HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06968_Well Construction - GW1_20231027 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) For Internal Use Only: l • 1.Well Contractor Information: , , I .Se•rel WC/4ktwS : a::WATERSONEs,1L."251- 1. _2 w._�=_._�_,~ 2__��__:.:�, - Well Contractor Name FROM TO • DESCRIPTION~ • ft. NO ft S GPI P4-I S."A ft 2 So ft /0 oPfai NC Well Contractor CertificationNumber 11S::O1JTEi CASING'(fo'r aiilti=cased vells):ORLINER:(if,'a'p"livable) "^^:: Yadkin Well Company, Inc. FROM TO DIAMETER TRIMNESS 1 MATERIAL c- ft. ft. In. C. Company Name 'w165INNERRCASING:ORTQBING;'(geotlie`r`marelcis d=loop)7: rc 2.Well Construction Permit#: 3 a S- I FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL~'-.:. •5•. List all applicable well construction permits(Le.7JIC,Count",State,Variance,etc.) ,-., I ft' ,AS ft G Si* in. • 188 c01 1 4/ - 1 3.Well Use(check well use): ft. ft in. ;Cri;Supply Well: �17'SCRFiED1." `-`._---�. . FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL cultural ❑Municipal/Public ft ft in. 1 ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) . Residential Water Supply(single) ft ft. In. ", ❑lndustriallCommercial DResidential Water Supply(shared•) '18�GROlI1 - , ` _ �(11 ❑hrigation ❑Wells>100,000 GPD FROM TO - MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT i v Non-Water Supply Well: 0 ft. ,. Q ft 1 1e t�P1 90V ' „-53 ❑Monitoring ❑Recovery ft. ft Injection Well: ft. ft ❑Aquifer Recharge 0 Groundwater Remediation i_19:SAND%GRAV1;livPACK"(ifapplic`alile)122=1.1==: w=`„ . -i ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier FROM TO MATERIAL. EMPLACEMENT METHOD - Th ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stormwater Drainage ft. ft. ❑Experimental Technology DSubsidence Control ft. ' ft 3 ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer !;20 DRITShHGX:OG(atta'eh additiowt sheetaifneceasary)��� =__- ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Other(explain under#21 Remarks) FROM TO DESCRIPTION(color,hardness,soWrnck type,grain size,etc.) Date Well Started cVet D3 c 0 ft. - 5 ft. -Cpe 4.Date Well(s)Completed: I (23 Well ID# ,4/A�-7�� 7 S ft Li yt. G can`\ Y ��rr5aa.Well Location: Phone#: ft. ft i $4' 1.1 T r42. FoU'MS W q!'c h O LIS 0� ft. ft. ,-- , 7---C.; i "�'^', Facilit)�/ wner Name cc Facility ID#(if applicable) ft. ft `.. _•i, 4,:.`` f ft Physical Addres ity d Zi� o �z �sv4 f ftt. J C T 2 7 2023 County Parcel Identification No.(PIN) c ` op.3:: 5b.Latitude and longitude hi degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (Ewell field,one lat/long is sufficient) 22.Certification: 36 '' N JV Jr ,' I+Oh w tAratt 9IijD3 6.Is(are)the well(s):X ermanent or ❑Temporary SignaturelofC ed Well Contractor Date By signing this form,'hereby certify that the well(s)was(were)constructed in accordance with ' 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or XTo ISA NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy If this is a repair,fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair under#21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well construction info 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same construction,only 1 GWA1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'See Over in Remarks Box).You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: 1 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: , 4 4D ft. For multiple wells list all depths if different(example-3@200'and 2Q100) ( ) Subunit this GW-1 Within 30 days of well completion per the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing: 10 ( ) 24a. For All Wells: Original form to Division of Water Resources (DWR), If water level is above casing,use"+" Information Processing Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: (in.)13it Off: i j d• 24b.For Infection Wells:Copy to DWR,Underground Injection Control(IUC) 2 Program,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 < 12.Well construction method: Cq/r r0 `tz.r! 24c.For Water Supply and Open-Loop Geothermal Return Wells:Copy to the (i.e.auger,rotary,cable,direct push,etc.) county environmental health department of the county where installed FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water Wells producing over 100,000 GPD:Copy to DWR,CCPCUA LP 13a.Yield(gpm) I S Method of test: r, eV r Permit Program,1611 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1611 i 70% hth ®� Date Site Visited: 681/G/ 3kjt ®. 13b.Disinfection type: Amount: i i Oz Site Visited By: �vai,6 Fern GW-1 1' Norlh Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources Revised 6-6-2018 y,a, v '-- --,. z _l Price: 1