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AsphaltPa�iI Parking►, Street or Building Subgrade Preparation m
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I. The Contractor or Subcontractorperforming the paving operation will be responsible forperforming the fo/%w/ng.' A. Subgrade on Precompacted Original Soil
I. Remove a//the topsoil and all questionable organic soil and extend a minimum of four(4)feet beyond the outside edge of the pavement, O
A. Surface Tolerance 2. Precompact the exposed grade with a vibratory roller weighing a minimum often(10)tons(static load)or equal to stabilize the initial settlement of the top strata ofthe soil. The stability of the subgrade will be considered adequate
when the total sett/ement after the last four(4)complete passes by the vibratory roller does not exceed 1/8" Any area that sett/es excessively and fails to stabilize under continued rolling should be further undercut and rep/aced with
Surface tolerance requirements for smoothness must be checked in the presence of an Inspector using a 'Ro/ling Straightedge"for checking surface tolerance A variation ofmore properly compacted select granular All
than 1/8"in 10 feet will be considered unacceptable and must be corrected in an acceptable manner which will also meet Item(B and H)below. o
B. Surface Texture B. Subgrade on Certified Compacted Fill z
I. Prepare the site following the same procedures as outfined in Items 1 and 2 above, w
Care shall be taken to insure that a smooth dense texture is achieved with no segregation, tearing, cracking, etc. Areas discovered which are not uniform in appearance and 2. Using the same compaction equipment as outlined above, compact new All soil in f/-8-inch layers to a minimum 98 percent of the maximum d densityat its optimum moisture content in accordance with the Standard Proctor Method z
texture shall be reheated and rero/%d,rep/aced, or if required by the Engineer,resurfaced at no additional cost to the Owner. Seams and edges shall be straight, true, and @ 95 percent using Modified Standard Proctor Y dry
smooth. Ld
3. The end of the All should be terminated at the minimum slope of two(2)horizontal to one(1)vertical measured from three(3)feet beyond the outside edge oftee pavement to the toe oftee All The Al soil is to be selectgranufar � U)
C. Plant Tickets
soil weighing a minimum of 110 pcf at its optimum moisture content. C)
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To verify depth for payment,plant tickets Shall be submitted to the Engineer.
LU w
D. Payment ofAspha/t
No payment forpaving wi//be made until the surface texture and smoothness has been inspected, satisfactorily repaired, ifnecessary, and approved by the Engineerand the G o s p e I Notes • o LO
Owner. Concrete Notes The following notes do not represent the belief of any municipality, government organization, or client of 1.-1r-
Stocks Engineering. The detail is included to show the foundation of Stocks Engineering and its employees. z N
E. Paving Subcontractors Our prayer is that through the truth outlined below you will clearly see what it means to have a = C�
personal relationship with Christ. z
The Genera/Contractor in charge of the Paving Contractor sha//be responsible for assuring that his paving Contractor has read these requirements ifpaving is to be 1 . GODS LOVE w
I. A//construction,placing,pouring and curing concrete/s to conform to the latest edition ofAC/318.
subcontracted. FailuretoinformaSubcontractordoesnotre/ievethePrimeContractoroftheserequirements. God loves you and he created you to know him personally. V)
2. A#reinforcing steel is to be cold cut and bent. Q ->
3. Port/and cement concrete shall have a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 4,000 PS/. He has a wonderful plan for you life. 111 w =
F. Paving Condition John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not iii o Q
4. Do not use chloride/n any concrete which has reinforcing steel or wire fabric, perish but have eternal life." 00 z
No avin ofas halt shall take place until the Uti/it Contractor the Pavin Contractorhave mutual/ agreed that a//valve boxes and manholes have been set to finished 5. Reinforcing stee/sha//meetASTMA-615, Grade 60. Welded wire fabric sha//meetASTMA-185. Tie wire sha//conform toASTMA-82.
p 9 p p Y 9 Y 9 What prevents us from knowing God personally?
grade and that it is the Paving Contractor's responsibi/ity to make minor adjustments prior to paving,as app/icab/e. 6. Lap welded wire fabric a minimum of one mesh. Lap all bars a minimum of24" A/temate adjacent bar splices a minimum of48"
7. Use only approved chairs with sand plates to support reinforcing on grade. 2. 0 U R CONDITION
G. Asphalt Specifications 8. A//crossings of reinforcement are to be tied. Supports for reinforcing to hold bars against movement during pour and finish operation. Supports for reinforcing People are sinful and separated from God, therefore we cannot BLN=C-1874
bars to be a minimum of48 inches apart, know him personally and experience his love and plan.
