HomeMy WebLinkAboutRE_ _External_ FW_ Duke Energy Lake Services - Unauthorized Impacts - 104 Fairfax Court (Iredell County) (4)Baker, Caroline D From: Carolyn Lamascus <clamascus@pacificoneescrow.com> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2023 9:39 AM To: Broadway, Chad Cc: Hoy, Amie; Burkhard, Michael; Whitaker, Dennis J; Kluttz III, Joseph R Subject: RE: [External] FW: Duke Energy Lake Services - Unauthorized Impacts - 104 Fairfax Court (Iredell County) CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Good morning, We just met with Arnie and Michael. We are working on getting them further documentation and will start the variance process. We will remove the rocks from the specified location and would request 90 days to do so. I'm trying to get it all done together (as much as possible). We apologize for our infractions in the 760 and 50 foot buffer area and will work to get them remedied ASAP. We have also contacted our builder and will be pulling them into the process. Thank you for your patience while we figure this all out. Certified Escrow Officer Pacific One Escrow, Inc. 3714 Sunnyside Drive, Suite B Riverside, CA 92506 (909) 719-0355 direct (951) 288-6892 ext 103 (844) 272-0224 fax clamascusCa�nacificoneescrow.com www.12acificoneescrow.com From: Broadway, Chad <Chad.Broadway@duke-energy.com> Sent: Saturday, July 8, 2023 9:11 AM To: Carolyn Lamascus <clamascus@pacificoneescrow.com> Cc: Hoy, Arnie <amie.hoy@deq.nc.gov>; Burkhard, Michael <michael.burkhard@deq.nc.gov>; Whitaker, Dennis J <Dennis.Whitaker@duke-energy.com>; Kluttz III, Joseph R <Joseph.Kluttz@duke-energy.com> Subject: RE: [External] FW: Duke Energy Lake Services - Unauthorized Impacts - 104 Fairfax Court (Iredell County) Ms. Lamascus, To follow up on our conversation yesterday at your property, I'm sending this email to summarize our conversation and detail the steps necessary to resolve the violations within the FERC Project Boundary. Thank you for being proactive in contacting your surveyor and having them identify and stake the FERC Project Boundary, property lines, and other areas of interest. Per our discussion, the following items need to be completed and/or accounted for: • Field staking by the surveyor confirmed that a substantial portion of the river rock drainage feature is located within the FERC Project Boundary. From my review, it appeared that approximately the first 27 feet (measured from the pipe discharge point) of the stone -lined drainage ditch is located in the 50-foot Catawba River Riparian Buffer and the remaining portion of the stone -lined ditch is located within the FERC Project Boundary. All rock identified as being within the FERC Project Boundary must be removed. Please retain survey stakes within/along this area so that I can verify the rock has been removed in the correct location. Staking confirmed that a substantial amount of vegetation clearing / disturbance has occurred within the FERC Project Boundary. Per our conversation, no clearing/thinning/disturbance of vegetation or soils is allowed in this area, and turf grass is unable to be installed/maintained within the FERC Project Boundary. Given your cooperation and speed in hiring a surveyor, we are not currently requiring an Engineered Restoration Plan for the recent vegetation clearing, but future violations within the FERC Project Boundary would require a complete restoration. • As mentioned in my initial email, in lieu of restoration, you must submit a letter to Lake Services acknowledging that you are now aware of the field -staked location of the FERC Project Boundary, that you understand the restrictions of the FERC Project Boundary, and that you will not complete additional property improvements, clearing/cutting of vegetation (including spraying of herbicides/pesticides), or commission a company to complete clearing/cutting or other impacts on your behalf. From my understanding, you are planning to have a discussion with the Division of Water