HomeMy WebLinkAboutMecklenburg_Well Abandonment_20231122 (8) YELL ABA,NDONN EN,T RECORD FailnlemdUscONLY: Iliisfbrtncantieused.forsitigl octnuhipleN1'zlls I.Well Cnntrac(nr information: WELL ABXNDaRMENT11FTAW; zach Thompson '7p.Number af wells being ab IdaItied-.1 �Vc9j'CeuteaeaorKamti(gr-sp Motu persaiully:alxainlgnln;u.U.cf>ifisrl>ir'prppeny) pw' nrtr7np!l.. fnlertfar ear ray?+-1i}�M�'& 3arpEJ� wnlis- .ONLY W11) Mil swain tttrisfrrccfiae;m5artinirrncraf,)rueciru,sallnailfim'firm. 9478A NC Wdl ConlragorCottittcataotrNntt#Ici 7b.Aprrn cjmlte�olnine aP iratl.r6olwin in iiclj(s)5.6 (VAL) SAEDACCO FOR W.VAT:R.SUPPLY WELLS dNLV: Caravan+•Narnc: 7e.Type 61 disinketant u3red: 2:Well Construcffon Permit a: 1131 id1 up,�llrrtble urfJ farmiig(%+s Cutan(Y.Sru1e,litianrx�,lirjeufiar:,rl�)Jdstrawra 7(L-Amoaat.of disinfectant used'. i. 3.Well uyr(check.well rase}: Water supply Well: 7r:Scaling inatctn'nls usc+1(cbcel:all that apply): CiAgri`ulhratl., phtiiaicjp7lll'ttiilic. W.Ncat Ceiticrit Uat la 1364ortftc Chips or Pellets, Mkothcriwil(Hg6nWCoolina Soply). 'Oltcsidential (singly) ❑Sand Cement Ciinnt Lt-Dry Clay pRsdeaaVt rppl}(scc )13bdustral(Comnicicial C CoitmteGrout 17 rill Cuttings ❑Irri tion Cl.•specialty'cruut a Gravel Non=Watcr.Sa(rplp`VCH. Cl Bentotutesitstap 13 6ii r(esplain under 7g) ®htciiiltodne I7Recocen� [njcctit n Well: 7f:For each uta(Cr al selected above,provide awount'uf:rnaterials wed: MquifcrkimUrege• OGrdtindnalerRentedlulnn Neat Cem.:1411b ,Wtr:Sig al. Sand,Cem::lb ,Wtr:gal. DAquK-i.Sionige aid Recover, t7Sttliiuty Datt ic't- 13Aajuiki Test: 17tu[u41g,e Sentonite cement Amount:12 gall, 1mxpt}iinteatal Teclwo[oev []Subsittetire'Coittral 71p:Prbiidc a()'rief description'of.thc'n wndnnmeat prtteivliim:. C1Geotimiuml(Closed Loop) ritiacer Injection through tremie pipe ®Geothemtat(tie<ttinw'Coolin Return) ®Cthcr(� lainutider.7tt). . �.Datc.�vcU(s}.a@►and4ned: 11-8=23 Sat.�VeU tot:aitfiiia: �, •f ,; p!�,- �� Clariant Mt Holly East Facility U V 2 9 Z1,n 23 I:aciliigit3iriivrNaltoo" lticilitdllls(iEnpplicablc► .li:�rvrtiRcatioir: . ' 11701 Mt:.Holly Rd. Charlotte, NC _ 1t� ? l_•`;�;;:-,•,� '11/0/2023 Physical Address,Ciir;ark Zip scj�ralcr,; Mcd W01 Cp'rura for ar Wc11(trn:r Dale Mecklenburg Iry,v;natir��111is foru4 I bemby cej:dfydhrit the its llo)was(irerc)ahtmdanerl in Cbuuy I�rrcclldrnl3E"i�atlnitNa_(Plt�j crcutnlrrtaietrillrM-f.Nd4CQ2'rC;0100.or2C.0200T[elfCaris7ivdimiStagrlrmfs and lhal a copJ,of 19dS record liar b'aen provider!)a firem-el(otriten• Sh:)<atNtadeandtongit�tcSc.in.elcga+ces7atlnutcsfsccatt-dsurdccimddclii'ccsc �• (if1(cIt Cn*41,any kitllm+g(s s�titicactny 9.Si to diagram or additional well.oetails: :. . You.utap use the[,a :bf this pa 2'tcpro��id6 additional nill.site&&ails or well N EY aband6ttittzni detaiL, You�tvl5 itL :vtnclt additiot 1pa s if tx cr-Ssacy- C0 S' R1iCn0N`-fl TA1LS i3K WELLS BEING ABANDONED SSURNHWAL tN_gMtiCCtON5 rtdadl+tall eY1r�Ltaclidn r eorilts/'�`atiriillaUtc I,(.r mufnple ii16iviaf,Vr i:nn.t�y sup 1J I'. use1b ONLY'>E•idrll avnK�osisihsrrdrr:du4arra4;,rt:;�rtr.i�ucun�rLarritwrefcrm Ift For All Wasr Subm4 thic:farm'•tirittdu 30.days of cornpletion of bell 6s,Well I119•EMW711 abandonikat to the fou6iAng; Y 1• Division of�Vntcr Resouti+�,Infotwati+in Pnicessin�Qttit;- 6h.Total treU depth: 75 (fL)' L6L7 binil Scnice"enter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I,. IIOb,i as IIal�etlnn%lls: In addition to sending tltz.fofneto the address W lCfa Gc.6nt�bule diameter.e ) abow.also subtrtit one copy,of tliis.fora Witltfh'30 days of completion of well�u' abundonmeat to dtd following: {! 4o Ilivision.aC Water Rcsourccs lU6dergr utnd Lijection Conitvl Pwgratu, rd.WatCm @CVcA be[+m'j;Jtoand gtrfacc: (ft) M-16,Iliell Service CCnier,Raleigh,NG?7699-1636 6c.Outer c tying lett�fh{iff Imnrt m): - (fw) loc..Fne Water Sunnly&Infect,!in'Wella: In addition to sending the form.to did.5ddtess(es) atloi e. also sufitui¢.one copy of this ftii tm witliiu 30 days of completion of well abandawn nt to ttie county bcattit deparintent of the courtly 6L Inner easM' ;0UWU-.@engh(if known)- whC-M ibaudoncd. fg.Scr&tt length(if Imotva): Form W-30 Nonh Camlim Dctxttbwca ofEneirmuncat and N numt Rcsou-ces—Division of Watcr lkisouims Restsed Agwsi 20 t1 { 4t 1 