HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131087 Ver 1_Year 0 Monitoring Report_2015_20150904 POPLIN RIDGE STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT BASELINE MONITORING REPORT UNION COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT # 95359 CONTRACT #004672 Prepared for: Division of Mitigation Services North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 August 2015 Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 Poplin Ridge Union County, North Carolina DMS Project ID 95359 Yadkin River Basin HUC 03040105070050 Prepared by: Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27605 919-209-1061 Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project is located within an agricultural watershed in Union County, North Carolina, approximately six miles north of Monroe. The stream channels were heavily impacted by channelization and agricultural practices. The project involved the restoration and protection of streams in the Stewarts Creek watershed. The purpose of this restoration project was to restore and enhance a stream complex located within the Yadkin River Basin. The project lies within USGS Hydrologic Unit Code 03040105070050 (USGS, 1998) and within the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Yadkin River Subbasin 03-07-14 (NCDENR, 2002). The project is split into two tributary systems (UT1 and UT2). The western system (UT1) is divided into seven reaches along four unnamed tributaries to East Fork Stewarts Creek. The eastern system (UT2) is divided into five reaches, all unnamed tributaries of East Fork Stewarts Creek. UT1- Reach 1 begins at the start of the restoration project (STA 1+20) and extends southeast to STA 12+58. UT1-Reach 2 begins at STA 12+58 and extends to STA 24+96. UT1-Reach 3 begins at STA 24+96 and extends to STA 34+50. UT1-Reach 4 is the downstream section of UT1 (STA 34+50 to 46+73). Reach UT1-A flows south directly into UT1 at the break between Reaches 1 and 2. UT1-B flows south to the break between UT1 Reaches 2 and 3. UT1-C flows east to the break between UT1 Reaches 3 and 4. UT2- Reach 1 begins at the start of the UT2 portion of the restoration project (STA 0+00) and extends southwest to STA 4+90. UT2-Reach 2 begins at STA 4+90 and extends to STA 13+97. UT2-Reach 3 begins at STA 13+97 and extends to STA 19+18. UT2-Reach 4 begins at STA 19+18 and extends to STA 22+07. Reach UT2-A flows east into UT2 at the break between Reaches 2 and 3. Land uses within and immediately adjacent to the project area include row crops, hay fields, pasture, concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO), and wooded areas. The total easement area is 27.17 acres, approximately 4.69 acres of which are wooded and the remaining 22.48 acres is agricultural fields and pasture. Land use immediately surrounding the project consists of row crops and forestry. Previous adjacent cattle pastures have been converted into cultivated fields. Stream conditions along the project’s restoration reaches demonstrated significant habitat degradation as a result of impacts from livestock and channelization performed to promote agricultural activities. Additionally, the riparian buffer was in poor condition throughout most of the project area. Much of the riparian buffer was devoid of trees or shrubs, was active pasture and/or crops were present up to the edge of the channel. Little habitat was available to support aquatic life, and the channels were not maximizing their potential to filter nutrients because they were entrenched. The goal for the Poplin Ridge project is to restore the channelized streams based on reference reach conditions, enrich the aquatic ecosystem through stream restoration and riparian buffer habitat improvements, and provide ecological uplift within the Yadkin River Basin. The design was based on reference conditions, USACE guidance (USACE, 2005), and criteria that are developed during this project to achieve success. The objective for this restoration project is to restore a natural waterway through a stream complex with appropriate cross-sectional dimension and slope that will provide function and meet the appropriate success criteria for the existing streams. Accomplishing this objective entails the restoration of natural stream characteristics, such as stable cross sections, planform, and in-stream habitat. The floodplain areas will be hydrologically reconnected to the channel to provide natural exchange and storage during flooding events. Additional project objectives, such as restoring the riparian buffer with native vegetation, ensuring hydraulic stability, and eradicating invasive species, are listed in Section 1.2 along with several other project objectives. Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 All construction and planting activities have been completed, therefore the site will be monitored on a regular basis, and a physical inspection of the site will be conducted a minimum of twice per year throughout the seven year post-construction monitoring period, or until performance standards are met. These site inspections will identify site components and features that require routine maintenance. Annual monitoring data will be reported using the DMS (EEP) monitoring template. Upon approval for closeout by the Interagency Review Team (IRT), the site will be transferred to the NCDENR - Stewardship. The State shall be responsible for periodic inspection of the site to ensure that restrictions required in the conservation easement or the deed restriction document(s) are upheld. Endowment funds required to uphold easement and deed restrictions shall be negotiated prior to site transfer to the responsible party. The as-built survey drawings indicate that the Poplin Ridge site was constructed to the mitigation plan design. Profile and dimension parameters are within the tolerances for stream mitigation construction. UT-1 and tributaries to UT-1 were all constructed to design plans and specifications. During construction activities, UT-2 had minimal modifications. Proposed cattle fencing along UT-2 was not installed due to the landowner converting the adjacent land use. The cattle pastures that were previously adjacent to UT-2 have been converted to row-crop fields. The landowner has assured RES that he no longer plans to have cattle on his property. Two rock cross vanes were substituted along UT2-R2 with log cross vanes at stations 11+38 and 13+53. Along UT2-R3, a proposed rock cross vane at station 16+59 was omitted due to bedrock presence. All changes were approved by the design engineer and are documented on the as- built drawings. The original DMS (NCEEP) full delivery contact was for 6,944 SMUs. Due to project constraints and landowner negotiations the final design and construction plans included 6,345 SMUs. This reduction was primarily due to a change in approach at the downstream end of UT2-R4 where the landowner withdrew from the project. Following construction, the as-built survey indicated 9,179 linear feet of channel within the easement generating 6,365 SMUs. Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Existing Length (LF) As-Built Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 SP&BE 1+20 to 6+92 572 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 Enhancement I 6+92 to 12+58 566 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 P1 Restoration 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 P1 Restoration 24+96 to 34+50 833 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 Enhancement I 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A Enhancement I 0+73 to 2+89 197 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B SP&BE 0+09 to 6+29 620 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B Enhancement I 6+90 to 11+45 512 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C Enhancement I 1+21 to 10+01 883 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 Enhancement II 0+00 to 4+90 490 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 P1 Restoration 4+90 to 13+97 875 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 P1 Restoration 13+97 to 19+18 495 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 P1 Restoration 19+18 to 22+07 270 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A Enhancement II 0+45 to 5+06 365 461 1 : 2.5 184 Total 9,214 9,179 6,365 *As-Built length does not include channel in easement breaks. Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PROJECT GOALS, BACKGROUND AND ATTRIBUTES ........................................................ 1 1.1 Location and Setting ............................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives .................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Project Structure ..................................................................................................................... 2 1.3.1 Restoration Type and Approach ..................................................................................... 3 1.4 Project History, Contacts and Attribute Data ......................................................................... 6 1.4.1 Project History ................................................................................................................ 6 1.4.2 Project Watersheds ......................................................................................................... 6 2 SUCCESS CRITERIA ................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Stream Restoration ................................................................................................................. 7 2.1.1 Bankfull Events .............................................................................................................. 7 2.1.2 Cross Sections ................................................................................................................ 7 2.1.3 Bank Pin Arrays ............................................................................................................. 8 2.1.4 Digital Image Stations .................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Vegetation .............................................................................................................................. 8 2.3 Scheduling/Reporting ............................................................................................................. 8 3 MONITORING PLAN ................................................................................................................... 8 3.1 Stream Restoration ................................................................................................................. 9 3.1.1 As-Built Survey .............................................................................................................. 9 3.1.2 Bankfull Events .............................................................................................................. 9 3.1.3 Cross Sections ................................................................................................................ 9 3.1.4 Digital Image Stations .................................................................................................... 9 3.1.5 Bank Pin Arrays ............................................................................................................. 9 3.1.6 Visual Assessment Monitoring ..................................................................................... 10 3.2 Vegetation ............................................................................................................................ 10 4 Maintenance and Contingency plan ............................................................................................. 10 4.1 Stream ................................................................................................................................... 10 4.2 Vegetation ............................................................................................................................ 10 5 AS-BUILT CONDITIONS (BASELINE).................................................................................... 11 5.1 As-Built Drawings ................................................................................................................ 11 5.2 Baseline Data Collection ...................................................................................................... 11 5.2.1 Morphological State of the Channel ............................................................................. 11 5.2.2 Vegetation..................................................................................................................... 12 5.2.3 Photo Documentation ................................................................................................... 12 5.2.4 Hydrology ..................................................................................................................... 12 6 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 12 Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC i Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 Appendices Appendix A. General Tables and Figures Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map Figure 2. Current Condition Plan View Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2. Project Activity and reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table 4. Project Information Appendix B. Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 5. Morphological Parameters Summary Data Table 6. Dimensional Morphology Summary – Cross Sections Data Cross Section Plots Pebble Count/Substrate Analysis Charts Stream Photos Appendix C. Vegetation Data Tables Table 7a. Baseline Planted Species Summary Table 7b. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Criteria Summary Table 7c. Vegetation Plot Data Summary (Species by Plot) Vegetation Plot Photos Appendix D. As-Built Survey As-Built Survey Plan Sheets Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC ii Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 1 PROJECT GOALS, BACKGROUND AND ATTRIBUTES 1.1 Location and Setting The Poplin Ridge Stream Site is located in Union County approximately 6 miles north of Monroe, NC. The project lies within USGS Hydrologic Unit Code 03040105070050 (USGS, 1998) and within the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) Yadkin River Subbasin 03-07-14 (NCDENR, 2002). To access the Site from the city of Monroe, travel west on West Roosevelt Boulevard, then turn north onto Secrest Short Cut Road. To access UT1, travel 3.6 miles on Secrest Short Cut Road, then turn right onto a gravel farm road and drive approximately 0.6 miles. To access UT2, travel north on Secrest Short Cut Road for 2.8 miles, then turn right onto Roanoke Church Road. After 0.8 miles, turn left onto a gravel farm road. This private road will split just past the pond on the left. At the split, stay to the left and travel approximately 800 feet to access the downstream end of UT2. 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives The Poplin Ridge stream mitigation project will provide numerous ecological and water quality benefits within the Yadkin River Basin. While many of these benefits are limited to the project area, others, such as pollutant removal and improved aquatic and terrestrial habitat, have more far-reaching effects. Expected improvements to water quality, hydrology, and habitat are outlined below. Design Goals and Objectives Benefits Related to Water Quality Nutrient removal Benefit will be achieved through filtering of runoff from adjacent CAFOs through buffer areas, the conversion of active farm fields to forested buffers, improved denitrification and nutrient uptake through buffer zones, and installation of BMPs at the headwaters of selected reaches and ditch outlets. Sediment removal Benefit will be achieved through the stabilization of eroding stream banks and reduction of sediment loss from field areas due to lack of vegetative cover. Channel velocities will also be decreased through a reduction in slope, therefore decreasing erosive forces. Increase dissolved oxygen concentration Benefit will be achieved through the construction of instream structures to increase turbulence and dissolved oxygen concentrations and lower water temperature to increase dissolved oxygen capacity. Runoff filtration Benefit will be achieved through the restoration of buffer areas that will receive and filter runoff, thereby reducing nutrients and sediment concentrations reaching water bodies downstream. Benefits to Flood Attenuation Water storage Benefit will be achieved through the restoration of buffer areas which will infiltrate more water during precipitation events than under current site conditions. Improved groundwater recharge Benefit will be achieved through the increased storage of precipitation in buffer areas, ephemeral depressions, and reconnection of existing floodplain. Greater storage of water will lead to improved infiltration and groundwater recharge. Improved/restored hydrologic connections Benefit will be achieved by restoring the stream to a natural meandering pattern with an appropriately sized channel, such that the channel’s floodplain will be flooded more frequently at flows greater than the bankfull stage. Benefits Related to Ecological Processes Restoration of habitats Benefit will be achieved by restoring riparian buffer habitat to appropriate bottomland hardwood ecosystem. Improved substrate and instream cover Benefit will be achieved through the construction of instream structures designed to improve bedform diversity and to trap detritus. Substrate will become coarser as a result of the stabilization of stream banks and an overall decrease in the amount of fine materials deposited in the stream. Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 1 Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 Addition of large woody debris Benefit will be achieved through the addition of wood structures as part of the restoration design. Such structures may include log vanes, root wads, and log weirs. Reduced temperature of water due to shading Benefit will be achieved through the restoration of canopy tree species to the stream buffer areas. Restoration of terrestrial habitat Benefit will be achieved through the restoration of riparian buffer bottomland hardwood habitats. 1.3 Project Structure Table 1. Poplin Ridge Project Components Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Existing Length (LF) As-Built Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 SP&BE 1+20 to 6+92 572 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 Enhancement I 6+92 to 12+58 566 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 P1 Restoration 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 P1 Restoration 24+96 to 34+50 833 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 Enhancement I 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A Enhancement I 0+73 to 2+89 197 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B SP&BE 0+09 to 6+29 620 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B Enhancement I 6+90 to 11+45 512 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C Enhancement I 1+21 to 10+01 883 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 Enhancement II 0+00 to 4+90 490 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 P1 Restoration 4+90 to 13+97 875 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 P1 Restoration 13+97 to 19+18 495 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 P1 Restoration 19+18 to 22+07 270 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A Enhancement II 0+45 to 5+06 365 461 1 : 2.5 184 Total 9,214 9,179 6,365 *As-Built length does not include channel in easement breaks. Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 2 Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 1.3.1 Restoration Type and Approach Stream restoration efforts along the unnamed tributaries to East Fork Stewarts Creek were accomplished through analyses of geomorphic conditions and watershed characteristics. The design approach applied a combination of analytical and reference reach based design methods that meet objectives commensurate with both ecological and geomorphic improvements. Performed treatment activities range from minor bank grading and planting to re-establishing stable planform and hydraulic geometry. Stream reaches requiring full restoration, natural design concepts were applied and verified through rigorous engineering analyses and modeling. The objective of this approach was to design a geomorphically stable channel that provides habitat improvements and ties into the existing landscape. The Poplin Ridge Site includes Priority Level I stream restoration, stream Enhancement Levels I and II, and Stream Preservation and Buffer Enhancement. Priority Level I stream restoration incorporated the design and construction of a single-thread meandering channel, with parameters based on data taken from the reference site, published empirical relationships, NC Rural Piedmont Regional Curves, and hydrologic and hydraulic analyses. 