HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0033111_Final Fact Sheet_20231109 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 FACT SHEET EXPEDITED - PERMIT RENEWAL Basic Information for Expedited Permit Renewals Permit Writer/Date Caroline Robinson/November 2023 Permit Number-Class NCO033111 —Class WW-3 Flow 0.6 MGD Owner Carolina Water Service,Inc. of North Carolina Facility Name Fairfield Harbour Subdivision WWTP Type of Waste 100%domestic Basin Name/Sub-basin number Neuse River Basin/03-04-10 Receiving Stream Neuse River [segment 27- 104 Stream Classification in Permit SB-Swamp NSW NH3 limits were added when the POTW received an authorization to expand to a 1.0 MGD wastewater treatment system, based upon the modeling conducted in 1993. No Does permit need Daily Max NH3 limits? limits were added for the current 0.6 MGD wastewater treatment system. Due to the tidal stream,NH3 limits cannot be recalculated using the toxicity spreadsheet. Limits will remain unchanged. Does permit need TRC limits/language? The TRC limit is at the standard for salt waters. No toxicity testing was included for the current 0.6 MGD Does permit have toxicity testing? wastewater treatment system;however,toxicity testing is included with the expansion to a 1.0 MGD wastewater treatment system. Does permit have Special Conditions? Neuse nutrient conditions Does permit have instream monitoring? No Is the stream impaired(on 303(d) list)? Yes, added to the 303 (d)list in 2008 for Copper exceeding criteria. Remains on the list. No enforcements since 2011, six NOVs for daily maximum and Any obvious compliance concerns? monthly geometric mean exceedances of enterococci in 2019, 2021, and 2022,and four NODS for daily maximum exceedances of BOD and Enterococci in 2018,2019,and 2023 Any permit MODS since lastpermit? No Requests for Renewal Received January 13,2023 New expiration date June 30,2028 Changes to current permit? Updated map, added eDMR language, added Neuse nutrient reo ener,&Updated AT form language in Section A. (8 COMMENTS ON DRAFT PERMIT Robbie Bullock(Environmental Program Consultant)asked why there is no toxicity monitoring under the 0.600 MGD monitoring requirements but there is toxicity monitoring under the 1.0 MGD monitoring requirements. Charles Weaver(Environmental Specialist II)answered Mr. Bullock and explained that the toxicity test was added to the 1.0 MGD monitoring requirements in 1988 under the assumption that when the facility expands to 1 MGD, it will be reclassified as a Major facility. Mr. Bullock also stated that Enterococci violations are a result of UV bulbs burning out and that no permit changes were needed related to NOVs issued during this permit cycle. Molly Nicholson(Environmental Specialist 11—Compliance and Enforcement,Aquatic Toxicology Branch) reviewed the toxicity test section of the draft permit and noted that the Aquatic Toxicology Branch accepts AT forms by email now in addition to mailed hard copies and suggested that I add the email in Section A. (8).Ms. Nicholson also included wording to add in Section A. (8) about how AT forms must be properly signed. DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: _NC0033111 Modeler Date Rec. # PERMITTEE NAME: Northeast Craven Utility Company, CWS 3 �" �3 z Fairfield Harbour Drainage Area(mil ) Avg..Streamflow cfs IID(4'L FACII.ITYNAME: g• ( )� Facility.Status: _ Existing 7Q10(cfs) Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) Permit Status: Renewal Toxicity Limits: IWC % Acute/Chronic Major Minor Instream Monitoring: �� vIse8- Pipe"No.: (W2__� �f-, ! Parameters gwo � l l' 01M Design Capacity: 1.0 MGD Upstream Location Domestic (% of Flow): 100 % Downstream Location Industrials(% of Flow): .C- C7P T 1. A4C.r--,) Effluent 8 umff ter- Comment;: c '4„ts,E -0 ��^ ; F r-- Characteristics teristics ' + I G L . I BOD (m ) 30 T �� NH 3_N((mt ) 1'YI6y11�Ut/ �i RECELG STREAM:the Neuse Rive ' D.O. (mg/1) 6 Class. SB-Swamp-NSW TSS (mg/l) 30 3D 30 Sub-Basin: 03-04a10 F. Col. (/100 ml) 20O �jp 2p�j Reference USGS Quad: G31SW (please attach) p County: Craven pH (SU) Regional Office: Washington Regional Office ota� Previous Exp.Date: 8/31/93 Treatment Plant Class: ) Classification changes within three miles: fain T Oc 3 �s la 3 Tn/(1-n 'wv'7�r Requested by: Charles Alvarez Date: 2 Prepared by: / �v Date: 7 Z qua Comments: y .