HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0088714_Fact Sheet_20231109DENR/DWQ
NPDES Permit: NCO088714
2021 Renewal
This form must be completed by Permit Writers for all expedited permits which do not require full Fact Sheets.
Expedited permits are generally simple 100% domestics (e.g., schools, mobile home parks, etc.) that can be
administratively renewed with minor changes, but can include facilities with more complex issues (Special
Conditions, 303(d) listed water, toxicity testing, instream monitoring, compliance concerns).
Facility and Stream Information
Applicant/ Facility Name:
Aqua North Carolina, Inc. / Lassiter Farm Community Well WTP
Applicant Address:
202 Mackenan Court; Cary, NC 27511
Facility Address:
6145 Mal Weathers Road; Raleigh, NC 27603
Facility Class/Permit Status:
Grade I Physical -Chemical WPCS / Renewal
Permitted Flow (as
0.06 MGD
Type of Waste
100% Industrial - Filter
Receiving Stream
UT Ditch Branch
Stream Class / ID
C; NSW /
River Basin
Quad USGS Too
7Q10 Sum Win cfs
0 0
30Q2 cfs
Avg. Stream Flow (cfs)
IWC (%) sum/win
I Wake
Regional Office
Basic Information for
Expedited Permit Renewal
Permit Writer / Date
Bradley Bennett / August 9, 2023 (updated 8/23)
Does permit need daily max NH3 limits?
Does permit need TRC limits/language?
Yes - Already in permit
Does permit have toxicity testing?
Does permit have Special Conditions?
Does permit have instream monitoring?
Stream on 303 d List? For w/parameter?
No - Mercury statewide issue only
Any compliance concerns?
No Enforcements or violations this permit term
Any modifications since lastpermit?
New expiration date:
Aril 30, 2028
This facility is a water treatment plant that is 100% industrial waste and treats well water for a the Lssiter Farm
subdivision in Wake County. The facility has a designed potable water flow of 0.054 MGD and generates
backwash discharge reject flow with a maximum monthly average wastewater discharge of 0.0017 MGD. The
system utilizes:
• raw well -water intake with caustic and chlorination system
• Three (3) each 3 foot -diameter greensand filter tanks
• backwash dechlorination system [flow meter]
• backwash settling tank [6-ft diam.]
• wastewater drying bed
• potable water surge tank [5,000 gallon] w/ ortho phosphate addition system
Chemicals used:
• chlorine [sodium hypochlorite] • calcium thiosulphate
• OP37 [orthophosphate] • caustic soda
Process: (from 2022 application and historical documents) Well water treated with caustic, chlorinated and
then sent to three sand filters. Filtered water is treated with ortho phosphate and continues to surge tank and
into potable water distribution system. Backwash/rinsing of each filter is initiated about once a week. One
filter is done at a time so two are still in operation. Filtered water is used for the backwash/rinsing. The
backwash/rinse water goes to a settling tank before a draying bed and then discharge. Iron and manganese are
the main constituents removed and captured in the process. Periodically the top of the sand filters are raked
and taken to a landfill for disposal.
The application does not indicate any changes in the facility or treatment since the last renewal of the permit.
The treatment system is operated by Aqua North Carolina, Inc. The application notes potable design flow of
0.054 MGD and Backwash reject flow of 0.0017 MGD. Sludge is noted as being transported off site, either to
another Aqua facility for seeding a new or underloaded plant or, for unusable sludge, transported for disposal.
Backwash is noted as occurring 1 day per week. All Table B, C, D and E pollutants were indicated as "believed
absent." For Table A Parameters Aqua requested waiver of monitoring for BOD, COD, TOC, TSS, NH3-N and
Temperature. Most of these parameters do not appear to be of major concern for this facility and the Division
approves the requested waiver. The request for waiver of TSS is questionable given the facility is required to
monitor for TSS two (2) times per month in the permit. Since all monitoring data has been submitted for TSS
we can use that information without request for additional information.