3,696 linear feet of stream channel has been reconstructed. Enhancement Level I was applied to 3,340 linear feet of channel that required stabilization and bank improvements, and buffer restoration. Enhancement Level II has been applied to an additional 951 linear feet of channel that required buffer enhancement and/or minimal bank and habitat improvements. Additionally, Stream Preservation and Buffer Enhancement was performed on 1,192 feet of channel. The Poplin Ridge Site design approach began with a thorough study of existing conditions, including the onsite streams and ditches, valleys, and watershed. Design parameters, included active channel, habitat and floodplain features were developed from analyses performed at the reference site. Analytical design techniques were used to determine the design discharge and to verify the design as a whole. Engineering analyses were performed concurrently to geomorphic and habitat studies. While the stream design was verified by simulations of hydrology and fluvial processes, analogs of desirable habitat features were derived from reference sites and integrated into the project design. Both riparian habitat features and in-stream structures such as riffle grade controls, cross weirs, log toes, and step pools were used throughout the project to act as grade control and for bank stabilization by dissipating and redirecting the stream’s energy. Bank stability was also enhanced through the installation of cuttings bundles and live stakes that included native species (e.g. black willow (Salix nigra) and silky dogwood (Cornus amomum)). In-stream habitat is highly dependent on available cover and organic material. A quantitative habitat assessment method was used to measure type, location, and quantity of habitat in the reference streams. During design, the habitat assessment results were scaled appropriately to the design parameters such that the quantity and placement of the habitat features along the restored channel mimics reference conditions. This process provided a natural channel design that addressed aquatic function improvements in addition to stability. Sections of abandoned stream channel have been backfilled to the elevation of the floodplain in areas adjacent to the new channel with material excavated onsite and by installing channel plugs where necessary. The floodplains were planted with native species creating a vegetated buffer, which will Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 3 Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 provide numerous water quality and ecological benefits. Stream banks were stabilized using a combination of grading, erosion control matting, bare-root plantings, native material revetment techniques (i.e. bioengineering), structure placement, and sod transplants where possible. The stream and adjacent riparian areas have been protected by a minimum 50-foot permanent conservation easement, which will be fenced as needed to exclude livestock. However, an approximately 100-foot section along the east side of Reach UT1-R4 is proposed where the minimum 50-foot conservation easement cannot be met due to a Union Power Cooperative 100-foot right-of-way. At this location, the conservation easement will be extended to a width that varies between 75 and 100 feet along the west side of the channel to offset the loss of easement on the opposite side. Additionally, areas within the power easement that fall within the 50-foot buffer have been planted with herbaceous/shrub vegetation. No loss in stream credit is expected at this location since the buffer width will be increased along the west side to offset the encroachment of the powerline easement as was discussed with the IRT on July 11, 2012. When all of these components are combined, a functional and stable channel with diverse habitat will be restored. According to Stream Mitigation Guidelines (2003) published by the US Army Corps of Engineers, the US Environmental Protection Agency, The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, and the NCDWR, the proposed restoration design has met the guidelines of stream restoration and will be subject to a mitigation ratio of 1:1. Note: UT2-R3 has a proposed mitigation ratio of 1.5:1 per communication with USACE. The lower mitigation ratio accounts for minor unpermitted impacts to the channel by the landowner. Throughout the project area, there are several breaks within the conservation easement where stream credits are not generated to account either for 60-foot farm crossings or for existing Union Power overhead utility crossings. Along UT1, one existing crossing was moved outside of the project, one new culvert crossing has been installed, and three culvert crossings have been removed and replaced, two of which remained outside of the project. Along UT2, the two previous existing culvert crossings have been removed and upgraded at their original location, and there are two 30-foot easement breaks associated with Union Power easements. These two easement breaks will be planted with herbaceous/shrub vegetation within the 50-foot buffer. Poplin Ridge has been broken into the following reaches: UT1-R1 (STA 1+20 to 12+58) – Upper-most portion of UT1 totaling 572 linear feet of Stream Preservation and Buffer Enhancement and 566 linear feet of Enhancement Level I. The upper portion of this reach is stable and has a mature hardwood buffer. The lower portion was partially forested and flowed through cultivated fields. This lower portion was experiencing active erosion and had a disturbed buffer. Stabilization/enhancement activities performed on UT1-R1 included performing minor bank grading, installing grade control and habitat structures, and planting a riparian stream buffer. An additional level of protection to prevent channel down cutting and incision is provided from the natural bedrock observed throughout reach UT1 and the proposed grade control structures proposed throughout the project. UT1-R2 (STA 12+58 to 24+96) – Upper of the two middle reaches along UT1 totaling 1,178 linear feet of Priority I Restoration. This reach flows through cultivated fields and had highly unstable banks with a highly disturbed buffer. Restoration activities involved constructing a meandering channel, installing habitat and grade control structures, filling and plugging the abandoned channel, and re- vegetating the buffer with native plants. A 60-foot conservation easement break is located at the Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 4 Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 upstream portion of UT2-R2 to allow agricultural access across the stream. Within the easement break, a stream crossing was constructed using a 48” HDPE culvert. UT1-R3 (STA 24+96 to 34+50) – Lower of the two middle reaches along UT1 totaling 893 linear feet of Priority I Restoration. This reach flows through cultivated fields and had highly unstable banks with a highly disturbed buffer. Restoration activities performed along UT1-R3 included constructing a meandering channel, installing habitat and grade control structures, filling and plugging the abandoned channel, and planting the stream buffer with native vegetation. A stream crossing was installed at STA 25+50 within the 60-foot easement break using a 42” RCP culvert to allow access to the adjacent agriculture fields. UT1-R4 (STA 34+50 to 46+73) – Downstream-most portion of UT1 totaling 1,223 linear feet of Enhancement Level I. This reach flows through cultivated fields, had moderately unstable banks and a highly disturbed buffer. Enhancement activities included laying back banks, enhancing existing stream benches, installing grade control and habitat structures, and replanting the buffer. The existing culvert crossing just downstream of the project at STA 47+50 was removed and replaced with twin 54” RCP culverts. UT1-A (STA 0+73 to 2+89) – Upper-most tributary to UT1 totaling 216 linear feet of Enhancement Level I. This stream reach originates just downstream of a forested area, flows through cultivated fields, and exhibited minor bank erosion. Enhancement activities included reshaping the channel banks, removing an existing culvert crossing, and installing habitat structures. A gravel ford crossing has been installed just upstream of the project near STA 0+50 to allow the landowner continued access across the property. UT1-B (STA 0+09 to 11+45) – Tributary of UT1 that flows north to south totaling 620 linear feet of Stream Preservation and Buffer Enhancement and 455 linear feet of Enhancement Level I. The upper portion of this reach was stable and had an intact riparian buffer throughout. Below STA 6+29, the channel flowed through a cultivated field, had no buffer, and exhibited channel incision along the downstream section. Enhancement activities performed along UT1-B included reshaping the channel banks, upgrading an existing culvert crossing, re-vegetating the buffer and installing habitat and grade control structures. UT1-C (STA 1+21 to 10+01) – Southern-most tributary to UT1 totaling 880 linear feet of Enhancement Level I. This reach flows west to east through cultivated fields and lacked a riparian buffer. Stabilization/enhancement activities along UT1-C included bank grading and channel reshaping, installing grade control and habitat structures, and planting a riparian buffer. An existing culvert crossing was removed and replaced with a 48” RCP culvert just upstream of the conservation easement at STA 0+76. UT2-R1 (STA 0+00 to 4+90) – Upper-most portion of UT2 totaling 490 linear feet of Enhancement Level II. This reach flows between cultivated fields. The stream buffer, which lacks mature hardwoods, had previously been disturbed by agricultural practices and cattle access. The adjacent cattle pasture land has been converted to row crop fields; therefore, cattle no longer have access to the stream channel. Stream enhancement activities included reshaping the channel, invasive species treatment, riparian buffer plantings, and installing grade control structures at the downstream end of the reach. UT2-R2 (STA 4+90 to 13+97) – Upper of the two middle reaches along UT2 totaling 847 linear feet of Priority I Restoration. This stream reach was previously a 1.3 acre farm pond with a drainage area Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 5 Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 of 723 acres and is surrounded by cultivated fields. Restoration activities involved draining the farm pond and removing the perched culverts within the dam crossing. A 60” CMP culvert was installed at a lower elevation to maintain normal flow as well as one over flow 36” CMP culvert. A baseflow channel has formed passively in the pond bottom. Following sufficient drying, the baseflow channel has been enhanced and stabilized as needed. Habitat and grade control structures have been installed. The riparian stream buffer has been planted with native vegetation. The existing pond dam has been upgraded to a stream crossing inside a 60-foot conservation easement break. UT2-R3 (STA 13+97 to 19+18) – Lower of the two middle reaches along UT2 totaling 521 linear feet of Priority I Restoration. This reach is a perennial channel that lies between cultivated fields. Previously, a cattle pasture was adjacent along the right stream bank. The pasture has recently been converted to a cultivated field; therefore, cattle access is no longer a threat. This stream reach was generally straight and had little to no stream buffer within the project area. The upper portion of this reach was experiencing active erosion of the bed and banks. The lower portion of the reach had a stable bed with moderate bank erosion. Priority I stream restoration activities performed along UT2- R3 included constructing a meandering channel, installing habitat and grade control structures, filling and plugging the abandoned channel, and planting a riparian buffer with native vegetation. UT2-R4 (STA 19+18 to 22+07) – Downstream-most portion of UT2 totaling 257 linear feet of Priority I Restoration. This reach is a perennial channel that currently flows through cultivated fields. Like UT2-R3, the previous cattle pasture along the right bank has been removed and converted to cultivated fields. This reach was generally straight and had a highly disturbed buffer with invasive species present. Stream restoration involved constructing a meandering channel, installing habitat and grade control structures, filling and plugging the abandoned channel, and planting a riparian buffer with native vegetation. UT2-A (STA 0+45 to 5+06) – The only tributary to UT2 totaling 461 linear feet of Enhancement Level II. UT2-A is an intermittent channel that flows into UT2-R2 (previously farm pond). This reach flows through cultivated fields which were previously cattle pasture. UT2-R3 lacked a vegetated stream buffer. Stabilization/enhancement activities performed along UT2-R3 included minor bank grading, installing grade control and habitat structures, and replanting a riparian stream buffer. 1.4 Project History, Contacts and Attribute Data 1.4.1 Project History The Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Site was restored by Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC (RES) through a full-delivery contract awarded by DMS in 2011. Tables 2, 3, and 4 provide a time sequence and information pertaining to the project activities, history, contacts, and baseline information. 1.4.2 Project Watersheds The easement totals 27.17 acres and is split into two tributary systems (UT1 and UT2). The western system (UT1) is divided into seven reaches along four unnamed tributaries to East Fork Stewarts Creek. The eastern system (UT2) is divided into five reaches, all unnamed tributaries of East Fork Stewarts Creek. UT1-Reach 1 has a drainage area of 0.21 square miles (136 acres); it begins at the start of the restoration project (STA 0+00) and extends southeast to STA 12+58. UT1-Reach 2 has a Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 6 Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 drainage area of 0.39 square miles (248 acres); it begins at STA 12+58 and extends to STA 24+96. UT1-Reach 3 has a drainage area of 0.60 square miles (384 acres); it begins at STA 24+96 and extends to STA 34+50. UT1-Reach 4 is the downstream section of UT1 (STA 34+50 to 46+73), and has a drainage area of 1.14 square miles (728 acres). Reach UT1-A has a drainage area of 0.14 square miles (88 acres) and flows south directly into UT1 at the break between Reaches 1 and 2. UT1-B has a drainage area of 0.19 square miles (120 acres) and flows south to the break between UT1 Reaches 2 and 3. UT1-C has a drainage area of 1.35 square miles (861 acres) and flows east to the break between UT1 Reaches 3 and 4. UT2-Reach 1 has a drainage area of 0.99 square miles (631 acres); it begins at the start of the UT2 portion of the restoration project (STA 0+00) and extends southwest to STA 4+90. UT2-Reach 2 has a drainage area of 1.13 square miles (726 acres); it begins at STA 4+90 and extends to STA 13+97. UT2-Reach 3 has a drainage area of 1.24 square miles (792 acres); it begins at STA 13+97 and extends to STA 19+18. UT2-Reach 4 has a drainage area of 1.35 square miles (861 acres); it begins at STA 19+18 and extends to STA 22+07. Reach UT2-A has a drainage area of 0.08 square miles (49 acres) and flows east into UT2 at the break between Reaches 2 and 3. The land use in the project watershed is approximately 68 percent managed herbaceous and cultivated crops, 26 percent deciduous and evergreen forest, and six percent developed (mix of low, medium and high densities) and water bodies. Current land use around the project is primarily agricultural and forestry. Land use immediately surrounding the project consists of livestock grazing, row crops, and forestry. Future land use is projected to become more developed in the future due to the proximity to the Charlotte area. The Lower Yadkin Pee-Dee River Basin Restoration Plan (RBRP) indicates that urban land use may increase by over 350 percent with a population growth of 184 percent in Union County by the year 2030. 2 SUCCESS CRITERIA The success criteria for the Poplin Ridge Site stream restoration will follow accepted and approved success criteria presented in the USACE Stream Mitigation Guidelines and subsequent NCEEP and agency guidance. Specific success criteria components are presented below. 2.1 Stream Restoration 2.1.1 Bankfull Events Two bankfull flow events must be documented within the seven-year monitoring period. The two bankfull events must occur in separate years. Otherwise, the stream monitoring will continue until two bankfull events have been documented in separate years. Bankfull events will be documented using crest gauges, auto-logging crest gauges, photographs, and visual assessments for evidence of debris rack lines. 2.1.2 Cross Sections There should be little change in as-built cross-sections. If changes do take place, they should be evaluated to determine if they represent a movement toward a less stable condition (for example down-cutting or erosion), or are minor changes that represent an increase in stability (for example settling, vegetative changes, deposition along the banks, or decrease in width/depth ratio). Cross- sections shall be classified using the Rosgen stream classification method, and all monitored cross- sections should fall within the quantitative parameters defined for channels of the design stream type. Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 7 Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 2.1.3 Bank Pin Arrays Bank pin arrays will be used as a supplemental method to monitor erosion on selected meander bends where there is not a cross section. Bank pin arrays will be installed along the outer bend of the meander. Bank pins will be installed just above the water surface and every two feet above the lowest pin. Bank pin exposure will be recorded at each monitoring event, and the exposed pin will be driven flush with the bank. 2.1.4 Digital Image Stations Digital images will be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation, and effectiveness of erosion control measures. Longitudinal images should not indicate the absence of developing bars within the channel or an excessive increase in channel depth. Lateral images should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the banks over time. A series of images over time should indicate successional maturation of riparian vegetation. 2.2 Vegetation Vegetative monitoring success criteria for plant density within the riparian buffers on the site will follow NCEEP Guidance dated 7 November 2011. Vegetation monitoring plots will be a minimum of 0.02 acres in size, and cover a minimum of two percent of the planted area. The following data will be recorded for all trees in the plots: species, height, planting date (or volunteer), and grid location. Monitoring will occur each year during the monitoring period. The interim measures of vegetative success for the site will be the survival of at least 320 three-year old trees per acre at the end of Year 3 and 260 five-year old trees per acre at the end of Year 5. The final vegetative success criteria will be the survival of 210 trees per acre at the end of Year 7 of the monitoring period. Invasive and noxious species will be monitored and controlled so that none become dominant or alter the desired community structure of the site. If necessary, RES will develop a species-specific control plan. 2.3 Scheduling/Reporting The monitoring program will be implemented to document system development and progress toward achieving the success criteria. The restored stream morphology will be assessed to determine the success of the mitigation. The monitoring program will be undertaken for seven years or until the final success criteria are achieved, whichever is longer. Monitoring reports will be prepared in the fall of each year of monitoring and submitted to NCEEP. The monitoring reports will include all information, and will be in the format required by NCEEP in Version 2.0 of the NCEEP Monitoring Report Template. 3 MONITORING PLAN Annual monitoring shall be conducted for stream and vegetation monitoring parameters as noted below for seven years following the completion of construction or until success criteria have been met. Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 8 Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 3.1 Stream Restoration 3.1.1 As-Built Survey An as-built survey was conducted following construction to document channel size, condition, and location. The survey includes a complete profile of thalweg, top of bank, and in stream channel structures to compare with future geomorphic data. Longitudinal profiles will not be required in annual monitoring reports unless requested by NCEEP or USACE. 3.1.2 Bankfull Events Three sets of manual and auto-logging crest gauges were installed on the site, one along UT1-R2, one along UT1-R4, and one along UT2-R3. The auto logging crest gauges were installed within the channel and will continuously record flow conditions at an hourly interval. Manual crest gauges were installed on the bank at bankfull elevation. Crest gauges will be checked during each site visit to determine if a bankfull event has occurred since the last site visit. Crest gauge readings and debris rack lines will be photographed to document evidence of bankfull events. 3.1.3 Cross Sections A total of 29 permanent cross sections were installed to monitor channel dimensions and stability. Two cross sections were installed along UT1-R1 of the enhancement section. Four cross sections (two pools and two riffles) were installed along UT1-R2 and two pool and two riffle cross sections were installed along UT1-R3. Reach 4 of UT1 has a total of 4 cross sections installed throughout its length. Stream segment UT1-A has one cross section installed and UT1-B has a total of two cross sections along its length. Two riffle/pool pair cross sections were installed along UT1-C for a total of four cross sections. On the UT2 side of the project, a total of eight cross sections were installed. Two permanent cross sections were installed along UT2-R2, four along UT2-R3, and two along UT2-A. Cross sections were typically located at representative riffle and pool sections along each stream reach. Each cross section was permanently marked with 3/8 rebar pin to establish a monument location at each end. A marker pole was also installed at both ends of each cross section to allow ease locating during monitoring activities. Cross section surveys will be performed once a year during annual monitoring and will include all breaks in slope including top of bank, bottom of bank, streambed, edge of water, and thalweg. 3.1.4 Digital Image Stations Digital photographs will be taken at least once a year to visually document stream and vegetation conditions. This monitoring practice will continue for seven years following construction and planting. Permanent photo point locations at cross sections and vegetation plots have been established so that the same directional view and location may be repeated each monitoring year. Monitoring photographs will also be used to document any stream and vegetation problematic areas such as erosion, stream and bank instability, easement encroachment and vegetation damage. 3.1.5 Bank Pin Arrays Six bank pin arrays have been installed at random meander pools throughout the project. These bank pin arrays were installed in the center of the outside stream bank. Four bank pin arrays are located on the UT1 side of the project at reaches UT1-R2, UT1-R3, UIT1-R4, and UT1-C. The remaining two bank pin arrays are located on stream reach UT2-R3. Bank pins are a minimum of three feet long, and have been installed just above the water surface and every two feet above the lowest pin. Bank pin exposure will be recorded at each monitoring event, and the exposed pin will be driven flush with the bank. Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 9 Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 3.1.6 Visual Assessment Monitoring Visual monitoring of all mitigation areas will be conducted a minimum of twice per monitoring year by qualified individuals. The visual assessments will include vegetation density, vigor, invasive species, and easement encroachments. Visual assessments of stream stability will include a complete stream walk and structure inspection. Digital images will be taken at fixed representative locations to record each monitoring event as well as any noted problem areas or areas of concern. Results of visual monitoring will be presented in a plan view exhibit with a brief description of problem areas and digital images. Photographs will be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, success of riparian vegetation, and effectiveness of erosion control measures. Longitudinal photos should indicate the absence of developing bars within the channel or an excessive increase in channel depth. Lateral photos should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the banks over time. A series of photos over time should indicate successional maturation of riparian vegetation. 3.2 Vegetation A total of 13 vegetation plots were randomly established within the planted stream riparian buffer easement. Vegetation plots measure 10 meters by 10 meters or 5 meters by 20 meters (0.02 acres) and has all four corners marked with metal posts. Planted woody vegetation was assessed within each plot to establish a baseline dataset. Within each vegetation plot, each planted stem was identified for species, “X” and “Y” origin located, and measured for height. Reference digital photographs were also captured to document baseline conditions. Species composition, density, growth patterns, damaged stems, and survival ratios will be measured and reported on an annual basis. Vegetation plot data will be reported for each plot as well as an overall site average. 4 MAINTENANCE AND CONTINGENCY PLAN All identified problematic areas or areas of concern such as stream bank erosion/instability, aggradation/degradation, lack of targeted vegetation, and invasive/exotic species which prevent the site from meeting performance success criteria will be evaluated on a case by case basis. These areas will be documented and remedial actions will be discussed amongst DMS staff to determine a plan of action. If it is determined remedial action is required, a plan will be provided. 4.1 Stream Any stream problem areas which are identified during post construction monitoring activities will be documented and mapped on the Current Conditions Plan View (CCPV) as part of the annual stream monitoring report. Stream problem areas or areas of concern may include bank erosion, aggradation/degradation, structure failure or not performing as designed, beaver dams, cattle encroachment due to fence damage, etc. If it is determined through DMS correspondence that remedial action is required to repair an area, a proposed work plan will be submitted for remediation. 