Resources (DWR) on the potential ability to retain the stone -lined ditch within the riparian buffer. I do not have an issue with you temporarily delaying removal of the stone within the FERC Project Boundary until you have completed this discussion with DWR; please reach out to me with your proposed timeline for removal after your discussion with DWR. I understand that you have erosion concerns regarding the area within the FERC Project Boundary that is located downstream / lakeward of the drainage pipe. As we discussed, I am able to consider proposals to plant native riparian vegetation within this area, provided that a request is submitted to us in writing and the proposed species are selected from our list of approved native species. I've attached our Shoreline Stabilization brochure to this email; eligible species for planting are listed on pages 13-16 of the document. Thank you for your cooperation in addressing this issue. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions. Chad Broadway I Lake Services Representative Duke Energy Lake Services 526 S. Church Street I Charlotte, NC 28202 1 EC12Q (704) 574-4065 1 Chad.Broadway@duke-energy.com ,tV DUKE From: Carolyn Lamascus<clamascus@pacificoneescrow.com> Sent: Friday, July 7, 2023 8:49 AM To: Broadway, Chad <Chad.Broadway@duke-energy.com> Cc: Hoy, Amie <amie.hoy@deg.nc.gov>; Burkhard, Michael <michael.burkhard@deg.nc.gov> Subject: Re: [External] FW: Duke Energy Lake Services - Unauthorized Impacts - 104 Fairfax Court (Iredell County) Ok, I'll wait for you. Thanks Carolyn Lamascus, Certified Escrow Officer Pacific One Escrow, Inc. 3714 Sunnyside Dr., Suite B Riverside, CA 92506 (909) 719-0355 direct (951) 288-6892 x103 On Jul 7, 2023, at 6:47 AM, Broadway, Chad <Chad.Broadway@duke-energy.com> wrote: It will probably be later in the morning, between 10:30 and 11:30. 1 have a few field reviews scheduled beforehand, so the specific time may vary. Chad Broadway I Lake Services Representative Duke Energy Lake Services 526 S. Church Street I Charlotte, NC 28202 1 EC12Q (704) 574-4065 1 Chad.Broadway@duke-energy.com <image001.png> From: Carolyn Lamascus <clamascus@pacificoneescrow.com> Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2023 6:26 PM To: Broadway, Chad <Chad.Broadway@duke-energy.com>; Hoy, Amie <amie.hoy@deg.nc.gov> Cc: Burkhard, Michael <michael.burkhard@deg.nc.gov> Subject: RE: [External] FW: Duke Energy Lake Services - Unauthorized Impacts - 104 Fairfax Court (Iredell County) Hi Chad, We used Geomatic Concepts Surveying. Tomorrow is fine, what time? We are going out on the lake and I want to make sure to be here when you come by. Certified Escrow Officer Pacific One Escrow, Inc. 3714 Sunnyside Drive, Suite B Riverside, CA 92506 (909) 719-0355 direct (951) 288-6892 ext 103 (844) 272-0224 fax clamascus@pacificoneescrow.com http_//secure-web.cisco.com/1-GlgNoILSLIHgPVO-7dTyu67kNstl 3�, earuSTh u7nb4BmAjogTcmgG1S71 uDnm00FNR- 2K2omUSrtaCT3UgGPszKnvRzjAHK MxLFSWUhc, 5�p- WFzgoiAxbMt4RvrfQPRSmYySiVdecxs79- eCkad o7XYMon0mRBKMP05fwD9KEhgrf IKr9z70A11jokd S4ZICiN96rBCxiwztk8mE2YuXSC9knh dOYcgWoybHAqFv4GLgwlpr59hYahvb3gtsiJZ6r4HPOizc3AvBn-JruwXbSG- PTOCNIV20cd NC Ai6sz59deci8w33ITe2vnlSe7vrmgllt7r77Lt9u52iemPV3NRD2jSWQ-ZCnYD- 4uTWWo6- Ig7PWZDmiS015jS286nXaMDI4Q4SxBhpHiB HjjGKfzTEQCmtgKXczTnN05dAT6jQT/http%3A%2F %2 Fwww.pacificoneescrow.com From: Broadway, Chad <Chad.Broadway@duke-energy.com> Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2023 2:25 PM To: Hoy, Amie <amie.hoy@deg.nc.gov>; Carolyn Lamascus <clamascus@pacificoneescrow.com> Cc: Burkhard, Michael <michael.burkhard@deg.nc.gov> Subject: RE: [External] FW: Duke Energy Lake Services - Unauthorized Impacts - 104 Fairfax Court (Iredell County) Ms. Lamascus — I'm unavailable to meet on Monday when Amie is planning to stop by, but I may be able to stop by tomorrow for an evaluation. Please let me know if the staking work gets completed this afternoon. Also, what survey did you use for this project? Chad