Asphalt and CABC shall meet the NCDOT"Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures" latest revision. Asphalt mix and placement shall meet Division 6 of the State 9 Concrete shall be only plant mixed transit mixed or ready mixed concrete. The time elapsing from mixing to placing the concrete shall not exceed ninety(90) -111-111-111-
Specifications. CABC shall meet Section 520 of the State Specifications and graded in accordance with Table 520-1. Placement and compaction shall meet Section 520. minutes. Romans 3:23 "For a I I have - -III This diagram i I u stra t e s that God
10. Concrete shall not be deposited on frozen subgrade and shall not be poured when the all,temperature for the succeeding 24-hour period is less than 32 sinned and fall short of the is Holy and people are sinful. A
H. Aspha/tPatching deg glory of God." great gulf separates the two. The
11. All concrete when placed informs shall have a temperature between 50 degrees Fand 90 degrees Fand shall be maintained at a temperature of not less Romans 6:23 "For the wages arrows illustrate people continually
Aspha/t Patching WILL NOT BEALLOWED. /n the event that Aspha/t is unsatisfactory to Engineer, the contractor sha//mil/entire section of asphalt and resun`a than 50 degrees for at least 72 hours for normal concrete and 24 hours for high early strength concrete
ce a minimum of s i n is death (Spiritual trying to reach God through o u r
tp/ace fresh concrete during summer on a dry subgrade. Moisten subgrade before placing concrete.
depth of one and one-half inch and at minimum length of one hundred feet for the entire width ofpection in question. This area is to be determined byfie/d inspection with the 12 Do no separation from God) Fw��
own efforts, but we inevitabIy faiI.
contractor and/or sub contractor and the Engineer present. 13 Subgrade is to be firm, free of water and/or silt and undisturbed or compactedproperly. Consult Engineerffsoft oryie/ding subgrade is encountered for
improvement directions. /(ground water is entering subgrade, consult Engineer for instructions. There is only one way to bridge this gulf...
14. Areas of concrete to be removed shall be saw cut before removing. The saw cut sha//provide a smooth, straight edge approximately two(2)inches deep
2. AI/asphalt prices/n this proposal sha//be based on the NCDOT Monthly Terminal F.O.B, at time of bid. /fthe asphalt cement price fluctuates from this stated price more before breaking away the adjacent concrete. 3. GODS RESPONSE
than 10%at an time during the performance of the asphalt scope, the contractor will adjust the as ha/t rites in accordance with the new/ ubfished NCOOTMonth/ Terminal 15. Immediate/yafter the forms have been removed and a//honeycombed areas are repaired,backAll to prevent underwash. Jesus Christ is God's only provision for sin, Through him alone we can know God personally and \
Y g p p p i p p Yp Y 16. Brooming of the concrete surface shall be done transverse to the direction of traffic for a//pedestrian areas. experience r i e n ce his love and plan.
F.O.B.Asphalt Binder Prices. These prices are located at the following web address� P P \ O
17. Joint spacing sha//be no less than 8-feet. Where existing sidewalks are being widened, transverse joints shall be located so as to line up with existing joints in
<https://connectncdotgov/projects/construction/Lists/Month/y%2OTermina/%2OAspha/t%2OBinder'020%2OFue/%2OFOB%2OPrices/A///tems.aspx> the adjacent existing sidewalk. Groovedjoints shall not besealed Sea/al/others. GOD
Romans 5:8 But God dem- - - - \
18. Concrete Sub shall be responsible for a//score joints and expansion joints. A pre/iminary score joint pattern and expansion joint pattem shall be submitted to o n stra ted His own love for
the project engineer for review prior to pouring concrete. - This diagram i I u sg gulf
t e s that God O
us in this:While we were still has bridged the ulf that se a-
19. Expansion joints shall be one-half(1/2)inch in width and shall be placed between a//rigid objects at a distance of no more than thirty(30)feet apart and shall R I g g p
sinners, Christ died for us. rates us from Him by sending
Drainage Notes extend the full depth of the concrete with the top of the filler one-half(1/2)inch below the finished surface. John 14:6 Jesus answered,
20. The edges of the curb/sidewalk shall be finished with an approved edging too/one-half(1/2)inch radius. Joints sha//be similarly finished immediate/y after His son, Jesus Christ, to die on
I AM the way the Truth and the cross in our lace to a
templates have been removed. I I = P pay
the Life. No one comes to the penalty for our sins.