�t� we YI Reviewed by: Date: e C' 2 J• `�` o c DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Request# 27372 Facility Name: Northeast Craven Utility Company, CWS/Fai field Harbour NPDES No.: NCO033111 (PIPE 001 &PIPE 002) Type of Waste: Domestic - 100% Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Receiving Stream: Upper Broad Creek(001)/Neuse River(002) Stream Classification: SB-Swamp-NSW Subbasin: 030410 County: Craven Stream Characteristic: TIDAL Regional Office: Washington USGS # (both sites) Requestor: Alvarez Date: Date of Request: 3/15/93 Drainage Area(mi2): Topo Quad: G31SW Summer 7Q10 (cfs): Winter 7Q10(cfs): RECEIVED>=FfCE Average Flow (cfs): WASH 30Q2 (cfs): MAY 0 61993 IWC(%): Wasteload Allocation Summary n n with on EPA etc. � Qla#ptlt�ach taken,c;rrespo de ce region,w gi ) Q The 001 pipe from tl�is facility used to discharge to the Upper Broad Creek,which is tributary to the Neuse River. Per Adams(WaRO),this WWTP has been inactivated and the discharge no longer exists. He recommends that the existing 002 pipe which goes directly into the Neuse River be redesignated as the 001 pipe. An ATC exists for 0.6 MGD of the 1.0 MGD permitted flow. It is therefore recommended that a TRC limit be required above 0.6 MGD. This is an existing development which has applied for a simple renewal without expansion or modification. Since this is a tidally-influenced area,modeling was not done. However,upstream of this area has been targeted to be studied in the next five years. The results of this study may help to decide what limits are appropriate for this facility when or if it expands. Adams(WaRO)has recommended the addition of instream monitoring. Concerns have been raised that there is no such monitoring although this is a 1.0 MGD discharge to an area which has been reclassified for primary recreation. As discussed with Adams on 4/23/93 these are valid concerns. It is most appropriate for the Washington Regional Office staff to determine the most representative sites. For that reason,the instream monitoring table at the bottom of page 2 has been left blank so that the region can indicate where they would like samples collected. Special Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: Recommended by: Date: 2 3 Reviewed by AA4 Instream Assessment: , Date: S 3 *-Regional Supervisor: � Date: i Permits &Engineering: Date: Z� 3 JN01 1993 RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 2 PARAMETERS Existing Limits: Monthly Average 001 002 Wasteflow (MGD): 0.1 1.0 BODS (mg/1): 30.0 30.0 NH3N (mg/1): monitor monitor -.- DO(mg/1): TSS (mg/1): 30.0 30.0 Fecal Col. (/100 ml): 200.0 200.0 pH (SU): 6.8-8.5 6.8-8.5 Na C-, Residual Chlorine (µg/1): monitor monitor rg,n r-i Temperature(°C): monitor monitor ;ter; TP(mg/1): 2.0** 2.0** TN (mg/l): monitor monitor C=;ZD **Quarterly average limit based on weekly sample collections. En Recommended Limits: Monthly Average for 0.6 MGD & 1.0 MGD 001 001 WQ/EI, Wasteflow (MGD): 0.6 1. s/2-0/g3 BODS (mg/1): 30.0 S /t7 '•+•'� ^ NH3N (mg/1): monitor a*miter i '3- t` �° � l DO(mg/1): ( 6 c w.s„ TSS (mg/1): 30.0 30.0 EL ,,•,: D Fecal Col. (/100 ml): 200.0 200.0 pH (SU): 6.8-8.5 6.8-8.5 Residual Chlorine (µg/1): monitor 28.0 WQ / Temperature(°C): monitor monitor s/ 3 TP(mg/1): 2.0** 2.0** WQ TN(mg/1): monitor monitor **Quarterly average limit based on weekly sample collections. {NOTE THE 001 PIPE FROM LAST PERMIT HAS BEEN ELIMINATED. THE FORMER 002 PIPE SHOULD NOW BE DESIGNATED 001 AND LIMITED AT 1.0 MGD.) x Parameter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters,the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Instream Location#1: Instream Location#2: Instream Location#3: Parameters: Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 . -..v..►...... ...v.u.v. .b �VY1J.abll1t+11W •Physical Parameterst: Parameter Sample TyM r u nc Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous weekly Temperature Instantaneous weekly Conductivity Instantaneous weekly Salinity Instantaneous weekly pH Instantaneous t The above parameters shall be collected as grab samples at one foot intervals vertically throughout the water column. * pH shall be collected only when chlorophyll-a is collected. • Chemical Parame;e,-?: Parameter Frequency TKN 2 per month NH3 2 per month NO2 + NO3 2 per month Total Nitrogen 2 per month Total Phosphorus 2 per month Chlorophyll-a 2 per month Fecal Coliform** 2 per month #The above parameters, except Fecal Coliform, shall be collected via a spatial composite throughout the photic zone (defined as twice the secchi depth). ** Fecal Coliform shall be collected by grab sample approximately 6" below the surface. Samples shall be collected between June 1 and September 30 of each year. • Station Locations: (see attached map detailing locations) 1 ) At the end of the outfall line in the Neuse River 2 ) In the channel at Northwest Creek Channel Marker No . "1" 3 ) In the channel at Upper Broad Creek Channel Marker No. "2" 4 ) In the channel at Upper Broad Creek Channel Marker No. "3" at a point 100 yards from the mark •Reporting Requirements: Data entered on a form approved by the Division and summarized in an annual report due by January first of the year immediately following the summer period where sampling occurred. Yearly monitoring reports should be sent to: Instream Assessment Unit DEM Water Quality Section P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 DocuSign E�ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 0 ' is �0 o/. of /'uJnu�nu�wilnnlull\` i0 , i 2 X 2�rr'�/nrl nnlnn ini�iui1u"1`�\\�bp\ \ �5 ` 5:,'•. `' ``' 5 � MarshVA FIELD HA '�� Y3_''I ... ' Wood O c sN �U str r' 'les ;. Lending -. 