagles) or (for non -eagles) potential susceptibilities in offshore areas from certain types of development or activities (e.g. offshore energy development or longline fishing). https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/HLROAZ6N2RF5NKF2DGX3AKITNU/resources 9/12 4/26/22, 10:25 AM IPaC: Explore Location resources Although it is important to try to avoid and minimize impacts to all birds, efforts should be made, in particular, to avoid and minimize impacts to the birds on this list, especially eagles and BCC species of rangewide concern. For more information on conservation measures you can implement to help avoid and minimize migratory bird impacts and requirements for eagles, please see the FAQs for these topics. Details about birds that are potentially affected by offshore projects For additional details about the relative occurrence and abundance of both individual bird species and groups of bird species within your project area off the Atlantic Coast, please visit the Northeast Ocean Data Portal. The Portal also offers data and information about other taxa besides birds that may be helpful to you in your project review. Alternately, you may download the bird model results files underlying the portal maps through the NOAA NCCOS Integrative Statistical Modeling and Predictive Mapping of Marine Bird Distributions and Abundance on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf project webpage. Bird tracking data can also provide additional details about occurrence and habitat use throughout the year, including migration. Models relying on survey data may not include this information. For additional information on marine bird tracking data, see the Diving Bird Study and the nanotag studies or contact Caleb Spiegel or Pam Loring. What if I have eagles on my list? If your project has the potential to disturb or kill eagles, you may need to obtain a permit to avoid violating the Eagle Act should such impacts occur. 0 Proper Interpretation and Use of Your Migratory Bird Report The migratory bird list generated is not a list of all birds in your project area, only a subset of birds of priority concern. To learn more about how your list is generated, and see options for identifying what other birds may be in your project area, please see the FAQ "What does IPaC use to generate the migratory birds potentially occurring in my specified location". Please be aware this report provides the "probability of presence" of birds within the 10 km grid cell(s) that overlap your project; not your exact project footprint. On the graphs provided, please also look carefully at the survey effort (indicated by the black vertical bar) and for the existence of the "no data" indicator (a red horizontal bar). A high survey effort is the key component. If the survey effort is high, then the probability of presence score can be viewed as more dependable. In contrast, a low survey effort bar or no data bar means a lack of data and, therefore, a lack of certainty about presence of the species. This list is not perfect; it is simply a starting point for identifying what birds of concern have the potential to be in your project area, when they might be there, and if they might be breeding (which means nests might be present). The list helps you know what to look for to confirm presence, and helps guide you in knowing when to implement conservation measures to avoid or minimize potential impacts from your project activities, should presence be confirmed. To learn more about conservation measures, visit the FAQ "Tell me about conservation measures I can implement to avoid or minimize impacts to migratory birds" at the bottom of your migratory bird trust resources page. Facilities https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/HLROAZ6N2RF5NKF2DGX3AKITNU/resources 10/12 4/26/22, 10:25 AM IPaC: Explore Location resources National Wildlife Refuge lands Any activity proposed on lands managed by the National Wildlife Refuge system must undergo a 'Compatibility Determination' conducted by the Refuge. Please contact the individual Refuges to discuss any questions or concerns. THERE ARE NO REFUGE LANDS AT THIS LOCATION. Fish hatcheries THERE ARE NO FISH HATCHERIES AT THIS LOCATION. 