HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111003 Ver 5_Approval Letter_20150813w . . %/jp „ �'�i %��%i , ;; � %i% ,,;, ;, , „ ,,;,, �' 1 � ` �i . " YM r � " �M r . � A � - �, M w� . '�` " * . C��a��ld' ��n �d�r "���rt Secr�tary 1�'art� �a�rali�a IIivisia� +nf �`ater �.es�ur+��s Tr�nspoar�tation Permitting �a��t �m-�`ieid lYlinor 4C�i W��er Q!uality ��r�t�i�catica�, Bt�ff"�r Cert�fcaticr� aand Isalat�d W��er Pe�mit Mad�fi�at�ian Prmject CVame/ ��P P�a�j,�ct Na.: Gal'lants Gh�nnel f R-33f17 �ate: 08113115 DC7T �iviseon: 2 �csunty: Carteret D'u'�'R Project Na. 1 Permmit 7ype� 2171'f 10a3 v.� 1 IP DOT Staff: Br�d I'Nc�llanrren E�4�JF� �ia#f. Garc VV�rd A�� Sta�f: DWFi Regianal Qffice: tr4�as�rrngto�„ .... H�nd ci��ring ar� �dditiana! Q.04 acres caffj�ar�sdi�tia��al weklands at SBte 1 beyand th� faaipr�nt of fiY�e bri�fge ta alfaw far !he insfallat�c�n of the ave�hang br�ckets. F�,�so, th� ao�sstruction ofi �`fiu�ge' perpend'icular to the temp+�rury wark t�-estCe betw�en bents 13 a�d 14 tcP �ccess dieeper wa�ter #ar t��r�e a�ss. M!r�dificatdan Sketch: See attached ¢ir�win�s. 7r�nsparG��io�a Petmittin� IJrtofl� 9617'�ail Sar�ice Ce�n��r, ��fegh. N�sfih C�m�ina 2x�99-�617 Lacatic�r�: 5�2 hd, S�lisdury St. Ralei�h, Nc�R4A Ca�lin� 27��14 F'horre: 9�9-�q7-63�� 1 FAX: 919-SCb7-6492 Is�OemeT, w�ar.��ral�saualiN.ar� an Eq��l t5�vq�ri�sniry w a�lrr�a6va AcFuaan E'rcnplayer C�sr� ��31i"�Y1 R�;� �'�7� 111� �"�`�"1"�'"���"' In-�'ieid �od���at�z�n Pa�e 2 ��t of 3 TF�rs in-fielcf ma�ific�ti�� i� required fa� th� folPawrr�g r+�asan(s); C Th� iw�f�rmation �c�r�tai��d in th� applic�t�an ar pr�s�nted in suppart thereof is inca�rcect Prr tF�e fc�lfcswin� rnann�r: � � Ccaa�ditio�s und�r which the oraginal certAficatian was is�ued ha�re cf�angec3 in th� falic�wing manr�ar: AdditianaT hat�d elearin in w�t�a�ads is nec�ss for �e �nstalla�ian c,f tk�e aver�an b�aeksts. "fhis in-feld� mt�difiicak%an is u�lid s�nly i� i�sued by �� at�thor�ized �ger�t caf the Clivisi+�n o4 V'Vat�r R�spurces, Tran�portatian Perrruit#in� Unit a' This in-field modi�c�tian aa�thorixes the fV�CJ!Q�' ta fiand c[ear an additianal 0.�4 acres tafi 'urisdic#�an�V wetlands ar�d �dd a'fin er' aff the tem cara work tP�Stle. in �az°ter�t Cau€oty. Tk�e pra�ect �na11 �ae �onstrue��� �s ti�scrihed in the �adificat�an aescript�crn arrd Sketch on �"age 1 af tt�os dc�cu�men� d�ted C�8�13l15 ta improv�fc�ans#ru�t th� secticar� af R-33a7 �t s�te 1 and betwveer� Bents 1� a�d' 14, i6�e apprc�v�d desig�t is t�u�t described in the Mod�ii�a#ir�� �es+cr�ptian arrd �c�difaatian Ske#ch c�n FTa�e 1 of fhis dc�cument c[!ated C181'C3/15 . Any �'uetherc�r�nges to th� ar'ic�in�V'41Vat�r C�uaP��ty Ce�i�i�atian dat�:d f?4P31/2a72 may requir� a fr��rnai writ#�n mQd��catia�� req,raest. Th� d�scriptian af th� �ro�rosed actiar� �rrc�uides �dequa�e as�ur�nce tha� th� prcrpc�sed actiae� in th�e 'WE�'s�e Qak Riwer Ba�irr in eanjun�ian witto #h� prc�pased de�el�a�rrtent wifl nat r�s�li in � vivla�Ea� af applic:al�l�'eNater Qu�lity �ant�ards a�d dis�har�e guid��Nnes. Th�refor�, tlhe St�te €af Narth �arolina certifi�s �kr�i i�is ��'tiviti�r uuall �nat Vio6ate true ap�lic�hGe pa�Gia�r�s c��f ���cticarr 3a�, 3iD�, 3�q3, 306, 3(77 0� PL 92-�5�OQ and P� 95-�^17 u� cesr�duct�d in ��ca�rdar�c� wi�h the application arud condi#i�ans herein�f�ec s�t fatth, Should your praject �hange, yau are r��,wired te� nat6iy th� D�WR and subr�it a new �ppdicatic�n. If �h� �rap�rty is s�sld> th+e �ew �wrrer m�s� �� given a cqpy af this Cer#6fiicati�n �nd appraval le�ker„ a�d �s th�ereby resp�nsibAe f�r �am�lyt�ng wr�fth al1 coradi�ions. For th�s �p�roval #o ��r�rair� valid, Yo� are r�qs�ired to com��y urrr�h a91 the cc�ndiCuQ�s listed b���v�. In �ddi�ian, yau sh>auld' crbiain a�l other f�t����l, st�t�, or I��i p�rrr�i#s befor� prcauce�ding writh your �srt�ju�ct imcB�d��g (but nat limit�d ta) Sedirn�nt ar�d Enasian �ntrol, Coastal �tc�rmwwrater, I��n-d'cs�ha�rge ar�d Water �uppiy wat�rshed e�eg¢�latio��s. This hlroclif�c�tion Ap�rauaf shalC expire ar� t�e sairn,� �ay as the expirak�an �ate af the carrespondir�g Corps ofi E.r��ir�eers Perrn�t. �andi#ions(s� ofi Nlodificatdon ,ApprQV�f: 'I. As-builfi dra�win�s �� th� �ropa��d a�ctian shaif be sc�bmitCed 4� th� N� �WR Tcar��po�t�can Re�miiking Llnit avithVn 3Q days af �orr��letitan of the aeticar�. 2� A�� the autht��rz�d a�it�n activiti�s and can��tions af the c�rtifiicatiort �ssQCiated wi#h th� �ariginal U'W�#er QuaRity Certi'�catian dated �}4i3Q,(12 and all other carrespc�nd�ng mcadificatcon still app�Y exc�pt+�her� supers�ded by this c�rt6ficat�on. In- Fi�eld Ivlca�ificatian p�e 3 �f 3 .,, , . . . 3. All brid � constructi�n shall be r�nrm�� fr�m the existin brud � teRrr ar� wcack brid �s t�m ora ca�s�wva s ar flcratin, ar sunkeer bar �s. p� war�C �nditio¢�s re uire bar es the shall be ffaafed �r��o asi�is�ra amd th�n sunk. The b�e es shal� nc�t b� sv�ak �nci #h�;n d,r� ed i�ta c�sitioru. Urtder no crtcumstae�c�s shauld bar es �� dr� �d �lc�n; th� I�ratta�m q� tFte �sarFace wat�r. 15,,+� M1iCA� (1�H .05C15f bl(3) A�. The wetland im �ct tab�es f�r the rca ec� shaf� b�: u dated t� r flect th� ar�ditian I hacrd cl� rin a�mr�unts. ��ilture tt� cc�nstru�t the pr�a�prased actie�n as �escrat��d in th� Nl�rdifi�atio�n �Nescri�rtio� anai Sicetch c�n Page 1 caf tFais de,�vment andla� vlap�ti��ns �f �n,y ccamditac�n Fneeein set forth may ��sult ica revcs�at[can c�f tkai� modifcati�n appr�val and may result ira �timir�af anr%lar c6vil penaFties. Thos mcadificaiian apprt�va6 shall b�ccc��'ae rtt�ll an� vaid t�nCess the ��ove canditians are maele �andifro�s of the Fed�ral 404 and/r�r Cnas'ta� Ar�a Mana��rrrent Act Perrr�Gt. If th� Carps af Er�gin�ers r�quir�s a iarrmal writt�n modificatiar� �a the 4C14 perrnit for th� psc�pose� actic�n, the I�C �VVR must r�equir� a fo�rrr��l wPi�t�:n rnerdification to the 4D'1 U'4�QC, ar�d ihere%re, this an�field madificatian i� invalyd'. If additianaf {w�tiand, strea�, I�uffer) impact� �c�r this p�ject �n�r�r c�r in th�e �uture) exceed �or�� acr�r 15�! lineair #�et, or one-third of ar� �creflSQ lin��� f�efiy re�pectivelY)„ ar if mitigati�n is required abc�ve and b�eyarud tR�e curr�nt rnitig�tiirar� r�qe�ir�tnerrt far this prr�ject, t�i� in-fi�bd m�dBficati�an is rr�valid �nd a formaC wri�ten modi�catia�€� is required. This ir�-fi�hd madifi�atican is �ffe�tiv� upors tt�� d�t� the Vast party sigr�s this �€�cumerrt. This ir�-�ield naadefic;�ti�a�a as mac�c� upe�r� rr�utual �greemer'r� betv��en d�l�T anc� atiNR as ir�+dicatt�ct by th� segn�tures �elaw �nd is, t��refcare, ncat subj�cC to appe�f �y either pac#y. Appeais by third �ar�i�s must be m��e within sia�y (6a) days o� nc�tifi'r�t%nn p��uant to the csante�ted' case p�a�isians �f �he Admi�nist�at'iv�e C�rac�drare Act, h�G ��rr. atat. §95(�8-23 et,_ s�: . ,�""� '� �?V�JR Sta�F' Sign�#ure; .✓` �:Y°`��'v°�,�.,- �i�� r�,��' � Dc�te. t;� �' t �� a.�'��b..�.. CIGT St�ff Sigmat�re: C►a�e: �' - ,4�i' �- dS St�ff Sig�nature; Date; '—An aut�ariz�d agent af the Tr�rrs�aetation Permiiting �f�i# i� ttefir�ed as DINR �t��f Eha# �r� a�T-funded �n� review �nd issue 4C�1 Water Qu�ldty C�rtifi�atian froc DC�� prajects. Tf�ese sta�f incs�de C�ntra� �ffiae and i�egional b�ce per��annel.