4=7 5 �� i� OVHD PWR CAB ' 9 4 O d� 4fab!_ AVTH CL 55 FT ; 9 _. e Bay Pt 4 - 13'% ?Piling 2,-; gm 8 8 - 5 :5 ; .a 2 5 : - f 1 p L-� 13 �0epr, ...... �'�Ui :4 9 nro 10 :5. 10 O' 3 1312 2 ~,d 5' Rowland Pt 3 II 8 ..... "i - 9 3 !' I 11 i q pies � Plc 1 13 ■�' 7:' /vd 3• G ►� `f 5 :12•. 3Fi G as 15ft :9 2 aA 3 1 -" 4 II 14 6; 8 10 10 g 7 10 8' 3 6 -- - 12 15. 10 -' 8 'S .4 7 Marsh' 3 -- 10 �fI RA515M 3M 2 Pq 7 10 5 10 10 'K�-3 Creek Pt. �ro :8•.• S Lek 13 10 3 5 5 2, :�, 15 9 4 yC - Pile PA 3 a, ``• I I 8 8 •'•' 4 "ero 0� ` son Pt. �9,,..:'-. 10 3 G 4�bn sM':7 1 5 10 3 'A6sv'VP 3 16i 9 8 4 - -------- 8 __- -- 2.. 8 8 8 5 hrtf 4 10 10 2 - 11 3 5 2 7 15 sh•. os�em z 'l P+e9^P :10 10 9 8 II 7 ;.• PA 3 10 6 3 Marsh 13 8 Hampton Shoal�6:-''� II `s ,aM ., Cooper Pt._ 5 SPA ; 20 2 I I 11 hM .6 5 9 9 3 4 4� 14 7 nro Os�i Q O�. 5.,: :6; 8 11 g 5 i II 12 5 2 aCarrnws 9 12� 8 8 4 Live Oak Bay O� Bay �e 7 2 2 10 I I I I I I 8 7 4 7 4 4 I(( ......... 7 FIG 4s 16tt 4M'1 '\\\9 I I5 4 6 3 ': 8 6 :8 II \ \ 10 8 10 10 /wd 7 4 :.fi \ \ :5:. 10 ANK ;-1%" 10 12 \\\ 10 12 8 8• 8 hrd•'. 7 :....5..� 11 9 12\\\ 11 12 9 8 ib PA'•, 8 20 I.:P'le ■\<0 11 11 10 9 hM .. 10 G 15 \ \— 7 9 2 8 e:Piles 11 9 \\ ,p I I 11 13 9 7 8 10 8 10 8 \\-t..:9'5: 10 \ :6,: ; 9 10 9 2 139 12 8 12 12 9 \ 9 I I „ \\\ 10 s/i 12 Piles 10 ifii \ 12 II 8 8 Fisher Landing Pt. 8 \ \ ■ I I I I 12 R to sh 10 9 to\\\\ II FLOAT PA 10 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 CA , j XOX 447 17 - ;-,�y� 44 A_ .;7 Q a ?70 i - - - - --------_ N DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 • sl�jG ✓' �j�s� 0��+9����._ �1,// �r�J,�1 � f//ITT �(///lll'"'n_/J^/J , . __- �_.�.._._._._ lei (1117( 4 i lIX-11 S uOys�Zoo IV ,Y - ���'• � � y%WWIIs DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74nps�, SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: Yes No y If Yes, SOC No. ► ,' "'c To: Permits and Engineering Unit F Water Quality Section 14AiR 2 6 199 3 Attention: (Charles Alvarez) Date March 19 , 1993 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION County Craven Permit No. NC0033111 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1 . Facility and Address : Northeast Craven Utility Company (Fairfield Harbour) 750 Broad Creek Road New Bern, NC, 28560 2 . Date of Investigation: March 12 , 1993 3 . Report Prepared by: Barry L. Adams 4 . Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Leroy Sawyer Gerald Underwood 919-247-2309 5 . Directions to Site: From the intersection of SR 1600 and NC Hwy 55 in Craven County, travel south on SR 1600 to its terminus . The WWTP is located on the west side of SR 1600 . Access to the site is via a dirt road. 6 . Discharge Point( s) , List for all discharge points : Latitude: 35' 03 ' 27" Longitude: 760 57 ' 33" Attach a USGS map extract and indicate treatment facility site and discharge point on map. U. S .G. S . Quad No. U. S .G. S . Quad Name Upper Broad Ck. 7 . Site size and expansion area consistent with application ? X Yes No If No, explain: NPDES Permit Staff Report Version 10/92 li DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: Yes No If Yes, SOC No. 8 . Topography (relationship to flood plain included) : 5 ft. MSL 9 . Location of nearest dwelling: approximately 300 feet 10 . Receiving stream or affected surface waters : Neuse River a . Classification: Class SB Swamp NSW b. River Basin and Subbasin No. : 03-03-10 C. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses : sport & commercial fishing, swimming and boating PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1 . a . Volume of Wastewater to be permitted: 1 . 0 MGD (Ultimate Design Capacity) b. What is the current permitted capacity of the Waste Water Treatment facility? 1 . 0 MGD C . Actual treatment capacity of the current facility (current design capacity) ? . 3 MGD ( . 6 MGD upon completion of construction) . The treatment facilities of Discharge 002 are no longer in operation and the plant is to be removed from the site. The existing discharge ( formally 002 ) will now be considered 001 . d. Date( s ) and construction activities allowed by previous Authorizations to Construct issued in the previous two years : A to C dated Jan 22 , 1992 permits the construction of a second circular 0 . 3 MGD treatment plant in addition to the existing . 3 MGD plant . e. Please provide a description of existing or substantially constructed wastewater treatment facilities : 2 circular, . 3 MGD extended aeration type treatment plants operated in parallel , consisting of static screen, aeration basin, sludge holding basin, secondary clarifiers and chemical feed type phosphorus removal , flow measuring recording- device, aerated surge basin, chlorine contact chamber for the disinfection of the treated effluent and standby power. NPDES Permit Staff Report Version 10/92 Page 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 f . Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities : same as above g. Possible toxic impacts to surface waters : none h. