HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141169 Ver 1_WRC comments_20150225�� ,�....��,.�� �'`�E�� Nor�h Carofi�a De�artment of Environmen� a�d f�atura! Res�urces �at McCrory Governor February 25, 20 � 5 MEMORANDUM: r_rr� FROM SUBJECT: Appiicant: Projec� Locatian: Donald R. van der Vaart Secr�tary Travis Wilson NC Wildlife lZesowrces Commission Steve Sollod or Cathy Brifkingham Major Permits Processing Coordinator CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Applicataon Review NCDOT- US 17 Onslow County, US �7 from SR1330 to the Newv Ber� Bypass, crossing the White Dak River and the Trent River, in 4nslow, Jones, and Craven Counties. Proposed Project: Proposes to widen US 17 from a two-laae to a faur-lane road for I6 miles fro�n SR1330 near Se�grade in Onslow County to New Ber� Sypass at the Janes/Craven County line, including constructi�g new bridges over the White Oak and Trent Rivexs. Please indicate below your agency's position ar viewpoint on the proposed proj ect and return this form by March 17, 2015. Xf you have any questions regarding the proposed project, p�ease contact Stephen Lane, Permit officer at (252) 808-2$08. Ext. 20$. When appropriate, in�depth comrnents with supporting data is zequested. � REPLY: This agency has no objection to the pzoject as praposed. This agency has no comment on the pro�osed project. � This agency approves of the praject only if the reeor�rnended changes axe incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached cornments. �,/- � ..� ,.1�_� � � _ DATE . � � �� YUV UVllllllGlt+V /Zrv�su .•.+��+i�.+�^.. ...+J� ""'"' -—__—__'_—'--"_ Phone: 252-848-28081 FAX 252-247-3330 I lnternef: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Oppartunity 1 Affirmative Ackion �mplay�r � North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission � Gordon Myers, Executzve Director MEMORANDUM To: FROM: DATE: Steve Sollod Division of Coastal Marzagement Travis Wilson, Highway Project Coordinatar Habiiat Conservation Pragra�n March 1.6, 2015 SUBJECT: NCDOT request for a CAMA permii �ox i�nprovements to US 17 from SR 1330 to the New Bern Bypass in Onslow, Jones axzd Craven Counties NCDOT TIP# R- 2514B,C&D We have reviewed the inforr�aation includ.ed in the package xeceived from the Division of Coastal Management. Our com.zz�ents are provided in accardarzce with provisions of the Fish and Wildli�e Caordination Act (48 Stat. 4Q1, as amended; lb U.S.C. 661 et. seq.) and the Coastal Area Management Act (G.S_ 113A-100 through 113A-128)_ We do not abject ta the issuance of the CAMA permit for this pro}ecf provided that the following conditions are inc�uded in the CAMA Permit: 1. All riprap placed in-water should be free of pallutants and soil. 2. Turbidity curtains shouid be used �a contain all bottom disturbing activities, including pile or casement drivinglvibratingljetti�g, placement of riprap, excavation ar filling. Excessive silt az�d sediment loads can have numerous detrirnental effects on aquatic resouxces including destruc�ion of spawning habitat, suffacation of eggs, and clogging of gills o� aquatic species. 3. The pez�nit applicatio� list the following waters and subsequent in water work moratoriums: a. T�rent River, tributaries to the Trent River north of US 17 a�d Mill Creek: February 15 th..rough 7uly 15. b. White Oak River: Feb�ary 15 through September 30. The NCWRC recomz�riended moratarium for these waters are: a. Trent River, tributaries io the Trent River north of US l 7 ax�d Mill Creek: February 15 through June 15 Mailing Address: Division of InIand Fisheries • 1721 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699-1723 Telephone: (919) 707-0220 • Fax: (919} 747-0028 R-2514 Page 2 March 16, 2015 b. White Oak River: Feb:ruary I S through Septembex 30 NCDOT is expected use Best Manageme�t Practices far the pro�ection of Surface Waters and Sedimentation and Erosion Conirol rneasures sufficient to protect the aquatic zesources. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on ihis permit application. If you have any concerns about our comments, please cantact me ai (919) 707-0370. cc: Tom �teffens, USACE, Washington Stephen Lane, DCM, Elizabeth City David Wainwright, D W Q Garcy Ward, DWQ