The most recent inspection occurred on July 10, 2019. No issues were reported except for the facility having the
same staff person listed as ORC and backup ORC. Aqua was given 30 days to submit documentation for
designation of a backup ORC. The facility now has three listed backup operators.
Parameter Units
Permit Limit
Flow (MGD)
TSS (mg/L)
< 2.5
30 MA
45 DM
No Exceedances
TRC (µg/L)
< 10
17 DM
27 Exceedances; No results >
Compliance level of 50
Turbidity (NTU)
Total Nitrogen (mg/L)
Total Phosphorus (mg/L)
< 0.025
Total Manganese (µg/L)
pH (su)
>-6 and <-9
No Exceedances
MA - Monthly Average DM - Daily Max QA -Quarterly Average DA - Daily Average Summer - April through Oct Winter - Nov through March
The data reviewed for the renewal is from November 1, 2018 through June 2023.
Flow - The facility reports flow of 0.00171MGD for each discharge event. Only one value was different over the
permit cycle. This value is consistent with historical information indicating the amount of water used for filter
backwash. Duration of flow was previously required to be maintained in permittee logs. This parameter can
now be reported in eDMR. The permit Effluent Table has been changed to include Duration of Flow.
TSS - No limit violations occurred for any of these limited parameters over the permit cycle.
TRC- There were 27 exceedances of the 17 µg/L limit, but no values were above the compliance level of 50µg/L.
Lassiter Farm Community Well WTP Fact Sheet
NPDES Renewal 2022 — August 9, 2022 — updated August 23, 2023
Page 2
Turbidi - Highest value of 0.9 NTU so no issues shown with this parameter.
Total Manganese - Some data for Manganese seem to be elevated as compared to EPA Criteria. There is no NC
standard due to the high natural occurrence of manganese in surface waters in NC. WTP guidance suggests
monitoring for manganese rather than limits.
Nutrients - Nutrient values in DMR data are very low. Because of location in the Neuse River Basin (NSW
waters) monitoring will be maintained.
During the permit cycle this facility had no violations or enforcement actions.
Permit first issued - February 4, 2008
February 4, 2008 - Permit Issuance - Application indicated that well water quality was exceptional except
for iron and manganese. Treatment system designed to handle these issues. In the draft process the NC
Wildlife Resources Commission commented due to proximity to important/endangered species. WRC
commented on the use of chlorine and the impact that this could have. The Division noted that the permit
set TRC limit at the lowest level utilized of 17µg/L. The permit file included USGS information on stream
flow - 7Q10 - zero; 3OQ2 - 0.02 cfs. The application included the Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA)
of other potential alternatives as required. The application info noted monitoring for radiological
parameters showed low results. Permit limits were set at:
m L
m L
30 45
6 to 9
Monitoring also required for Fluoride, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, TN and TP.
• February 8, 2012 - Permit Modification to remove flow limit and reduce monitoring for iron, manganese
and zinc to quarterly monitoring. These modifications were made at the request of the permittee
(Aqua)based on the 2009 WTP Permitting Strategy. The request noted that the system served two
subdivisions with a total of 69 lots.
• December 30, 2013 - Permit Renewal - There were a number of adjustments based on the 2012 WTP
Strategy - Fluoride and zinc monitoring was removed and turbidity monitoring (2/month) was added. TN
and TP monitoring was set at semi-annual and TRC footnote information was added to the permit.
Language for eDMR requirements was also added to the permit.
• May 25, 2018 - Division letter to Aqua indicating that the facility may be eligible for coverage under
NCG590000 and request for their review and response.
• September 26, 2018 - Permit Renewal - This renewal removed the monitoring required for iron since there
was no longer a water quality standard. The permit cover letter noted that manganese monitoring
remained based on the WTP strategy and TN and TP monitoring required due to Neuse NSW requirements.
In addition, the requirement for TN and TP monitoring meant that the facility was not eligible for
NCG590000 coverage.
• Updated eDMR requirements to be consistent with final EPA rule.
