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NC0038377_Table 9-1 Sediment Analytical Results_20150902
TABLE 9-1 SEDIMENT ANALYTICAL RESULTS MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, ROXBORO, NC Analytical Parameter Percent Moisture pH at 25 Degrees C Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Cadmium Calcium Chloride Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate (as N) Potassium Selenium Sodium Strontium Sulfate Thallium Total Organic Carbon Vanadium Zinc Reporting Units % S.U. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Soil RSL- Industrial Health NE NE 110000 47 3 22000 230 23000 98 NE NE NE 35 4700 82000 800 NE 2600 4 580 2200 NE NE 580 NE 70000 NE 1.2 NE 580 35000 Soil RSL- Residential Health NE NE 7700 3.1 0.68 1500 16 1600 7.1 NE NE NE 2.3 310 5500 400 NE ISO 0.94 39 ISO NE NE 39 NE 4700 NE 0.078 NE 39 2300 Soil RSL - Protection of Groundwater NE NE NE 0.27 0.29 82 3.2 NE NE NE NE 180000 NE 46 NE 1 14 NE NE 0.1 NE NE NE NE 0.26 NE NE NE 0.14 NE NE NE Sample ID Sample Collection Date Analytical Results S-01 05/12/2015 65.5 6.4 1120 <14.4 56.4 271 <0.72 40.4 <1.7 1580 <706 5.8 <14.4 <3.6 247000 <14.4 664 511 <0.024 <7.2 <14.4 <70.6 <718 <14.4 <718 40.1 <706 <14.4 18400 <14.4 227 S-02 05/13/2015 26.9 6.5 3390 <6.8 <6.8 49.1 0.25j <17 <0.82 513 <341 8 16.4 7.8 16000 <6.8 1580 1060 <0.011 <3.4 3.2 <34.1 687 <6.8 <340 6.8 <341 <6.8 1130 13.3 18.7 S-02B 05/13/2015 18.9 6.6 2170 <6.3 <6.3 31.8 0.21 j <15.8 <0.76 507 <312 3.4 4.7 j 4.8 12700 <6.3 1110 427 <0.0097 <3.2 0.96 j <31.2 471 <6.3 <316 5.3 <312 <6.3 1030 5.8 j 10.7 S-03 05/12/2015 19.5 7.1 5030 <6.5 <6.5 38.3 0.44 <16.2 <0.78 625 <315 94.4 7.4 5.4 15600 14 1140 562 <0.0099 <3.2 2.8 <31.5 342 <6.5 <325 10 <315 <6.5 1290 42.5 12.6 S-04 05/13/2015 57 6.9 6190 <12 14.1 164 0.33j 16.9j <1.4 2100 <585 15.4 14 12.3 101000 <12 3250 2400 <0.018 <6 3.2 <58.5 1390 <12 <601 33.6 <585 <12 12900 22.3 26.6 S-06 05/13/2015 52.7 6.6 7500 <9.9 <9.9 80.9 0.37 j <24.7 <1.2 2010 <517 18.5 7.4 j 15.9 17400 8 j 3090 436 0.0096 j <4.9 7.4 <51.7 1230 <9.9 <495 15.5 <517 <9.9 23500 33.6 174 S-08 05/13/2015 43.5 6.8 2900 <8.7 <8.7 179 0.7 <21.8 <1 1280 <435 4.5 40.6 4.9 10700 4.9 j 656 7090 0.01 j <4.4 4.8 <43.5 310 j <8.7 <436 29.2 <435 <8.7 3510 7.3 j 12.8 SW -CBI 05/13/2015 30.2 6.3 6760 <7.1 <7.1 53.1 0.38 <17.8 <0.85 763 <349 13.1 4.5 j 10.4 9660 3.6 j 3070 186 0.0065 j <3.6 5.2 <34.9 1590 <7.1 <356 10.3 <349 <7.1 3770 16.5 39.6 SW-CB2 05/13/2015 56.5 7.0 7350 <11.1 <11.1 98.2 0.29 j <27.7 <1.3 1060 <566 13.9 6.1 j 9.5 11400 7.4 j 2170 383 0.027 <5.5 5 <56.6 952 <11.1 <553 16.3 399 j <11.1 24800 19.2 31.4 SW-REF1 05/13/2015 26.2 6.4 2610 <7.1 <7.1 23.7 0.18 j <17.8 <0.85 335 <333 17.3 <7.1 3.3 7100 3.7 j 937 122 <0.01 <3.6 2.4 <33.3 470 <7.1 <356 3.2 j <333 <7.1 5210 15.1 14.8 Prepared by: BER LAM Checked by: KLS Notes: Bold highlighted concentration indicates highest exceedance of the EPA Mid -Atlantic Risk Assessment regional screening levels for soil, June 2015, for the category listed below: - Soil RSL - Industrial Health - Soil RSL - Residential Health - Protection of Groundwater % = percent S.U. = Standard unit mg/kg = milligram per kilogram NE = Not established < = concentration not detected at or above the reporting limit j = Indicates concentration reported below Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL), but above Method Detection Limit (MDL) and therefore concentration is estimated. P:\Duke Energy Progress. 1026\105. Mayo Ash Basin GW Assessment Plan\1.11 CSA Reporting\Tables\Report Tables\Table 9-1 Sediment Analytical Results Page 1 of 1