HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0088757_Engineering Alternatives Analysis_20080311RIVERVIEW DEVELOPMENT BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NC ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES - ANALYSIS (EAA) PREPARED FOR: _ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - NPDES UNIT 1 61 7 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1 61 7 MARCH 11, 200S BROOKS ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES PROJECT NO. 171006 17 Arlington Street Asheville, NC 28801 828.232.4700 RIVERVIEW DEVELOPMENT BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ,"" �' ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS ,� (EAA) �� am Prepared for: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality — NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 ,`,,tt%JitIII tiff, PER oF�ss�o Mqco S L 5�9 C. �/!lttt'riliii�� March 11, 2008 MR Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. ow Project No.: 171006 Fw RM c P, Table of Contents am 1.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................1 1.1 Applicant Information...............................................................................1 1.2 Property Information................................................................................2 FM 2.0 Initial Discharge Determination........................................................................3 3.0 Technical Evaluation of Alternatives...............................................................6 00 3.1 Connection to Existing Waste Treatment Plant ........................................ 5 3.2 Individual or Group Septic Systems.........................................................6 FM 3.3 Land Application & Reuse........................................................................ 7 3.4 Direct Discharge to Surface Waters.........................................................9 3.5 Combination of Alternatives 4.0 Economic Evaluation of Alternatives.............................................................10 4.1 Connection to Existing Wastewater Treatment Plant ...................... ..11 4.2 Individual or Group Septic Systems.......................................................13 �•+ ...................................................... 4.3 Land Application ....................... .......14 4.4 Reuse....................................................................................................15 4.5 Direct Discharge to Surface Waters.......................................................16 4.6 Combinations of Alternatives..................................................................17 Figures 1. Development Site Plan 2. General Site Location Map 3. Discharge Location Map 4. Neighboring Discharge Facility Locations Attachments A. Local Government Review Form B. Soil Scientist Report & County Environmental Health Denial Letter C. Brooks Engineering Associates Soils Report D. Present Value Cost Analysis E. Engineer's Opinion of Cost for Infrastructure MR OR 1.0 Introduction am This Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) is provided as part of the application for a new NPDES permit for the Riverview Condominium Development in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.0105. The purpose of this EAA is to determine the technical and economic feasibility of wastewater disposal options available for the development. As part of the 1972 Clean Water Act, discharge to surface waters is considered only as a last resort. Brooks Engineering Associates has evaluated all of the alternatives and has concluded that the surface discharge permit is the only viable option for the applicant. The property was purchased with the intent of developing over 120 modular units at the site. A preliminary soil report by Catena Group indicated that there was sufficient suitable/provisionally suitable soil on site to serve the proposed development with subsurface or surface land disposal wastewater options. However, upon initiation of a permit level investigation of the soil conditions by Brooks & Medlock Engineering's soil scientists, it was determined that the clay content in the soil was expansive and therefore unsuitable for a land disposal system. The Buncombe County Health Department confirmed these findings. This was after the developer had made a substantial investment in the property. Grading and site development has begun. `"`' Applicant Information Pertinent information regarding the applicant and this application is as follows. Property Owner: French Broad River Group of NC 3800 South Ocean Drive ,R Hollywood, FL 33019 (954) 458-7828 Attn: Ross Adickman me NPDES Permit Applicant: French Broad River Group of NC 3800 South Ocean Drive Hollywood, FL 33019 FM (954) 458-7828 Attn: Ross Adickman on Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. WA BEA Project No. 171006 Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development 1 am EAA Preparers Information: Brooks Engineering Associates, PA 17 Arlington Street Asheville, NC 28801 (828) 232-4700 on Contact: Mark C. Brooks, P.E. f` Property Information The subject property is located in Buncombe County at the intersection of Old Marshall a' Highway (US 25/70) and Fletcher Martin Road (NC 1620). The parcel, approximately 50.72 acres is identified by Buncombe County as Tax Map ID No. 9723-04-53-9341. FW The subject site is currently forest land. The Old Marshall Highway (US 25/70) borders the property to the southwest. The French Broad River parallels the Old Marshall I^ Highway across the street from the development. The development project consists of proposed 160 two and three bedroom modular cabin units on the 50.72 acres. Half of the units are anticipated to be two bedrooms and half of the units are anticipated to be three bedrooms. The site water service will be provided by transient non -community (as defined in 15A NCAC 18C) water supply `" wells on the property. The site layout is provided as Figure 1. The units are termed "condominium units" as they are sold as detached condominiums, with conveyance of "k land. The Local Government Review Form is provided as Attachment A. M+ A general site location map has been included as Figure 2 depicting the discharge location. The proposed wastewater receiving stream is the French Broad River. The ,., design flow for the project is calculated to be 48,000 gallons per day (gpd) based upon 120 gpd/bedroom in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H 0.219. One half of the units are anticipated to be 2 bedroom and one half are anticipated to be three bedrooms. The requested permit discharge allocation has been rounded up to 50,000 gpd. 00 Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. ffm BEA Project No. 171006 Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development 2 OR 2.0 Initial Discharge Determination am ON Brooks Engineering Associates has performed an initial determination regarding the potential of the receiving stream to accommodate the proposed developments' design Ron wastewater flow of 50,000 gpd. The discharge location longitude and latitude are provided on Figure 3. Initially, the receiving stream, the French Broad River, was researched for limiting classifications and the following determinations were made: ♦ The French Broad River has no zero -flow restrictions per 15A NCAC 26.0206 (d)(2); ♦ The French Broad River is classified as a Class B River (Stream Index No. 6- (54.5), Map No. EBNW Weaverville Quad); TAM ♦ River Segment Index No. 6-(54.5) of the French Broad River is not designated as an Impaired Water and has no designated TMDLs; ♦ This segment of the French Broad River has no known presence of endangered species. David Hill of NCDENR DWQ said that the subbasin number is not available because these are currently being changed; and ♦ Class B waters have no restrictions on watershed development or types of discharges. A basin plan does exist for the receiving stream watershed. The French Broad River Basin Plan was implemented in 1995, renewed in May 2000 and again in April 2005. FM The plan does not include any discharge restrictions or moratoriums, with the exception of Impaired Waters identified in different sections of the river. To address potential deficiencies of the receiving stream regarding flow, BEA staff conducted an investigation by confirming a positive 7Q10 "low stream flow" for the French Broad River with the USGS. These activities are discussed below. on On April 13, 2007 BEA staff contacted Mr. Curtis Weaver, PE of the USGS in Raleigh, North Carolina. Mr. Weaver is the principal engineer in charge of making stream flow A" determinations for the Raleigh USGS office. The 7-day 10-year low flow (7Q10) is the governing stream criteria for wastewater point source discharges for flow acceptance. Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. �+ BEA Project No. 171006 Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development 3 OR am . Mr. Weaver replied via e-mail that there were two existing stations nearby on the �•► French Broad River. The USGS operates continuous -record stream gauging stations on the French Broad River, including one upstream at Asheville (station id 03451500, drainage area 945 sq mi) and one downstream near Marshall (station id 03453500, drainage area 1332 sq mi). A low -flow analysis (based on records through March 2006) for the 7Q10 discharge at each of these stations indicates the low -flow yield is 0.45 and 0.39 cfsm, respectively. Mr. Weaver went on to state that the site is closer to the Asheville gauging station, so it would be reasonable to lean towards use of the 7Q10 yield from this station (0.45 cfsm) while recognizing that some change in low -flow characteristics between the two gauging stations appears to exist. Applying the yield of 0.45 cfsm to the drainage area (1050 sgmi) of the site results in a 7Q10 flow estimate of about 470 cfs (303,768,900 gpd) that can be considered applicable to this site. Given the design flow for the Riverview Development plans is 50,000 gpd, less than 0.02% of the 7Q10 flow, stream flow does not appear to be a prohibitive factor. MR Therefore, based upon the preliminary investigation, it appears there are no flow or a„ water quality restrictions on the French Broad River that would immediately prohibit discharge of domestic wastewater with a standard level of treatment to surface waters. Ow am W" a" Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. me BEA Project No. 171006 Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development 4 Xn P" 3.0 Technical Evaluation of Alternatives P" 3.1 Connection to Existing Waste Treatment Plant Figure 4 shows a map of the two closest existing Wastewater Treatment Facilities. The most feasible connection to an existing waste treatment plant or municipal system would be to the Buncombe County Municipal Sewer District (MSD) treatment plant located approximately 4.75 miles from the subject site. There are no connections to MSD's collection system any closer than the plant itself. This potential connection location is a wastewater treatment plant serving the metropolitan sewerage district of Buncombe County (NPDES Permit No. NCO024911). This facility is permitted for 40 MGD. The route to the MSD Buncombe County WWTF has approximately 205 ft of elevation gain from the low elevation of the proposed site, so a pump station and force main construction would be required to connect to this system. MSD has been approached about permitting an extension of their sewer system from the subject site to their collection system and they have stated they would not permit a new pump station and force main from the subject site location to their plant. Additionally, the NC Department of Transportation does not typically allow privately owned force mains in the state right-of-way running parallel to the road for any significant length. Only perpendicular crossings are routinely allowed. The next closest wastewater treatment facility is the town of Marshall WWTF min (NC0021733). The facility is located approximately 11.5 miles down stream from the subject site. Pump stations and force mains would also be required if the sewer line VM were to follow the Old Marshall Highway (US 25/70) to the Marshall system. It is the conclusion of BEA that the connection to an existing WWTF or municipal collection system is not economically feasible nor permittable. 4" Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. ow BEA Project No. 171006 5 MR 3.2 Individual or Group Septic Systems +� The proposed development includes 160 units on 50.72 acres. The average lot size is approximately 1 /4 acre or less, and the homes are two to three bedrooms. General guidelines by health departments suggest a minimum of 1/2 acre lots for an individual primary septic system and repair area. The initial development plan was to cluster the modular units and have them served by a common on -site septic system. This was investigated initially with a preliminary soil assessment by Catena Group of Raleigh, NC. The Catena group identified over 10 acres of suitable and/or provisionally suitable soils based upon a limited number of borings. The report indicated a high clay content in the soils, which was reflected in a low soil loading rate, but there was no discussion of soil plasticity. The Catena Group returned to the site to perform a permit level investigation and attempt to find suitable soils for a cluster of 10 units. The County denied this application. The denial letter and Catena Group report are provided as Attachment B. rout Upon approval of the development plans by Buncombe County, a North Carolina Registered Soil Scientist from Brooks & Medlock Engineering (currently Brooks Engineering Associates) performed a Soils Evaluation on remaining portions of the site. Upon investigating all representative areas of the 50 acres site, sufficient drainfield area for six modular units was found and permitted. No other suitable areas �., are identified. The report identifies A and B horizon soils have a high clay content that were initially identified as "expansive". This was confirmed by laboratory testing as the soils had a high cation exchange capacity (CEC). Upon investigation of the entire site, sufficient drainfield area was found for six units with a combined design flow of 1,050 gpd. These units have been permitted by the Buncombe County Environmental Health Department (EHD). The EHD has inspected soil pits across the remaining portions of the site and found the soil conditions unsuitable for any type of conventional or innovative subsurface on -site wastewater systems. The Brooks Engineering Associates soils report letter summarizing the findings is provided in Attachment C. Given the expansive clay in the upper soil horizons, the project soil scientist has determined that the site is unsuitable for either subsurface or surface application of treated wastewater. Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. 120 BEA Project No. 171006 Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development N. No aw If it was determined that adjacent property owners have suitable soil conditions (which has not been ascertained), enough property would have to be acquired to sustain the remaining 146 unpermitted units (43,800 gpd). For a community system, the remaining 43,800 gpd would require 16.76 acres for primary and repair drainfield area for a drip disposal system with a 0.15 gpd/ft2 LTAR (see Attachment D for calculations). There is no available space on the proposed site with suitable or provisionally suitable soil conditions. All of the acreage needed for a drip system would have to be acquired from adjacent property owners. Additionally, any system over 3,000 gpd has to prove sufficient "conveyance capacity," or lateral hydraulic conveyance. The probable shallow condition of the confining layer, identified as a depth to bedrock and an impermeable plastic soil layer, make the conveyance capacity very low, which would likely further reduce the capacity of the acquired land to "' accommodate the necessary design flow. Therefore, the soil conditions render a large on -site septic system as unfeasible for the proposed project. At a minimum, an additional 16.76 acres (plus acreage for setbacks and constructability) would have to be purchased for a community drip system permitted under the 15A NCAC 18A .1900 regulations. The additional land purchase �., option is evaluated in subsequent sections. 3.3 Land Application & Reuse A full investigation of the feasibility of a land application system typically encompasses the following evaluations: 1. Soils Evaluation (to determine saturated hydraulic conductivity rates); 2. Agronomist Evaluation (to determine nutrient balance); 3. Hydrogeologic Evaluation (to determine water table and lateral flow); and �► 4. Water Balance Evaluation (to determine storage requirements). 00 The irrigation rate is derived from soil saturated hydraulic conductivity measurements and a water balance based upon regional rain and evapotranspiration and storage PM provided. Based upon other regional projects, an irrigation rate of 1 inch per week (0.089 gpd/ft2) is an assumed reasonable irrigation rate that will not necessitate Am restrictions based upon hydrologic or nutrient loading. If standard setbacks for a drip Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. OR BEA Project No. 171006 Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development 7 oft awt irrigation system (non -reuse quality effluent) are utilized, 11.3 acres would be required �+ for the disposal area and an additional 3.2 acres (14.5 acres total) would be required to accommodate setbacks. If the WWTF can provide "reuse" quality effluent, these �., setbacks could be essentially eliminated by virtue of the NCAC 18A 2T .0900 regulations, resulting in only the11.3 wetted acres required. The soil scientist report has identified no area suitable for land application. Also, under this type of approval a wet weather storage pond, typically sized for 30 days of wet weather storage (1.5 million gallons) must be sited to comply with the 18A 2T .0900 regulations, which would be very difficult to site on the steep site terrain. Also, an additional pond sized for five days of storage (250,000 gallons) would have to be provided to accommodate "upset" conditions. Again, the basic land requirements result in this disposal option as being unfeasible for the proposed 160 unit development. At a minimum, an additional 11.3 acres would have to be purchased for the disposal area and an additional two acres would be required for the necessary storage ponds under the 15A NCAC 18A 2T .0900 �► requirements. The additional land purchase option is evaluated in subsequent sections. OW MR No FM Am Acauiring Additional Property for Disposal Adjacent property owners on the east include Leland G. Baggett III (10.44 acres, Deed Book 2612/, page 112); Robert Markman (10.44 acres, Deed Book 3195, page 100); and Karen Hartman (10.44 acres, Deed Book 2426, page 267); to the north Deering — Hester LLC (47.51 acres, Deed Book 2287, page 776); and on the west Gary J. and Leisa B. Roberts (67.19 acres, Deed book 1926, page 298) and Earl D. and Louise M. Bailey (28.9 acres, Deed book 903, page 173). These are the only tracts in the immediate vicinity with enough acreage to potentially accommodate a septic or land application system. The adjoining property owners are shown on the attached "Site Layout" map (Figure 1). Each of these property owners were contacted for possible land acquisition by French Broad River Group of North Carolina representatives. No positive response was received from any of the neighboring land owners. Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. "p BEA Project No. 171006 Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development 8 PM This option was thoroughly investigated. It was determined there was no reasonable potential for sufficient additional land acquisition to accommodate a land absorption disposal option. However, a PVCA is provided in Section 4.0 assuming land was available. 3.4 Direct Discharge to Surface Waters As discussed in Section 2, discharge to surface waters is found to be a technically viable option as the initial evaluation has revealed the following conditions. • The French Broad River has no zero -flow restrictions per 15A NCAC 213.0206 (d)(2). ♦ The French Broad River has a classification as a Class B river. �► • This section of the French Broad River is not designated as impaired stream and has no designated TMDLs. • This section of the French Broad River has no presence of endangered species. FM • The French Broad River Basin Plan does not restrict additional point source discharge per the existing plan. r" 3.5 Combination of Alternatives Neither the subsurface disposal or land application alternatives are viable for the development due to unsuitable soil conditions. A combination of discharge and land application or subsurface disposal could be effective if there were a neighboring property for sale with suitable soil conditions, but this is not the case. Therefore, the only feasible option left for the development is a discharge permit. In accordance with the intent of the 1972 Clean Water Act and 15A NCAC 2H.0105 requirements, the lack of suitable soils and long distances to existing wastewater treatment facilities has left the issuance of a discharge permit as truly a "last resort" option for the project. FW MR Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. No BEA Project No. 171006 Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development am "q R" 4.0 Economic Evaluation of Alternatives OR The Present Value of Costs Analysis (PVCA) for each disposal option is provided as F, Attachment E. The analysis analyzes the economic feasibility of each of the wastewater treatment options based upon the best available information. A Return on am Investment is calculated for the project without any consideration for wastewater treatment/disposal, and then the Return on Investment is calculated for each of the wastewater options. Not only are options determined to be practical and obtainable analyzed, but also options determined not practical and obtainable (such as adjacent land purchase) are analyzed. The Engineers Opinion of Cost for the development ism infrastructure is provided as Attachment E. The infrastructure Opinion of Cost is utilized to demonstrate the base cost per unit and to provide a basis for the calculation of the Return on Investment with each wastewater disposal option scenario. The cost basis for the subdivision infrastructure costs is provided as Attachment E. The infrastructure costs are based upon professional experience and data collected on previous regional projects. As all of the infrastructure cost would be incurred in the initial year of the development, they are all considered initial costs and therefore have no time value discounting and are not included in the Present Value analysis. The developers intend to purchase the modular cabin units and sell the finished product. The average sales price per modular unit is based upon the developer's market research in the rural north Buncombe County area. The projected sales price for each unit is $160,000, with a projected Return on Investment of 34%. This is shown in the first PVCA analysis (Establishment of Development Costs without Sewer Treatment and Disposal) provided in Attachment D. This depicts a cost of each modular unit of $64,700. A return on investment of less than 25% is typically unacceptable for any land MP development company, given the risks of site development. Any returns shown to be less than this would result in the project being scrapped and losses would be incurred a+ on the initial investment to date. Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. am BEA Project No. 171006 Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development 10 FM am 4. 1 Connection to Existing Wastewater Treatment Plant The two nearest sewer connections are the MSD Buncombe County WWTF and the Town of Marshall WWTF. In the instance that either MSD Buncombe County or Town of Marshall WWTF would allow connection to their system (which has been discussed as not currently feasible), an economic evaluation is provided for the cost to connect Riverview Development to each system. The cost for gravity sewer collection in the Riverview Condominium Development is not included in the PVCA for each disposal option, but it is included in the general infrastructure costs for the development as the collection system would have to be implemented with any of the wastewater options. The references utilized for the cost basis are as follows: ♦ The price for gravity sewer line is based upon professional experience and data collected on previous regional projects. This data shows the average cost for 8-inch sewer line installation is $61.50/foot. This price includes surveying, engineering, materials and labor. The sewer line installation would have to be in the road and would require re -surfacing the entire stretch of road. Given the difficulty associated with installing the sewer line on the Old Marshall Highway, a line installation price of $101.5/ft is utilized for analysis along with a road repair and overlay cost of $50/ft, for a total $151.50/ft. This is consistent with pricing on similar recent projects engineered and supervised by BEA. • The price for pump stations is based upon professional experience where BEA has engineered similar pump stations to NC state standards. The $130,000 price includes a diesel backup power generator. ♦ The price for pressure sewer line installation ($55/ft.) is based upon FM regional data from Buncombe County MSD. This price includes surveying, engineering, materials and labor, but not road or asphalt repair. Old Marshall Highway (US 25/70) is an exceedingly narrow road with minimal road shoulder, large rock cut banks, and steep banks down to the French Broad River. The force main installation would have to be in the Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. on BEA Project No. 171006 Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development 11 road and would require re -surfacing the entire stretch of road. Given the difficulty associated with installing the force main on the Old Marshall Highway, a line installation price of $95/ft is utilized for analysis along with a road repair and overlay cost of $50/ft, for a total $145/ft. This is consistent with pricing on similar recent projects engineered and supervised by BEA. • The costs for easements and legal fees to obtain access are unknown. This is logistically incomprehensible which is why this scenario is deemed not feasible. However, given that DWQ wants BEA to analyze this scenario, the costs of legal fees and easements can not be ignored as this cost will be significant. Our cost estimate, based upon professional experience, is $10,000 per individual property owner that will be impacted. Connection to Town of Marshall WWTF As the operation and maintenance of the WWTF would be performed by the current owner and are of no expense to French Broad River Group of North Carolina, these costs are not included in the Present Value analysis. Sewage rates would be charged directly to the Riverview Condominium homeowners. However, it is assumed that the operation and maintenance of the pump stations and force main to connect to the treatment plant would be assumed by the Riverview developer or the Homeowners Association. The route for the sewer extension analyzed is that shown on Figure 4 with approximately 2.9 miles (15,312 ft) of force main and 8.6 miles (45,408 ft) of gravity sewer following the Old Marshall Highway. The results of the PVCA show that the project loses money which would render it not an economically viable option. Additionally, the permitting for the required force main would not likely be permissible by the NCDOT making this option not feasible due to regulatory issues. The PVCA for this option is provided in Attachment E. Connection to MSD Buncombe County WWTF As the operation and maintenance of the system would be performed by MSD Buncombe County, they are of no O&M expense to French Broad River Group of North Carolina, and are not included in the Present Value analysis. MSD Buncombe County would bill the homeowners in Riverview Condominium directly. Pump stations Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. BEA Project No. 171006 Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development 12 FM would be required to connect to this system. The route for the sewer extension am analyzed is that shown on Figure 3 with approximately 4.75 miles (25,080 ft) of force main following the Old Marshall Highway. MR The results of the PVCA demonstrate that the project has a Return on Investment of FM 20.15 % which would render it an economically unviable option. The PVCA for this option is provided in Attachment E. W" 4.2 Individual or Group Septic Systems ma Individual and community septic systems are discussed in Section 3.2. Individual septic systems are determined to be not a technically feasible option. A community septic system is an option