• Added regulatory citations throughout permit as needed.
• Permit map information updated.
• Duration of Flow added to Effluent Table - eDMR code 81381.
Lassiter Farm Community Well WTP Fact Sheet
NPDES Renewal 2022 — August 9, 2022 — updated August 23, 2023
Page 3
Draft Permit to Public Notice: August 22, 2023
Permit Scheduled Effective Date: November 1, 2023
If you have questions concerning the above or the attached documents, please contact Bradley Bennett at
bradley.bennettOncdenr.gov. .
Lassiter Farm Community Well WTP Fact Sheet
NPDES Renewal 2022 — August 9, 2022 — updated August 23, 2023
Page 4
Accoultt if
Order Number
I Identification
Order PO
1 Print legal Ad-IPLO1394830 - IPLO139483
43 L
Attention: Wren Thedford
RALEIGH, NC 276991617
Public lbtice
North Carolina Environmental Man-
agement COnvnisslorVNPDES Unit
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
Notice of Intent to Issue a NPDES
Wastewater Permit N00088714 Las-
siter Farm Community Well WTP The
North Carolina Environmental Man-
agement Commission proposes to
issue a NPDES wastewater discharge
permit to the personts) listed below.
Written comments regarding the pro-
posed permit will he accepted until
30 days after the publish date of this
notice. The Director of the NC Division
of Water Resources (DWR) may hold
a public hearing should there be a
significant degree of public interest.
Please mail comments and/or infor-
mation requests to DWR at the above
address. Interested persons may visit
the DVJR at 512 N. Salisbury Street.
Raleigh, NC 27604 to review the infor-
mation an file. Additional information
on NPDES permits and this notice may
be found an our websde: https://deq.
ncgov/public-notices-heatings.or by
calling (919) 707-3601, AQUA North
Carolina, Inc I202 MacKenan Court;
Cary. NC 275111 has requested re-
newal of NPDES permit N00088714
for the Lassiter Farms Community Well
WTP, located in Wake County This
permitted facility discharges treated
wastewater to a UT to Ditch Branch, a
class C. NSW water in the Neuse River
Basin. Some of the parameters in the
permit are water quality limited. This
discharge may affect future alloca-
tions in this segment of Ditch Branch.
Sep 13 2023
Before the undersigned. a Notary Public of Dallas
County, Texas, duly commissioned and authorized to
administer oaths. affirmations, etc., personally
appeared Tara Pennington. who being duly sworn or
affirmed, according to law. cloth depose and say that he
or she is Accounts Receivable Specialist of the News &
Observer Publishing Company, a corporation organized
and doing business under the Laws of the State of North
Carolina, and publishing a newspaper known as The
News & Observer, Wake and State aforesaid, the said
newspaper in which such notice, paper, document, or
legal advertisement was published was, at the time of
each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting
all of the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-
597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a
qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1.597
of the General Statutes of North Carolina, and that as
such he or she makes this affidavit; and is familiar with
the books, files and business of said corporation and by
reference to the files of said publication the attached
RALEIGH was inserted in the aforesaid newspaper on
dates as follows:
1 insertion(s) published on:
09' 13'23
certify or declare) under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
' S �c•�d1F�r
Notary Public in and for the state of Texas. residing in
Dallas County
=•F '1•= My Notary IU 4133534406
Expires January 14, 2026
Extra charge for lost or duplicate affidavits.
Legal documerlt please do not destroy!
1 of 1 9/19/2023, 12:36 PM
Bennett, Bradley
From: Bennett, Bradley
Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2023 5:56 PM
To: Pearce, Joseph R; Lambeth, Robyn E
Subject: Final Permit Issuance for Lassiter Farm WTP - NCO088714
Attachments: NC0088714_Final Permit and Cover Ltr Signed_20231109.pdf
Joe and Robyn
Attached is the final issued permit renewal for Lassiter Farm WTP — NC0088714. The permit will be effective January 1,
2024. Until that time please continue to meet the conditions of your current permit. If you have any questions, please
let me know.
