HomeMy WebLinkAboutPeach Bank Parcel BPDP ReviewFrom:Hartshorn, Blake
To:Menefee-Dunn, Barbara A
Subject:FW: Peach Bank Parcel BPDP Review
Date:Thursday, November 16, 2023 2:50:27 PM
Comment Summary_Peach_BPDP.pdf
Hey Barbara,
Can you file this email along with the comment summary attached in the 2022-1555 version 2 LF
folder? Title is subject line and it’s a mitigation plan review.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Blake Hartshorn (he/him)
Mitigation Specialist, Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (919) 707-3684
Cell: (919) 817-0360
From: Hartshorn, Blake
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2023 2:48 PM
To: Holz, Raymond <Raymond.Holz@davey.com>
Cc: Merritt, Katie <katie.merritt@deq.nc.gov>
Subject: Peach Bank Parcel BPDP Review
Hey Raymond,
Pursuant to Titles 15A NCAC 02B .0295 and 15A NCAC 02B .0703 (e), a provider shall submit a
project plan proposal to the Division for review and approval that includes specific elements of the
project. On July 5, 2023, Restoration Systems, LLC (RS) submitted an initial draft Bank Parcel
Development Package (Plan) for the Peach Site, to the Division, for review and approval. According
to the initial review by DWR staff of the subject Plan, some elements were either not provided, not
explained thoroughly, not accurate or lacking in sufficient information.
Therefore, until DWR receives an updated Plan addressing all comments and edits provided in the
attached 1) comment summary and 2) PDF version of the document itself, DWR cannot finalize the
review of the Plan or issue an approval of the Plan. In an effort to be as efficient as possible at
providing comments to RS during this busy time, I have provided my comments in a unique format.
Attached are the comments & edits provided within the actual PDF of a condensed Plan (without
Appendices) as well as a comment summary.
When RS is ready to submit their final project Plan, please include a summary of all responses by RS
to the DWR comments acknowledging how RS addressed the comments. Please upload the final
Plan using our Mitigation Project Information Upload Form through this link:
https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/Mitigation_Information_Upload . Please note the DWR ID# 2022-
1555 (version 2) on all electronic submissions for this project.
Thank you for your patience during this time and if you have any difficulty reading though the
comments or edits please let Katie or I know.
Blake Hartshorn (he/him)
Mitigation Specialist, Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (919) 707-3684
Cell: (919) 817-0360
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third
parties by an authorized state official.
Summary of Comments on 20221555 Ver 1_Restoration
Systems - Peach NOC Bank Parcel - Draft BPDP__20230705
Page: 2
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Cross-Out Date: 11/16/2023 12:09:45 PM
Page: 4
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 11/16/2023 12:10:23 PM
Provide up to date site photos.
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Author: bhartshorn Subject: Cross-Out Date: 10/24/2023 12:05:40 PM -04'00'
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Inserted Text Date: 11/16/2023 12:14:48 PM
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Cross-Out Date: 10/24/2023 12:06:03 PM -04'00'
NOBI, please correct throughout the report
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Inserted Text Date: 11/16/2023 12:17:37 PM
and the NOBI
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Author: bhartshorn Subject: Cross-Out Date: 10/24/2023 12:12:40 PM -04'00'
Talk more to existing conditions of the site in this section rather than what is proposed. i.e. How many current acres of agricultural fields.
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Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 11/16/2023 1:07:42 PM
This is not a full list of parcel constraints that were identified on the Site Viability.
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Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 11/16/2023 1:03:51 PM
Per the site viability there is also a drain tile along 1A that needs to be removed and a culvert on 1B needs debris removal. Provide more detail on
how RS is planning on addressing these constraints.
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 11/16/2023 1:04:22 PM
Provide details on what methods are being used for ditch bank stabilization. Does this also include the sinkhole constraints noted in the site
viability letter.
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 11/16/2023 12:55:15 PM
Please see comment on Fig 7 on whether this should apply.
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Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 11/16/2023 12:35:01 PM
it is necessary to add a category for trees and shrubs in Table 8.
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 10/24/2023 1:44:14 PM -04'00'
If 12 species of trees are shown in the table, DWR expects 12 species to be planted. If anticipating to plant less than 12 species, you need to at least
indicate the minimum # of species RS will plant. The standard in rule is 4, but hopefully RS is intending to plant more based on the risk for not meeting the
performance standard for stem diversity if less than 4 species end up in plots or fail to thrive/survive. However, at this time, the column on '% of total
planted trees", which is required to include in this plan, is not accurate unless RS truly plants 12 species (all adding up to be 100%). Adjust the table
accordingly and only show the number of species RS truly intends to plant. If not 14 species, then a minium of X and of those X species show the %
intending to plant.
I understand that changes to planting plans can happen. If any changes are needed to the planting list before planting, the Provider will need to submit a
request to DWR for approval of that modified planting list if not listed as an approved tree/shrub in table 8. DWR will accept a few substitutions if RS
wants to include the any extra species in this table as potential substitutions in a Table 8b...but you must include the % those subs are intended to be
utilized in the case you need those substitutions.
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Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 11/16/2023 1:09:00 PM
DWR appreciates you using pollinator friendly seed mixes.
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Cross-Out Date: 10/24/2023 1:57:56 PM -04'00'
Can delete this section as you stated this in more detail in section 5.3. Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 11/16/2023 12:32:41 PM
Please explain why this subsection is here. I do not recall seeing beaver or privet issues on the site, is this relevant? If this information is necessary it
is best placed in 5.2
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Cross-Out Date: 10/24/2023 2:03:17 PM -04'00'
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Cross-Out Date: 10/24/2023 2:04:53 PM -04'00'
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Cross-Out Date: 10/24/2023 2:04:59 PM -04'00'
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Highlight Date: 11/16/2023 12:37:58 PM
Are you planting both trees and shrubs?
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Inserted Text Date: 10/24/2023 2:04:48 PM -04'00'
areas generating
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Inserted Text Date: 10/24/2023 2:05:22 PM -04'00'
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Cross-Out Date: 10/24/2023 2:03:14 PM -04'00'
good species diversity across the site
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Author: bhartshorn Subject: Highlight Date: 11/16/2023 12:39:50 PM
should this include shrubs as well?
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Cross-Out Date: 10/24/2023 2:13:52 PM -04'00'
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Cross-Out Date: 10/24/2023 2:13:57 PM -04'00'
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Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 11/16/2023 12:42:49 PM
Double check number
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Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 11/16/2023 12:43:47 PM
"Peach Bank Parcel"
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 11/16/2023 12:44:04 PM
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 10/24/2023 11:59:24 AM -04'00'
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 11/16/2023 12:47:02 PM
You cannot get preservation credits for nutrient offset, therefore this section does not need to be filled out. Please use the total preservation area
as non-credit area and add to the table above.
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 10/24/2023 2:19:04 PM -04'00'
Please add update date; however we are aware that is not the correct date, we are working on getting that fixed.
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Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 11/16/2023 12:51:36 PM
"Nutrient Offset Credit Service Area"
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Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 10/24/2023 11:58:26 AM -04'00'
Please show distinction of what credits are coming from what features.
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 10/24/2023 2:24:08 PM -04'00'
Add tree line survey
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 10/24/2023 11:57:19 AM -04'00'
Please show distinct symbology between stream and ditch.
Author: bhartshorn Subject: Sticky Note Date: 11/16/2023 12:50:27 PM
Does this ditch extend beyond project boundary? If so wouldn't there need to be a credit reduction for non-diffuse flow?