only with the purchase of additional neighboring property. While no neighboring properties are available, this option is evaluated for economic feasibility. The purchase price of $50,000 per acre is determined from local real estate comparisons for recent large tract purchases. It is determined in Section 3.2 that a minimum of 17 acres of land is required for disposal plus additional acreage for set- backs and constructability. Assuming property could be purchased, the Baggett tract (10.4 acres) and the Markman tract (10.4 acres) would provide a total of 20.8 acres. Smaller tracts are chosen for analysis as these are determined to be the most obtainable. The results of the PVCA analysis demonstrate a Return on Investment of 23.08 % which renders the project as not economically viable. As mentioned in Section 3.2, none of the identified adjacent parcels are for sale. In addition, these adjacent properties are likely to also have unsuitable soil conditions making this disposal option not technically feasible. No M Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. �► BEA Project No. 171006 Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development 13 OR 4.3 Land Application Individual and group land application systems are determined to not be technically feasible without additional land purchase. Section 3.3 identifies an additional minimum of 14.5 acres would be required for disposal and setbacks. Assuming property could be purchased, the Baggett tract (10.4 acres), the Markman tract (10.4 acres), and the Hartman tract (10.4 acres), a total of 31.2 acres, would accommodate the land requirements. The on -site collection and pump system are again the same for any of the treatment options and this cost is not included in the PVCA, but is considered in the return on investment analysis. The general infrastructure costs for the collection system in the development would have to be implemented with any of the wastewater options, with the exception of individual septic systems, and the cost is the same with each option, except where otherwise noted. Treatment of the effluent is to be performed by an extended air package plant system capable of meeting secondary treatment standards. The package plant effluent is then distributed to a drip irrigation system located on the Baggett, Markman, and FOR Hartman tracts. The drip system will have to be dosed by an additional pump station and have a disc filtration and monitoring system. I" FM no 9W The cost references utilized for the PVCA are as follows: • The price for the extended air package plant system is based upon vendor pricing and includes materials, installation labor, and engineering. • The price for the land application drip system is based upon vendor pricing and includes materials, labor and engineering. • Operation and maintenance costs are based upon professional experience, except for electrical costs which are based upon vendor recommendations. The results show the PVCA demonstrate a 13.07% Return on Investment, rendering this option as economically not viable. Given that no additional neighboring acreage is available, this disposal option is rendered not technically feasible. Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. M+ BEA Project No. 171006 Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development 14 MR MR 4.4 Reuse The technical assessment in Section 3.3 determined a minimum of 11.3 acres would be required for a reuse system and an additional 2 acres for storage ponds. Given that no additional acreage is available, this analysis assumes that the two smallest adjacent properties can be purchased for disposal and storage ponds. Assuming property could be purchased, the Baggett tract (10.4 acres) and the Markman tract (10.4 acres) would provide a total of 20.8 acres. The reuse system is similar to the land application system, with the exception that the treatment plant must achieve tertiary treatment limits. By achieving tertiary treatment limits, the setbacks are greatly reduced thus reducing the amount of additional land that must be acquired. The treatment plant effluent is to be dosed by a pump station to a standard irrigation system with drip irrigation lines located on the additional tracts adjacent to the Riverview Condominium Development. The proposed treatment technology is a package plant by Purestream ES, LLC. The proposed plant is a Biologically Engineered Single Sludge Treatment (BESST) technology plant. This patented process utilizes sludge blanket clarification. The technology is capable of attaining tertiary treatment limits with special features. The system has a dual PR treatment train to allow for duplicity in the system and provide backup treatment in an emergency situation. This also allows for phasing in of the system by being able to Q0 utilize only half of the system while homes are coming on line. Equalization basins are provided at the front of both treatment trains to smooth out "slugs" of wastewater P" entering the system and reducing system shock. The PVCA (Attachment E) provides for an extra equalization tank and tertiary treatment filter to meet strict discharge limits. The references utilized for the PVCA are as follows: ♦ The price for the BESST system is based upon vendor pricing and includes, materials, labor, engineering, and backup power. ♦ The price for the drip irrigation system is based upon vendor price estimates and includes materials, labor and engineering. ♦ Operation and maintenance costs are based upon professional FW experience, except for electrical costs which are based upon vendor recommendations. No Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. am BEA Project No. 171006 Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development 15 The results show the PVCA demonstrate that the project has a Return on Investment of 14.02 % and is not an economically viable option. As no additional land is available for purchase, this option is not deemed technically viable either. 4.5 Direct Discharge to Surface Waters This alternative is identified as technically viable and is analyzed for economic feasibility. The Present Value of Costs Analysis is provided as Attachment E. MR The surface discharge system is similar to the reuse system, with the exception that the treatment plant effluent is discharged rather than land applied. This eliminates the F+ need for additional pumping and the irrigation system, and additional land acquisition. F" The proposed treatment technology is a package plant by Purestream ES, LLC. The proposed plant is a Biologically Engineered Single Sludge Treatment (BESST) FM technology plant. This patented process utilizes sludge blanket clarification. The technology is capable of attaining tertiary treatment limits with special features. The system has a dual treatment train to allow for duplicity in the system and provide backup treatment in an emergency situation. This also allows for phasing in of the system by being able to utilize only half of the system while homes are coming on line. Equalization basins are provided at the front of both treatment trains to smooth out "slugs" of wastewater entering the system and reducing system shock. A brochure for this technology is attached. The PVCA provides for an extra equalization tank and tertiary treatment filter to meet strict discharge limits. The references utilized for the PVCA are as follows: IM ♦ The price for the BESST system is based upon vendor pricing and includes, materials, labor, engineering, and backup power. IM ♦ The price for the land application sprinkler system is based upon vendor price estimates and includes materials, labor and engineering. ,M ♦ Operation and maintenance costs are based upon professional experience, except for electrical costs which are based upon vendor Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. fm BEA Project No. 171006 Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development 16 W% am MR rMn f2in PM FMq F, OM FMW M4 OW MR recommendations. (Electrical costs for the BESST system are less than that of the extended air system as blower and pump sizes are decreased). The results of the PVCA demonstrate this disposal option to be economically viable with a 28.78% Return on Investment. 4.6 Combinations of Alternatives As all soil disposal options require the purchase of additional land, which is not available, and likely to have the same poor soil characteristics as the Riverview Condominium property, no combinations of alternatives are deemed technically or economically feasible. Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. BEA Project No. 171006 17 Engineering Alternatives Analysis Riverview Development FIGURES 11U No --" IJSXLiL' KL =N I IIVJYMJINI C 103 Tr PROJECT SUMMARY Total Project Area 50.72 tAC. PIN No. 9723.04.53-9341 Existing Zoning NONE Proposed Zoning None Proposed No. Units 160 Condominium Units Max. Building Height 3Y Township French Broad Water Individual Well/Community Water Supply Watershed N/A Sewer Individual Septic/Community Length of Private Roads 7022.13 LF Disturbed Area 11.76 Ac. - No portion of this Site is within the IW floodplain. LEGEND I7-1 800x ¢ HOME SnE i PROJECTED SECRIC AREA PROJECTED WATERWELL FARM AREAS '_ERING LLC P9 7G. PG 120 4-746178 :HTIAINA-ART b ENG. OC' eo v ¢ to s o c O z d k� s�OON9 DEVELOPMENT NOTES: 1. EACH CONDOMINIUM UNIT SHALL BE PROVIDED A LIMITED USE EASEMENT THAT WILL SURROUND THE UNIT ITSELF ALONG WITH THE PARKING PAD, SIDEWALK AND DECKS THAT SERVE EACH INDIVIDUAL UNIT. LIMITS OF THE LIMITED USE EASEMENTWILL BE DETERMINED BASED UPON THE g E z g; a COMPLETED LIMITS OF THE ITEMS NOTED AND MAY DEPEND ON THE .