HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--07089_Well Construction - GW1_20231103 t ' • ' , , ,• ' . . , „ . . ,„ . . WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) i For Internal Use Only:' 1.Well Contractor Information:. llt- '.. .. I ti) ei-' ifro‘ Wi.A14.e,r,1 y . . . • 14.WATER ZONES• I I . • Well Contractor Name I ' :FROM TO. . . IDESCRIPTION ' '. ' . • A : . . . . ft. ' it 1 I • . ft.• , I : . . • NC Well COhtractor Certification Number ' •' ' .: ft, •i i i . 15.OUTER CASING(for mtiltgeased wells)OR LINER(if ap Ileahle) , e J.C.C:+i...41e. br;/1)",_9 . .. . FROM .TO ' . DIAMETER . THICKNESS •: MATERIAL • . El. ft !• Company Name • . • . iii. - . ' • " •2 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed-loop) .Well Construction Permit#1/A.tefle•Lil 3";}-e - •FROM .TO • : •DIAMETER THICKNESS 'MATERIAL Lis f all'applieable well construction pe Os(i.e.1.11C,County.Slate.Variance,etc.), • ft. . ft. I in. Pe r'.41 1 14-1 io-;freze , . . . . 3.Well Use(Cheek well use): • ft. : ft. . ' In. •. Water'Supply Well:, ' . 17.SCREEN : I • °Agricultural OMuiticipal/Pnblic 'FROMft TO • DIAMETER -SLOT SIZE ,THICKNESS -MATERIAL . •, .. et. ' • in. .. °Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) °Residential Water Supply(single) • - • ft. ' ' ft. ' •in. . • • - • : OlndOtrial/Conimercial ' °Residential 1.'Water Supply(shared) 18.GROUT . * • . ,.. . " .'°Irrigation . . . ' ', OWells••1.06,000.GPD ' . , •• FROM „ -TO '• • .' • MATERIAL' EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUrFI:- Non-Water:Supply Well: • ' ' ft. _ '. ft.' 1 -: . . ' • °Monitoring °Recovery . ' . • ft. • ft, • . Injection Well: ... • • • ' ft . ClAquifer Recharge ' tilerO:ndwater Remediation ' •. ft. • 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACKlif applicable) • °Aquifer.storage and Recovery ' °Salinity Barrier • mom• •. TO _ ' •MATERIAL. EMPLACEMENT METHOD •DAquifer;Test OStonnwater Drainage • . . , • . •ft. • • ' ff. ' - , . . . . 0 Experimental Technology CISobsidence Control • • ft. ft, . . • • °Geothermal(Closed Loop) - OTracer • • 20.DRILLING LOG(attach - .additional sheets if nicesiary) . • • : ' . FROMf'TO. . ... I DESCRIPTION co/or,hardn6s,soil/reek type,grain size.etc3- °Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) • tlii‘er(explain under#21 Remarks) . „ r,• • a ft' 2.S- I.L-.7;1/71e•6(at?i 1 MI_.'11x.14 d•clA7 4.Date Well(s)Completed:/d"3-2-'3 Well ID# :.117ei -°•-•-)I- 2 s it ft• .:/..6•. 5a.Well Location: ' . ft. ,' ft. , • . . f'-'71 7-----,-, --... NO V .3 ‘) 2023 , . . • /Y3e_ °Nell.,Clavvers S:ferEmit.5;le /Yeb e 2.Y6 ia/V9g.• ft. rt. , r..gz L.,1:1! ' . . ,..._ --7--- Fa e i I i ty/Own er Name, . Facility ID//(if applicable) ' : ' ft. ' IL • -r, • . ••ft: ft. 2/2'7 Zjeudve /3/14,ei iTo.e/I-50144'lle., ..2 3'.5'VZ . Physieal'Address,City,and Zip it; ft. Int-CT.r,-;17471 %,..-.-.77:::-,'-1 i P Oev_ilow 4/391/3010 818 21.REMARKS ' .. ,_,. , .-,, ::_.,!....q.,:i • . - County , Parcel Identification No.(PIN). t, Nees f-ee-Co...:...se i.,..4,77-.. yer,,,,,-cieb.. allia.„... Wei/ • . .1- t • • • gee.a,ffe.e... A&exche..."'d..11`c foe-e 0,.. -itec t;t1=veleta;is 5b.Latitude and kingitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 1 . (if well field,one lat/long is sufficient) • 22.Certification: lii.7 ill li e 0 . N 77 3d 1/0 /O. y,,,,, Igna .Date ' 6.Is(are)the well(s): ditcrmanent or DTemporary (turc'of Certified Well Contractor' ( /Ay signing thisform,I hereby certflj•that the li,11(.' was(were)constructed in accordance with 7.Is this a repair to an existing Weil: . Dyes or NI< ' 15A NCAC 02C.01.00 or 15A AlCAC 02C.qo Well.Construction Sumilards•and that a copy if/his Is a rFpitir,fill on:known wall