HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--07365_Well Construction - GW1_20231113 . . . . •• . . '1 .: . - .% WELL•CONSTRUCTION-RECORD . .. .,_ ' i., FOr INornot Litt;pNI,Y:: I Twei•rotitt C011.bc.uscl fir.site*or multigk Was. ' • 1.Well.cOntrtetor Info/illation:. • - • • " . . . . . .• - 'LLiv-A.TERIoNits. • . ( -• . Stefan Smith mast-. 10 DFSCRIPTION • WOE CFFitatelti4r44- . ft: * ft. . , 3576A :ft. ff. I I _ • . . . • NCAVel1Coolrador CWIllkation Number' ,35'.'•OUTER•CING-tfifithirttliCaied-iii-DOOR LINER:110W rititilell- . • FROM' TO -- .. DIAMETER.- . THICKNESS : MATERIAL . . • SAEDACCO . . . 0 . ft., 13 • ft!- 2 I I lit. SCH-40 • • PVC -. .- . Convaar Nat4-. ' " - '. : .U11NNftRCASINIORTVQING fiittal doi•ed-10.41 mast . TO ---- D/A1MTAER---- CE.INE.1111. MATERIAL 2,..WaitODS017e1011.PC11114 li: • • ' • •tt, it.. 11 • , . 1.0 at opilimbht ifittPetpitt (Eft:.Couht}c.31al. ,;Votitoree.frfalfcif;<1•17.)' • • • :ft.- • ' ft. . . ... . .. . . . . • it -. •-•Wc11 115 01?,01c*.01!11.01 . ' • ,17.SCREEN- .. • • Witter:Supply Will:; .. - .FROM.. . TO - ntaanntat: St0T Sin: THICKNESS MATERIAL , . . . 13 ft. 23 FL. 2 'la! :010 SCH-40 PVC. • - ElAgriculitga1. . . . rijOinidipalOblie:. 1.• . . : •' , - . , . . . . . . . - 'inGeatheimat(licatingtOolinkStIPPO:. ditesidential.W it it. .41 ater.SUpPlk(single) ' • • : . • . • -• Mt dustrialiComntercial . • • - - • ,:t11•.-,-GROUT• ...... - 0Residential Water (shared) . ,• — . . FROM. . %10. . MATERIAL. I ENIPLACEMENT IIIKIIIOM AMOUNT El IniglItian . . . ._ • • -• • • . • ' • • 0- :ft.': 9 -ft.- Portland Pour . . . . NotiWister Supply Welk' . . - -. .; • • . ' . ft:, - . - ' 1tivlottilOring . .EjRcetn'clY ' ' : . Injection Welt:. - - • . • . rt.. ft. ' • , . . 1:1MIllifC113Ccliargo ' Otionntiwalet Rciteditition . • .i19.?SANINGRA.VELPACICOraitiblibfol`?- - --.-,-- . • •-• . -.-. . ,..;--- . ... • . ClAtitiftci:10.1.07itii:1 Rccoii .L!oali tf 4, •,-.i; ' — " • nityl3Rrie -FROM •TO' • 3 tATERrAL, - •RAIEI,ACEMENT Mt:THOR • •• • • •_- •- •.•• • - . 12 - ft. 24 ft. Pilte'r ;Sand #2' ..-,...- :. CI AgnifeiTeit. 171SiOintirateePritinago: . • - ..,_... • It. ' , ft. • 11 • • CE.tpdaiatitl Tc4hriO1c0. • f=*thsittome.Catidnal. :.20.0RILLIING,LOG Wittaelfadditionitl Omits'if rtt6wir'v1 . i • - •• i:i ..!einitentr.ti(Otised Loop) triacer- . :FROM..'• TO - DESCRIPTION togir harciactl,wohlicti troc.-witill . . . EIGNUltennai(HeatingiC.00lineRetum)- I:Other teploin.untler.#21•Retuoths) _ 0 ft.", 24 - . (I, .sand-; • . . . . . • • • ft., 'ft. H' ' • t 7 77,:..(7 7.-.7.-, -._,. i"..•.‘.:.:-',.' 4:Date Wet1().'COmpleted: 9/21/23 'Welt wing-34. • • • It: • ft: ... I• •• _ . . :4:'Well Losatiotit ft. ft. 1, NOV 1 :3 ZUZ3 ,, Creosote Wood.Treating Facility . .. . ft.- - .It:- I' 1-•-•=--z,..--,---•'•;,-,•,1 P;•.-r7.•71,7-.'.. 9 lira - • tiOlity,Vvax.rigaiu ' . F=Pii0010.614)*** • ' - f,t, . ft. . . . . . . 