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only) : NA in development approved should be required not needed 2 . Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: a . If residuals are being land applied, please specify DEM permit no.WQ0001061 Residuals Contractor_Garner Construction_Company Telephone No. 919-223-4019_(Gloria Murdock contact) b. Residuals stabilization: PSRP lime PFRP_ Other C . Landfill : d. Other disposal/utilization scheme ( Specify) : 3 . Treatment plant classification (attach completed rating sheet) : Class III 4 . SIC Code( s ) : 6513 Wastewater Code(s ) of actual wastewater, not particular facilities i .e. . , non-contact cooling water discharge from a metal plating company would be 14 , not 56 . Primary _06 Secondary Main Treatment Unit Code: 0 5 2 0 3 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1 . Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds or are any public monies involved. (municipals only) ? 2 . Special monitoring or limitations (including toxicity) requests : it is recommended that the permit include stream monitoring requirements at a minimum of three sampling points in the immediate vicinity of the outfall due to the presence of Class SB waters and wind tide influence. The parameters should include routine field parameters and fecal coliform. NPDES Permit Staff Report Version 10/2 Page 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 3 . Important SOC, JOC or Compliance Schedule dates : (Please indicate) Date Submission of Plans and Specifications Begin Construction Complete Construction 4 . Alternative Analysis Evaluation: Has the facility evaluated all of the non-discharge options available. Please provide regional perspective for each option evaluated. NA Spray Irrigation: NA Connection to Regional Sewer System: none available Subsurface: NA Other disposal options : NA 5 . Other Special Items : PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the permit include stream monitoring requirements as suggested in Part III 2 . above and that t he permit be issued for a 5-year term. Signatu of report preparer Wate Quality Regional Supervisor Date .� NPDES Permit Staff Report Version 10/2 Page 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 ,'• \�� '�, � it ♦ ' Sudan d Ruins - � =-==i"� Bay Point _ - _ ► -��., -- n C `82 Green 2 `\ Marina AIr vj N\ 4 r �=X3 l� y l�� �• / • Piling Lu 3 )1 � a�� _erg• _ ��� `' � /^.(�y _ --"•� / \ f -= 0 6 - - ~ � ; `81 Weistp ✓� —�.' � ..sat i __. x�� .. Mc Cotter Pt 1111Ar/II, Rowland Pt Daybeacon NG RTGXer-jsr Ruins pp X2 - '� ��scln�eJtg� / - `80 -Z? • t� yw%p Go Creek Pt G 4 John ALight i s Johnson Pt 67 •113 v� Cooper Pt HAMPTON SHOAL 1114 - \ X3r• "78 �-46 \\ BM 1_ � = a l \ Live Oak 1 • DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 ' y r NPDES NWASTE LOAD ALLOCATION ' PERMIT NO.: NC0033111 Modeler Date Rec. # ' 1PERMITTEE NAME: Northeast Craven UtilityCompany, CWS 3 ke el 3-t .FACILITY NAME:. Fairfield Harbour Drainage Area(mil ) Avg. Streamflow (cfs): Facility Status: Existing 7Q10 (cfs) Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) Permit Status: 'Renewal Toxicity Limits:IWC' % Acute/Chronic Major Minor Instream Monitoring: Pipe No.: Parameters Design Capacity: 0:10 MGD Upstream L.ocati n mestic (90' of Flow):: 100 % r Downstream lion +Industrial'(% of Flow): i ♦ 1 0 0op Effluent Sum er Winter Comments: Characteristics 1°l.p� • BOD (m ) S � r � 1 I #��/, NH3-N (mom) t CVTRt , -44VV -- �3f 6pJ /- vonl � D.O. (mg/1) RECEIVING STREAM:the Upper Broad Creek � Class:_SB-Swam¢+NSW TSS (mg/l) \ ' Sub-Basin: '03-04-10 F. Col. (/10 ml) Reference USGS Quad: G31SW (please attach) County: Craven pH (SU) Regional Office: Washington Regional Office Previous Exp.Date: 8/31/93 Treatment Plant Class: 7rT Classification changes within three miles: Nv 31�r143 Requested by: Charles Alvarez Date: 4P*9-2' Prepared by: 22�i Date: 7 2- 93 Comments: [/ Reviewed by: Date: FDocuSi,VnEnvelo e ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162 B p 827-43728CC8CE74 'o 3:• u GolfFa cIN V h. �1, yt�'17 " { � T• r I I °_. .� „' n •.�', /\ ,, •� t, ��.. .`\\�� \ '` � - $U48n � 1�t•. � it; • � 1. •( {{`` , .� '�• \ � r tx " _ i III I. X� _ ilver — -%• , Ruin mo 91, Trader 0 'I (�GD flingNI cl/ �' } S PIE 4 Wesl -- 1h.�• Sal Mc of er Pt 't►Al!