4.2 Vegetation Any vegetation problem areas which are identified during post construction monitoring activities will be documented and mapped on the Current Conditions Plan View (CCPV) as part of the annual stream monitoring report. Vegetation problem areas or areas of concern may include vegetation plot not meeting success criteria, invasive species abundance, sparse vegetation areas, etc. If it is determined through DMS correspondence that remedial action is required to repair an area, a proposed work plan will be submitted for remediation. Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 10 Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 5 AS-BUILT CONDITIONS (BASELINE) The Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration as-built survey was completed between May and June 2015 by Turner Land Surveying, PLLC. A topographic survey on the constructed stream channel and adjacent floodplain areas was performed to document post construction conditions. The survey involved locating the stream channel thalweg, top of bank, stream structures, culvert crossings, woody debris bundles, monitoring cross sections, vegetation plots, crest gauges, and a rain gauge. The as-built survey drawings indicate that the Poplin Ridge site was constructed to the mitigation plan design. Profile and dimension parameters are within the tolerances for stream mitigation construction. UT-1 and tributaries to UT-1 were all constructed to design plans and specifications. During construction activities, UT-2 had minimal modifications. Proposed cattle fencing along UT-2 was not installed due to the landowner converting the adjacent land use. The cattle pastures that were previously adjacent to UT-2 have been converted to row-crop fields. The landowner has assured RES that he no longer plans to have cattle on his property. Two rock cross vanes were substituted along UT2-R2 with log cross vanes at stations 11+38 and 13+53. Along UT2-R3, a proposed rock cross vane at station 16+59 was omitted due to bedrock presence. All changes were approved by the design engineer and are documented on the as-built drawings. 5.1 As-Built Drawings The Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration As-Built Drawing is located in Appendix D which documents post construction conditions for the project. The original DMS (NCEEP) full delivery contact was for 6,944 SMUs. Due to project constraints and landowner negotiations the final design and construction plans included 6,345 SMUs. This reduction was primarily due to a change in approach at the downstream end of UT2-R4 where the landowner withdrew from the project. Following construction, the as-built survey indicated 9,179 linear feet of channel within the easement generating 6,365 SMUs. 5.2 Baseline Data Collection 5.2.1 Morphological State of the Channel All morphological stream data for the as-built profile and dimensions were collected during the as- built survey performed during May and June 2015. Appendix B includes summary data tables, morphological parameters, and stream photographs. Profile The baseline (MY-0) profiles closely matches the proposed design profiles. The plotted longitudinal profiles can be found on the As-Built Drawings in Appendix D and morphological summary data tables can be found in Appendix B. Dimension The baseline (MY-0) cross sectional dimensions closely matches the proposed design cross section parameters. All cross section plots and data tables can be found in Appendix B. Sediment Transport The as-built conditions show that shear stress and velocities have been reduced for all restoration and enhancement reaches. Pre-construction conditions documented that both primary stream features (UT1 and UT2) were gravel bed channels prior to construction activities. Pebble count and substrate Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 11 Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 analysis from evaluated onsite stream reaches document the dominate bed material remains classified as gravel bed channels post-construction. Pebble counts were sampled at all riffle cross section locations and data can be found in Appendix B. Visual assessment shows the channel is transporting sediment as designed and will continue to be monitored for aggradation and degradation. 5.2.2 Vegetation The baseline monitoring (MY-0) vegetation survey was completed in late April 2015. The baseline vegetation monitoring on the Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Site resulted in an average of 1,058 planted stems per acre, which is greater than the required 680 stems per acre density. The average stems per vegetation plot was 26.2 planted stems. The minimum planted stems per plots was 20 stems and the maximum was 34 stems per plot. Vegetation summary data tables and vegetation plot photos can be found in Appendix C. 5.2.3 Photo Documentation Permanent photo point locations have been established at cross sections, vegetation plots, stream crossings, and stream structures by Resource Environmental Solutions staff. Any additional problem areas or areas of concern will also be document with a digital photograph during monitoring activities. Stream digital photographs can be found in Appendix B and Appendix C for vegetation photos. 5.2.4 Hydrology Three sets of manual and auto-logging crest gauges were installed on the site, one along UT1-R2, one along UT1-R4, and one along UT2-R3. The auto logging crest gauges were installed within the channel and will continuously record flow conditions at an hourly interval. Manual crest gauges were installed on the bank at bankfull elevation. Crest gauges will be checked during each site visit to determine if a bankfull event has occurred since the last site visit. Crest gauge readings and debris rack lines will be photographed to document evidence of bankfull events. Crest gauge data will be reported in the Year 1 monitoring report. 6 REFERENCES Chow, Ven Te. 1959. Open-Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill, New York. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services, FWS/OBS-79/31. U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, DC. Environmental Banc & Exchange (2014). Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project Final Mitigation Plan. North Carolina Ecosystems Enhancement Program, Raleigh, NC. Horton, J. Wright Jr. and Victor A. Zullo. 1991. The Geology of the Carolinas, Carolina Geological Society Fiftieth Anniversary Volume. The University of Tennessee Press. Knoxville, TN. Johnson PA. 2006. Assessing stream channel stability at bridges in physiographic regions. U.S. Department of Transportation. Federal Highway Administration. Report Number FHWA-HRT-05-072. Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 12 Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration • USGS HUC 03040105070050 Baseline Monitoring Report• Union County, North Carolina • August 2015 Lee, Michael T., R.K. Peet, S.S. Roberts, and T.R. Wentworth. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.2 (http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). 2007. Stream Restoration Design Handbook (NEH 654), USDA NCDENR. “Water Quality Stream Classifications for Streams in North Carolina.” Water Quality Section. http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wqhome/html (June 2005). Radford, A.E., H.E. Ahles and F.R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina, Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, NCDENR, Raleigh, NC. Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 13 APPENDIX A General Tables and Figures Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map Figure 2. Current Condition Plan View Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2. Project Activity and reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table 4. Project Information ®q ®q ®q £¤601 £¤74 £¤601 UV218 UV84 UV75 UV200 UV207 UV200 0 1.50.75 Miles Figure1 Project Vicinity Map Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Site Union County, North Carolina Legend ®q Airports Future Monroe By-Pass Route NC Highway State Roads County Boundary Poplin Ridge Easement Streams Waterbody HUC 03040105070050 ©Date: 7/27/2015 Drawn by: BSH Do c u m e n t P a t h : E : \ R E S F i l e s \ P o p l i n R i d g e \ G I S \ M X D \ M Y 0 R e p o r t F i g u r e s \ 1 - P o p l i n R i d g e V i c i n i t y M a p _ 1 . m x d To access the Site from the city of Monroe, travel west on West Roosevelt Boulevard, then turn north onto Secrest Short Cut Road. To access UT1, travel 3.6 miles on Secrest Short Cut Road, then turn right onto a gravel farm road and drive approximately 0.6 miles. To access UT2, travel north on Secrest Short Cut Road for 2.8 miles, then turn right onto Roanoke Church Road. After 0.8 miles, turn left onto a gravel farm road. This private road will split just past the pond on the left. At the split, stay to the left and travel approximately 800 feet to access the downstream end of UT2. UT2 Poplin Ridge Stream Mitigation Site UT1 Goose Creek Airport Monroe Airport P o p l i n R d R i d g e R d Roanoke Chur c h R d S e c r e s t S h o r t C u t R d N R o c k y R i v e r R d W Unionville Indian Trail R d Unio n C ou nty Meck l e n b u rgC ou n t y 0 + 0 0 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+ 0 0 2+5 0 3+ 0 0 3+ 5 0 4+00 4+ 5 0 5+00 5+ 5 0 6+ 0 0 6+5 0 7+ 0 0 7+ 5 0 8+ 0 0 8+ 5 0 9+ 0 0 9+ 5 0 G VP5 Cro s s S e c t i o n 1 0 Cro s s S e c t i o n 9 NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board © 0 5025 Feet Figure 2a. Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project UT1-1 Current Conditions Plan View Map LEGEND Conservation EasementVegetation Plots G Reach Breaks BE & Preservation Restoration Enhancement I Enhancement II No Credit GeneratedStream StructuresCross Sections ^_Crest Gauge/RG Locations &Bankpin Locations Date: 7/27/2015 Drawn by: BSH Do c u m e n t P a t h : E : \ R E S F i l e s \ P o p l i n R i d g e \ G I S \ M X D \ M Y 0 R e p o r t F i g u r e s \ 2 a - P o p l i n R i d g e C C P V M a p . m x d Riparian Buffer Conditions AbsentPresentMarginal Absent Present Common Target Community In v a s i v e S p e c i e s No Fill Source: 2010 NC Onemap Aerial Imagery 1 inch = 50 feet Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Existing Length (LF) As-Built Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 SP&BE 1+20 to 6+92 572 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 Enhancement I 6+92 to 12+58 566 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 P1 Restoration 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 P1 Restoration 24+96 to 34+50 833 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 Enhancement I 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A Enhancement I 0+73 to 2+89 197 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B SP&BE 0+09 to 6+29 620 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B Enhancement I 6+90 to 11+45 512 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C Enhancement I 1+21 to 10+01 883 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 Enhancement II 0+00 to 4+90 490 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 P1 Restoration 4+90 to 13+97 875 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 P1 Restoration 13+97 to 19+18 495 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 P1 Restoration 19+18 to 22+07 270 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A Enhancement II 0+45 to 5+06 365 461 1 : 2.5 184 Total 9,214 9,179 6,365 UT1-1SP & BE(1+20 - 6+92) UT1-1Enhancement I(6+92 - 12+58) 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 8+ 0 0 8+ 5 0 9+ 0 0 9+ 5 0 10 + 0 0 10 + 5 0 11 + 0 0 1 1 + 2 8 11 + 5 0 12 + 0 0 12 + 5 0 13+00 13+ 5 0 14+ 0 0 G VP5 Cross S e c t i o n 1 1 Cro s s S e c t i o n 1 0 Cro s s S e c t i o n 9 Cross S e c t i o n 1 2 NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board © 0 5025 Feet Figure 2b. Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project UT1-1 & UT1-A Current Conditions Plan View Map LEGEND Conservation EasementVegetation Plots G Reach Breaks BE & Preservation Restoration Enhancement I Enhancement II No Credit GeneratedStream StructuresCross Sections ^_Crest Gauge/RG Locations &Bankpin Locations Date: 8/18/2015 Drawn by: BSH Do c u m e n t P a t h : E : \ R E S F i l e s \ P o p l i n R i d g e \ G I S \ M X D \ M Y 0 R e p o r t F i g u r e s \ 2 b - P o p l i n R i d g e C C P V M a p . m x d Riparian Buffer Conditions AbsentPresentMarginal Absent Present Common Target Community In v a s i v e S p e c i e s No Fill Source: 2010 NC Onemap Aerial Imagery 1 inch = 50 feet Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Existing Length (LF) As-Built Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 SP&BE 1+20 to 6+92 572 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 Enhancement I 6+92 to 12+58 566 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 P1 Restoration 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 P1 Restoration 24+96 to 34+50 833 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 Enhancement I 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A Enhancement I 0+73 to 2+89 197 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B SP&BE 0+09 to 6+29 620 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B Enhancement I 6+90 to 11+45 512 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C Enhancement I 1+21 to 10+01 883 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 Enhancement II 0+00 to 4+90 490 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 P1 Restoration 4+90 to 13+97 875 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 P1 Restoration 13+97 to 19+18 495 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 P1 Restoration 19+18 to 22+07 270 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A Enhancement II 0+45 to 5+06 365 461 1 : 2.5 184 Total 9,214 9,179 6,365 UT1-AEnhancement I(0+73 - 2+89) UT1-1Enhancement I(6+92 - 12+58) UT1-2P1 Restoration(12+58 - 24+69) 1 2 + 5 0 13+0 0 13+ 5 0 14 + 0 0 14+5 0 15+00 15 + 5 0 16+00 16 + 5 0 17+ 0 0 17 + 5 0 18 + 0 0 1 8 + 5 0 19+ 0 0 1 9 + 5 0 20+0 0 20 + 5 0 21 + 0 0 2 1 + 5 0 22 + 0 0 22 + 5 0 2 3 + 0 0 & ^_^_ G VP7 VP6 Cro s s S e c t i o n 1 2 Bank Pins 3 ACG2 CG 2 Cros s S e c t i o n 1 3 Cr o s s S e c t i o n 1 4 C r o s s S e c t i o n 1 5 NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board © 0 5025 Feet Figure 2c. Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project UT1-2 Current Conditions Plan View Map LEGEND Conservation EasementVegetation Plots G Reach Breaks BE & Preservation RestorationEnhancement I Enhancement II No Credit GeneratedStream StructuresCross Sections ^_Crest Gauge/RG Locations &Bankpin Locations Date: 8/18/2015 Drawn by: BSH Do c u m e n t P a t h : E : \ R E S F i l e s \ P o p l i n R i d g e \ G I S \ M X D \ M Y 0 R e p o r t F i g u r e s \ 2 c - P o p l i n R i d g e C C P V M a p . m x d Riparian Buffer Conditions AbsentPresentMarginal Absent Present Common Target Community In v a s i v e S p e c i e s No Fill Source: 2010 NC Onemap Aerial Imagery 1 inch = 50 feet Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Existing Length (LF) As-Built Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 SP&BE 1+20 to 6+92 572 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 Enhancement I 6+92 to 12+58 566 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 P1 Restoration 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 P1 Restoration 24+96 to 34+50 833 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 Enhancement I 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A Enhancement I 0+73 to 2+89 197 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B SP&BE 0+09 to 6+29 620 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B Enhancement I 6+90 to 11+45 512 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C Enhancement I 1+21 to 10+01 883 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 Enhancement II 0+00 to 4+90 490 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 P1 Restoration 4+90 to 13+97 875 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 P1 Restoration 13+97 to 19+18 495 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 P1 Restoration 19+18 to 22+07 270 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A Enhancement II 0+45 to 5+06 365 461 1 : 2.5 184 Total 9,214 9,179 6,365 UT1-2P1 Restoration(12+58 - 24+69) 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+0 0 10+5 0 11+00 18 + 0 0 1 8 + 5 0 19+ 0 0 1 9 + 5 0 20+0 0 20 + 5 0 21 + 0 0 2 1 + 5 0 22 + 0 0 22 + 5 0 2 3 + 0 0 23 + 5 0 2 4 + 0 0 2 4 + 5 0 25 + 0 0 25+ 5 0 26+ 0 0 26+5 0 5+50 6+00 & ^_ ^_ ^_ G G VP8 VP7 Cros s S e c t i o n 1 6 Cro s s S e c t i o n 1 7 C r o s s S e c t i o n 1 5 Bank Pins 3 ACG2 CG 2 Rain Gauge Cr o s s S e c t i o n 1 4 NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board © 0 5025 Feet Figure 2d. Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project UT1-2 & UT1-B Current Conditions Plan View Map LEGEND Conservation EasementVegetation Plots G Reach Breaks BE & Preservation RestorationEnhancement I Enhancement II No Credit GeneratedStream StructuresCross Sections ^_Crest Gauge/RG Locations &Bankpin Locations Date: 8/18/2015 Drawn by: BSH Do c u m e n t P a t h : E : \ R E S F i l e s \ P o p l i n R i d g e \ G I S \ M X D \ M Y 0 R e p o r t F i g u r e s \ 2 d - P o p l i n R i d g e C C P V M a p . m x d Riparian Buffer Conditions AbsentPresentMarginal Absent Present Common Target Community In v a s i v e S p e c i e s No Fill Source: 2010 NC Onemap Aerial Imagery 1 inch = 50 feet Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Existing Length (LF) As-Built Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 SP&BE 1+20 to 6+92 572 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 Enhancement I 6+92 to 12+58 566 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 P1 Restoration 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 P1 Restoration 24+96 to 34+50 833 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 Enhancement I 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A Enhancement I 0+73 to 2+89 197 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B SP&BE 0+09 to 6+29 620 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B Enhancement I 6+90 to 11+45 512 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C Enhancement I 1+21 to 10+01 883 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 Enhancement II 0+00 to 4+90 490 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 P1 Restoration 4+90 to 13+97 875 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 P1 Restoration 13+97 to 19+18 495 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 P1 Restoration 19+18 to 22+07 270 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A Enhancement II 0+45 to 5+06 365 461 1 : 2.5 184 Total 9,214 9,179 6,365 UT1-2P1 Restoration(12+58 - 24+96) UT1-BEnhancement I(6+90 - 11+45) 10 + 0 0 10+ 5 0 11+ 0 0 9+00 9+50 10+00 2 3 + 5 0 2 4 + 0 0 24 + 5 0 2 5 + 0 0 25 + 5 0 26 + 0 0 26+ 5 0 2 7 + 0 0 27 + 5 0 28+ 0 0 28+ 5 0 2 9 + 0 0 29 + 5 0 30 + 0 0 30 + 5 0 31 + 0 0 31 + 5 0 32 + 0 0 32 + 5 0 33 + 0 0 33 + 5 0 3 4 + 0 0 3 4 + 5 0 35 + 0 0 & ^_ G G G VP9 Cr o s s S e c t i o n 1 8 C r o s s S e c t i o n 2 1 Bank Pins 4 Cro s s S e c t i o n 2 0 C r o s s S e c t i o n 1 9 NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board © 0 5025 Feet Figure 2e. Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project UT1-3 Current Conditions Plan View Map LEGEND Conservation EasementVegetation Plots G Reach Breaks BE & Preservation RestorationEnhancement I Enhancement II No Credit GeneratedStream StructuresCross Sections ^_Crest Gauge/RG Locations &Bankpin Locations Date: 8/18/2015 Drawn by: BSH Do c u m e n t P a t h : E : \ R E S F i l e s \ P o p l i n R i d g e \ G I S \ M X D \ M Y 0 R e p o r t F i g u r e s \ 2 e - P o p l i n R i d g e C C P V M a p . m x d Riparian Buffer Conditions AbsentPresentMarginal Absent Present Common Target Community In v a s i v e S p e c i e s No Fill Source: 2010 NC Onemap Aerial Imagery 1 inch = 50 feet Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Existing Length (LF) As-Built Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 SP&BE 1+20 to 6+92 572 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 Enhancement I 6+92 to 12+58 566 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 P1 Restoration 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 P1 Restoration 24+96 to 34+50 833 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 Enhancement I 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A Enhancement I 0+73 to 2+89 197 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B SP&BE 0+09 to 6+29 620 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B Enhancement I 6+90 to 11+45 512 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C Enhancement I 1+21 to 10+01 883 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 Enhancement II 0+00 to 4+90 490 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 P1 Restoration 4+90 to 13+97 875 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 P1 Restoration 13+97 to 19+18 495 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 P1 Restoration 19+18 to 22+07 270 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A Enhancement II 0+45 to 5+06 365 461 1 : 2.5 184 Total 9,214 9,179 6,365 UT1-3P1 Restoration(24+96 - 34+50) 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 30 + 5 0 31 + 0 0 31 + 5 0 32 + 0 0 32 + 5 0 33 + 0 0 33 + 5 0 3 4 + 0 0 3 4 + 5 0 35 + 0 0 35 + 5 0 36 + 0 0 36 + 5 0 3 7 + 0 0 37+ 5 0 38 + 0 0 38+ 5 0 39 + 0 0 39 + 5 0 40 + 0 0 40+50 41+0 0 & ^_^_ G G VP11 VP12 Cr o s s S e c t i o n 2 6 Cro s s S e c t i o n 2 7 Cros s S e c t i o n 2 4 Cros s S e c t i o n 2 5 NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board © 0 5025 Feet Figure 2f. Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project UT1-3 & UT1-4 Current Conditions Plan View Map LEGEND Conservation EasementVegetation Plots G Reach Breaks BE & Preservation RestorationEnhancement I Enhancement II No Credit GeneratedStream StructuresCross Sections ^_Crest Gauge/RG Locations &Bankpin Locations Date: 7/27/2015 Drawn by: BSH Do c u m e n t P a t h : E : \ R E S F i l e s \ P o p l i n R i d g e \ G I S \ M X D \ M Y 0 R e p o r t F i g u r e s \ 2 f - P o p l i n R i d g e C C P V M a p . m x d Riparian Buffer Conditions AbsentPresentMarginal Absent Present Common Target Community In v a s i v e S p e c i e s No Fill Source: 2010 NC Onemap Aerial Imagery 1 inch = 50 feet Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Existing Length (LF) As-Built Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 SP&BE 1+20 to 6+92 572 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 Enhancement I 6+92 to 12+58 566 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 P1 Restoration 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 P1 Restoration 24+96 to 34+50 833 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 Enhancement I 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A Enhancement I 0+73 to 2+89 197 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B SP&BE 0+09 to 6+29 620 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B Enhancement I 6+90 to 11+45 512 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C Enhancement I 1+21 to 10+01 883 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 Enhancement II 0+00 to 4+90 490 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 P1 Restoration 4+90 to 13+97 875 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 P1 Restoration 13+97 to 19+18 495 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 P1 Restoration 19+18 to 22+07 270 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A Enhancement II 0+45 to 5+06 365 461 1 : 2.5 184 Total 9,214 9,179 6,365 UT1-3P1 Restoration(24+96 - 34+50) UT1-4Enhancement I(34+50 - 46+73) UT1-CEnhancement I(1+21 - 10+01) 3 9 + 0 0 3 9 + 5 0 4 0 + 0 0 40+50 41+ 0 0 4 1 + 5 0 42 + 0 0 42 + 5 0 43 + 0 0 43 + 5 0 44+0 0 44 + 5 0 45+ 0 0 45 + 5 0 46+ 0 0 46+ 5 0 47+ 0 0 47+ 5 0 & ^_^_ VP13 Cro s s S e c t i o n 2 9 Cros s S e c t i o n 2 8 Bank Pins 6 ACG3 CG 3 NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board © 0 5025 Feet Figure 2g. Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project UT1-4 Current Conditions Plan View Map LEGEND Conservation EasementVegetation Plots G Reach Breaks BE & Preservation RestorationEnhancement I Enhancement II No Credit GeneratedStream StructuresCross Sections ^_Crest Gauge/RG Locations &Bankpin Locations Date: 8/18/2015 Drawn by: BSH Do c u m e n t P a t h : E : \ R E S F i l e s \ P o p l i n R i d g e \ G I S \ M X D \ M Y 0 R e p o r t F i g u r e s \ 2 g - P o p l i n R i d g e C C P V M a p . m x d Riparian Buffer Conditions AbsentPresentMarginal Absent Present Common Target Community In v a s i v e S p e c i e s No Fill Source: 2010 NC Onemap Aerial Imagery 1 inch = 50 feet Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Existing Length (LF) As-Built Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 SP&BE 1+20 to 6+92 572 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 Enhancement I 6+92 to 12+58 566 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 P1 Restoration 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 P1 Restoration 24+96 to 34+50 833 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 Enhancement I 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A Enhancement I 0+73 to 2+89 197 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B SP&BE 0+09 to 6+29 620 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B Enhancement I 6+90 to 11+45 512 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C Enhancement I 1+21 to 10+01 883 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 Enhancement II 0+00 to 4+90 490 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 P1 Restoration 4+90 to 13+97 875 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 P1 Restoration 13+97 to 19+18 495 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 P1 Restoration 19+18 to 22+07 270 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A Enhancement II 0+45 to 5+06 365 461 1 : 2.5 184 Total 9,214 9,179 6,365 UT1-4Enhancement I(34+50 - 46+73) 6 + 5 0 7 + 0 0 7+ 5 0 0+0 0 0+5 0 1+00 1+ 5 0 2 + 0 0 2+ 5 0 3+00 3+ 5 0 4 + 0 0 4 + 5 0 5 + 0 0 5 + 5 0 6 + 0 0 G NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board © 0 5025 Feet Figure 2h. Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project UT1-B Current Conditions Plan View Map LEGEND Conservation EasementVegetation Plots G Reach Breaks BE & Preservation RestorationEnhancement I Enhancement II No Credit GeneratedStream StructuresCross Sections ^_Crest Gauge/RG Locations &Bankpin Locations Date: 8/18/2015 Drawn by: BSH Do c u m e n t P a t h : E : \ R E S F i l e s \ P o p l i n R i d g e \ G I S \ M X D \ M Y 0 R e p o r t F i g u r e s \ 2 h - P o p l i n R i d g e C C P V M a p . m x d Riparian Buffer Conditions AbsentPresentMarginal Absent Present Common Target Community In v a s i v e S p e c i e s No Fill Source: 2010 NC Onemap Aerial Imagery 1 inch = 50 feet Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Existing Length (LF) As-Built Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 SP&BE 1+20 to 6+92 572 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 Enhancement I 6+92 to 12+58 566 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 P1 Restoration 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 P1 Restoration 24+96 to 34+50 833 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 Enhancement I 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A Enhancement I 0+73 to 2+89 197 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B SP&BE 0+09 to 6+29 620 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B Enhancement I 6+90 to 11+45 512 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C Enhancement I 1+21 to 10+01 883 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 Enhancement II 0+00 to 4+90 490 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 P1 Restoration 4+90 to 13+97 875 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 P1 Restoration 13+97 to 19+18 495 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 P1 Restoration 19+18 to 22+07 270 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A Enhancement II 0+45 to 5+06 365 461 1 : 2.5 184 Total 9,214 9,179 6,365 UT1-BSP & BE(0+09 - 6+29) UT1-BEnhancement I(6+90 - 11+45) 6 + 5 0 7 + 0 0 7+ 5 0 8+ 0 0 8+ 5 0 9 + 0 0 9+ 5 0 1 0 + 0 0 1 0 + 5 0 1 1 + 0 0 22+50 23+00 23+50 24+00 24+50 25+ 0 0 2 5 + 5 0 2 6 + 0 0 2 6 + 5 0 5 + 5 0 6 + 0 0 ^_ G G VP8 C r o s s S e c t i o n 1 6 C r o s s S e c t i o n 1 7 Rain Gauge Cr o s s S e c t i o n 1 8 Cross Secti o n 1 9 NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board © 0 5025 Feet Figure 2i. Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project UT1-B Current Conditions Plan View Map LEGEND Conservation EasementVegetation Plots G Reach Breaks BE & Preservation RestorationEnhancement I Enhancement II No Credit GeneratedStream StructuresCross Sections ^_Crest Gauge/RG Locations &Bankpin Locations Date: 8/18/2015 Drawn by: BSH Do c u m e n t P a t h : E : \ R E S F i l e s \ P o p l i n R i d g e \ G I S \ M X D \ M Y 0 R e p o r t F i g u r e s \ 2 i - P o p l i n R i d g e C C P V M a p . m x d Riparian Buffer Conditions AbsentPresentMarginal Absent Present Common Target Community In v a s i v e S p e c i e s No Fill Source: 2010 NC Onemap Aerial Imagery 1 inch = 50 feet Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Existing Length (LF) As-Built Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 SP&BE 1+20 to 6+92 572 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 Enhancement I 6+92 to 12+58 566 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 P1 Restoration 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 P1 Restoration 24+96 to 34+50 833 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 Enhancement I 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A Enhancement I 0+73 to 2+89 197 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B SP&BE 0+09 to 6+29 620 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B Enhancement I 6+90 to 11+45 512 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C Enhancement I 1+21 to 10+01 883 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 Enhancement II 0+00 to 4+90 490 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 P1 Restoration 4+90 to 13+97 875 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 P1 Restoration 13+97 to 19+18 495 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 P1 Restoration 19+18 to 22+07 270 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A Enhancement II 0+45 to 5+06 365 461 1 : 2.5 184 Total 9,214 9,179 6,365 UT1-2P1 Restoration(12+58 - 24+96) UT1-BSP & BE(0+09 - 6+29) UT1-BEnhancement I(6+90 - 11+45) 1 + 0 0 1 + 5 0 2+ 0 0 2+5 0 3+0 0 3+ 5 0 4 + 0 0 4 + 5 0 5 + 0 0 5+ 5 0 6 + 0 0 6 + 5 0 7 + 0 0 7+5 0 8+0 0 8+ 5 0 9+0 0 9+ 5 0 1 0 + 0 0 30+50 31+00 31+50 32+00 32+5 0 33+ 0 0 33+ 5 0 & G G VP10 VP11 Cr o s s S e c t i o n 2 3 C r o s s S e c t i o n 2 4 Bank Pins 5 C r o s s S e c t i o n 2 5 C r o s s S e c t i o n 2 2 C r o s s S e c t i o n 2 1 NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board © 0 5025 Feet Figure 2j. Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project UT1-C Current Conditions Plan View Map LEGEND Conservation EasementVegetation Plots G Reach Breaks BE & Preservation RestorationEnhancement I Enhancement II No Credit GeneratedStream StructuresCross Sections ^_Crest Gauge/RG Locations &Bankpin Locations Date: 8/18/2015 Drawn by: BSH Do c u m e n t P a t h : E : \ R E S F i l e s \ P o p l i n R i d g e \ G I S \ M X D \ M Y 0 R e p o r t F i g u r e s \ 2 j - P o p l i n R i d g e C C P V M a p . m x d Riparian Buffer Conditions AbsentPresentMarginal Absent Present Common Target Community In v a s i v e S p e c i e s No Fill Source: 2010 NC Onemap Aerial Imagery 1 inch = 50 feet Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Existing Length (LF) As-Built Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 SP&BE 1+20 to 6+92 572 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 Enhancement I 6+92 to 12+58 566 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 P1 Restoration 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 P1 Restoration 24+96 to 34+50 833 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 Enhancement I 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A Enhancement I 0+73 to 2+89 197 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B SP&BE 0+09 to 6+29 620 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B Enhancement I 6+90 to 11+45 512 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C Enhancement I 1+21 to 10+01 883 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 Enhancement II 0+00 to 4+90 490 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 P1 Restoration 4+90 to 13+97 875 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 P1 Restoration 13+97 to 19+18 495 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 P1 Restoration 19+18 to 22+07 270 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A Enhancement II 0+45 to 5+06 365 461 1 : 2.5 184 Total 9,214 9,179 6,365 UT1-CEnhancement I(1+21 - 10+01) 0+ 0 0 0+ 5 0 1+ 0 0 1+ 5 0 2+ 0 0 2+ 5 0 3+ 0 0 3+50 4 + 0 0 4+ 5 0 5+ 0 0 5+ 5 0 6+ 0 0 6+ 5 0 7+ 0 0 7 + 5 0 8+ 0 0 G VP1 NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board © 0 5025 Feet Figure 2k. Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project UT2-1 & UT2-2 Current Conditions Plan View Map LEGEND Conservation EasementVegetation Plots G Reach Breaks BE & Preservation RestorationEnhancement I Enhancement II No Credit GeneratedStream StructuresCross Sections ^_Crest Gauge/RG Locations &Bankpin Locations Date: 7/28/2015 Drawn by: BSH Do c u m e n t P a t h : E : \ R E S F i l e s \ P o p l i n R i d g e \ G I S \ M X D \ M Y 0 R e p o r t F i g u r e s \ 2 k - P o p l i n R i d g e C C P V M a p . m x d Riparian Buffer Conditions AbsentPresentMarginal Absent Present Common Target Community In v a s i v e S p e c i e s No Fill Source: 2010 NC Onemap Aerial Imagery 1 inch = 50 feet Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Existing Length (LF) As-Built Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 SP&BE 1+20 to 6+92 572 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 Enhancement I 6+92 to 12+58 566 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 P1 Restoration 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 P1 Restoration 24+96 to 34+50 833 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 Enhancement I 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A Enhancement I 0+73 to 2+89 197 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B SP&BE 0+09 to 6+29 620 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B Enhancement I 6+90 to 11+45 512 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C Enhancement I 1+21 to 10+01 883 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 Enhancement II 0+00 to 4+90 490 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 P1 Restoration 4+90 to 13+97 875 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 P1 Restoration 13+97 to 19+18 495 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 P1 Restoration 19+18 to 22+07 270 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A Enhancement II 0+45 to 5+06 365 461 1 : 2.5 184 Total 9,214 9,179 6,365 UT2-2P1 Restoration(4+90 - 13+97) UT2-1Enhancement II(0+00 - 4+90) 0 + 5 0 1+0 0 1+ 5 0 2+ 0 0 2+ 5 0 3+00 3+50 4+ 0 0 4+5 0 5+00 0 + 0 0 6+ 5 0 7+ 0 0 7+ 5 0 8+ 0 0 8+5 0 9+ 0 0 9+ 5 0 10 + 0 0 1 0 + 5 0 11 + 0 0 11 + 5 0 12 + 0 0 12 + 5 0 13 + 0 0 & G VP2 Cr o s s S e c t i o n 2 Cr o s s S e c t i o n 1 Cro s s S e c t i o n 3 Cr o s s S e c t i o n 4 Bank Pins 1 NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board © 0 5025 Feet Figure 2l. Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project UT2-2 & UT2-A Current Conditions Plan View Map LEGEND Conservation EasementVegetation Plots G Reach Breaks BE & Preservation RestorationEnhancement I Enhancement II No Credit GeneratedStream StructuresCross Sections ^_Crest Gauge/RG Locations &Bankpin Locations Date: 8/18/2015 Drawn by: BSH Do c u m e n t P a t h : E : \ R E S F i l e s \ P o p l i n R i d g e \ G I S \ M X D \ M Y 0 R e p o r t F i g u r e s \ 2 l - P o p l i n R i d g e C C P V M a p . m x d Riparian Buffer Conditions AbsentPresentMarginal Absent Present Common Target Community In v a s i v e S p e c i e s No Fill Source: 2010 NC Onemap Aerial Imagery 1 inch = 50 feet Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Existing Length (LF) As-Built Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 SP&BE 1+20 to 6+92 572 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 Enhancement I 6+92 to 12+58 566 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 P1 Restoration 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 P1 Restoration 24+96 to 34+50 833 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 Enhancement I 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A Enhancement I 0+73 to 2+89 197 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B SP&BE 0+09 to 6+29 620 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B Enhancement I 6+90 to 11+45 512 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C Enhancement I 1+21 to 10+01 883 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 Enhancement II 0+00 to 4+90 490 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 P1 Restoration 4+90 to 13+97 875 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 P1 Restoration 13+97 to 19+18 495 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 P1 Restoration 19+18 to 22+07 270 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A Enhancement II 0+45 to 5+06 365 461 1 : 2.5 184 Total 9,214 9,179 6,365 UT2-2P1 Restoration(4+90 - 13+97) UT2-AEnhancement II(0+45 - 5+06) 12 + 5 0 13 + 0 0 1 3 + 5 0 14 + 0 0 14 + 5 0 15 + 0 0 15+ 5 0 16 + 0 0 16+5 0 17 + 0 0 17+ 5 0 18+0 0 18 + 5 0 19 + 0 0 19+ 5 0 20+ 0 0 20 + 5 0 & & ^_^_ G G VP4 VP3 C r o s s S e c t i o n 5 Cr o s s S e c t i o n 8 C r o s s S e c t i o n 6 Cro s s S e c t i o n 7 Bank Pins 2 Bank Pins 1 ACG1CG 1 NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board © 0 5025 Feet Figure 2m. Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project UT2-2 & UT2-3 Current Conditions Plan View Map LEGEND Conservation EasementVegetation Plots G Reach Breaks BE & Preservation RestorationEnhancement I Enhancement II No Credit GeneratedStream StructuresCross Sections ^_Crest Gauge/RG Locations &Bankpin Locations Date: 7/28/2015 Drawn by: BSH Do c u m e n t P a t h : E : \ R E S F i l e s \ P o p l i n R i d g e \ G I S \ M X D \ M Y 0 R e p o r t F i g u r e s \ 2 m - P o p l i n R i d g e C C P V M a p . m x d Riparian Buffer Conditions AbsentPresentMarginal Absent Present Common Target Community In v a s i v e S p e c i e s No Fill Source: 2010 NC Onemap Aerial Imagery 1 inch = 50 feet Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Existing Length (LF) As-Built Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 SP&BE 1+20 to 6+92 572 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 Enhancement I 6+92 to 12+58 566 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 P1 Restoration 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 P1 Restoration 24+96 to 34+50 833 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 Enhancement I 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A Enhancement I 0+73 to 2+89 197 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B SP&BE 0+09 to 6+29 620 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B Enhancement I 6+90 to 11+45 512 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C Enhancement I 1+21 to 10+01 883 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 Enhancement II 0+00 to 4+90 490 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 P1 Restoration 4+90 to 13+97 875 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 P1 Restoration 13+97 to 19+18 495 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 P1 Restoration 19+18 to 22+07 270 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A Enhancement II 0+45 to 5+06 365 461 1 : 2.5 184 Total 9,214 9,179 6,365 UT2-2P1 Restoration(4+90 - 13+97) UT2-3P1 Restoration(13+97 - 19+18) 16 + 0 0 16+5 0 17 + 0 0 17+ 5 0 18+0 0 18 + 5 0 19 + 0 0 19+ 5 0 20+ 0 0 20 + 5 0 21 + 0 0 21 + 5 0 22 + 0 0 & ^_^_G VP4 Cr o s s S e c t i o n 8 Bank Pins 2 ACG1CG 1 Cro s s S e c t i o n 7 NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board © 0 5025 Feet Figure 2n. Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project UT2-4 Current Conditions Plan View Map LEGEND Conservation EasementVegetation Plots G Reach Breaks BE & Preservation RestorationEnhancement I Enhancement II No Credit GeneratedStream StructuresCross Sections ^_Crest Gauge/RG Locations &Bankpin Locations Date: 8/18/2015 Drawn by: BSH Do c u m e n t P a t h : E : \ R E S F i l e s \ P o p l i n R i d g e \ G I S \ M X D \ M Y 0 R e p o r t F i g u r e s \ 2 n - P o p l i n R i d g e C C P V M a p . m x d Riparian Buffer Conditions AbsentPresentMarginal Absent Present Common Target Community In v a s i v e S p e c i e s No Fill Source: 2010 NC Onemap Aerial Imagery 1 inch = 50 feet Reach Mitigation Type Stationing Existing Length (LF) As-Built Length (LF) Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 SP&BE 1+20 to 6+92 572 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 Enhancement I 6+92 to 12+58 566 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 P1 Restoration 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 P1 Restoration 24+96 to 34+50 833 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 Enhancement I 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A Enhancement I 0+73 to 2+89 197 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B SP&BE 0+09 to 6+29 620 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B Enhancement I 6+90 to 11+45 512 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C Enhancement I 1+21 to 10+01 883 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 Enhancement II 0+00 to 4+90 490 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 P1 Restoration 4+90 to 13+97 875 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 P1 Restoration 13+97 to 19+18 495 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 P1 Restoration 19+18 to 22+07 270 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A Enhancement II 0+45 to 5+06 365 461 1 : 2.5 184 Total 9,214 9,179 6,365 UT2-4P1 Restoration(19+18 - 22+07) UT2-3P1 Restoration(13+97 - 19+18) Appendix A. General Tables and Figures Table 1 Project Components and Mitigation Credits Baseline Monitoring Report Year 0 Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration/DMS Project # 95359 Mitigation Credits Stream Riparian Wetland Non-riparian Wetland Buffer Nitrogen Nutrient Offset Phosphorous Nutrient Offset Type R RE R RE R RE Totals 6,127 238 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Project Components Project Component -or- Reach ID As-Built Stationing/Location (LF) Existing Footage/Acreage Approach (PI, PII etc.) Restoration -or- Restoration Equivalent Restoration Footage or Acreage Mitigation Ratio SMUs UT1-1 1+20 to 6+92 572 Preservation RE 572 1 : 5.0 114 UT1-1 6+92 to 12+58 566 EI R 566 1 : 1.5 377 UT1-2 12+58 to 24+96 1,284 PI R 1,178 1 : 1.0 1,178 UT1-3 24+96 to 34+50 833 PI R 893 1 : 1.0 893 UT1-4 34+50 to 46+73 1,252 EI R 1,223 1 : 1.5 815 UT1-A 0+73 to 2+89 197 EI R 216 1 : 1.5 144 UT1-B 0+09 to 6+29 620 Preservation RE 620 1 : 5.0 124 UT1-B 6+90 to 11+45 512 EI R 455 1 : 1.5 303 UT1-C 1+21 to 10+01 883 EI R 880 1 : 1.5 586 UT2-1 0+00 to 4+90 490 EII R 490 1 : 2.5 196 UT2-2 4+90 to 13+97 875 PI R 847 1 : 1.0 847 UT2-3 13+97 to 19+18 495 PI R 521 1 : 1.5 347 UT2-4 19+18 to 22+07 270 PI R 257 1 : 1.0 257 UT2-A 0+45 to 5+06 365 EII R 461 1 : 2.5 184 Component Summation Restoration Level Stream (linear feet) Riparian Wetland (acres) Non-riparian Wetland ( Buffer (square feet) Upland (acres) Riverine Non-Riverine Restoration 3,696 Enhancement I 3,340 Enhancement II 951 Creation Preservation 1,192 High Quality Preservation BMP Elements Element Location Purpose/Function Notes --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- BMP Elements BR = Bioretention Cell; SF = Sand Filter; SW = Stormwater Wetland; WDP = Wet Detention Pond; DDP = Dry Detention Pond; FS = Filter Strip; S = Grassed Swale; LS = Level Spreader; NI = Natural Infiltration Area; FB = Forested Buffer Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Project Activity and Reporting History Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration / DMS Project #95359 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Mitigation Plan NA July 2014 Final Design – Construction Plans NA October 2014 Construction Completed April 2015 April 2015 Site Planting Completed April 2015 April 2015 Baseline Monitoring Document (Year 0 Monitoring – baseline) April 2015 July 2015 Year 1 Monitoring Year 2 Monitoring Year 3 Monitoring Year 4 Monitoring Year 5 Monitoring Year 6 Monitoring Year 7 Monitoring Table 3. Project Contacts Project Contacts Table Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration /EEP Project # 95359 Designer WK Dickson and Co., Inc. 720 Corporate Center Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 (919) 782-0495 Frasier Mullen, PE Construction Contractor Wright Contracting PO Box 545 Siler City, NC 27344 (919) 663-0810 Joseph Wright Planting Contractor Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27605 (919) 209-1061 David Godley Seeding Contractor Wright Contracting PO Box 545 Siler City, NC 27344 (919) 663-0810 Joseph Wright Seed Mix Sources Green Resource Nursery Stock Suppliers Arbogen, NC Forestry Services Nursery Full Delivery Provider Project Manager: Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27605 (919) 209-1061 Daniel Ingram Monitoring Performers Project Manager: Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27605 (919) 209-1061 Brian Hockett, PLS Table 4. Project Information Project Information Project Name Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project County Union Project Area (acres) 27.17 Project Coordinates (latitude and longitude) UT1: 35° 03' 15.97" N 80° 34' 21.64" W UT2: 35° 03' 17.99" N 80° 33' 46.77" W Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Piedmont River Basin Yadkin USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03040105 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03040105070050 DWQ Sub-basin 03-07-14 Project Drainage Area (acres) UT1: 1.14 square miles (728 acres) UT2: 1.35 square miles (861 acres) Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area UT1: 8% UT2: 5% CGIA Land Use Classification developed (open space, low density, med. density, high density), cultivated crops, pasture/hay, deciduous forest, evergreen forest Reach Summary Information Parameters UT1-R1 UT1-R2 UT1-R3 UT1-R4 UT1-A UT1-B Length of reach (linear feet) 1,138 1,178 893 1,223 216 1,075 Valley Classification VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII Drainage area (acres) 136 248 384 728 88 120 NCDWQ stream identification score 35.0 22.5 30.0 31.0 35.0 35.0 NCDWQ Water Quality Classification WS-III WS-III WS-III WS-III WS-III WS-III Morphological Description (stream type) E4 E4 E4 C4 E4 E4/C4 Evolutionary trend Stage I Stage II Stage II Stage V Stage I Stage I/III Underlying mapped soils CmB CmB, TbB2 CmB, TbB2 ChA CmB CmB Drainage class mod. well mod. well; well mod. well; well somewhat poorly mod. well mod. well Soil Hydric status Not Hydric Not Hydric Not Hydric Partially Hydric Not Hydric Not hydric Slope 0.48% 0.70% 0.40% 0.50% 1.20% 1.80% FEMA classification N/A N/A N/A Zone AE N/A N/A Native vegetation community mixed hardwood forest, cultivated cultivated cultivated cultivated cultivate d mixed hardwood forest, cultivated Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation 10% 0% 0% 0% 5% 15% Reach Summary Information (continued) Parameters UT1-C UT2-R1 UT2-R2 UT2-R3 UT2-R4 UT2-A Length of reach (linear feet) 880 490 847 521 257 461 Valley Classification VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII Drainage area (acres) 250 631 726 792 861 49 NCDWQ stream identification score 