^. TOPOGRAPHIC LAY OF THE LAND AT EACH UNIT AND THE MEANS OF INGRESS AND EGRESS AT EACLi UNIT. 2. EACH CONDOMINIUM UNIT WILL PROVIDED WITH PRIVATE WATER AND SEPTIC SERVICE AOIIEVED THOUGH EITHER AN INDIVIDUAL WELL AND SEPTIC DRAINFIELD OR A SHARED WELL AND SEPTIC DRAINFIELD AS ALLOWED BY LOCAL AND STATE DEVELOPMENTS CODES AND ORDINANCES. t7 of ? We zz °c W W mY Oz oa� cc mW a Z C E 0 C C a o n U m N m C Z CL h P � 7 > o 'o 2 F- E pC Op m Z 3 T LL_ z EL O L pJ 0 W > - wm W 0 U C Z Q _ PROGRESS DRAWINGS - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION o Q c (_) d FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY o n a o` r P 25 1 26 27 2E 29 30 31 32 33 34 Topo USAI, 5.0 DabuseeLormeea bopo W. �� 0 04009 OeLorrne. Topo USM15.0. 0 400 B00 1700 1500 7000 w Eeloime com MN(52'V) Data Isom 14-0 Scale as shown. Note: Extracted from Delorme TopoUSA digital geographic data. SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2 1, oaok E Topo USAE•5.0 u � u L 1 PROPOSED WWTPI 1 N35.70925 DEGREES W82.62157 DEGREES - 1 � S Data use subject to license. ® 0 07004 DeLonme. Tapo USMlS o. 0 100 200 300 400 500 wvnv.tlelorme.cotme.com MN (5.8'VV) Dab Zoom 15-7 Scale as shown. Note: Extracted from Delorme TopoUSA digital geographic data. DISCHARGE MAP FIGURE 3 r, Topo UUSSk_.664 T r%`mk 4 _ i • 30 T01NI I OF MARS HA N35° 47.680' "" " r ape' W82- 41.964' ( p 7 7'' 1 DISTANCE TO NC0021733; _.. - 11.45 miles � PROPOSED RIVERVIEW MNTP vJ1\I3 42.598 r (y/( i 1 l DISTANCE TO NCO024911 V Y ° �� ' 4.75 miles e 0(. v Data use subject to license. } © 7004 Del-raneLorrne. Topo USP@i 5.0. �` m 0 1 2 3 w�ay.tlelorme.com MN (5 9- W) Data Zoom 10.6 Scale as shown. Note: Extracted from Delorme TopoUSA digital geographic data. NEIGHBORING DISCHARGE FACILITIES MAP FIGURE 4 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT A LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW FORM ON Attachment A. Local Government Review Form General Statute Overview: North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 (c)(G) allows input from local governments in the issuance Oft of NPDES Permits for non -municipal domestic wastewater treatment facilities. Specifically, the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) may not act on an application for a new non -municipal domestic wastewater discharge facility until it has received a written statement from each city and county government having jurisdiction over any part of the lands on which the 00 proposed facility and its appurtenances are to be located. The written statement shall document whether the city or county has a zoning or subdivision ordinance in effect and (if such an ordinance is in effect) whether the proposed facility is consistent with the ordinance. The EMC shall not approve a permit application for any facility which a city or county has determined to be inconsistent with zoning or subdivision ordinances unless the approval of such application is determined to have statewide me significance and is in the best interest of the State. Instructions to the Applicant: Prior to submitting an application for a NPDES Permit for a proposed facility, the applicant shall request that both the nearby city and county government complete this form. The applicant must: ■ Submit a copy of the permit application (with a written request for this form to be completed) to the clerk of the city and the county by certified mail, return receipt requested. ■ If either (or both) local government(s) fails) to mail the completed form, as evidenced by the postmark on the certified raat mail card(s), within 15 days after receiving and signing for the certified mail, the applicant may submit the application to the NPDES Unit. ■ As evidence to the Commission that the local governments) failed to respond within 15 days, the applicant shall submit a copy of the certified mail card along with a notarized letter stating that the local government(s) failed to respond within the 15-day period. Instructions to the Local Government: The nearby city and/or county government which may have or has jurisdiction over any part of the land on which the proposed facility or its appurtenances are to be located is required to complete and return this form to the applicant within 15 days of receipt. The form must be signed and notarized. Name of local government n �. ` F're h c l 6ro a d 8i Vey rd o GrT►�-- Cif 1.� �'i (City/County) ," Does the city/county have jurisdiction over any part of the land on which the proposed facility and its appurtenances are to be located? Yes [j] No [ ] If no, please sign this form, have it notarized, and return it to the applicant. Does the city/county have in effect a zoning or subdivision ordinance? Yes] No [ ] ON If there is a zoning or subdivision ordinance in effect, is the plan for the proposed facility consistent with the ordinance? Yes [�]� No [ ] Date ZSignature (City Manage/County ager) State of . County of On this day of personally appeared before me, the said name to me known and known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing document and he (or she) acknowledged that he (or she) executed the same and being duly sworn by me, made oath that the statements in the foregoing document are true. My Commission expires .(Signature of Notary Public) Notary Public (Official Seal) O EAA Guidance Document Version: June 23, 2005 4Q me o ATTACHMENT B DENIAL LETTER FROM BUNCOMBE COUNTY ow ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT W* aft Ila V--Zl go ow Sep.14. 2007 3:42PM No.0197 P. 3 Buncombe County Government Buncombe County Health Center 35 Woodfin Street Asheville, NC 28801 .August 28, 2007 Amicon Development Group r 3800 S. Ocean Drive, Suite 228 Hollywood, FL 33019 Dr. Vicki Ittel, Health Director P: (828) 250-5203 F: (828) 250-6173 vicki.ittel@buncombecounty.org "' Re: Application for Improvement/Authorization to Construct for RiverView Condominiums Parcel Identification No. 9723-04-53-9341 The Buncombe County Health Center, Environmental Health Division on July 2, 2007 evaluated the above -referenced property at the site designated on the plat/site plan that accompanied your application. According to your application the site is to serve 10 park models with a design wastewater flow of 1,750 gallons per day. The evaluation was done in accordance with the laws and rules governing wastewater systems in North Carolina General Statute 130A-333 and related statutes and Title 15A, Subchapter 18A, of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Rule .1900 and related rules. Based on the criteria set out in Title I SA, Subchapter 18A, of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Rules .1940 through .1948, the evaluation indicated that the site, as defined as soil area 1 in a report by The Cantena Group dated May 23, 2007, is UNSUITABLE for a ground " absorption sewage system. Therefore, your request for an authorization to construct is DENIED. The site is unsuitable based on the following: me Unsuitable soil topography and/or landscape position (Rule .1940) X Unsuitable soil characteristics (structure or clay mineralogy) (Rule Unsuitable soil wetness condition (Rule .1942) Unsuitable soil depth (Rule .1943) Presence of restrictive horizon (Rule .1944) Insufficient space for septic system and repair area (Rule .1945) Unsuitable for meeting required setbacks (Rule .1950) Other (Rule .1946) 1941) The site evaluation included consideration of possible site modifications, and modified, innovative or alternative systems. However, the Buncombe County Health Center has determined that none of the above options will overcome the conditions on this site (soil area 1). A possible option might be a system designed to dispose of sewage to another area of suitable soil or off -site to additional r property www. buncombecounN.ora The County of Buncombe does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or disability. om Sep.14. 2007 3:42PM No.0197 P. 4 (2) A site classified as UNSUITABLE may be classified as PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE if written documentation is provided that meets the requirements of Rule .1948(d). A copy of this role is enclosed. You may hire a consultant to assist you if you wish to try to develop a plan under which your site could be reclassified as PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE. You have a right to an informal review of this decision. You may request an informal review by the soil scientist or environmental health supervisor at the Buncombe County Health Center. You may .� also request an informal review by the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources regional soil specialist. A request for informal review by the regional soil specialist must be made in writing to the Buncombe County Health Center. You also have a right to a formal appeal of this decision. To pursue a formal appeal, you must file a petition for a contested case hearing with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. To get a copy of a petition form, you may write the Office of Administrative Hearings or call the office at (919) 733-0926 or from the OAH web site at www.oah.state.nc.us/form.htm. The petition for a contested case hearing must be filed in accordance with the provision of North Carolina General Statutes 130A-24 and 150B-23 and all other applicable provisions of Chapter 150B. N.C. General Statute 130A-335 (g) provides that your hearing would be held in the county where your property is located. Please note: If you wish to pursue a formal appeal, you must file the petition form with the Office of Administrative Hearings wrrBIW 30 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS LETTER. The date of this letter is August 28, 2007. Meeting the 30-day deadline is critical to your right to a formal appeal. Beginning a formal appeal within 30 days will not interfere with any informal review that you might request. Do not wait for the outcome of any informal review if you wish to file a formal appeal. If you file a petition for a contested case hearing with the Office of Administrative Hearings, you are required by law (N.C. General Statute 150B-23) to send a copy of your petition to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Send the copy to: Office of General Counsel, N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1601. Do NOT send the copy of the petition to the Buncombe County Health Center. Sending a copy of your petition to the Buncombe County Health Center will NOT satisfy the legal requirement in N.C. General Statute 150B-23 that you send a copy to the Office of General _ Counsel, NCDENR. cmir You may call or write the local health center if you need any additional information or assistance. PA Sincerely, Stanley Crownover, Ph.D. Environmental Health Soil Scientist Enc: (Copy of Rule .1948) Sep, 14. 