/j ( Rowland Pt on Daybeaco -•i N.uY .K 4- r_ 1 , O MG-D JtscF\+',RSe— CNPw WTP) -- - / x7 G) Creek Pt G4,P�ytiG ought son Pt I o PSI nP \ i \ I I \ I !1 \ HAMPTON SHOAL Cooper Pt \ I DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 NORTH CAROLINA 2022 303(D) LIST Contentnea Neuse River Basin AU Name AU Number Classification AU_LengthArea AU—Units AU ID Description Little Creek(East Side) 27-86-2-5 C;NSW 3.9 FW Miles 8536 From source to Moccasin Creek PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS T REASON FOR RATING 303D YEAR Benthos(Nar,AL, FW) 5 ilExceeding Criteria Fair, Poor or Severe Bioclassification 20� Little Contentnea Creek 27-86-26a C;Sw,NSW 11.2 FW Miles 13550 From source to Black Swamp PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS = REASON FOR RATING 303D YEAR Benthos(Nar,AL, FW) 5 lExceeding Criteria Fair, Poor or Severe Bioclassification 1998 Little Contentnea Creek 27-86-26b C;Sw,NSW F-23.7 FW Miles 13679 From Black Swamp to Contentnea Creek PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS REASON FOR RATING 303D YEAR Benthos(Nar, AL, FW) 15 Exceeding Criteria Fair, Poor or Severe Bioclassification 1998 Turkey Creek 27-86-3-(1)a2 C;NSW 2.0 FW Miles 8552 From Old Middlesex Road to SR 1101 PARAMETER i IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS REASON FOR RATING 303D YEAR I (Dissolved Oxygen(4 mg/I,AL, FW) 5 JlExceeding Criteria 2008 ` 13020204 NEUSE RIVER Estuary 27-(104)a1 SB;Sw,NSW 5,949.0 S Acres 13761 From a line across Neuse River from Johnson Point to McCotter Point to a line across the river from 0.6 miles north of Otter Creek and 0.7 miles south of Goose Creek PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS. REASON FOR RATING 303D YEAR Copper(3 µg/I,AL,SW) 15 Exceeding Criteria I Legacy Category 5 Total Metals 2008 Assessment NEUSE RIVER Estuary 27-(104)a2 SB;Sw,NSW 7,790.E S Acres 13 218218 From a line across the river from 0.6 miles north of Otter Creek and 0.7 miles south of Goose Creek to 0.5 miles upstream of Beard Creek PARAMETER IR CATEGORY CRITERIA STATUS , REASON FOR RATING 303D YEAR Copper(3 µg/I,AL, SW) 5 lExceeding Criteria I egacy Category 5 Total Metals Assessment 6/7/2022 NC 2022 303d List-Approved by EPA 4/30/2022 Page 75 of 192 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 Permit Enforcement History by Permit Permit: NC0033111 Facility: Fairfield Harbour S/D WWTP Owner: Carolina Water Service Inc of North Carolina Region: Washington County: Craven Penalty Remission Enforcement EMC Collection Has Assessment Penalty Enforcement Request Conference Hearing Memo Sent Payment Case Case Approved Amount Costs Damages Received Held Held To AGO Total Paid Balance Due Plan Closed LR-1990-0339 07/23/90 $150.00 $0.00 $0.00 08/27/90 06/05/91 $0.00 No 06/07/91 LV-2006-0028 02/12/06 $250.00 $63.76 $313.76 $0.00 No 05/04/06 LV-2008-0147 04/29/08 $250.00 $27.36 $277.36 $0.00 No 05/20/08 PC-2011-0048 06/14/11 $80,000.00 $669.61 $64,669.61 $0.00 No 12/27/12 Total Cases: 4 $80,650.00 $760.73 $65,260.73 $0.00 Total Penalties: $81,410.73 Total Penalties after $65,260.73 DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 MONITORING REPORT(MR)VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 09/01/22 Page 1 of 2 Permit: NCO033111 MRS Betweel 7 - 2018 and 9 - 2023 Region: % Violation Category:Limit Violation Program Category: NPDES WW Facility Name:% Param Nam(% County: % Subbasin:% Violation Action:% Major Minor: % PERMIT: NCO033111 FACILITY: Carolina Water Service Inc of North Carolina-Fairfield COUNTY: Craven REGION: Washington Harbour S/D WWTP Limit Violation MONITORING VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED % REPORT OUTFALL LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE Over VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 04-2023 001 Effluent BOD,5-Day(20 Deg.C)- 04/24/23 3 X week mg/I 45 57 26.7 Daily Maximum Proceed to NOD Concentration Exceeded 04-2023 001 Effluent BOD,5-Day(20 Deg.C)- 04/26/23 3 X week mg/I 45 89 97.8 Daily Maximum Proceed to NOD Concentration Exceeded 02-2022 001 Effluent Chlorine,Total Residual 02/23/22 3 X week ug/I 28 40 42.9 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 04-2022 001 Effluent Chlorine,Total Residual 04/25/22 3 X week ug/I 28 43 53.6 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 07-2022 001 Effluent Chlorine,Total Residual 07/13/22 3 X week ug/I 28 31 10.7 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 07-2022 001 Effluent Chlorine,Total Residual 07/21/22 3 Xweek ug/I 28 42 50 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 07-2018 001 Effluent Enterococci 07/17/18 3 X week cfu/100ml 276 345 25 Daily Maximum Proceed to NOD Exceeded 05-2019 001 Effluent Enterococci 05/28/19 3 X week cfu/100ml 276 2,420 776.8 Daily Maximum Proceed to NOV Exceeded 05-2019 001 Effluent Enterococci 05/29/19 3 X week cfu/100ml 276 2,420 776.8 Daily Maximum Proceed to NOV Exceeded 05-2019 001 Effluent Enterococci 05/30/19 3 X week cfu/100ml 276 2,420 776.8 Daily Maximum Proceed to NOV Exceeded 05-2019 001 Effluent Enterococci 05/31/19 3 X week cfu/100ml 35 71.08 103.1 Monthly Geometric Mean Proceed to NOV Exceeded 09-2019 001 Effluent Enterococci 09/18/19 3 X week cfu/100ml 276 387 40.2 Daily Maximum Proceed to NOD Exceeded 08-2021 001 Effluent Enterococci 08/30/21 3 X week cfu/100ml 276 1,986 619.6 Daily Maximum Proceed to NOV Exceeded 01-2022 001 Effluent Enterococci 01/26/22 3 X week cfu/100ml 276 326 18.1 Daily Maximum Proceed to NOV Exceeded 12-2018 001 Effluent Nitrogen,Total-Quantity 12/31/18 Annually Ibs/yr 11,263 11,415.49 1.4 Annual Load Exceeded No Action, BPJ (Yearly) DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 MONITORING REPORT(MR)VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 