HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050834 Ver 4_More Info Received_20150831Burdette, Jennifer a From: Dana Lutheran <dlutheran @segi.us> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 3:39 PM To: Burdette, Jennifer a Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] RE: Willows (UNCLASSIFIED) Attachments: Willows I Mitigation IP Supplemental Information Rev 8- 26- 15.pdf Jennifer, Attached is the revised Supplemental Information document for the Willows. Do you need me to mail hard copies? I have already emailed a copy to Joanne, here in the WiRO. Also, Kyle has indicated that he satisfied with the Alternative Analysis, as written in the attached. We are working on resolving the wetland mitigation component (i.e. how to address the unsuccessful wetland creation area). This will take a field visit with Kyle. We will update you on that progress. I believe he will accept what has been proposed in the updated document. Please feel free to call, if you have any questions. Thanks a bunch, Dan This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. httos: / /www.avast.com /antivirus 1 f SSG; Attachment 1 The Willows Subdivision — IP Supplemental Information USACE Action ID #: 200501325 DWR Project #: 050834 Modification Prepared for: The Willows Development Corporation 622 Timberlake Lane Wilmington, NC 28411 910.443.4454 Prepared By: Southern Environmental Group, Inc. 5315 South College Road, Suite E Wilmington, NC 28412 910.452.2711 Date: 1 April 2015 Revised 26 August 2015 The Willows IF Supplemental information Revised 8/26/1 5) 5r_6 Table of Contents Section Title Page I. Purpose and Need ............................................... ............................... 3 II. Project History ................................................. ............................... 3 A. USACE Jurisdictional Determination ........................ ............................... 3 B. Wetland Permitting ............................................. ............................... 3 C. Wetland Mitigation ............................................. ............................... 3 III. Current Project Status ........................................ ............................... 3 IV. Project Description ............................................ ............................... 4 V. Avoidance and Minimization ................................. ............................... 4 VI. Alternative Analysis ........................................... ............................... 5 A. Off -site Alternative Analysis .................................. ............................... 5 B. On -site Alternative Analysis ................................... ............................... 5 VII. Adjacent Property ............................................. ............................... 6 VIII. Sequence of Events ............................................ ............................... 6 IX. Compensatory Mitigation ................................... ............................... 6 A. Nationwide Permit .............................................. ............................... 6 B. Individual Permit ................................................ ............................... 7 C. Cumulative Impacts and Mitigation .......................... ............................... 7 X. Conclusion ........................................................ ............................... 7 Appendices A. Brunswick County GIS Information Page....... i B. 2006 USACE Jurisdictional Determination ................ ............................... ii C. 2006 Site Plan ................................................... ............................... iii D. USACE Nationwide Permits and DWR Major Certifications Issued 2006........... iv E. 2014 Google Earth Aerial Photograph ....................... ............................... v F. 2011 Mitigation Monitoring Report ......................... ............................... vi G. Extension of Curran Court Site Plan ......................... ............................... vii H. Adjacent Property Owner Key Map ......................... ............................... viii I. Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank Reservation Letter ....................... ix J. Wetland Creation Sketch ...................................... ............................... x 2 The Willows IF Supplemental information Revised 8126115) I. Purpose and Need SE-6i Pharmlogic, LLC has acquired a 59.52 acre parcel (Brunswick County PIN 0370005505), which is located within the existing Willows Subdivision, in Leland, Brunswick County, North Carolina (see Appendix A). In 2006, the majority of the parcel was classified as Section 404 wetlands, by the USACE (please refer to Appendix B). However, within the acreage is an upland island that consists of approximately 1. 