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Brunswick_Well Abandonment_20231113 (5)
WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD _ rot lmoin:ri t�>�aNi.t^, � ! Thts fuiui can be used foc sittg[e or n ultpple W"Clls' 1.Well tontractor.i6fbirtuatiotu WFLL.AD'ANDfINRIENITDETAi[SI Stefan Smith. 7a,Ntn dierofwellsheial;alrandonl d 1 welt'.&Cineforl�anrL(ortt�ltour&r onilly:ibamforil>te�soU.onJ&urtuhticny) Few Withiole frlterttotr 'cv Imi-rcthri SUP1 , weas 0,VLF will) Ilk .Scene. COYLYI CriV b*I]M Ql 010111 3YJ10,60"Y SUNS1m arY fijrJri, 3576A l NC\Yc11Con[ractdrCvttifi UouNttni6sT 711..ApprosiinatcvOlgmeof ntrr inifaininginiiell(s}�1 SAEnACCO FORMATER SUPPLY WEUS aNA.V:. Cain�gtany.Ptamo 7e,Type tifdkinfectp ritis¢d:None 2��Vdl Cousttvrct€on Periuit�:, Ltl:dl nvda/Javb?r tax�ltlarmile ll.r.�vlr�r,Scald:d arJrmce,Lr,*ei4iur,rdc:,t.fJkiruerrJ 7d::Atuount ofdLslnfectaat uw]: 3.Will us*(cited:vv'cll use}: Water sitppli•\Yell: 7d.Scaling:100coalsmsm(citeci•'ali that apply): qA ticiiltttrat: I71Lianicip�lA'itbli4 6d Nett Ccnisdl.tirottt C1 bct►tonitc•Clups orPclicts i]tr thetm�t(Hr„�tinrJGu�Una Sttppty} ljltesidrroLM%Va,cr tppl)tsinglq) 13 Saud Ccmenl Grout j; O'MY Cby Olndusirial(Cornmcrcial ❑RWdeutiatNVater Supply,(shared) O Goucteto-Grout 17 Dri1LCi►1tinas Otrri time []Specioll}Grout :D Grnlel Ran%1atcr Supp1•r Wgll: ' ©Eentoaite SInEW)° 13 Other(explain under 7g) iffiMgnitndiig PRecovery `iujcetion%Veil: X.For each tuateitil selcmd above protideantountotinaterials used: OAquikrRechargc I7GtoundiyalerRented ition _ Neat Cem.-:941b iWtr:7gal. Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr:gal. ptlquit'erSlontgeuit:il2eeor'piv nSctllnity©airier; ,. . Bentonite.:31b ,Wtr:gal. 13AquiferTist DSlomnvvtcrD'riiiVtgr — . . OE\petintznlal T�chi otogy, L3Stibsiden:-e Control 7g.Priti4ilc n hrtef'itevcr(ptiauaf the alriadnnmcnt-proiiixlumi I:I plitemmt(¢loscd,Loop} C)Tracer 1 Pulled entire well and pressure grouted bore using Portland ClGeothemtal(Heatinw`CootinxRetum) Clothcr(e� laiuunder7g) es; cement and bentonite grout: JJDgtCR'CII(s).1Uanddncdr 10-17-23 � - ,�,r^ $a `Veil location; '' stir 6 ;'. ys 4.— ExxonMobil NOV I S 2023 Ca,cUHj•/tJn'n�;rNJiitid CailitvdAdJ(iE"5pplii.•rtilcl li•Cet4iQititiiait• 1515 River Road SE-Leland, 28479 - _4Q .,..••_,.sa-lU%2 /2023 Phvsical'Addresr•,City,aid Zili' $ .'Lore Cedil'ud lY01,t onwntor or Well Uwrr:r time Brunswick . late:Ylgu?ng this;,lnritl,.l Ge10y'ctrJ,;jy 4/l z the icall{'s}was(trerz}rrhmJdonerl-ire Caulily Parcclirkluirvaillaallo.tPlNj riceortlallisui?h1;iteVwlCOZC,QIQO.uraC.0201l14:ed1C'uiis'fitleUun$?ritrikrrcts and drid ii crpy-aj*fhisreconi 14is bserr,j]rovicicrlEo7lraaagll qu iaer'. 5h,1,4titudc and longitude In do ecsfininitt laccntids oc decitii;jl,dcgre", flfwq)I fate oJJo t irltoug;tss�ifticicz>i> 9,Sltei diagrtut or additional Wctl.iktaIls: You.uta}'_trse the bkk of il►ik page to O'Fd0dy,:additionai Well site.&(Jils or Hell 34.181705 1\* 77.989152 �V �audountetttdetails. Yauum)'aLsaaitacit.utilitioual'pagaseftseccssac�_ CUN57•RIICTIUN DETAILS(IF WVLU.St B1i1Nl:ABANDl1N1 D. C[IiihtTi"FAI,t1VSTRITQ TifINS. :ttLaur n r?l trJr.Ytnirlkin m'cpntFsi•!j'uti il�afile ir'mnlp��re rnyealiir,ru.min•uYriir snppfp )Heft)DNL1'n 1tPr 1'w vnrd ruJettrarriarc%a5mirkiamaurJt.yelp a ni sii?ynit iinr nra , ' IOa: Far All W Submit«ubmif II4 farm nitlrin 30 da)`s of edtnplction of well 6a. U ID#•MW2 abandotitticnt ta'ttrb follovv�ng: Division of Water Resoutr4,inforina ion Pr•occvsinl;.lTnit, $U:Total vvclt depth: 14.3 t517 h6il Berke Cenitr;Rile'igh,NC* 276997617 +, A,0b.For inlMlott NVellF. to addition-to sending_die:fornt to the-addiess in(Oa 6c:13ovrltole d (i ianichi:2 } above;atsii subudit oue ebl*,of this Iror'oi:Mlhiit 3U days of cottrplelion of ni.It n. abaddonntcut to Elie fglldvvin4,: Dkislon,of��Pitier Resourros,t ndkrground ifijed(ou Cp4ltbl Prdgimu, 6d.AViier level bctn*gt'outid surr;,C 4 (ft:) P63tO Mail Seivicc C¢ntcr;Italci„h,NC 27699-1636 Ge.Outer Casing I.caph'(iff moNv-u): 4.3 Eft) 10c,-i,ne•Sea cr jnE!l)tv', to addition 10 sendittLt•the foint.io. dic:addiess(es) above. also submit Otte copy of this fbtlti.MlWn'30 dpys of ' cornptedoii of i'Al abaitdanment to lbe'cotw)'hearth dcoartnicuf oC the con* 6C Inn&easitiWwU(n;;Ccngtlo(if Latavru}: (fl.) tvlierc abaitdorrcd, I 6;:Screen length(If knovvu):10 r- ` Fame GO 3a. Nortli CaroUm Dep;]nJu_af df FnY insvneN and Nattual[tesou:t:cs-Dli'!s{9n of�Iuw Rks4u 4s Revised Aqusa 2tit3