120 Quality Drive, Navassa, NC,.28451 ' ' ft: ' .ft,. . . ' - • . -1'19*.itriMbli:05;CitY--.44 40 • Brunswick • . ' 3 foot bentonite seal from 9 to'12 feet. County• . • • ' Nreel Iclenpfialion W .(FIN) . l' s. - • • . . . . . •. Aii.LatitUdend'firtgiinde in dcgrcesittiiimtestsecOnds inF dechital-degree*. 22,ecrtitkmion:: .... . • otat 1-144,04 14104 ts•iatiat4t4) . , - , ' :4(4,6'31 . .1, .)• A • 1 9/29/2023 . .. . . . •34.2996989 - -N 77.9979810 • W ; A , d •- .. . . . .sipst.7 of Ce Tiled Weil co=TAM ,' ' Data . . , 6.Is(ire)tlievid10111. VFenitaitent or oTemporary ity riiehrig ttrit Aim...?lierel,y cerilly:lull its.Felfi.s.)war terra ainsiruar4 do:kefirdedicr leiti/f M.ArCAC 02C;01:00 Or 154 NCAC92C.0299 ll'ell CottiMictitUf Standards told that ir 7.lathis.a rtjtaii-lb ad.kiiitit-IttIV.04: CVO' :Or PS0. . •viip:Of gar‘ieettird kik bt'Cll proyidc41 iii i!ii!well disti4;r.' If th(s:Isp 4,411:.jilt Or kuPuil well iwassivaleni luf:grfpu11Onswitf aNpf,qhf rho,..elorare of As • - 'repair rad&021'ielnarhi':sectittra oi,d,i the boil of tIdx forts:. - -23:$1te.d4gt•Aut:or.attain,*will details: ,- • . . You tnay.use the intek'df this page in-procidoiddifiOnal,Well Site:details:or Wal • , 8.•Nuntheired wells eonstrueted: 1 • • • : ' . ccustiudicht delimits;YOnittay alsOattaeit'adilitiOnalp'ages if iteeesSatii. • For tithlti*h6crioutit ang-Utirer supply iv Op.flNLY.Uitli rly.sainf constriktliot,3011 - • __.. • . - ... , . . • iidonit dOefomi.. . ' stiBNirrrarANsTuc.rioNs - :, • .• . . • . . . . • 9,.1.tottit treit ilepfli lietoklitud stirfiteei- 23 • . - ' 04). :240..Fur-MI Waist- Stihmil this formn whin 30 tW •of:coittptethao'Orwell For heal:Ole.iiiqftlist alldeptlis(filOrria larappk-3021kr and:0 1047) ' coast iiittioti.tti I he tollotriug: . ' ill Statec:water fei..e$.helot top.of-Calingr • 04 tit‘.1.iiini af-Wgtin.ReOulec64nfornuitian litieessing Unit,, flit level ls idiiive&Lau:4 visa +" . . EGEl,Itiail,StiiicC Ct.ii!tc'T,Raleigh,7it'27699-1017 . . 11,BorehOle diameter:6• On.) .211b.:rill,rtireiort ct wopt ONLY: In addition to•sendiRg the form to the admires in . 24n-abca..6,also sidnitit a..cOpy-of this...faun within 30-days of-CORIpleI1011 of itit 12.Well tmusumetioit method:'sonic . . . constnietiou to,the following.:: (i.e.atig.kroiaty,cal*,..,dircet posh..d.c. - • 11 . . • • -• • . Divbion of NYafer ke$Ottrees,Underground -ound Injection COottn1Pingram, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:: • 1636 Mail Sercke Center,Raleigh,NC 216594636 • : - lie.ForWater•Supplv&Initte.tfou w'oht.11orcdWT!) • kreibuiofNit: i e' i - ihin,1 'ca•s illso submit On copy of tins within of completion of of•. . 13h..litsinfeetiein type l .Annput: .well:coitimietion to the county health-department-pi'the,county t where .- cOnstnicted. I: ' I, I . • Farm 0W-1. NonAeotolhia,0,-.Tattmentof Eartronmeni and Natural RegillieLS 1-DIVIS1011 Oi.Water.Eia..4* Revised Atgual2913. 1 1 i 1 r • . .