35.0 33.5 33.5 22.5 33.5 33.5 NCDWQ Water Quality Classification WS-III WS-III WS-III WS-III WS-III WS-III Morphological Description (stream type) E4 C4c N/A E4 E4 C4 Evolutionary trend Stage IV Stage VI N/A Stage II Stage II Stage IV Underlying mapped soils TbB2 ChA ChA ChA, BaB ChA ChA, CmA Drainage class well somewhat poorly somewhat poorly somewhat poorly; well somewhat poorly somewhat poorly; mod. well Soil Hydric status Not Hydric Partially Hydric Partially Hydric Partially Hydric Partially Hydric Not Hydric Slope 0.80% 0.27% 0.10% 0.57% 0.31% 1.30% FEMA classification N/A Zone AE Zone AE Zone AE Zone AE N/A Native vegetation community cultivated woody cover, cultivated cultivated cultivated cultivated cultivated Percent composition of exotic invasive vegetation 0% 20% 0% 0% 0% 0% Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States - Section 404 Yes Yes SAW-2012-01079 Waters of the United States - Section 401 Yes Yes DWR # 13-1087 Endangered Species Act Yes Yes USFWS (Corr. Letter) Historic Preservation Act Yes Yes SHPO (Corr. Letter) Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)/Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) No NA N/A FEMA Floodplain Compliance Yes Yes EEP Floodplain Requirements Checklist Essential Fisheries Habitat No NA N/A APPENDIX B Morphological Summary Data and Plots Table 5. Morphological Parameters Summary Data Table 6. Dimensional Morphology Summary – Cross Sections Data Cross Section Plots Pebble Count/Substrate Analysis Charts Stream Photos UT1-R1 UT1-R1 UT1-R2 UT1-R3 UT1-R4 UT1-A UT1-B UT1-B UT1-C Pres.Enh. I Rest.Rest.Enh. I Enh. I Pres.Enh. I Enh. I Feature Riffle Riffle Riffle Riffle Riffle Riffle Riffle Riffle Riffle Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Drainage Area (ac)136 136 248 384 728 88 120 120 250 NC Regional Curve Discharge (cfs)31 31 47 64 100 22 28 28 47 Design/Approx. Bankfull Discharge (cfs)22 22 35 55 65 20 15 30 50 BF Width (ft)7.9 7.5 9.9 12.8 17.5 6.9 11.2 6.0 10.0 11.8 12.8 13.6 14.8 12.95 14.85 15.35 15.15 Floodprone Width (ft)>50 >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 >40 >50 NA >50 >50 >50 >50 >50 NA BF Cross Sectional Area (ft2)10.1 10.4 14.2 22.2 21.9 6.8 6.1 5.5 10.0 14.5 19.9 18.8 26.9 17.3 19.15 22.4 21.45 BF Mean Depth (ft)1.3 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.2 1.0 0.5 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.4 1.8 1.3 1.25 1.45 1.45 BF Max Depth (ft)2.0 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.3 1.4 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.8 2.4 1.9 2.8 2.1 2.35 2.25 2.55 Width/Depth Ratio 6.2 5.4 7.0 7.4 14.0 6.9 20.4 6.6 10.0 9.8 8.2 9.9 8.1 9.7 11.65 10.5 10.75 Entrenchment Ratio >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 NA >2.2 NA >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 Wetted Perimeter (ft)10.4 9.1 11.6 14.5 19.0 8.2 11.8 7.5 11.1 12.6 14 14.7 16.2 13.9 15.95 16.35 16.4 Hydraulic Radius (ft)1.0 1.1 1.2 1.5 1.2 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.25 1.15 1.4 1.3 D16 (mm)0.062 0.062 0.062 2 3 0.062 2 3 2 D50 (mm)0.062 16.0 2 8 25 0.1 29 12 11 D84 (mm)0.062 63.0 7 25 51 0.4 60 27 45 ---------------------------Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Channel Beltwidth (ft)---------------------------38 57 44 65 35 60 42 65 Radius of Curvature (ft)---------------------------18 89 20 103 15 75 17 80 Radius of Curvature Ratio ---------------------------1.5 7.6 1.5 7.6 1.5 7.6 1.5 7.6 Meander Wavelength (ft)---------------------------38 57 44 65 35 52 37 56 Meander Width Ratio ---------------------------3.2 4.8 3.2 4.8 2.7 4.0 2.7 4.3 ---------------------------Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Riffle Length (ft)---------------------------5 16 6 18 6 18 7 22 Riffle Slope (%)---------------------------1.1 3.4 1.1 3.4 1.0 3.6 1.0 3.7 Run Length (ft)---------------------------6 13 7 15 6 15 8.0 18.0 Run Slope (%)---------------------------4.8 11.5 4.8 11.5 4.6 12.0 5.0 11.0 Glide Length (ft)---------------------------4 11 5 13 4 12 6.0 13.2 Glide Slope (%)---------------------------4.8 9.2 4.8 9.2 4.7 10.0 5.0 10.9 Pool Length (ft)---------------------------4 36 5 42 6 42 8.0 50.0 Pool Slope (%)---------------------------------------1.1 2.5 1.1 2.4 Pool-to-Pool Spacing (ft)---------------------------16 55 18 64 20 60 20 70 Valley Length (ft)622 534 1173 731 1294 264 573 434 908 Channel Length (ft)716 541 1197 738 1340 270 618 449 921 Sinuosity 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft)NA NA NA 0.003 0.004 NA NA NA NA Channel Slope (ft/ft)0.0048 0.011 0.007 0.004 0.005 0.012 0.012 0.018 0.008 Rosgen Classification E4 E4 E4 E4 C4 E5 C4 E4 E4 1 Bankfull stage was estimated using NC Regional Curve equations and existing conditions data Appendix B. Table 5 - Morphological Parameters Summary ( Reach UT1 ) Project Name/Number: Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project/95359 0.0066 0.0041 E4 E4 Dimension Substrate Pattern Profile Additional Reach Parameters 1,178 1,223 1.1 1.1 NA NA 0.062 25 26 60 1,070 1,115 47 64 35 52 0.062 1.7 As-Built MY0 UT1-R2 UT1-R3 Rest.Rest. 248 384 49.4 16.0 Design 8 2 8 13.7 2 25 --- 0.0046 E4 --- 0.0059 E4 --- --- ------ 1.1 --- 6 18 9 1.1 2.3 4.8 7.0 ------ 25 55.5 37.3 Min 26.3 3.6 1.4 1.7 1.0 16.8 1.41.2 Max 2.8 11.0 NA 426 23.4 64 52 248 384 Med 64.0 30.0 279 Min 42 18.0 11.5 8.2 9.2 0.0048 103.3 1.1 Existing1 Rest.Rest. 47 >50 18.1 15.0 Riffle 426 Pool E4 13.5 1.6 2.7 9.6 0.0047 5 Reference Reach 66.0 59.7 14.9 3.4 UT1-R2 Max Med 4.8 4.4 UT1-R3 7.6 3.0 >2.2 9.8 NA 69 50 35 41.2 318 5 13 9 15 1.14 15 87 4.8 UT2-R1 UT2-R2 UT2-R3 UT2-R4 UT2-A Enh. II Rest.Rest.Rest.Enh. II Feature Riffle Pond Riffle Riffle Riffle Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Riffle Pool Drainage Area (ac)634 723 742 864 51 NC Regional Curve Discharge (cfs) Design/Approx. Bankfull Discharge (cfs)--------------- BF Width (ft)25.6 ---16.2 12.1 6.1 17.2 18.6 18.2 19.6 21 19.6 17.4 21.1 Floodprone Width (ft)>50 --->50 >50 >50 >50 NA >50 NA >50 >50 >50 >50 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft2)19.6 ---22.4 12.6 3.0 31.5 42 34.8 47.6 26.5 32.6 30.8 34.4 BF Mean Depth (ft)0.8 ---1.4 1.0 0.5 1.8 2.3 1.9 2.4 1.3 1.7 1.8 1.6 BF Max Depth (ft)1.7 ---2.6 1.6 1.2 2.5 3.5 2.6 3.8 2.2 3.1 2.5 3.5 Width/Depth Ratio 33.5 ---11.8 11.6 12.2 9.4 8.2 9.5 8.1 16.6 11.7 9.8 12.9 Entrenchment Ratio >2.2 --->2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 NA >2.2 NA >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 Wetted Perimeter (ft)26.2 ---17.9 13.1 7.0 18.5 20.3 19.5 21.5 21.7 21.2 18.5 22.9 Hydraulic Radius (ft)0.7 ---1.3 1.0 0.4 1.7 2.1 1.8 2.2 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.5 D16 (mm)0.062 ---0.062 1.5 0.062 D50 (mm)0.062 ---0.062 7.8 0.062 D84 (mm)0.72 ---4.8 15.0 0.57 ---------------Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Channel Beltwidth (ft)---------------55 83 58 87 67 101 56 84 Radius of Curvature (ft)---------------26 130 27 138 32 160 26 132 Radius of Curvature Ratio ---------------1.5 7.6 1.5 7.6 1.5 7.6 1.5 7.6 Meander Wavelength (ft)---------------55 83 58 87 67 101 56 84 Meander Width Ratio ---------------3.2 4.8 3.2 4.8 3.2 4.8 3.2 4.8 ---------------Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Riffle Length (ft)8 23 8 24 9.0 25.0 8.2 26.5 Riffle Slope (%)---------------1.1 3.4 1.1 3.4 1.1 3.6 1.2 3.8 Run Length (ft)9 19 9 20 11.0 17.0 10.2 21.0 Run Slope (%)---------------4.8 11.5 4.8 11.5 4.2 12.0 3.8 11.2 Glide Length (ft)6 16 7 17 6.2 18.2 7.5 16.3 Glide Slope (%)---------------4.8 9.2 4.8 9.2 5.1 9.6 4.8 9.1 Pool Length (ft)6 53 7 56 7.8 47.0 8.5 60.0 Pool Slope (%)---------------------------3.5 10.0 4.1 10.1 Pool-to-Pool Spacing (ft)---------------23 81 24 85 18.0 90.0 20.5 92.0 Valley Length (ft)410 641 779 1015 427 Channel Length (ft)443 641 781 1032 437 Sinuosity 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft)NA NA NA 0.0027 NA Channel Slope (ft/ft)0.0027 0.001 0.0057 0.0031 0.013 Rosgen Classification C5c NA E5 E4 C5 1 Bankfull stage was estimated using NC Regional Curve equations and existing conditions data Dimension Substrate Pattern Profile Additional Reach Parameters ------ 0.0061 0.002 E4 E4 785 710 847 778 1.08 1.1 0.062 0.062 0.062 28 24 61 723 864 100 113 52 70 As-Built MY0 UT1-R2 UT1-R3/R4 Rest.Rest. Appendix B. Table 5 - Morphological Parameters Summary ( Reach UT2 ) Project Name/Number: Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project/95359 E4 E4 --- --- 1.1 --- 0.0028 1.5 1.5 7.8 7.8 15 15 0.0029 --- 1.1 18.0 64.0 30.0 Design UT1-R3/R4 Rest. 864 113 70 5 13 9 5 42 15 Rest. 426 15.0 >50 NA UT1-R2 69 50 6 18 9 52 100 723 --- --- 11.0 16.0 13.7 Reference Reach Existing1 Riffle Pool 426 18.1 23.4 1.4 1.6 1.7 2.7 9.8 9.6 >2.2 NA 14.9 16.8 1.2 1.4 2.8 Min Max Med 26 56 37 13 103 41 1.0 7.6 3.0 49 66 60 1.9 4.1 2.7 Min Max Med 4.8 11.5 8.2 1.1 3.4 2.3 7 15 8 4.8 9.2 7.0 --------- 1.14 279 0.0047 318 E4 0.0048 Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation1 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used 577.2 577.1 586.4 585.0 576.3 Bankfull Width (ft)3.2 3.0 8.2 11.0 21.0 Floodprone Width (ft)17.2 15.2 50.0 44.4 50.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)0.5 0.4 1.0 0.7 1.3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)0.9 0.6 1.7 1.3 2.2 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)0.6 1.1 7.9 7.4 26.5 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 6.4 7.9 8.5 16.4 16.6 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation1 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used 576.5 575.0 575.0 602.1 602.3 Bankfull Width (ft)19.6 21.1 17.4 11.7 15.2 Floodprone Width (ft)50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)1.7 1.6 1.8 1.1 1.4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)3.1 3.5 2.5 1.8 2.6 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)32.6 34.4 30.8 13.0 21.0 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 11.7 12.9 9.8 10.4 11.1 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation1 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used 599.1 596.3 596.0 591.2 591.5 Bankfull Width (ft)10.0 17.4 12.5 12.3 13.4 Floodprone Width (ft)50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)1.0 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)1.7 2.5 1.9 2.2 2.3 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)10.5 24.4 15.6 13.9 19.0 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 9.6 12.4 10.0 10.9 9.4 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation1 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used 591.8 590.9 588.0 588.2 586.2 Bankfull Width (ft)11.7 14.2 14.5 15.2 15.5 Floodprone Width (ft)50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)1.1 0.7 1.5 1.5 1.4 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)1.8 1.4 2.6 2.4 2.1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)12.3 10.2 21.5 23.0 21.9 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 11.2 19.7 9.8 10.1 11.0 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with DMS. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: “It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary.” Cross Section 16 (Riffle)Cross Section 17 (pool)Cross Section 18 (Pool)Cross Section 19 (Riffle)Cross Section 20 (Riffle) Cross Section 11 (Riffle)Cross Section 12 (Pool)Cross Section 13 (Riffle)Cross Section 14 (Pool)Cross Section 15 (Riffle) Cross Section 6 (Pool)Cross Section 7 (pool)Cross Section 8 (Riffle)Cross Section 9 (Riffle)Cross Section 10 (Pool) Appendix B. Table 6 - Monitoring Data - Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters – Cross Sections) Project Name/Number: Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project/95359 Cross Section 1 Cross Section 2 Cross Section 3 (Riffle)Cross Section 4 (Riffle)Cross Section 5 (Run) Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation1 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used 585.6 592.0 591.8 586.3 585.8 Bankfull Width (ft)15.8 13.2 14.6 14.2 12.0 Floodprone Width (ft)50.0 50.0 50.0 46.6 50.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)1.4 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.3 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2.5 1.9 2.1 1.7 2.3 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)21.4 16.8 19.1 14.0 15.5 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 11.7 10.4 11.1 14.3 9.4 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation1 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used 581.7 582.2 579.7 579.8 Bankfull Width (ft)14.8 16.5 15.9 20.3 Floodprone Width (ft)47.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 Bankfull Mean Depth (ft)1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 Bankfull Max Depth (ft)2.1 2.1 2.6 3.1 Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2)17.6 21.5 24.2 33.2 Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio 12.5 12.7 10.4 12.5 Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 >2.2 Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation1 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used Bankfull Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2) Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio Bankfull Bank Height Ratio Based on fixed baseline bankfull elevation1 Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+Base MY1 MY2 MY3 MY5 MY7 MY+ Record elevation (datum) used Bankfull Width (ft) Floodprone Width (ft) Bankfull Mean Depth (ft) Bankfull Max Depth (ft) Bankfull Cross Sectional Area (ft2) Bankfull Width/Depth Ratio Bankfull Entrenchment Ratio Bankfull Bank Height Ratio 1 = Widths and depths for annual measurements will be based on the baseline bankfull datum regardless of dimensional/depositional development. Input the elevation used as the datum, which should be consistent and based on the baseline datum established. If the performer has inherited the project and cannot acquire the datum used for prior years this must be discussed with EEP. If this cannot be resolved in time for a given years report submission a footnote in this should be included that states: “It is uncertain if the monitoring datum has been consistent over the monitoring history, which may influence calculated values. Additional data from a prior performer is being acquired to provide confirmation. Values will be recalculated in a future submission based on a consistent datum if determined to be necessary.” Cross Section 26 (Pool)Cross Section 27 (Riffle)Cross Section 28 (Riffle)Cross Section 29 (Pool) Appendix B. Table 6 - Monitoring Data - Dimensional Morphology Summary (Dimensional Parameters – Cross Sections) Project Name/Number: Poplin Ridge Stream Restoration Project/95359 Cross Section 21 (Pool)Cross Section 22 (Riffle)Cross Section 23 (Pool)Cross Section 24 (Riffle)Cross Section 25 (Pool) Upstream Downstream 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT2-2 Cross Section 1 Reach 1A Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT2-2 Cross Section 2 Reach UT2-2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 584 585 586 587 588 589 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT2-A Cross Section 3 -Riffle Reach UT2-A Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT2-A Cross Section 4 -Riffle Reach UT2-A Aprrox. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT2-3 Cross Section 5 -Riffle Reach UT2-3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT2-3 Cross Section 6 -Pool Reach UT2-3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT2-3 Cross Section 7 -Pool Reach UT2-3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT2-3 Cross Section 8 -Riffle Reach UT2-3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-1 Cross Section 9 -Riffle Reach UT1-1 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-1 Cross Section 10 -Pool Reach UT1-1 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 597 598 599 600 601 602 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-A Cross Section 11 -Riffle Reach UT1-A Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-2 Cross Section 12 -Pool Reach UT1-2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-2 Cross Section 13 -Riffle Reach UT1-2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-2 Cross Section 14 -Pool Reach UT1-2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-2 Cross Section 15 -Riffle Reach UT1-2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-B Cross Section 16 -Riffle Reach UT1-B Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 589 590 591 592 593 594 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-B Cross Section 17 -Pool Reach UT1-B Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridg Reach UT1-3 Cross Section 18 -Pool Reach UT1-3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-3 Cross Section 19 -Riffle Reach UT1-3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-3 Cross Section 20 -Riffle Reach UT1-3 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-3 Cross Section 21 -Pool Reach 1C Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-C Cross Section 22 -Riffle Reach 1C Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-C Cross Section 23 -Pool Reach 1C Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-C Cross Section 24 -Riffle Reach 2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-C Cross Section 25 -Pool Reach 2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-4 Cross Section 26 -Pool Reach 2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-4 Cross Section 27 -Riffle Reach 2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-4 Cross Section 28 -Riffle Reach 2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Upstream Downstream 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 El e v a t i o n ( f t ) Distance (ft) Poplin Ridge Reach UT1-4 Cross Section 29 -Pool Reach 2 Approx. Bankfull Floodprone Area Appendix B. Poplin Ridge MY0 - 2015 Pebble Count Data Pebble Count Data Summary Substrate Sample As-Built - MY0 - 2015 MY1 - 2015 MY2 - 2016 MY3 - 2017 MY5 - 2019 MY7 - 2021 Stream Reach From Pebble Count Pebble Count Pebble Count Pebble Count Pebble Count Pebble Count Cross Sections D50 (mm) D84 (mm) D50 (mm) D84 (mm) D50 (mm) D84 (mm) D50 (mm) D84 (mm) D50 (mm) D84 (mm) D50 (mm) D84 (mm) UT1-1 9 15 59 UT1-2 13, 15 0.062 26 UT1-3 19, 20 25 60 UT1-4 27, 28 14 32 UT1-A 11 1.1 7.9 UT1-B 16 26 56 UT1-C 22, 24 24 60 UT2-3 5, 8 6.4 52 UT2-A 3, 4 13 30 Charts 1-10. MY0 Stream Reach Substrate Composition Charts Chart 1. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% UT1-1 UT1-2 UT1-3 UT1-4 UT1-A UT1-B UT1-C UT2-3 UT2-A Poplin Ridge MY0 Substrate Composition Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock Appendix B. Poplin Ridge MY0 - 2015 Pebble Count Data Chart 2. Chart 3. Chart 4. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock UT1-1 MY0 -Substrate Composition 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock UT1-2 MY0 -Substrate Composition 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock UT1-3 MY0 -Substrate Composition Appendix B. Poplin Ridge MY0 - 2015 Pebble Count Data Chart 5. Chart 6. Chart 7. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock UT1-4 MY0 -Substrate Composition 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock UT1-A MY0 -Substrate Composition 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock UT1-B MY0 -Substrate Composition Appendix B. Poplin Ridge MY0 - 2015 Pebble Count Data Chart 8. Chart 9. Chart 10. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock UT1-C MY0 -Substrate Composition 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock UT2-3 MY0 -Substrate Composition 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Silt/Clay Sand Gravel Cobble Boulder Bedrock UT2-A MY0 -Substrate Composition Appendix B. Stream Photos Appendix B. Poplin Ridge Stream Photos UT1-1 STA 8+53 Looking Upstream (4/29/2015) UT1-2 STA 14+58 at Crossing (4/29/2015) UT1-2 STA 21+50 Looking Upstream (4/29/2015) UT1-3 STA 26+50 at Crossing (4/29/2015) UT1-3 STA 27+50 Looking Downstream (4/29/2015) UT1-4 STA 47+20 Looking Upstream (4/29/2015) Appendix B. Stream Photos Poplin Ridge Stream Photos UT1-A STA 2+00 Looking Downstream (4/29/2015) UT1-B STA 9+86 Looking Downstream (4/29/2015) UT1-C STA 2+50 Looking Upstream (4/29/2015) UT2-1 STA 4+50 Looking Upstream (4/29/2015) UT2-2 STA 11+00 Pond Bottom (US) (4/29/2015) UT2-2 STA 11+00 Looking Downstream (4/29/2015) Appendix B. Stream Photos Poplin Ridge Stream Photos UT2-2 STA 7+59 Looking Downstream (4/29/2015) UT2-3 STA 13+83 Looking Downstream (4/29/2015) UT2-4 STA 20+39 Looking Downstream (4/29/2015) UT2-A STA 1+22 Looking Upstream (4/29/2015) UT2-A STA 2+62 Looking Downstream (4/29/2015) Poplin Ridge Typical Easement Marker (4/29/2015) Appendix B. Stream Photos Poplin Ridge Stream Photos Crest Gauges, Rain Gauge and Bank Pins Crest Gauge 1 (4/29/2015) Crest Gauge 2 (4/29/2015) Crest Gauge 3 (4/29/2015) Rain Gauge/Ambient (4/29/2015) Bank Pin Array 1 UT2-2 STA 13+10 (4/29/2015) Bank Pin Array 2 UT2-3 STA 17+50 (4/29/2015) Appendix B. Stream Photos Poplin Ridge Bank Pin Array Photos Bank Pin Array 3 UT1-2 STA 18+75 (4/29/2015) Bank Pin Array 4 UT1-3 STA 28+75 (4/29/2015) Bank Pin Array 5 UT1-C STA 4+60 (4/29/2015) Bank Pin Array 6 UT1-4 STA 40+10 (4/29/2015) APPENDIX C Vegetation Data and Tables Table 7a. Baseline Planted Species Summary Table 7b. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Criteria Summary Table 7c. Vegetation Plot Data Summary (Species by Plot) Vegetation Plot Photos Appendix C. Vegetation Assessment Data Table 7a. Baseline Planted Species Summary Planted Date: April 14, 2015 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Total Stems Planted Asimina triloba Pawpaw Bare Root 800 Betula nigra River Birch Bare Root 1,000 Cephalanthus occidentalis Common Buttonbush Bare Root 200 Liriodendron tulipifera Tuliptree Bare Root 1,000 Malus angustifolia Crab Apple Bare Root 100 Morella cerifera Wax Myrtle Bare Root 200 Nyssa sylvatica Blackgum Bare Root 200 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Bare Root 2,000 Quercus falcata Southern Red Oak Bare Root 3,500 Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak Bare Root 500 Quercus nigra Water Oak Bare Root 1,000 Quercus phellos Willow Oak Bare Root 2,500 Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak Bare Root 2,500 Total 15,500 Salix nigra Black Willow Live Stake 3,000 Populus deltoides Cottonwood Live Stake 2,500 Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood Live Stake 2,000 Total 7,500 Table 7b. