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Mecklenburg_Well Abandonment_20231122 (11)
WELL ABANDONMENT-RECORD FdilydernalUs�ONLY: This faun eaii lie useil,far single or utultiple 1itft I..welt Contractor infgrmatitim: WELL ABANDONMENT DE:TMIJS Zach Thompson Iii.Npiubdr of wells being abanldnl W.- l �Vell'Cennacrorh'arnC getiacllu�tir�r' Ruriall'rt�> nin;ttatl:6t,liisflirr"'ru"n Fa• Irirlupfe fryeruar w• rvrJarrfcr sirnpA, wells" ONLY will) dw sane • c•�sfnrcflu�,'rd�wrcfaiiJJ�aJL;tne cim,taJdviiif nvlsform, 4478A "71.Arliroiciinatc volntnc of tratll'tlne:tinini;iomj(a)2 {guL) NC1VetlCordeiciorCcitificnliomNnntbci i I SAEDACco I+OR WATT R.S.UPPi.Y\VBZ,i.SONLY: Contilaa}•Name. 7c,TyVpe rif disinfectant used: 2:Wet Consttuctlon Permit 0: LJ3f rdlujiplJtyuOl�.uellltir,<cidti(:a!Cwurtt•Srrr�,{urJivxw,Iirfe�rilurr,;elt:}j,Gmu•rJ 7d.htnottut.af.dLSinfcct:Lnf tiscd. 3.•r},'dt uye(eLcrl: ell nrrj: Niter Supply Well: 7c:Scaling tiwtt6iws used(chccl:all'that apply): O ftT idtural plvliuiicipil7Ptil�lio• 12,NgTCcinctitGiout Cl AcntoriU Chips of Pellets', I7CJcotltcmx4(14ml!neCoolin.g Supply) . 1712csidential%Valer 5`pPpf}'{singla' n Sand' emrai Grout. i 13 My Clay l7hutnstfiallComatcft iat OResidentia 1Nater Suppiy-(shami) O Concrcte'Grog1 O'Dfill Cugings ❑ini Pion " CI Spectiidty Giau1 0 Gravel Nog=Watcr5uppl�Wci1: Ct HQntonite5lutty ®Ottier(explainundery �114tagltoriag:_ ORaxaceq.. ," Injection NVclt: 7f.For each tuatertid selected ab6've,provide atnountaf utaterials used: C1A4uifer Ltecbar4�e: Remetil itioit Neat Cem.•941b ,Wtr 6gal." Sand Cem.•lb ,Wtr•gal. OAtju&i Sioiage and Rctijoi ery OSliludt}r Daffier DAiiaifrt Test CI$lort>lttvter I7rainyge DEiperintetttal Tetltttoln9 pSubsidetre Coittrtil 7g;P6iidc a l)'fief desciipti6r of fhc'ab:iudnnment pifrc�tilufi:. OGeothenirtl(CloscdLoop} LTlracer. 13Ge6thetmat(Hcati2kCooG Return) ®t)thcrics lain under?„), Injection through tremie pipe i 4.Date ecll(s).ah mdoncc4 11-8-23 Clariant Mt Holly East Facility ,Noll Se .L}nt123 Floilily/GntxrN�nc Rnility'Lld(Fappl..-,.blc) S.�crtlilJJJCatiau: V 11101 Mt. Holly Rd. Charlotte, NC 74 �'_"ir",' ,±' -" � ' 171/9/2023 "S Ph}sical:�dd>es;City,'3�Zip SrLWIr• fCYnl edW01Cnlltwj fai'WeIthis ll;de i• Mecklenburg 'ay si�nlrl�iv 1hrs PubHI, f hm-byeei trfyllrar llre tt•ell(s)was(were)aBanctanrd nr Count), acwhIattce with 1.5.i.XC4C 0ZG,flIG0:ur-2C.0200 IV ell Ctviisdntcffori Skmckircls and''iIra!a cnpyr ofUrfs record hw beery proWdecllo tJre.ti e11 otviier. - Sb:B�ttiftideandlong�rde'in.dc�cesliiilmutc:.lscenuds.ardccimal,dcgrccsc (ifct•ell rwK 014 600ugis satlticxtx) 9.Site diagram or addlitonat wdl details: You.niay-.use the bacl:-bf th6 pale to:pi®vide additional well.sitc,derails,oi wvu A' `Y aWndoi nteni details I'au tuv5 aLsfi iutaelt additiottat pop s if tx c cssun. CdNsTRMtMtlN.1)PTA1➢_C OF WRLL(S'V BRING ABANDONED 4_tIRNHWAL iNSTRI1mo`.5 ; :tt1rJ[!r trc+11 cviiii•Jn,cliwt r cUril(sl'Jj avi)]talil� veil•prn/fill blJett7rirr:ur rvJn•,ixru:r.vrpply nelds ONLY.tiiNrJl wrefurnc Ift Far Ali AVems Submit IbLi!fann within 30 day.5 of completion,of ttrll 6g ID;�:.EMW-16 ab;4oamcia to the followin' J Dlvisian of Water R"o6r.,aC ,dnfofnmtioa Primes sing Unit 6b.Tatat we'll ire tlr 39 1617 NEW Service Center,,Raleil;6,NiC 27699-1617 p 00 lGb i c r fiticetfttn WOW Inadditibti to sending the fatal to the address in Ica •4bave.afsa sttbutit Otte copy'-of tliis.fortn ttithiit'36 days•af completion of ttell 6aBotx1ole diatfieter.8 (lm) abandonment to the follotting Divlslott.gF l NaIer R6ouri ess.Unde round Fn ec#611 C6ititvl Ptri kratu, rod.Water tcicl.h¢loit grotins6 ctirfacc:26 (ft:) 163E mail Sofia.&nfiri Raleigh;NC 2 7 69 9-163 6 b Gc.Outcr casing length,(if I.vntrn); - - (ft.) 1Qc.Fnc�V:ttcr Stmnh.Cc lnirctlon Well.v: In addition to sending the form to the addresses) abote, also ssubmii,,bite copy of this farm %iiiiiin 34 days of completion of fell abandonment ta�tlic cbma•heahh dep:uuncni of-the eonniv whrre ab ndoncd• nca'6f.I liasioy(J uhlmk t hob(if"taturf`n): (ft) f I 61;.Soren letil th(If knoll a)., 01t.) Form G%V-aa Nonit Carollm Depatttn:m.of lin ironount atxl Natural Resomues-Division of Water ttcsol-Mg Revised August 2013.