HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0014306_Response to Notice_20231120SANDLER UTILITIES AT MILL RUN, LLC November 17, 2023 Mr. David May, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Washington Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Subject: Notice of Violation and Intent to Assess Civil Penalty Tracking Number: NOV-2023-PC-0558 Permit No. WQ0014306 Eagle Creek WWTP Currituck County Mr. May, Thank you for allowing the Eagle Creek WWTP the opportunity to respond to the following Notice of Violation issued November 8, 2023; received on November 10, 2023. Below is our response to the findings that occurred during the inspection performed on October 30, 2023. Finding: End Use Infiltration. Monitoring wells MWI and MW2 were not locked and did not have Well ID Labels. This is a violation of condition 11.3 of Permit No. WQ0014306 that requires the monitoring wells to comply with the Standards for of Construction for Wells Others Than Water Supply (15A NCAC 02C . 0108). Corrective Action: Both Monitoring Wells were locked and labeled in accordance with the permit monitoring well site map. The following images provide evidence of the corrective action. Finding: Record keeping. No records of sludge hauling or disposal could be provided by the ORC or Envirolink. This is a violation of Condition III.13 of Permit No. WQ0014306 that requires the permittee to dispose of residuals in a Division -approved manner. It is also a violation of Condition IV.9 of Permit No WQ0014306 that requires the permittee to maintain a record of all residuals removed from the facility. Corrective Response: During the inspection, documentation was provided to the inspector which included the name of the residual's hauler, dates the residuals were removed from the plant, and the volume of residuals removed. However, it was explained to the inspector that the sludge hauler did not provide receipts for the hauling, and the Operator provided the inspector the onsite hauling documentation pictured below. This documentation was considered acceptable by the inspector. 448 Viking Drive, Suite 220, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 8790, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23450 Telephone 757-463-5000 / Telefax 757-463-3358 November 20, 2023 Envirolink is actively sourcing further documentation, receipts, and permits from the third -party sludge hauler to satisfy the record keeping requirements. .2 [reek WWTP 1s. >one nW¢cllm Hxnre v ... n 2E elo—d'0r11l dveecrd 'a �vocF »vsa IY Ma ;... Lag ]g Gx 55 ep.rt 12ozf-10221 inspection Binder 31 4p510 2YEtluca[on -- -- 1 Etl Finding: End Use -Infiltration. The infiltration basin does not have a properly installed staff gauge. The Current one is not tied to the berm height by a survey and cannot be used to accurately measure freeboard. This is a violation of condition I.7 of Permit No, WQ0014306 that requires to permittee to properly install a staff gauge at the infiltration basin within 60 days after the effective date of the permit (August 4, 2021). Corrective Action: The existing staff gauge was installed in accordance with the permit and was in compliance with the required date established in the permit, however, environmental factors have contributed to the staff gauge being misaligned and out of position. Upon recommendation of the inspector, Envirolink is actively seeking quotes to bring the staff gauge positioning back into compliance. Once the staff gauge is in the proper location and positioning the evidence will be submitted to your office. Finding: Treatment. The tertiary filter was non -operational. The ORC stated that it can only be operated in manual mode and did not contain any filter media. He also stated that it has seen in this condition since he started operating the system, which is over a year ago. This is a violation of Condition II.1 and III.1 ofPermit No, WQ0014306 that require the permittee to properly operate and maintain the facility and to take immediate corrective actions if needed to return the facility to proper operation. Corrective Action: As part of a capital improvement plan for the Eagle Creek WWTP, two new disk filters have been purchased and await installation concluding the sale and transfer of the utility and all applicable permitting. Finding: End Use -Infiltration. Woody vegetation was present around the entire perimeter of the infiltration basin, this is a violation of condition I.10 of Permit No, WQ0014306 that requires to permittee to remove all woody vegetation from around the infiltration basin within one year after the effective date of the permit (August 4, 2021). Corrective Action: Envirolink is actively receiving quotes to utilize a contractor to complete this work. Once vegetation is removed from the facility, documentation will be provided to the state to prove compliance with this requirement. 448 Viking Drive, Suite 220, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 8790, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23450 Telephone 757-463-5000 / Telefax 757-463-3358 November 20, 2023 We appreciate the opportunity to clarify these issues. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact either Andrew White, Tracy Miller or Daniel Sears. Sincerely, Brittney M. Willis, P.E. CC: Raymond Gottlieb Andrew White, Envirolink, Inc. Daniel Sears Compliance Coordinator David Pharr, Envirolink, Inc 448 Viking Drive, Suite 220, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 8790, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23450 Telephone 757-463-5000 / Telefax 757-463-3358