09/01/22 Page 2 of 2 Permit: NCO033111 MRS Betweel 7 - 2018 and 9 - 2023 Region: % Violation Category:Limit Violation Program Category: NPDES WW Facility Name:% Param Nam(% County: % Subbasin:% Violation Action:% Major Minor: % PERMIT: NCO033111 FACILITY: Carolina Water Service Inc of North Carolina-Fairfield COUNTY: Craven REGION: Washington Harbour S/D WWTP Limit Violation MONITORING VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED % REPORT OUTFALL LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE Over VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 12-2019 001 Effluent Nitrogen,Total-Quantity 12/31/19 Annually Ibs/yr 11,263 13,852.5 23.0 Annual Load Exceeded No Action, BPJ (Yearly) 12-2020 001 Effluent Nitrogen,Total-Quantity 12/31/20 Annually Ibs/yr 11,263 16,736.7 48.6 Annual Load Exceeded No Action, BPJ (Yearly) 12-2021 001 Effluent Nitrogen,Total-Quantity 12/31/21 Annually Ibs/yr 11,263 19,037.3 69.0 Annual Load Exceeded No Action, BPJ (Yearly) 12-2022 001 Effluent Nitrogen,Total-Quantity 12/31/22 Annually Ibs/yr 11,263 11,888.99 5.6 Annual Load Exceeded No Action, BPJ (Yearly) DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 Public Notice AFFP North Carolina Environmental Management Commission/NP- Public Notice North Carolina DES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Affidavit of Publication Notice of Intent to Issue a NPDES Wastewater Permit NCO033111 Fairfield Harbour Subdivision W WTP and NCO056618 Carolina Pines Estates WWTP The North STATE OF NC } SS Carolina Environmental.Manage- COUNTY OF CRAVEN } ment Commission proposes to is- sue a NPDES wastewater dis- charge permit to the person(s)lis- ted below.Written comments re- Christy Williamson , being duly sworn, says: garding the proposed permit will be accepted until .30 days after the That she is Christy Williamson, Advertising Director of the publish date of this notice.The New Bern Sun Journal, a daily newspaper of general Director of the NC Division of Water Resources(DWR)may bald circulation, printed and published in New Bern, Craven a public hearing should there be a County, NC; that the publication, a copy of which is significant degree of public in- attached hereto, was published in the said newspaper on terest. Please mail comments and/or information requests to September 14, 2023 DWR at the above address. Inter- ested persons may visit the DWR at 512 N.Salisbury Street, Raleigh,NC 27604 to review the information on file. Additional in- formation on NPDES permits and this notice may be found on our website:h s:d .nc•goy1pit ic- That said newspaper was regularly issued and circulated n ti s-h arin c or by calling on those dates. (919)707-3601.Carolina Water Service,Inc..of North Carolina ap- plied to renew NPDES permit NCO033111 for the Fairfield Har- bour Subdivision WWTP(200 Christy Williams6n, Advertising Director Broad Creek Road,New Bern.)in Craven County.This facility dis- Subscribed to and sworn to me this 14th day of charges to the Neuse River in the September 2023. Neuse River Basin.Currently bio- chemical oxygen demand(BOD). ammonia nitrogen,total residual chlorine(TRC),dissolved oxygen, total phosphorous,total nitrogen, iL and enterococci are water quality limited.This discharge may affect Elizab Goodwin Howell, , Craven County, NC future wasteload allocations in this portion of the Neuse River.Caro- My commission expires: July 13, 2027 lina Water Service,Inc.of North � grnrnrp Carolina applied to renew NPDES GOgo, permit.NCO056618 for the Caro- ,........, �Yj Tina Pines Estates WWTP(141 Gommiss0, yy.�, Blackheath Drive,New Bern)in :��= Craven County.This facility dis- 70085808 70770197 NOTgR� 1 charges to the Neuse River in the A a° 08LIC y' Z. Meuse River Basin.Currently bio- Wren Thedford -(New Bern) pGy'-.!5, ` chemical oxygen demand DEO-Division of Water Resources- (BUD),ammonia nitrogen,total 1617 Mail Service Center 000N ;..�°� residual chlorine(TRC),total Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 """6""'00 phosphorous.total nitrogen,en- terococei,and dissolved oxygen are water quality limited.This dis- charge may affect future waste- load allocations in this portion of the Neuse River. September 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: lDBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 From: Weaver,Charles To: Bullock,Robert; Robinson.Caroline; Kinney. Maureen;Tankard. Robert Cc: Hennessy,John; May,David Subject: RE: Draft Permit Review NCO033111 Date: Tuesday,September 5,2023 2:21:35 PM Attachments: imaae001.Dna imaae004.pna Robert—the tox test was added in 1988 under the assumption that when the facility expands to 1 MGD it will be reclassified as a Major. There are 4 subdivisions with expansion flows of 1 MGD. To date, none have expanded to that flow. If/when they do, we will be in uncharted territory. I'm not sure if a 1MGD subdivision would be a Major permit or not—we'd have to run the EPA facility rating sheet for it. Given the low NH3 limits at the 1 MGD flow, we could take the tox