HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6231109_Response To Comments_20231127 �;�;� Dewberry' Dewberry Engineers Inc. 919.881.9939
'_:_' 2610 Wycliff Road, Suite 410 919.881.9923 fax
Raleigh, NC 27607 www.dewberry.com
November 22, 2023
Jim Farkas
State Stormwater Engineer
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
512 N. Salisbury Street, Office 640M
Raleigh, NC 27604
Reference: Duke Energy Progress, LLC
Barker Laydown Yard
Cumberland County, NC
Stormwater Low Density Application
Dewberry Project No. 50130756
Dear Mr. Farkas:
Dewberry Engineers Inc. has responded to the comments in the emailed received from NCDEQ
dated 11/20/2023 as follows:
Comment 1: 1x application fee check in the correct amount(this item is required per Session Law 2023-
134, Section 12.14(e)(2)). This project will require an application fee of$1000 as this application is for a
New Permit for a project with no SCMs.
Response 1:A check in the amount of$1000 is attached.
Comment 2: 1x hard copy of the complete, original signed Supplement-EZ Form (This item is required
per Sections V& VI, 3 of the Application).
Response 2: Supplement-EZ Form has been completed and is attached along with a copy of the form
in the revised stormwater package.
Comment 3: 1x original, signed¬arized hard copy of the O&M Agreement Form (This item is required
per 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)Q) and per Sections V& VI, 3 of the Application).
Response 3: O&M Agreement Form has been completed and is attached along with a copy of the form
in the revised stormwater package.
Comment 4: 1x hard copy of official documentation showing that the Applicant is in good standing with the
Secretary of State and showing the title and position information for the signing official(These items are
required per 15A NCAC 02H.1040(1), .1042(2)(b), and per Section VI, 11 of the Application).
Response 4: Official documentation from the Secretary of State has been obtained and is attached for
Duke Energy Progress, LLC.
Comment 5: 1x hard copy of official documentation showing that the owner organization is in good
standing with the Secretary of State and showing the title and position information for the signing official
(These items are required per 15A NCAC 02H.1040(1) and per Section VI, 11 of the Application).
Response 5: Official documentation from the Secretary of State has been obtained and is attached for
Duke Energy Progress, LLC.
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Comment 6: 2x signed&sealed hard copies of a plan sheet showing the following corrected additions:
• Surface water area delineation. This item is required per 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g)(iii).
Please make this more clear on the plans.
• Vegetated setback from surface waters. This item is required per 15A NCAC 02H
.1042(2)(g) & Section VI, 8p of the Application. Vegetated setbacks are required from all
surface waters (more information can be found in 15A NCAC 02H.1003(4) & .1017(10)).
• If applicable, Grading plan that outlines proposed contours and drainage patterns. This item
is required by 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g)((iv) &(v)).
• If applicable, BUA dimensions and layouts. This item is required per Section VI, 8j of the
Application. The BUA information shown in the Application, Supplement-EZ Form, and
calculations should be verified from the plans.
• Details of roads, sidewalks, drainage features, piped collection systems, and the proposed
storm water controls. This item is required per Section VI 81 of the application.
Response 6:A natural resource assessment was performed on June 06, 2023, by dewberry engineers
inc. In which no wetlands, sensitive features, or surface waters were found onsite. Therefore, a
vegetative setback is not applicable to the project and has been made clear on the plans through a
bolded callout. Grading for this project is minimal and only pertains to the proposed berm and diversion
ditch. Top of berm and bottom of ditch elevations have been provided along with BUA dimensions.
There will be no grading for the gravel area, but instead the contractor will install a geotextile fabric on
top of the existing ground and put 8" of gravel on top, so drainage patterns will remain the same. Items
required per section VI 81 have already been included with the previously submitted package.
Dewberry Engineers Inc. has prepared a revised supplemental package for your review and approval
for the above referenced project, original package submitted on 11/17/2023. Included in this submittal
• $1,000 Application Fee (Check No. 201397)
• One (1) original Supplement-EZ Form
• One (1) original O&M Agreement Form
• One (1) copy of the Secretary of State documentation
• Two (2) revised copies of the site plan drawing
• One (1) revised stormwater package with modified calculations and above items included
Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via phone
(919)425-7610 or e-mail (zeulo@dewberry.com).
Dewberry Engineers Inc.
Zachary Eulo, P.E.
Project Manager
Cc: Nuwan Wijesuriya, Duke Energy Progress, LLC
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