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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150900 Ver 1_Emails_20150903Carpenter,Kristi
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Hey Tracey,
Peele, Catherine D
Thursday, September 03, 2015 9:11 AM
Wheeler, Tracey L SAW; Ward, Garcy
Carpenter,Kristi; Winslow, Lancelot D
RE: IP Application - Side Cast Dredging for Hatteras State Ferry Channel
IP Adjacent Property Owners 9-2015.pdf
Follow up
I have attached the last page of the IP application with the updated adjacent property owner information. If there is
anything else you need just let me know!
Thank you,
Cat Peele
Environmental Specialist
NCDOT Ferry Division
159 Lucinda Lane
Powells Point, NC 27966
Cell 252-305-7288
Fax 252-491-2782
-----Original Message-----
From: Wheeler, Tracey L SAW []
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2015 8:42 AM
To: Peele, Catherine D; Ward, Garcy
Cc: Carpenter,Kristi; Winslow, Lancelot D
Subject: RE: IP Application - Side Cast Dredging for Hatteras State Ferry Channel (UNCLASSIFIED)
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
Good morning, Cat!
You don't list the name of the adjacent property owner on your application. I'm working on getting the public
notice finished today. Hopefully, it'll get through review and get posted by the end of this week or early next week.
Tracey L. Wheeler
Regulatory Project Manager
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Washington Regulatory Field Office
2407 West 5th Street
Washington, North Carolina 27889
(910) 251-4627
The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we
continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at apex/f?p=136:4:0.
-----Original Message-----
From: Peele, Catherine D [mailto:cdpeele@ncdot.�ov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 3:07 PM
To: Wheeler, Tracey L SAW; Ward, Garcy
Cc: Carpenter,Kristi; Winslow, Lancelot D
Subject: [EXTERNAL] IP Application - Side Cast Dredging for Hatteras State Ferry Channel
Please see the attached Individual Permit application for the side - cast dredging project in the Hatteras State Ferry
Channel. You will also find in the attachment a most recent survey of the proposed dredging area and a zoomed out
aerial. This IP application requests authorization for the U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers to utilize a side - cast dredge for
maintenance excavation of the State portion of the formerly used State Ferry Channel. This portion of the Ferry Channel
is known as the "short route" from the Hatteras Ferry Terminal to the northern Ocracoke Ferry Terminal (known as
Southdock). Due to the shoaling that has occurred in the area this route is no longer in use by the NCDOT Ferry Division.
The dredging activities will open the State portion of the channel back up to the permitted dimensions of 150' wide by
12' deep. Currently the area is at an average of 6' deep meaning another 6' of material will need to be removed. The
amount of material that needs to be removed is approximately 88,132 cubic yards. The request for modification of
CAMA Major Permit #224-87 was sent in today. If you need any additional information please let me know.
Thank you,
Cat Peele
Environmental Specialist
NCDOT Ferry Division
159 Lucinda Lane
Powells Point, NC 27966
Cell 252-305-7288
Fax 252-491-2782
Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
24. Is Any Portion af the Work Already Complete? ❑Yes �X No IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK
� 25. Addresses af Adjoining Property Qwners, Lessees, EtC., Whose Property Adjoln5 the Wat2t'6ody {ifi more ihan can be ernered here, please attach a supplemental list�.
I a. Address- L1.S. National Park Service - Cape Hatteras �lationa] Seashore 1401 National Park Drive
City - Manteo
b. Address-
City -
c. Address-
City -
d. Address-
Ciiy -
e. Address-
Ci1y -
State - NC Zip - 27954
State - Zip -
State - Zip
Siate - Zip -
Sfate - Zip -
Lis# of Other Certificates or Approvalsl�enials received from other �ederel, Staie, or Local Agencies for Work described in This Application.
Vlajor Permit �'tod. 224-87 911f2015 91]/2Q15
Individual Permit 9I112015
" Wauld include but is not restricted to zoning, building, and flpod plain permits
27. Applic�tipn is heret�y made for permit ar permits tt� auihorize ihe work described in this application. I eertify that this information in this appiicaiion is
co€nplete and ac urate. I further c.�r[ify that I possess the authority to undertake the work descri�ed herein or am acting as #he duly authorized agent of the
applic t.
� q r i,r-
The ApplECation must be signed by the persan wha desires ta undertake the proposed aetivity (applicant) or at may be signed by a duiy
authorized agent if the statement in block '! 1 has taeen filled out and si�ned.
i 18 U.S.G. Sectio� 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdickion of any department or agency of the lJnited S�ates
knawingly and willfulfy falsifies, conceals, ar covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or
fra�duPent statements or representatians or makes or uses any false writing or docurnent knowing same to contain any false, fictitirsus or
fraudu€ent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,440 or imprisoned nai more than five years or bath_
ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012
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