0 Wetlands in the National Wetlands Inventory Impacts to NWI wetlands and other aquatic habitats may be subject to regulation under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, or other State/Federal statutes. For more information please contact the Regulatory Program of the local U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District. z� WETLAND INFORMATION IS NOTAVAILABLE ATTHIS TIME This can happen when the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) map service is unavailable, or for very large projects that intersect many wetland areas. Try again, or visit the NWI map to view wetlands at this location. v4w�- 0 Data limitations The Service's objective of mapping wetlands and deepwater habitats is to produce reconnaissance level information on the location, type and size of these resources. The maps are prepared from the analysis of high altitude imagery. Wetlands are identified based on vegetation, visible hydrology and geography. A margin of error is inherent in the use of imagery; thus, detailed on -the -ground inspection of any particular site may result in revision of the wetland boundaries or classification established through image analysis. The accuracy of image interpretation depends on the quality of the imagery, the experience of the image analysts, the amount and quality of the collateral data and the amount of ground truth verification work conducted. Metadata should be consulted to determine the date of the source imagery used and any mapping problems. Wetlands or other mapped features may have changed since the date of the imagery or field work. There may be occasional differences in polygon boundaries or classifications between the information depicted on the map and the actual conditions on site. https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/HLROAZ6N2RF5NKF2DGX3AKITNU/resources 11/12 4/26/22, 10:25 AM Data exclusions IPaC: Explore Location resources Certain wetland habitats are excluded from the National mapping program because of the limitations of aerial imagery as the primary data source used to detect wetlands. These habitats include seagrasses or submerged aquatic vegetation that are found in the intertidal and subtidal zones of estuaries and nearshore coastal waters. Some deepwater reef communities (coral or tuberficid worm reefs) have also been excluded from the inventory. These habitats, because of their depth, go undetected by aerial Imagery. Data precautions Federal, state, and local regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over wetlands may define and describe wetlands in a different manner than that used in this inventory. There is no attempt, in either the design or products of this inventory, to define the limits of proprietary jurisdiction of any Federal, state, or local government or to establish the geographical scope of the regulatory programs of government agencies. Persons intending to engage in activities involving modifications within or adjacent to wetland areas should seek the advice of appropriate federal, state, or local agencies concerning specified agency regulatory programs and proprietary jurisdictions that may affect such activities. WON �o� C)O�cJv FOB https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/location/HLROAZ6N2RF5NKF2DGX3AKITNU/resources 12/12 /_1aa4ZI1]1:� 3 PHOTOGRAPHS OF REVIEW AREA Project Name: Location: Project Number: Line 479 Phase I and II Robeson County 20213937.001A and 20213937.002A late: 0/26/2022 lirection Photo Taken: lortheast lescription: Photo was taken om RCW Survey Area, facing ortheast at the recently cleared, )rmerly forested area and Foy Wive on: RCW Survey Area Project Name: Location: Project Number: Line 479 Phase I and II Robeson Countv 20213937.001A and 20213937.002A late: 0/26/2022 lirection Photo Taken: lortheast lescription: Photo was taken om RCW Survey Area, facing ortheast at the recently cleared, )rmerly forested area and Foy Wive. n: RCW Survey Area 20213937.001A 120213937.002A I RAL22R146130 December 2, 2022 © 2022 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com 'roject Name: ine 479 Phase I and II late: 0/26/2022 lirection Photo Taken: Iorth lescription: Photo was taken om RCW Survey Area, facing orth at the recently cleared, )rmerly forested area and Foy Irlve. on: RCW Survey Area Cou roject Number: J213937.001A and 20213937.002A 20213937.001A 120213937.002A I RAL22R146130 December 2, 2022 © 2022 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com 'roject Name: ine 479 Phase I and II late: 0/26/2022 iirection Photo Taken: I/A iescription: Photo was taken om RCW Survey Area, photo recently logged tree stump. on: RCW Survey Area 'roject Name: ine 479 Phase I and II late: 0/26/2022 iirection Photo Taken: I/A iescription: Photo was taken om RCW Survey Area, photo �cently logged tree stumps. on: RCW Survey Area beson beson ject Number: 13937.001A and 20213937.002A ject Number: 13937.001A and 20213937.002A 20213937.001A 120213937.002A I RAL22R146130 December 2, 2022 © 2022 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com Project Name: Location: Project Number: Line 479 Phase I and II Robeson County 120213937.001 A and 20213937.002A Date: a4 10/26/2022 Direction Photo Taken: a,- �• .