11 acres, upon which The Willows Development Corporation (herein referred to as the "Applicant ") wishes to extend Curran Court. The extension of the road will provide access to four (4) buildable lots (see Appendix C). Unfortunately, to facilitate the construction of the access road, the fill of 0.07 -acre of Section 404 wetland is necessary. II. Project History A. US Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) Jurisdictional Determination (JD) Prior to development, The Willows Development Corporation obtained a preliminary JD for the entire tract, which was issued with the Nationwide Permit (see Appendix B). B. Wetland Permitting In 2006, the Department of the Army (DoA) and Division of Water Resources (formerly Quality - DWR) authorized the permanent impact of 0.43 acre and temporary impact of 0.12 acre of wetland, which was necessary to facilitate the installation of roads and infrastructure. The authorizations came in the form of Nationwide Permits 12 and 14 and Water Quality Certifications #3404 and #3374 respectively (see Appendix D). C. Wetland Mitigation To compensate for the authorized impacts, the Applicant was required to provide the following mitigation: 1. Wetland Creation Component — Creation of 0.48 acres of non - riparian wetlands was to be undertaken. Long term monitoring, for a period of 5 years, was required, as part of this mitigation component ( USACE); 2. Preservation Component — The preservation of 12.51 acres of unaffected wetlands and 4.83 acres of upland buffer located within the Willows S.D. was to take place ( USACE); 3. Signs and Monuments — Several permanent monuments (i.e. anchored, metal pipes) were to be placed along selected points and verified by a certified land surveyor ( USACE); 4. Deed restrictions were to be placed on all lots that contained wetlands within their property boundaries (DWR); and 5. Certificate of Completion — Upon completion of the impacts, a Certificate of Completion was to be submitted to each agency. III. Current Project Status To date and with regard to wetland permitting and impacts, the following has taken place: 1. Development — The majority of the subdivision has been built out, except for a portion of Cottage Field Lane, which is only 70% complete and very few houses exist (see Appendix E); 2. Wetland Impacts — All the authorized impacts have taken place; 3. Wetland Creation - Wetland creation was constructed in accordance with the specifications and plans shown in The Willows Mitigation Plan. The last monitoring report for this site was submitted to the USACE in June of 2011 (see Appendix F). A letter, dated 9 April 2012, was issued to notify 3 The Willows IF Supplemental information Revised 8126115) Sr-Gi the Applicant that the 0.48 acre of on -site wetland creation is not fully successful. According to the letter, there appeared to be a lack of hydrology in an area immediately adjacent to the existing wetland. The USACE requested a contingency plan that would include the following: • A site remediation plan, which must include the removal of the upland areas to match the adjacent wetland grade, soil tilling and additional plantings. Please be aware that the Corps will require additional monitoring beyond the five years specified in your original plan. • An alternative mitigation proposal as replacement for the entire creation area, which may include in- lieu -fee payment to the NC EEP. • An alternative mitigation proposal for only the unsuccessful areas, which may include an in- lieu -fee payment to the NC EEP. Please be aware that annual monitoring of the remainder of the area must continue until 2013 (year 5). 4. Wetland Preservation — The Willows Development Corporation has executed and caused to be recorded, in the Brunswick County Register of Deed, a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants and accompanying exhibit. A copy of the recorded documents was submitted to the USACE with the last monitoring report; 5. Signs and Monuments — Steel posts were inserted into the ground, in the specified locations. The USACE was notified of this in April 2006. 6. Deed Restrictions — SEGi was unable to determine if deed restrictions were placed on lots with wetlands; and 7. Certificate of Completion — A Certificate of Certification was submitted to each agency. IV. Project Description The Applicant anticipates impacting 0.07 -acre of Section 404 jurisdictional wetlands with the extension of the road into a cul -de -sac (see Appendix G). Heavy machinery, such as a bulldozer, grader, back hoe, and track hoe, will be utilized during the construction process. The machinery will be used to clear the land, stabilize the soil, establish grade and to transport and deposit the proposed fill material within the project boundaries. Sediment and erosion control measures will be installed prior to commencement of land disturbing activities. Coastal wetlands are not anticipated to be impacted by this project, and the project is located outside any Areas of Environmental Concern (AECs). A Coastal Area Management Act (LAMA) Consistency Determination is being prepared concurrently with this permit application and will be submitted to the USACE and DWQ upon issuance. Threatened and Endangered Species and archaeological assessments were conducted, as part of the original submittal of Pre - Construction Notification. It is not anticipated that either of these two issues are of concern. V. Avoidance and Minimization The proposed impact was part of the preliminary site plan, but was surrendered, due to the fact that the impact would cause total permanent impacts to exceed the NWP acreage threshold (i.e., 0.50- acre), subsequently elevating the authorization to a DoA Individual Permit, which, at the time, was not economically feasible. Unfortunately, the 1.11 -acre upland area is surrounded by wetlands, thus avoidance is not possible. The impact encompasses only the area necessary to install a road and cul -de -sac that meets NC Department of Transportation (NC DOT) road design requirements. 