HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--07301_Well Construction - GW1_20231109 I.W I CootrattL uiferrmatlo f: /n - I • � CP&_/tie C /� IhTr7 gV—ATIeI•_ZtJ1VPS�. - = t z, a-. arc:. L_=—_===J • WenConaeetorNamc - FROM TO DFSCRIPItON • daft /Oa ft. d Cp. ---1- cgi 1Q a - �n a • �� R. a ;/ -1 NCWeDCoalta Cetti@cationNtunber !� `:jt.O IVCISlisFiTfeirminif-diidiircIls UR-SINER N•• fable),.. : ': C �il( al d.4Pu/, �„n/I & rtre n FROMTODL,--z,R T9iCl4��IyFS3 biA(T�Eft1AL coty12/r a .l ` (.UV Y .Gl/4f1 / fG, G/ rr: / t !° ` �FS'�� Y U /)/`/� '1'61 NNERbASINGFOICCIIDII9NCi-afbv'n"igkrciad-loop).L<.ivei i ie;67-7.=_.1:r 2.Well Construction Permit#: ` "' FROM TO D1AM R Imams MATERIAL Lind/applimble,relltenuuueuenpennfu(I.e.VIC,County,Scare,Variance,etc.)- it. h. la. 3.Well Use(check well use): R. ft. tn. WaterSRpptylVeD: .ivsetu DI¢, -__ __�_�1. :,—. _ = - . . FROM TO • DrAMES= star slat TnICINIsss MATER1AT. .3 Agricultural Municipal/Public 0 rt. R to. • ©Geothermal Westin/Cooling Supply) M.ideatial Water Supply(single) rt. tR in. .• . 0Industrial/Commercial DR eatial Water Supply(shared) _ Il�r `7SQitQUa:T=_—� ��.:.�=•�.y:r';'K::'�.-"_•i��-^����`•-c;` ``r�:�:-y hrigation FROM TO MATERIAL EMrrtCEHERI MEIHOD&AMOUNT Non-Water Supply Well (- 2 1 re 1�, • CIMonfmring DRecovery � R. . fr. °'?r�11 t i r1/� z Y tot. Injection Well: • 0 Aquifer Recharge DGmundwnterRemediation rt. ft. • 49.71011/GRAVEEPACKB pdugabtb) ..: o 4;=Aqu�uS Storage Recovery ry E}SalinityBarrier FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLAMErirMrrHoD •-Aquifer Test •DStonnwaterDrainage ft ft nExperimentalTechnology DSubsidenceControl m it • • 0 Geothermal(Closed Loap);• DTtscer _- FlosDRrL•f;iNGti:OG(.ifarfiaadbiaa-elifieeii.Riiitoiiri krmerit' . •; 1GeothermdiOinnting/Cdoli iReturn) fOther(euplain under#21Remelts) imam 5, , f �7 ��/ CICy 4.Date Well(s)Completelb*'3a-5 WellID#. 70h 75' ft e'„C-^-pram, Ss.Well Location; s c �11t C>�^_P,f� • .,5 /1.64 /%1,/ e."1 �a /d a ft. ft. FaciitylOtvnerName Faclitying(iffipeticable) ft R. ; e r t,rt,4 ,u n Tv ' ft. It. , Nov2013 PLys;eatAdatme,Lit and ft. R, i � u' a fire , •. 7/79)2 2 rz.r t--•---••- ---•�. :,E.---•._:.:... -• -.• �n—'??•�ems_._..... r_:�..:F:.w�.�.:..aK-- •M.Ja:•:--.-:�'r: County Panel ldeatineation Na.(PIN) - ;e `;;'1d; ' "• " 5b.Latitude and longitude In degrees/mmutes/secondi or decimal degrees: ' (ifweU&W.cuo Inane issufficient) / 22.Certification: 44Sa 3Sd �� GD N / ° C/7�� W au ji_vi /, _ -3-_0) 3 6.Is(are)Ikeweli(s)0Permanent or [Temporary 9t8mrtaeofQemSedWcRCoasucror Dale • By tigning this fain{1 here6y eelary that the trall(t)war(rare)eanUrrererl a,accordnace a 7.Is this a repair to an eslsting well: ❑Yes or o with 11ANCAC 02C.0100 or ISA NCXC 02C.0200 Well CoanntalonSlandmL and that a fells Is amps(,Jfioutbrownwell een tructionbfarmarion aid esplaln the nature Mho. copyofrh/s tecordMs bw,protidal to the ivall owner. weir under e2l renmorkt section oron the book of this forrm. , . 23.Site diagram or additional well details: • 8.For GeoprobelDPT or Closed.Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide national well site details or well construction,only 1GWWr1isneeded.Indicate TOTAL.NUMBBRofwells construcfiiondetatils.You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: /' (� /� SUBMITTAL INSTRti, 19N4 - 9.Total well depth below land surface; /\ (ft.) 24a. Par MI Wells; Submit-this farm within 30 days of completion of well - FarmnWple warts fuudiero+hr(Maw(emmpte.4200•and 2(a 001 construction to the following: 10.Shute water level below top ofcasing; CO (ft.) Division of Water Resources,InformationProcessiu Unit,Ifwaterlevet sabovecurbs&use+" g 1617 Melt Service center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 • 11,Borehole diameter. /3 1/4.,1 On.) 246.For Imlectlan Wee: In addition to sending the 6onn•to the address in 24a 12.Well construction method; P 01r - above,also submit one copy of this lbnn within 30 days of completion of well (Le.auger,rotary,cable.deed guilt No.) tD the following: 1. 1 - FQR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground[Walton Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 t ��+t 13a.Yield(gptn) fri Method of tern p,pe--c 24e.hili For Water Sunuly&Infection Wells; In addition to sending the form to -i zi the address(a) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of • 13b.Dittnfetdon type; t.f Amount: of C9,C completion of well construction to the coiatty health department of the county • - where cottsttutted. • FormGW-1 Moth Candi=DepvtmedtofEavL,emedtel Quality-Division ofW eal:somees Revised 2-22-2016- 1 •