HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC233223_Contact Update Request_20231128Holloman, Tevye L From: Stewart, Jana <Jana.Stewart@greensboro-nc.gov> Sent: Friday, November 17, 2023 8:03 AM To: Holloman, Tevye L Subject: RE: [External] FW: Construction Stormwater eNOI Status - Payment Instructions CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Just billing. Thank you. Jana C. Stewart, PE Engineering Manager Water Resources City of Greensboro 336.412.6314 VISION STATEMENT Greensboro will be a community with endless economic opportunities and GREENSBORO an exceptional quality of life. From: Holloman, Tevye L <Tev.Holloman@deq.nc.gov> Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2023 4:23 PM To: Stewart, Jana <Jana.Stewart@greensboro-nc.gov> Subject: RE: [External] FW: Construction Stormwater eNOI Status - Payment Instructions WARNING: External Email — Don't get hooked by a phishing email. Never click on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Good afternoon, I can add you as a billing contact or do you need to change site contact and/or legally responsible person? If so, there are additional instructions. /r Tevye (Tev) Holloman (he, him) Administrative Billing Specialist DEMLR Stormwater Program Office: (919) 707-3649 Tev.Holloman@deq.nc.gov North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Stormwater Program 1 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 (location) 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 (mailing) Website: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/stormwater From: Stewart, Jana <Jana.Stewart@greensboro-nc.gov> Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2023 11:01 AM To: Holloman, Tevye L <Tev.Holloman@deg.nc.gov> Subject: [External] FW: Construction Stormwater eNOI Status - Payment Instructions CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Tev- I need to change the billing contact on this permit. How do I do that? It needs to be me, Jana Stewart, iana.stewart@greensboro-nc.gov Your Certificate of Coverage (COC) number: NCC233223 Project Name: GRMS Phase IV Force Main Extension Permittee Name: City of Greensboro Legally Responsible Person: Virginia Spillman Thanks! Jana C. Stewart, PE Engineering Manager Water Resources City of Greensboro 336.412.6314 VISION STATEMENT Greensboro will be a community with endless economic opportunities and GREENSBORO an exceptional quality of life. From: Spillman, Virginia <Claudia.Spillman@greensboro-nc.gov> Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2023 9:49 AM To: Stewart, Jana <Jana.Stewart@greensboro-nc.gov> Subject: FW: Construction Stormwater eNOI Status - Payment Instructions From: Iaserfiche.ncdenr.eov(@mccicloud.io <Iaserfiche.ncdenr.eov(@mccicloud.io> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 6:38 AM To: Spillman, Virginia <Claudia.Spillman@greensboro-nc.gov> Cc: Brooklyn.Broussard@deg.nc.gov; Tev.Holloman@deq.nc.gov; soere.teme@amesco.com; matthew.watt@hdrinc.com; Spillman, Virginia <Claudia.Spillman@greensboro-nc.gov> Subject: Construction Stormwater eNOI Status - Payment Instructions WARNING: External Email — Don't get hooked by a phishing email. Never click on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Dear Construction Stormwater Permit Applicant: We have reviewed the eNOI that you submitted for GRMS Phase IV Force Main Extension submitted on 10/26/2023 and found it to be complete. Your Certificate of Coverage (COC) number: NCC233223 Project Name: GRMS Phase IV Force Main Extension Permittee Name: City of Greensboro Legally Responsible Person: Virginia Spillman This e-mail serves as the invoice for the initial annual permit fee. **NOTE: As of October 3, 2023, the fee has increased to $120.** Application Invoice No. NCC233223-2023 Annual Permit Fee: $120 Invoice Date: 10/27/2023 Due Date: 11/26/2023 After we receive payment of the $120 annual permit fee, we will e-mail you the COC for this project. Failure to pay the annual fee in 30 days will result in your application being rejected, and you will need to re- apply for a new COC. You have two options for paying the $120 fee: 1. Electronic payment by debit/credit card is preferred. To access the ePayment website, go to hnps://protect.checkpoint.com/v2/ hnps://deq.nc.gov/sw- epayments YzJlomdyZWVuc2Jvcm9uYzpjOm86NWJjYWQzMzY5MGRmMWY2OTk3ZjUYOTViMGI1 YzMxZmI6Nj oONj RiOjMOZThmYTcxOGFIZWQ2NWU3MDIOZGQ lYmQwMTk5OTE 1M2M4NGIwMWE5 Mjk4NTA2ZTZIYTgOYzF j OWQ3YzZjYWU6dDpU You will need to enter the COC number above (NCC233223). If you select eCheck, there is no convenience fee. The convenience fee for a credit card is 2.65%, and the convenience fee for debit card is $3.95. 2. Mail a $120 check made payable to "DEMLR Stormwater Program." After we receive the check in the Raleigh Central Office, it will take 1-2 business days for us to e-mail your COC. A $25.00 processing fee will be charged for a returned check in accordance with NC General Statute 25-3-512. No matter which method of payment you choose, you must mail the original signed NOI Certification Form to: DEMLR Stormwater Program 512 N. Salisbury Street, 640K 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 If you have any questions, contact the Stormwater Program at (919) 707-3649 or by email at tev.holloman@deq.nc.gov The NC DEMLR Stormwater Program 512 N. Salisbury Street, Archdale Building 6th Floor (640K), 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699- 1612 This email was automatically generated by Laserfzche. Please do not respond to this email address, as responses are not monitored. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official.