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Criteria Summary Plot # Stream/ Wetland Stems/Acre Volunteers Total Stems/Acre (Including Unknown Species) Success Criteria Met? 1 1093 0 1093 Yes 2 769 0 809 Yes 3 1012 0 1012 Yes 4 1093 0 1093 Yes 5 1295 0 1295 Yes 6 1012 0 1052 Yes 7 1052 0 1052 Yes 8 890 0 890 Yes 9 971 0 971 Yes 10 931 0 931 Yes 11 1093 0 1214 Yes 12 931 0 971 Yes 13 1335 1376 Yes Project Average 1037 0 1058 Yes Appendix C. Vegetation Assessment Data Table 7c. Vegetation Plot Data Summary (Species by Plot) Current Plot Data (MY0 2015) Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 95359-01-0001 95359-01-0002 95359-01-0003 95359-01-0004 95359-01-0005 95359-01-0006 95359-01-0007 MY0 (2015) PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Asimina triloba pawpaw Tree 1 1 1 4 4 4 21 21 21 Betula nigra river birch Tree 8 8 8 6 6 6 1 1 1 27 27 27 DONTKNOW: unsure record 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 7 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 1 1 1 12 12 12 6 6 6 3 3 3 1 1 1 34 34 34 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 26 26 26 Quercus oak Tree 6 6 6 18 18 18 12 12 12 14 14 14 10 10 10 126 126 126 Quercus alba white oak Tree 9 9 9 Quercus falcata southern red oak Tree 3 3 3 10 10 10 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 8 8 8 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 14 14 14 4 4 4 1 1 1 22 22 22 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 4 4 4 9 9 9 3 3 3 9 9 9 6 6 6 5 5 5 50 50 50 Stem count 27 27 27 20 20 20 25 25 25 27 27 27 32 32 32 26 26 26 26 26 26 340 340 340 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.32 Species count 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 11 11 11 Stems per ACRE 1093 1093 1093 809.4 809.4 809.4 1012 1012 1012 1093 1093 1093 1295 1295 1295 1052 1052 1052 1052 1052 1052 1058 1058 1058 Current Plot Data (MY0 2015) (Continued) Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 95359-01-0008 95359-01-0009 95359-01-0010 95359-01-0011 95359-01-0012 95359-01-0013 MY0 (2015) PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Asimina triloba pawpaw Tree 2 2 2 7 7 7 5 5 5 2 2 2 21 21 21 Betula nigra river birch Tree 7 7 7 5 5 5 27 27 27 DONTKNOW: unsure record 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 7 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 5 5 5 6 6 6 34 34 34 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 26 26 26 Quercus oak Tree 18 18 18 8 8 8 7 7 7 17 17 17 12 12 12 4 4 4 126 126 126 Quercus alba white oak Tree 1 1 1 7 7 7 1 1 1 9 9 9 Quercus falcata southern red oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 10 10 10 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 3 3 3 8 8 8 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 22 22 22 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 2 2 2 5 5 5 3 3 3 4 4 4 50 50 50 Stem count 22 22 22 24 24 24 23 23 23 30 30 30 24 24 24 34 34 34 340 340 340 size (ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 size (ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.32 Species count 4 4 4 6 6 6 4 4 4 6 6 6 5 5 5 10 10 10 11 11 11 Stems per ACRE 890.3 890.3 890.3 971.2 971.2 971.2 930.8 930.8 930.8 1214 1214 1214 971.2 971.2 971.2 1376 1376 1376 1058 1058 1058 Appendix C. Poplin Ridge Vegetation Photos Appendix C. Poplin Ridge Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 1 (4/28/2015) Vegetation Plot 2 (4/28/2015) Vegetation Plot 3 (4/28/2015) Vegetation Plot 4 (4/28/2015) Vegetation Plot 5 (4/29/2015) Vegetation Plot 6 (4/29/2015) Appendix C. Poplin Ridge Vegetation Photos Poplin Ridge Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 7 (4/29/2015) Vegetation Plot 8 (4/29/2015) Vegetation Plot 9 (4/29/2015) Vegetation Plot 10 (4/29/2015) Vegetation Plot 11 (4/29/2015) Vegetation Plot 12 (4/29/2015) Appendix C. Poplin Ridge Vegetation Photos Poplin Ridge Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 13 (4/29/2015) APPENDIX D Poplin Ridge As-Built Survey As-Built Survey Plan Sheets I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE ' AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY J OF JULY, 2015. 2..OFE 04% 9 T_ ; Q�OISEAL� rv} _r L-4551 zt; _ ER,P..S.#L4551 GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TL LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOE COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIOP THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. FOR CONSERVATION EASEN PLATS RECORDED IN UNION COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE PLAT CABINET/SLIDE M, PAGES 255-256. AS -BUILT CONTROL POINTS: TITLE, VICINITY MAP, & SHEET INDEX SHEET 2- Point# Northing(Y) Easting(X) Elevation(Z) 3-UT1-1 STA. Description 1 479136.74 UT1-1 1532320.91 Easting 594.12 Elevation TLS#1RBC 2 479096.11 6- 1532556.49 STA. 593.13 XS1 TLS#2RBC 3 479573.37 1532518.35 1532118.97 580.63 588.55 XS16 TLS# 3NL 4 479556.81 1528772.08 1532511.06 592.46 588.93 XS1 TLS#4NL 5 479917.88 1532592.51 1532670.92 581.21 593.12 XS16 TLS#5NL 6 480088.31 1528818.96 1532887.71 592.16 586.11 XS2 TLS#6RBC 7 479675.88 1532500.51 1532714.76 580.49 585.11 XS17 TLS#7NL 8 479350.58 1528806.43 1532603.63 591.35 585.92 XS2 TLS 8NL 9 478736.13 1532590.55 1532404.29 580.90 579.42 XS17 TLS#9NL 10 478439.15 1528842.38 1532243.27 591.37 579.31 XS3 TLS#10NL 11 478124.82 1532192.03 1532077.95 587.82 575.72 XS18 TLS#11 NL 12 477838.88 1528939.76 1532038.29 589.91 578.18 XS3 TLS#12NL 13 477439.70 1532220.65 1531930.14 587.75 573.98 XS18 TLS#13RBC 14 477615.57 1528974.08 1531823.54 589.29 577.26 XS4 TLS#14RBC 15 478033.42 1532302.09 1531948.50 586.81 584.58 XS19 TLS#15NL 16 478332.64 1528971.82 1532039.49 588.54 576.56 XS4 TLS#16NL 17 478620.01 1532331.95 1532120.52 586.10 583.86 XS19 TLS#17NL 18 478896.31 1528980.95 1532279.14 589.48 580.80 XS5 TLS#18NL 19 479756.97 1532362.00 1527712.64 576.69 602.60 XS20 TLS#19RBC 20 479879.13 1529201.79 1527920.72 588.30 605.59 XS5 TLS#20RBC 21 479603.76 1532410.92 1527898.85 577.86 600.94 XS20 TLS#21 DSC 22 479456.45 1529246.96 1528166.69 586.56 597.02 XS6 TLS#22NL 23 479163.80 1532373.15 1528244.61 576.90 597.70 XS21 TLS#23NL 24 479198.48 1529240.49 1528592.73 587.14 594.34 XS6 TLS#24NL 25 479034.38 1532422.06 1528804.48 578.47 591.41 XS21 TLS#25DSC 26 479567.94 1529250.22 1528766.73 586.67 598.47 XS7 TLS#26RBC 27 479301.35 1532079.47 1528891.03 576.35 595.74 XS22 TLS#27NL 28 478870.41 1528663.38 1529117.48 593.29 591.22 XS7 TLS#28NL 29 478511.64 1532116.96 1529233.57 575.21 587.62 XS22 TLS#29RBC 30 478428.25 1528657.00 1529539.95 593.89 589.58 XS8 TLS#30RBC 31 478282.43 1532061.63 1528637.02 576.48 594.60 XS23 TLS 31 NL 32 478291.60 1528674.32 1528835.93 593.02 596.73 XS8 TLS 32NL 33 478243.81 1532111.04 1529155.95 575.24 594.02 XS23 TLS#33NL 34 477243.75 1528685.68 1529671.29 594.24 587.08 XS9 TLS#34NL 35 477350.60 1527542.78 1529870.39 603.18 581.91 XS24 TLS#35RBC-TBM AS -BUILT SURVEY OF POPLIN RIDGE STREAM RESTORATION PROJECT UNION COUNTY, NCEEP PROJECT# / NC 95359 \ I \ 'A" \ \ \ I NOT TO SCA�E CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES: TITLE, VICINITY MAP, & SHEET INDEX SHEET 2- UT1-1 STA. 0+00 TO 6+80 SHEET 3-UT1-1 STA. 6+80 TO 10+00 SHEET Description UT1-1 Northing Easting 5- Elevation Description 15+00 TO 20+00 Northing 6- Easting STA. Elevation XS1 RIGHTBANK 479457.66 STA. 1532518.35 SHEET 580.63 UT1-3 XS16 RIGHTBANK 479232.71 UT2-1 1528772.08 0+00 592.46 5+00 XS1 LEFTBANK 479431.07 STA. 1532592.51 TO 581.21 SHEET XS16 LEFTBANK 479250.57 10+00 TO 15+00 1528818.96 20- 592.16 & UT24 STA. XS2 RIGHTBANK 479407.52 UT24 1532500.51 20+00 TO 22+20 580.49 22- XS17 RIGHTBANK 479190.60 TO 1528806.43 591.35 z XS2 LEFTBANK 479389.68 U 1532590.55 K 580.90 z Z XS17 LEFTBANK 479225.35 1528842.38 <W 591.37 XS3 RIGHTBANK 479498.03 Lo F� Lo 1532192.03 V) /1 587.82 W~� Z z XS18 RIGHTBANK 478948.55 0 OZ 1528939.76 ��o 589.91 d ZOw XS3 LEFTBANK 479539.50 M- 1532220.65 587.75 XS18 LEFTBANK 478985.53 1528974.08 w 0 Of 589.29 z 0 XS4 RIGHTBANK 479413.83 1532302.09 586.81 XS19 RIGHTBANK 478933.87 1528971.82 588.54 XS4 LEFTBANK 479454.38 1532331.95 586.10 XS19 LEFTBANK 478983.07 1528980.95 589.48 XS5 RIGHTBANK 478890.32 SHEE�1 of 22 1532362.00 576.69 XS20 RIGHTBANK 478604.01 1529201.79 588.30 XS5 LEFTBANK 478902.93 1532410.92 577.86 XS20 LEFTBANK 478625.58 1529246.96 586.56 XS6 RIGHTBANK 478859.09 1532373.15 576.90 XS21 RIGHTBANK 478569.68 1529240.49 587.14 XS6 LEFTBANK 478869.73 1532422.06 578.47 XS21 LEFTBANK 478618.98 1529250.22 586.67 XS7 RIGHTBANK 478373.91 1532079.47 576.35 XS22 RIGHTBANK 478320.33 1528663.38 593.29 XS7 LEFTBANK 478340.87 1532116.96 575.21 XS22 LEFTBANK 478370.09 1528657.00 593.89 XS8 RIGHTBANK 478331.96 1532061.63 576.48 XS23 RIGHTBANK 478320.41 1528674.32 593.02 XS8 LEFTBANK 478323.71 1532111.04 575.24 XS23 LEFTBANK 478369.34 1528685.68 594.24 XS9 RIGHTBANK 479688.36 1527542.78 603.18 XS24 RIGHTBANK 478349.98 1529236.23 587.93 XS9 LEFTBANK 479735.08 1527560.58 603.94 XS24 LEFTBANK 478394.64 1529213.57 588.40 XS10 RIGHTBANK 479677.49 1527566.07 603.32 XS25 RIGHTBANK 478355.13 1529262.46 587.69 XS10 LEFTBANK 479724.58 1527582.47 603.16 XS25 LEFTBANK 478400.26 1529240.18 587.35 XS11 RIGHTBANK 479727.89 1527895.16 599.17 XS26 RIGHTBANK 478114.03 1529621.12 583.47 XS11 LEFTBANK 479754.71 1527937.46 599.75 XS26 LEFTBANK 478139.76 1529664.20 584.09 XS12 RIGHTBANK 479519.51 1528040.67 597.03 XS27 RIGHTBANK 478088.38 1529634.79 583.88 XS12 LEFTBANK 479545.83 1528083.45 597.30 XS27 LEFTBANK 478111.17 1529679.41 583.46 XS13 RIGHTBANK 479499.25 1528049.06 596.72 XS28 RIGHTBANK 477500.71 1529742.83 581.91 XS13 LEFTBANK 479515.19 1528096.61 596.91 XS28 LEFTBANK 477481.84 1529789.55 580.60 XS14 RIGHTBANK 479106.84 1528582.86 593.23 XS29 RIGHTBANK 477480.17 1529736.57 581.83 XS14-15 LEFTBANK 479154.58 1528598.10 592.23 XS29 LEFTBANK 477475.00 1529786.93 580.63 XS15 RIGHTBANK 479105.51 1528606.35 592.90 UT REFERENCES: OWNER: RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, LLC 302 JEFFERSON STREET, SUITE 110 RALEIGH, NC 27605 DESIGNER: WK DICKSON 720 CORPORATE CENTER DR RALEIGH, NC 27607 (919)782-0495 CONTRACTOR: WRIGHT CONTRACTING LAWNDALE,NC (919)663-0810 1 � - -I I I SHEETINDEX I SHEET 1- TITLE, VICINITY MAP, & SHEET INDEX SHEET 2- UT1-1 STA. 0+00 TO 6+80 SHEET 3-UT1-1 STA. 6+80 TO 10+00 SHEET 4- UT1-1 & UT1-2 STA. 10+00 TO 15+00 SHEET 5- UT1-2 STA. 15+00 TO 20+00 SHEET 6- UT1-2 STA. 20+00 TO 25+00 SHEET 7- UT1-3 STA. 25+00 TO 30+00 SHEET 8- UT1-3 STA. 30+00 TO 35+00 SHEET 9- UT14 STA. 35+00 TO 40+00 SHEET 10- UT14 STA. 40+00 TO 45+00 SHEET 11- UT14 STA. 45+00 to 48+20 SHEET 12- UT1-A STA. 0+00 TO 2+89 SHEET 13- UTI -B STA. 0+00 TO 6+00 SHEET 14- UT1-13 STA. 6+00 TO 11+44.7 SHEET 15- UT1-C STA. 0+00 TO 5+00 SHEET 16- UTI -C STA. 5+00 TO 10+01 SHEET 17- UT2-1 STA. 0+00 TO 5+00 SHEET 18- UT2-2 STA. 5+00 TO 10+00 SHEET 19- UT2-2 & UT2-3 STA. 10+00 TO 15+00 SHEET 20- UT2-3 & UT24 STA. 15+00 TO 20+00 SHEET 21- UT24 STA. 20+00 TO 22+20 SHEET 22- UT2-A STA. 0+00 TO 5+06 O � U W O" n 'Op.c fV N ZUaO !,5 D o (q Z = m d d Iwo C� n J (y) � 3 3 z DJ W } a ZCie _ �zL z a uiza 0 Q Z O N W z O tY U K X z Z LLI l - Z <W �w�/-) LL to Lo F� Lo V) /1 - W~� Z z Q rn V O W o � U < 0 OZ ��o Z d ZOw U J v M- J �W w 0 Of z 0 DATE: 04/27/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAPIDTH DRAWN BY: ROBIDST REVIEWED BY: DSTIEGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE 95W9 AB TLS_F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEE�1 of 22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY, 2015. L_CA��,^ �'��Na 7.l�fi1 cJ�/ aec /9 /S9�' , DAVID S. TURNER, P .S. #L-4551 = :y L-4551 0 S. S I IT LEGEND: —•—•—•—THALWEG -----TOP OF BANK ---------- BANK TOE LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT -- LIMITS OF AS—BUILT SURVEY — — — — EX. THALWEG(BY OTHERS) —EX. PROPERTY LINE (NOT SURVEYED) BEDROCK RIP RAP LOG STRUCTURE LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE FLOODPLAIN SILL �Q ROCK STEP POOL •• F ROCK CROSS VANE LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LIVE PLANTING VP VEGETATION PLOT AS—BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"=30' (2204) 1"=60'11x17) CONTOUR IN RVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. /LCE —LCE LCE SCE LCE SCF CA \ 0 x'44+50 ��F\ BEGIN REACH UT1-1 STA. 0+00 1 OOxc> ti3+p a 0 cn r \ (0(+00 TO 6+80) o ++ 05 ^ N \' EXISTINGEDCONDIITIIONS \' + — \ . BY OTHERS) +' . __y_ \ 1+50/ \ ' \REACH UT1-1 BEGIN PRESERVATION STA. 1+20 PROPERTY LINE \ BY OTHERS 30l 301 - \\ CONSERVATION EASEMENT BY OTHERS 303 WI _ 307 - 3OT S � I LO Lu 0) ^00 o/ \ cn 1 �0OI mI ANN j� Mi GD 0 z F STA. 6+92 At END BEG. UT1-1 PRESERVATION UT1-1 ENHANCEMENT 1 303 WI _ 307 - 3OT S LO Lu 0) ^00 U �0OI c .. ANN j� GD 0 z F 7 \ V) c Z � LL I = c m `o LE AWN � _j Cr; mQ0'i °C I 3 D_ 3 3 Z Q Wr Z W OC z ��// N z 1� z F 0 J aS z O w z z J 0 Q: a U 2 0 Z z �U 00 + �0Ln O) co cy) O~ALO F- C� LO CD O+ WUz �OWo OC) 0z Q ao < 07 Z W w OjOZ O W w O K z 0 DATE: 04/27/2015 SURVEYED BY: DSTMAP/DTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DSTIEGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE 95359 AB TLS F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 2of22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY , 2015. o CARO"',, �`.2�.DEi/SSI ;�; 2q�• 2NER,P.L.S. #L4551 = :y -4551 0 - y + SURA��`��c LEGEND: Northing —•—•—•—THALWEG Elevation — — — — — TOP OF BANK ---------- BANK TOE LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT ------------- LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY — — — — EX. THALWEG(BY OTHERS) — — EX. PROPERTY LINE 479677.49 (NOT SURVEYED) 603.32 Sr ` BEDROCK RIP RAP LOG STRUCTURE LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE FLOODPLAIN • ROCK STEP •O• GRADEEE RIFFLE O•O ROCK CROSS VANE LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LIVE PLANTING VP VEGETATION PLOT AS -BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"=30' (22x34) 1 "=60'1 1 x17) CONTOUR IN RVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. ARESB'ARg W/CAP CONSERVATION EASEMENT LCE BY OTHERS 77 LCE / S LCE -LCE I LCE LCE LCELCE i> VP5 1C7 COIR MATTING L :1 1 STABILIZATION O UT1-1 (6(+8Ut�0 TO 10��+00) THALWEG � _ o ' Z EXiSTI NG�CONDITIONS + + / \ I m 1 BY OTHERS) O (n �I T k 4 + — t — 11 o — / CD FLOW ROCK Im =1 \.—I = U) 599.78 I� mm ROCK I VANE CROSS X / A601.58 / 30 1 301 END UT1921 PRESERVATION BEG. UT1-1 ENHANCEMENT 1 — 3C3- -----3J7_ —301- 307 CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES Description Northing Easting Elevation XS9 RIGHTBANK 479688.36 1527542.78 603.18 XS9 LEFTBANK 479735.08 1527560.58 603.94 XS10 RIGHTBANK 479677.49 1527566.07 603.32 XS10 LEFTBANK 479724.58 605ma 603.16 N d7 J 0 r� 605 604 m-- n� m I 3 - - mr1i 604 rim z w 00 ~ z m m a �o 6040 J 0 m-604 603 No J 0.^ z a N 603 nm z 0 0 n OfU m � D H 0 o m m �U m m In w o 0U7) CROSS SECTION SCALE L0 0 n wZ�z m m (DOJo CD Q — O o o N W<� ZOw a n o W D HORIZONTAL:1"=10'(22x34) 603 o r n/ No -m m 0 603 602 0 0 0 DATE: 01/27/2015 O m a o m 602 1"=20'(11x17) `D coo 0 0 'O n n No DSTIEGT `O rn FILE: POPLIN RIDGE_95359_AB TLS_F VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34)0 SCALE: AS SHOWN tD `n 0 o N 601 1"=4'(11x17) 602 -o ,o o N m 602 601 r - TBL-LEFT TOP OF BANK o 0co 0 o `o o m TBR -RIGHT TOP OF BANK 601 N p - o o - fO 601 600 co o 600 BBL -LEFT BANK TOE N- a (0 m BBR-RIGHT BANK TOE coo rn UT1-1 O h m T1-1 PN -THALWEG 600 N n o [CROSS SECTION 9' 600 599 co [CROSSAECTION 10 599 0 o STATION 8+53 N SATION 8+78 599 599 598 598 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES Description Northing Easting Elevation XS9 RIGHTBANK 479688.36 1527542.78 603.18 XS9 LEFTBANK 479735.08 1527560.58 603.94 XS10 RIGHTBANK 479677.49 1527566.07 603.32 XS10 LEFTBANK 479724.58 1527582.47 603.16 LOU Lu 0" � DO > C0 TW N N CO ?� Z V .--. W Ln U0:z Z=0) m LUm N d7 J 0 r� M < °C I 3 o_ 3 3 z w W Zw ~ z M000z N a F J 0 z 0 FA z z 0 0 OfU H 0 O Z �U In wCD 0U7) L0 0 0) C0 wZ�z + (DOJo CD Q — O o W<� ZOw Qj!!�^^Z D 0u)_ VJ n/ w Of z O DATE: 01/27/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP/DTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DSTIEGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE_95359_AB TLS_F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 3 of 22J, I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY, 2015. CARO'/,,,� t� � 2�6FESS/pt;'�y��- DAVID S. TURNER/P.L.S. #L-4551 = .y L-4551 0. p'yp SUR\, '�,, ��I�S�in VO p�• -•-•-•-THALWEG Northing Easting - - - - - TOP OF BANK RIGHTBANK --------- BANK TOE �Q ROCK STEP POOL —LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT LEFTBANK 479545.83 •----------- LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY - - - - EX. THALWEG (BY OTHERS% 1528083.45 RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL - —EX. PROPERTY LINE 479499.25 (NOT SURVEYED) cmm= ROCK SILL 479515.19 BEDROCK O-)LU0 Cry ROCK CROSS VANE RIP RAP LOG STRUCTURE LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LOG GRADE LIVE PLANTING rnk'70ni CrDi inn SDC \/D vC(CTATl0hI PI r1T AS—BUILI SURVLY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1`30' (22x34) 1"=60'11x17) CONTOUR IN RVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES Description Northing Easting XS12 RIGHTBANK 479519.51 1528040.67 XS12 LEFTBANK 479545.83 0(N N j I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY , 2015. S. TURNER, P.L.S. #L4551 CARO"', .� L-4551 cc: c 9y ,O SUVO.. s. T U?oo LEGEND: FLOODPLAIN SILL — — • — • — THALWEG — — — — —TOP OF BANK U LJ r� OD ---------- BANK TOE ROCK STEP POOL LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT ------------- LIMITS OF AS–BUILT SURVEY — — — — EX. THALWEG(BY OTHERS) Tw N 0 U 00 RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL — —EX. PROPERTY LINE � 0ZOI ino (NOT SURVEYED) aom�.o�D ROCK SILL W =� ra:E' n`<•' : n< BEDROCK RIP RAP ROCK CROSS VANE LOG STRUCTURE 01JO Ev LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LOG GRADE °M' LIVE PLANTING CONTROL STRUCTURE VP VEGETATION PLOT AS–BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"=30' (22x34) 1"=60' 11x17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. UT1-2 (15+00 TO 20+00) '----301 - CONSERVATION EASEMENT BY OTHERS 'Fv� If 11 x°� j TOP OF p x / U�1, px / _ _ — \ — + BANK Cn/ �' 594 � F TRE LINE RIFFLE FLOODPLAIN GRAD 596 —598 CONTROL Sgt ---moo` AT 23 - --'----------- Lg ---------------LCE------------ --- - LCE ------ ��h•-"'--- TCE NAIL LIMITS OF� AS–BUILT SURVEY ."fi. UT1-2 .'e:T., :�T: PROFILE SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1"=30'(22x34) 1 "=60'(11 x17) VERTICAL: 1"=3'(22x34) 1"=6'(11x17) _ RIGHT TOP LEFT NK OF BANK i0F BANK �- 594 U LJ r� OD > OI Tw N 0 U 00 � 0ZOI ino a W =� ra:E' m Qrsl m 01JO Ev m °M' rn n m m m m 592 '"1 3 ,v°'i � 1 � a "� m Z z o z H 0 J c6 z O y W z 0 a U 0 x 0 z �U o QW C) Lu N �0L0 � '^ ^ 0) m W ZZ QOwDz O r Q 0. <a U) Z fj� LLu u 590 CL �O 3 W 0 0 of z 0 DATE: 04/27/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP/DTH 588 ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 15+00 FILE: +50 POPLIN RIDGE_ 95359_ AB_TLS _F 16+00 SCALE: AS SHOWN +50 17+00 SHEET 5 of 22 +50 c A. PROPERTY LINE BY OTHERS\ IQ N N � 0 L I iI_ 18+00 +50 19+00 +50 [.1119, 598 596 594 592 � A 0 d 590 m� m 588 20+00 U LJ r� OD > OI Tw N 0 U 00 0ZOI ino W =� ra:E' m Qrsl m 01JO Ev MW9- � 3 3 � 1 � a Z z o z H 0 J c6 z O y W z 0 a U 0 x 0 z �U o QW C) Lu N �0L0 '^ ^ 0) C) o W ZZ QOwDz O r Q 0. <a U) Z fj� LLu u -J0z CL �O 3 W 0 0 of z 0 DATE: 04/27/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP/DTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE_ 95359_ AB_TLS _F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 5 of 22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN •9 ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE LIMITS OF I ��bCjko� AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AS -BUILT UT1-2 AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE -_„ SURVEY (20+00 TO 25+00) AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS --__- _________ UTI -B "--'-""--"-"" MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY a'n - W OF JULY, 2015. 30l 35i-'--""----------'- -" SEE SHEET 14 hr 301 hg`ti CAR�" --_- 594 r�IdAIL#24 �.OQ4N CARO"*,essz' 594 �k Gf/LLCYl `.2 epFy9 Y9 y' 593 I 591 c L)c � :aD7l9/sem. o \\ DAVID S. TURNE , P.L.S. #L-4551 = ;� L-4551 z: _ m LIVE N !� PLANTING TOP OF N m CA 592 THALWEG N BANK + CN.) p N \ + Lf�i . � CA � h t F / LEGEND: Northing Easting FLOODPLAIN SILL —•—•—•—THALWEG 479106.84 1528582.86 593.23 — — — — —TOP OF BANK 1528598.10 ---------- BANK TOE�� 479105.51 ROCK STEP POOL LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT �"" M ------------- — — — LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY — EX. THALWEG (By OTHERS) m RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL — — — EX. PROPERTY LINE m N Cy) LU0 C: (NOT SURVEYED) aaz+areo ROCK SILL Q O } MDG BEDROCK N o m RIP RAP 0 ROCK CROSS VANE LOG STRUCTURE m LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ M000 Z LOG GRADE LIVE PLANTING W uj W CONTROL STRUCTURE VP VEGETATION PLOT AS -BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"=30' (22x34) 1"=60'11x17) CONTOUR IN RVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES Description Northing Easting Elevation XS14 RIGHTBANK 479106.84 1528582.86 593.23 XS14-15 LEFTBANK 479154.58 1528598.10 592.23 XS15 RIGHTBANK 479105.51 1528606.35 592.90 —�' 597_ / VP7 —LCE ------------ / 598 �r - %k ^ OODPLAIN I iCE-....... -LC� LCE —LCE CONSERVATION PROPERTY LINE EASEMENT BY OTHERS BY OTHERS I I PROFILE PROFILE SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1"=30'(22x34) ull 596 rn [AS-BUILT TA 20+00 TO 25+00 1^=60'(11x17) oo T,=6, 1 "_ (22x34) VERTICAL: 11x cm 0 1"=6'(11x17) _I 592 oma 0 590 o v Ln U LLJ <T n DO ZR 0(-4 j� M o m 6-0 U0 w=� r—Co.22 m N Cy) LU0 C: MN noq Q O } MDG N o m � 0 m m o M000 Z W uj W a Z N Z z r D z J Z z O m _ m Co of .n m m omn oo m m 588 �I + 0>) N in. m VJ m m N mrnrn mm m m m m 06 m 0- // / VJ Z ()� LU LU �Jz 0 w 0 M. 584 1- -- 20+00 +50 21+00 +50 22+00 END REACH UT1-2 BEGIN REACH UT1-3 STA. 24+96 (UT1-B STA. 11+44.7) WIN R4:I? Rte! — - LE - lop — 592 OF oo,NK T—TT—� _ — — 590 in Co mm m m m N� 000) ro-� w� to N n m m a vni . m ro. 588 m M m M LOT) m m m N. m 0,6 m m Co m n n �. M p m I� r N m m m m ^ Y? a a a v? amD0 mN�wm (6 r m m .Sas 00 to 584 +50 23+00 +50 24+00 +50 25+00 595 595 594 �o 594 594 - mM 594 m MN wm m� m �n 593 �m m f "' 593 N CROSS SECTION SCALE 593 rnw - F - a o 593 �� N N n m HORIZONTAL: 1"=10'(22x34) m� Na m ° N 592 rn J a N N �, 592 1"=20'(11x17) ry am m m m tO m m o m �n N rn m m, VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34) 592 0 rn- 0 N 0 rn m 592 N rn ^ J rm O 1"=4'(11x17) N m m N 0 m m 591 �- °i - m 3 m o a 591 TBL-LEFT TOP OF BANK O• _ `O _ 'a N � 0 TBR -RIGHT TOP OF BANK 591 rn rn up I 591 Co a °' BBL -LEFT BANK TOE m 'o - W 590 '� 0.m m m — - 590 BBR-RIGHT BANK TOE ob 590 o m TW -THALWEG 590 o m nN UT1-2 UT1-2 589 n o CROSS SECTION 15 589 589 m m m� CROSS SECTION 14 589 m m STATION 22+21 m STATION 22+08 588 - 0 5aa 588 - � m - -- 588 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 Ln U LLJ <T n DO ZR 0(-4 j� Z� U=W n (o U0 w=� r—Co.22 m N Cy) LU0 C: Q O } MDG I 3 CL_ 3 M000 Z W uj W a Z N Z z r D z J Z z O m z J O o: a U S F O 0 z 0W + 0>) N ��� O VJ U0. O O,z N 0-o° n < 0- // / VJ Z ()� LU LU �Jz 0 w 0 z DATE: 04/27/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP/DTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE_95359 AB_TLS _F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 6 of 22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY, 2015. 7 ; 2. bFEss/ H yy .L.S. #L-4551 = :y L-4551 0: suio�i.