HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--07220_Well Construction - GW1_20231108 i WELL CONSJ'RUCTIONR CORD For Internal Use ONLY: I s ThIsformwnbe used for single or multiple wells is . 1.Well Contractor Information: - I' 14.WATER ZONES . I I P.G . W. -7 -- FROM TO MORMON WelContn+ctorNome 50f1. !O 6 d. S4t44/Me.J sa .4._ alicWc355'a-A i NC WeltContwetorCeiiftcafioaNumber ' ��ERCS O F nsidtveI OR LINER HIappfleaMe) FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL • 04-114ERlca NI l....let i `'t Al t.tP o ° eia a a (, ' ter Sc k _, f'VC Company Name ' 16.1NNERCA8IN6'OR UMW(t r , tc les° FROM TO DIAMETER III MATERIAL 2.Well Conatrucdon Pernik li: 'V/ti- ft, ' ft. //��(fJ �� is• Lfst al appI/cab/a well perlxirs/f e.County,State,Vttrtmtce,Reganetc.J ° '�d! 3.Well Use(cheek well use): mamas • - . • • '• IWrrtert3appt7Welk ( FROM TO 1 DIAMETER I SLOT ME I.TIHCKNRRS 1 MATERIAL °AgriculNral °Mttnicipal/Public ,t o tr. coo ft• a tu° . o id. �C.t PVC • DOcutht rmat(Heating/CoolingOI✓Supply) esidrntw i l Water Supply(sin0le) R' it mi❑industrial/Commercial °Residential Water Supply(shared) i steer To •• . arwssRSAs. ' snsrr,Acemmvrnsrruone,Ansourr _ () ft. ''-ciIt' a focit t_b Non-Water supply Weil: ft - ft. °Monitoring °Recovery ft ft Injection Wen; , °Aquifer Recharge . DCkoundwater Remediation ••19.SaNDJOHAVEL P (liairtitea►let • mow { TO MATERIAL ' EMPIACEMRNTM=NOD LlAquifer Storage and Recovery °Salitsity Battier 020 et, ,0 er. • 16r2ti-VfJ— Pocie_ta, QAquithr Test °Stonnwater Drainage ft. ft.°Experimental TechnologyG1Subsidence Control 20MtILLfttiGiLt (athchadditional:duetitfneeme rsd • ❑t3eothermel(Closed loop) Mincer FROM TO •DESCRIPTION(color,tutaea+,Whelk type,(ato oso.eta.) CIdeothennal(Hestia Cooling Retwn . ElOther(explain under Jai Remarks) 0 ft' a. D' ro t S c t L. m /o >w -TA-+,-L. CLAY 4.Date Well(s)Completed:/1//8/ Well IDA f O ft. O fr. 7, i S44.1 L/CLA-`( 5a.Well L9catlon: - a o ft So n e_ SR•.%.t 6 J C Li '-( • SO IV Yµ L 66R/FF(n! o n'° 70 ft. 2 t✓7 ca-ri-V/.S_r.-1,e,L.c_•_ Facility/OwnerNamc Facility!e(ifapplicablo) Q! r •.#�:"t;i:�, ra; . �G � O it° %'✓i+�1��SA�.1�r/$� �tr r tiJ li -`/S"s— up.,i-ri=l4per /-t�e.-C oe_h,Ale.a`79 tf a ft. ft. •I i Physical Address,City,and Zip It BE11lARK3 NI'V 08 2023 • • Peecau; i s L. ,. . .. :.. .,r_-- .. County Parcel lder�tifieationNo.(P/N) C. >a:4w S.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 2L Certitieadoa: (If well field,one tat/tong is sullclant) • SG . 1 SCF 71 N 7(v. 37 537 w ': ci. b.) S'I' Trr- /o//9/a3 Signature otCortit led Well Contractor Dote 6.b(are)the well(a):1ermanent or DTemporary By stow thtaArm,I hereby cart&that the went!)was!were)consfumed in accordance lvtth 15ANCAC 02C.0100 or ISA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a 7.Is this a repair to an enlisting wet: °Yes or , Io copy of thts record has Start provided to the we'ou*rrern " _"- gilds is a.rpaJ thin out lemon well construction1t{formation dndexplain dfs nature 4fiha .She diagram or additional well Mans: 071 muarlascctla.Drew the back gfthisfarm You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well • 8.Number of Wells constructed: • construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For multiple Injection ornon.water apply walls ONLYwith the stone aotptraction,you can SUl1MMiTTAL INSTUGT10N8 I, submit enefms�,. itTotal well depth below land surfaces 1 o (ft.) 2Aa.For All Wells: Submit this f Dint within 30 days of completion of well Par multiple wells Flat alidepJha(/'diJJhrwn(erample..10200'and VIM construction to the following: 1�.• i W.Stable water level below top of antlogt /0 (ft.) Division of Water Reeon1rces,lnlbrm0tlon Processing Unit, fseater e Lc above=Iv use..+. 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276941617 11.Borehole diameter, Cu (in.) . 24K For Infection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of t 12.Well construction method: /'1'L t/b. tt-2/ construction to the following (l a tary,auger,ro ,cable,direct pwus,etc.) • Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: • 1636 Mali Service Co i ter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 /Sr Method of teat; � �w'ttA 24c.For Water Supply&Infection Wells: I3A.Yield(gpm) Also submit one copy of this Soirtt within 30 days of completion of C l4t_C+vt%).f yeoei•ieo ii-TQ 13b.Disinfection type: Amount: (e.Cr . ° well construction to the county health depmtmerrt of the county where constructed. ; . Farm tiW1 North Carolina Deponmentof Environment and Natural Resources-Divlalan of Water ttesourecs Revised August 201: 1 i• • • 1 i