2007 3:42PM No. 0197 P. 5 am .1948 SITE CLASSIFICATION (a) Sites classified as SUITABLE may be utilized for a ground absorption sewage w+ treatment and disposal system consistent with these Rules. A suitable classification generally indicates soil and site conditions favorable for the operation of a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system or have �► slight limitations that are readily overcome by proper design and installation. (b) Sites classified as PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE may be utilized for a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system consistent with these Rules but have moderate limitations. Sites classified Provisionally Suitable require some modifications and careful planning, design, and installation in order for a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system to function satisfactorily. (c) Sites classified UNSUITABLE have severe limitations for the installation and use of a properly functioning ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system. An improvement permit shall not be issued for a site which is classified as UNSUITABLE. However, where a site is UNSUITABLE, it may be reclassified PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE if a special investigation indicates that a modified or alternative system can be installed in accordance with Rules .1956 or .1957 of this Section. (d) A site classified as UNSUITABLE may be used for a ground absorption sewage treatment and disposal system specifically identified in Mules .1955, .1956, or .1957 of this Section or a system approved under Rule .1969 if written documentation, including engineering, hydro geologic, geologic or soil studies, indicates to the local health department that the proposed system can be expected to function satisfactorily. Such sites shall be reclassified as PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE if the local health department determines that the substantiating data indicate that: (1) a ground absorption system can be installed so that the effluent will be non-pathogenic, non-infectious, non -toxic, and non- hazardous; (2) the effluent will not contaminate groundwater or surface water; and (3) the effluent will not be exposed on the ground surface or be discharged to surface waters where it could come in contact with people, animals, or vectors. The State shall review the substantiating data if requested by the local health department. I" OR ATTACHMENT C BIVIE SOILS REPORT MW go July 23, 2007 SME BROOKS & MEDLOCK ENGINEERING. PLLC 00 Mr. Ross Adickman Amicon Development Group 3800 South Ocean Drive Hollywood, FL 33019 +a Dear Mr. Adickman, On February 2, 79,123,205 21 and 23, 2007, John Allison, Allen Hayes, Walker Ferguson, Jacob Isleib and Andrew Henderson of Brooks & Medlock Engineering (BME) conducted a detailed soils investigation on an approximate 52-acre tract located off NC Hwy 251 (Riverside Drive) in Alexander, Buncombe County, North Carolina. The purpose of the investigation was to determine soil suitability for on -site wastewater disposal (septic) systems for 160 park model units. Each unit is rated for 150 gallons of wastewater per day for a total of 24,000 gallons of wastewater per day. P� Fieldwork was conducted using the following tools and methods. The areas set aside for the detailed soils investigation are identified on the engineered site plan by BME. A total of 62 test pits were laid out on 50-foot north/south offset grid pattern using GPS. The pits were dug by a backhoe. Detailed soil profile descriptions were done using standard field methods. Suunto clinometers were used to measure soil slope. Recommendations are based on, but not limited to, observations made and data collected on topography, landscape position, parent material, underlying geology, and soil characteristics. Soil characteristics include, but are not limited to, depth to a seasonal high water table (SHWT), depth to a restrictive horizon, total soil depth, soil horizonation, soil structure, soil color, clay mineralogy, bulk density, consistence, plasticity, stone content, and percent sand, silt, clay, and mica. They follow the guidelines set forth in the North Carolina Laws and Rules for Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems, laws amended effective December 19, 2001, and rules amended effective June 1, 2006, and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, NCAC 1 SA, Subchapter 2T, Waste Not Discharged To Surface Waters, amended September 1, 2006. Grading which occurs subsequent to this fieldwork renders the soil investigation in the graded area null and void. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Based on the project design, BME found the soils unsuitable for any surface or subsurface wastewater disposal system. The primary limitation is expansive clay mineralogy. Field tests suggested expansive clays, and subsequent lab tests on selected soil samples throughout the oft 17 A.RLINGTON STREET - AsHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28801 - (828) 232-4700 - FAx (828) 232-1331 2 00 f study area proved it. Based on these findings, expansive clays characterize the soils on this property. Other limitations include shallow depth to weathered bedrock in various pits, and shallow depth to a seasonal high water table in various pits. Finally, several pits exhibited unsuitable prismatic soil structure. The high water table and prismatic soil structure were noted �w primarily in pits on the lower portions of the landscape. The best option, given the project design, is pretreatment of the wastewater prior to surface water an discharge into the French Broad River which is adjacent to the property. A permit for this type of system may be obtained through the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. �► Sincerely, '' M , aQ��q �) S�- 00 f" W. Allen Hayes, Jr., LSS References: SOIL ScjF�� HAYFS, �'AJ S� a v� \F1023 °FNoan{ 1. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Health, qw On -Site Wastewater Section. 1998. Laws and Rules for Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems, section .1956(6). P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC, 27611-7687. 2. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Health, On -Site Wastewater Section. 1996. Procedures and Information Required for Approval of Large Subsurface Wastewater Systems. P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC, 27611-7687. as 3. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Management. 1996. Administrative Code Section: 15A NCAC 2H . 0200 — Waste Not Discharged to Surface Waters. Environmental Management Commission, Raleigh, NC. OR 4. National Resources Conservation Service, National Soil Survey Center. 1998. Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils. United States Department of Agriculture. Lincoln, Nebraska. f" 010 M ATTACHMENT D PRESENT VALUE COST ANALYSIS A" RIVERVIEW DEVELOPMENT BUNCOMBE COUNTY, NC Present Value Cost Analysis of Feasible Alternatives .., ESTABLISHMENT OF DEVELOPMENT COSTS WITHOUT SEWER TREATMENT & DISPOSAL Subdivision Infrastructure Costs (refer to Engineering Opinion of Cost) Item Units No. Units Cost/Unit Cost an Total Grading & Erosion Control Total Storm Drainage Curb/gutter/flatwork ,o Total Asphalt Paving Water & Sewer System Lighting, Landscape, Common Amenities aw, Modular units ($64,700 ea. X 160) Construction Management (2%) Engineering & Surveying (6%) FM Contingency (10%) Land Acquisition Costs From Closing in 2005 acres Present Value of Acquisition Cost (since 1997 @ EPA disc. rate) Total Costs without wastewater treatment & disposal Number of Units Cost/Unit Anticipated Unit price based on market value Return on Investment without wastewater treatment & disposal No an no wM am am Pak subtotal 50.72 $19,322 $758,823 $29,581 $203,750 $332,177 $1,106,876 $683,000 $10,352,000 $269,324.00 $807,972.00 $1,373,553.00 $15,917,056 $980,000 $1,037,575 $16, 954, 631 160 $105,966 $160, 000 33.77% No Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. p. 1 of 7 I Connection to Existing Sewer System Option - Buncombe County MSD Item Units No. Units Cost/Unit Cost Construction Installation of Gravity Sewer Line - Offsite feet 0 $151.5 $0 Installation of Force main Late feet 25080 $110 $2,758,800 Installation of Pump Stations each 2 $225,000 $450,000 Underground Road boring per crossing 4 $9,000 $36,000 subtotal $3,244,800 Easements & Legal fees Attorney fees for private easements per 20 $10,000 $200,000 Fee to MSD for 5 years O&M of pump stations (MSD policy) per PS 2 $100,000 $200,000 Annual Finance Charge ("Carry") @ 6.5% of land costs per year $63,700.00 (during planning and construction of sewer extension) Operation & Maintenance (Pump Stations) Contract