test out. However, that's a decision for John to make. Charles H.Weaver Environmental Specialist II Division of Water Resources 919-707-3616 charles.weavera-deq.nc.gov (mailing address) 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Bullock, Robert<robert.e.buIlock@deq.nc.gov> Sent:Tuesday, September S, 2023 1:48 PM To: Robinson, Caroline<caroline.robinson@deq.nc.gov>; Kinney, Maureen <Maureen.Kinney@deq.nc.gov>; Tankard, Robert<robert.tankard@deq.nc.gov> Cc: Hennessy, John <john.hen nessy@deq.nc.gov>; Weaver, Charles <charles.weaver@deq.nc.gov>; May, David <d avid.may@d eq.nc.gov> Subject: RE: Draft Permit Review NC0033111 Caroline, Why is there no Toxicity monitoring under the 0.600 MGD Monitoring requirements but there is Toxicity monitoring under the 1.0 MGD Monitoring requirements? WaRO—please comment on facility compliance issues: six NOVs for daily maximum and monthly DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 geometric mean exceedances of enterococci in 2019, 2021, and 2022, and four NODS for daily maximum exceedances of BOD and Enterococci in 2018, 2019, and 2023, during this permit cycle. Do any permit changes need to be made? Enterococci violations are a result of UV bulbs burning out. No permit changes needed April 2023 was the only month the facility experienced a BOD exceedance -dating back to January 2019. No permit changes needed Thanks, Robbie Robbie Bullock Environmental Program Consultant Division of Water Resources Water Quality Regional Operations 252-948-3843 Office 252-402-5832 Cell Robert.e.bullock(o)deq.nc.gov Email 943 Washington Square Mall Washington INC 27889 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Robinson, Caroline<caroline.robinson(@deq.nc.gov> Sent:Tuesday, September 5, 2023 12:54 PM To: Kinney, Maureen <Maureen.Kinne)t(@deq.nc.gov>;Tankard, Robert <robert.tankardC@deq.nc.gov> Cc: Hennessy, John <iohn.hennessyl@deq.nc.gov>; Weaver, Charles<charles.weaver(@deq.nc.gov>; Bullock, Robert<robert.e.buIlock(@deq.nc.gov>; May, David <d avid.may(@deq.nc.gov> Subject: Draft Permit Review NC0033111 Hi Robert and Maureen, The NC0033111 draft permit renewal is ready for review! The draft permit renewal for Fairfield Harbour Subdivision WWTP (NC0033111) will go to Notice on 9/12/2023. Please send me any comments as time permits. WaRO—please comment on facility compliance issues: six NOVs for daily maximum and monthly geometric mean exceedances of enterococci in 2019, 2021, and 2022, and four NODS for daily maximum exceedances of BOD and Enterococci in 2018, 2019, and 2023, during this permit cycle. Do any permit changes need to be made? Thanks, Caroline DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 Caroline Robinson (she/her/hers) Environmental Specialist 11, Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (919) 707-9130 / Cell: (757)818-3696 caroline.robinson(@deq.nc.gov oewment of bmfonnwntal ouamy Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 From: Nicholson,Molly To: Robinson.Caroline Cc: Moore,Cindy Subject: RE: Draft Permit Review NCO033111 Date: Monday,October 9,2023 4:12:52 PM Attachments: imaae003.Dna Permit Tox Lanauaae.Ddf Hi Caroline, It was great to meet both of you and thank you for sending this draft permit over for review. For the most part, everything looks correct in the aquatic toxicity sections, although I do have a couple minor notes. ATB accepts AT forms by email now in addition to mailed hard copies. I will attach an example of another draft permit to show how this is usually worded in section A.(8). Permit writers have also recently started to include wording about how AT forms must be properly signed. I will include that wording in the same attachment. I hope this helps and please let me know if you have any questions. Best, Molly Nicholson Environmental Specialist II - Compliance and Enforcement Aquatic Toxicology Branch N.C. Division of Water Resources-Water Sciences Section N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 919-743-8440 Office molly.nicholson(@deq.nc.gov 1621 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1623 Submit AT Forms electronically to:ATForms.ATB(@deq.nc.gov Please note that this email address has changed From: Robinson, Caroline<caroline.robinson@deq.nc.gov> Sent: Friday, September 22, 2023 12:32 PM To: ATForms.ATB <ATForms.ATB@deq.nc.gov> Cc: Moore, Cindy<cindy.a.moore@deq.nc.gov>; Nicholson, Molly<molly.nicholson@deq.nc.gov> Subject: Draft Permit Review NCO033111 Hi Cindy and Molly, DocuSign Envelope ID: 1DBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 Thank you again for the tour of the lab! I went back through the permits I have worked on, and this is the only one that does have a tox test. If you could review that section of the draft permit renewal for Fairfield Harbour Subdivision WWTP (NC0033111) that would be awesome! The permit did go to Public Notice on 9/12/2023 but it will be in that stage for a while, so please send me any comments you have! I will be sure to send these permits to you earlier