��` END REACH UT1- BEGIN REACH UT1- STA. 24+5 (UT1–B STA. 11+44. LEGEND: Northing Easting FLOODPLAIN SILL —•—•—•—THALWEG 478948.55 1528939.76 — — — — — TOP OF BANK XS18 ---------- BANK TOE 1528974.08 ROCK STEP POOL LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT RIGHTBANK 478933.87 ------------- — — — LIMITS OF AS–BUILT SURVEY — EX. THALWEG (By OTHERS) N RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL — —EX. PROPERTY LINE 1528980.95 589.48 N (NOT SURVEYED) ROCK SILL 586 BEDROCK 9� N 584 W N N YZ NNIZ c RIP RAP M mM '0a 'too ROCK CROSS VANE 0 LOG STRUCTURE LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ 1 r LOG GRADE LIVE PLANTING 1 1 w Z ZD CONTROL STRUCTURE VP VEGETATION PLOT AS–BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"=30' (2204) 1"=60' 11x17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES: Description Northing Easting Elevation XS18 RIGHTBANK 478948.55 1528939.76 589.91 - XS18 LEFTBANK 478985.53 1528974.08 589.29 O XS19 RIGHTBANK 478933.87 1528971.82 588.54 N XS19 LEFTBANK 478983.07 1528980.95 589.48 N /v 594 e " 592 < 590 588 M 580 25+00 'VI IV, I ILT PROFILE PROFILE SCALE rn � m a, 586 N N� VERTICAL: 1"=3'(22x34) 584 - M 580 25+00 'VI IV, I ILT PROFILE PROFILE SCALE UT1-3 HORIZONTAL: 1"=30'(22x34) X00 TO 30+00 1"=60'(11x17) N m VERTICAL: 1"=3'(22x34) 1"=6'(11x17) ro M� 594 O N m N N p� M In �p t0 m m C' O N nri N In N N Vl N] to m m N N N m n[ 588 m N <p tp d a0 586 N 9� N 584 W N N YZ NNIZ c m n M mM '0a 'too +50 26+00 +50 27+00 +50 In N TOP JK 28+00 +50 29+00 +50 591 594 O V Lu nDO > 0 0I C 592 591 C' O N ro _? OWm mf) m0 Vl N n[ 588 N m 586 9� N 584 m 4 y: c m n M mM '0a 'too - 0 30+000 1 r a 1 1 w Z ZD F zM0010 mIm 28+00 +50 29+00 +50 591 594 O V Lu nDO > 0 0I C 592 591 DCS^ OJm N N Z 590 OD 591 OZOIOc Z=07 d 588 N 586 9� N 584 m 4 y: c 582 (D z 30+000 591 O V Lu nDO > 0 0I C 591 591 DCS^ OJm N N Z OD 591 OZOIOc Z=07 d N 0) U-1 C mQ040 I 13- (D z 1 r a 1 1 w Z ZD F zM0010 mIm ZD N a w r D z Q •J Cn Z O 590 K Q Z 590 590 m� ofQ U Itr m 590 �U O <W CD + warn O SOLO Q C�/�/�^ JI.J.. WF– > UZ + m N O C) 0Nz �a W Z 0. W W —�Oz �0 C.i..i w O i DATE: 04/27/2015 589 0 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP/DTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST C DSTIEGT m 589 589 a — f SCALE: AS SHOWN m wm 589 CROSS SECTION SCALE rn m n• m mm HORIZONTAL: 1"=10'(22x34) 588 m m n 1`? N m 588 m 588 o o q 588 1"=20'(11x17) m m O w m 00 mN Tw N ppVERTICAL:1"=2'(22x34) a6 m °' pp m m m m 1"=4'(11x17) 587 m 587 587 587 TBL-LEFT TOP OF BANK m TBR -RIGHT TOP OF BANK (6 m r� r1 BBL -LEFT BANK TOE 586 m co N - — 586 586 586 BBR-RIGHT BANK TOE 'n m n m ,.,� TW -THALWEG °'. UT1-3 m UT1-3 585 CROSS SECTION 18 585 Sas m CROSS SECTION 19 585 m STATION 25+97 m STATION 26+73 584 - 584 584 m 584 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 O V Lu nDO > 0 0I C DCS^ OJm N N Z OD OZOIOc Z=07 d N 0) U-1 C mQ040 I 13- (D z 1 r a 1 1 w Z ZD F zM0010 ZD N a w r D z Q •J Cn Z O y W K Q Z of 0 ofQ U Itr O 0 Z �U O <W CD + warn O SOLO Q C�/�/�^ JI.J.. WF– > UZ + rn 0 O W o U N O C) 0Nz W Z 0. W W —�Oz �0 C.i..i w O i DATE: 04/27/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP/DTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DSTIEGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE_ 95359_ AS 1LS_F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 7 of 22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY, 2015. \oP,\\A CARO",, DAVVIIDDUUS/��TU��RNEERR, .LSM./#LL 4551 ' :y L'4E5R5L1 pz: 9L•�.3Uvo,*' SIIT J ```, LEGEND: Northing FLOODPLAIN SILL —•—•—•—THALWEG Elevation XS20 — — — — — TOP OF BANK 478604.01 ---------- BANK TOE — ROCK STEP POOL LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT 0 478625.58 ------------- LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY — — — — EX. THALWEG (BY OTHERS) 0NN j� RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL — —EX. PROPERTY LINE RIGHTBANK 478569.68 (NOT SURVEYED) Dmn�.uco ROCK SILL BEDROCK LEFTBANK 478618.98 RIP RAP O]C� N N aha mJ0 Ev ROCK CROSS VANE LOG STRUCTURE LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LOG GRADE LIVE PLANTING CONTROL STRUCTURE VP VEGETATION PLOT AS—BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"=30' (22x34) 1"=60' 11x17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD8312007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES Description Northing Easting Elevation XS20 RIGHTBANK 478604.01 1529201.79 — 588.30 XS20 LEFTBANK 478625.58 1529246.96 0NN j� 586.56 XS21 RIGHTBANK 478569.68 1529240.49 587.14 XS21 LEFTBANK 478618.98 1529250.22 O]C� N N aha mJ0 Ev 586.67 UT1-4 �ksg(kTG (34+50 TO 35+00) WjCAP LIMITS OF CONSERVATION ____--_- - 3011F— AS-BUILT BYSOTHERS 3g1�---'-' 3 3 589 SURVEY Y -----------�m�----rte- 5g0 301-3� 1 587 --- --------------- -------------- 3Ol D— -- 5g8 589 END R UT1-3 301��301 sso THALWEG BEGIN STCH A. UT150 Q 585^ 588 ROCK CROSS 587 �- x•583 ``_� D— VAN + TOPAOK FLOODPLAIN SILL -588 LIVE TING t� VP9 — / / 584 m BUNDLE _ s ` + w / / o r CA) `P2d �' &�\ -o_ 8�_—+i UT1-3 I= + • STA. 33+76 + IZ.— V' W v / a. \� — _•—• /• 6x -C 586 Im m , + uT1-3 - / o STA. 10+01) Im $�..I ' \ . + 585 /X • i (30+00 TO 34+50) U) o i �s / / h/ --------- CO ---- -------- --- -587 c� � -•__ --MITI UN 7 / a —LCE m 588 Sgt 9+ —589:71M 589 V GRADEI CONTROL REB'AJt9 UT1-C i o� 589W/CAP SEE SHEET 16 ---- ----- LCE LCE LCE LCE LCE LCE LCE I U k9 a 590 I 590 AS -BUILT PROFILE PROFILE SCALE RIGHT TOP UT1-3 HORIZONTAL: 1"=30'(22x34)( 588 1'=60'(11x17) 588 Yeo of BANK STA 30+00 TO 35+00 VERTICAL: 1"=3'(22x34) LEFT TOP o� OF BANK 1"=6'(11x17) 586 586 00 584 a n 10 N 584 V m40 __- oD N m M m 00 Tr O .�- M a NJ O uJ 01 M M m N In In '� In In O m 1!l M O m (n M 0 n In O> 582 _�— : 'n . __. ,n _ n N m N to 'n m N N. _ i m ro u`°i m N v? N m vv N N N a 582 IN - N I00 Inn LO la N00 111 N 00 In m m 580 — - — _0 N 580 30+00 +50 31+00 +50 32+00 +50 33+00 +50 34+00 +50 35+00 590 — — 590 589 0NN j� 589 Z CO jw U 0zrn o0 Z 0') C Lu may=. O]C� N N aha mJ0 Ev o I�Q ^} (y) W a 3 CL 589 3 Mc� Z m m 589 588 Z ;� m 588 z J w �n 0 !n W Q z J Q mm Q U m 0 O Z CROSS SECTION SCALE 588 O Q Lu O warn � O CY) 588 587 2a ' U) LL ^. 0 O 1 o O 587 HORIZONTAL: 1"=10'(22x34) 1"=20'(11x17) a �/ LL Z L.J.. < �--' 0- U) Z[)�w m n •- m,6 n J�z n m m r°n 0 00 0 3 0n° m 587 z 0 DATE: 04/27/2015 SURVEYEDBY: DST/JAPIDTH 587 586 REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 o--� 586 VERTICAL:1"=2'(22x34) n� SHEET 8of22 m m N o m roIN CI 1"=4'(11x17) o 111 'n m "i m TBL-LEFT TOP OF BANK 586 M N n o m n o - 586 585 - v°Ji 585 TBR -RIGHT TOP OF BANK N �, BBL -LEFT BANK TOE m m° m i° 3 N o N m M BBR-RIGHT BANK TOE 'n 585 u1 In nn n o a o -N, n. - - 585 584 a r1 aD n to o - 584 TW -THALWEG n m N n m Oap m UT1-3 N UTI 584 N CROSS SECTION 20 584 583 L o &3 CROSS SECTION 21. 583 m STATION 30+13 n STATION 31+77 m 0 n � 583 — — 583 582 582 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 U W (3) ^ w -1•T, > 0 e 0NN j� Z CO jw U 0zrn o0 Z 0') C Lu may=. O]C� N N aha mJ0 Ev I�Q ^} (y) W 3 CL 3 Mc� Z LLI > I Z ;� zN z` z J w 0 0 !n W Q z J Q Q U S H 0 O Z �U O Q Lu O warn � O CY) LM o O U) LL ^. 0 O WL U z O •^) V 0 U M 0O0�// z �/ LL Z L.J.. < �--' 0- U) Z[)�w J�z O 0 uiLu w z 0 DATE: 04/27/2015 SURVEYEDBY: DST/JAPIDTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST] REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE 95359 AB TLS F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 8of22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY, 2015. DAVID S. TURNER, P.V.S. #L4551 L4551 19y0 LEGEND: Northing FLOODPLAIN SILL —•—•—•—THALWEG XS26 RIGHTBANK — — — — — TOP OF BANK 1529621.12 ---------- BANK TOE XS26 ROCK STEP POOL LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT 1529664.20 584.09 ------------- LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY — — — —EX. THALWEG (By OTHERS) RIGHTBANK RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL — — — EX. PROPERTY LINE 583.88 XS27 (NOT SURVEYED) a==MD ROCK SILL BEDROCK Zm o d RIP RAP r M ROCK CROSS VANE LOG STRUCTURE LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LOG GRADE O LIVE PLANTING CONTROL STRUCTURE VP VEGETATION PLOT AS -BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"=30' (22x34) 1"=60' (11X17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD8312007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES Description Northing Easting Elevation XS26 RIGHTBANK 478114.03 1529621.12 583.47 XS26 LEFTBANK 478139.76 1529664.20 584.09 XS27 RIGHTBANK 478088.38 1529634.79 583.88 XS27 LEFTBANK 478111.17 1529679.41 583.46 \ 3\ _ O 3 \ C) \3\ CONSERVA RAP " EASEMENT TION RESBARO ` OTHERS W'/CAP 3 -39- -Ol 907--- 30l _ 301 303 30l /5g6 a, D sas 565 VP12 �`�\ - - - a7� TOP OF W P\ + THALWEG rn BANK rn I I W — ) o ` 1= Ln1 /1 584 CT f'`) —+ II4 01 11 CO + C+ 1 , — — — — 582 + FLOW O -- - - 9 - + CA 0 O_ -_ -- -�V--- 583 82 —584 BANK - - TOE —--_-5-83�- Zmmn'j -m T_OP OF/ BANKBANK UT1-4 .STABL4ZAON_ ,•�SITB�T (35+00 TO 40+00)AU - ' - - - - - - - -- \S8S` I O 587J SURVEY - - _ - LCE \ LCE LCE LCE LCF -" LCE LCE— --- --- - _ _—. 584 — — AS -BUILT PROFILE PROFILE SCALE UT1-4 HORIZONTAL: 1"=30'(22x34) STA 35+00 TO 37+42 1AL: 11x17) VERTICCAL: 1"=3'(22x34) 1"=6'(11x17) 582 n o � N - M Q rn 580 - Lon n m to 578 35+00 +50 LEFT TOP /OF BANK -- -� Ll/ / 585 qqm � N RIGHT TOP OF BANK rn N m 585 o > UD OI N 582 n o � N - M Q rn 580 - Lon n m to 578 35+00 +50 LEFT TOP /OF BANK -- -� Ll/ / 36+00 +50 585 qqm � N N rn N m 585 o > UD OI N 36+00 +50 586 584 582 m 578 +50 585 qqm N toV W 61 �DO 585 > UD OI �w ZU� OO Z 01U Zm o d m r M Z0')w U-1 = 585 O AWN �J0' Cry m mOGa- } 3 Q� 584 - 3 584 N � N ��- 37+00 Q 586 584 582 m 578 +50 585 qqm toV W 61 �DO 585 > UD OI �w ZU� OO Z 01U Zm o 585 Z0')w U-1 = 585 AWN �J0' Cry m mOGa- } 3 Q� 584 - 3 584 U Z ��- Q W Z Il, °� zN M1/z 584 m� m --� 584 F 583 ro M n r1_j- m_ ,m .n 583 Z O Lq N W CROSS SECTION SCALE w 583 - J 583 HORIZONTAL:1"=10'(22x34)rn a ° A U o 2 0 m a < n o n m �U 1"=20'(11x17) 582 - -- - — °' m c ri -°� 582 r<i �? m o m D? VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34) W Z ' UZ W o U M o N 582 N —� m o m Z ro 582 1"=4'(11X17) a - ZOW It I °' a n m J�Z "� �Nm Nro N 0^ VJ TBL-LEFT TOP OF BANK 581 n ` rn 'D - 581 z z N rn N rn 0 TBR -RIGHT TOP OF BANK DATE: 04/27/2015 SURVEYED BY: DSTIJAPIDTH 581 DRAWN BY: 581 BBL -LEFT BANK TOE ROBIDST REVIEWED BY: DSTIEGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 BBR-RIGHT BANK TOE 580 FILE: N POPLIN RIDGE _95359_AB_TLS_F 580 SCALE: AS SHOWN UT1-4 TW -THALWEG SHEET 9 of 22 _ 580 m CROSS SECTION 27 580 UT1-4 o o STATION 38+69 579 6 o CROSS SECTION 26 579 0 STATION 38+38 579 - - 579 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 578 578 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 toV W 61 �DO > UD OI �w ZU� OO Z 01U Zm o Z0')w U-1 = AWN �J0' Cry mOGa- } 3 3 U Z Q W Z Il, °� zN M1/z F Z O N W w a z J a U 2 0 z z �U OQ w CD warn CD 0�0Lo O C:)� W Z ' UZ W o U M DO 0 O Z D \ a - ZOW It I U q J�Z D 0^ VJ w O z z 0 DATE: 04/27/2015 SURVEYED BY: DSTIJAPIDTH DRAWN BY: ROBIDST REVIEWED BY: DSTIEGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE _95359_AB_TLS_F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 9 of 22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY , 2015. a4/LQ FESS% � ° 9% Qe��EAY DAVID S. TURNER, P.L.S. #L-4551 = :y L-4551 0: =o"yo SU�+'rs R`I..�a`�,` �OqS u-1UP��c LEGEND: -•-•-•-THALWEG - - - - - TOP OF BANK ------- -- BANK TOE LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT ------------- LIMITS OF AS BUILT SURVEY - - - - EX. THALWEG (By OTHERS) —EX. PROPERTY LINE (NOT SURVEYED) BEDROCK RIP RAP LOG STRUCTURE LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE FLOODPLAIN ROCK STEP POOL GRADERIFFLE • R• r"ice LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LIVE PLANTING VP VEGETATION PLOT AS -BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"=30' (22x34) 1"=60' 11x17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. _D83 NAVD88 / '3' Of WAy CLAIMED I� WON '3 too' T POW c°°PERA - / o 30l �BYDOTM331 Wts) 30"1-- O LOG 3'A S67 I > e STRUCTURE44 581.45/ \ s�o i (7 LOG1 2. STRUCTURE ROCK / \x- �j 581.16 STEP POOL - -��� 580.55 ' Z + o - ���•�, THALWEG } + �o 7NE CnaA� 4. - - - 2= _ LAW�`�s �a - - LIMITS OF BAAS-BUILT STABILIZATI _SURVEY__ _ I - - - - -- - -TOP OF - UT1-4_ ---- �� BANK _. -.AK -(40+00 TO 45+00) - - - - - - - - - - - LCF LCE -^� - BANK rS RVEYED DURING —— dQ STABILIZATION - EX1RNG CONDITIONS — — — — — — — — — — ECE _ THE —585 �� � LCE - - - — — _—ECE CONSERVATION i —585— — — — — — — ----L6€----- - EASEMENT-- BY OTHERS —LCE _ --- ----- -- _cE - --------------- E - 589 O IP U L\LJ � � Do 82 82 LD OI i W I�n1N >3- Z OO j w OZC>7�o Z 9 d LU mC7N � JQ Ccs m 0 '- °- 3 M000 Z w W } Q Z � Z ^, r' N zLLI ` Z F O rn Z 0 D w z z 0 0 D: a U x 0 0 z �U cO Q LLI + L0 uj O LC1 O �~/�^�� V J I..L OwU z z l/ •^) W o D U O0z O d ��Df2 a- < a- ZOLuLu U r- —I Z Ocl) �� LU O o: z O g DATE: 04/2712015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAPIDTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DSTlEGT PROJECT: TLS -14029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE 95359 AS TLS F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 10 of 22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OFJULY 2015. CAR6"', 2�pFESS/p DAVID S. TURNER, P.L.S. #L-4551 L-4551 a: 1'QIIS nT -•-•-•-THALWEG - - - - - TOP OF BANK - - - - - - - - - - BANK TOE LCE--- CONSERVATION EASEMENT ----- -- LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY - - - - - EX. THALWEG (BY OTHERS) — — — EX. PROPERTY LINE (NOT SURVEYED) BEDROCK RIP RAP LOG STRUCTURE LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE FLOODIPLAIN SILL ROCK SILL ROCK CROSS VANE LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LIVE PLANTING VP VEGETATION PLOT AS -BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"=30' (22x34) 1"=60' 11x17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. PROPERTY LINE 301 /BY OTHERS — 331 \CJ — 301---,46+73.17 CONSERVATION ONSE V TIONEASEM D I TOBOF ANK BANK (END UT1-4) \` AC \ L TOE p J _ _ THALWEG 54"RCP �+ + _ rn INV 575.80 r 54"RCP Z L �; _ !� INV 575.58 BANK = I STABILIZATION _ _ m I _ LIMITS 0 54"RCP -UTA-4 AS -BUILT INV 4" .92 583 \ - _- fn I 45+00 TO 48+20 -s a2___ 82_,_ _ _ -- - GAVEL -- ,(SURVEYED DURING 54 RSP' E STING CONDITIONS R RIP INV 575.72 RAP - / LCE LCE lCE--- -- -_ _ -CONSERVATION — - —LCE EASEMENT BY OTHERS -- - - - — — — — — — — — —585- — i — — 583 583 583 ¢� 583 m� w wm 582 - �iO 582 582 0 582 P< dm m m m00 581 �IY m -N 581 581 mw 581 uT CROSS SECTION SCALE ^. rn m 580 so N - - 'a 580 HORIZONTAL: 1"=10'(22x34) ° 0 m p 0 o N 1"=20'(11X17) 580 0 o N N J m ,°� i° 580 Ln Co ro I" m VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34) 'a 1"=4'(11x17) m n m 579 o m 579 TBL-LEFT TOP OF BANK 579 n OD n 579 m m o TBR -RIGHT TOP OF BANK rgr BBL -LEFT BANK TOE N �P 'O 578 N- wo o Co 578 BBR-RIGHT BANK TOE 578 - -- m - - 578 'O TW -THALWEG ^ , m. 'a UT' -4 577 - "' "' - - 577 577 � - CROSS SECTION 28 577 m �, r STATION 45+20 576 ° CROSS SECTION 29 576 576 n 576 STATION 45+36 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 575 575 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 :•13.1;�.`i.9 xN I Pl l �:i �:L•1:iK•I•l:t •I I � I_V I: Description Northing Easting O Elevation XS28 RIGHTBANK 477500.71 1529742.83 581.91 XS28 LEFTBANK 477481.84 1529789.55 fV r^-1 j 3:: 580.60 XS29 RIGHTBANK 477480.17 1529736.57 581.83 XS29 LEFTBANK 477475.00 1529786.93 m (D 6) J 0 E v 580.63 O U W 00 LO fV r^-1 j 3:: ZUCO _0 V) v Lu = f0 w m (D 6) J 0 E v mQO� °C (L 3 3 } J 5 W w z � L0 o F Z J z o N W tY z J 0 U 0 z z c) < W + ��� 0 0 L Lo O C/)''~//�� ^^� Lo CL W U V O Lu n U LO 0.0z <a- < < I U) Z()�W �OZ w /O^ w O Of z 0 DATE: 04/27/2015] SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP/DTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE 95359 AS TLS F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 11 of 22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY, 2015. .r L-4551 ct: SI I I\) LEGEND: —•—•—•—THALWEG — — — — — TOP OF BANK ---------- BANK TOE LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT ----------- -- LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY — — — — EX. THALWEG (By OTHERS) — EX. PROPERTY LINE (NOT SURVEYED) ;.; BEDROCK RIP RAP LOG STRUCTURE LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE FLOODPLAIN ROCK STEP POO r ROCK CROSS VANE LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LIVE PLANTING VP VEGETATION PLOT AS -BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"=30' (22x34) 1"=60' 11x17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. x. �O BEGIN REACH UT1—A S1 AT CONST E UT1_A _ ^_ 0 AS -BUILT PROFILE 602 UT1-A STA 0+00 TO 2+47 RIGHT TOP OF BANK - LCE — STA. 2+89 END UT1-A TIE IN TO REACH UT1-1 STA. 12+58 72x6 O 1T1-1 >EE SHEET 4 600 PROFILE SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1"=30'(22x34) 1"=60'(11x17) ;6 m rn v VERTICAL: 1"=3'(22x34) 598 n u n iD a N 1"=6'(11x17) �. ------ c6 m 596 594 0+00 +50 1+00 +50 2+00 CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES: Description Northing Easting Elevation XS11 RIGHTBANK 479727.89 1527895.16 599.17 XS11 LEFTBANK 479754.71 1527937.46 599.75 :.1 a1 +Tic 594 50 601 r� 601 LO OI T,.. m m m � ZU� OZO)�o oim Lu m (D N O) Jp C� 600 CROSS SECTION SCALE m¢O °. rn rn 3 1"=10'(22x34) ao n• o ° m n AHORIZONTAL: 1"=20'(11x17) 599 :� N: a, M00Z � mJ m °' n as- �- 599 VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34) rnl C6o m m rn um 4 1"=4'(11x17) v' v) �' °' J ^ rn 'a �' S TBL-LEFT TOP OF BANK 598 C °i m O1 ao - ,an' 598 TBR–RIGHT TOP OF BANK N co F-- � /1 1o_ VAI OW �> U Z UT1-A �ZLLIo OAU BBL–LEFT BANK TOE Q OZ o Q _ �� d QNd W ^� Q Z O. Lu BBR–RIGHT BANK TOE 597 JQ5 z D - I: m CROSS SECTION 11 -- 597 Tw-THALwEc w O m z 0 N STATION 1+g5 DATE: 04127/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP/DTH N DRAWN BY: ROB/DST 596 REVIEWED BY: DSTIEGT �— 596 0+00 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE_ 95359 AB 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 SCALE: AS SHOWN CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES: Description Northing Easting Elevation XS11 RIGHTBANK 479727.89 1527895.16 599.17 XS11 LEFTBANK 479754.71 1527937.46 599.75 :.1 a1 +Tic 594 50 IPU UJ 0')� OD LO OI T,.. m O N 00 j ZU� OZO)�o Lu m (D N O) Jp C� m¢O °. I 3 D- 3 3 Z w > � z M00Z � z w Z J z 0 rn w z z J Q U S 0 O z C G � LL O 00 ' i .� Lu N co F-- � /1 1o_ VAI OW �> U Z �ZLLIo OAU C) Q OZ o Q _ �� d QNd W Q Z O. Lu Lu JQ5 z D O� LLJ w O m z 0 DATE: 04127/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP/DTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DSTIEGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE_ 95359 AB SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 12 of 22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY, 2015. �wuunn DAVID S. TURNER, P.L.S #L-4551 '4551 r: 9L . SUR. • ���: 0 'ISIIT3\`\' _LC� THALWEG — — — — — TOP OF BANK --- BANK TOE LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT - LIMITS OF AS–BUILT SURVEY — — — — EX. THALWEG (BY OTHERS) — —EX. PROPERTY LINE (NOT SURVEYED) BEDROCK I RIP RAP BY OTHERS)NDITIONS LOG STRUCTURE LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE FLOODPLAIN ROCK STEP -O• • ROCK CROSS VANE LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LIVE PLANTING VP VEGETATION PLOT AS–BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"-30' (22x34) 1"=60' 11x17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. BEGIN REACH UT1—B � oxo \3O I BYOPERTY OTH OTHERS CONSERVATION EASEMENT BY OTHERS � 301 301 Q oi / ON / 00 / 3DB/ UT1-B O (0+00 TO 6+00) LL1 Q) V DO [SURVEYED DURING 52 LID I N BY OTHERS)NDITIONS j3:: 00 N U0zF LLJ� O0 I — — C m o _ �. co v \ U1 M O °L I } 3 O_ WLLJ 4- 301 301 Q oi / ON / 00 / 3DB/ O LL1 Q) V DO 52 LID 0NN j3:: 00 j\ E U0zF LLJ� w N C m Q v M O °L I } 3 O_ WLLJ Z oc r z M000 Ln Ln O Q Q w 0 z 0 rn w IY z z O Ir Q U K z z �U O w---)� L�LOLo O � ILLNILLL �/1W VV JJF- O W zWo I- Uz (D :3 �_Oz z F- LLL Q a- m Zo�w I —03 D O�Z w 0 z z 0 DATE: 04/27/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP/DTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE_95359_A9_ttS_F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 13 of 22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY, 2015. CARO",, , - DAVID S. TURNER, P .S. #L-4551 = :y L-4551 0: 'e- Sum.- a D �I y 1 f r zt + m. o ffl��'� LEGEND: Northing FLOODPLAIN SILL —•—•—•—THALWEG XS16 RIGHTBANK — — — — — TOP OF BANK LQ v Lu n00 ---------- BANK TOE 592.46 ROCK STEP POOL LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT 479250.57 TOP OF LIMITS OF BUILT SURVEY — — — — EX. THALWEGEG ( (BY OTHERS) 592.16 RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL — —EX. PROPERTY LINE 479190.60 7 / (NOT SURVEYED) 591.35 ROCK SILL BEDROCK 479225.35 ROCK CROSS VANE 1528842.38 RIP RAP •597,' -•-.,ww- LIMITS OF�- �_ LOG STRUCTURE . � . LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LOG GRADE a LIVE PLANTING CONTROL STRUCTURE VP VEGETATION PLOT AS -BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"=30' (22x34) 1"=60' 1107) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' END REACH UT1–B PRESERVATION STA. 6+29.3 GRA�E� GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES Description Northing Easting Elevation XS16 RIGHTBANK 479232.71 LQ v Lu n00 1528772.08 592.46 XS16 LEFTBANK 479250.57 TOP OF 1528818.96 592.16 XS17 RIGHTBANK 479190.60 7 / 1528806.43 591.35 XS17 LEFTBANK 479225.35 ^� MQ 1528842.38 591.37 596 594 592 - 590 588 586 584 6+00 +50 NO 83 REACH UTt –BB BEG. ENHANCEMENT 1* / STA. 6+90.6 I TLS —301` NAIL #27 O�/•' g°j __-._______-b; CONSERVATION 98 EASEMENT �\ BY OTHERS 101 59 VP8 h' IHALWLU 594 g0w �- �_ \ Cb LQ v Lu n00 \ tea\ 593 82 LO Tw OL�� 48 RCP TOP OF ROCK 593 _ INV 594.46 s \ 1 ss BANK cCROSS VANE co 7 / 592 M M +o FLOOD / PLAIN SILL ^� MQ rn rn rn X •597,' -•-.,ww- LIMITS OF�- �_ _ � \ — . � . AS–BUILT ~'- FLOW a —� SURVEY -- Ss3 593- rn LCE UT1-B m TREELIN o mo ` ____ _LcE (6+00 TO 11+44.7) _LCE —LCE LCELCE- PROPERTY LINE/ BY OTHERS ILT PROFILE PROFILE SCALE UT1-13 HORIZONTAL: 1"=30'(22x34) 7+00 +50 8+00 11+44.7 1 =60(11x17) VERTICAL: 1"=3'(22x34) j 1"=6'(11x17) OF H ANKOP --�- LEFT TOP —_ /OF BANK STA. 11 +44.7 END UT1-B TIE IN TO REACH UT1-2 STA. 24+97 _�UT1-2 SEE / SHEET 6 600 598 596 594 P; 594 O LQ v Lu n00 594 593 82 LO Tw OL�� 593 o =5; Ozrn(no 592 M M a ^� MQ rn rn rn m — (V m OlJO Cv < n N1 m < °C 'n N a —� Lo r rn 593 592 ^ m m o mo to . mIn CROSS SECTION SCALE�� W Lu 7 > H z L' IVa z Lu r 0 o Q +c0m HORIZONTAL:1"=10'(22x34) +off rn m J o_ coves z z =\— m Cr0 U x 0 892 7+00 +50 8+00 11+44.7 1 =60(11x17) VERTICAL: 1"=3'(22x34) j 1"=6'(11x17) OF H ANKOP --�- LEFT TOP —_ /OF BANK STA. 11 +44.7 END UT1-B TIE IN TO REACH UT1-2 STA. 24+97 _�UT1-2 SEE / SHEET 6 600 598 596 594 P; 594 O LQ v Lu n00 594 593 82 LO Tw OL�� 593 o =5; Ozrn(no 592 a ^� MQ m — (V m OlJO Cv < n N1 m < °C 593 Mm —� T rn 593 592 ^ m m o mo to . mIn CROSS SECTION SCALE�� W Lu 7 > H z M000N z Lu r 0 o Q o HORIZONTAL:1"=10'(22x34) m J o_ z z =\— m Cr0 U x 0 892 �U f Q LLJ 892 591 + �0L0 co 8911"=20'(11x1 =2 0)VERTICAL: 1" o N /rnn Lu U +oO 590 N N Q < � rno LLI N LLI 1"=4'(11X17) N ay w o �� OW _ vrni rn rn m oil m o rn m m N 2 F BANK 01 591 °' °' 'O m 591 590 �- `a- °�� - "� 590 TBR -RIGHT OOP DST/EGT n o �o PROJECT: TLS -14-029 rn FILE: N c0 OJ � rn rn O SCALE: AS SHOWN BBL -LEFT BANK To d' UT1-B N � 'a UTI -B BBR-RIGHT BANK TOE 590 00 rn M + 588 589 589 TW -THALWEG 7 a ifl CROSS SECTION 16 O N 6 CROSS SECTION 17 o —. " Gp 0a pp a0 N •- 589 a N 589 588 588 N M mo �a U1 N M 0+40 0+50 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 586 ro N 584 +50 9+00 +50 10+00 +50 11+00 +50 594 O LQ v Lu n00 594 593 82 LO Tw OL�� 593 o =5; Ozrn(no a ^� MQ m — (V m OlJO Cv < n N1 m < °C 593 Mm —� T rn 593 592 ^ - m� 592 CROSS SECTION SCALE�� W Lu 7 > H z M000N z Lu r 0 o Q o HORIZONTAL:1"=10'(22x34) m J o_ z z m Cr0 U x 0 892 �U ~ Q LLJ 892 591 + �0L0 co 8911"=20'(11x1 =2 0)VERTICAL: 1" o N /rnn Lu U +oO V Oco � N N Q < � rno LLI N LLI 1"=4'(11X17) N ay w o �� OW vrni rn rn m oil m o rn m m N 2 F BANK 01 591 °' °' 'O 591 590 �- `a- °�� - "� 590 TBR -RIGHT OOP DST/EGT n o �o PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: ,°a' o o SCALE: AS SHOWN BBL -LEFT BANK To 'a UT1-B N � 'a UTI -B BBR-RIGHT BANK TOE 590 m 590 589 589 TW -THALWEG 7 a CROSS SECTION 16 6 CROSS SECTION 17 o STATION 9+86 " STATION 10+32 589 a N 589 588 588 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 O LQ v Lu n00 82 LO Tw OL�� >m 0(VrN =5; Ozrn(no Z 6') C d LLJ2 m — (V m OlJO Cv m < °C 0 3 3 r Li W Lu 7 > H z M000N z Lu r 0 o Q o rn W z z 0 0 Cr0 U x 0 0 z �U ~ Q LLJ w + �0L0 co O u) I— wU z /rnn Lu U +oO V Oco � Q < � CL LLI m LLI ' Jaz OW Lu O a: z O 2 DATE: 04/27(2015 SURVEYED BY: DSTIJAP/DTH DRAWN BY: ROBIDST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE_ 95359_ AB_TLS _F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 14 of 22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY, 2015. �CAARROLA" :a�07/EM-/59�. DAVID S. TURNER, P.V.S.#L-4551 :y L4551 0: 2 SURA.- `��S gDUS n.T LEGEND: Northing Easting FLOODPLAIN SILL —•—•—•—THALWEG 478320.33 1528663.38 — — — — — TOP OF BANK LEFTBANK ---------- BANK TOE 43 ROCK STEP POOL LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT 1528674.32 593.02 ------------- — — — LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY — EX. THALWEG(BY OTHERS) 478369.34 RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL — — — EX. PROPERTY LINE 595 mw (NOT SURVEYED) 0203== ROCK SILL rn BEDROCK N C: RIP RAP O I m QCL ROCK CROSS VANE LOG STRUCTURE LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LOG GRADE LIVE PLANTING CONTROL STRUCTURE VP VEGETATION PLOT AS -BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"=30' (22x34) 1"=60' 11x17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. �7:Z�b��� X� 1 [iP ■ �1"-LI:ZK�I�I 7 X71. /.\ 17. Description Northing Easting Elevation XS22 RIGHTBANK 478320.33 1528663.38 593.29 XS22 LEFTBANK 478370.09 1528657.00 593.89 XS23 RIGHTBANK 478320.41 1528674.32 593.02 XS23 LEFTBANK 478369.34 1528685.68 594.24 596 594 592 590 588 586 584 0+00 I �7 I \ 48"RCP INV. 589.96 I ham'' 48"RCP INV. 590.28 04 so � o + / RAIP �i I PROPERTY LINE BY OTHERS I M o am 595 > 0 � N io o •- 595 mz 00 OOZm_�o 595 mw o rn rn rn CF)O � N C: +50 30-1 CONSERVATION EASEMENT CI S99 BY OTHERS L s9j LIMITS OF s9s SOI, AS -BUILT SURVEY + w 59.3 \ D F S9 Ai S98 �� I NAS#32 s 596 �a �/ m �0 BEGIN s2 \ \ ) I SAC1 U �O\\ 5°� U) �� \• \ 594 x ONAI �31 f THALWEG 592 hga/ i \\ UTI -C (0+00 TO 5+00) m m o Cf mm m 1+00 +50 2+00 +50 LEFT TOP OF BANK — .