HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-3300A_CP4C_MergerMeetingSummary1 | Page R-3300A CP4C Mee�ng – 10/18/2023 R-3300A CP4C MERGER MEETING Date: October 18, 2023 Wednesday Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Loca�on: NCDOT Technical Services Conference Room – Century Center – Raleigh, NC Purpose: R-3300A Hampstead Bypass from I-140 (Future) Wilmington Bypass to just south of NC 210 in New Hanover and Pender Coun�es – NCDOT Division 3 Interagency CP4C Permit Drawing Review Mee�ng Atendees: Tom Steffens USACE Susan Locklear NCDWR - Stormwater Trace Howell NCDOT Division 3 Mason Herndon NCDOT Division 3 Mike Sanderson NCDOT Environmental Policy Unit Seth Poole Stantec Katrina Hazel Stantec Amber Coleman Stantec Linda Johns MI Engineering Herb Turner MI Engineering Andrea Hayden Dewberry Allison Thompson Dewberry Kate Heath Dewberry Cathy Bri�ngham (virtual) NCDCM Marissa Cox (virtual) NCDOT Environmental Policy Unit Ka�e Hite (virtual) NCDOT Division 3 Dus�n Holland NCDOT Division 3 Jus�n Brantley Pender County Mike Kozlosky (virtual) WMPO Stephan Lane virtual) NCDCM Ray Lovinggood (virtual) NCDOT Hydraulics Mary Plummer (virtual) NCDWR Emily Richards (virtual) NCDOT Environmental Jus�ce Steve Smallwood (virtual) Stantec Charles Smith (virtual) NCDOT Hydraulics Hannah Sprinkle (virtual) NCDWR Mark Staley (virtual) NCDOT Roadside Environmental Steve Brumagin (virtual) USACE Ken Vafier (virtual) New Hanover County Travis Wilson (virtual) NCWRC 2 | Page R-3300A CP4C Mee�ng – 10/18/2023 Trace Howell (NCDOT Division 3) provided a general project overview ahead of the review of the CP4C permit drawings. CP4C for Permit Modifica�on associated with R-3300A Final Plans for issued 404 Permit which includes U-4741 (Construc�on complete), R-3300B (under construc�on) and R-3300A (Pending Let of July 2025). Permit Drawing 1 (Title Sheet): i. Change let date to July 15, 2025 Permit Drawing 2 & 3: i. Use U-4751 design files to shade out and delineate U-4751 permited areas from R-3300A permited areas ii. Show exis�ng culvert structure undernearth U-4751 ramp as an exis�ng feature (grayed out) iii. Site 2 – show impacts to JS NONMIT at ditch �e-in; include impacts to the botom of the stream and should be classified as bank stabiliza�on; include 5’ of “TS” for placement of rip rap within stream bed iv. Clean up pipe text callout conflicts v. Clean up impact shading symbology – there appears to be gaps in the mechanized clearing symbology vi. Ensure culvert is noted to be backfilled with na�ve material within the permit drawings and the culvert structure drawings vii. Line weight issues when zooming - review / revise PDF line weight se�ngs Permit Drawing 3A: No comments Permit Drawing 3B: No comments Permit Drawing 4: i. Add note to backfill culvert with na�ve material ii. Add Site number to this Drawing Permit Drawing 5: No comments Permit Drawing 6: No comments Permit Drawing 7: No comments Permit Drawing 8: No comments Permit Drawing 9 & 10: No comments i. Site 7 - Agencies concurred with wetland impacts shown on RT side; total take not required since there is overtopping connec�vity with jurisdic�onal stream Permit Drawing 11: i. Add note to backfill culvert with na�ve material ii. Add Site number to this Drawing Permit Drawing 12: No comments 3 | Page R-3300A CP4C Mee�ng – 10/18/2023 Permit Drawing 13 & 14: i. Site 8 – show impacts to JS MIT at ditch �e-in; include permanent impacts to the botom of the stream and classify as bank stabiliza�on; include 5’ of “TS” for placement of rip rap within stream bed Permit Drawing 15: No comments Permit Drawing 16 & 17: i. Roadway shoulder berm guter levels