next time. Thanks, Caroline Caroline Robinson (she/her/hers) Environmental Specialist II, Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (919) 707-9130 / Cell: (757)818-3696 caroline.robinson(@deq.nc.gov Q:> NORTH CAROLINA - Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. DocuSign Envelope ID: lDBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 From: Weaver, Charles Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2018 3:08 PM To: Hennessy, John; Grzyb, Julie Cc: Templeton, Mike Subject: 100% domestic permits with permitted flows of 1.0 MGD This information is FYI and for the permit files. There are 4 permits for 100% domestic discharges that have expansion flows of 1 MGD. They are: NCO0331 II Carolina Water Service, Inc. of North Carolina Fairfield Harbour WWTP NCO0617 19 Aqua North Carolina, Inc. Woodlake Country Club WWTP NCO0388 31 Carolina Water Service, Inc. of North Carolina Carolina Trace WWTP NCO0229 00 Carolina Water Service, Inc. of North Carolina Sugar Mountain WWTP None of the facilities has expanded to 1 MGD. None are likely to in the near future. The highest flows from the past 12 months are: NCO033111 —0.386 MGD NCO061719—0.106 MGD NCO038831 —0.292 MGD NCO022900—0.15 MGD Should either permittee ever announce expansion to 1.0 MGD, we will need to evaluate the relevant WWTP[s] with the EPA Rating Sheet to determine if this would make the relevant permit a Major permit. No privately-owned 100% domestic discharge has ever expanded to I MGD or beyond. I don't know if a new model would be required, or what basin-specific criteria might come to bear. Charles H. Weaver Environmental Specialist N.C. Division of Water Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 919-807-6391 charles.weaver@ncdenr.gov (mailing address) 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. file:///C/...%202023/Additional Documents/100%25%20domestic%20permits%20with%20permitted%20flows%20ot'/o201.0%20MGD.txt[11/7/2023 12:36:04 PM] DocuSign Envelope ID: lDBD02C7-A8E8-4162-B827-43728CC8CE74 From: Weaver, Charles Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2018 10:32 AM To: Templeton, Mike Subject: NCO033111 - instream monitoring at 1 MGD Mike, this message is for you and for the permit file. The 2018 permit renewal for NCO033111 retains the 3-dimensional instream monitoring setup at the 1.0 MGD flow phase. Due to the complexity of the monitoring requirements, the difficulty in entering the requirements into BIMS, and the low probability that the expansion to 1.0 MGD will occur during this permit cycle, I have NOT added the instream monitoring to BIMS. Should the permittee ever announce expansion to 1.0 MGD, we will need to evaluate the WWTP with the EPA Rating Sheet to determine if this would make it a Major permit. No privately-owned 100% domestic discharge has ever expanded to 1 MGD or beyond. At this juncture, we also don't know what changes may occur to the Neuse Nutrient rules. This is just FYI. If they do expand to 1 MGD, the instream requirements can be entered into BIMS at that time. Let me know if you have any questions. Charles H. Weaver Environmental Specialist N.C. Division of Water Resources N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 919-807-6391 charles.weaver@ncdenr.gov (mailing address) 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. file:///C/...11%20Peer%20Review%202023/Additional Documents/NC0033111%20%20instream%20monitoring%20at%201%20MGD.txt[11/7/2023 12:36:04 PM] From: Brent Milliron To: Robinson.Caroline Cc: Donna Stegall;Tony Konsul Subject: [External] RE: NPDES Permit Issuance NCO033111 Date: Monday,November 13,2023 10:24:30 AM Attachments: imaae002.Dna imaae003.Dno CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Good morning Caroline, Thank you and we have received and downloaded a copy for our files. Brent Milliron Regulatory Compliance Manager Carolina Water Services of North Carolina P 704.318.3317 From: Robinson, Caroline<caroline.robinson@deq.nc.gov> Sent: Monday, November 13, 2023 10:09 AM To:Tony Konsul <Tony.Konsul@carolinawaterservicenc.com> Cc: Donna Stegall <Donna.Stegall@ carol inawaterservicenc.com>; gary.peacook@carolinawaterservicenc.com; Brent Milliron <Brent.Milliron@carolinawaterservicenc.com>; Bryce Mendenhall <Bryce.Mendenhall@sunshinewater.com>; Dana Hill <Dana.H ill @corix.com> Subject: NPDES Permit Issuance NCO033111 CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and verify that the content is safe. Good Morning! I've attached a PDF of the permit issuance and fact sheet for NCO033111/Fairfield Harbour WWTP. Please respond to this email to confirm you have downloaded a copy for your records. Let me know if you have any questions or if you need a hard copy of the permit mailed to you! Thanks, Caroline Caroline Robinson (she/her/hers) Environmental Specialist 11, Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: (919) 707-9130 / Cell: (757)818-3696 caroline.robinson(@deq.nc.gov R Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official.