Broadway I Lake Services Representative Duke Energy Lake Services 526 S. Church Street I Charlotte, NC 28202 1 EC12Q (704) 574-4065 1 Chad.Broadway@duke-energy.com <image001.png> From: Hoy, Amie <amie.hoy@deg.nc.gov> Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2023 2:14 PM To: Carolyn Lamascus <clamascus@pacificoneescrow.com> Cc: Burkhard, Michael <michael.burkhard@deg.nc.gov>; Broadway, Chad <Chad.Broadway@duke- energy.com> Subject: FW: [External] FW: Duke Energy Lake Services - Unauthorized Impacts - 104 Fairfax Court (Iredell County) Good afternoon Ms. Lamascus, My colleague Michael Burkhard and I will come to 104 Fairfax Court to assess the situation in further detail on Monday, July 10, 2023 around 9am. Please confirm that they have completed the staking of the 30' and 50' from the 760' contour line mentioned by Chad before our arrival. Best, Amie Hoy Environmental Specialist II Division of Water Resources Office: 704-235-2200 1 Cell: 984-789-0173 DWR website: https://www.deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources <i mage002. png> From: Carolyn Lamascus <clamascus@pacificoneescrow.com> Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2023 12:48 PM To: Broadway, Chad <Chad.Broadway@duke-energy.com>; Hoy, Amie <amie.hoy@deg.nc.gov> Subject: [External] FW: Duke Energy Lake Services - Unauthorized Impacts - 104 Fairfax Court (Iredell County) CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Hi there, The surveyor is here and staking today. Please let me know when you guys will be back out so we can walk through everything. Thanks Certified Escrow Officer Pacific One Escrow, Inc. 3714 Sunnyside Drive, Suite B Riverside, CA 92506 (909) 719-0355 direct (951) 288-6892 ext 103 (844) 272-0224 fax clamascus@pacificoneescrow.com http_//secure-web.cisco.com/1gK9LZ ckpBVsjvWZKn2Y6OBKKFjP- mUHeWtuyPfVqFSijOFAcNn8AeKbGgXtgYibWBRN02TghzcniHHh7OIeUB HECG- 8hEF7j7HPITOGdouq-fNgQNlt jkUooSly4O0Aanc dedSgHDWb0N98zKTHIBzR- XWzStOuwkgNlwT-rvVrEBkNW6Xjw- 6vZS 1xU3gx OtMc36y3vhgxuk7Ve bDIetBPVpnfBP7Q1OQNfu2Zh7rbokRGP5n68u51N4F22NeDHg IYQZHLtGoKG3v1C5Z2xd366darWgBQdpcsnbE9dbfSg3gS2tDYILcV73zp5p0- RtBOE90gvKKV86CEFw1dnKBHOGa669PE8VOWo4mAj2mU7LvLvuEDZtgPv4f3221R215nkY6rIs1B HAD ,nTpKC1ZP1-i7S4MA- HnBj3oggBGcggV2eNaEk5j3mB/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pacificoneescrow.com From: carolyn.lamascus@gmail.com <carolyn.lamascus@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 3:00 PM To: Carolyn Lamascus <clamascus@pacificoneescrow.com> Subject: FW: Duke Energy Lake Services - Unauthorized Impacts - 104 Fairfax Court (Iredell County) From: Broadway, Chad <Chad.Broadway@duke-energy.com> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 10:55 AM To: carolyn.lamascus@gmail.com Cc: Hoy, Amie <amie.hoy@deg.nc.gov>; Burkhard, Michael <michael.burkhard@deq.nc.gov>; Whitaker, Dennis J <Dennis.Whitaker@duke-energy.com>; Kluttz III, Joseph R <Joseph.Kluttz@duke-energy.com> Subject: Duke Energy Lake Services - Unauthorized Impacts - 104 Fairfax Court (Iredell County) Ms. Lamascus, To follow up on our phone conversation from a few minutes ago, I visited the area in front of your property on Friday, June 23rd and observed a number of unauthorized impacts within the FERC Project Boundary of the lake. The FERC Project Boundary, which is generally defined by the 760-elevation full pond contour, is the federally regulated boundary of the lake and certain activities/impacts are heavily restricted or prohibited. For your reference, I have included an aerial image below that represents the location of the FERC Project Boundary (the bright green line) in relation to your home and the metes and bounds of your property (the yellow lines). While a portion of the FERC Project Boundary is located on the metes and bounds of your property, the same rules and restrictions for impacts would apply regardless of property ownership. Based on our conversation, it is my understanding that you did not understand the applicable