need to be turned on ii. Culvert Inlet / Outlet Details levels need to be turned on Permit Drawing 18: i. Add note to backfill culvert with na�ve material ii. Add Site number to this Drawing Permit Drawing 19: No comments Permit Drawing 20 & 21: No comments i. Site 10 – shi� outlet closer to -L1- Sta�on 307+00 to provide further separa�on from the pipe outlet to the JS MIT Permit Drawing 22: i. Add note to backfill culvert with na�ve material ii. Add Site number to this Drawing Permit Drawing 23 & 24: i. On summary table, surface surface water impacts for JS MIT and JS Non MIT should be on separate lines ii. Delineate JS MIT between fill in wetland impacts and surface water impacts at -L1- Sta�on 313+20 (LT.) a. Final Survay, FS, file does not need to be updated b. Add to label "BEGIN JS MIT” at -L1- Sta�on 313+20 (LT.) c. Add label “JS MIT” outside CA line near -L1- Sta�on 310+50 (LT.) d. Add label “JS Non MIT outside CA line near -L1- Sta�on 313+50 (RT.) Permit Drawing 25: No comments Permit Drawing 26 & 27: No comments Permit Drawing 28: No comments Permit Drawing 29: No comments Permit Drawing 30 & 31: i. Clean up impact shading symbology – there appears to be gaps in the mechanized clearing symbology ii. Provide an inset with matchlines showing all of Site 15 as a separate permit drawing, Permit Drawing 31A Permit Drawing 32: No comments Permit Drawing 33: No comments 4 | Page R-3300A CP4C Mee�ng – 10/18/2023 Permit Drawing 34 & 35: No comments Permit Drawing 36 & 37: i. Use U-4751 design files to shade out and delineate U-4751 permited areas from R-3300A permited areas ii. Verify matchline shown on this Drawing; matchline does not correspond to the matchline shown on Permit Drawing 2 & 3 Permit Drawing 37A & 37B: No comments Permit Drawing 38 & 39: No comments i. Show and label inset boundary, reference For Site 15 Inset, See Permit Drawing 31A. Permit Drawing 40: No comments Permit Drawing 41: No comments Permit Drawing 42: No comments Permit Drawing 43 & 44: i. It was noted that the SR9 alignment was not included in the CP4B drawings; SR9 was added to the project in associa�on with R/W acquisi�on Permit Drawing 45: No comments Permit Drawing 46: No comments Permit Drawing 47: No comments Permit Drawing 47A: No comments Permit Drawing 48 & 49: i. NCDOT to verify if southern leg of Waynes Branch is a jurisdic�onal feature a. NCDOT confirmed via a site visit (11/07/2023) that both legs of Waynes Branch are JS MIT features b. Final Survey (FS) file updated to show these features as JS MIT ii. If jurisdic�onal, include permanent and temporary surface water impacts for riprap pad / bank stabiliza�on at ditch �e-in a. Permit drawings and impact summary tables to be updated for impacts to JS MIT at ditch �e-in (~383+80 LT.) Permit Drawing 50 & 51: No comments Permit Drawing 52: i. NCDOT to verify if southern leg of Waynes Branch is a jurisdic�onal feature a. NCDOT confirmed via a site visit (11/07/2023) that both legs of Waynes Branch are JS MIT features b. Final Survey (FS) file updated to show these features as JS MIT ii. If jurisdic�onal, include permanent and temporary surface water impacts for riprap pad / bank stabiliza�on at ditch �e-in 5 | Page R-3300A CP4C Mee�ng – 10/18/2023 a. Permit drawings and impact summary tables to be updated for impacts to JS MIT at ditch �e-in (~383+80 LT.) Permit Drawing 53: No comments Permit Drawing 54: No comments Permit Drawing 55: No comments Permit Drawing 56 & 57: No comments Permit Drawing 58: No comments Permit Drawing 59: No comments Permit Drawing 60 & 61: No comments Permit Drawing 62: No comments Permit Drawing 63 & 64: No comments Permit Drawing 65: No