4 The Willows IF Supplemental information Revised 8/26/1 5) 5EG1 VI. Alternative Analysis A. Off -site Alternative Analysis Although a formal Off -site Alternative Analysis was not conducted in 2005, SEGi applied the Section 404(b)(1) guidelines by utilizing historical aerial photography and available historical land use records, to best determine, if any, off -Site alternatives existed at that time or exist now. SEGi utilized this information to determine if a practicable off -site alternative site exists while taking into account the, cost, technology and logistics of each alternative and the overall project purpose. Taking into account the project purpose specifically, the desired location and proximity to the Leland central business district and the Highway 17 corridor, several sites were reviewed both historically and currently. These sites were chosen for their ability to accommodate the size (number of units necessary) of the proposed development. Alternative Site 1 — Waterford Commercial 43.34 acres (Parcel ID's 0470003801, 0470003807, 0370005560, 0370005597): This site was vacant in 2005 and is currently only partially developed (PID 0470003801, 11.45 acres is built out). This site meets the location requirements of the purpose and need however the site is not zoned for residential housing. SEGi did not pursue the ability to re -zone the property as the land cost per acre far exceeds the cost practicability of this alternative. Therefore due to zoning and cost Alternative Site 1 was rejected. 2. Alternative Site 2 — Ploof Road Tract 85.07 acres (Parcel ID's 0380003001, 03800030): This site was vacant in 2005 and is currently undeveloped. This site does meet the size and location requirements. However, the site contains significantly more wetlands than the subject parcel and would result in significantly more wetland impacts than proposed. Alternative Site 2 was rejected due significantly more wetland impacts than the subject parcel. 3. Alternative Site 3 — Westgate Tract 71.50 acres (Parcel ID's 0480004201, 0480004202): This parcel was vacant in 2005 and is currently undeveloped. This site does meet the size and location requirements of the project purpose and is zoned residential. It is unknown if the site would have been available for purchase in 2005. However if it were, the permittee owned the subject parcel and would have had to sell the Willows parcel, re- design and permit Alternative Site 3 (if available) which would not be cost or logistically practicable. Alternative Site 3 was rejected due to cost and logistical impracticability. B. On -Site Alternatives Analysis During the design and permitting phase of the project, several on -site alternatives were considered. 1. Alternative 1 — Current Proposed Design: This alternative was designed to have roads primarily in uplands, lots only proposed on one side to avoid additional wetland impacts, narrowing of roads to avoid wetland impacts and the use of retaining walls to minimize unavoidable impacts. Alternative 1 was accepted as it was the Least Damaging Practicable Alternative. 2. Alternative 2 — Utilization of other uplands within the tract to avoid impacts: This alternative was reviewed extensively, and included alternative or modified road layouts, and infrastructure design. However due to the proposed design provided the least amount of impacts while yielding the highest number of lots. Therefore Alternative 1 was rejected due to an increased amount of wetland impacts. 5 The Willows IF Supplemental information Revised 8126115) Sr-6i 3. Alternative 3 — Bridging all or some impacts: This alternative was considered and due to the cost of bottomless culverts, wooden bridges and concrete bridges it was not practicable to utilize them. Therefore, Alternative 3 was rejected due to cost constraints. The Applicant invested money, in the property, anticipating being able to build 64 of houses (60 houses on Cottage Field Lane and 4 on the subject upland island). The Applicant investigated other potential means for developing the subject area, and has been unable to fmd a practicable alternative that would achieve his goal and meet his stated purpose. VII. Adjacent Property Owners The following properties have been identified, as adjacent to the project location: Map Key Parcel ID Owner Address City State Zip Code 1 0381BO12 STARKEY TIMOTHY D ETUX NERISSA D 2097 WILLOW CREEK LANE LELAND NC 28451 2 038IBO13 NICHOLSON JEROME B ETUX PATRICIA A 2105 WILLOW CREEK LANE LELAND NC 28451 3 038IB014 LEE RACHEL L ETVIR JOHN T 2109 WILLOW CREEK LANE LELAND NC 28451 4 038IBO16 AMERICAN RESIDENTIAL LEASING CO LLC 21001 N TATUM BLVD PHOENIX AZ 85050 5 038IBO17 EVANS ZACHARY S 2419 RED MAPLE CIR LELAND NC 28451 6 0381BO18 SLADE JOHN R ETUX KARLA P 2423 RED MAPLE CIRCLE LELAND NC 28451 7 0381AO53 HOWELL WILLIAM P ETUX CATHERINE C 1041 STONEY WOODS LANE LELAND NC 28451 8 0381AO52 MORRIS JARED D ETUX SHELLY WELBORN 1039 STONY WOODS LANE LELAND NC 28451 9 0381AO51 WASHINGTON OMAR S 9112 ARDEN