O&M (included above) $0.00 Electricity & Parts (included above) $0.00 PRESENT VALUE ANALYSIS FOR SEWER EXTENSION SCENARIO Present Value (PV) = Co + Zn Ctl(1+r) where: Co = Initial Costs in present year C, = costs incurred in time t t = time period after present year n = ending year of facility life r = current EPA discount rate 5.875% Incremental Total Year Expenditure Cash PV PV 0 Original Land Acquisition & Development Costs $16,954,631 $16,954,631 $16,954,631 1 Easements, Engineering (60/6), legal costs, fees to MSD $594,688 $561,689 $17,516,320 2 50% of construction + annual land carry $1,686,100 $1,504,168 $19,020,488 3 50% of construction + annual land carry $1,686,100 $1,420,702 $20,441,190 4 O&M $0 $0 $20,441,190 5 O&M $0 $0 $20,441,190 6 O&M $0 $0 $20,441,190 7 O&M $0 $0 $20,441,190 8 O&M $0 $0 $20,4411190 9 O&M $0 S0 $20,441,190 10 O&M $0 $0 $20,441,190 Return on Investment Analysis Total Development Costs with PV of wastewater treatment & disposal $20,441,190 Number of lots 160 Cost/lot $127, 757.44 Price/lot $160, 000.00 Return on Investment 20.15% Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. p. 2 of 7 lI Connection to Existing Sewer System Option - Marshall WWTF Item Units No. Units Cost/Unit Cost Construction Installation of Gravity Sewer Line - Offsite feet 45408 $151.5 $6,879,312 Installation of Force main Line feet 15312 $110 $1,684,320 Installation of Pump Stations each 6 $130,000 $780,000 Underground Road boring per crossing 4 $7,000 $28,000 subtotal $9,371,632 Easements & Legal fees per 1 $10,000 $10,000 Annual Finance Charge ("Carry") @ 6.5% of land costs per year $63,700.00 (during planning and construction of sewer extension) Operation & Maintenance (Pump Stations) Contract O&M $60,000.00 Electricity & Parts $24,000.00 subtotal $84,000 PRESENT VALUE ANALYSIS FOR SEWER EXTENSION SCENARIO Present Value (PV) = Cc + En Ct/(1+r)t where: Co = Initial Costs in present year Ct = costs incurred in time t t = time period after present year n = ending year of facility life r = current EPA discount rate 5.875% Incremental Total Year Expenditure Cash PV PV 0 Original Land Acquisition & Development Costs $16,954,631 $16,954,631 $16,954,631 1 Easements & legal costs + Engineering (8% construction) $759,731 $717,573 $17,672,204 2 50% of construction + annual land carry $4,749,516 $4,237,039 $21,909,244 3 50% of construction + annual land carry $4,749,516 $4,001,926 $25,911,170 4 O&M $84,000 $66,851 $25,978,021 5 O&M $84,000 $63,141 $26,041,162 6 O&M $84,000 $59,637 $26,100,799 7 O&M $84,000 $56,328 $26,157,127 8 O&M $84,000 $53,202 $26,210,330 9 O&M $84,000 $50,250 $26,260,580 10 O&M $84,000 $47,462 $26,308,042 Return on Investment Analysis Total Development Costs with PV of wastewater treatment & disposal $26,308,042 Number of lots 160 Cost/lot $164,425.26 Price/lot $160, 000.00 Return on Investment -Z77% Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. p. 3 of 7 W III Community Septic System Option No Item Units No. Units Cost/Unit Cost Land Acquisition Initial Purchase (Baggett Tract) acres 10.4 $50,000 $520,000 W Initial Purchase (Markman Tract) acres 10.4 $50,000 $520,000 Subtotal $1,040,000 Construction 50,000 gpd WWTP per 1 $275,000 $275,000 Alta Pump station for gravity collection system per 1 $100,000 $125,000 Drip system controls & dosing system per 1 S35,000 $125,000 Transfer piping to drip drainSelds & 3,500 $18 $63,000 Irrigation line and heads lin. ft. 166,666 $2.50 $416,665 psi Subtotal $1,004,665 Annual Operation & Maintenance Recommended operator checks per visit 365 $150 $54,750 Laboratory per visit 48 $100 $4,800 Pump outs per visit 2 $400 $800 Electrical per month 12 $500 $6,000 Subtotal $66,350 riq 5 Year Capital Improvements Pump & line repairs Estimate 1 $15,000 $15,000 Salvage Value (20% of original cost) S200,933 art PRESENT VALUE ANALYSIS FOR LAND APPLICATION SCENARIO Present Value (PV) G Co + Za C4(1+r)t where: Co - Initial Costs in present year psi Ct = costs incurred in time t t a time period after present year n @ ending year of facility life r = current EPA discount rate 5.875% Incremental Year Expenditure Cash PV 0 Original Land Acquisition & Development Costs $16,954,631 $16,954,631 0 Engineering (8% construction) & Land Acquisition $1,120,373 $1,120,373 1 System Construction $1,004,665 $948,916 on 2 O&M $66,350 $59,191 3 O&M $66,350 $55,906 4 O&M $66,350 $52,804 5 O&M $66,350 $49,874 6 O&M & Capital Improvements $81,350 $57,756 no 7 O&M $66,350 $44,493 8 O&M $66,350 $42,024 9 O&M $66,350 $39,692 10 O&M $66,350 $37,489 11 O&M & Capital Improvements $81,350 $43,414 No 12 O&M $66,350 $33,444 13 O&M $66,350 $31,588 14 O&M $66,350 $29,835 15 O&M $66,350 $28,180 ON 16 O&M & Capital Improvements $81,350 $32,633 17 O&M $66,350 $25,139 18 O&M $66,350 $23,744 19 O&M $66,350 $22,427 20 O&M - Salvage Value -$134,583 -S42,966 ON Present Value Cost $19,690,588 Return on Investment Analysis t Total Development Costs with PV of wastewater treatment & disposal $19,690,588 Number of lots 160 Cost/lot $123,066.18 Price/lot ,$160, 000 A Return on Investment 23.08% so Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. p. 4 of 7 PMR IV Land Application Option Item Units No. Units Cost/Unit Cost Land Acquisition Initial Purchase (Baggett Tract) acres 10.4 S50,000 S520,000 Initial Purchase (Marlonan Tract) acres 10.4 S50,000 S520,000 Initial Purchase (Hartman Tract) acres 10.4 S50,000 S520,000 Subtotal S1,560,000 Construction a� 50,000 gpd WWTP per 1 $275,000 S275,000 Addl Equalization per 1 $35,000 S35,000 5-day and 30 day storage tanks gal 1750000 SIX S2,187,500 Addl pump station for collection system ea. 1 S125,000.00 S125,000 Irrigation Controls & Pumping system per 1 S35,000 S35,000 PM Transfer piping to in irrigation fields & 3,500 S18 $63,000 Irrigation line and heads lin. & 140,449 S2.50 S351,123 Subtotal S3,071,613 #o Annual Operation & Maintenance Recommended operator checks per visit 365 S 150 S54,750 Laboratory per visit 12 $850 S10,200 Pump outs per visit 2 $400 $800 Electrical per month 12 $500 S6,000 No Subtotal S71,750 5 Year Capital Improvements Pump & line repairs Estimate 1 S15,000 $15,000 ttrrl Salvage Value (20% of original cost) $614,325 PRESENT VALUE ANALYSIS FOR LAND APPLICATION SCENARIO tam Present Value (PV) c Co + Za Ctl(1+r)t where: Co - Initial Costs in present year Ct = costs incurred in time t t = time period after present year �q n = ending year of facility life r = current EPA discount rate 5.875% Incremental Year Expenditure Cash PV 0 Original Land Acquisition & Development Costs $16,954,631 $16,954.631 �q 0 Engineering (8% construction) & Land Acquisition $1,805,730 S1,805,730 1 System Construction $3,071,623 S2,901,178 2 O&M S71,750 $64,008 3 O&M S71,750 $60,456 4 O&M $71,750 $57,102 t�R 5 O&M $71,750 $53,933 6 O&M & Capital Improvements $86,750 $61,590 7 O&M $71,750 S48,114 8 O&M $71,750 S45,444 9 O&M $71,750 S42,922 10 O&M $71,750 $40,540 11 O&M & Capital Improvements S86,750 $46,296 12 O&M S71,750 S36,166 13 O&M S71,750 $34,159 14 O&M S71,750 $32,264 15 O&M $71,750 $30,473 16 O&M & Capital Improvements $86,750 $34,800 17 O&M S71,750 $27,185 18 O&M $71,750 S25,677 19 O&M $71,750 S24,252 A� 20 O&M - Salvage Value -$542,575 -$173,217 Present Value Cost $22,253,702 no Return on Investment Analysis Total Development Costs with PV of wastewater treatment & disposal $22, 253, 702 Number of lots 160 Cost/lot S139,085.64 no Price/1ot $160,000 Return on Investment 13.07% a" Brooks Engineering Associates, PA. p. 5 of 7 om am %. V Reuse Option 00 Item Units No. Units Cost/Unit Cost Land Acquisition Initial Purchase (Baggett Tract) acres 10.4 $50,000 $520,000 Initial Purchase (Markman Tract) acres 10.4 $50,000 $520,000 0" subtotal $1,040,000 Construction 50,000 gpd WWI? w/ Nutrient Removal per 1 $345,000 $345,000 Add9 Equalization per 1 $35,000 $35,000 5-day and 30 day storage tanks gal 1750000 $1.25 $2,187,500 rm Tertiary Treatment add-ons per 1 $28,000 $28,000 System enclosure & landscaping per 1 $85,000 $85,000 Addl pump station far irrigation per 1 $100,000 $100,000 Transfer piping to irrigation fields ft. 3,500 $18 $63,000 am Irrigation line lin. ft. 140,449 $2.50 $351,123 Subtotal $3,194, 623 Annual Operation & Maintenance Required operator checks per visit 365 $150 $54,750 to Laboratory per visit 12 $850 $10,200 Pump outs per visit 2 $400 $800 Electrical per month 12 $500 $6,000 Subtotal $71,750 an 5 Year Capital Improvements Pump & line repairs Estimate 1 $25,000 $25,000 no Salvage Value (20% of original cost) $188,825 PRESENT VALUE ANALYSIS FOR REUSE SCENARIO a� Present Value (PV) = Co + Zn Ctl(1+r)t where: Co = Initial Costs in present year Ct = costs incurred in time t t = time period after present year aM n = ending year of facility life r = current EPA discount rate 5.875% Incremental Year Expenditure Cash PV 0 Original Land Acquisition & Development Costs $16,954,631 $16,954,631 am 0 Engineering & Land Acquisition $1,295,570 $1,295,570 1 System Construction $3,194,623 $3,017,353 2 O&M $71,750 $64,008 3 O&M $71,750 $60,456 4 O&M $71,750 $57,102 5 O&M $71,750 $53,933 6 O&M & Capital Improvements $96,750 $68,690 7 O&M $71,750 $48,114 8 O&M $71,750 $45,444 9 0&M $71,750 $42,922 as 10 O&M $71,750 $40,540 11 O&M & Capital Improvements $96,750 $51,633 12 O&M $71,750 $36,166 13 O&M $71,750 $34,159 14 O&M $71,750 $32,264 15 O&M $71,750 $30,473 16 O&M & Capital Improvements $96,750 $38,811 17 O&M $71,750 $27,185 18 O&M $71,750 $25,677 A 19 O&M $71,750 $24,252 20 O&M - Salvage Value -$117,075 -$37,376 Present Value Cost $22,012,006 aas Return on Investment Analysis Total Development Costs with PV of wastewater treatment & disposal S22,012,006 Number of lots 160 Cost/lot $137,S75.04 am Price/lot S160,000 Return on Investment 