comments Permit Drawing 66: No comments Permit Drawing 67: No comments Permit Drawing 68: No comments Permit Drawing 69: i. Show hand clearing for impacts beyond the limits of riprap Permit Drawing 70: No comments Permit Drawing 71 & 72: i. Show hand clearing for impacts beyond the limits of riprap at the south side of the culvert outlet ii. Adjust arrow for Temporary Fill in Wetland at the culvert inlet Permit Drawing 73: i. Show hand clearing for impacts beyond the limits of riprap at the south side of the culvert outlet ii. Adjust arrow for Temporary Fill in Wetland at the culvert inlet a. Temporary Fill for impervious dike for diversion channel during culvert construc�on Permit Drawing 74: No comments Permit Drawing 75: No comments Permit Drawing 76: No comments Permit Drawing 77 & 78: No comments Permit Drawing 79: No comments Permit Drawing 80: No comments Permit Drawing 81: No comments Permit Drawing 82 & 83: No comments 6 | Page R-3300A CP4C Mee�ng – 10/18/2023 Permit Drawing 84 & 85: No comments Permit Drawing 86: No comments Permit Drawing 87: No comments Permit Drawing 88 & 89: No comments Permit Drawing 90: No comments Permit Drawing 91: No comments Permit Drawing 92: No comments Permit Drawing 93: No comments Permit Drawing 94: No comments Permit Drawing 95 & 96: i. It was noted by the design team that due to clear recovery requirements, Site 42 would be a total take Permit Drawing 97: No comments Permit Drawing 98: No comments Permit Drawing 99: No comments Permit Drawing 100 & 101: No comments Permit Drawing 102: No comments Permit Drawing 103 & 104: No comments Permit Drawing 105 & 106: No comments Permit Drawing 107: No comments Permit Drawing 108: No comments Permit Drawing 109: No comments Permit Drawing 110 & 111: No comments Permit Drawing 112: No comments Permit Drawing 113: No comments Permit Drawing 114 & 115: No comments Permit Drawing 116: No comments Impact Summary Tables (117-120): i. Impacts tables to be updated following comments receveid at CP4C permit review mee�ng General Comments: i. Tim Love, the new Hanover County Engineer, provided the following comments a�er the CP4C mee�ng to NCDOT on Tuesday October 24, 2023 a. The New Hanover County Planning Department is currently under contract with a consultant to evaluate flood mapping in the northern watersheds of the County. One of these areas is Island Creek in the vicinity of where this project �es into the I-140 7 | Page R-3300A CP4C Mee�ng – 10/18/2023 interchange. I believe Site 7 and Site 8 are in the area referenced. Please coordinate with NHC Planning regarding the �ming, scope, etc. of this study and consider incorpora�on of the study findings into design considera�ons for the crossing at Site 7 and the fill adjacent to the stream at Site 8. b. By rough approxima�on, there is approximately 1,500 acres of undeveloped land in New Hanover County upstream of this project. While the NHC stormwater ordinance does require pre- and post- atenua�on of stormwater from development, that is for the 25- year design frequency. If the 50-year or higher design frequency is u�lized for the bridge and culvert crossings in line with NCDOT 2022 Drainage guidelines and given the design life of these structures typically being 50+ years, if not already accounted for, please consider a future development scenario for this upstream area that would align with an�cipated uses iden�fied in the NHC comprehensive plan and consider accoun�ng for that with the hydraulic design of the bridges and culverts. If a 50-year design frequency is used, please provide NHC with calculated 100-year water surface eleva�ons for use in future planning considera�ons.