eonstimc:tion infOrmation and explain the nature of the ' of this record has been provided to illewell owner. repair under 021 remarks section or on the hack of this form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: • 1 You may use the back of this page to provide additional well construction info 8.For Ceoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction,only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells '(add'See Over'in Remarks Box),You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS • 9.Total well depth below land surface:.. ' ' 24. UB 7‘ S.-.- . . -„.. ., . . (ft. 1 , For multiple wells flit all depths trdUkrent(erampk-3@200 and 2©100) ' - ), Submit this GW1 within 30 days of well completion per the following: ' ., /8! .. , '24a. For All'Wells:-Original fomi to Division of Res , If 10.Static wlater bove level below top of casing: t'it'i Information Prodessing Unit;16171MSC,Raleigh,NC 2Water.769.9-1ources (DWR) 617 , • • .water leve is a casing,use"+" 11.Borehole diameter: 7 • -on.). - - 24b.ForIniection Wells:Copy to DWR, Underground Injection Control(lUC) ' Progrant,*1.636 MSC,Raleigh„NC,37699-1636 . c." , . ' 12:Well construction method: . le0,fc.1....,..)de,eV/ . • . 24c.For Water Supply and Open Loop Geothermal Return Wells:Copy to the (i.e.auger,rotaiy.cable,direct push,me) . ' . . . .. '. ' county environmental health.department of the county where installed' , .. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:: • . .• '' I- 24d.For Water Wells prOducing,over 100,000 GPD: Copy to DWR,CCPCUA • : ' ,. Permit Program,1611MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1611 - 13a.Yield(gp.m) • - Method of teat: . • . . . • . . I , . , 13b.Disinfection type:- - Amount: - . / • ... . • , - ' . Form OW-1 North Carolina Department of firri,ironntental Quality-Division of Water Resources . Revised 6-6-2018 i . ;! Revision#: D — - , ISTD Heater Boring Construction Detail Release date_5/12/23_ z 3 TERRATHERM nG :�s ,. I Approved by: SL HC-03E Date Well ID • n � Job# R23-104 Oversight �(� , Driller 1 1 G , �• ,A+." rr!y /�/� I Constructed I (fill out if Design different) Notes —Length of Can Stick-Up(ft)/ I, Height of Can Stick-up Above .+ r Ground(In) 5'/30" 1/2 Thermocouple pipe? ..4,01`b t'„i:. Thermocouple Length 77.29' -Length of VEW Stick-Up(ft)/ I' Height of Riser Stick-Up Above i �y e Ground(in) 1.5'%6" As Ground Surface. 0.0' ...._ Heater Can . Conductive HT Grout— :i _ 1 rys i gd Angle from Horizontal 22 Schedule 80 7 1 S ,O, �' .;i : :; y n 7 Borehole Diameter 7' � 1 jv ri* `°? ,-Sit Top of#00 Sand 241' I VIP ' dViFi E -e, Top of Screen 2615' 0615 Heater Can Length 81.5 ft �*'4 ' 5 Gal Buckets of Graphite 2.75 3 in or.' . Bags of Silica 3.75 `'*\ Heater Can Diameter - , kv'rU. -r v. I, ti 9 Nib ft t, F Bags of Cement 12 Screen Length /p x �'1, Riser Length 29 ft �Fw4;'1 Z - r_ . 12 91 Screen Diameter 1 in ' ', 'Bottom of Screen 34:5 0 Installation Method s 1 ,# „ : $ s Direct Push I •. r (ti Bags of 800 Sand 14 Sonic tl°,, ' 1, Hollow Stem Auger I r: �,,'fi4 '.Gallons of Crushed 1 Mud Rotary zi Limestone 14 Other: t 4 Bottom of#00 Sand 61!5' f :x'rr' ii Bottom of Heater Can 76'5' I Kf ,,: s Bottom of Borehole 76:5' I Post-Installation QC(to be performed 24hrs after Installation) PlD Log:Make/Model: 1)Confirm;well Is free of grout Design Constructed Time: . 0 0 0 tO Reading: PPM Depth'to bottom of well[ft bTOC: 'R1 c' , Time: I ; Reading: PPM if greater than or equal to'1ft less than designed alert the office ,Time: I I Reading: PPM 2)Confirm'grout plug reaches ground surface Time: I I Reading: PPM repeat daily until depth to grout is Oft Time: ! Reading: PPM Date ' ' ' Depth to Grout[ft bgs] Notes: I I , '