HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06933_Well Construction - GW1_20231027 i - WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Internal Use Only: L Well ContractorWnfonuanon 3944 g. TLia.j.1, !'S -- 11.WATER ZONES Well C nanor 3,9?C. aPROM To . DE9C1MPTIoN NCWdIComraeo;C Number /P5- ft /� ' IlL der tA"hi-e- Sale!* /J� I QQ ]5.OUTER CASING(for rimltEeaselwem)ORLINER(if ) l.J'e4iC (��`� S ata+�7t'1"J L ` FROM TO DIAMETER TRIG IMMORAL C� ft. ft. 11 in. lit INNER OWING ORTUBING( deed4OOD) 2.Well Construction Penult It: I5#176)`" • PROM ID D/AMEIER MATERIAL List all appliaabb3>iwII aradnuxianpamits(i.e.IIIC Comfy.smtR variance;etc) / It /d`a l in- Nh-. -)UC 3.Well Use(check well use): /1)f /b7 tt ,L!I to. 6 vt...v.0 (Arc_ n Water Supplyw - . . 17.SCREEN �Agiadttual 17MimitdpallPablic PROM TO -DIAt SOMBRE THI�t� MATeRT L /up a /DS'nt c1L (i'!. • &d 3 a 4- - OGcothmmal(HearineCooling Supply) °Residential Water Supply(single) it. it. ;in- Sal"lI'Ss> jk,4p, - - . ❑Industrial/Commmetoial ,t�esidential WaterSupply(shared) 18.CRour °Irrigation DWe ls>100,000 GPD PROM TD MI AL Etell.IACEBIENTMETHUD&AMOUNr • Non-Water Sapp gwdk 0 Q' c /f�'e.p�_ p ol.Iw�" [Monitoring CIRecovery ft. ft. - Injection Well: - °AquiferRai>arge fGmmuldwaterx of ft. it. • �' 19.SANDIGRAVELPACKfif.iii lie) °Agmfer Storage and Recovery °Salinity Barrier PROM ID MATERIAL EMITACEMERTMEIROD °Aquifer Test OStonmwat rDrainage 2/ It !,j)7 n' *- 1 _ pa °Experima►Ml Todmology °Subsidence Control a. R °Geothermal(Closed Loop) CIPracer TO.DRILLINGLOGbattachadAdionals Uncanny) . . OGeothemml(HratingICoolingRetam) °Other(explainundcr#21 Re ) FBOM TD a rDaTS(mtsytamhwn.saanuluy13"7111simetc.) 4.Date Wdl(s)Completed: 10'' j c 3 Well ID# S m 30 ft i Sa.Well Lucatiom 3 a It 3 tt. Leist re Iw«t re «„✓> ` eiljNI i5 �4 (< j ilki 3S' f G S if" '1'' -lGr /p,c L 41lf‹.- Facaly/OwaecName Facilitym#(d k) /JP<It' 1°V-IL eDiQ/tV..-LJI v yV 7(,o ?ft ALE7 6(axle. Ag_en_De.A., r1l... 2a3i.t /OS$ 1/5' Q .Ts,-t • &-, r.-'t 7- 7.7 . (Ti': Physical Address. y.andZ ft. ft. I i a a.:•' .i' �t A+ rvt6O2*c a/0562._*1 Zr"REMARES OCT 2 7 2023 Cry Parcel lde ionNo_(PIN) -- �ni Sb.Latitude and longitadein degreeeshninute�stseooudsordedmal degrees: I. ;i :: "'_: Uri' (dwellEdd.ene!Mang is=Mama) = cation: 3r/2`-A- 3 n 8-c , , , `f, ,t N r7g6Z4 Z� 1/ - W API 12 A � r34r1 3 6.Is(are)tIewelks):1 fera>s>ient or °Temporary me of c1t,ti d WI Caat<setar Date Bysigrengthisforn.I barb ymhfyihartheueu(0was(were)co.uLradrdinaceenia eelrBh 7.Is this a repair to as ezistmgwell: °Yes or elDTtr.- ISA NCAC 02C.0100 orI5ANCAC 02C.0200 Weil Cmutrued=Standards cod that c copy . filth;isa main fiQ out brawn velI coagulable hforma6en and explain thenatrmeefthe aftldsrmrd/msbeaproridedtotheweiawner- repairtotder32lraatarls section Gran the baelcofthisform 73 Site&nom or additional well detalr )1.For GeoprebelDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the sans You may use the back of this page to provide additional well eoachucfiou info conshankn,only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTALNUMBERofwells (add See Over in Remo&Box):Tourney also attach ada onal pages ifnecessary. led _ 24_SUBMITTAL IIVSIRUCII dul ONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: /d i Up L For multiple wells listaidepthsraking(eaoatp/e-3@200'and20100� SabmllihisGW-1wIthln30daysoYnd2eampldlonper heloIIawing: la Static water level below to doming: 7tta.For All Welk` Original Ilomn to Division of Water Resources (DWR), riveterleveltsabmae &use p�+ ° ) won Processing Unit,16I 7 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11 Borehole diameter_ 9 (to.) 241.For Injection Wells:Copy to DWR Undergmand Injection Control(IUC) Pmgram,1636MSC,Raleigb,NC 27699-1G36 12.Well oorutradion atdhod: 1'l t f i 1gc.For Water Supply and Open-Loop Geothermal Return Wells:Copy to the CA-sager.tunny.cable,direct peek`tc) cusmty environmental health department ofthe county where mstl►ed FOR WATER SUPPLY WELkS ONLY: _ `d ��ar P✓� 2Ad. Water Wells d ;over 104100 GPD:Copy toDWR,CCPCUA 13a.Yield(gpm)) �p j, Method oftest p Li 419 _ 0gram'16111 Raleigh,NC27699-1611 13b.Disinfection type: fl1° Amount: Y Y. lh LA - I • Fenn GW-I North Casoima Department ofEmiaommnal QaaTRy..Division ot'WaterE somas Revised 6 6-2018