Please reply to this message to verify that you received the permit and were able to open, read, download and print
the file for your records.
Bradley Bennett
Compliance and Expedited Permitting
NC Division of Water Resources
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
Phone: (919) 707-3629
Email: bradley.bennett@deq.nc.gov
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to public records laws
DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 1st to June 9th 2023.
Employee email addresses may look different, but email performance will not be impacted.
Bennett, Bradley
Bennett, Bradley
Thursday, November 9, 2023 6:00 PM
Manuel, Vanessa
Zhang, Cheng
Issuance of Lassiter Farm WTP Permit - NCO088714
Hey Vanessa,
Just wanted to let you know that this permit has been finalized and was sent electronically to the permittee today. The
permit will become effective January 1, 2024. The permit and Fact Sheet are in Laserfiche.
Bradley Bennett
Compliance and Expedited Permitting
NC Division of Water Resources
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
Phone: (919) 707-3629
Email: bradley.bennett@deq.nc.gov
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to public records laws
DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 1st to June 9th 2023.
Employee email addresses may look different, but email performance will not be impacted.
Bennett, Bradley
From: Berger, Amanda A <AABerger@aquaamerica.com>
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2023 3:51 PM
To: Bennett, Bradley
Cc: Pearce, Joseph R; Lambeth, Robyn E
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Draft Permit for Lassiter Farms WTP - NCO088714
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message
button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab.
Hi Bradley,
I knew it was required, but I was curious why it is now due on the DMR. It will have to be programmed to be entered
into our compliance software so I wanted to confirm the requirement.
From: Bennett, Bradley <bradley.bennett@deq.nc.gov>
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2023 11:49 AM
To: Berger, Amanda A <AABerger@aquaamerica.com>
Cc: Pearce, Joseph R <JRPearce@aquaamerica.com>; Lambeth, Robyn E <RELambeth@aquaamerica.com>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Draft Permit for Lassiter Farms WTP - NCO088714
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the
sender and know the content is safe.
Hi Amanda,
Duration of flow has always been required. In your current permit look at footnote 2 that required you to keep the
information in your logbook. Duration of Flow is now a parameter that we can track in eDMR so it has been added with
the proper code.
Bradley Bennett
Compliance and Expedited Permitting
NC Division of Water Resources
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
Phone: (919) 707-3629
Email: bradlev.bennett(@deg.nc.gov
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to public records laws
DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 1st to June 9th 2023.
Employee email addresses may look different, but email performance will not be impacted.
From: Berger, Amanda A <AABerger@aquaamerica.com>
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2023 9:48 AM
To: Bennett, Bradley <bradley.ben nett@deg.nc.gov>
Cc: Pearce, Joseph R <JRPearce@aquaamerica.com>; Lambeth, Robyn E <RELambeth@aquaamerica.com>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Draft Permit for Lassiter Farms WTP - NCO088714
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message
button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab.
Hi Bradley,
Can you advise why duration of flow has been added as a flow reporting requirement for a WTP?
From: Bennett, Bradley <bradley. ben nett@deg.nc.gov>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2023 11:16 AM
To: Berger, Amanda A <AABerger@aquaamerica.com>
Cc: Pearce, Joseph R <JRPearce@aquaamerica.com>; Lambeth, Robyn E <RELambeth@aquaamerica.com>; Ison, Laurie
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Draft Permit for Lassiter Farms WTP - NCO088714
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the
sender and know the content is safe.
Here is the draft permit for the Lassiter Farms WTP. This one should be at notice later this week. Take a look and let us
know if you have any comments.
Please respond to this email to verify that you received the permit file and were able to open, download and print the
document for your records.
Bradley Bennett
Compliance and Expedited Permitting Phone: (919) 707-3629
NC Division of Water Resources
1617 Mail Service Center Email: brad ley.ben nettjndeq. nc.gov
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to public records laws
DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 1st to June 9th 2023.