14.02% OR Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. p. 8 of 7 a VI Discharge to Surface Waters Item Units No. Units Cost/Unit Cost Construction 50,000 gpd PurestreamTm WWTP per 1 $275,000 $275,000 Add'1 Equalization & storage tankage per 2 $35,000 $70,000 Construction, including enclosure per 1 $85,000 $85,000 Subtotal $430,000 ow Annual Operation & Maintenance Required operator checks per visit 365 $75 $27,375 Laboratory per visit 12 $850 $10,200 Pump outs per visit 6 $400 $2,400 Electrical per month 1 $4,500 $4,500 Subtotal $44,475 5 Year Capital Improvements Pump & line repairs Estimate 1 $15,000 $15,000 Salvage Value (20% of original cost) $86,000 PRESENT VALUE ANALYSIS FOR SCENARIO SEWER EXTENSION SCENARIO Present Value (PV) = Co + y C4(1+r) where: Co = Initial Costs in present year C, = costs incurred in time t t = time period after present year n = ending year of facility life r = current EPA discount rate 5.875% '.a Incremental Year Expenditure Cash PV 0 System Installation $430,000 $430,000 1 O&M $44,475 $44,475 �} 2 O&M $44,475 $44,475 3 O&M $44,475 $44,475 4 O&M $44,475 $44,475 5 O&M & Capital Improvements $59,475 $59,475 �a 6 O&M $44,475 $44,475 7 O&M $44,475 $44,475 8 O&M $44,475 $44,475 9 O&M $44,475 $44,475 10 O&M & Capital Improvements $59,475 $59,475 11 O&M $44,475 $44,475 12 O&M $44,475 $44,475 13 O&M $44,475 $44,475 a■q 14 O&M $44,475 $44,475 15 O&M & Capital Improvements $59,475 $59,475 16 O&M $44,475 $44,475 17 O&M $44,475 $44,475 MIR 18 O&M $44,475 $44,475 19 O&M $44,475 $44,475 20 O&M - Salvage Value -$41,525 -$41,525 Present Value Cost $1,278,500 Return on Investment Analysis +*•� Total Development Costs with PV of wastewater treatment & disposal $18,233,131 Number of lots 160 Cost/lot $113,957.07 Price/lot $160, 000 +� Return on Investment 28.78% "M Brooks Engineering Associates, P.A. p. 7 of 7 ATTACHMENT E ENGINEER'S OPINION OF COST n Fool Riverview Condominium Development - MasterlDevelopment Plan Phase Cpinlon of Cost BME Project# 171006 QTY UNIT PRICE/UNIT EXTENDED EARTHWORK- GRADING CLEARING & GRUBBING 33 ACR $1,800.00 $59,400.00 DEMOLITION CURB AND GUTTER 0 LF $2.50 $0.00 ASPHALT PAVING 0 BY $1.00 $0.00 BUILDING/BUILDING PAD 0 LS $7,500.00 $0.00 STORM DRAINAGE PIPE/CB's 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 EXCAVATION CUT AND FILL 87500CY $3.00 $262,500.00 BORROW FILL 0 CY $6.00 $0.00 STRIP TS & PLACE ON SITE 26620 CY $2.00 $53,240.00 FINEGRADING 121000 SY $0.30 $36,300.00 LAKE IMPROVEMENTS 2 LS $20,000.00 $40,000.00 STAKING/FIELD ENGINEERING 1 LS $12,000.00 $12,000.00 SUBTOTAL GRADING $463,440.00 QTY UNIT PRICE/UNIT EXTENDED EROSION CONTROL --- ------------------------------ CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ---------- ---- ----------- - -------=------- WASHED STONE 90 TN $25.00 $2,250.00 FILTER FABRIC 222 SY $2.00 $444.00 SILT FENCE 12021 LF $3.00 $36,063.00 INLET PROTECTION @ C.B. 0 EA $175.00 $0.00 „n DIVERSION DITCHES 15000 LF $3.20 $48,000.00 CHECK DAMS 481 EA $150.00 $72,126.00 .� SEDIMENT TRAPS 4 EA $6,000.00 $24,000.00 DETENTION BASINS 3 EA $20,000.00 $60.000.00 MAINTENANCE 1 LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 GRASSING -TEMPORARY 25.00 ACR $1,500.00 $37,500.00 SUBTOTAL EROSION CONTROL $295,383.00 TOTAL GRADING $758,823.00 M 1 • Riverview Condominium Development - Master/Development Plan Phase Opinlon of Cost BME Project# - 171006 CITY UNIT PRICE/UNIT EXTENDED STORM DRAINAGE PIPE 12" RCP 0 LF $20.00 $0.00 15" RCP 302 LF $22.00 $6,644.00 18" RCP 235 LF $24.00 $5,640,00 24" RCP 120 LF $30.00 $3,600.00 30" RCP 0 LF $38.00 $0.00 36" RCP 0 LF $48.00 $0.00 42" RCP 0 LF $60.00 $0.00 48" RCP 60 LF $74.00 $4.440.00 54" RCP 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 60" RCP 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 66" RCP 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 72" RCP 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 1q FES 12" 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 FES 15' 0 EA $450.00 $0.00 FES 18" 10 EA $500.00 $5,000.00 FES 24" 2 EA $600.00 $1,200.00 FES 30" 0 EA $700.00 $0.00 FES 48" 4 EA $750.00 $3,000.00 HW 12" 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 HW 15' 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 HW 18" 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 HW 24" 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 HW 30" 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 HW 36" 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 HW 42" 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 HW 48" 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 HW 54" 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 HW 60" 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 HW 66" 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 HW 72" 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 CONCRETE COLLARS 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 _ 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 RIP RAP 1 TN $30.00 $30.00 WASHED STONE 1 TN $25.00 $25.00 ..� FILTER FABRIC 1 SY $2.00 $2.00 SD PIPE SUBTOTAL $29,581.00 M M 2 - Rlvervlew Condom/nlum Development - Master/Development Plan Phase Opinion of Cost BME Project# ! 171006 CATCH BASINS CURB INLET C.B. 0 EA $1,500.00 $0.00 0-6' 0 VF OVER 6' 0 VF $0.00 $0.00 CONCRETE SLAB 0 EA $150.00 $0.00 DROP INLET C.B. 0 EA $1,350.00 $0.00 0-6' 0 VF OVER 6' 0 VF $0.00 $0.00 .� CONCRETE SLAB 0 EA $150.00 $0,00 OPEN THROAT C.B. 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 0-6' 0 VF .. OVER 6' 0 VF $0.00 $0.00 CONCRETE SLAB 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 MANHOLE C.B. 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 0-6' 0 VF OVER 6' 0 VF $0.00 $0.00 CONCRETE SLAB 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 TIE-IN TO EXISTING C.B. 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 SUBTOTAL SD STRUCTURES $0.00 TOTAL STORM DRAINAGE $29,581.00 I QTY UNIT PRICE/UNIT EXTENDED CONCRETE ---- ----------- - --------------- CURB & GUTTER 18" C & G 0 LF $10.00 $0.00 24" C & G 15000 LF $12.00 $180,000.00 .� 30" C & G 0 LF $15.00 $0.00 18" ROLLED C & G 0 LF $9.00 $0.00 24" ROLLED C & G 0 LF $11.00 $0.00 30" ROLLED C & G 0 LF $14.00 $0.00 6" VERT. CONC. CURB (MEDIAN) 500 LF $9.00 $4.500.00 STONE UNDER CURB & GUTTER 1200 TON $16.00 $19,200.00 CONCRETE ENTRANCES 0 SY $30.00 $0.00 CURB CUT 0 LF $4.00 $0.00 ASPHALT PATCHING 0 TN $125.00 $0.00 DRIVEWAY PERMIT FROM NCDOT 1 EA $50.00 $50.00 SIDEWALKS 0 SY $35.00 $0.00 STONE UNDER CONCRETE 0 TON $16.00 $0.00 n TOTAL CONCRETE $203,750.00 .. 3 • Riverview Condominium Development - Master/Development Plan Phase Opinion of Cost BME Project# 171006 DEPTH(IN) QTY UNIT PRICE/UNIT EXTENDED ASPHALT PAVING HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT 0 SY ABC STONE 8 0 TN $15.00 $0.00 _ H-BINDER 2 0 TN $36.00 $0.00 I-2 2 0 TN $38.00 $0.00 �. SUBTOTAL HD ASPHALT $0.00 LIGHT DUTY ASPHALT 20416 SY ABC STONE 8 8983 TN $16.00 $143,728.64 H-BINDER 2 2245.76 TN $36.00 $80,847.36 1-2 2 2144 TN $48.00 $102,896.64 SUBTOTAL LD ASPHALT $327,472.64 ASPHALT CURB 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 STONE PARKING (0 SY) 8 0 TN $14.00 $0.00 MISC. STONE (0 SY) 0 0 TN $0.00 $0.00 STRIPING- SEALER- FINISHINGS ($100.00 MINIMUM) STRIPING 7656 LF $0.35 $2,679.60 ARROWS 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 STOP STRIPES/SIGNS 15 EA $135.00 $2,025.00 12" LETTERS 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 HANDICAP SYMBOLS 0 EA $8.00 $0.00 HANDICAP SIGNS ON POST 0 EA $200.00 $0.00 SIGN ON WALL 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 2 SIGNS ON 1 POST 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 WHEEL STOPS/BUMPER BLOCKS 0 EA $30.00 $0.00 SEALER 0 SY $0.00 $0.00 SUBTOTAL STRIPING $4,704.60 TOTAL ASPHALT PAVING $332,177.24 M M 4 Riverview Condom/plum Development - Master/Development Plan Phase Cpinlon of Cost BME Project# 171006 QTY UNIT PRICE/UNIT EXTENDED UTILITIES ------------------------------------------- WATER ---- ----------- ----------- ---------------- - --------------- 3/4" DOMESTIC SERVICE (TAP ONLY 160 EA $225.00 $36,000.00 1" DOMESTIC SERVICE 0 LF $13.00 $0.00 1-1/2" DOMESTIC SERVICE 0 LF $15.00 $0.00 i 3" FIRE LINE 0 LF $14.00 $0.00 4" WATER/FIRE LINE 0 LF $16.00 $0.00 6" WATER/FIRE LINE 7656 LF $32.00 $244,992.00 8" WATER LINE 0 LF $38.00 $0.00 i 10" WATER LINE 0 LF $26.00 $0.00 12" WATER LINE 0 LF $35.00 $0.00 FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 26EA $2,000.00 $51,040.00 i BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY 0 EA $1,500.00 $0.00 20 WELLS WITH STEEL CASING TO 50 20 LS $8,000.00 $160,000.00 BORE & JACK 0 LF $200.00 $0.00 i SUBTOTAL WATER $492,032.00 SANITARY SEWER 4" LATERAL (TAP ONLY TO RIM 8000 EA $18.00 $144,000.00 .� 8" GRAVITY SYSTEM W/ MANHOLES 7656 LF $61.50 $470,844.00 SUBTOTAL SANITARY SEWER $614,844.00 i TOTAL UTILITIES $1,106.876.00 i i i i .. 5 RivervlewCondominlum Development - Master/Development Plan Phase Opinion of Cost 1:: LIGHTING/LANDSCAPE ALLOWANCE AMENITIES (CLUBHOUSE, ETC.) GATEHOUSE/GATES FRENCH DRAINS (DRAINAGE/CLEAN-UP) PROJECT SUBTOTAL PARK MODEL UNIT COST PARK MODEL SITE CONSTRUCTION SITE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT (OH ENGINEERING/SURVEYING SERVICES PROJECT CONTINGENCY GRAND TOTAL Project Cost per Square Foot Project Cost per Acre Project Cast per Park Model (Est. Residential SF @ 2500SF/lot.) 1 EA $100,000.00 $100,000.00 1 EA $500,000.00 $500,000.00 1 EA $75.000.00 $75,000.00 1 EA $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $13,466,207.24 160 EA $ 50,000.00 $8,000.000.00 160 $ 14,700.00 $ 2,352,000.00 2% $269,324.14 6% $807,972.43 10% (MASTER/DEV.) $1,373,553.14 $15,917,056.96 240,000 SF $66.32 50.72 AC $313,822.10 160 UNITS $99,481.61 BME Project# 171006 ,. 6