HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--07087_Well Construction - GW1_20231103 WELL.CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Internal Use Only: ' 1.Well contractor informntioii: i a%Itat.wi'W;(ob.er I y • • : - -- .: 1 �,i - • ---I .it .14.WATER ZONES • 1 I • Well Contractor Name .FROM TO . .DESCRIPTION 6 /1 ff. ft. I NC Well Contractor Certification Number . . . it' ft. 1 • ®® 'IS.OUTER CASING(for niullti-cased wells)OR LINER(if op doable) �0,.0•SC rVGt e, br1 // %_9 •FROM TO I DIAMETER THICKNESS p fL ft. Ii Fm S1ATEILIAL Company Name A i ' !� /� C• ' 16.INNER CASING OR TUEING.(geothermal closed-loop) 2.Well Construction Permit#:i ym CE t C L A 5 j-e FROM .TO List all applicable well construction pe nits(i.e.U1C.County,State.Variance,etc.) ';'DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft.. R. ', in. 3.Well Use(check well use): PV r+ 47 iht d-" ,btf e_:le e vie • ft. - R. in. Water Supply Well - -17.SCREEN i, • ❑Apnicllhltral • FROM • TO . .DIAMETER SLOT SIZE . THICKNESSMATERIAL ' ❑Municip5l/Public ft. ft.: • hi. . ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Residentiat Water Supply f 1 PP Y(single) - •ft.:. -ft'. I In. - ❑Industrial/Cominercial • ❑Residential.Water Supply(shared) ❑]rrigrition ❑Wells>;100,000 GPD 18'GROUT ; _ FROM :. TO ' MATERIAL' EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNTS Non-Water Supply Well: ft, ft. . °Monitoring ❑Recovery ' it Injection'Well; • • ft. °Aquifer Recharge �C,roundwater Romediation it' ft. ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑salinity Barrier 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK(if applicable) • .' FROM ' • TO' MATERIAL . EMPLACEMENT METHOD ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stonnwatcr Drainage •. ' - ft. ft: :, • • ❑Experimental Technology1 ❑Subsidence Control • ft. ft, • ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer G a ' 20:DRILLING LOG(attach additional Sheets if necessary),. •. - ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) then(explain under#21 Remarks) FROM' i,To.. DFSCRIP'IION(color,hardness,snlUrock type,grain size etc.) 4.Date Well(s)Com leted:`L--"t 23 /IC d�. +'�J at�tr-P���t'Lv�3CwAvrQf�[ oC�/ P Well ID# �• �� ft• ft. � y / / - S, jp.. l , a Atir.tz-rOt N�Q 5a.Well Location: • ft. ft. / /Mt_ 0/ye-PP S:1VeR�,,sl S,,ve.Arch0246vying . - • • It. . Facility/Owner Name Facility 1D11(if applicable) ft �``b• ,�.�. 11 ft. L. ' r I"'F 2 i2.7 Z JevNe /3/✓tQ/rTi.erg.s"0N✓�•liej 284"ye • rt. ft Physical-Address,City,and Zip ft. . ft. 1 1y O y 2�2� - O.1/s/0(.0 //31g'I30117818 .21.REMARKS • 1IlfCr-r=':S.,n ;a,•_..,_-:_ • County //�� 1 �,t,•...: x':1 .: it�/i�:z Parealdentific:nionNo. PiN //e �tq` ....toi .'— 1 '147' ( e.*i. See o,z Sb.Enfilade and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: a,I r�•h.ei,seh'e-/'1'is -r`c.for t^,,,srr -c.f"'intvel fc;i LS (if well field,one tat/long is sufficient) 22.Certification: `I,?y/'boo . N ' 7'7.. 364e fop W. 6.ls(are)•the well(s): ibI rmanent or ❑Tem pot , /0 ,-/r--4:-Y iS gnnture ofCenificd Well Conrnictar r...."e"."----. • P ar5' Data /' By signing tlris form,I hereby certify•that the well(s)was�(u®ere)constructed in accordance with 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or �7Vo 1SA NCAC C2C.0100 or 15A NCAC Q2C.0200 Web,Cousfrnctiort Standards and that a copy I(Utis is a repair fill out known well construction infot•ntOtimr and explain the nature of the o/7his record has been provided to lhts a elYo,,nc,. repair under 1t21 remarks section or on the hack of this torn. , 23.Site diagram or additional Well details: S.