I. Boxes maybe reinforced masonry,masonry, precast concrete or cast In place reinforced concrete. 21. Saw contro/joints as soon as fresh concrete wi//retain coarse aggregate against the sawing action. - _-
2. The maximum height of un-reinforced mason drainage structure with 8-inch walls shall be limited to 8-foot from invert of the out/et i e to the to of the 22 Contractor SHALL NOT POUR an concrete before forms are ins ected b the project en ineer and/or the architect. An concrete that has not been approved the Father except through m e . - - -
9 rYPP p Y p Y p l 9 Y PP PEOPLE
casting. Depths greater than 8-feet shall have walls 12-inches thick. Basins over 12-feet in total depth sha//be designed bya NC Professional Engineer by the engineer and/or owner will be the responsibi/ity of the contractor I t is not enough just to know these truths... O
Four-inch walls are not allowed on drainage structures. 4. OUR RESPONSE
3. Steps are to be provided on all basins deeper than 42".
4. Steps are to be PSI-PFas manufactured byM. A. Industries or anspprovedequal Locate onnonp/,oewalls
We must individually receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; only then can we know God personally O
5. Mortar In masonry boxes/stobe type M, and experience His love and Plan.
6. Clay brick structures are not allowedThese two circles represent two kinds of lives... I
7 Concrete buildingbrickistomeetASTMC--55, GradeN, and Type 1. Ephesians 2:8-9 "For it is
8. All Iron castings are to be drilled and lagged to the drainage structure. The drainage structure as we//is to be drilled by grace you have been
9. A//cast-In-place orprecast concrete drainage structures located in paved areas accessible to truck loadings to be designed to meetAASHTO HS 20-44 saved, through faith s a n d
loading. See manufacturer'sdeta//s for wall, top and bottom thickness, this is not from yourselves, SELF §,tq \
10. A//catch basins grates and frames are to be Vulcan or approved equal. Verify dimensions heights on castings are not exceeded in critical areas before it is the gift of God - not
ordering castings! by works, so no one can SELF
11. A//concrete pipe is to be ASTM C-76, C/ass///with ram nek. boast.' O
12. All castings to receive Bituminous Coating John 1:12 "Yet to all who Self-Directed Life Christ-Directed Life
received Him, to those who Self is in the center Christ is in the center
13. Contractor to set frames and grates at finished grade and provide weep holes for drainage, children of God. Christ is outside. self Y and o n the throne; and on the throne;
CO/1/C/RETEE/11ERCEI#CYSP/LLN14Y c gave the right to become eilds to Christ.
NOT TO SCALE Which circle best represents your life? 1
Grading Notes I• 1/8' RADIUS Which circle would you like to have represent your life?
You can receive Christ right now by faith in prayer.
"Lord Jesus, I need you. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door to my life and
1. Site Contractor to inform Building Contractor to verify fin/shedgradeatbuilding before digging footings. Some portions of the building foundation wall may, of necessity,need to retain ;. receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take
building pad All to allow extenorgradestobedropped In this case, step foot/ngs maybe necessary toachieve the desiredgrade variations. </ .;. control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be.
