HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--07217_Well Construction - GW1_20231108 i - WALL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Par[mend uscONLY: This fohn can he used to single cr tnultiplc wells 1.Well Contractor Information: ' ta::WYATER:ZON)S• . . -. ( i. Stefan Smith FIW51 Ti) Dt RI'I1ON Well Contractor Name fi. ft. 3576A ft. ft. NC Well Contractor Certification Number 1• •OUTER CASING ini smulti=fisrifirctlsl OR LINER lifati-fleatkl:': ,_ ,' FROM •I TO DIAMETER I THICKNESS MATERIAL SAEDACCO . 0 ft. 9 ft. 2 in.. SCH 40 PVC Company Name - • =i6:-INNERCASINGOR-T'LlBINGIri'ottai•niatcWsed-0oapli'�'- ....._ - ' FROM TO ' DIAMETER TRICKINESS MATERIAL -2.Well Construction Pcs mit#: • ft. ft. -he ' uullirpya/irrable mallprooi/s(i.e.county-Sisae,Variance.II}'2CJc4 err)' ' ft. ft,- 1,t#, • I , 3.Wc1I.Use(chccl,well use): 17:3CItE.kN - . , r -•. - . Water Supple'We1L: - - Furs TO DtA 1tt:TER 1 SLOT ME Tr11CHri$SS 1 MATRRIAt. .0 Agricultural C]MtinicipaliPttblic, 9 ft. 19 ft.' 2 in. I o]o SCH 40 PVC ®Geothermal(UoatingtCoclliogSupply} ®Residential Water Supply(single] fn. ft. I ©industrial/Conmtercial ®Residential Water Supply(shared) -'18 GROUT"_.-- __ _.:-" :.::.... ..... .. ._ . -.... FROM •,TO• 3LITERLIL EMPLWE.17ENT SIERIQD S ASIOUNT ❑Irrigation - 0 ft. 5 ft.. Portland Pour .. Non-Wafter Supply'Welk: . n ,. t . . . . . •dfmonitoring oReos-c1y . ,- _ . -_ - •Injeclion Well:' fi. ft. Cl Aquifer Recbarre CiCioundllatcrRcntcdiation •49:'"SANLIGRAVEL,PACltt;f.nppticabtd -_- --- - . most- To • 1 MxrEstat. n51Pl.ACtxtEN1•min ium ❑rlquifcr.Storagcaid Recover}' I7Salinity Harrier• 7 O. 19 ft. '•Sand #2 - ❑Agnifcr Test 1JSlorninater Drainage . 'ft.. ft. DExpetimental Technoleg.. OSnbsidcmc Control • •20;BRiLL1NG'LOG7athiektidditional'sheels if-Hecesmrvl' . DGeotliemed(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer FROM TO DF.SCRIFTION(paw.lianhcm,wit'nx417tor.' ifi.iraadt•.l DGeotlteonal(Fleming/Cooling Return) DOther(explain under t121 Reloads) 0 14 8 ft; ' Silt , 8 ft. 14 ft. Clayey silt 4.Date Wtll(s)Completed: 10-10-23 Nell m 11012 ^� T " 14 ft. 19 f;, Clayey sandy silt. '4-.•�,`w.,.?b»i;` l ' ate✓') ' 5a.Well Location: ft. ft. r' ► j f ft.. ft. FacpiiptiivnerNanle Facility 1Dk(if applicable) ft. q. 1i,ti r,p;1, ' ?.:';:J i ar '( 1024 South Trade St. Tryon, NC, :28782 - ft. ft. ' - Plosi:ail Address.City.andZip 21t REM1iARKS.• Polk 2 foot bentonite seal from 5 to 7' .esuntl Parcel ldceaifccadon Nu,(PIN} I, ' !' t 5h.l.,atitiidc and Itingitu(Ie.in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: .T2.f crtifirrtion: i (ifoolllield.one Iatilosa-is sadllci:nl) 1 35.197372 N 82.229868 R' 4" 10/16/2023 Sigtcs -I'�Cc.;lkd Well Cmacrctor P Date �. 6.is(are)the well(s): MiPerenanent or ❑Temporary 1 It).signing this form,1 frerebr or(lily due the u•rlIfsi eras(perei curs»urled in.accordance with 15,4 NOW.OW,01040 or 1M A'CAC at C,0200 Weil Construction Srnrufards and that a 7.Ls this a repair to an existing well: lJVe-t or DE No oopr of Mk recor7l has&on provider,r)Mc rirfltnrner. If ips is a,t' ,r,fill avt ROOMY lediator thiction'hlfdlrnr7rlo11 amol e.tplrihl the Aware of the repair under-Pi remarks recruit or an Me hack ojfigs form. 23.Site Aiagram or additional well details; You may rise the back of this page to provide additional well site details or Well 8.Number of wells cuilstrueted: 1 construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessaey- For madtiple tr(kerppn or 001-maser JUNI:r Irt'lds 0.A11,'with doe sonar constructi n,y ur Oa - .- i saiiurirone fayn. SUBMITTAL iNSTUCTiONS 9.Total well depth heron-laud sutfaee. 19 • (ft.) 24a. Vur All Wells; Submit this Turin within 30 days of completion of well For marl& ;cells list di clepchs if different(cnanptc•-e2fSir(oid 2@ IO0't conshiction lathe following: 1 1 10.Static water level below top of casing: (ft.) Division of Water ResourcesAaformation Piacessing Unit,- If moo level is alcove curia;.are"4-" 1617 all Se ffice Ccntcr,Raleigh,INC 27699,1617 i 1I.Borehole diameter:8 att.) 24b.For infection Weill ONLY: in addition to sending the fomt to the address in 24a above.also submit a.copy of thisfoitn within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: HSA constmction to the following. - (i.e.auger.rotary,cable.direct pork etc.) Division of Water Resourc es,Underground Injection:Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS.ONLY: I636 Mail Service Center Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 - 13ae Yield(Om) Method of test: 24e.For Water.S�i irI&inicction W`Its: Also submit one copy of this form Within 30 days of completion of 13h.Disinfection type: Amount: well con5lrlrction to the-county health dcjxlnment of the county where constructed. Faun GW-1 Noah Carolina Ekvanment of Envirauuozun and Natural Resources-Divtion of Water Resotras, Revised August`tl l3