restrictions for this area and you hired a contractor to clear the understory to facilitate planting of turf grass. As we discussed, there is no provision to be able to remove vegetation within the FERC Project Boundary except for trees that present an imminent danger to life or a structure. Separately from that, you also hired a contractor to construct a river rock ditch to address drainage concerns. Both of these items are a violation of our Shoreline Management Guidelines and must be corrected. To resolve the violations, the following items must be completed: 1. You must hire a Professional Land Surveyor to stake the location of the FERC Project Boundary along and within your property. The surveyor must stake the FERC Project Boundary within regular / close intervals, particularly in areas with more curve/bend like the area near your home. 2. The river rock drainage channel appears to be within the FERC Project Boundary. If the surveyor confirms this, all portions of the drainage ditch within the FERC Project Boundary must be removed. 3. Turf grass is not eligible to be placed within the FERC Project Boundary. Plans to plant grass within the area identified as FERC Project Boundary must be abandoned. 4. All impacts within the FERC Project Boundary must be ceased immediately and the areas must be allowed to re -vegetate with natural vegetation 5. You must submit a letter to Lake Services acknowledging that you understand the restrictions of the FERC Project Boundary and that you will not complete additional clearing/cutting of vegetation (including spraying of herbicides/pesticides) or commission a company to complete clearing/cutting on your behalf Ongoing impacts and planned impacts must be ceased immediately, but we are offering a 45-day timeline for completion of the survey and removal of unauthorized stone. Please let me know when you have hired a surveyor and keep me informed of their timeline. Per your request, I have included three companies below that are known to complete lake -front surveying work on Lake Norman. Please note that these are not recommendations or endorsements and any licensed surveyor is capable of completing this task. I would recommend that you complete your own due diligence prior to hiring a surveyor. 1. Lake Norman Surveying 2. Dedmon Surveys 3. Don Allen and Associates If the corrective actions are not completed in a satisfactory manner and/or if the timelines are not met, then Duke Energy — Lake Services may also require the following action: 1. Submittal of an Engineered Restoration Plan designed by either NC registered professional engineer, Landscape Architect or a certified Wetland Specialist. The Restoration Plan must detail how you will restore the Project Boundaries back to the pre -violation condition. The Restoration Plan must include the timeline for completing this work; the location and condition of existing vegetation; the types of native woody vegetation you will use in the restoration of the Project Boundary; and the date by which the Project Boundary will be restored. The plan must incorporate the planting of 2" caliper trees at a rate determined by the impacted area. Regarding impacts within the 50-foot Catawba River Riparian Buffer and your questions about the buffer, I've copied Amie Hoy with the NC Division of Water Resources on this email. Please work with Amie on any questions regarding the buffer and for resolution of any issues within the buffer. Let me know if you have any questions about the items detailed in this email. We will also be following up with certified mail notifying you of these violations. Thank you for your cooperation in addressing this matter. Image detailing the FERC Protect Boundary: <image003.png> Chad Broadway I Lake Services Representative Duke Energy Lake Services 526 S. Church Street I Charlotte, NC 28202 1 EC12Q (704) 574-4065 1 Chad.Broadway@duke-energy.com <image001.png> Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official.