Employee email addresses may look different, but email performance will not be impacted.
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized
state official.
Bennett, Bradley
From: Bennett, Bradley
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2023 11:30 AM
To: Manuel, Vanessa
Subject: Draft Permit for Lassiter Farms WTP - NCO088714 to Public Notice
Attachments: NCO088714 Draft Permit and Cover Leter_20230911.pdf
Hey Vanessa,
Hope you are doing okay. Just wanted to let you know that this draft should go to public notice later this week.
Bradley Bennett
Compliance and Expedited Permitting
NC Division of Water Resources
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
Phone: (919) 707-3629
Email: bradley.bennett@deq.nc.gov
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to public records laws
DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 1st to June 9th 2023.
Employee email addresses may look different, but email performance will not be impacted.
Bennett, Bradley
From: Deuterman, Sydney
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 5:32 PM
To: Bennett, Bradley
Subject: RE: Draft Permit for Review - Aqua - Lassiter Farm WTP - NC0088714
Hey Bradley,
I'm so sorry for not getting this back to you sooner!! I got caught up working on some reports for John last week. I only
have a few comments on the draft:
• Slight typo on the cover letter in the paragraph discussing the parameters they requested a waiver for. It's the
sentence, "The Division was able to utilize have all the submitted..."
• The expiration date on the permit still shows 2023
• 'Duration of Discharge' should be added to the effluent table as it has it's own parameter code (81381).
Great work!
Sydney Deuterman (she/her)
Environmental Specialist II
Compliance and Expedited Permitting Unit
Division of Water Resources
N.C. Department of Environmental Quality
Office: 919-707-3712
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
D, E Ql
L . `11-�
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Bennett, Bradley <bradley.bennett@deq.nc.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2023 3:47 PM
To: Deuterman, Sydney <sydney.deuterman@deq.nc.gov>
Subject: Draft Permit for Review - Aqua - Lassiter Farm WTP - NC0088714
Hey Sydney,
Here is a draft WTP permit for your review. They actually had to send in their application twice since they originally just
sent the old Sort Form C. I just included the EPA Form 1 and 2C in the folder. If you want to see Short Form C let me
know or you can find it in Laserfiche I think. Also, Amanda didn't sign one of the forms, but Wren got her to send in the
signed page and we will get it added to the LF copy.
M NC0088714 - AQUA - Lassiter Farm WTP
Hope you are doing well (besides the 69 permits which I know is a huge load)!
Bradley Bennett
Compliance and Expedited Permitting Phone: (919) 707-3629
NC Division of Water Resources
1617 Mail Service Center Email: bradley.ben nett°.nc.gov
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to public records laws
DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 1st to June 9th 2023.
Employee email addresses may look different, but email performance will not be impacted.
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized
state official.
Bennett, Bradley
From: Manuel, Vanessa
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2023 8:14 AM
To: Zhang, Cheng
Cc: Bennett, Bradley
Subject: FW: Draft Permit For Review - Lassiter Farm WTP - NC0088714
Attachments: NC0088714 Draft Permit and Cover Leter_2023.pdf; NC0088714_Fact Sheet_2023.pdf
Please review the draft permit and provide comments as needed. See email below. Note the draft is scheduled to go to
public notice Aug. 215t
Vanessa E. Manuel
Assistant Regional Supervisor
Division of Water Resources — Raleigh Regional Office
Department of Environmental Quality
919 791-4232 Office; 919 817-1256 Mobile
vanessa.manuel(@- eg.nc.gov
Physical: 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609
Mailing: 1628 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1628
Note: DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 15t to June 9tn
Employee email addresses may look different, but email performance will not be impacted.
�Ndothtng Compares
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Bennett, Bradley <bradley.bennett@deq.nc.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2023 3:26 PM
To: Manuel, Vanessa <vanessa.manuel@deq.nc.gov>
Subject: Draft Permit For Review - Lassiter Farm WTP - NC0088714
Hey Vanessa,
Here is a draft permit for review. This one will hopefully go to notice the week of August 21St. Let me know if you guys
have any comments/questions. The permit and fact sheet are attached and the application is in LF. They had to make a
resubmittal to get the correct application forms so there are two files in LF.