- Description: Photo was taken from RCW Survey Area, facing ' east at the recently cleared, formerly forested area. n: RCW Survey Area Project Name: Line 479 Phase I and II Date: 10/26/2022 Direction Photo Taken: -ription: Photo was taken RCW Survey Area, facing at the recently cleared, erly forested area. on: RCW Survey Area beson ject Number: 13937.001A and 20213937.002A 20213937.001A 120213937.002A I RAL22R146130 December 2, 2022 © 2022 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com Project Name: Location Line 479 Phase I and II Robeson Date: 10/26/2022 Direction Photo Taken: Description: Photo was taken from RCW Survey Area, facing E)ast at the recently cleared, formerly forested area. n: RCW Survey Area ject Number: 13937.001A and 20213937.002A Project Name: Location: Project Number: Line 479 Phase I and II Robeson County 120213937.001 A and 20213937.002A Date: 10/26/2022 Direction Photo Taken: -ription: Photo was taken RCW Survey Area, facing q at the recently cleared,' erly forested area. �f ition: RCW Survey Area q„ 20213937.001A 120213937.002A I RAL22R146130 December 2, 2022 © 2022 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com n: RCW Survey Area Project Number: 10/26/2022 Direction Photo South • • • was takenfrom RCW Survey Area, facing recentlysouth at the cleared,formerly o forested area. z Location: i x I s( •, 5 1 f 20213937.001A 120213937.002A I RAL22R146130 December 2, 2022 © 2022 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com n: RCW Survey Area 20213937.001A 120213937.002A I RAL22R146130 December 2, 2022 © 2022 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com Paul Murray From: Ellis, John <john_ellis@fws.gov> Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2023 2:48 PM To: Paul Murray Cc: Sara Duquette; tom.morris2@duke-energy.com; DePalma, Alicia; Keely Lane; Ryan Parker; Mann, Leigh Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: Transmittal - Line 479 - FWS Consultation Letter External Email Thanks The Service concurs with your determinations for the project as proposed. John From: Paul Murray <PMurray@kleinfelder.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2023 10:09 AM To: Ellis, John <john_ellis@fws.gov> Cc: Sara Duquette <SDuquette@kleinfelder.com>; tom.morris2@duke-energy.com <tom.morris2@duke-energy.com>; DePalma, Alicia <Alicia.DePalma@duke-energy.com>; Keely Lane <KLane@kleinfelder.com>; Ryan Parker <RParker@kleinfelder.com> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] RE: Transmittal - Line 479 - FWS Consultation Letter Good Morning John, No work has begun as a part of the project. The clearing occurred from the landowner and is separate from the project. Thanks, Paul Murray, CFM Wetland Scientist 5775 Glenridge Drive Building B I Suite 585 Atlanta, GA 30328 D 1 470-571-1451 M 1 678-925-3805 JCL EIl1I -AS-L DIER Bligh[Fe0�Ie.RiphtSo!uiio.9s ti From: Ellis, John <john_ellis@fws.gov> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2023 5:06 PM To: Paul Murray <PMurray@kleinfelder.com> Cc: Sara Duquette <SDuquette@kleinfelder.com>; tom.morris2@duke-energy.com; DePalma, Alicia <Alicia.DePalma@duke-energy.com>; Keely Lane <KLane@kleinfelder.com>; Ryan Parker <RParker@kleinfelder.com> Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: Transmittal - Line 479 - FWS Consultation Letter External Email Paul, Looking at the photos of the RCW survey area the cleared area appears to be linear but sometimes photos are misleading. Was the timber harvest associated with the proposed project? John From: Paul Murray <PMurray@kleinfelder.com> Sent: Monday, January 23, 2023 10:46 AM To: Ellis, John <john_ellis@fws.gov> Cc: Sara Duquette <SDuquette@kleinfelder.com>; tom.morris2@duke-energy.com <tom.morris2@duke-energy.com>; DePalma, Alicia <Alicia.DePalma@duke-energy.com>; Keely Lane <KLane@kleinfelder.com>; Ryan Parker <RParker@kleinfelder.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Transmittal - Line 479 - FWS Consultation Letter This email has been received from outside of DOI - Use caution before clicking on links, opening attachments, or responding. Good Morning Mr. Ellis, Following up on this concurrence request in case it got buried over the holidays. Please let me know if you have any trouble with the folder link or need any additional information. E]PNG Line 479 FWS Letter Thanks, Paul Murray, CFM Wetland Scientist 5775 Glenridge Drive Building B I Suite 585 Atlanta, GA 30328 D 470-571-1451 M 678-925-3805 JCL EI EL CAER Bfrghf People. Right Soo Uirons. ti From: Paul Murray Sent: Monday, December 5, 2022 8:52 AM To: john_ellis@fws.gov Cc: Sara Duquette <SDuquette@kleinfelder.com>; tom.morris2@duke-energy.com; DePalma, Alicia <Alicia.DePalma@duke-energy.com> Subject: Transmittal - Line 479 - FWS Consultation Letter Good Morning Mr. Ellis, On behalf of Piedmont Natural Gas, please see the OneDrive link that will be coming to your inbox for the informal consultation for the Line 479 Phase I and II project. Please review and please let me know if there are any needed changes. Thanks, Paul Murray, CFM Wetland Scientist 5775 Glenridge Drive Building B I Suite 585 Atlanta, GA 30328 D 470-571-1451 M 678-925-3805 JCL EIl1I -AS-L DAER Blight Feopfe. Right Sod u iiar &