ROAD NE LELAND NC 28451 10 0381A050 YOUNG DAVID R ETUX BONNIE A 1033 STONY WOODS LANE LELAND NC 28451 11 0381AO47 CAYTON MICHAEL W & SAMANTHA 1012 SWEETBAY CIRCLE LELAND NC 28451 12 0381AO46 CRISPELL MARK A ETUX SUSAN 1011 SWEETBAY CIRCLE LELAND NE 28451 13 038IA045 JERNIGAN DAVID B ETALS 1007 SWEETBAY CIR WILMINGTON NC 28412 14 038113009 DWYER TYLER D ETUX BRITTANY LYNN 2081 WILLOW CREEK LANE LELAND NC 28451 15 0381BO10 VILLAGE BUILDERS OF WILMINGTON LLC PO BOX 3424 WILMINGTON NC 28406 I 16 0381BOl l SHAW JEREMY E & BRITTANY N HARRIS 2093 WILLOW CREEK LANE LELAND NC 28451 Table I Adjacent property owners — See Appendix H, for details of their location relative to the impact VIII. Sequence of events The Applicant has secured stormwater and S &EC permits, thus work is to commence as soon as DoA and DWR approvals have been issued. The work will consist of clearing the land, removing the hydric soils from the impact area, installing utilities, back - filling the area with clean earthen fill to establish grade, applying crush and run, installing curb and gutter, then applying asphalt. Upon completion of that work, the slopes of the crossing will be graded to a 3:1 slope, seeded, and covered with excelsior matting or straw. IX. Compensatory Mitigation Compensatory mitigation (i.e. avoidance and minimization, restoration, creation, enhancement, preservation, and/or payment to an in -lieu fee program or private mitigation bank) is typically required for permanent impacts to wetlands. The mitigation is intended to off -set functional processes (i.e. biological, physical and/or chemical) lost as a result of the permanent fill of the wetland. A. Nationwide Permit As discussed previously in the document, the Applicant agreed to create 0.48 acre of non - riparian wetland, preserver 12.51 acres of US Section 404 wetlands and 5.31 acres of upland buffer, as well as avoid and G The Willows IF Supplemental information Revised 8126115) Sr-Gi minimize, through construction methods, impacts to wetlands. The mitigation was sufficient to offset the impact of 0.43 acre of non - riparian, pine flat wetlands. SEGi delineated the wetland mitigation area to determine what, if any, of the feature that currently did not meet the success criteria. It was determined that approximately 1280 square feet (see Appendix J), does not meet the hydrologic and /or vegetative success criteria, outlined in the Willows Mitigation Plan. In total, the Applicant has successfully created 0.45 acre of non - riparian wetland. As a contingency plan, the Applicant proposes to offset the deficit with payment to the LCFUMB, at a 1:1 mitigation to impact ratio. The proposed 1:1 mitigation to impact ratio is consistent with the original mitigation to impact ratio for this component of the mitigation plan. B. Individual Permit Based on the type of wetland being impacted (i.e. pine flat) and its functional value being low, the Applicant intends to offset the newly proposed impact with payment to the Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank ( LCFUMB), at a 1 to 1 mitigation -to- impact ratio. SEGi and the Applicant believe that the proposed mitigation is sufficient to offset the impact. A letter of acceptance, from LCFUMB, has been attached to this document (see Appendix I). C. Cumulative Impacts and Mitigation Plan The table below provides a summary of the cumulative impacts, associated with the project, as well as the compensatory mitigation plan for the Willows. Impact Area Mitigation Permit (AC) Mitigation Type (AC) Mitigation to Impact Ratio Nationwide Permit 0.43 Wetland Creation 0.45 1:1 Wetland 12.51 29.1:1 Preservation Upland Buffer 5.31 12.3:1 Mitigation Non- 0.03 LCFUMB 0.03* 1:1 Compliance Individual Permit 0.07 LCFUMB 0.07* 1:1 Total 0.50 18.39 Table 2 Summary of mitigation for the Willows Subdivision Note: "* "indicates the mitigation acreage is proposed, while bold text denotes the actual acreage provided X. Conclusion In summary, to facilitate the extension of Curran Court, which would terminate into a cul -de -sac that would provide access to four buildable lots within the existing Willows Subdivision, the fill 0.07 -acre of USACE Section 404, pine flat wetlands is necessary. Avoidance and minimization efforts were incorporated into the plan during the design and construction phases of the project, as well as the investigation of alternative analysis to the proposed impact, as per the 40(b)(1) guidelines. The Applicant intends to offset the newly proposed impact with payment, to the LCFUMB, for 0.07 -acre of non - riparian wetland restoration credit. In addition, the Applicant proposed to purchase 0.03 -acre of non - riparian wetland restoration credit from the LCFUMB, to offset the area of the created wetland that does not meet the success criteria. In total, the Applicant will have mitigated for 0.50 acre of non - riparian wetland impact with 18.29 acres of mitigation. SEGi and the Applicant feel the project, as proposed, is the least environmentally damaging, practicable alternative. 7 The Willows IF Supplemental Information (}zevised 8126115) Appendix J Wetland Creation Sketch SF.Gi Willows Mitigation Site Unsuccessful mitigation area 1,280 square feet Legend Wetland Mitigation Successful Area Wetland Mitigation Unsuccessful Area S - (NOT TO SCALE)