Bradley Bennett
Compliance and Expedited Permitting Phone: (919) 707-3629
NC Division of Water Resources
1617 Mail Service Center Email: bradley.ben nett°.nc.gov
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to public records laws
DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 1st to June 9th 2023.
Employee email addresses may look different, but email performance will not be impacted.
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized
state official.
Bennett, Bradley
From: Bennett, Bradley
Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2023 3:26 PM
To: Manuel, Vanessa
Subject: Draft Permit For Review - Lassiter Farm WTP - NCO088714
Attachments: NCO088714 Draft Permit and Cover Leter_2023.pdf, NC0088714_Fact Sheet_2023.pdf
Hey Vanessa,
Here is a draft permit for review. This one will hopefully go to notice the week of August 21'. Let me know if you guys
have any comments/questions. The permit and fact sheet are attached and the application is in LF. They had to make a
resubmittal to get the correct application forms so there are two files in LF.
Bradley Bennett
Compliance and Expedited Permitting
NC Division of Water Resources
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
Phone: (919) 707-3629
Email: bradley.bennett@deq.nc.gov
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to public records laws
DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 1st to June 9th 2023.
Employee email addresses may look different, but email performance will not be impacted.
Bennett, Bradley
From: Manuel, Vanessa
Sent: Friday, July 7, 2023 10:20 AM
To: Bennett, Bradley
Subject: RE: Heads up on Renewals I Will Be Working On
Hey Bradley,
Apologies for the late reply. We're down to 1 senior NPDES inspector and 1 newbie Q. Stephanie Goss did the last
inspection at Princeton. A cursory review of the inspection report didn't reveal any outstanding issues. The inspection
was conducted as a sampling inspection.
For Brighton and Lassiter, the last inspections were conducted in 2019. These will likely be targeted for inspections the
next federal fiscal year. Both of these inspections were conducted by staff who are no longer with our unit.
Thanks for reaching out to our group as you initiate review of these permit renewals.
Vanessa E. Manuel
Assistant Regional Supervisor
Division of Water Resources — Raleigh Regional Office
Department of Environmental Quality
919 791-4232 Office; 919 817-1256 Mobile
vanessa.manuel(@ eg.nc.gov
Physical: 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609
Mailing: 1628 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1628
Note: DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 15Y to June 9th.
Employee email addresses may look different, but email performance will not be impacted.
'Ndothing Compares
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Bennett, Bradley <bradley.bennett@deq.nc.gov>
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 3:02 PM
To: Manuel, Vanessa <vanessa.manuel@deq.nc.gov>
Subject: Heads up on Renewals I Will Be Working On
Hey Vanessa,
Hope you are doing well!
I just wanted to touch base on renewals that are coming up for me and get contacts in the region for any issues with
• Town of Princeton WWTP — NCO026662 - I am starting the review of this renewal and wanted to see if you guys
have anything you wanted to pass along on the review. It does look like they have had a number of NOVs and
enforcements over the permit cycle. Also, they got Speculative Limits earlier this year for future expansions to
0.6 and 0.95 MGD. We haven't seen any actual expansion requests at this point. I have asked them for
information on their timeframe with this to see if we move forward or hold on this one.
• Town of Fuquay- Varina / Brighton Forest WWTP — NCO066150
• Aqua North Carolina / Lassiter Farm Subdivision WTP — NCO088714
Let me know who in the RRO I should be in touch with on these permits.
Bradley Bennett
Compliance and Expedited Permitting Phone: (919) 707-3629
NC Division of Water Resources
1617 Mail Service Center Email: brad ley. ben nett ,deq.nc.gov
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to public records laws
DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 1st to June 9th 2023.
Employee email addresses may look different, but email performance will not be impacted.
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized
state official.