2. New finished contours shown are top of future paving in areas torece/ve pavement and top oftopsoi/in areas to be seeded. OPT POND 5' s If this prayer expresses the desire of your heart, then you can pray this prayer and Christ will come into O
3. Areas outside of the parking lot perimeters shall receive 4 inches of topsoil. This topsoil to be placed and leveled by the Contractor OF �yo your life as he promised. O
4. Dimensions onbu//d/ngs are forgrading purposes only and are not tobe used tolay-off footings. SeeArchitectura/Plans. �O F EXPANSION JOINT For more information on what it means to have a relationship with God, or if you have any questions
5. Contractor shall notify and cooperate with all ut//ity companies orAnnshavingfaci/ftiesonor adjacent to the site before disturbing, altering,removing, relocating, adjusting or connecting to s <i EDCE DETAIL or prayer request lease submit them to stocksen ineerin @ mail.com, call us at 252.459.8196, or
cam, � P Y q P 9 9 9
said faci//ties. Contractor sha//raise or lower tops of existing manholes, as requ/red, to match finished grades visit our web site, www.stocksengineering.com
6. All catch basin grate and frames are to be Vulcan or approved equal. Verify that dimension heights on castings are not exceeded in critical areas before ordering substitute castings!
7. All areas not covered by building or pa ving are to be seeded and mulched. y, *�.
8. Unusable excavatedmateria/s and a//waste resulting from clearing andgrubbing and demo/ition sha//be disposed of off-site by Contractor. _ ��t nn
9 All exca vat/on is unclassified and shall Include a//materials encountered.
10. Before any machine work is done, Contractor shall stake out and mark the items established by the Site P/an. Control points shall be preserved at a//times during the course of the
project. Lack ofproper working points and grade stakes may require cessat/on of operations until such points and grades have been placed to the Owner's satisfaction.
I I. Contractor to ensure al/portions of the site have positive drainage. This must be verified prior to paving orpouring concrete. D
12. Refer to soils report for directions on earthwork and subgrade preparation,Ifava/fabfe.
13. Subgrade left for Pub/ix shall be within 0 10 feet and a surveyed as built shall be provided, signed and sealed by a NC licensed surveyor showing a//storm drain, sewer, water,pond,
D D -
parking lot grades @ 50'o.c.,building pad at comers and 50'o.c, and curb&gutter shots. D I�
Concrete Testing Requirements C A R
NOTES: =0 EsslON9, y9
Initial Test 1. CONCRETE SECTION TO BE 6" THICK, 4,000 PSI Cam? 28 DAYS, W/ 6"X6"
The initial test(from first ready-mix truck)is to be taken after the second yard is dispatched from the mixer and is to consist of the 6GA WELDED WIRE FABRIC. = Q SEAL
l =
2. Pull,prepare and store 3 cylinders on-site for24 hours. J. REFERENCE THE SCM DETAIL SHEET FOR WEIR WIDTH, DEPTH, AND
Subsequent Tests EDGE THICKNESS OF 8"
After the above tests are pulled from the initial truck, every 5th track thereafter Is to be tested/n the same manner as noted above. 3/17/23
Asphalt Testing Requirements
Compaction: Testing for asphalt density is to follow NCOOT"Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures", Section 609-9, 'Field
Compaction Quality Management,"latest revision. BEFORE YOU DIG,
Thickness: The min/mum frequency of coring for thickness testing shall be on the basis of test sections consisting of not more than 1500 CALL REVISIONS
//near feet of lay down width, exclusive of intersections and irregu/ar areas. The test sample is to be a 6-inch cored sample The sample is 3/7/23 30% Plot Set
to be numbered and logged for identification purposes. 0
Contractor's Quality Control System: 7/s/23 Permitting set
Follow NCDOT"Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures", Section 609-5, "Contractor's Quality Control System,"latest 0 9/11/23 Resubmittal
Mixture and Job Mix Formula Adjustments:
Follow NCDOT Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures Section 609-4. Fie/d Verification of Mixture and Job Mix Formula
Adjustments" latest revision. NORTH CAR 0 LI N A
General:A//other applicable sections of Section 609 of the NCDOT"Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures"shall apply locating to mN E CALL CENTER
Quality Control Plan,mix design, contro/limits, corrective action, equipment and measurement, www.ncocc.org
Testing Cost:Contractor isresponsib/e for cost oftesting asphalt and concrete
. FILE No. 2o22-os3
HORZ. SCALE: 1"=50'