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page'to provide additional well construction info construction,only I GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells •(add'See Over'in Remarks Box).You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: y� —2.-, 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: (� (ft)i i' a 200•'and 1 a i00� Submit this -1 within 30 days Owe!!completion per.the following: For multiple wells,list all depths)fdjferent(example-,3 10.Static water level below top of casing: 'H AP , '24a. For All Wells: Original'fort to Division of Water Resources (DWR); f s - (f�) Information Processing Uilit,'1617IMSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 1 water level is above casing use."+" 7 • II.Borehole diameter: (in.) I 24b. For injection Wells:Copy'to DWR, Underground Injection Control(IUC • ) p Program;1.6366 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 12.Well construction method: t/1 ei ta..l,?.iv e 1 .i (i.e.auger,torn 24c.For Water Supply and Open-Loo Geothermal Return Wells:Copy to the b ry,cable,'direct push,etc.) p I Y, county environmental health departmentml of the county whereItistalled FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS,ONLY:' - . I 24d.For;Water Wells producing Lv r 100,000 GPD:Copy to DWR,CCPCUA 13a.Yield(n m 1 -Permit Program,1611.MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699=1 61 1 , bP ) Method of test: . , - I3b.Disinfection type: • • Amount: - ' I • 1' Form OW-I North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources I Revised 6.6.2018 1 ®.TERRAIN' ` ' ' ISTD Heater Boring Construction Detail Revision#:_0 aCren&COmnMy Release date:_5/12/23_ ' ; I Approved by: SL 1 '`'� ' I;• I f I Well ID I , 1 ;HC-04D i', Date (Co — D Q ,3 • Oversight g :-6-3 ZE),!nqi;e1 Job I R23-104 / I Driller f L. 4 Fr©in V`r/ , -1/40,.A I er/ Constructed (fill out If Design different) Notes —Length of Can Stick-Up(ft)/ Height of Can Stick-up Above 1/2"Thermocouple pipe? ‘'' j-`t-' ',; Ground(in) 2.5'/30" Thermocouple Length ._ 61.75' Length of VEW Stick-Up(ft)/ Height of Riser Stick-Up Above Ground(in) 0.5'',/6" Ground Surface 0.0' ' 1 -53 Heater Can Conductive HT Grout-- ` '' ?Angle from Horizontal 66` Schedule 80 V ,y -41 Borehole Diameter T,' „� a= i;,Top of#00Sand 21 fiteli i�,ee , ' ' ® a Top of Screen 4', 1 Mill i Y ` t' fi' �.f'+ I Heater Can Length 64 ft ti ` 5 Gal Buckets of Graphite 0.75 1 Heater Can Diameter 3 in i ,-, .4"Bags of Silica 1, 1 Screen Length 10 ft — Bags of Cement 3 I 3 %Riser Length ft ,, Screen Diameter in 44!1 § 4 Bottom of Screen 14'1 1 Li Installation Method .„ ?. � i,,` Direct Push �! s � � .; . : Bags of#00 Sand 26.5 I Y y _.,,,rem `. 1 o low Stem Auger 4 Gallons of Crushed Mud Rotary ' • ,4' VA?Limestone 26.5 5 '? 't,AK— Other: rQ ��; Bottom of#00 Sand 54.5',; L . xa 1: 1 I .`a ;-- .'Bottom of Heater Can 62' Bottom of Borehole 62 1 6 a. is v c ' 1 Post-Installation QC(to be performed 24hrs after installation) PID Loa:.Make/Model: , 1)Confirm well is free of grout Design t Constructed .Time: p'o 0 6.-2 p, Reading: ,,,a go Z-PPM Depth to bottom of well[ft bTOC 64 5' `• ' Time:. ' 1 021r, ' Reading: ,e2,C) PPM if greater than or equal to 1ft less than designed alert the office . Time: 10 Li t) 1 Reading: ,per ,ppM 2)Confirm grout plug reaches ground surface Time: pq�;a a 'i Reading: i) , �a 9VPPM repeat daily until depth to grout is Oft. ' Time: 1 Reading: ✓d PPM Date Depth to Grout[ft bgs] Notes: I Sc,..1.— I i 1.i 11