HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--07337_Well Construction - GW1_20231113 • WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) i For Internal Use Only. 1.Well Contractor lnformadon: ! - I i , Russell Taylor ; 14.WArlssZONES 1 1 • i FROM t TO I I DESCRIPTION Well Cowmen Name 'Rl ail % I"8 e10 24 87-A n Ist. I NCWc11 Connor CmtsftodOaNumber 1 15.017TERCAS Geformalei•asedwalls}ORLiN.RtRf • FROM TO i I DIAMETER I' C 111 MATERIAL Haddon Brothers Well Drilling, Inc ft. 1 In. 1 Wpm Name /�� Q 116.DINER.CASING OR TUBING(¢ea'thamal eleteerLicap) - V '07 /1�1 I FROM I TO DLLMMER l TRIL7@Vm5 MAMMAL I.Well Contraction Permit t�: d V-L 1 I �, � n. M. C . Lust all applies:OW nett eaa�metfanpermits(i.e.WC,County:state,Yarnnee,cu.) I• 0 138 3.Well Use(duds well use): 13 8 R. I 14'0 P. I Cn ley . 188 STEE L. Water. 17.SCRZEN 1 Supply Well: I� FROM t Ta DIAMETER SLOTS!za (T MATERIAL QMuiicipanblic I fa 1 ft.! us. ` Gcotis6mal(Megan/Cooling Supply) OResidentsal Water.Supply(single) fa I ft:, I ie. I, IadusniaVComaccial DResidersial Water Supply @bared) I i .GROL•7' ' tailutian FROM ! TO • { MATERIAL I r?iCCtckTMLTdoo&amotd � Noa Water Supply wens . f I 0 fa I 40 ft. seem � k s � ocresed MoaiWresg t��cliecovery 1► ft- I rt. I i jection Well: Ili fa f. I {i ggtsifer g 0 C�toutadwatcr iemediatiaa 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK of ap arable) ' Storage and every oSaiiniy Barrier 1 molt I To I MATERIAL ` EMPL, ERS T=TROD { is "-- Ii alter Test EIStsurawater Drainage ft !I F.xgetitasatal Technology IDSubsidenee Canrrol I I f:. I I ft. I Geothermal(Closed loop) DTracer 20. Q.L1NG LOG<atraeh additlansl sheer K tsc } FROKDR I TD P I DFSGRIPt'tO.\Im1CT.Uit♦elQ.7aalr�et�`�stze•de: Geothermal(Beadag/CoolingReturn) IFt Other(explain under#2.1Runnels) O g, I 45 I, itI asand 4.Date Well(s)Completed: ID 14 Well i a6 i` i�� fL• I yra,ite T} ^ lt. I;.It'Sal.Well Location: i { %^ Facility/OwaVsmc r c Facility IDs(ifapplicable) I 202^ rr. Physical Address.Wy.saF _ t',•`I , ••., •✓.• ryM ti maeo� Crauary r5400gD OA 31.RFL4R1C _ Guiars ?areal Identifeetio No_(PLC) —Parisi et (_0MMini Well ov Ltdje 4 }-lpt Ei .; I' Sb.Latitude aad loagitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field.ate(at/long is sufficient) 22.Certification:; J , ".. 35° off.�,a rt 083° W. •w l'C —. �P - ig Sigatuuc ofCm'tf,teti Well Ccatac or , 6.Is(are)the well(s} ertaanent or OTemporarp 1, t, ���+++ 3y signing gisfor;•lantf-:•eer.,that wars)use Mrrel worn:zed is exa 7.15 tin a repair to an existing well: E d Yes or tto „Jlt l54 N 6C 03e.0`!00 ar 1S.,t�CAC 03C.0200 DWI Coartractloa&reads cad ___ - Iftkis 1r a rrpac.711 qm'know:writ eartttruuion i nne:don epicto the re:vr_of the rope of fhb record iiaw beer pra,idrd to the writ owner- repoir render R31 rcmanEr scalar area the bad•oftlurfcri r. a.Site diagram or additional well details•. Ye;may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details. S.For GeoprabdDP'I'or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the some d his. You may also attach additional pages if necessary.construction,only I GW-I is needed_ Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: 1 -YAL susylr INSTRUCTIONS 4.Total mil depth below land surface: tarn (ft-) 24a_ Far .&I1 Wells- Scestit this font within 30 days of completioa-t Far multiple w rlir fat all*pas sfdarereat Ccsempir-3Q300'cud 3Qa/00? construction to the followin= 10.Static water level below top of easing: 1110 (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, Iftratsr heal Is ab014,axing.rsr_-_ 1517 Stan Service Center.Raleigh,NC 27699-16I7 it.Eorshale dlamcrer. (ia: 2•4b.For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the feats to the address •n , � ^ ��� . above,aLro=brae one copy of this form misbio 30 days o£eo+eplstlea 134 Welt wrisavcueu mewed: • 1�'" nt-resoa to the feiloccia - _ [f`augc,mury;chin.discnr P: :etc] v — Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Profit FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: j NC 27699 3636 I.1 r 16330 14ail Service Center,Raleigh.. l/� Method of test: &A.Cir•�+ j 2*c For Water Suool&Infection SVolk: Ia,addition t0 3eodiap,'thy 13a.Yield(pas) // ! I the addrss(es)above. also submit one copy of this form within 3Q, Amount: I[Q 1 co:tpiedon of Iwcll conscuetion to the county health depattateat of tiie 13b.Disinfection type: i'i where eonssttcte� v I' Rcvited: Form OW-i Vast Carolina Dc;a.tnao t of Far.iron r. Qt=itr-Division of Wafer 3 ur mcc0 . I: ,