__ LC ------- 3+00 +50 4+00 +50 596 I 594 592 590 588 m LO m � N N 586 584 5+00 toU 14- 0 am 595 > 0 595 52 I N 595 mz 00 OOZm_�o 595 mw z LU = d `o •:= CF)O � N C: mw O I m QCL } 594 z z as 594 r 594 - . W Z w � z W 594 rh � z z w 0 J m vi z 0 W CROSS SECTION SCALE a m m a Z 593 0 0 a: 0 - - 593 0 z HORIZONTAL: 1"=10'(22x34) 593 - c G w 593 00 -..� Do m m ° o ap1"=20'(11x17) O``^^�^� O rn p WZ0z cNi o n 592 0 z Of Z a a — 0ci 592 U z0Lu VERTICAL: 1'=2'(22x34) �a a v° m n U N z 1"=4'(11x17) 592 N rn- `O- m w m "1 m 592 iO m m NLo m z 0 TBL-LEFT TOP OF BANK rn m m rn 'n SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP/DTH 03: m ROB/DST TBR -RIGHT TOP OF BANK �n REVIEWED BY: o �n 591 _ n rn FILE: 591 POPLIN RIDGE_95359_As TLS_F BBL -LEFT BANK TOE 591 SCALE: M M 591 SHEET 15 of 22 m N BWB--HAIGHT BANK TOE00 rn N m TLWEG n °' UT1-C 590 M 'a 'O o - 590 590 ci CROSS SECTION 22 590 m UT1-C o 0 STATION 1+46 589 C w CROSS SECTION 23 589 589 =: -- - 589 STATION 1+66 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 588 L 588 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 toU 14- 0 W �- > 0 52 I N �w m 00 OOZm_�o z LU = d `o •:= CF)O � N C: O I m QCL } z z r a W Z w � z � z z w 0 vi z 0 W a Z 0 0 a: 0 fr2 0 z c G w 00 -..� + �0M O``^^�^� v) 1..L z# p WZ0z o X030 0 z Of Z Z(]�w I- U z0Lu U z 00 w O m z 0 DATE: 04/27/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP/DTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE_95359_As TLS_F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 15 of 22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY, 2015. LEGEND: Northing Easting FLOODPLAIN SILL —• —• —-— THALWEG XS24 RIGHTBANK — — — — — TOP OF BANK ---------- BANK TOE LEFTBANK ROCK STEP POOL LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT 588.40 XS25 ------------- — - — — LIMITS OF AS—BUILT SURVEY — EX. THALWEG (BY OTHERS) 1529262.46 RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL — —EX. PROPERTY LINE LEFTBANK 478400.26 1529240.18 (NOT SURVEYED) a ROCK SILL �J0 Cr; BEDROCK I� Qom} mOG0 3 RIP RAP ROCK CROSS VANE LOG STRUCTURE LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ 3 LOG GRADE LIVE PLANTING U J � CONTROL STRUCTURE VP VEGETATION PLOT AS—BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"=30' (2204) 1"=60' 11x17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' 307 —593 —307 LIMITS OF _ AS—BUILT 307 SURVEY ��! ---- �_ 307 —591 t 59.1 GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES: Description Northing Easting O Elevation XS24 RIGHTBANK 478349.98 1529236.23 587.93 XS24 LEFTBANK 478394.64 1529213.57 I 588.40 XS25 RIGHTBANK 478355.13 1529262.46 587.69 XS25 LEFTBANK 478400.26 1529240.18 m U 1= 587.35 UT1-3 SEE SHEET 8 i STA. 10+01 1 �' END UT1—C7777 TIE IN REACHUT1-3 STA.A. 33+76ROS ROCK CVANE 15g6 rt I TOP OF _�v I L-1 ®CQ1 _� v: `� _ �...,.,.,.�/._1 FLUS -%",-/ice I cpi 594 592 590 588 ^ 586 mmcq O ,� LO V W0)r�00 0ED itJJ004 N I ED 584 u') iT C w 2 m U 1= �J0 Cr; I I� Qom} mOG0 3 3 582 U J � zN 2 U) M� o a 580 � Q J O - 5+00 +50 to Z 0 6+00 ^ 586 mmcq O ,� LO V W0)r�00 0ED itJJ004 N °� m ED 584 u') iT C w 2 m U 1= �J0 Cr; I� Qom} mOG0 3 3 582 U J � zN 2 U) M� o a 580 � Q J O - 5+00 +50 to Z 0 6+00 +50 594 AS -BUILT PROFILE PROFILE SCALE LIT1-C HORIZONTAL: 1"=30'(22x34) STA 5+00 TO 10+01 1"=60'(11x17) 592 VERTICAL: 1"=3'(22x34) RIGHT TOP 1"=6'(11x17) _ �OF BANKLEFT TOP X590 OF BANK rn 0 0 - - 588 — I oQ N 586 I� M N N r7 00 6 00 �00n 00 nw N m 0 ? M L0,n - - N m ^ m 0 584 off° v o n o N + ,a N N ni m 'D umi m r7 ri .n LO n N m m m 582 m m Ji 580 7+00 +50 8+00 +50 9+00 +50 10+00 0, 589 589 a � a 589 m"4'� 589 588w m —� ° 588 588588 m ^ roo m o cc ro 587 N_ J n Q^p 587 CROSS SECTION SCALE m ^ co n m N a 0 m ^ C. m m ^m o 1O HORIZONTAL: 1"=10'(22x34) `587 vm m " m mM° co 587 d ^ m m 1"=20'(11x17) n ^ ma ^ m m 586 n m� 586 VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34) m LO ° a 4m o "=4'(11x17) 586 a 586 N MN4 mM 1_ 585 TBL-LEFT TOP OF BANK m 585 - TBR -RIGHT TOP OF BANK 585 ,.I m 10-- - 585 'd BBL -LEFT BANK TOE _ BBR-RIGHT BANK TOE _ rn 0 N to UT1-C 584 564 TW -THALWEG m �o m m 584 �a a 3—' CROSS SECTION 24 58a 0 UT1-C I STATION 8+16 583 CROSS SECTION 25 583 583 583 STATION 8+39 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 582 - 582 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 C , O LO V W0)r�00 itJJ004 I Tw ONrrj jt -RE ZU00 �W Ozmoo u') iT C w 2 m U 1= �J0 Cr; I� Qom} mOG0 3 3 aZ U J � zN 2 U) M� o a o Q � Q J O to Z 0 Co W z 0 U S H 0 O z U O warn C:) Ly -0L0 r u7 Lo 0 VJ 11 ^ 0') o > LU Z z ++ VOW0 U � Q _ O Oz Q d ZOw U ' U 0 U) Luw z O DATE: 04/27/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP/DTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DSTIEGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE _95359 AS_TLS-F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 16 of 22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY, 2015. cAEssl'' Apr S. TURNERY, P.L.S. #L-4551 = :y L6S6-4551 i : yp. -- —- —•— THALWEG — — — — — TOP OF BANK ---------- BANK TOE LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT --- - LIMITS OF AS—BUILT SURVEY — — — — EX. THALWEG (BY OTHERS) — EX. PROPERTY LINE (NOT SURVEYED) BEDROCK RIP RAP LOG STRUCTURE LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE FLOODPLAIN ROCK STEP ••• ROCK CROSS VANE LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LIVE PLANTING VP VEGETATION PLOT 1 301 OREBAR W/CAP 30-1-2101 CONSEASSEMENNT BY OTHERS 30l 301 301 - 301 - 301 - 301 UT2-1� 301 301 VP1— (0+00 TO 4+90) NAIL (SURVEYED DURING EXISTING CONDITIONS v BY OTHERS) + N c+n o 0 CD o BEGIN 0 o UT2-2 (4+90 TO 5+00) I THALWEG �. o STRUCTUR GRADE CONTROL 581.0 LCE _LCE STR 580 80 AS -BUILT SURVEY BY: �Cf TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC -LCE LCE LCE SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' Nks#5 SCALE: 1"=30' (22x34) 4C, --LCE 1"=60' (11x17) \ CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. LCE 0 o cn + TSTA. 0+00 BEG. UT2-1 30-1-2101 CONSEASSEMENNT BY OTHERS 30l 301 301 - 301 - 301 - 301 UT2-1� 301 301 VP1— (0+00 TO 4+90) NAIL (SURVEYED DURING EXISTING CONDITIONS v BY OTHERS) + N c+n o 0 CD o BEGIN 0 o UT2-2 (4+90 TO 5+00) I THALWEG �. o STRUCTUR GRADE CONTROL 581.0 LCE _LCE STR 580 80 AS -BUILT SURVEY BY: �Cf TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC -LCE LCE LCE SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' Nks#5 SCALE: 1"=30' (22x34) 4C, --LCE 1"=60' (11x17) \ CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. LCE LCE LCE a:cn cn + r o 0 In U W n DD O Ln 0 +—Im–I__- LCE LCE 0 In U W n DD O C > � II TW �fVN j� Z CO W U .- o O Z rn U)LLI CID _j0 � m v IM 04 °4 I 3 D_ 3 3 Z z: F WLi 7 W 2 ` � Qz F o J z O m w Q Z 0 U K 0 Z �U C:) warn + �0U7) L0 cy) 0 ^�^ O+ Wr z Uz W o V U o 000z O Q of Q cl) CL W ~ -06 a- [ O w W 0 z z 0 DATE: 04/27/2015] SURVEYED BY: DSTIJAPIDTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -14 029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE 95359 AB TLS F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 17 of 22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY, 2015. LEGEND: FLOODPLAIN SILL —•—•—•—THALWEG Easting — — — — — TOP OF BANK ibm 0 RIGHTBANK STEP POOL —LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT #1j,ROCK ------------- LIMITS OF AS—BUILT SURVEY — — - — - — EX. THALWEG (BY OTHERS) RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL — — EX. PROPERTY LINE 479431.07 (NOT SURVEYED) ROCK SILL XS2 BEDROCK 479407.52 RIP RAP ROCK CROSS VANE LOG STRUCTURE LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LOG GRADE LIVE PLANTING CONTROL STRUCTURE VP VEGETATION PLOT AS—BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1 "=30' (22x34) 1"=60' 11x17) CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83/2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47.30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. LIMITS OF AS—BUILT SURVEY\;', 1 CONSERVATION / ;!yeh ;3C��3GT� EASEMENT 301 BY OTHERS j{8 ROCK f/ J301 j�90 5824800E 30l 301 301301 301 301 301 •; UT2-2 STA. 8+76.2 -5s0�� BAANKOF D UT2-2 (ur2-A ^� ((5(+00 to 10+00) STA. 5+06.5) " EXISUMODNDITIONS �X %� "I BY OTHERS) IIW_' p� O 1D + t r +I — — Ch rl o 1— Ul + +' I — --- Z + IZ o cn p o o +00 T ` 1 CD I= o .._—ICIO tf/HALWE • a I T2 -A 1 m t m SEE SHEET 22 ml m U 4+50 LCE LCE LCE LCE LCE LCE LCE •~�,y \J� ANA4 ��R L•F %5a��- / •r�LCE r e;• CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES Description 583 Northing Easting Elevation ibm 0 RIGHTBANK - 1 479457.66 1532518.35 580.63 XS1 LEFTBANK 479431.07 1532592.51 583 XS2 RIGHTBANK 479407.52 1532500.51 580.49 XS2 LEFTBANK 479389.68 1532590.55 580.90 LLu 12 c • Oni�N N U-1 —1 moo} UT2-2 STATION 8+05 133 3 ��// 1� n 580 582 ma I 1 1 Z o MOI 582 w 582 0 CROSS SECTION 1 L6 0 - 582 Sm c� at 0 QU o STATION 7+59 0 °f) co � 0 u)ALL 0) m ° �°' 581 sa1 �w U v 0) O ^ II+, 0_o0 Z N Lu J0z aU) D 581 O 0: O f P ED DST/JAP/DTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT CROSS SECTION SCALE FILE: POPLIN RIS 85958_AB_TLS_F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 18 of 22 580 m - - HORIZONTAL: 1"=10' 22X34) -- _ -T `� o 1"=20'(11x17) 580 m m •- ry_m rn o $ VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34) m 3 m ro d 579 m r ,n� 579 1"=4'(11X17) m N W m min ^ � n �6� o ^ TBL-LEFT TDF OF BANK 579 ,^n N �, n N - - '. 'N - y n 579 m w m vl Nn m n m TBR -RIGHT TOP OF BANK ai n nn o 4 °n' S7g ! m m -la ai m w - 578 BBL -LEFT BANK TOE m m m ^ �,^a ^� r .n n m a n o n SBR -RIGHT BANK TOE 578 cd m N n 6 m 0 578 0 n m ro TN -THALWEG 0 N n m - ,� 577 0 m m m n w n n n ^ i 577. u n u^i 577 m- r n- 577 m n ,, i 0 578 m`n em 576 n n min nm 576 - mw MIX 576 N mm I 570+00 575 �L 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 0+60 0+70 0+80 0+90 575 ` _I 575 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 0+60 0+70 0+80 CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES Description Northing Easting Elevation ibm 0 RIGHTBANK E 479457.66 1532518.35 580.63 XS1 CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES Description Northing Easting Elevation XS1 RIGHTBANK E 479457.66 1532518.35 580.63 XS1 LEFTBANK 479431.07 1532592.51 581.21 XS2 RIGHTBANK 479407.52 1532500.51 580.49 XS2 LEFTBANK 479389.68 1532590.55 580.90 E I I LO O Lu 00 � la•*. UT2-2 CROSS SECTION 2 Z(� j ... �Z01 Dcm �W 581 LLu 12 c Oni�N N U-1 —1 moo} STATION 8+05 133 3 ��// 1� n 580 I 1 1 Z o E LO O Lu 00 fle � m N ry ) grz Z(� j ... �Z01 Dcm LLu 12 c Oni�N N U-1 —1 moo} 133 3 ��// 1� I 1 1 Z z o MOI w 0 L6 0 5i C c� at 0 QU o 0 °f) co � 0 u)ALL 0) C) W^zuz + U v 0) O ^ II+, 0_o0 Z N Lu J0z aU) D W O 0: O f P ED DST/JAP/DTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIS 85958_AB_TLS_F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 18 of 22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY 2015. �AJAR6'i �'�. V ;� ,ro �f�iaACoa yam'-- DAVID S. TURNER, P..S. #L-4551 v 'r L4551 a: 5 9y° 4i0. . SUR . ... ry� 'Qgs'11T V""\ —•—•—.—THALWEG — — — — — TOP OF BANK ---------BANK TOE LCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT ------------ UMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY — — — — EX. THALWEG (BY OTHERS) — — — EX. PROPERTY LINE (NOT SURVEYED) BEDROCK RIP RAP LOG STRUCTURE o LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE FLOODPLAIN SILL ROCK STEP POOL RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL ®ormm ROCK SILL ROCK CROSS VANE ® UVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LIVE PLANTING VP VEGETATION PLOT AS -BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"=30' (22x34) 1"=60'11x17) CONTOUR IN RVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD83t2007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES Description Northing Easting Elevation XS5 RIGHTBANK tt1U LO� 00 478890.32 1532362.00 576.69 XS5 LEFTBANK 478902.93 1532410.92 577.86 XS6 RIGHTBANK 478859.09 1532373.15 576.90 XS6 LEFTBANK 478869.73 1532422.06 578.47 t4 BEGIN TLS#2 " / UT2-3 CE PROPERTY LINE BY OTHERS \ QW�� 580 tt1U LO� 00 - - DN^01` N > N`w z DO O) M N C O AS -BUILT PROFILE RIFGHT TOP °C I 3 m w � 3 m - �J oN 3 M 0 UT2-2 & UT2--3 W F N 578 Z m a + STA 10+00 TO 15+00 0 LEFT TOP z o iS m m + ,a J O /OF BANK +c r K O to Q0 p Lri `on A QU Lu W AI O/ L0 O rLl_COLO O nc O w U� n U)Q�OfOf M fr�Qd I nJOZ li 1// O^ 576 LL NW Z) L1. w O — z O — DATE: 04/27/2015 SURVEYED BY: DSTIJAPIDTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE_ 05359_A6 -TLS -F N SCALE: AS SHOWN � SHEET 19 of 22 V 574 N a ndn � n ,IN n 44 N. 4O N Nva ,a n i(l 572 o d r + ,a 570 10+00 +50 11+00 +50 12+00 +50 13+00 +50 578 --- 576 � I 574 572 570 +50 15+00 as 579 �m 579 579 rr.o 579 .n¢ -mow 578 577 m 578 om f 578 OM Q M 578 mtt �� n r nm - m a a 'rr 577 ^m lnD IY F N n n a n n n CROSS SECTION SCALE 577 n n � 577 m n N HORIZONTAL: 1"=10'(22x34) „� m N 576 n n m 576 1"=20'(11x17) 576 I'n-_ _� n "'rm �n ur n ^ m m VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34) 'n° m o m - Ann 576 n n Im 1"=4'(11x17) 'a ,N ,na e nn 575 - N n ^`,( 575 TBL-LEFT TOP OF BANK 575 N < o 575TBR-RIGHT TOP OF BANK n an UT2-2 BBL -LEFT BANK TOE ,ri '� UT2-2 574 Nri CROSS SECTION 6 574 BSR-RIGHT BANK TOE 574 - CROSS SECTION 5 _ 574 " n STATION 13+83 TN -THALWEG o' n -. o STATION 13+48 573 v' < -- 573 573 573 n 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 572 -- - — — 572 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 tt1U LO� 00 DN^01` N > z U m g Ozmo v Z W= DO O) M N C O mw0 °C I 3 � 3 3 M 0 W F Z z Mi 0 z J O U S r K O z O QU Lu W AI O/ L0 O rLl_COLO O �a O w U� W O O ) U U)Q�OfOf M fr�Qd Z0�LWLI nJOZ li N N O^ LL NW Z) L1. w O z O DATE: 04/27/2015 SURVEYED BY: DSTIJAPIDTH DRAWN BY: ROB/DST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN RIDGE_ 05359_A6 -TLS -F SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 19 of 22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY, 2015. LEGEND: —.—•—•—THALWEG — — — — — TOP OF BANK ---------- BANK TOE —LCE— CONSERVATION EASEMENT --------'---- LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY — - — • — — EX. THALWEG (BY OTHERS) — — EX. PROPERTY LINE (NOT SURVEYED) BEDROCK I[7� (Nry RIP RAP LOG STRUCTURE LOG GRADE CONTROL STRUCTURE FLOODPLAIN ROCK STEP •O� ® ROCK SILL ROCK CROSS VANE LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LIVE PLANTING VP VEGETATION PLOT AS -BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' O' 30' 60' CF LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY UT2-3 (15+00 TO 19+18) PROPERTY LINE BEGIN BY OTHERS UT2-4 (19+18 TO 20+00) •_ 307 Il, _ L��PLANTING �57g JIKUCIUKE GUI IING\ VIVE BUNDLE 52 CONERVATIEASEMENTLCF VP4 LCE --------" BY OTHERS �LCE��ICE AT 17 NAIL 580 I 580 SCALE: 1"=30' (22x34) - �— AS -BUILT PROFILE PROFILE SCALE L `� 1"=60' (�11x17) RIGHT TOP HORIZONTAL: 1"=30'(22x34) CONTOUR INItRVAL = 1' 578 --- - OF BANK UT2-3 1"=60'(11x17) - 578 o� STA 15+00 TO 20+00 VERTICAL: 1"=3'(22x34) --- _ m� !/ LEFT BANK wn 1"=6'(11x17) 576 ����_ — �`\ — �� � 576 574 o� �- J 574 N O 'n p] - b -JM N to GENERAL NOTES: M M n 572 r nmn m Nbm n n 5721. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. a 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD8312007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. N� M nN m N M N N 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT 570 v' "' 570 SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 15+00 +50 16+00 +50 17+00 +50 18+00 +50 19+00 +50 20+00 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. O � U o_�o j I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY 2015. CARO"/, $ J �2QpE 9. a%%iLl .NiY1 = .c7 75r: DAVID S. TURNER, RUS. #L4551g -( L-4561 ¢' e s O7yO �i,siii1' O LEGEND: FLOODPLAIN SILL -- —- —-— THALWEG — — — — — TOP OF BANK ---------- XS7 BANK TOE ROCK STEP POOL —LCE— CONSERVATION EASEMENT , ------------- LIMITS OF AS–BUILT SURVEY — — - — - — EX. THALWEG (BY OTHERS) RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL — — EX. PROPERTY LINE XS7 (NOT SURVEYED) ROCK SILL BEDROCK ROCK CROSS VANE RIP RAP 575.21 LOG STRUCTURE LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ LOG GRADE LIVE PLANTING CONTROL STRUCTURE VP VEGETATION PLOT AS–BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"=30' (22x34) 1"=60'11x17) CONTOUR IN RVAL = 1 GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD8312007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS. SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES Description Northing Easting Elevation XS7 RIGHTBANK 478373.91 1532079.47 576.35 AS -BUILT PROFILE XS7 LEFTBANK 478340.87 1532116.96 575.21 1 XS8 RIGHTBANK 478331.96 s78 1532061.63 576.48 XS8 LEFTBANK 478323.71 m¢w 1532111.04 �a 575.24 1 CONSERVATION I EASEMENT W n� + 577 .W m 577 577 mm 577 m m m n m� ma 576n N - N m 576 576 n m oN 576 �^ O n ro n ro m m n 575 '" n N m m N 575 575 - m m n n N 0 575 ^ m O O O tq 1m` O m O N 1(I CROSS SECTION SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1"=10'(22x34)574 n n m 574 574 nI aOryn m r 574 C n 1"=20'(11x17) n rn ^^ VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34) �7 �`+l-N 11=4'(11x17) 573 - '� ^ n 573 573 n I - 573 TBL-LEFT TOP OF BANK UT2-4 p n N N m UT2-4 TBR -RIGHT TOP OF BANK - ti '� a C CROSS BE I 572 572 ROSS SECTION 8 572 BBL -LEFT BANK TOE 572 CTON 7 ^ - - ry ry ,o BBR-RIGHT BANK TOE m '� ^ n STATION 20+39 TW -THALWEG STATION 20+06 h __ _ 571 - N ,^n 571 570+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 571 570 - - 570 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 zI_z O � U > O r` c z. LO L AS -BUILT PROFILE 576 Tw 0r%j rj j3 o 1 0 o Z Qt C m rD :_ s78 UT24 GO= CO N O)mo Ems' m 0 } m¢w �a ? STA 20+00 TO 22+20 3 1000 __ I L1 I z 0 OF BANO BANK OP R RI TOP'wmm +& +�O +vo 0 57fi z 0 BANK a NUW m NU NU 576 PROFILESCALE 574 z J \ — — \ ��� 574 HORIZONTAL: 1'=30'(22x34) C G CD QU W + W N �'^O� Q 1"=60'(11x17) CD O WLV zWo C7 0 O) U � � O VERTICAL: 1"=3'(22x34) ZLI-LuW N JOz �O W 1"=6'(11X17) 572 0 m y vl. 0 y Q, m n v 572 DRAWN BY: ROBIDST m� N `° N N N N Yl r N o N N f tp ry N N n FILE: P LIN RIDGE S5359_M TLS F SCALE: AS SHOWN 21 of 22 570 'n n "' n n N N 'rl n 570 vfni 569 569 20+00 +50 21+00 +50 22+00 +20 W n� + 577 .W m 577 577 mm 577 m m m n m� ma 576n N - N m 576 576 n m oN 576 �^ O n ro n ro m m n 575 '" n N m m N 575 575 - m m n n N 0 575 ^ m O O O tq 1m` O m O N 1(I CROSS SECTION SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1"=10'(22x34)574 n n m 574 574 nI aOryn m r 574 C n 1"=20'(11x17) n rn ^^ VERTICAL: 1"=2'(22x34) �7 �`+l-N 11=4'(11x17) 573 - '� ^ n 573 573 n I - 573 TBL-LEFT TOP OF BANK UT2-4 p n N N m UT2-4 TBR -RIGHT TOP OF BANK - ti '� a C CROSS BE I 572 572 ROSS SECTION 8 572 BBL -LEFT BANK TOE 572 CTON 7 ^ - - ry ry ,o BBR-RIGHT BANK TOE m '� ^ n STATION 20+39 TW -THALWEG STATION 20+06 h __ _ 571 - N ,^n 571 570+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 571 570 - - 570 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 O � U > O r` c LO L Tw 0r%j rj j3 zUCO g... Oza) Z Qt C m rD :_ GO= CO N O)mo Ems' m 0 } � 3 3 1000 I L1 I z 0 1� w a 0 z 0 m a z J U 2 r 0 0 z C G CD QU W + W N �'^O� Q v,{y, CD O WLV zWo C7 0 O) U � � O ZLI-LuW N JOz �O W LL n/ 0 0 DATE: 04127/2015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP/DTH DRAWN BY: ROBIDST REVIEWED BY: DST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: P LIN RIDGE S5359_M TLS F SCALE: AS SHOWN 21 of 22 I, DAVID S. TURNER, AS A DULY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DATA SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING, WAS OBTAINED UNDER MY SUPERVISION, IS AN ACCURATE AND COMPLETE REPRESENTATION OF WHAT WAS CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD, AND THAT THE PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OR ELEVATIONS SHOWN THUS ARE AS -BUILT CONDITIONS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE NOTED HEREON. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS 19th DAY OF JULY 2015. DAVID S. TURNER, R.L.S. #L4551 L4551 ¢: �0 AT LEGEND: FLOODPLAIN SILL —•—•—•—THALWEG m m�mN — — — — — TOP OF BANK XS3 ---------- BANK TOE, ROCK STEP POOL —LCE— CONSERVATION EASEMENT 1532192.03 ------ ---LIMITS OF AS -BUILT SURVEY — — — — EX. THALWEG (BY OTHERS) RIFFLE GRADE CONTROL — — EX. PROPERTY LINE XS3 (NOT SURVEYED) oaryap ROCK SILL BEDROCK ROCK CROSS VANE RIP RAP 587.75 LOG STRUCTURE LIVE CUTTING BUNDLE/ o LOG GRADE LIVE PLANTING CONTROL STRUCTURE VP VEGETATION PLOT AS -BUILT SURVEY BY: TURNER LAND SURVEYING, PLLC SURVEYED APR. 2015 30' 0' 30' 60' SCALE: 1"=30' (22x34) 1"=60' 11x17) CONTOUR IN RVAL = 1' GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD8312007 AND VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD88. 3. AS -BUILT SURVEY BASED ON EXISTING GPS CONTROL ESTABLISHED BY TURNER LAND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFIED DURING THE AS -BUILT SURVEYS, SEE CONTROL POINT LIST FOR COORDINATES. 4. THIS MAP IS NOT FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCES AND DOES NOT COMPLY WITH G.S. 47-30 MAPPING REQUIREMENTS. 5. THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS TO SHOW POST CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS OF THE STREAM RESTORATION AND MAY NOT SHOW ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND BOUNDARIES. 6. NO PROPERTY RESEARCH WAS PERFORMED. CROSS SECTION REBAR COORDINATES Description Northing Easting m m�mN Elevation XS3 RIGHTBANK 479498.03 � 1532192.03 587.82 ron XS3 LEFTBANK 479539.50 1532220.65 587.75 XS4 RIGHTBANK 479413.83 1532302.09 586.81 XS4 LEFTBANK 479454.38 1532331.95 586.10 301 ZVATION 3EMENT \ LCE 592 590 a d c 588 576 0+00 +50 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 I m STA. 5+06.5 -�- - BANK LIVE CUTTING m END UT2-A b< --___ BUNDLE /may tl \ UT2TIE 1 2 TO REACH a � 09./.8 /STA. 8+76 LCE UT2-A (0+65 TO 5+06) RIGHT TOP OF BANK n /LEFT TOP �OF BANK � 0 NOR,(jm L h m m�mN ` 586 n h � > 0 aW ron a N � 0 j 3 7 �Z01oo z3f2 584 d7 WN C� m Oe} °C O 3 NSW 3 +YN 582 W a 0 0 z °z � 580 578 a 576 0+00 +50 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 I m STA. 5+06.5 -�- - BANK LIVE CUTTING m END UT2-A b< --___ BUNDLE /may tl \ UT2TIE 1 2 TO REACH a � 09./.8 /STA. 8+76 LCE UT2-A (0+65 TO 5+06) RIGHT TOP OF BANK n /LEFT TOP �OF BANK � 0 NOR,(jm n h m m�mN < m h � 1+00 +50 1 N THALWEG 0 yV + BEDROCK + ro 1 ' —� ---- R CKX00+6 IVE CUTTI F�.� STEP OL w� N UT2-2 s84 SEE SHEET 18 VP2 587 1 BEDROCK __ 58s _ _ tO -LCE LCE LCE LCE LCE I 05+6 T 111 LIMITS OF / AS -BUILT SURVEY CONSERVATION EASEMENT --- BY OTHERS m k 00+06 I w 592 AS -BUILT PROFILE PROFILE SCALE 590 HORIZONTAL: 1"=30'(22x34) STA 0+,00 TO 5+06 1"=60'(11x17) VERTICAL: 1"=3'(22x34) 1"=6'(11x17) -Jo .. _.-- 588 a wd 586 � T Y � mY— h N BEDROCK MdN m _ 584 m mo Ma 0 o < m _ V m e m n Co n 582 N m m m N N N N N p m m m m Vl U1 N m W10 � ' Q n N N w o w m N mm N. w 580 Lo O b O a m m v n m i ,^n n N 578 n N m mw O iI ^ 576 2+00 +50 3+00 +50 4+00 +50 5+00 589 =.N 589 588 - - m� 588 am am 588thm m- v m mm 588 587 �¢ - mm 587 0 m F bm m O� N m mw m m O CROSS SECTION SCALE 587 r N m m - m ^ m 587 586 m mom o -m m 586 HORIZONTAL: 1"=10'(22x34) n m m m o m m 0 m v ��m m vmi ul On 11=20'(11W) vi 585 oN 585 VERTICAL: 1"=2(22x34) 586 oo m 586 mn 1"=4(11x17) m n m ,n TBL-LEFT TOP OF BANK m. N umi ^ umi 585 - - 585 584 n < 584 TBR -RIGHT TOP TO BANK m m m BBL -LEFT BANK TOE m a m UT2-A m < Na UT2-A BBR-RIGHT BANK TOE m a N CROSS SECTION 3 n num m CROSS SECTION 4 583 TW -THALWEG 584 - m m 584 583 m m ,a STATION 1+22 N STATION 2+62 583 - - - - 583 582 582 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 Win DO > 0 aW 0 j 3 7 �Z01oo z3f2 d7 WN C� m Oe} °C O 3 01- 3 3 W a z °z a a z 0 ujz v x 0 z L r c G Qw 0 (3) ON Lf) M Lo L.1_ v J1 CD 1 1 r W//^ U zLU o_ V O�z C) ��as Q U)�Qa- Q 7 w ` W I Z F_ V J 1/O, 1�ryo m O m O DATE: 0412712015 SURVEYED BY: DST/JAP/DTH DRAWN BY: RO&DST REVIEWED BY: OST/EGT PROJECT: TLS -14-029 FILE: POPLIN MWE_95359-AB_TLS_F SCALE: ASSHOWN SHEET 22 of 22